20048968PunamThapaMagar 91062
20048968PunamThapaMagar 91062
20048968PunamThapaMagar 91062
Group Name:
SN Student Name College ID University ID
1 Punam Thapa Magar Np01cp4s210273 20048968
2 Poonam Singh Yadav Np01cp4s210213 20049412
3 Aashutosh Sharma Np01cp4s210087 20048803
4 Samita Sunuwar Np01cp4s210059 20049016
5 Girish Shrestha Np01cp4s210082 20049993
This Group Coursework on the Application Development Module was prepared in compliance
with the bachelor’s third-year, second-semester regulations of London Metropolitan University. It
is the result of the cooperation and support of module tutor Mr. Abhishek Humagain.
We have taken endeavors in this venture. However, it would not have been possible without our
module tutors’ generous support and assistance. First of all, we’d like to express our gratitude to
him. We owe a lot of gratitude to our highly regarded tutor, Mr. Abhishek Humagain, for his
direction and constant supervision, as well as for providing the necessary project information and
supporting the project’s preparation. Your precious time has absolutely assisted us in giving
significance to our undertaking with working. Second of all, we want to express our gratitude to
Islington College for providing us with a wealth of possibilities, resources, and support, as well as
a fantastic learning environment. Finally, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the
following individuals: Mr. Aashutosh Sharma, Mr. Girish Shrestha, Miss Punam Thapa Magar,
Miss Poonam Singh Yadav, and Miss Samita Koinch Sunuwar, for their alliances, benevolence,
commitment, and devotion to leading this Groupwork completion at the scheduled deadline.
In addition, our thanks and admiration also go towards our friends, group members, tutors and
everyone who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Detail Instruction to Run the Program .................................................................................... 2
2.1. Home Page ....................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. Login ................................................................................................................................ 2
2.3. Admin Dashboard ............................................................................................................ 3
2.3.1. Add Staff ................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2. View Staff ................................................................................................................. 5
2.3.3. Add Vehicle for Rent .................................................................................................... 6
2.4. Staff Dashboard ................................................................................................................ 8
2.5. User Dashboard .............................................................................................................. 13
3. Description of Solution Design ............................................................................................. 17
3.1. For Admin ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.2. For Staff.......................................................................................................................... 17
3.3. For User .......................................................................................................................... 17
4. System Architecture .............................................................................................................. 18
5. Architecture Diagram of the System..................................................................................... 21
6. Detailed Description of the Classes’ Properties and Method ............................................... 23
6.1. AddCarsOnlineController ................................................................................................. 23
6.2. AddStaffController............................................................................................................. 24
7. Individual Reflection ............................................................................................................ 26
8. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 27
9. References ............................................................................................................................. 28
10. Appendix ............................................................................................................................ 29
10.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 29
10.2. Description of the classes, properties and methods .................................................... 30
10.2.1. CarsOnRentController ............................................................................................ 30
10.2.2. DashboardController ............................................................................................... 31
10.2.3. HomeController ...................................................................................................... 31
10.2.4. NotificationController ............................................................................................. 32
10.2.5. VehicleRequestController ....................................................................................... 33
10.3. Individual Reflection .................................................................................................. 34
10.3.1. Punam Thapa Magar ........................................................................................... 34
10.3.2. Poonam Singh Yadav .......................................................................................... 35
10.3.3. Aashutosh Sharma ............................................................................................... 36
10.3.4. Samita Sunuwar................................................................................................... 37
10.3.5. Girish Shrestha .................................................................................................... 38
10.4. Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 39
Table of Tables
Table 1 Class Table ....................................................................................................................... 20
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Home Page ........................................................................................................................ 2
Figure 2 Login Page ........................................................................................................................ 2
Figure 3 Admin Dashboard ............................................................................................................. 3
Figure 4 Adding Staff By Admin .................................................................................................... 4
Figure 5 Successfully New Staff Added ......................................................................................... 4
Figure 6 List of Staff ....................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 7 Edited Staff Details ........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 8 Updated Staff Details........................................................................................................ 5
Figure 9 Employee Code 1 Deleted Successfully ........................................................................... 5
Figure 10 Adding Vehicle for Rent................................................................................................. 6
Figure 11 New Vehicle added successfully .................................................................................... 6
Figure 12 List of Cars for Rent ....................................................................................................... 6
Figure 13 Vehicle for Rent Detail ................................................................................................... 7
Figure 14 Vehicle Added by Admin For Rent ................................................................................ 7
Figure 15 Staff Login ...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 16 Discount of 25% only for staffs for renting car for themselves ..................................... 8
Figure 17 Booking the vehicle for rent ........................................................................................... 9
Figure 18 Vehicle Details To be Rented ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 19 Account Details and Payment Verification .................................................................. 11
Figure 20 Payment Verification Done Successfully ..................................................................... 11
Figure 21 Rental Request Approved ............................................................................................. 11
Figure 22 List of Cars on Rent ...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 23 Register as a new user .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 24 Login as a new user ...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 25 User Dashboard ............................................................................................................ 14
Figure 26 Requesting a vehicle for rent ........................................................................................ 14
Figure 27 Vehicle Requested Successfully for Rent ..................................................................... 15
Figure 28 List of approved requested Vehicle .............................................................................. 15
Figure 29 Pending request for renting cars ................................................................................... 15
Figure 30 Rental request approved by the staff ............................................................................ 15
Figure 31 Account Settings ........................................................................................................... 16
Figure 32 Change Password .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 33 MVC Architecture Design ............................................................................................ 19
Figure 34 Entity Relation Diagram ............................................................................................... 21
Figure 35 Architecture of the system ............................................................................................ 22
CS6004NI Application Development
1. Introduction
We have been given a group coursework assignment that accounts for 30% of the module
grade total and requires us to develop a management system for Hajur Ko Car Rental that
will streamline the rental process and offer a seamless user experience for both operators
and clients. The main objective of the course is to develop and build a C# web application
that will help a car rental business maintain track of its inventory, stock, and rented cars.
The system that we need to develop for Hajur Ko Car Rental is supposed to be written in
the C# programming language on the ASP.NET platform using the integrated Visual Studio
Environment. This system's main objective is to facilitate the management of leased and
returned vehicles for Hajur Ko Car Rental.
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Users will only have restricted access to some system features in the created system, but
administrators will have access to more features than users, and staff members would have
complete system access. This implies that neither the customer nor the employees are able
to accomplish all of the tasks that the admin and staff are capable of. The activities that
both a user and an admin can carry out are all accessible to staff, on the other hand.
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2.2. Login
After the user presses the Login button as shown above, they are directed to User Login
page as follows:
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Figure 16 Discount of 25% only for staffs for renting car for themselves
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• Customers can be notified after request approval and about special offers.
• Customer can pay for rental and damage charge
4. System Architecture
This system was developed using the ASP.NET core MVC framework, often known as
Model View Controller. The Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is an
architectural/design pattern that separates an application into three main logical
components Model, View, and Controller. Each architectural component was built to
handle specific development aspects of the application. The essential component of an
application is the controller for the reason that it allows communication between the views
and the model, serving as a middleman. It processes all the business logic and incoming
requests, manipulate data using model component and interact with the view to render the
final output. Similarly, the view component was used for all the UI logic of the application.
The Bootstrap portion of an application are referred to as the View. Lastly, the model
component of an application was responsible for managing the application’s data and
business logic. It interacts with a database or other data storage system to retrieve and store
data (geeksforgeeks, 2023).
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Class Purpose
AddCarsOnlineController This class represents a controller for adding and
managing cars online. It contains methods for
adding, updating, and deleting cars, as well as
viewing a list of all available cars.
AddStaffController This is a controller class that handles requests related
to adding, viewing, updating, and deleting staff
members in the Hamro Car Rental application
CarsOnRentController This class is a controller class that handles the data
of the rented cars.
DashboardController This is a controller class that handles requests related
to the Dashboard and provides methods for
displaying the dashboard page and retrieving all
available vehicles.
HomeController This class is a controller class that handles the view
of the home page with a list of available cars and it
retrieves the list of available cars from the database
NotificationController This class is a controller class that handles the
notification for rental request and approval request
retrieving data from the database.
VehicleRequestController This class is a controller class that handles the
Vehicle Request feature of the application. It
retrieves and updates the data related to vehicle
requests and updates the notifications accordingly.
Table 1 Class Table
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The different classes of the system are described below with their respective methods and
6.1. AddCarsOnlineController
Index(): A GET method that retrieves a list of all cars online from the database using the
_applicationDbContext instance and returns the corresponding view.
Add(): A GET method that returns the view for adding a new car online.
Add(data: CarsOnlineVM): A POST method that receives data for a new car from the
view and adds it to the database using the _applicationDbContext instance. It also adds the
new car to the CarsOnlineInventory table.
View(id: int): A GET method that retrieves a car with a specific ID from the database using
the _applicationDbContext instance and returns the corresponding view.
Update(id: int): A GET method that retrieves a car with a specific ID from the database
using the _applicationDbContext instance and returns the view for updating the car's
Update(id: int, data: CarsOnline): A POST method that receives updated data for a car
from the view, updates the car in the database using the _applicationDbContext instance,
and returns the corresponding view.
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Delete(id: int): A POST method that receives the ID of a car to be deleted from the view,
deletes the car from the database using the _applicationDbContext instance, and returns a
redirect to the index page.
6.2. AddStaffController
public async Task<IActionResult> Index(): This method handles the GET request to
view the list of all staff members. It retrieves a list of staff members from the database and
returns a view that displays the list.
public IActionResult Add(): This method handles the GET request to add a new staff
member. It simply returns a view with a form to add a new staff member.
public async Task<IActionResult> Add(StaffVM data): This method handles the POST
request to add a new staff member. It creates a new Staff object with the data provided by
the user, adds it to the database, creates a new IdentityUser object with the user's email and
password, and adds it to the user database. It also adds a new UserRole object to the
database that associates the new user with the "Hamro Car Rental's Staff" role.
public async Task<IActionResult> View(int id): This method handles the GET request
to view the details of a particular staff member. It retrieves the staff member with the given
ID from the database and returns a view that displays the staff member's details.
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public async Task<IActionResult> Update(int id): This method handles the GET request
to update the details of a particular staff member. It retrieves the staff member with the
given ID from the database and returns a view with a form to update the staff member's
public async Task<IActionResult> Update(int id, Staff data): This method handles the
POST request to update the details of a particular staff member. It retrieves the staff
member with the given ID from the database, updates its properties with the new data
provided by the user, and saves the changes to the database. It then returns a view that
displays the updated staff member's details.
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id): This method handles the POST
request to delete a particular staff member. It retrieves the staff member with the given ID
from the database, removes it from the database, and saves the changes. It then redirects
the user to the list of all staff members.
Continue Reading…
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7. Individual Reflection
A total of five individuals were part of our group for this group project, and each participant
had a distinct task to do, such as the front end, back end, report of the program, etc.
The Individual Reflection of each team members has been kept in the appendix section i.e.,
Individual Reflection.
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8. Conclusion
This group coursework was relegated to us for creating a management system for Hajur Ko
Car Rental to manage their business utilizing the C# programming language on the
ASP.NET platform using the built-in Visual Studio Environment. First and foremost, this
assignment was given to us, and in order to finish it on time, we were required to work in
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Despite the fact that it was challenging and troublesome from the outset, the coursework
was finished on schedule and submitted on time as well. We had the chance to learn
numerous new things and it assisted us in gaining a deeper understanding of the module
and how back-end development functions, which we knew about. It was a decent encounter
to foster a program utilizing Visual Studio 2022 and it was enjoyable to chip away at this
project as well.
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9. References
geeksforgeeks, 2023. MVC Framework Introduction. [Online]
Available at: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/mvc-framework-introduction/
[Accessed 30 April 2023].
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10. Appendix
10.1. Introduction
The created system will be a web application with capabilities like login and registration
for different users, such as Admin, Customer, and Staff. The created system will give users
the opportunity to carry out a number of tasks, including adding and removing automobiles
from the system's list of available rentals, publishing offers, authenticating clients' requests,
changing passwords, renting a car to a member and keeping account of when that car is
returned as well as keeping tabs on any damages to the vehicle. The system additionally
enables the display of sales with a data filtering option based on customer names, viewing
client rental history, and authorizing by a specific staff member's name. Additionally, it
enables you to see the cars that are currently available and those that are being rented. The
system will allow you to see the automobiles that have regularly been hired and the ones
that haven't. It also keeps track of clients who commonly rent cars and those who haven't
rented anything in a while (3 months). The technology also allows customers to register for
accounts via which they may submit rental requests and update their passwords as needed.
Similar to this, Hajur Ko Car Rental can benefit from a variety of operations and features
to help run their business successfully.
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10.2.1. CarsOnRentController
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10.2.2. DashboardController
• Index(): A method that returns the view of the dashboard page to the system.
• AllAvailableVehicle(): A method that retrieves all available vehicles from the
database and returns them as a list to the view. This method is decorated with the
[HttpGet] attribute, indicating that it handles GET requests. It uses the
_applicationDbContext object to retrieve data from the database and the
ToListAsync() method to asynchronously convert the data into a list. The method
then returns the list to the view using the View() method.
10.2.3. HomeController
• _logger: an instance of the ILogger interface that is used for logging messages.
• _applicationDbContext: an instance of the ApplicationDbContext class that is
used for accessing the database.
• _userManager: an instance of the UserManager<IdentityUser> class that is used
for managing user authentication and authorization.
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• Index(): a method that returns the view of the home page with a list of available
cars. It retrieves the list of available cars from the database using the
_applicationDbContext instance.
• Privacy(): a method that returns the view of the privacy policy page.
• Error(): a method that returns the view of the error page with an ErrorViewModel
object containing information about the error. It uses the _logger instance to log the
error message.
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10.2.5. VehicleRequestController
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As a member of the group project for the “Hajur Ko Car Rental”, my primary responsibility
was to work on the backend and reporting parts of the system. Looking back on my work,
I believe that I was able to make significant contributions of the project, and I learned a lot
in the process. Working on the backend development part of the project was a challenging
but rewarding experience. I spend a considerable amount of time designing the data models,
setting up the database, and creating the APIs that would allow the frontend team to interact
with the backend. One of the key challenges I faced was ensuring that the data models were
efficient and well-designed, which required a deep understanding of the project
requirements and careful consideration of the various relationships between different
entities. In addition to working on the backend, I was also responsible for the reporting part
of the system. This involved creating reports which includes all the detailed information
about the system such as the detailed instruction to run the program, system architecture,
testing and so on.
Despite these difficulties, I believe I was able to develop a reliable and effective backend
that complied with the project's specifications. The ability to directly observe how my
coding and design choices could affect the system's overall functionality was one of the
aspects of this task that I most appreciated. I also valued the chance to collaborate closely
with group members because it gave me the chance to pick up new abilities and methods
from my peers.
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As a team member, I begin by discussing our role in the project and our responsibilities for
the backend and report part of the car rental system. My tasks included designing and
implementing the backend architecture, as well as creating the report for the project.
Working on the backend and report parts was a challenging yet rewarding experience for
me. I encountered several obstacles, such as debugging errors and integrating different
technologies and libraries, but I was able to overcome them with the help of my team
members. To complete the project, I used various tools and techniques, including C#
programming language, SSMS, Microsoft SQL server, visual studio 2022.
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To begin, I started by comprehending the project requirements and the expected features of
the system. This involved engaging in discussions with the project leader and my team
members to ensure that I had a clear understanding of the project scope. After
understanding the requirements, I commenced working on the frontend and backend aspect
of the system. This entailed designing the user interface, generating the essential forms,
and integrating the mandatory functionality utilizing C#.
During the project, I encountered several challenges, such as arranging the various frontend
elements, addressing errors and misunderstandings, and collaborating with team members.
Nevertheless, I managed to overcome these challenges by relying on my experience and
communicating effectively with the team. Throughout the project, I acquired valuable
knowledge and skills in C# programming and frontend development. Furthermore, my
collaborative and communication abilities improved, which are essential in team settings.
Overall, successfully completing the frontend and backend section of the car rental system
project demonstrated my C# programming expertise and my capability to work
collaboratively with others towards a shared objective.
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To start with, I first observed the project, its specifications, and its features, which include
discussions with the team leader and in groups, and I came away with a clear grasp of the
project. My work on the front-end of the system, which consists of design, forms, and
integrating functionality in C# with the aid of HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Bootstrap,
began as soon as I had a firm grasp of the needs and features.
The highly typed nature of C#, which can be difficult for developers accustomed to
dynamically typed languages to learn, was one of several difficulties I encountered while
working on this project. Furthermore, I found it frustrating that the setup for the
development environment could be difficult. However, I was able to overcome all of these
difficulties in the end. There were some miscommunications and collaborations with group
As a result, creating the front end of a web application for the vehicle rental system in C#
was satisfying and had numerous benefits, such as the abundance of libraries and
frameworks that were readily accessible, a robust type system, and built-in support for data
access, security, and authentication. Although C# and ASP.NET may have a learning curve,
the benefits of creating reliable and scalable web applications make the effort worthwhile.
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Work had to be done for the application development project using a variety of tools. It
wasn't an easy task, but overall, it was a rewarding and fruitful experience. The abilities
and knowledge gained during the procedure will undoubtedly be useful for upcoming
initiatives. To identify the roles, responsibilities, and tasks assigned to each member,
numerous meetings were held. Our group leader did the finest job of guiding us through
the project.
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10.4. Conclusion
The requirements needed to finish this project were initially finalized by the group
members. The task was then divided into multiple components, with an equal amount of
each component going to each team member. For our team to be able to leverage the .Net
technology and the C# programming language by integrating the numerous stated features
in to the web application, it took some time for our team members to become familiar with
both of these technologies. While doing this coursework, we needed to confront the
challenges, particularly in the backend section which was a big deal as we had to built the
whole features of the system ourselves as numerous mistakes occurred which was also a
lot of work. Yet in order conquer the confusion and troubles, a lot of exploration was
finished with respect to the applicable sections. Cent percent exertion was given to finish
the undertaking allocated in this topic. Regular interaction with instructors, consistent
exertion, and a lot of exploration, going through the lecture slides and surfing the web-
assisted with sound information was done to solve the problems. Because this was a group
project, our team members worked together to solve any issues that arose during the
system’s development. We likewise, became more acquainted with various terms which
were utilized in the program, we knew about various terms alongside their capabilities and
it was extremely beneficial for us and greatly improved our understanding of .Net
technology and C# programming language.
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