After Him
After Him
After Him
When You Begin Act 3, Read: The Heroes leave the Heroes celebrate as the Vampire’s body lies on the ground, still
Chapel and head further into the Dungeon. “Be careful. Be on and silent. “Remove its head. Let’s make sure he’s gone for
guard! Can’t you feel he’s close? Real close!” good. And bring the head with us. The villagers need to see it
hoisted high on a pole!”
When You Reveal The Lonely Crypt, Read: As
the Heroes move forward, a loud, dreadful hiss fills the dungeon.
The Heroes at first cover their ears and wince, but one of them Congratulations! You Avenged The Slain
speaks up: “Behold, the Vampire! We’ve been searching for Villagers And Gave Hope To The Rest Of Them.
you, foul beast. Prepare to pay for your crimes!” The Young You Truly Deserve To Be Called “Heroes.”
Vampire laughs slowly and malevolently before saying, “You did
well to get this far, but I have some of my own avenging to do.
You killed the Skeleton Magician I created as a gift for Count
Strahd! You weak, foolish humans!” With another ravenous hiss,
the Young Vampire attacks.
- Players roll to determine who goes first in Act 2. When You Defeat All The Skeletons, Blazing
- Treat the Arcane Circle as the new start tile for Act 2. Skeletons, And Monsters, Read: The Heroes feel
- When you draw the 1st, 3rd, and 5th tiles in Act 2, place their strength fleeing as the cold hand of despair grasps their
a monster on the bone pile AND place a Skeleton hearts. “We were overrun!” Then one of them asks, “What’s that
adjacent to it. Whichever player drew the tile controls over there?” Hope rushes back when they realize what lies
both monster cards. ahead. “Look! Is that a . . . Chapel? I can feel it restoring me.
- When you draw the 2nd, 4th, and 6th tiles of Act 2, Fortune has shined upon us this night!”
place a Blazing Skeleton on the bone pile.
- In Act 2, individual players can control multiple Before Ending Act 2, Do The Following:
Skeletons and Blazing Skeletons (but not multiples of - Restore each Hero to full health
other monsters). - Restore one Surge token
- When a Hero explores a tile with a White Triangle, - Heroes find the Torch adventure treasure. They roll
the Hero can attack the monsters on that tile for it, and the Hero with the highest roll gets it.
immediately if he or she did not attack in the Hero - The other Heroes who did not get the Torch each
Phase. draw a treasure card until they get one they can keep
- In Act 2, each player activates only the Skeleton(s) or (i.e. not one that has to be played immediately). Then
Blazing Skeleton(s) he or she controls; those of other reshuffle the remaining treasure cards.
players do not activate (but when there are multiples - Each Hero flips over one used power.
of other types of monster, they all still activate). Make - Add all monster cards (both discarded ones and
sure to keep up with who is controlling each monster. those in the XP pile) back to the monster deck and
- When you defeat all the Skeletons and Blazing reshuffle it. Place a Time Token in the XP pile and
Skeletons, do not draw any new tiles. Keep fighting count it as 5 XP going into the next act.
any remaining monsters.
- When you defeat all the Skeletons, Blazing
Skeletons, and all other monsters, the active Hero
Act 3: The Vampire
places the Chapel tile and all heroes move to it.
- Players win Act 2 when they reach the Chapel tile. Special Rules:
- Be sure to read the last section in Act 2 entitled,
When You Begin Act 2, Read: The Heroes experience “Before Ending Act 2, Do the Following”
rejuvenation from the healing flame left behind by the Dungeon - Treat the Chapel tile as the Start tile UNTIL the
Skull. But they cannot rest long. Just ahead, the rattling sound of Lonely Crypt is discovered. When that happens, the
marching skeletons is getting closer. A Skeleton yells in a original start tile becomes the start tile again.
gravelly voice: “Get them! Get the intruders. Stop them from - Players roll to determine who goes first in Act 3.
reaching the Master’s creation, the Young Vampire! And avenge - The first player to roll a natural 20 in Act 3 finds the
the Skeleton Magician!” Wooden Stake adventure treasure.
- Take the Lonely Crypt dungeon tile and place it after
the 4th tile. When the Heroes discover this tile, see
the special rules for that battle below.
Special Rules For This Battle: The Heroes must When You Defeat The Skeleton Magician,
destroy the Dungeon Skull before they can harm the Skeleton Read: The Skeleton Magician yells in disbelief: “No!
Magician. Once they destroy the Skull, the Skeleton’s magic is IMPOSSIBLE! You will paaaaaay!” His bones fall and rattle on
broken and it attacks with its sword. the hard dungeon floor. As the Heroes catch their breath, they
- Place a Skeleton in the middle of the Arcane Circle. watch the defeated Dungeon Skull turn to powder and leave
Place the Skull item token adjacent to it. Place a behind a glowing flame. As they approach it, it encircles and
Skeleton monster card in play and treat it as the heals them. They also notice that the Skeleton Magician has left
Skeleton Magician villain card. behind treasures. “Blessings! Let us not waste them. After him!
- The Dungeon Skull stays adjacent to the Skeleton After the Vampire!”
Magician in the Arcane Circle. Heroes cannot move
adjacent to the Skeleton Magician because the Skull Before Ending Act 1, Do The Following:
moves in their way and blocks their path. - Restore each Hero to full health
- During each Villain Phase, the Dungeon Skull - Heroes find the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind adventure
attacks. The Skeleton Magician does not activate or treasure. They roll for it, and the Hero with the highest
move until the Dungeon Skull is destroyed. roll gets it.
- DO NOT draw encounter cards during this battle. - The other Heroes who did not get the Holy Symbol of
- Heroes cannot place new tiles until they defeat the Ravenkind each draw a treasure card until they get
Dungeon Skull, the Skeleton Magician, and all other one they can keep (i.e. not one that has to be played
monsters on the board. When they accomplish this, immediately). Then reshuffle the remaining treasure
move all Heroes to the Arcane Circle. cards.
- Each Hero flips over one used power.
The Dungeon Skull: - Set aside 3 Skeletons, 3 Blazing Skeletons, and their
- Armor Class: 14; HP: 6 monster cards.
- CHOMP: The Dungeon Skull moves adjacent to the - Add all the rest of the monsters (both discarded ones
nearest Hero within 2 tiles and attacks with a Chomp and those in the XP pile) back to the monster deck
(+7 Attack Bonus; 1 Damage). It moves back and reshuffle it. Place a Time Token in the XP pile
adjacent to the Skeleton Magician after attacking. and count it as 5 XP going into the next Act.
- MAGIC BLAST: If Heroes are more than 2 tiles away, - All Heroes move up to Level 2
it attacks the Hero with the most HP within 3 tiles with
a MAGIC BLAST (+5 Attack Bonus; 1 Damage).
- HEAL: If no Hero is within 3 tiles, the Dungeon Skull
Act 2: Skeleton Crew
regains 1 HP instead of attacking.
The Heroes head further into the dungeon after the Young
The Skeleton Magician: Vampire in order to avenge its Barovian victims.
- The Skeleton Magician activates at the start of each
Villain Phase. It operates like a normal Skeleton. Special Rules:
- The Skeleton Magician has 3 HP. - Be sure to read the last section in Act 1 entitled,
“Before Ending Act 1, Do the Following”
with pitchforks and lanterns as others peek out of half-opened
After Him! windows. A Young Vampire is spotted fleeing towards Castle
Ravenloft. In the middle of the town, the body of a teenage girl
A Light Campaign for Castle Ravenloft lies lifeless on the ground, the left side of her neck pierced and
bloody. The village cleric shouts, “That’s the third victim in three
Objective: The Heroes chase a Young Vampire into the nights!” As the people begin to panic, the Heroes step forward:
Dungeon of Castle Ravenloft to destroy him and avenge his “Enough of this chaos. AFTER HIM!” They head for Castle
Barovian victims. Ravenloft and pursue the Young Vampire into the dungeon.
Players: 2-5 Players; if playing Solo, use 2-3 Heroes When You Reveal The Arcane Circle, Read: The
Heroes continue following the Young Vampire’s trail deeper into
Components: Start dungeon tile; Chapel dungeon tile; the dungeon, but they are forced to halt. Guarding the way is a
Arcane Circle dungeon tile; Lonely Crypt dungeon tile; Young Skeleton Magician. He is not alone. A large, chomping Dungeon
Vampire figure; Young Vampire villain card; 1 Skeleton figure; 1 Skull flies around him in a circle. The Skeleton Magician speaks
Skeleton monster card; Skull item token; Holy Symbol of in a gravelly voice: “It was foolish of you to follow one of the
Ravenkind adventure treasure; Wooden Stake adventure Master’s creations into our dungeon. Now I will make you PAY!”
treasure; Torch adventure treasure; 1 Time Token The Dungeon Skull laughs and chomps in agreement.
Place the Start dungeon tile. Place the heroes on any square
adjacent to the stairs.