Fpo Translation
Fpo Translation
Fpo Translation
1.7 Who can promote a PO?
Any individual or institution can promote a PO. Individual persons or institutions may
promote PO using their own resources out of goodwill or with the noble objective of socio-
economic development of producers. If, however, the facilitating agency wishes to seek
financial and other support, then they have to meet the requirements of the donor/financing
Membership Individuals and cooperatives Any individual, group, association,
producer of goods or services
Share Non tradable Not tradable but transferable; limited
to members at par value
Profit Limited dividends on shares Commensurate with volume of
sharing business
Voting rights One member, one vote, but One member, one vote. Members not
Government and Registrar of having transactions with the
Cooperatives hold veto power company cannot vote
Government Highly patronized to the extent of Minimal, limited to statutory
control interference requirements
Extent of Limited in “real world scenario” Fully autonomous, self-ruled within
Autonomy the provisions of Act
Reserves Created if there are profits Mandatory to create every year
Borrowing Restricted as per bye-law. Any Borrowing limit fixed by Special
power amendment to bye-law needs to Resolution in general meeting.
be approved by the Registrar and Companies have more freedom to
time consuming. raise borrowing power.
Relationship Transaction based Producers and corporate entity can
with other together float a producer company.
corporate /
business Excellent Model for tripartite -
houses / Businesses / NGOs / FPOs
NGOs collaboration
Yes. Institutions can be built for promoting common interests of members/producers. The
limitation is that surplus generated by such a PO cannot be divided among members by way
of dividend etc. The PO can re-invest the surplus to grow the business. Comparison of PO
registered under different Acts governing non-profit institutions is given below:
Meetings To be held as per Annual meeting as per No provisions laid
provisions of law which law and Rules of the down
are quite extensive. society
Penalties Various offences and Few offences and Very negligible
lapses attract severe penalties have been
penalties. prescribed
Legal Status Full legal status Legal status with Legal status with
certain limitations limitations
Statutory Exhaustive but mature Very limited Nominal
Removal of Not possible without Possible without Not applicable
members consent consent
Dissolution or Very difficult Possible Possible
takeover by state
in bulk, thus procuring at cheaper price compared to individual purchase. Besides, by
transporting in bulk, cost of transportation is reduced. Thus reducing the overall cost of
production. Similarly, the PO may aggregate the produce of all members and market in bulk,
thus, fetching better price per unit of produce. The PO can also provide market information
to the producers to enable them hold on to their produce till the market price become
favourable. All these interventions will result in more income to the primary producers.
1.16 What are other benefits for the members of a PO (other than better income)?
A PO is a collective of farmers (and non-farmers) who are the primary producers of a product
(an agricultural produce or a manufactured product). It, therefore, can work as a platform to
facilitate better access to government services, like PDS, MNREGA, Scholarships and Pensions,
etc. It can liaison with the Government Departments for convergence of programmes, like
drinking water, sanitation, health and hygiene. PDS: Public Distribution System
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
1.17 Who can become member of a PO? Employment Guarantee Act
PO is an organization of the producers, specifically the primary producers. All primary
producers residing in the relevant geography, and producing the same or similar produce, for
which the PO has been formed, can become member of the PO. Membership is voluntary.
The procedure for obtaining PO membership depends on the bye-laws of the PO. The
founder-members are those who were there at the time of formation of the PO. Other
members join the PO later. However, all members enjoy equal rights. A primary producer can
become member of a PO by submitting an application and a nominal membership fee. Some
POs also charge annual membership renewal fee. Although primary producers obtain
membership of PO voluntarily, the promoting institution should make efforts to bring all
producers into the PO, especially the small producers.
1.20 Who will manage the PO?
Each PO will have an elected Board of Management / Board of Directors as per the bye-laws.
The Board can engage professionals to manage its affairs. In the initial years, professional and
managerial assistance is usually extended by the POPI. As the leaders of the PO gain
experience, they should take over the affairs of the PO completely.
Estimated cost for incorporation of a producer company
1.26 What important factors should be kept in view while facilitating formation of PO?
Aggregating producers into collectives is one of the best mechanism to improve access of small
producers to investment, technology and market. The facilitating agency should however keep
the following factors in view:
a. Types of small scale producers in the target area, volume of production, socio-
economic status, marketing arrangement
b. Sufficient demand in the existing market to absorb the additional production without
significantly affecting the prices
c. Willingness of producers to invest and adopt new technology, if identified, to increase
productivity or quality of produce
d. Challenges in the market chain and market environment
e. Vulnerability of the market to shocks, trends and seasonality
f. Previous experience of collective action (of any kind) in the community
g. Key commodities, processed products or semi-finished goods demanded by major
retailers or processing companies in the surrounding areas/districts
h. Support from Government Departments, NGOs, specialist support agencies and
private companies for enterprise development
i. Incentives for members (also disincentives) for joining the PO
Keeping in view the sustainability of a Producer Organisation, a flow chart of activities along
with timeline, verifiable indicators and risk factors is provided at Attachment-5.
1.27 At what stage of PO, should the member-producers be actively involved?
POs that are formed primarily in response to external initiative often struggle to develop into
sustainable businesses. Therefore, the members should be actively involved from the very
beginning. The facilitating agency should facilitate a process that results in producers taking
the initiative to set up the PO and let the members drive the process. Activities like awareness
creation, identification of potential members should precede the actual formation
1.28 What is the optimal size of a Producer Organisation (PO) and what are the parameters?
a. It is desirable to have a Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) for farmers having their
lands in contiguous micro-watersheds to address the issues relating to sustainability.
b. The productive land under an FPO may be around 4000 ha.
c. The PO may cover generally one or two contiguous Gram Panchayats for ease of
d. The number of farmer producers that need to be covered may be around 700 to 1000.
e. The cost of managing a Producer Organisation of the above nature may be around Rs.
2 lakh per month or Rs. 24 lakh per annum.
f. The total value of the produce of the farmers/non-farmers handled by the Producer
Organisation may be around Rs. 2.5 crore, assuming that approximately 10% of the
total turnover of the PO may be reasonably spent towards cost of management.
g. Further, the markets selected for the Producer Organisation for selling their produce
may be within 200 KM to make their marketing activities viable.
1.29 What are the design variables / factors governing the size of optimal size of a PO
ensuring that the PO will be sustainable?
a. A Farmers Producer Organisation is to be designed in such a way to cover all the lands
that fall in one or two micro watersheds.
b. The sustainability of the farmers of the micro watersheds is already in existence with
various types of productive activities of the farmers to take care of risk factors, like
variations in the market prices of various produce, continuity of income etc. which
include sustainable agricultural practices.
c. The secret to sustainability of a PO depends on comprehensive engagement of the PO
with their members throughout the year.
d. The design variables for a PO are mainly size, scope, technology, ownership of
resources, management and purpose. These variables need to be aligned to meet the
sustainability requirements indicated in the earlier two points.
e. The size of the PO should be small to be able to be managed by the local talent
available in the area of the PO.
f. The scope of the PO should be defined in such a way that there shall be good number
of crops to be grown to maintain the soil health, support for allied activities like dairy,
nutritional security of the local people and to mitigate risk.
g. The technology adopted by the PO should be such that majority of the local people or
members of the families of the PO should be able to adopt to it and work with it with
minimal training, effectively.
h. The management of the PO should take into account the incubation of the local youth
in such a way that in a few years’ time, say in 3-7 years, local youth should be able to
take over and manage the PO effectively.
i. The purpose of the PO at all times must be to serve the larger needs of the community
and the ownership of the PO always should rest with all its members.
1.30 What should be the minimum and maximum number of members in a PO?
The minimum number of membership depends on the legal form of the PO. For example, 10
or more primary producers can incorporate a Producer Company under Section 581(C) of
Indian Companies Act 1956 (same provisions are retained in the 2013 Act). There is no
restriction on the maximum number of membership. Generally, the PO will require certain
minimum scale of operation to remain in business. This operation scale/volume is known as
break-even level. Studies have shown that a PO will require about 700 to 1000 active
producers as members for sustainable operation.
1.33 What critical interventions could be covered under Grant and credit support for
Activities involved in promoting and running a PO by POPI
Sr. no. Activity Grant or Credit Duration
1 Survey of area for identification Grant 1 month
of existing economic activity
and social groups which can
serve as primary blocks for PO
2 Interaction and awareness Grant 3-4 months
creation about PO
Exploratory interactions
Sr. no. Activity Grant or Credit Duration
Exposure Visits
3 Training and capacity building Grant 1 month
of members on running the
4 Formalizing management Grant 1-2 months
structure and registration of
5 Engagement of Professionals Grant - salary Salary expenses of
and preparation of business expenses on professionals/ and
plan tapering basis consultancy charges for
for 3 years preparation of business
One time plan
charges for
preparation of
business plan
6 Production activity by Credit support
7 Primary processing – grading Credit support BANK /
sorting and storage NABARD
8 Separate storage structure is Credit support
9 Separate quality control Grant cum
structure is required credit support
10 Market survey, exhibition, Grant For first two – three years
11 New technology adoption Grant As and when required
Visits (Subject to certain limit)
12 Exports – expenses for Grant As and when required
completing necessary (Subject to certain limit)
1.34 What are the taxation systems / laws governing the POs? Whether any tax benefit is
available to FPOs?
Immediately after incorporation, a PO has to procure PAN number from the Income Tax
Department and TIN number from the Commercial Tax Department to carry out business.
Also, the company has to register itself for Service Tax from Commercial Tax Department and
VAT from Excise department.
Currently, all FPOs are not eligible for tax exemption on par with cooperatives. The Producer
Companies are taxable on par with the Private Limited Companies and Public Limited
Companies. However, the following are some of the various tax incentives available to the
Producer Companies:
b. The Government of India has vide the Finance Act, 2012, reduced the customs duty
on the import of agricultural equipment and their parts which would benefit the
Producer Companies engaged in agricultural activities to a great extent.
Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) are the outputs of planning
MORE TRAINING and design phase of a project.
g. Business Planning: The training should cover aspects of business planning to maximise
benefits as well as to reduce the business risks. The aspects like DPR preparation,
Balance Sheet Analysis, simple financial ratios for profitability, ratios that are seen by
banks for financing, need to be covered.
h. Financial Management: The training also should cover management of the finances
like maintenance of books of account, Management Information System, share
capital, borrowings, savings, loans, cash flow, funds flow, receivables management,
payables management, investments etc.
i. Monitoring: The BOD module should have various aspects of monitoring to ensure
that the business goals are achieved and the business is carried out in a professional
NABARD also provides technical, managerial and financial support for hand-holding, capacity
building and market intervention efforts of the PO. Such support is available in the form of
grant, loans, or a combination of the two based on the need of the situation, and is available
only to those POs which avail credit from NABARD. Capacity building support will not be given
in isolation in general. It would essentially be a part of the overall project having loan
component. Grant, if any, will be maximum 20% of the loan amount. Capacity building should
broadly cover any activity relating to functioning of a producer organization. Some such
activities are given below:
a. Skill development in order to enable members to improve production/productivity
b. Business planning
c. Technological extension through classroom training
d. Exposure visits, agricultural university tie ups, expert meetings, etc.
e. Any other capacity building initiative which directly benefits the P.O.
f. NABARD through its Farm Sector Promotion Fund (FSPF) is providing financial
assistance to various institutions including Farmers clubs for:
i. facilitating adoption of appropriate technologies by the agriculturists through
the provision of training cum exposure visits, organizing for demonstrations
on the use of the various technologies
ii. organizing financial credit counselling
iii. providing support for financial literacy
iv. Dissemination of appropriate technologies to the various people in need
v. Promotion of Producer Organisation
1.39 How can NABARD help the POs in marketing their produce?
NABARD also provides support to the POs to access markets for their produce. Some of these
activities are as below:
a. Credit and/or grant support for setting up of marketing infrastructure facilities for sale
of produce.
b. Support for marketing through rural haat and rural mart which had already been
established through NABARD support.
c. NABARD may facilitate tie-ups with buyers for Producers Organization's produce.
d. Through existing schemes of National Horticulture Mission and Ministry of Agriculture,
NABARD may support creation of infrastructure wherever possible.
1.40 What support is available to the POPIs from NABARD?
NABARD provides incentives for the POPI for taking care of the PO within the overall ceiling
of 20% grant support to the PO. The incentive scheme is as below:
a. Max 5% of loan amount for POs up to 5 years old
b. Max 2.5% of loan amount for POs more than 5 years old
c. The incentive is given 10% in advance, 70% linked to timely repayment of instalments
and rest 20% at the end subject to satisfactory repayment.
1.41 What support is available for PO from Government of India?
Government of India provides budgetary support to SFAC for its Equity Grant and Credit
Guarantee Fund Scheme for the Farmer Producer Company. For creation of storage and other
agricultural marketing infrastructure under the Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing
(Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India), FPOs are eligible to get higher subsidies.
Details are available at www.agmarknet.nic.in. CAPART, Ministry of Rural Development also
operates schemes through which support for some activities can be obtained by the PO.
Details are available at www.capart.nic.in. Training institutions supported by the Ministry or
Rural Development, Government of India (www. rural.nic.in) also impart skill and capacity
building training which can be made use of by the PO for its members.
Producer Organisations as Cooperative Society
2.1 What are the legal provisions for registering a PO be as a Cooperative Society?
Producer Organisations can also be formed and registered as a Cooperative Society under the
following Acts:
a) A society which has as its object the promotion of economic interests of its members
in accordance with cooperative principles can be registered as a Society
b) Similarly, a society established with the object of facilitating operation of such a
society can also be registered under the Act
c) A registered society can be member of another society, but liability of such other
society must be limited, unless State Government directs otherwise
2.5 What are the rights and liabilities of members?
a) If liability of members is not limited by shares, each member shall have one vote
irrespective of amount of her / his interest in the capital
b) If liability of members of a registered society is limited by shares, each member will
have as many votes as may be prescribed by the bye laws
c) If a registered society has invested in shares of other registered society, it can vote by
appointing a proxy
d) A member of a registered society shall not exercise his rights as member, unless he
has made payment to the society in respect of membership or has acquired interest
in society, as may be prescribed by rules or bye-laws
A registered society can give loans only to its members; however, it can give loan to
another registered society with permission of the Registrar
A society with unlimited liability cannot lend money on security of movable property
without sanction of the Registrar
State Government by issuing a general order, can prohibit or restrict lending of money
on mortgage of immovable property by any registered society or class of registered
a. Registrar can hold an enquiry or direct some person authorised by him to hold enquiry
in following circumstances:
i) Of his own motion
ii) Request of the Collector
iii) Application by majority of Committee Members of society or
iv) At least one-third of members of society
b. All officers and members shall furnish necessary information to the Registrar or to a
person authorised by him
The provisions of Companies Act are not applicable to a registered cooperative society
PACS, being a registered cooperative society, has been providing credit and other services to
its members. It has been observed that PACS are generally meeting the credit requirements
of its members. However, there is a need to provide other services to the farmers and hence,
PACS should be developed as a unit to meet all their needs. PACS are generally providing the
following facilities to the members:
PACS can play an important role in providing these facilities to the farmers. In order to enable
PACS to provide more services to its members and generate income, an initiative was taken
to develop PACS as multi service centres. Some of the PACS are also assisting farmers in
marketing of their produce. Thus, PACS can provide both backward and forward linkages to
its members, thereby acting as a PO, in order to promote efficient crop production practices
for its members on one hand and opportunities for better price realisation of their produce,
on the other. Following facilities can be taken up by PACS acting as a PO to the farmers:
a) Agro-Storage centre:
a. Upgradation of the existing storage facility or construction of new godown
along with sorting/ grading unit as per Negotiable Warehouse Receipt System.
This will enable them to issue warehouse receipts. Based on these receipts, the
farmers can get loan against the crop stored and can cultivate the next crop.
Thus, the farmers will be facilitated to get better price by holding the crops
without affecting the fund flow position.
b) Agro-service Centre:
a. Purchase of hi-tech agri-implements like power tiller, land leveller, rotary
slasher, movers, seed driller, multi crop planter, paddy transplanter, sprayers,
combine harvester etc. depending upon the requirements of members. The
earning will be from the rental of these equipment.
c) Agro-processing centre:
a. Primary Processing: Sorting, grading unit, waxing/ polishing unit, pre-cooling
chambers, etc.
b. Secondary Processing: Value addition to produce e.g. Mini rice mill, atta chaki,
horticulture produce processing etc.
2.13 What role State Government / State Cooperative Bank can play in developing PACS as
PO to serve as a Multi Service Centre (MSC)?
PACS can either use their own sources or avail credit facilities from StCB or CCB. In such a
case, the grant support from PODF is not available. CCB or RRB can avail of refinance facilities
as per the usual terms & conditions. Regional Office will keep a track of the facilities being
developed at PACS level and monitor the same at regular interval. In cases where loan is from
the StCB or DCCB, or own resources are being used and financial support from NABARD is not
being taken, NABARD could guide in project formulation, if necessary, so as to enable best
utilisation of funds. Financial support to PACS acting as a MSC / PO is also available through
Producer Organisation Development Fund (PODF) of NABARD.
3.2 Who are members of a Producer Company and their position in a company?
a. In a producer company, only primary producers or producer organisations can become
b. Membership is acquired by purchase of shares in a Producer Company
c. A Producer Company can act only through its members
d. Members create the company
e. Members can also wind up the company share capital
f. Members act through their General Meetings
3.4 What are the preparatory arrangements for registration and incorporation of a Producer
Company (PC)?
The preparatory steps to be followed for the incorporation of a PC are
a. Identify a cluster where the PO can be formed.
b. Conduct Baseline and Feasibility Studies to ensure that a viable PO can formed in the
cluster. Plan for business activities that are possible to improve the incomes.
c. Meet the villagers (primary producers) and introduce the concept of Producer
Company to them.
d. Explore the need for a Producer Company (PC) with the primary producers. The
primary producers should understand the benefits and feel the need for it.
e. Take the interested primary producers on an exposure visit to a functioning Producer
Company and enable meaningful interaction among them.
f. Create a critical group of primary producers, who are very enthusiastic about the idea
of Producer Company and empower them further with the concept and details and
benefits of a producer company.
preparation for 19
FPO formation.
preparation for
g. Use the critical group for canvassing among other eligible members about the need,
urgency and benefits of a Producer Company.
h. Allow enough time to the prospective primary Producer Company members to
understand the idea. Make frequent visits to them and clarify all their doubts. The
objective should be that the prospective members have right understanding, and
willing to participate and work together for their mutual benefit. It may take typically
3 to 6 month time for this kind of social mobilisation.
i. Have focused group meeting and motivate eligible members to become shareholders.
j. Hold a meeting with the prospective shareholders and discuss objectives and possible
business ideas for the company.
k. Revise the business plan for the company taking into account the views of the
prospective members.
l. Once the primary producers are willing to form a Producer Company and are ready to
contribute to the share capital
a. Identify Promoter Directors.
b. Prepare a draft Articles of Association (AoA).
c. Prepare a draft Memorandum of Association (MoA). Hire the services of a
consultant to get the AoA and MOA drafted, if necessary.
d. Call first informal meeting of the shareholders to approve
i. Articles of Association
ii. Memorandum of Association
iii. Selection of Promoter
iv. Authorized capital and cost of each share
m. Collect the capital and savings also if possible.
3.5 What are the legal formalities for formation of a Producer Company?
a. Obtain Digital Signature of the Nominated Director, who will be affixing DSC on all the
documents to be submitted to RoC online, on behalf of the company.
b. Chose maximum 4 names for the Producer Company in order of preference.
c. Apply for the name availability in Form – INC1.
d. Once name is available, a letter is received from RoC indicating it. The documents to
be submitted to ROC thereafter are:
e. Articles of Association (AoA).
f. Memorandum of Association (MoA).
g. Form No. INC-22 for Registered Office.
h. Form No. DIR-12 for Directors’ Appointment.
i. Apply on-line for Directors Identification Number (DIN) for the proposed Directors.
j. INC-7 – Affidavits by subscribers to Memorandum of Association to be filed, in case, if
they have signed in Hindi.
k. Power of Attorney in favour of a consultant to authorize him to make necessary
changes in MoA and AoA as required by the RoC.
l. Submit the documents to RoC for Incorporation of Producer Company.
m. Obtain Certificate of Commencement in INC-21
3.6 What is Digital Signature Certificate?
a. Digital Signature Certificates are equivalent to the paper certificates e.g. Driving License,
Pass port etc. The certificates serve as a proof of identity of a person for a particular
purpose. DSCs are used by the people for filing various important documents on-line.
b. All documents need to be signed digitally and submitted online to the RoC as per MCA21
e-Governance programme and in accordance with Information Technology Act 2000.
c. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is to be obtained for signing documents of the PC for
submission online by the authorized person of the PC.
d. Form for obtaining Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is available from the Certifying
Agencies of Certifying Authorities.
e. After filling the form, it is to be submitted to Certifying Authorities.
f. The DSCs are issued with one or two year validity normally and can be renewed thereafter.
g. There are three classes of DSCs namely Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. Class -2 DSC need to
be used by an individual for filing various forms for Producer Company or to file an Income
Tax Return.
h. The cost of obtaining Class -2 (DSC) is market driven and depends on the Certification
Agency and it costs Rs. 1000/- for one year and Rs. 1200/- for two years, as quoted by M/s
Varacity an agent of M/s Safescript and (n)Code Solutions which are Certifying Authorities.
3.7 What is a Certifying Authority (CA) for Digital Signature Certificate and list the CAs?
The IT Act provides for the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) to license and regulate
the working of Certifying Authorities. The Certifying Authorities (CAs) issue Digital Signature
Certificates for electronic authentication of users. At present the following organisations are
authorized as Certifying Authorities under CCA, Government of India.
3.12 What are the documents to be submitted to the Registrar of Companies (RoC) for
incorporation of a Producer Company?
a. Copy of the letter of RoC confirming the availability of name.
b. MoA and AoA duly stamped and signed.
c. Form INC-22 indicating the Registered Office of the company with full address.
d. Form DIR-12 in duplicate with details about the directors of the company.
e. Form INC-7 on stamp paper declaring compliance with all and incidental matters
regarding formation of companies.
f. Consent of each of the Directors along with form DIR-12.
g. An affidavit indicating that MoA is fully understood by the subscribers/signees, if they
sign in Hindi.
h. Power of Attorney to the agent who is dealing with the RoC to make corrections in MoA
and AoA, if necessary, to the satisfaction of the RoC.
3.17 Who will bear the cost of the registration of a Producer Company?
a. Initially the promoters of the company will bear the cost of registration of the
b. The promoters are generally the Producer Organisation Promoting Institution (POPI)
or the initial directors.
3.18 Whether Producer Company reimburses the cost of registration to the promoters?
The cost of registration may be reimbursed to the promoters duly approved by its
general body in its first meeting with a resolution passed to that effect.
h. to enjoy the profits of the company in the form of dividends
i. to elect directors and to participate in the management of the company
through them
j. to apply to the Company Law Board in case of oppression
k. to apply to the Company Law Board in case of mismanagement
l. to apply to the court for winding up of the company
m. to share the surplus on winding up
n. to have a share certificate issued to him/her in respect of his/her shares
Board Powers
3.29 What are the matters, which the Board generally deals with?
a. Determination of the dividend payable;
b. Determination of the quantum of withheld price and recommended patronage to be
approved at General Body Meeting;
c. Admission of new members;
d. Pursue and formulate the organizational policy, objectives, establish long term and
annual objectives, and approve corporate strategies and financial plans;
e. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and other officers, as may be specified in
the AoA. Control CEO and other officers by exercising superintendence and direction;
f. To sanction any loan or advance to members, who are not directors or their relatives, in
the course of its business;
g. Ensure proper books are maintained;
h. Acquire or dispose property of the company in the day-to-day affairs of the business;
i. Investment of the funds in the day to day business;
j. Ensure annual accounts are placed before the Annual General Meeting (AGM) with the
auditor’s report.
3.35 What should be the qualification of a Director?
Only individuals can be directors of a company. No educational qualification or minimum
holding of shares is required. Hence any individual can become a Director as per Section
465(1) of Companies Act, 2013.
3.36 What is the procedure for removing directors?
a. The shareholder directors of the company can be removed before the tenure by passing
an ordinary resolution at a general body meeting.
b. The Director ceases his post on completion of the tenure which ranges from 1 to 5 years.
3.37 What is the procedure for resignation of Director/s?
a. Any Director can resign from his post by giving intimation to the company in a manner
indicated in the AoA.
b. If AoA do not indicate any procedure for resignation, then a Director can resign by giving
reasonable notice. The resignation is deemed as accepted the moment the notice is given.
c. In case of Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director or whole-time Director, mere
notice of resignation will not be deemed as resignation. Their resignation will be
governed by the terms and conditions of the appointment. In this case acceptance of the
resignation is required to get relieved of their duties.
3.38 What is the accountability of a Director in a Producer Company?
a. A director or an officer who fails to provide information to a member or a person, for
whom he is required to provide information about the Producer Company, the Director is
liable for imprisonment for a term extending to 6 months and with a fine equivalent to 5%
of turnover of the company in the previous year
b. If there is a failure for convening an Annual General Meeting or other general meetings,
the Director shall be punishable with a fine extended up to Rs. 1 lakh. In case the default
continues, an additional fine extended up to Rs. 10,000/- per day.
3.39 Who appoints the CEO and what are his/her functions?
a. A full time CEO is appointed by the Board of Directors as per AoA
b. The CEO is to be other than a member
c. The CEO is accountable to both the Board of Directors and members
e. maintain proper books of account, prepare annual accounts, place the audited accounts
before the Board and in the Annual General Meeting of the Members;
f. furnish the members with periodic information to appraise them of the operation and
functions of the Company;
g. make appointments to posts in accordance with the powers delegated to him by the
h. assist the Board in the formation of goals, objectives, strategies, plans and policies;
i. advise the Board with respect to legal and regulatory matters concerning the proposed
and ongoing activities and take necessary action in respect thereof;
j. exercise the powers as may be necessary in the ordinary course of business;
k. discharge such other functions, and exercise such other powers, as may be delegated by
the Board;
l. to provide timely information to the Members and Board of Directors for scheduled
company meetings or emergency or short notice meetings.
3.42 Provide details of a few Institutes promoting the establishment and management of
the Producer Companies?
The establishment and the management of the Producer Companies are undertaken by
various institutions as indicated below:
a. Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC): This organization provides
facilities to the agriculturists in the following manner:
i. It links the agriculturist with the banks which in turn provide the requisite
financial assistance.
ii. It provides training to the farmers on the various aspects of their activities
viz., use of various technologies, selection of the appropriate fertilizers,