FElec2Module 1sem1 2020-2021 PDF
FElec2Module 1sem1 2020-2021 PDF
FElec2Module 1sem1 2020-2021 PDF
This module presents an overview of the teaching profession, what teaching is all
about, teaching as a mission and profession, and the teacher as a person.
I. Introduction
II. Discussion
What is teaching?
● Teaching is a process or set of actions to induce learning and eventually to
succeed in learning. This definition stresses the need for planning for
teaching, the process of teaching and the achievement aspect which means
it is a deliberate process, it does not just happen.
● Teaching is an organized, purposeful and deliberate efforts designed to
bring certain desirable ends in an individual.
Learning is the expected end of teaching in a school setting.
Learning occurs when the learners’ educational experiences elicit a
transformation of consciousness that leads to a greater
understanding of and care for self, others, and the community
(world and local)
❖ Teaching and learning are two aspects of the process called Education.
Hence, teaching has always been directed at learning.
● Some view that teaching is both an art and a science.
● It is an art because it calls for the exercise of talent such as creativity
and resourcefulness to deal skillfully and promptly with new
situations and difficulties.
● It is a science for it involves a systematic and organized system of
procedures, strategies, techniques and mental skill in the attainment
of knowledge and information that will equip the learners for a
better life.
● Teaching has always been thought of as one of the noblest of professions,
and, a teacher, likewise one of the noblest human beings. It is believed that
an individual possessed with a noble heart, will be willing to assume a great
responsibility to society the development of good citizens, the inculcation in
and cultivation of the mind, the heart, and the soul of the youth, the love of
beauty, goodness and truth.
● Teaching demands a total commitment to total transformation of the
learner, a continuous development of his potentials for a totally satisfying
life as a person and as a member of the community.
● Since teaching is a multi-faceted human activity for it involves wide range of
planning, teaching strategies, interactions organizational arrangement and
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Module 1 PMT
actual interest in Lego’s, the student will think you do and thus naturally
create a connection.
long you have taught, you should always want to grow as a teacher. Every
year there is new research, new technology, and new educational tools that
could make you a better teacher. Seek out professional development
opportunities and try to apply something new to your class every year.
10. An effective teacher understands the content that they teach and knows
how to explain that content in a manner that their students understand.
There are teachers who do not know the content well enough to
effectively teach it. There are teachers who are truly experts on the content,
but struggle to effectively explain it to their students. The highly effective
teacher both understands the content and explains it on level. This can be a
difficult skill to accomplish, but the teachers who can, maximize their
effectiveness as a teacher.
1. Acero et.al. 2015. Principles of Teaching I. Rex Book Store.
2. Salandanan, Gloria G. 2012. Methods of Teaching.Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City
3. Zulueta, Francisco. 2009. Principles and Methods of Teaching. National Book Store. Navotas
4. Magna Carta for Teachers