Shaheen 20 Et 20 Al
Shaheen 20 Et 20 Al
Shaheen 20 Et 20 Al
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3 authors:
Kameel Mungrue
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
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The main objective of this research is to investigate the possibility of using ferrocement concrete in
constructing water supply pipe. The current work presents the comparison between the performance of
ferrocement pipe and reinforcement concrete pipe under static load as starting step to study the
performance of this type of pipe under impact load. The current paper presents an experimental models
of ferrocement and concrete water pipes and their numerical models using the finite element method.
Finite element models were developed to simulate the behavior of the pipes through nonlinear
response and up to failure, using the ANSYS Package. Additionally, the comparison between the
theoretical and experimental models results is presented and discussed.
Key words: Ferrocment, water pipe, nonlinear analysis, finite element analysis.
Ferrocement is type of reinforcement concrete. It axial load capacity and the axial stiffness of repairing
commonly composed of hydraulic cement mortar reinforced concrete column compared to the control
reinforced with closely spaced layers of continuous and columns. Kaish et al. (2011) and Xiong (2004)
relatively small size wire mesh. The mesh may be made investigated the possibility of using ferrocement jacket in
of metallic or other suitable materials (Blake, 2001). It is strengthening of square reinforced concrete short
low cost, durable, weather-resistance, lightweight and column. Their results indicated that using this method of
particularly its versatility comparing to the reinforced strengthening improved the column behavior. Various
concrete (Ali, 1995). Robles-Austriaco et al. (1981) researches were carried out to study ferrocement
indicated that ferrocement is an excellent material for elements (beam, slabs and column) to investigate its
housing construction. Also Al-Kubaisy and Jumaat (2000) behavior under applied loads up to failure. Ibrahim (2011)
studied the possibility of using ferrocement cover in the and Hago et al. (2005) studied the ultimate capacity of
tension zone of reinforced concrete slab. wired mesh-reinforced cementations slabs and simply
This material is also used in repairing the reinforcement supported slab panels; respectively with different types of
element such as beams, slabs or walls (Fahmy et al. reinforced wired mesh. Nassif and Najm (2004)
1997; Elavenil and Chandrasekar, 2007; Jumaat, 2006). investigated an experimental and a theoretical model for
Mourad and Shang (2012) used ferrocement jacket in ferrocement–concrete composite beams. Various types
repairing reinforced concrete column. Their test results of reinforced concrete beam overlaid on a thin section of
indicated that using the ferrecement jacket increases the ferrocement (cement paste and wire mesh) were tested
up to failure under two-point loading system. Their results reinforcement system. Two types of steel wire meshes (welded wire
showed that the proposed composite beam has good mesh and expanded metal mesh) as shown in Figure 1 were used
in the reinforcement of the ferrocement pipes. The two types are
ductility, cracking strength and ultimate capacity more locally produced and available in the Egyptian market on
than reinforced concrete beam. Shannag and Ziyyad commercial scale. The expanded wire mesh type with 1.5 × 2.1 mm
(2007) increased the strength of ferrocement mortar by diameter and 19.7 × 43.7 mm grid size and welded wire mesh type
adding discontinuous fibers glass. Shannag and Mourad with 0.72 mm diameter and 12 × 12 mm grid size were used. In the
(2012) developed high strength mortar matrices contain five types of pipes, the weight of reinforcement was constant as
various combinations of silica fume and fly ash, and shown in Table 1.
provide a good balance between workability and strength.
Chandrasekhar et al. (2006) studied the shear strength of Properties of the used materials
simply supported ferrocement rectangular plates. In their
study, tests on ferrocement elements with different layers The sieve analysis was done on the used sand for the ferrocement
of mesh were conducted. They observed that increase in mortar mix and its results are presented in Table 2 was done on the
used aggregate for the concrete mix. Also properties of both of the
the number of layers of the mesh reinforcement
used sand and aggregate satisfied the Egyptian Standard
increases the shear capacity of the plate. An Specifications (E.S.S.) requirements (2007). The chemical and
experimental study on simply supported ferrocement physical properties of the cement were analyzed according to
plates was conducted by Ibrahim (2011). In his study, E.S.S. (2007) for concrete works. Fresh drinking water and free
flexural steel was designed to preclude failure in modes from impurities was used for mixing and curing of the test
due to shear other than flexure. A good agreement specimens. Fiber, silica fume with a powder form and a light-gray
color and its chemical composition is given in Table 3 and super
between the classical shear equations prediction and his plasticizer EDECRETE DM2, complies with ASTM C494-86, with a
experimental results is obtained water supply pipe is very specific weight of 1.05 at 20°C were used to increase the strength
important structure that is used to supply water to and the workability of the mortar mix.
individual buildings. Supply pipes should be strength and Six ferrocement mortar mixes were designed and tested under
durable. There are several types of these pipes according compression load to select the best proportions of the ferrocement
to their constructed material; metallic pipes, cement pipes constituent’s materials. The selecting mortar mix based on
achieving the maximum compressive strength and the moderate
and plastic pipes. The main objective of this study is workability has a sand/cement ratio and water/cement ratio of 2 and
studying the performance of ferrocement pipe and 0.35; respectively and fiber with ratio of 900 g/m3 of the mortar
reinforcement pipe under line load. Also this research matrix and silica fume were added as indicated in Table 4.
presents a theoretical finite element model using ANSYS Compression and tensile tests were carried out for the hardened
(2006) program and a comparison between the mortar according to E.S.S (2007). From the tests results, the
compressive stress (Fcu) is considered as 33.4 and 47 MPa after 7
experimental and theoretical results.
and 28 days; respectively and the tensile stress is considered as
3.6 MPa after 28 days. The modulus of elasticity of concrete and
stress-strain curve were employed the Egyptian Code for design
EXPERIMENTAL MODEL and construction the reinforced concrete structures (2001) and
Kaewunruen and Remennikov work (2006). The modulus of
Five different types of pipes with 300 and 30 mm internal diameter elasticity of concrete (Ec) can be calculated from equation 1 by
and thickness; respectively was cast and tested under static load in considering the compressive strength of concrete at 28 days (Fcu).
reinforcement laboratory in Faculty of Engineering-Minufiya The multi-linear isotropic stress-strain curve for the concrete can be
University. The first type is reinforcement concrete pipe and the computed by Equation 2. The stress-strain curve for the used
anther types are ferrocement pipes with different in the type of ferrocement mortar is presented in Figure 2.
Shaheen et al. 159
Weight of
Model No. Type of reinforcement Mortar
Steel (kg/m)
RCP (6 Bars + 6 Stirrups) Ø 6 mm Conc.
FP1 (6 Bars + 6 Stirrups) Ø 6 mm Ferro.
FP2 One layer of welded metal + One expanded metal Ferro. 3.0
FP3 Two stirrups Ø6 mm + One layer of expanded metal Ferro.
FP4 Three stirrups Ø6 mm + Three layers of welded metal Ferro.
P 30
( 25
e 20
S 15
0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003
Figure 2. Stress-strain curve of the selected ferrocement mortar.
Stress (MPa)
0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003
Figure 4. Stress-strain curve of the used concrete.
Mesh type Fy (MPa) Fu (MPa)
elasticity (GPa)
Expanded metal mesh 250 350 120
Welded wire mesh 400 600 170
pipes that were obtained from the experimental work and ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF FERROCEMENT
the theoretical models are indicated in Figures 11 to 15.
From these curves, it can be concluded that the response It can be observed that the reinforcement represents the
obtained from theoretical work was quite similar to the major cost factor in ferrocement, followed by the labor
actual response of the experimental results, especially in cost. Labor cost can be reduced through efficient
the initial region. planning and mechanized production processes. High
162 J. Civ. Eng. Constr. Technol.
Table 7. Experimental first cracking and failure loads. (i) Low consumption of materials.
(ii) It can take any shape most of the times without
First cracking Failure load using form working.
Model No.
load (KN) (KN) (iii) When worked correctly, it is practically
RCP 10 16 impermeable.
FP1 14 20
FP2 16 24 a) Good behavior to cracking.
FP3 15 22 b) Easy to be repaired.
FP4 18 32 c) It can be prefabricated.
Table 8. Cost comparison and strengths of developed concrete and ferrocement pipes.