Remarks 23 24
Remarks 23 24
Remarks 23 24
A Project of D Raju
1. Use this result as motivation to work harder and aim for improvement in
your academic performance.
2. Remember that every failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. Use
this result as motivation to persevere and succeed in the future.
3. __________________ is kind, respectful student. Reflect on your study techniques
and identify what works best for you to optimize your learning experience.
4. __________________ is kind, respectful student. Focus on understanding the
fundamental concepts of the subject matter to improve your overall
5. ___________ is a friendly and cooperative child. He has demonstrated
effort in his / her studies, but there is potential for further
6. Develop a positive attitude towards learning and commit to working hard to
achieve better results.
“Irregular students”
1. His/ Her regularity is the main hindrance in his/ her progress.
2. Irregularity has hampered his/her progress.
3. Be regular! Absence may spoil your result.
4. Unexcused absence should be avoided.
5. His/her irregularity affects his/her achievements/ studies.
6. He/she needs to be punctual.