& Circuits
TOPIC: Simulation of Bio Amplifier Based On INA 126
Sanyam Jain
1. Introduction
2. Theory
3. Components
4. Circuit Diagram
6. Conclusion
7. References
Electrical bio signals, or bioelectrical time signals, usually refers to the
change in electric current produced by the sum of an electrical
potential difference across a specialized tissue, organ or cell system like
the nervous system. Thus, among the best-known bioelectrical signals
are EEG,ECG,EMG which are measured with a differential
amplifier which registers the difference between two electrodes
attached to the skin .The Bio-Amplifier is used to measure and compare
the low amplitude electrical signals generated by muscles which are of
order 50μV to 5mV and their frequency ranges from 2Hz to 500Hz.The
Bio-Amplifier Used/Simulated here is a two stage amplifier. The first
stage is an instrumentation amplifier and the second stage is a standard
non-inverting OP-amp. Between the first and second stage is a high-
pass filter which removes any DC generated by the electrodes. For that
reason the gain of the instrumentation amplifier is kept low not to be
driven into saturation. The high-pass filter usually has a cutoff
frequency in the region of 1 - 0.1Hz depending on the signals measured.
A Bio Signal is any signal in living beings that can be
continually measured and monitored. The term bio signal is often used
to refer to bioelectrical signals, but it may refer to both electrical and
non-electrical signals. The usual understanding is to refer only to time-
varying signals. When we try to move any part of our body the brain
send an electrical signal through network of nerves to the muscle group
and then the muscles respond to that signal. In human body there are
some specific sites where the nerves carrying the electric signal is
placed close to the skin and the can be recorded but their magnitude is
too low therefore it needs to be amplified that is why we use bio
amplifiers. Some of the best-known bioelectrical signals are:
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Electromyogram (EMG)
1 1K R2
1 1M R9
1 4.7uF C1
1 100K R1
2 100ohm R3, R4
1 INA126 IC4
1 TL071 IC1
The received signal has a magnitude of 1.803V and the input signal has
magnitude of 17.85mV
Signal Input
In this part we try to run the simulation on the constructed part of the
Bio Signal Amplifier, by introducing various sample signals from the
Feature in Pspice library knowns as V-PWL(Piecewise Linear Voltage
Source Model).In this we input out sample Bio signal in the form of
voltages against time separated by the tab
And the we run our transient analysis Given sample as an input in the
EMG Signal Input
This Amplifier circuit work But more improvements can be made and
filters can be added to further reduce the noise.
Kumar, B. and Jain, S., n.d. Electronic Devices And Circuits.
SEDRA AND SMITH, Microelectronic circuits
Hayes, T. and Horowitz, P., 2010. Student Manual For The Art Of
Electronics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Biosignals.berndporr.me.uk. 2020. Biosignals. [online] Available
at: <https://biosignals.berndporr.me.uk/> [Accessed 29
November 2020].
E. M. Spinelli, N. Martinez, M. A. Mayosky and R. Pallas-Areny, "A
novel fully differential biopotential amplifier with DC
suppression," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.
51, no. 8, pp. 1444-1448, Aug. 2004, doi: