Activity Points Circular
Activity Points Circular
Activity Points Circular
1. Every Day College regular student admitted to the 4 years Degree programme
and every student entering 4 years Degree programme through lateral entry,
shall earn 100 and 75 Activity Points respectively for the award of degree
through AICTE Activity Point Programme. Students transferred from other
Universities to fifth semester are required to earn 50 Activity Points from the
year of entry to VTU. This is applicable to B.E/B.Tech. students taking
admission starting from 2018-19: regular, 2019-20 : lateral entry admission
and those joining 5 th semester in 2020-21.
·I Mi:~-
No. by
-- - - ·· ·- - ·- ·-
1Day College regular student admitted to
vears Degree orogramme - ---
2 Student entering 4 years Degree programme 75
through lateral entry
3 Students transferred from other Universities to
_ _j _ __
fifth semester - ··
2. The Activity Points earned shall be reflected on the student's eighth semester
Grade Card.
· The activities can be can be spread over the years (duration of the programme),
anytime during the semester weekends and holidays, as per the interest and
convenience of the student from the year of entry to the programme. However,
minimum hours specified must be satisfied.
4. Activity Points (non-credit) have no effect on SGPA/CGPA and shall not be
considered for vertical progression.
5. In case students fail to earn the prescribed Activity Points, Eighth semester
Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the required Activity Points .
Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the
Eighth semester Grade Card.
6. AICTE Activity Point Programme (Activity Sllll\mary Sheet) For more details
refer to Chapter 6, AICTE Activity Point Programme, Model Internship
Guidelines (copy enclosed).
5 Promotion of Aooropriate Technolocies. 2 80 -90 20 !
CICC (CollegP.
6 Reduction in Energy Consumption. 2 80 - 90 20 Internal
7 To Skill rural oopulation. 2 80- 90 20 Complaints
Facilitating 100% Digitized money Committee) /
8 transactions. 2 I 80 - 90 20 SAGY (Sansad
Setting of the information imparting Adarsh Gram
9 club for women leading to contribution
! Yojc>.na, Govt. of
2 I 80 - 90 20 India) of the
in social and economic issues. I institute/
Developing and managing efficient garbage I
2 Mentor
disoosable svstem.
To assist the marketing of rural produce. 2
/ 80 - 90
80 - 90
Food oreservation / packa~ ng.
Automation of local activities.
- '- -~-1
i 2
80 - 90
!_80 - 90
20 J
/ AICTE Activtt p 0 i --- -
The AICTE Ac :f . nt (Act~vity Summary Sheet) . . _
st tivity Programme, a non-credit programme, can be taken up any time dunng the
seme ~r weekends and holidays. These activities can be spread over the years, as per
convenience of the student. However, minimum hours soecified must be satisfied.
Following suggestive activities may be carried out by students in teams as per their
· choice.
-- -
Minimum Performance Evaluated by
SI. Duration Maximum
No. Activity Bead point./
Week• Hours aotlvt
Spreading public awareness under rural ·
outreach ro ammes 2 80 - 90 20
-- . Contribution to any national level initiative
15 ! of Government of India. For e.g. Digital
2 80 - 90 20
r ' India/ Skill India/ Swachh Bharat
.....__,.. ____Internship e~c., _ ____ _
Hence, the Principals of Colleges are informed to advice and guide the students in
this regard.
The contents of this circular may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
The of Principals of All Engineering Colleges (Constituent/Lted/
Autonomous) under the ambit VTU, Belagavi
Copy to:
1.Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor through the Secretary to VC, VTU, Belagavi for kmd
AICTE recommends 300-400 hours Activity Programme for each degree student for Community service and allied
actflities. Similarly, 200-250 hours shou ki be devoted by D'1Ioma student for Community service and allied activities
as an addiional requrement or non-credit programme. Here, 40-45 hours are equivalentto 1 week.
These activities will be coordinated by NSSMCC/Sports/SAGY Coordinator or TPO of the Institute. The student will
be provided a certificate from the concerned coordi ,1ator and .,sUutional Head.
Every student is required to prepare a fit containing documentary proofs of activities, done by him/ her. This file
will be duly verified by the concerned evaluator as listed ii Table-4. The student should earn at least 100 activity
points before he/ she appears for his/ her Final Exam nations. The po ilts students have earned will be reflected on
the student's transcript. However, there will be neither grades/ marks for these points nor will there be any effect on
As proposed under the AICTE Rural Internship Programme, If a student completes any long term goal during his
degree programme, it will be counted as Internship Activity and credit requirement for the internship is fulfilled.
However, if only short term interventions under the programme are attempted it will be counted towards AICTE
Activity Point Programme requisite. Following suggesUve activities as Long Term Goals may be carried out by
students in teams:
1. Prepare and impJement plan to create local job opportunities.
2. Prepare and implement plan to improve education quality in village.
3. Prepare an actionable DPR for Doubling the village Income.
4. Developing Sustainable Water Management system.
s. Prepare and Improve a plan to improve health parameters of villagers.
6. Developing and Implementing of Low Cost Sanitation facilities.
7. Prepare and implement plan to promote Local Tourism through Innovative Approaches.
a. Implement/Develop Technology solutions which will improve quality of life.
9. Prepare and implement solution for energy conservation.
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10. Prepare and implement plan to Skill village youth and provide employment.
11. Develop localized techniques for Reduction in construction Cost.
12. Prepare and implement plan of sustainable growth of village.
13. Setting of Information imparting club for women leading to contribution in social and economic issues.
14. Developing and managing Efficient garbage disposable system.
15. Bharat
Contribution etcnational level Initiative oi Government of India. For eg. Digital India/ Skill India/ Swachh
to any
The student may choose any activities as per ther llki'lg a order to earn the AICTE Activi~ points. These activities
can be spread over the years, as per convenience of the student. The Milinum points required as per entry level of
any student are presented in Table 3.
:1,tto'.· .
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- . -- . : .·-•
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