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LIS system (Laboratory Information System) It is an important part of
hospital information management, LIS system is to facilitate the
transmission of patient diagnosis and treatment Information, between the
different departments of the same patient's diagnostic information will be
well aware of. In the LIS system Holding, Blood Grouping System
automatic blood type analyzer will bring new experience to the hospital,
convenient, fast and efficient.

directional LIS system in addition to experimental results can
automatically upload the function, but also provide access from the server
Information function, which is more of the quality of Blood Grouping System
artificial intelligence.

Key words:: LIS, automation, bidirectional

1. Introduction ................................................................................................
................................ ........................................................ 3
2. The Basics of LIS ................................................................................................
................................ ............................................... 3
LIS connection mode................................
....................................... 3
The LIS protocol ................................................................................................
................................ .............................................. 3
LIS works................................
.......................................................... 4
3. Protocol of LIS ................................................................................................
................................ ................................................... 5
Protocol Understanding ................................................................................................
.................................. 5
Protocol Basis ................................................................................................
................................ ................................................. 5
Protocol Content................................................................................................
................................ .............................................. 5
HL7 Protocol ................................................................................................
................................ .................................................. 6
ASTM Protocol ................................................................................................
................................ ............................................. 32
4. End ................................................................................................................................
................................ .................................... 50
1. Introduction

The rapid development of automated medical laboratory equipment,

must be inseparable from the information sharing platform, So LIS system

came in the demand.

The purpose of this guide is to introduce the protocol of Blood

Grouping System LIS system.

2. The Basics of LIS

LIS connection mode

LIS communication can use com port (serial RS232), you can also

use TCP / IP (network port Communication), according to different

needs choose to use (Regardless of which way you need to use in the

software, you must config it).

The LIS protocol

There are two kinds of LIS protocol HL7 and ASTM, the two protocols

can be used according to actual needs ,with the use of com or TCP / IP

connection can greatly improve efficiency.

LIS works

way LIS: Upload only does not download.

Two-way LIS basic working principle is: Download the data to obtain

the basic information of patients and experimental projects, Upload the


The Blood Grouping System supports Two-way

Two way LIS Which is

convenient greatly .

3. Protocol of LIS

Protocol Understanding

Agreement: In essence is a standard, we communicate with someone

through the use of it.

The computer is not human, IT has no self-cognitive ability, then the

two computers on a thing into Line exchange, then the need to develop

standards, which is the agreement.

Protocol Basis

HL7 :

The HL7 protocol version for use by Blood Grouping System is 2.3.1.

Use the ASCII standard.

HL7 some fields, such as: MSH, DSR, QRY will not do any
explanation, these are Internationally used field protocol.


International protocol.

Protocol Content
HL7 Protocol

A. Data transfer format

HL7: Data transfer format <SB> dddd <EB> <CR>

Where: <SB> = Start Block Character (1 byte) ASCII <VT>, that is,


dddd = Data, that is HL7 message text data (the following is

mainly the analysis of this data)

<EB> = End Block Character (1 byte) ASCII <FS> is <0x1C>

<CR> = Carriage Return (1 byte) ASCII <CR> is <0x0D>

B. MSH Message Segment

MSH message section is identified, it is necessary in the message

before sending the message, no matter what are required to use the MSH

message in front of the message segment, after the message segment

should wrap.

MSH basic writing:

Ex: MSH||||||20161116112029||QRY^Q02|268|P|2.3.1||||||ASCII|||<CR>
Analysis of message segments:

a) MSH is the Message Head

b) The symbol "|" is used to divide the area, each of the two "|" identify a
region, including the header, divided into 20 regions, the region can be
empty, you can fill in the corresponding data.

c) MSH

1. Message Head MSH

2. Encoding Characters ( you can use ^~\&

^~ or null)

3. Sending Application (allowed null)

4. Sending Facility (allowed null)

5. Receiving Application (allowed null)

6. Receiving Facility (allowed null)

7. Date/Time Of Message

8. Security (allowed null)

9. Message Type
10. Message Control ID Message Control ID, unique number, according

to the number of messages in order to add.

11. Processing ID the default is P, identifies the current product type.

12. Version ID Version number, for the current HL7 version: 2.3.1

13. Sequence Number(allowed null)

14. Continuation Pointer (allowed null)

15. Accept Acknowledgment Type DSR^Q03 Accept the type of

response, only the DSR^Q03 message into effect, when the value of P,

marking the LIS system to send the active sample information; other values

identify the sample information to respond to LIS query. Other messages

are empty.

16. Application Acknowledgment Type (this is the key)

Application response type, the result type is used to specify the

t sending,

means the patient sample test results, 2
2- means quality control results,

other values of no practical significance

17. Country Code (allowed null)

18. Character Set ASCII

19. Principal Language Of Message (allowed null)

20. Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme (allowed null)

Be careful:The
The red part of the content is required, the blue part of the

default values do not need to do special changes, purple text.The word

represents a special value, other identifiers are optional.

C. message type (Message Type), according to the HL7 low-level

low protocol
removal, if in doubt please check See the underlying protocol

The following is the message arrangement for Blood Grouping System.

QRY^Q02 : Blood Grouping System Send download request message;

ORU^R01 : Blood Grouping System Upload data messages;


ACK^R03 : Blood Grouping System LIS Reply to LIS server message;

QCK^Q02 : LIS Server reply message;

DSR^Q03 : LIS Server to send data messages;

ACK^R01 : LIS Server reply message;

Use the HL7 protocol to download data from the server

1. Operating mode

2. Blood Grouping System

System-side message components:
A. QRY ^ Q02 message composition (Blood Grouping System download
data request message for the message in Figure 1):

1) The MSH flag segment message, specifying the message type as QRY
^ Q02;

2) QRD segment messages

1 Message Head QRD
2. Query Date/Time The time of the query message, the default is the current
system time.

3. Query Format Code , default R )

R(record-oriented format)

4. Query Priority ,default D(deferred)

5. Query ID Increase with the number of queries

6. Deferred Response Type (allowed null)
7. Deferred Response Date/Time (allowed null)

8. Quantity Limited Request , default RD(Records)

9. Who Subject Filter The query filter, for the need to check the sample
sample bar code.
10. What Subject Filter , default OTH
11. What Department Data Code (allowed null)
12. What Data Code Value Qual. (allowed null)
13. Query Results Level , default T

3) QRF
1. Message Head , deault QRF

2. Where Subject Filter (allowed null)

3. When Data Start Date/Time (allowed null)

4. When Data End Date/Time (allowed null)

5. What User Qualifier (allowed null)

6. Other QRY Subject Filter (allowed null)

7. Which Date/Time Qualifier ,default RCT(Specimen

RCT Specimen receipt

date/time, receipt of specimen in filling ancillary (Lab))

8. Which Date/Time Status Qualifier , default COR(Corrected

COR Corrected only (no

final with corrections))


9. Date/Time Selection Qualifier , default ALL(All values within the


10. When Quantity/Timing Qualifier (allowed null)

4) example:


B. ACK ^ R03 message composition (when the LIS to send messages to
the Blood Grouping
ping System, Blood Grouping System reply message for the
1) The MSH flag segment message, specifying the message type as
ACK ^ R03;

2) MSA segment message

1. Message Head ,default MSA

2. the confirmation code, AA means accepted; AE means error; AR

means refused (it should be noted that if the LIS server sends a response

message to send Blood Grouping System test results, ACK^R01 news, if

the LIS use AE or AR, DXI300 may recognize LIS did not send the

results, the test results will be retransmission, the maximum is 2 times.

It is recommended that LIS do not use the AE and AR, only AA),

usually use AA as the default value;

3.The same as the current MSH message control ID, and is the same

as the MSH - 10 (the value of the tenth regions identified in the send

4. Text message, error or rejection, a text description of the event.

Corresponding to the MSA message seventh field. Can be used to write

error logs, usually specified as accepted Message

5. Expected Sequence Number (allowed null)

6. Deferred Response Type (allowed null)

7. Error Condition

AA Type Message(accept):

0 : Message accepted

AE Type Message (Error State):


100: Segment sequence error

101 : Required field missing

102 : Data type error

103 : Table value not found

AR Type Message(refuse)

200: Unsupported message type

201 : Unsupported event code

202 : Unsupported processing id ID

203 : Unsupported version id ID

204 : Unknown key identifier

205 : Duplicate key identifier

206 : Application record locked

207 : Application internal error

3) ERR

1. Message Head ERR

2. Error Code and Location



MSA|AA|269|Message accepted|||0|

3. LIS server message:

A. QCK ^ Q02 message composition (Blood Grouping System sent a

download request message, the LIS server-side
server reply message

As shown in the message No. 2):

1) The MSH flag segment message, specifying the message type as

QCK ^ Q02;

2) MSA marker segment message (rules above);

3) ERR (rules above);

4) QAK

1. Message Head QAK

2. Query Tag , the default SR (that is the sample application


3. Query Response Status

Data found, no errors

No data found, no errors

Application error

Application reject
5) Full example


MSA|AA|4|Message accepted|||0|



B. DSR ^ Q03 message composition (LIS server to send data messages to

the Blood Grouping System, the figure for the elimination of No. 3 interest):
1) The MSH flag segment message, specifying the message type as
DSR ^ Q03;

2) MSA marker segment message (rules above);

3) ERR segment message (rules above);

4) QAK segment message (rules above);

5) QRD segment messages (the same rules);

6) QRF segment message (rules above);

7) DSP segment message (the message records the details of the

required sample), each Data use a DSP segment as a sign, you can
include multiple DSP segment messages
1. Message Head DSP

2. Set ID - DSP DSP

3. Display Level (allowed null)

4. Data Line (record message)

5. Logical Break Point (allowed null)

6. Result ID (allowed null)

8) DSC

1. Message Head DSC

2. Continuation pointer

9) Full example


MSA|AA|4|Message accepted|||0|

































use HL7 upload data to server from Blood Grouping System

1. :Operating Mode

2. Blood Grouping System terminal message composition:

A. ORU ^ R01 message composition (Blood Grouping System upload

data message for the message in Figure 1):

1) The MSH flag segment message, specifying the message type as

ORU ^ R01;

2) PID segment message (due to the special nature of the data upload,
such as quality
lity control results uploaded and patient-like.

The results of this test, if and when the MSH information section of
the 16th region of the value of 0 (ie Before the upload results for the patient
sample test), only PID segment)
1. Message Head PID

2. Set ID – PID

3. Patient ID -- allowed null

4. Patient Identifier List -- allowed null

5. Alternate Patient ID – PID -- allowed null

6. Patient Name

7. Mother’s Maiden Name

8. Date/Time of Birth -- allowed null (format:19830512000000)


9. Sex -- M , F , O = other, U = unKnow

10. Patient Alias

Blood grouping (A blood group value 'A', B blood group value 'B', 'AB'

blood group value 'AB', 'O' blood group value 'O', and other custom values

of the platform customers) ,can be empty.

11. Race -- null

12. Patient Address -- null

13. County Code

14. Phone Number - Home

15. Phone Number - Business

16. Primary Language

17.Marital Status

18. Religion

19. Patient Account Number

20. SSN Number -Patient


21. Driver's License Number – Patient

22. Mother's Identifier

23. Ethnic Group

24. Birth Place

25. Multiple Birth Indicator

26. Birth Order

27. Citizenship

28. Veterans Military Status

29. Nationality

30. Patient Death Date and Time

31. Patient Death Indicator

3) OBR

a) When the value of MSH 16 region is 0, the patient sample test results:

1. Message Head OBR

2. Set ID – OBR

3. Placer Order Number = sample barcode

4. Filler Order Number = sample ID

5. Universal Service ID

6. Priority -- Y = yes,N
yes = no

7. Requested Date/time = Collection Date

8. Observation Date/Time = Examonation Date

9. Observation End Date/Time

10.Collection Volume = dilution ratio

11. Collector Identifiable -- The collection mark is used as the sample

position (the sample Shelf Number ^ sample slot number).

12. Specimen Action Code

13. Danger Code

14. Relevant Clinical Info.

15. Specimen Received Date/Time

16. Specimen Source = Sample Type --


Use for sample type, the default value for the type of sample: the value

maybe "serum", "plasma", "urine", according to the different products, users

can also change the custom value (i.e. operating software defined on the

sample type)

17. Ordering Provider = Inspection Doctor

18. Order Callback Phone Number = Inspection department

19. Placer Field 1 ”ic
icterus”,”hemolysis” ”lipemia”)

20. Placer Field 2

21. Filler Field 1

22. Filler Field 2

23. Result Rpt/Status Change – Date/Time

24. Charge to Practice

25. Diagnostic Serv Sect ID

26. Result Status

27. Parent Result

28. Quantity/Timing

29. Result Copies To

30. Parent

31. Transportation Mode

32. Reason for Study

33. Principal Result Interpreter

34. Assistant Result Interpreter

35. Technician

36. Transcriptionist

37. Scheduled Date/Time

38. Number of Sample Containers

39. Transport Logistics of Collected Sample

40. Collector’s Comm


41. Transport Arrangement Responsibility

42. Transport Arranged

43. Escort Required

44. Planned Patient Transport Comment

45. Ordering Facility Name

46. Ordering Facility Address

47. Ordering Facility Phone Number

48. Ordering Provider Address

b) When the value of MSH 16 region is 2, the QC test results:

Different from Sample Test Results:

12. Specimen Action Code

13. Danger Code

14. Relevant Clinical Info.

15. Specimen Received Date/Time

16. Specimen Source

17. Ordering Provider

18. Order Callback Phone Number

19. Placer Field 1

20. Placer Field 2

21. Filler Field

1 4)
1. The Message Head is fixed to OBX

2. Set ID - OBX determines the different OBX fields

3. Value Type A value type that is used as the type NM (numeric) table
that identifies the test results.

A numeric value that is used to quantify the item. ST (string) Represents

a string value used to qualify the item.

4. Observation Identifier Test Item Channel No. LIS Receives the test
result sent by Blood Grouping System Therefore, you must use this
field to match the project

5. Observation Sub-ID Verify the project name

6. Observation Value The observed value, used as a quantitative test

result value (result concentration)

7. The Units unit, used as the unit for checking the result value

8. References Range Reference range, the test results of the normal


9. Abnormal Flags abnormal signs, test results are normal (description)

L-low H-high N-normal.
10. Probability of the test results used for qualitative results (negative ((-),
positive (+), weak positive (+ -), etc.)

11. Nature of Abnormal

Abno Test Abnormal test reason, used as a
qualitative reference value

12. Observe Result Status Observe the status of the result, F-final

13. Date Last Observe Normal Values Last observed normal date.

14. User Defined Access Checks User defined access checks, used as
raw results

15. Date/Time of the Observation

16. Producer's ID

17. Responsible Observer

18. Observation Method

5) example (sample test)

OBX|1|NM|7|Forward&Reverse|||-||Group A D Positive||F|||
3. LIS server message

A . The ACK ^ R01 message is composed (the LIS server responds to the
message No. 2 in the figure):
1) The MSH flag segment message, specifying the message type as ACK
^ R01;
2) MSA segment messages (rules above)
3) Example:

MSH |||||| 20161116112029 || ACK ^ R01 | 269 | P | 2.3.1 ||||| ASCII |||

MSA | AA | 269 | Message accepted |||

ASTM Protocol

Notes: The current version of the ASTM protocol is 1394-97;


1. ASTM Work pattern classification:

Sender sends request and sends data;

Recipient response.

2. Work Flow

The sender sends data or request before, must first send <ENQ>

commands, when recipients search or prepare related resources will


<ACK> control commands, or send <NAK> control command; when the

sender receives a <ACK> command, <STX> began to send control

(the command is the command data, this command will be introduced


when all the data sent by the sender, <EOT> will send control commands,

recipient receives a <EOT>, send the data across the end of the process.

3. Control Command
4. ASTM <STX>ASTM protocol <STX> control command:

a) ASTM ASTM data content all in line with the following structure:

<STX> FN <FRAME> <CR> <ETB> or <ETX> <CS><CR><LF>

<STX>Start frame header,


FN (0-7)frame
frame number

<FRAME>frame data,

<CR>End of frame data,

<ETB> End of the frame, the end of the frame sent by the requested
data, when it is too long(0x17) .

<ETX> End of the frame(0x03),

<CS>Checksum - from FN to <ETB> or <ETX> ASCII code

accumulation (<STX> <CS> and tail <CR><LF> does not participate in the
checksum calculation)

<CR> ASCII Enter(0x0D).


<LF> ASCII Wrap(


b) Data message classification

Message Header Record

Patient Information Record

Test Order Record

Result Recorcd

Comment Record

Request Information Record

Message Terminator Record

5. ASTM :ASTM protocol control command format:

Same as HL7 , The ASTM message is used "|" to partition the record field

A. (Message Header Record):


1. Record Type ID ID -- H identifies the message is Message Header


2. DelimiterDefinition -- default value is \^&;

3. Message Control ID -- null

4. Password – null

5. Sender Name or ID Software Version Serial Number -- string and

numeric , Identification instrument name, software version and

instrument serial number, can be empty

6. Sender Street Address -- null

7. Reserved field -- null

8. Sender Telephone Number -- null

9. Characteristics of sender -- null

10. Receiver ID -- null

11. Comment or Special Instructions -- null

12. Processing ID value -- PR(Patient test results)

) QR(Quality

control test results) RQ(sample

RQ request query) QA(
(sample query

Sample application information)

13. Version Number = Protocol version number, fixed to1394-97


14. Date and Time = Message creation date and time,


B. (Patient Information Record):

1. Record Type ID P = Patient Information Record

2. Sequence Number

3. Practice Assigned Patient ID -- null

4. Patient ID -- allowed null

5. Patient ID #3 -- null

6. Patient Name – Format: Last^First^Middle

7. Reserved field – null

8. Birth date – allowed null

Y = year M = Month W = week D = Days H = hours If

empty =Year)ex:18Y )

9. Patient Sex M ,F ,U = unknown

10. Patient Race -- null

11. Patient Address – null

12. Reserved Field = patient's blood group -- A B O AB

13. Patient Telephone -- allowed null

14. Attending Physician Name -- format: Second name ^ First Name ^

Mid Name

15. Special field 1 = Sample Type -- icterus:hemolysis:lipemia:icterus

16. Body Surface Area (M2) = Medicare account

17. Patient Height -- null

18. Patient Weight -- null

19. Patient Diagnosis -- null

20. Patient Medications – null

21. Patient Diet – null

22. Practice Field #1 – null

23. Practice Field #2 – null

24. Admission and discharge dates – null

25. Admission Status -- null

26. Location -- null

27. Nature of alt. Diag. Code and Class -- null

28. Alt. Diag. Code and Class – null

29. Patient Religion -- null

30. Marital Status -- null

31. Isolation Status – null

32. Language – null

33. Hospital Service – null

34. Hospital Institution – null

35. Dosage Category -- null

C. (Test Order Record):

The twelfth region of message header

header can
can choose
choose whether
whether itit is
is patient
patient or
whether it is quality control results, so the corresponding test record
record maybe records of
patients or
patients or results
results of
of quality
quality control, according to the value
value 12 domain
domain of of the head
message segment, the current test record also expressed different results.

a) when 12 domain = PR ,this is mean Patient Test Result

1. Record Type ID--

-- O indicate the information is Test Order Record

2. Sequence Number

3. SampleInfo

Sample ID

Sample Slot

Sample Pos
Write Like:SampleID^SampleSlot^SamplePos

4. Instrument SpecimenID used for sample barcode

5. TaskResult which include:




Repeat Num

Write Like: TaskID^ TaskName^ DilutionRate^Repeat Num

Notes :

If the sample has several experimental items using \ separate each


such as: 1^ forward and reverse ^^1\2^

^^1 2^ cross match ^2^2

6. Priority -- R = routine;S = STAT

7. Requested Date and Time (Sample program creation date)

ex:20090910121532 ,allowed null;

8. Specimen Collection Date and Time ex:20090910121532 ,allowed

9. Collection end Tim
me –NULL

10. Collection Volume0

Volume0-99999.0 -- allowed null;

11. Collected by (ID or Name) -- allowed null;

12. Action Code -- NULL

13. Danger Code – NULL

14. Relevant Clinical Information – NULL

15. Date/Time Specimen Received in the Lab ex:20090910121532,


allowed null;

16. Specimen type (This field is not translated to local languages)

serum urine CSF plasma timed other blood amniotic urethral saliva

cervical synovial

17. Ordering Physician = Inspection doctor --(lastName

lastName ^ firstName ^

,allowed null;

18. Physician Phone number = Inspection department -- allowed null;

19. Offline Dilution factor -- allowed null;

20.User Field #2 = Examination doctor -- ex:(lastName
lastName ^ firstName ^

MiddleName) ,allowed
allowed null;

21. Laboratory field #1 -- NULL

22. Laboratory field #2 -- NULL

23. Date/Time Results Reported/Mod -- NULL

24. Instrument Charge to computer system – NULL

25. Instrument Section ID – NULL

26. Report Type -- O (request from LIS) Q (query response) F (final


27. Reserved Field. – NULL

28. Location Specimen Collected -- NULL

29. Nosocomial Infection flag – NULL

30. Specimen Service -- NULL

31. Specimen Institution -- NULL

b) When the first 12 domain of the segment is QR means the quality

control test results The other fields with the above is no difference, only 12
fields different

12. QCInfo

Quality control solution number

Name -- Quality control solution name

Batch No. -- Quality control solution lot. num

period of validity -- Quality control solution validity

Average Concentration -- average value of quality control solution

Qualitycontrol liquid level. value = H; M; L, can be empty

Standard Diff -- Quality control liquid standarddeviation, can be empty

Concentration -- test result

D. (Result Recorcd)

(Only the message from the instrument sent to the LIS server contains the

record, and the test results can be a number of records, each test item is corresponding
one record)

1. Record Type ID -- R identifies the message is Record Result

2. Sequence Number

3. TaskInfo = project info which include:

Assay No.# Project No.

Assay Name Project name

Replicate number Repeat No.

Results type -- I: qualitative results F: quantitative results

Wirte like : Assay No.^AssayName^ Replicate number^ Result Type

4. TaskResult which include:

Measurement Value:Quantitative final test results, the result type

is valid for F (can be empty)

Interpretation :The final test results of qualitative results,the result

type is valid for I (string (negative ((-),

), positive (+), weakly positive (+-


SI L Value: Turbidity(L) serum project final results L, can be empty

SI H Value :(
(H) Hemolysis (H) serum project final results H,

can be empty

SI I Value :Jaundice(I) serum project final results I, can be empty

Write like:

Measurement Value^ Interpretation^ SI L Value^ SI H Value^ SI I


5. Units -- allowed null

6. Measurement Range -- allowed null , which include:

Measurement Range Upper Limit

Measurement Range Lower Limit


Write like :
Measurement Range Upper Limit^ Measurement Range Lower Limit

7. Result Abnormal flag -- L = Lower , H = Hight , N = Normal

8. Nature of Abnormality Testing

The qualitative reference value, the result type is valid for I, can be


9. Result Status -- F = Final Result

10. Finalresult -- same with taskresult, can be null

11. Operator Identification

Re test results mark:

number 1 - re test results, 0 - non re test results

12. Date/time test started -- allowed NULL

13. Date/Time test Completed -- allowed NULL

14. DeviceInfo -- allowed NULL

Instrument Identification (Sender Name) LIS or Blood Grouping


Device ID
Notes: A test record is a message

E. Comment Record:

1. Record Type ID C = Comment Record

2. Sequence Number -- 1-n

3. Comment Sourc -- default I

4. Comment Text -- allowed null

5. Comment Type -- G : result Notes I: exception string

F. Request Information Record:

1. Record Type ID Q = RequestInformation Record

2. Sequence Number from 1 to n

3. Patient information (patient format: ID^ sample barcode),

D can be empty, but the bar code must

required.Patient’s ID m be filled (if

the patient’s id is em
mpty, format: ^SampleBarCode), whe
hen querying

multiple samples,write like this: ^Sample1\^Sample2\^Sample3


4. Ending Range ID : Sample start number, can be empty

5. Universal Test Id ,Sample

Sample termination number. When querying a

single sample, the number is the same with the start number, and it can

be empty.

6. Nature of Request Time Limits -- default NULL

7. Beginning Request results date/time. ,-- default NULL

8. Ending Request results date/time , -- default NULL

9. Requesting Physician name -- default NULL

10. Requesting Physician Telephone – default NULL

11. User field # 1 -- default NULL

12. User field # 2 -- default NULL

13. Request Information status Codes

Query command Code:

O: Request sample query

Cancel current query request

G. (Message Terminator Record):

1. Record Type ID , L = Message Terminator Record

2. Sequence Number from 1 to n

3. Terminator code

N=normal termination

I=No information available from the last query.

Q=Error for in last request for information

4. End

The above is the BLOOD GROUPING SYSTEM LIS protocol includes

includes ASTM and
HL7, are in line with international standards.

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