Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Backups for database are available.
The Software is a windows-based application and is built in VB.Net and MYSQL so
it is platformindependent and is independent of operating system.
Design Constraints:-
This software provides security. The login form prevents the
s y s t e m f r o m b e i n g m i s u s e d b y unauthorized users. Only an authorized
operator will be granted rights to modify as per requirements.T h i s s o f t w a r e i s
also reliable and fault tolerant. The system developed is designed to
h a n d l e i n v a l i d inputs. Since reliability is major area of concern the system has a
backup to avoid data loss. The user should know the programming language very well that
is used to develop software.
.3Functional Requirements:-
Attendance Management System involves the following functions -Easily track attendance
information of students.Quickly produce attendance bulletin
3.4Feasibility Study:-
Feasibility analysis begins once the goals are defined. It starts by generating broad
possible solutions,w h i c h a r e p o s s i b l e t o g i v e a n i n d i c a t i o n o f w h a t t h e n e w
s y s t e m s h o u l d l o o k l i m e . T h i s i s w h e r e creativity and imagination are used.
Analysts must think up new ways of doing things- generate newideas. There is no need
to go into the detailed system operation yet. The solution should provide enoughinformation to
make reasonable estimates about project cost and give users an indication of how the newsystem
will fit into the organization. It is important not to exert considerable effort at this stage only
tofind out that the project is not worthwhile or that there is a need significantly change the
original goal.Feasibility of a new system means ensuring that the new system, which
we are going to implement, isefficient and affordable. There are various types of feasibility
to be determined. They are-
3.4.1Economically Feasibility
Development of this application is highly economically feasible. The only thing to be done is
making anenvironment with an effective supervision.It is cost effective in the sense that has
eliminated the paper work completely. The system is also timeeffective because the
calculations are automated which are made at the end of the month or as per theuser
3.4.2Technical feasibility
The technical requirement for the system is economic and it does not use any other additional
Hardware and software. Technical evaluation must also assess whether the existing systems can
be upgraded to use
the new technology and whether the organization has the expertise to use it.I n s t a l l a l l
upgrades framework into the .Net package supported widows based
application. Thisapplication depends on Microsoft office and intranet
s e r v i c e , d a t a b a s e . E n t e r t h e i r a t t e n d a n c e a n d generate report to excel sheet.
3.4.3Operational Feasibility
The system working is quite easy to use and learn due to its simple but attractive interface. User
requiresno special training for operating the system. Technical performance include issues such
as determiningwhether the system can provide the right information for the Department
personnel student details, andwhether the system can be organized so that it always delivers this
information at the right place and on time using intranet services.