Burtz J
Burtz J
Burtz J
There are many individuals whose aid and guidance made this thesis and the
accompanying research a success. The author extends the utmost thanks to Dr. Ronald
A. Cook. His extensive knowledge and support proved invaluable. The discussions held
with Dr. H. R. Hamilton, III were extremely useful in the development of aspects of the
testing program. In addition, the author wishes to thank Dr. John M. Lybas for his help
The author also wishes to thank Johnny Fung, Brian Simoneau, Chuck Broward,
Vanessa Grillo, Kim Lammert, and Brian Kornreich for their assistance, knowledge, and
Transportation for his knowledge and financial support and to Walter Hanford from
Finally, the author is indebted to her close friends and family. The value of their
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. ii
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................. vi
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... xi
1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1
2. BACKGROUND ...........................................................................................................2
3.1 General.................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Method ........................................................... 11
3.3 Uniform Bond Stress Model ................................................................................. 12
4.1 General.................................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Single Grouted Anchor Test Program................................................................... 18
4.3 Group Grouted Anchor Test Program................................................................... 20
5.1 General.................................................................................................................. 21
5.2 Concrete ................................................................................................................ 21
5.3 Specimen Preparation ........................................................................................... 22
5.4 Installation Procedure ........................................................................................... 23
5.5 Apparatus .............................................................................................................. 24
5.6 Loading Procedure ................................................................................................ 26
5.7 Data Reduction...................................................................................................... 29
5.7.1 Displacement Calculations for Single Anchor Tests ................................... 29
5.7.2 Displacement Calculations for Group Anchor Tests ................................... 29
6. TEST RESULTS..........................................................................................................31
6.1 General.................................................................................................................. 31
6.2 Single Grouted Anchor Test Results..................................................................... 31
6.3 Group Grouted Anchor Test Results..................................................................... 34
7.1 General.................................................................................................................. 36
7.2 Strength versus Curing Time ................................................................................ 36
7.3 Threaded Rod versus Deformed Reinforcing Bar ................................................ 37
7.4 Threaded Rod versus Smooth Rod ....................................................................... 37
7.5 Regular Hex Nut versus Heavy Hex Nut.............................................................. 38
7.6 Hole Drilling Technique ....................................................................................... 39
7.7 Damp Hole Installation ......................................................................................... 39
7.8 Elevated Temperature ........................................................................................... 40
7.9 Summary ............................................................................................................... 40
9.1 General.................................................................................................................. 48
9.2 Grout/Concrete Bond Stress (τ0)........................................................................... 49
9.3 Test Series to Establish Steel/Grout Bond Stress (τ) ............................................ 49
9.4 Strength versus Curing Time ................................................................................ 50
9.5 Threaded Rod versus Deformed Reinforcing Bar ................................................ 50
9.6 Hole Drilling Technique ....................................................................................... 51
9.7 Moisture Condition of Hole .................................................................................. 51
9.8 Elevated Temperature ........................................................................................... 53
9.9 Horizontal and Overhead Hole Orientation (Optional) ........................................ 53
9.10 Long-term Load (Optional)................................................................................. 55
9.11 Additional Factors............................................................................................... 56
A NOTATION .................................................................................................................61
Table page
6-1 Summary of single anchor test results exhibiting bond failure ...................................32
B-1 Individual baseline and hole drilling technique anchor test results ............................65
Figure page
2-3 Typical bond failures at the steel/grout and grout/concrete interfaces for
unheaded grouted anchors.............................................................................................7
2-4 Typical bond failure at the grout/concrete interface and concrete cone breakout
failure of headed grouted anchors.................................................................................8
3-2 Projected areas for single anchors and anchor groups for the CCD method...............13
3-3 Calculation of AN0 for the uniform bond stress model using the anchor diameter ......14
3-4 Projected areas for single anchors and anchor groups for the uniform bond
stress model using the anchor diameter ......................................................................15
3-5 Calculation of AN0 for the uniform bond stress model using the hole diameter ..........15
3-6 Projected areas for single anchors and anchor groups for the uniform bond
stress model using the hole diameter ..........................................................................15
5-3 Minimum reaction positions of test apparatus for headed anchors .............................27
5-4 Diagram of displacement calculation for individual anchor in group test ..................30
8-4 Critical anchor spacing of 10d0 compared to experimental results .............................46
C-1 Graphs of test results of core-drilled anchors installed 4.5 inches away
from one edge .............................................................................................................73
C-2 Graphs of test results of core-drilled anchors installed 6.0 inches away
from one edge .............................................................................................................74
C-3 Graphs of test results of core-drilled anchors installed 7.5 inches away
from one edge .............................................................................................................75
D-1 Graphs of results of first core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 5.0 inches...................................................................................................78
D-2 Graphs of results of second core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 5.0 inches...................................................................................................79
D-3 Graphs of results of third core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 5.0 inches...................................................................................................80
D-4 Graphs of results of first core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 9.0 inches...................................................................................................81
D-5 Graphs of results of second core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 9.0 inches...................................................................................................82
D-6 Graphs of results of third core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 9.0 inches...................................................................................................83
E-2 Typical grout/concrete bond failure of single anchor with secondary shallow
concrete cone ..............................................................................................................84
E-3 Grout/concrete bond failure of single core-drilled anchor with secondary
shallow cone removed and grout plug exposed ..........................................................85
E-9 Typical surface view of cone failure of quadruple fastener anchor group
with anchor spacing of 5 inches..................................................................................88
E-10 Typical dissection view of cone failure of quadruple fastener anchor group
with anchor spacing of 5 inches.................................................................................88
F-4 Comparison of average failure loads for installation with threaded rods
and smooth rods ..........................................................................................................91
F-5 Comparison of average bond stresses for installation with threaded rods
and reinforcing bars ....................................................................................................92
F-8 Comparison of average bond stresses for installation in damp and dry holes ............93
F-9 Comparison of average failure loads for tests performed at ambient and
elevated temperatures..................................................................................................94
Abstract of Thesis Presented to the Graduate School
Of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering
August 2003
Based on experimental test results, a set of design equations were developed for
computing the tensile pullout resistance of headed and unheaded single and group
grouted anchors. Edge distance and group spacing effects are considered, and values for
the critical edge distance and critical anchor spacing are proposed. The results of this
testing program, along with those from previous experimental programs, were analyzed
from these results, a series of product approval tests was proposed to determine if an
A typical grouted anchor consists of a steel rod and the grout product installed
into a hole drilled in hardened concrete. Grout products can be either cementitious or
polymer based and installed into the hole with a headed or unheaded anchor. This paper
explores the behavior of both single and groups of grouted anchors loaded in tension in
uncracked concrete. The parameters considered are hole drilling technique, anchor
diameter, edge effects, and group effects. These results, along with the results from
existing test databases, form the basis for a proposed design model for grouted anchors
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318-02 (ACI 2002) includes a new
of extensive testing, the ACI 318 committee is currently working on including adhesive
anchors in Appendix D. Grouted anchors are also being considered for inclusion.
Anchor fastenings to concrete can be divided into two main categories: cast-in-
place and post-installed anchors. Figure 2-1 presents a diagram summarizing the types of
Anchor Systems
Bonded Mechanical
J & L Bolts
Polymer Polymer
Hybrid System
Cast-in-place anchors are installed by first connecting them to the formwork prior
or stud. The main load transfer mechanism is through bearing on the head. Extensive
testing has been performed on cast-in-place anchors, and a design model has been
anchors behave predictably but are fixed in their location after the concrete is cast.
Post-installed anchors offer more flexibility, and their use is now common.
bonded (adhesive and grouted) anchors. Expansion anchors are installed by expanding
controlled techniques, and load is transferred through friction between the hole and the
expanded portion of the anchor. Undercut anchors are installed in a similar manner to
expansion anchors, but they possess a slightly oversized hole at the base of the anchor
embedment. Load is transferred through bearing of the base of the undercut anchor on
the hole. Both adhesive and grouted anchors fall under the heading of bonded anchors.
This paper is primarily concerned with the comparison of grouted anchors to cast-in-
An adhesive anchor can be either an unheaded threaded rod or a deformed reinforcing bar
percent larger than the diameter of the anchor. These anchors are bonded into the hole
using a two-part structural adhesive consisting of a resin and a curing agent to bind the
reinforcing bar, a headed bolt, a headed stud, a smooth rod with a nut on the embedded
end, or a threaded rod with a nut on the embedded end. Grouted anchors are installed
into hardened concrete in predrilled holes that are typically 50 to 200 percent larger than
the diameter of the anchor. For the purposes of this paper, the break point between an
adhesive anchor and a grouted anchor is when the hole diameter is equal to one and a half
times the anchor diameter; all anchors installed in holes greater than or equal one and a
composed of primarily fine aggregates, portland cement, and water; polymer grouts are
similar in nature to the structural adhesive used to bind adhesive anchors to concrete but
The curing time of adhesive products is rapid, which makes them ideal for
situations requiring a quick set. Different products can be used to install adhesive
systems. Cook et al. (1998) explain that when the resin and curing agent are mixed, the
that binds the anchor and the concrete together. Adhesive anchors are typically installed
in clean dry holes to attain maximum bond strength. Applied load is transferred from the
Cook et al. (1998) proposed a model to design adhesive anchors and to predict
anchor strength. This model was developed by comparing the test results from an
international test database of single adhesive anchors to several different design models.
The uniform bond stress model was proposed and provided the best fit to the database.
McVay et al. (1996) also showed the uniform bond stress model to be rational through
Product approval standards and guidelines for adhesives currently exist in several
Service (ICBO ES) AC58 (ICBO ES 2001) lists and describes various tests for evaluating
The mandatory tests include single anchor tests in tension and in shear, critical edge
distance tests for single anchors in tension, tests for critical anchor spacing in anchor
groups, and tests for sensitivity to in-service temperature conditions. The Florida Method
of Test FM 5-568 (FDOT 2000) describes the tests required by the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) for determining the bond strength and sensitivity to installation
and service conditions of adhesive bonded anchors and dowels. This document
references both the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E 488-96
(ASTM 2001d) and ASTM E 1512-01 (ASTM 2001e) in respect to how tests on anchor
systems should be performed. The FM 5-568 recommends that tension tests, damp hole
installation tests, elevated temperature tests, horizontal orientation tests, short-term cure
tests, and long-term loading tests be performed on anchor systems. Cook and Konz
installation and service conditions through 765 tests. Installation factors examined
included variations in the condition of the drilled hole, concrete strength, and concrete
elevated temperature.
products. Anchors bonded with a polymer grout are intended to be installed into dry
holes and under similar conditions as adhesive anchors. Polymer grouts are very similar
grouts contain a resin component and a curing agent (hardener), and polymer grouts are
Polymer grouts usually have a rapid cure time, and anchors can be loaded hours after
achieve the desired viscosity. Anchors bonded with a cementitious grout are intended to
be installed in clean, damp holes in order to prevent excess water loss into the concrete
from the grout, which would reduce the bond strength of the grout. To ensure that this
does not occur, the holes are usually saturated by filling them with water for a minimum
Grouted anchors can be installed with or without a head at the embedded end, as
shown in Figure 2-2. The presence of a head, or the lack thereof, affects the load transfer
mechanism from the anchor to the grout. However, load is transferred from the grout to
the concrete primarily through bond and mechanical interlock regardless of the presence
or absence of a head.
transfer load to the grout through bond and mechanical interlock. These anchors are
performed at the University of Florida by Kornreich (2001) and Zamora (1998) confirms
that these failure modes occur. Figure 2-3 shows the typical failure modes for unheaded
grouted anchors.
Figure 2-3 Typical bond failures at the steel/grout and grout/concrete interfaces for
unheaded grouted anchors
Headed anchors installed with a headed bolt or a smooth rod with a nut at the
embedded end of the anchor transfer load to the grout through bearing on the head.
These anchors are expected to fail either in a bond failure at the grout/concrete interface
with a secondary shallow cone or in a full concrete cone breakout depending on the bond
strength of the grout. Failure at the steel/grout interface is precluded due to the presence
of the head. Similar to unheaded grouted anchors, previous testing performed at the
University of Florida by Kornreich (2001) and Zamora (1998) confirms these failure
modes occur. Figure 2-4 shows the typical failure modes for headed grouted anchors.
Figure 2-4 Typical bond failure at the grout/concrete interface and concrete cone
breakout failure of headed grouted anchors
grouted anchors under tensile load have been presented in published literature. In the
earlier stages of grouted anchor research, the theoretical behavior of polymer grouts was
grouted anchors in reinforced concrete based on linear and nonlinear finite element
considered in this study included various ratios of embedment depth to bolt diameter,
different grout properties, and two concrete failure theories: the maximum tensile stress
criteria and the Mohr-Coulomb criteria. According to James et al. (1987), when bond
failure occurs at the grout/concrete interface, testing has shown that the load capacity was
directly related to the size of the drilled hole. As the hole size increased, the load
capacity of the epoxy was increased due to the increase in bond area and displacement of
the head of the bolt also increased. If higher strength grouts are utilized, the shear
strength of the concrete will control, and failure at the grout/concrete interface is
precluded. Additionally, the location of the reaction ring was crucial because, if it was
too close to the anchor, it could result in falsely inflated anchor strength.
Other studies were experimental in nature and examined the behavior of polymer
and cementitious grouts while varying physical parameters. One such experimental study
was reported by Zamora (1998) and contained 290 tension tests on post-installed
unheaded and headed grouted anchors. The bond strength of unheaded and headed
grouted anchors was tested for influence of anchor diameter, hole diameter, embedment
strength. A product approval test program for grout products was also investigated, and
the following tests were performed: damp hole installation, elevated temperature,
threaded rod versus deformed reinforcing bar, regular hex nut versus heavy hex nut, and a
test series to establish bond stress at the grout concrete interface. Portions from Zamora
concrete away from a free edge and under tensile load are presented in Zamora et al.
(2003). Test results showed unheaded grouted anchors experienced a bond failure and, in
general, behaved similar to adhesive anchors, and headed grouted anchors experienced
either a bond failure at the grout/concrete interface or a concrete cone breakout. This
study recommended that the strength of unheaded grouted anchors be predicted using the
uniform bond stress model; the strength of headed grouted anchors was recommended to
concrete cone breakout. Differences in bond strengths were found to exist between
installation of threaded rods and deformed reinforcing bars when cementitious grouts
were utilized. Cementitious grouts experienced a lower bond strength when installed
using a heavy hex nut as opposed to a regular hex nut; the effect was opposite for the one
polymer grout product tested. Additionally, tests indicated that the bond strength of
polymer grouts was generally reduced with an increase in temperature or damp hole
headed and unheaded grouted anchors by varying several parameters. Tests included:
grout strength versus curing time, bond of grout to smooth steel, bond of grout to
concrete, and basic bond strength at the steel/grout interface. Based on the results
In the present paper, the results of post-installed headed grouted anchor tests
examining the effects of hole drilling technique, edge distance effects, and group spacing
effects are presented. The results from previous studies and existing test databases on
headed and unheaded grouted anchors and cementitious and polymer grouts are
specifications for grouted anchors and product approval tests for engineered grout
3.1 General
depending on whether the anchors were headed or unheaded. Both cast-in-place headed
anchors and post-installed adhesive anchors have been extensively studied, and
behavioral models have been developed that accurately predict anchor strength. The
Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) method and the uniform bond stress model were
therefore used to evaluate the behavior of grouted anchors in this test program, as well as
in previous test programs. The development, applicability, and general equations of these
Fuchs et al.(1995) first proposed the CCD method in 1995. This model was
created to predict the failure loads of cast-in-place headed anchors and post-installed
mechanical anchors loaded in tension or in shear that form a full concrete cone. The
mean tensile capacity for single cast-in-place headed anchors installed in uncracked
1.5 (1a)
N c ,0 = 40 f ' c hef (lbf)
1.5 (1b)
N c ,0 = 16.7 f ' c hef (N)
Similarly, the CCD method predicts the tensile capacity of cast-in-place headed anchor
Nc = Ψc ,e N c ,0 (lbf or N)
AN 0
where Ψc ,e = 0.7 + 0.3
Figures 3-1 and 3-2 are adapted from figures found in ACI 318-02 Appendix D (ACI
2002). Figure 3-1 illustrates the calculation of AN0. Figure 3-2 depicts the projected
areas for single anchors and groups of anchors for the CCD method as well as the
calculation of AN.
different models, and the uniform bond stress model using the anchor diameter was found
to be the best fit to the test database. As a result, a uniform bond stress can be assumed
along the entire embedment depth of the adhesive anchor and accurately predict the bond
strength when the embedment length does not exceed 25 times the anchor diameter. For
Figure 3-2 Projected areas for single anchors and anchor groups for the CCD method
grouted anchors with the hole diameter greater than or equal to one and a half times the
anchor diameter, bond failure can be distinguished at either the steel/grout interface or at
the grout/concrete interface. Zamora et al. (2003) presented two variations of this model
to account for failure at the inner and outer surfaces of the bonding agent as shown in the
following equations for single anchors installed away from a free edge:
Lehr and Eligehausen (2001) proposed an extension of the uniform bond stress
model for unheaded adhesive anchor groups shown below in Equation (5). This equation
could also be applied to grouted anchor groups that experience a bond failure at the
steel/grout interface. When bond failure occurs at the grout/concrete interface, Equation
(5) may be revised as shown in Equation (6). In this way, the tensile capacity of anchor
groups can be predicted by the uniform bond stress model using the following equations:
Nτ = Ψτ ,e N τ ,0 (lbf or N)
AN 0
where Ψτ ,e = 0.7 + 0.3
Nτ 0 = Ψτ ,e N τ 0 ,0 (lbf or N)
AN 0 0
where Ψτ 0 ,e = 0.7 + 0.3
8d 0
Figures 3-3 through 3-6 are adapted for the uniform bond stress model from
similar figures for the CCD method found in ACI 318-02 Appendix D (ACI 2002).
Figures 3-3 and 3-5 show the calculation of AN0 for bond failure at the steel/grout and
grout/concrete interfaces, respectively. Figures 3-4 and 3-6 depict the projected areas for
single anchors and groups of anchors for the uniform bond stress model as well as the
8d 8d
AN0 = [2(8)d][2(8)d]
= 256 d2
Figure 3-3 Calculation of AN0 for the uniform bond stress model using the anchor
c1 8d AN
c1 s1 8d
8d AN
AN = (c1 + 8d)(2 x 8d)
If c1 < 8d AN = (c1 + s1 + 8d)(c2 + s2 + 8d)
If c1 and c2 < 8d
and s1 and s2 < 16d
Figure 3-4 Projected areas for single anchors and anchor groups for the uniform bond
stress model using the anchor diameter
8 d0
8 d0
8 d0 8 d0
AN0 = [2(8)d0][2(8)d0]
= 256 d02
Figure 3-5 Calculation of AN0 for the uniform bond stress model using the hole diameter
c1 8 d0 AN
c1 s1 8 d0
8 d0 AN
8 d0
8 d0
AN = (c1 + 8d0)(2 x 8d0)
If c1 < 8d0 AN = (c1 + s1 + 8d0)(c2 + s2 + 8d0)
If c1 and c2 < 8d0
and s1 and s2 < 16d0
Figure 3-6 Projected areas for single anchors and anchor groups for the uniform bond
stress model using the hole diameter
Since adhesive anchors are typically installed in holes with diameters only 10 to
25 percent larger than the anchor diameter, Zamora (1998) conjectured that it is difficult
interface. However, grouted anchors are usually installed in holes with diameters ranging
from 50 to 200 percent larger than the anchor diameter. The larger hole size makes it
Equation (3) has been shown by Cook et al. (1998) to be a good approximation of
single adhesive anchor tensile strength even though the interface at which bond failure
occurred is not always readily apparent. Similarly, Equation (5) is applicable to groups
of adhesive anchors according to Section 7.12 of the Structures Design Guidelines for
Load and Resistance Factor Design (FDOT 2002b). In general, both Equation (3) and
Equation (4) are applicable to evaluating the strength of single grouted anchors since the
interface at which bond failure occurred is more easily observed. For headed grouted
anchors experiencing bond failure, only Equation (4) should be considered when
determining the tensile strength since failure at the steel/grout interface is precluded by
the presence of the head. The applicability of Equation (6) to headed grouted anchor
4.1 General
The objective of this test program was to perform additional grouted anchor tests
in order to provide a more complete picture of the behavior of engineered grout products.
The results of these tests, along with current test databases, will be used to evaluate the
of grouted anchors, and to advocate a series of product approval tests to perform in the
assessment of engineered grouts. Previous test programs have not fully addressed the
this test program chose certain parameters in an attempt to force a failure at the
cementitious grout product, CA (cementitious grout product A) for the purposes of this
hole diameter was minimized, allowing only a small clearance between the heavy hex nut
of the headed anchor and the side of the hole, to promote a grout/concrete bond failure.
To properly evaluate this failure mode, other anchor parameters were varied. The
experimental program included factors often encountered during design and installation
of anchors including hole drilling technique (diamond-headed core drill or rotary impact
hammer drill), anchor diameter, edge distance effects, and group spacing effects.
Embedment depth was held constant. The test program was separated into two primary
sections: single and group grouted anchor tests. In general, each single anchor series
consisted of at least three repetitions, and each group anchor series consisted of three
In the single grouted anchor test program, three separate installations of headed
grouted anchors were conducted. Each installation contained a baseline series of anchors
grouted into core-drilled holes. All baseline series consisted of three repetitions except
the first baseline series, which contained five tests. Other installation parameters were
explored in addition to the baseline series of tests to establish which factors affect the
The first installation in the single grouted anchor test program was comprised of
ten anchors, separated into two series of five, and aimed to test the potential effects of
hole drilling techniques. All ten anchors were 0.625 inch (15.9 mm) in diameter, smooth
steel rods with threaded ends, and headed using a heavy hex nut. In addition, the
embedment depth was 5 inches (127.0 mm) measured from the top of the nut to the top of
the concrete, and the edge distance of 12 inches (304.8 mm) was sufficiently large to
eliminate concern of edge distance effects. The baseline series consisted of five of the
aforementioned anchors damp-installed into core-drilled holes 1.5 inches (38.1 mm) in
diameter. The second single anchor series in the first installation varied one factor from
the baseline series; these five anchors were damp-installed into hammer-drilled holes 1.5
The second installation in this test program consisted of 11 anchors with the
purpose of examining edge effects and to further inquire into effects arising from hole
drilling techniques. All anchors in this installation were 0.75 inch (19.1mm) in diameter,
smooth steel rods with threaded ends, and headed using a heavy hex nut. As in the
previous installation, all anchors were embedded 5 inches (127.0 mm), and all holes were
1.5 inches (38.1 mm) in diameter. The baseline series consisted of three anchors damp-
installed into core-drilled holes. The second series in this installation contained three
anchors damp-installed into hammer-drilled holes. All anchors in both of these series
were installed a minimum of 15 inches (381 mm) from the edge of the concrete block to
eliminate the possibility of edge effects. The final test series on this installation was
were 7.5 inches (190.5 mm) from one edge and a minimum of 24 inches (609.6 mm)
distance effects in more detail. All anchors in this installation were 0.75 inch (19.1 mm)
in diameter, smooth steel rods with threaded ends, and headed with a heavy hex nut.
Again, all anchors were embedded 5 inches (127.0 mm); all holes were core-drilled and
1.5 inches (38.1 mm) in diameter. The baseline series consisted of three anchors damp-
installed and placed a minimum of 15 inches (381 mm) from all edges to preclude this
type of effect. The two edge effects series included five anchors damp-installed 6 inches
(152.4 mm) from one edge and five anchors damp-installed 4.5 inches (114.3 mm) from
one edge. All ten anchors were placed a minimum of 24 inches (609.6 mm) from the
remaining edges.
In the group grouted anchor test program, two separate installations of quadruple
fastener headed grouted anchor groups were carried out. In order to evaluate the group
effect, the single anchor strength N0 must be established. For this reason, a baseline
series, as discussed in the previous section, was installed in the same concrete on the
same day as the group specimens. This allowed for a direct comparison of group strength
The first quadruple fastener series of three tests was installed in the first
installation. Each anchor group contained four anchors 0.625 inch (15.9 mm) in diameter
with smooth steel shafts, threaded ends, and headed using heavy hex nuts. All anchors
were embedded 5 inches (127.0 mm) deep in holes 1.5 inches (38.1 mm) in diameter and
spaced 5 inches (127.0 mm) from each adjacent anchor to form a square.
The second series of three tests was installed in the third installation. Each anchor
group included four anchors 0.75 inch (19.1 mm) in diameter with smooth steel shafts,
threaded ends, and headed using heavy hex nuts. All anchors were embedded 5 inches
(127.0 mm) deep in holes 1.5 inches (38.1 mm) in diameter and spaced 9 inches (228.6
5.1 General
This test program consisted of two concrete pours and three sets of anchor
installations. All tests were unconfined tension tests and performed in general
accordance with applicable sections of ASTM E 488-96 (ASTM 2001d) and ASTM E
1512-01 (ASTM 2001e). General test methods for single and group post-installed and
cast-in-place anchorage systems are presented in ASTM E 488. More specific testing
5.2 Concrete
For both pours, concrete was ordered from a local ready-mixed plant that batched,
mixed, and delivered the concrete to the University of Florida Structures Laboratory.
The first pour occurred on February 22, 2002; the second pour occurred on July 18, 2002.
All concrete was FDOT Class II to achieve the compressive strengths necessary to
preclude a concrete cone breakout failure. The mix design specified a 28-day
compressive strength of 3400 psi, but cylinder tests yielded a compressive strength of
6460 to 7670 psi. Wooden formwork was utilized to construct the seven rectangular
blocks in each pour: six blocks 4x4x1.25 feet (1219x1219x381 mm) and one block
4x8x1.25 feet (1219x2438x381 mm). Each block contained a single steel reinforcing mat
to accommodate handling stresses and prevent cracking. The reinforcement was located
9 inches (228.6 mm) down from the top surface of the concrete. This distance was
greater than the embedment depth of the anchors, which avoided any interactions during
testing and failure. After the concrete was poured, consolidated, and smoothed, the
blocks were covered with plastic sheets for three days to cure; the blocks were then
removed from the formwork. Blocks were allowed to sit for a minimum of 28 days after
pouring to attain adequate strength before drilling holes. Concrete compressive strength
was determined through cylinder tests performed in accordance with ASTM C 39-01
(ASTM 2001a).
Once the concrete had sufficiently cured, the required holes for the anchors were
drilled into the concrete blocks by using either a core drill or a hammer drill. The holes
were drilled deeper than the desired embedment depth to provide room for the nut, the
end of the anchor, and a pocket of grout at the base of each hole. A summary of the
dimensions, hole drilling technique, type of anchor installed, and the type of test being
After the completion of hole drilling, the holes were cleaned according to the
grout manufacturer’s directions. This was accomplished by first vacuuming out the loose
matter resulting from the drilling process. Next, the holes were flushed several times
with clean water, and the water was vacuumed out each time. The holes were then
brushed, while damp, using a bottlebrush in accordance with the grout manufacturer’s
directions. The holes were flushed several more times with clean water, and the water
was vacuumed out each time. Then the holes were prepared for installation according to
the grout manufacturer’s instructions. This consisted of filling the cleaned holes with
water for a minimum of 24 hours to allow for a damp hole installation. The holes were
sealed with duct tape to prevent foreign matter from entering. Just prior to anchor
installation, the duct tape was removed and excess water was vacuumed out. The anchors
were cleaned prior to installation using paint thinner as a degreaser according to the grout
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Edge distances designated as N/A refer to anchors installed at > 8d0.
Spacing between anchors designated as N/A refers to anchors installed at > 16d0.
Structures Laboratory in 2002. All installations were conducted similarly, and grout
cubes were also cast whenever anchors were installed. The compressive strength of the
grout product was determined through the testing of grout cubes in accordance to ASTM
C 109-99 (ASTM 2001b). The holes were filled approximately 75% full, and the headed
anchors were inserted. The anchors were shifted about in the holes to remove any
entrapped air and then supported in position at the proper embedment depth. Moist
curing occurred for seven days by wrapping the anchors with saturated paper towels and
For the first installation, a field representative from the grout manufacturer was on
site to oversee, train, and assist in the installation process. This ensured that the grout
was proportioned, mixed, and installed to the manufacturer’s specifications. For all
installations, the grout product CA was mixed to a fluid consistency with a high torque
electric drill and mixing paddle for five minutes. The grout mixture was then subjected
to a standard 1725 mL flow cone test in accordance with ASTM C 939-97 (ASTM
2001d). The grout product, date of installation, flow rate, and minimum cure time from
all three installations are summarized in Table 5-2. The flow rates fell within the
5.5 Apparatus
A schematic diagram of the equipment used in the tension tests for the single
grouted anchors can be seen in Figure 5-1. The tests performed were unconfined, since
the position of the reactions was in accordance with ASTM E 488. Figure 5-3 shows the
positions of these reactions in relation to the anchor specimen. The equipment setup was
designed to allow direct measurement of the load and displacement of the single anchor
One 1.125 inch (28.6 mm) diameter pull bar/coupling rod and
retaining nut
Coupling nut
The edge distance tests used two steel channels instead of the reaction ring due to the
The equipment used in the group grouted anchor tension tests is shown in the
schematic diagram in Figure 5-2. These tests were also unconfined due to the position of
the reactions as shown in Figure 5-3. The equipment setup was designed to allow direct
measurement of the load and displacement for each individual anchor as well as the
One 1.125 inch (28.6 mm) diameter pull bar/coupling rod and
retaining nut
Pull Bar
Load Cell
Hydraulic Ram
Coupling Nut
LVDT Plate
Concrete Block
Grout Layer
To pull out a single grouted anchor, the anchor was connected to the coupling rod
using a coupling nut. The reaction ring/steel channels and steel flanges were arranged to
provide an unconfined test surface. The hydraulic ram was placed atop these supports so
that the pull rod passed through its center. The load cell was placed between two bearing
plates above the hydraulic ram. Finally, a retaining nut was tightened down the coupling
rod to the topmost bearing plate, and the LVDT’s were secured in position.
Load Cell
Pull Bar
Steel Pull
Reaction Plate
Test Concrete
Anchor Block
Reaction d Reaction
2 hef 2 hef
Figure 5-3 Minimum reaction positions of test apparatus for headed anchors
The hydraulic ram was powered and advanced using a 10,000 psi (68,950 MPa)
electric pump. The pump was outfitted with two valves. The first controlled the supply
to the ram from the pump. The other regulated a bypass from the ram to the oil reservoir.
These valves were manually adjusted to control the load applied to the anchor specimen.
This setup was used in tandem with a data acquisition system capable of continuously
The typical single anchor testing procedure contained the following steps:
The loading procedure for the group tests was similar to the single anchor tests.
Each anchor passed through holes in the pull plate, and the coupling rod passed through
the center hole and was secured with a nut. A load washer was placed on top of each
anchor and secured with a bearing plate and a nut. The rest of the test apparatus was
assembled as shown in Figure 5-2. The hydraulic ram was operated in the same manner
as in the single anchor tests. The data acquisition program was also similar but modified
to record the readings from the main load cell, the four load washers, and the four
The typical group anchor testing procedure contained the following steps:
Single anchor specimens were located directly under the coupling rod. Two
anchor during testing was calculated by taking the mean of these two readings.
For each test conducted, the potentiometers were placed at the same location on
the pull plate. This position was 5 inches (127 mm) measured from the center of the pull
plate through the center of the sides and 7.07 inches (179.6 mm) measured from the
center of the pull plate through the corners. Thus, the potentiometers formed a square 10
All anchor displacements were calculated assuming that the pull plate was rigid.
The deflection of each anchor relative to the concrete block was found using
The overall displacement of the group was computed as the mean of the four
(d1 + d 2 + d 3 + d 4 ) (7)
d tot = (inches or mm)
The displacement of the single anchors within the group was calculated according
7.07 inches
Pull Rod
dtot dn dn,poten
Grout Layer
Test Anchor
Figure 5-4 Diagram of displacement calculation for individual anchor in group test
6.1 General
The following sections provide a summary of all test series performed. All tests
were performed using the same cementitious grout product, CA. A total of three
installations were performed. All anchors were post-installed as headed with an effective
detailed results for baseline and hole drilling technique anchor tests. The load-
displacement graphs and detailed results for anchors installed near one edge are presented
Three types of single anchor tests were performed. First, baseline anchors were
installed in core-drilled holes. Second, anchors testing the effects of hole drilling
technique were installed in hammer-drilled holes. Finally, anchors were installed in core-
drilled holes at various distances from one edge of the concrete block and subsequently
Table 6-1 provides a summary of the test results for each type of single anchor
test performed that resulted in bond failure (i.e. tests exhibiting steel failure are excluded
from Table 6-1). In general, single anchors experienced a failure at the grout/concrete
as evidenced by the diagonal cracking that was observed in the concrete after testing.
Frequently, this secondary concrete cone did not remain attached to the anchor during the
tension tests, and cracking and spalling of the concrete was observed on the surface of the
Table 6-1 Summary of single anchor test results exhibiting bond failure
Tested # of Tests in
Installation # Test Series N0 kips (kN) Abond in2 (mm2) τ0 psi (MPa) COV
Effect Calculation
1 CD 1 Baseline 29.4 (131) 23.6 (15200) 1250 (8.60) 0.046 5
1 HD 1 Hammer 30.3 (135) 23.6 (15200) 1290 (8.90) 0.012 2
2 CD 2 Baseline 35.1 (156) 23.6 (15200) 1490 (10.3) 0.040 3
2 HD 2 Hammer 29.0 (129) 23.6 (15200) 1230 (8.50) 0.326 3
2 E 7.5 Edge 7.5 31.9 (142) 23.6 (15200) 1350 (9.30) 0.099 5
3 CD 3 Baseline 39.3 (175) 23.6 (15200) 1670 (11.5) 0.097 3
3 E 4.5 Edge 4.5 28.7 (128) 23.6 (15200) 1220 (8.40) 0.086 5
3 E 6.0 Edge 6.0 32.5 (145) 23.6 (15200) 1380 (9.50) 0.070 5
For the first installation, the average bond stress for the baseline series of core-
drilled holes was 1250 psi (8.60 MPa) with a coefficient of variation of 0.046. For the
test series containing hammer-drilled holes, three of the specimens experienced a steel
failure at a level below the ultimate anchor stress capacity specified by the manufacturer.
The average bond stress for the remaining two specimens installed in hammer-drilled
holes was 1290 psi (8.90 MPa) with a coefficient of variation of 0.012. Normalizing the
mean of the hammer-drilled series with the mean of the baseline series yields a ratio of
In the second installation, the average bond stress for the baseline series of core-
drilled holes was 1490 psi (10.3 MPa) with a coefficient of variation of 0.040. Anchors
installed in hammer-drilled holes were also tested and resulted in an average bond stress
of 1230 psi (8.50 MPa) and a coefficient of variation of 0.326. Normalizing the mean of
the hammer-drilled series with the mean of the baseline series yields a ratio of 0.826
times the baseline series bond stress. Anchors were also tested for edge effects in the
second installation. The average bond stress for anchors installed in core-drilled holes
7.5 inches away from one edge was 1350 psi (9.30 MPa) with a coefficient of variation of
0.099. Normalizing the mean of the edge distance series with the mean of the baseline
series yields a ratio of 0.909 times the baseline series bond stress.
Baseline anchors, as well as those installed near one edge, were tested in the third
installation. The average bond stress for the baseline series of anchors installed in core-
drilled holes was 1670 psi (11.5 MPa) with a coefficient of variation of 0.097. Anchors
installed in core-drilled holes 4.5 inches away from one edge had an average bond stress
of 1220 psi (8.40 MPa) with a coefficient of variation of 0.086. Normalizing the mean of
the edge distance series with the mean of the baseline series yields a ratio of 0.730 times
the baseline series bond stress. Finally, the average bond stress of anchors installed in
core-drilled holes 6.0 inches away from one edge was 1380 psi (9.50 MPa) with a
coefficient of variation of 0.0700. Normalizing the mean of the edge distance series with
the mean of the baseline series yields a ratio of 0.827 times the baseline series of the bond
For further comparison, all 11 baseline test results from the three installations
were combined into one database. The average bond stress was 1390 psi (9.60 MPa)
with a coefficient of variation of 0.192. The coefficient of variation is less than 0.200,
which generally indicates that the grout product’s behavior is reasonably consistent when
repeated in the given application. FDOT Section 937 (FDOT 2002a) limits the
coefficient of variation for uniform bond stress to 20%, which serves as a basis for using
this limit for the purposes of this paper. Table 6-2 provides a summary of the tests
Two sets of quadruple fastener group anchor test series were installed and tested.
All anchors were installed in core-drilled holes. All parameters, except anchor spacing,
were held constant. Table 6-3 provides a summary of the group test series results.
In the first anchor installation, groups of grouted anchors were installed in core-
drilled holes with an anchor spacing of 5 inches. All of the repetitions in this test series
experienced a concrete cone breakout failure. Due to this, an average bond stress could
not be calculated. The average total tensile failure load was 64.1 kips (285 kN) with a
coefficient of variation of 0.040. According to the CCD method shown in Equation (2),
the predicted strength of the grouted anchor groups with anchor spacing of 5 inches was
69.6 kips.
Groups of grouted anchors were also installed in core-drilled holes in the third
installation. In this test series, the anchor spacing was increased to 9 inches. All of the
repetitions in this test series exhibited a bond failure at the grout/concrete interface. The
average total tensile failure load was 104 kips (460 kN) with a coefficient of variation of
0.027. The average bond stress of the anchor group was 1100 psi (7.60 MPa). The
predicted strength of the grouted anchor groups using the diameter of the hole in the
uniform bond stress model was 74.4 kips. This value is conservative, and a revision to
the critical spacing will be presented in the proposed design model in Chapter 8.
N 64.1 (285)
COV 0.040
N 104 (460)
COV 0.027
Tests in which a failure at the grout/concrete interface occurred are designated as g/c.
7.1 General
conditions have on grout bond strength to enable proper design of a structure. Testing of
a variety of potential effects were performed over the course of several grouted anchor
testing programs with the purpose of determining what types of product approval tests
might apply to engineered grout products. The following is a written summary of these
Kornreich (2001) performed tests on unheaded threaded rods installed using three
different grout products: one polymer (PB) and two cementitious (CA and CG) grouts.
Tests were performed at 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days. The rate at
which the grouts attained their full bond strength appeared to be product dependent.
However, the polymer based grout product seemed to reach its full bond strength in a
shorter time period; product PB appeared to reach full strength after only 24 hours. Grout
CG matured to full strength after 7 days, and grout CA did not attain full strength until 14
days after installation. Currently, FM 5-568 (FDOT 2000) only requires a short-term
cure test for adhesive anchors in which tests are performed at only 24 hours.
the grout bond strength of unheaded threaded rods and deformed reinforcing bars. Four
cementitious grout products were examined. Three of the four products experienced a
lower bond strength when the grout was installed with a deformed reinforcing bar. Two
diminished by 27%. The fourth product, CC, showed a 104% increase in bond strength
when installed with deformed reinforcing bars. However, this product is no longer
marketed for this application and should not be used to draw conclusions. The effect on
bond strength appears to be product dependent, and products should be tested to observe
if a significant strength variation, defined as over 20% for the purposes of this paper,
occurs. This limit on bond strength variation is similar to the limit set forth in ICBO ES
AC58 (ICBO ES 2001) for variation between strengths obtained from testing anchors
Kornreich (2001) compared the bond strength of grouts for unheaded threaded
rods and unheaded smooth rods for both cementitious and polymer grout products. For
all three products tested, the bond strength for smooth rods was lower than that for
threaded rods. However, the amount of bond strength reduction seemed dependent on the
type of grout product installed. Grout products CA and CG experienced an 91% and a
81% reduction in bond strength, respectively. The polymer grout product tested, PB,
exhibited a 53% decrease in bond strength. All of these reductions in bond strength are
sufficiently large such that it is recommended that unheaded smooth rods should not be
Zamora (1998) performed a test series to examine the possible effects that the use
of various types of nuts in headed anchor applications have on pullout resistance. The
study found that a difference in pullout resistances existed depending on the type of nut
when a heavy hex nut was used. Products CA, CB, and CC demonstrated a reduction in
pullout resistance of 15%, 19%, and 8%, respectively, when installed with a heavy hex
nut. Contrastingly, the pullout resistance increased by 10% when anchors were installed
using polymer grout product PA and a heavy hex nut instead of a regular hex nut. Since
only one polymer grout product was tested, it is unclear if all polymer grouts behave in a
similar manner. When installed with a regular hex nut, products CA, CB, CC, and PA
Products CA, CB, CC, and PA had a coefficient of variation of 0.124, 0.150, 0.093, and
0.034, respectively, when a heavy hex nut was used for installation. The change in
pullout resistance appears to be dependent on the grout product used. However, when the
regular hex nut and heavy hex nut tests are considered in tandem for each product, the
coefficients of variation are 0.126, 0.187, 0.086, and 0.058 for products CA, CB, CC, and
PA, respectively. These coefficients of variation are not significant as they are less than
20%, and, therefore, it seems that it is unnecessary to test products using different types
of nuts.
those installed in core-drilled holes were performed in the testing program of the current
paper. In one test series, there was essentially no difference between the bond strength of
anchors installed in the two types of holes. When anchors were installed in hammer-
drilled holes, the bond strength increased by 3% with a coefficient of variation of 0.012.
A subsequent test series examined the same grout product, CA. It was found that the
coefficient of variation of 0.326, and the average bond strength was 17% lower than the
bond strength of the baseline anchors installed in core-drilled holes. Combining the
results of both test series yielded a coefficient of variation of 0.244. These tests from
different installations could be considered together since each series was normalized with
It is possible that when the holes were hammer-drilled the pores in the concrete
became filled with dust from the drilling process. The presence of this dust could have
prevented the grout product from fully bonding to the concrete even though the cleaning
procedures recommended by the manufacturer were performed. This could account for
the scatter observed in one of the two installations. It is recommended that tests be
exists whenever they are to be installed in holes drilled in a manner other than that
This test series consisted of anchors installed in damp holes free of standing
water. Zamora (1998) tested three polymer grouts: PA, PB, and PC. Two of the products
had a noticeable bond strength reduction when installed in damp holes rather than dry
27% decrease in bond strength. A third product, PA, experienced a bond strength
increase 11%. The effect of a damp hole installation on bond strength seems significant
and product dependent. Therefore, polymer grout products should be tested for the
temperature variations than cementitious products. Zamora (1998) tested two polymer
grouts, PA and PB, at elevated temperatures and found a reduction in bond strength of
6% for both products when compared to those tested at ambient temperature. It appears
that the bond strengths of these two products are not greatly influenced by elevated
sensitivity tests on 15 adhesive products. Of the 15 products tested, ten exhibited a bond
strength variation of greater than 20%. Adhesive products consist of two components: a
resin and a hardener. Polymer grouts contain similar components as adhesives with a
filler for the additional third component. Since adhesive products are strongly influenced
important to test polymer grout products being for sensitivity to elevated temperature.
7.9 Summary
Previous testing programs, as well as the current testing program, have tested the
bond strength sensitivity of various grouts to several installation conditions. The effects
of strength versus curing time, threaded rod versus deformed reinforcing bar for
cementitious grouts, threaded rod versus smooth bar, varying types of nuts on headed
anchors, hole drilling technique for cementitious grouts, damp hole installation for
polymer grouts, and elevated temperature were tested for polymer grouts. Table 7-1
provides a brief summary of the tested variable of interest, the type of grout product
Grout Type
Cementitious Polymer
Effect appears product
Strength vs. Curing Time dependent; generally One product tested
slower than polymer
Threaded Rod vs. Deformed Effect appears product
Not tested
Reinforcing Bar dependent
Large reduction in bond
Reduction in bond strength; one
Threaded Rod vs. Smooth Bar strength for both products
product tested
Reduction in pullout
Increase in pullout resistance for
Regular Hex Nut vs. Heavy resistance for heavy hex;
heavy hex; unclear if this is a general
Hex Nut amount appears product
pattern for polymer products
Effect is not consistent
Hole Drilling Technique and results are at times Not tested
widely scattered
Damp Hole Installation Not tested Effect appears product dependent
Elevated Temperature Not tested Reduction in bond strength
Previous studies have developed design models for adhesive anchors as well as
cast-in-place anchors. Cook et al. (1998) found the uniform bond stress model to be an
adequate predictor of adhesive anchor behavior. Similarly, Fuchs et al. (1995) found that
the strength of cast-in-place anchors can be accurately predicted using the CCD method.
Equations describing the uniform bond stress model and the CCD method are shown in
Chapter 3. Modification factors can be applied to both models to account for anchors
Grouted anchors can experience one of three different embedment failure modes:
failure at the steel/grout interface, failure at the grout/concrete interface, or concrete cone
breakout failure. Steel failure may also occur. The embedment failure mode and strength
can be predicted from equations that represent the behavior of each failure mode. The
lowest of these predicted strengths indicates the expected failure mode unless this failure
occurs from a concrete cone breakout or at the steel/grout interface have undergone
extensive testing. Zamora (1998) proposed using the hole diameter instead of the anchor
diameter in the uniform bond stress model to predict anchor strength when failure occurs
at the grout/concrete interface. This substitution was shown previously in Equation (4).
Using the failure load obtained from testing, the bond stress, τ0, can be calculated.
Anchors in the current test program were designed to exhibit a failure at the
grout/concrete interface. It was predicted that the bond strength would correspond to the
failure load calculated using the hole diameter in the uniform bond stress model.
Therefore, the critical edge distance was expected to be 8d0, and the critical spacing
between adjacent anchors was anticipated to be 16d0 as shown previously in Figure 3-6.
However, Figures 8-1 and 8-2 show that the coefficients of 8 and 16 are overly
conservative for predicting the mean anchor bond strength for anchors installed near a
free edge and in fastener groups, respectively. Figure 8-1 depicts a plot of the normalized
anchor strength versus edge distance. To normalize, the test result and the predictive
curve were divided by the predicted strength of a single anchor installed away from an
edge and surrounding anchors. Figure 8-2 presents a graph of the normalized anchor
group strength versus anchor spacing. The test result and predictive curve were divided
by four times the predicted strength of a single anchor installed away from an edge and
experiencing a bond failure at the grout/concrete interface can be better represented if the
for determining the design strength of single grouted anchors and groups of grouted
fasteners in uncracked concrete using Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD).
8.3 Proposed Critical Edge Distance and Critical Anchor Spacing Revision
Different values for the critical edge distance and anchor spacing were considered
by graphically fitting design equations to the test data. It was assumed that the critical
(6) with
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Edge Distance (inches)
Normalized Anchor Group Strength
(6) with
0.2 anchor
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Anchor Spacing (inches)
anchor spacing is twice the critical edge distance, similar to the existing uniform bond
stress model. The values chosen to best fit the experimental data of the current paper’s
test program were 5d0 for the critical edge distance and 10d0 for the critical spacing
between anchors. Figures 8-3 and 8-4 display how these new coefficients more
accurately predict the mean failure loads obtained during testing and are normalized as
discussed in the previous section for Figures 8-1 and 8-2. In Figure 8-4, the proposed
equation predicts a higher strength for bond failure at the grout/concrete interface than
that found from testing when the anchor spacing equals 5 inches. This was as expected
since the failure mode observed during testing was a concrete cone breakout which
Normalized Anchor Strength
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Edge Distance (inches)
For single unheaded grouted anchors, it is recommended that the design strength
be taken as the smaller of the bond strengths calculated at the steel/grout interface and at
the grout/concrete interface using Equation (9) and Equation (10), respectively. The
following design equations are based on the uniform bond stress model and a 5% fractile.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Anchor Spacing (inches)
For single headed grouted anchors, it is recommended that the design strength be
taken as the smaller of the bond strength calculated at the grout/concrete interface and the
concrete cone breakout strength using Equations (10) and (11a or 11b), respectively. The
following design equations are based on the CCD model and a 5% fractile.
1.5 (11a)
φ c N ' c ,0 = φ c (Ψc ,e 30 f ' c hef ) (lbf)
1.5 (11b)
φ c N ' c ,0 = φ c (Ψc ,e 12.6 f ' c hef ) (N)
strength be taken as the smaller of the bond strengths calculated at the steel/grout
interface and at the grout/concrete interface using Equations (12) and (13), respectively.
The following design equations are based on the uniform bond stress model and a 5%
AN (12)
φ b N 'τ = φ b ( N `τ , 0 ) (lbf or N)
AN 0
AN (13)
φ b N 'τ 0 = φ b ( N `τ 0 , 0 ) (lbf or N)
AN 0
For groups of headed grouted anchors, it is recommended that the design strength
be taken as the smaller of the bond strength calculated at the grout/concrete interface and
the concrete cone breakout strength using Equations (13) and (14), respectively. The
AN (14)
φ c N ' cone = φ c ( N ' c ,0 ) (lbf or N)
AN 0
In Equations (12 and 14), AN and AN0 are calculated as shown in Figures 3-4 and 3-2,
respectively. In Equation (13), AN and AN0 are calculated as shown in Figure 3-6 except
using a critical edge distance of 5d0 and a critical anchor spacing of 10d0.
9.1 General
The following sections present the proposed product approval tests to evaluate
engineered grout products. In all of the following, the maximum coefficient of variation
is limited to 20% unless otherwise stated by the Engineer for the given application. This
is similar to the aforementioned limit placed on the coefficient of variation for uniform
bond stress in FDOT Section 937 (FDOT 2002a) for adhesives. As mentioned in Section
7.3, the level that constitutes a significant change in bond strength is 20% for the
purposes of this paper. Additionally, in all sections a minimum of five repetitions should
be performed in accordance with ASTM E 488 (ASTM 2001d). When only steel failure
This proposed product approval test allows the grout/concrete bond stress (τ0) to
be determined for a given grout product. This value can be calculated from the anchor
grout/concrete interface is a failure mode that occurs infrequently, but test parameters can
be configured to force this failure mode to occur. This failure mode can be achieved by
using a headed anchor to preclude failure at the steel/grout interface and minimizing the
achieved by using a higher strength concrete such that the tensile capacity associated with
a grout/concrete bond failure will be less than the breakout capacity of the concrete. All
anchors shall be installed per manufacturer instructions using a 0.75 inch diameter anchor
headed with a heavy hex nut and installed in a 1.5 inch diameter hole with an embedment
length of 5 inches measured from the top of the nut. Once τ0 is determined for a grout
product, it can be used in calculations for predicting the strength of various anchor
This test series allows the steel/grout bond stress (τ) to be determined for a given
grout product. This value can be calculated from the bond strength if a failure is forced at
the steel/grout interface. This failure mode can be initiated by using unheaded anchors
installed in concrete whose breakout capacity is greater than the bond capacity of the
grout product. All anchors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and as unheaded to promote a failure at the steel/grout interface. All anchors
shall be installed per manufacturer instructions using a 0.75 inch diameter unheaded
anchor installed in a 1.5 inch diameter hole with an embedment length of 5 inches
measured from the base of the anchor. Once τ has been determined for a grout product, it
strength so that premature loading, and the resulting problems, may be avoided. In the
same vein, construction time may be saved if it is known that a particular grout product
Polymer grouted and quick setting cementitious grouted anchors should be tested at 24
hours and 7 days. Non-quick setting cementitious grouted anchors should be tested at 7
days and 28 days. A minimum of five anchors should be tested at each interval. The
interval at which the bond strength reaches a sufficient value should be noted. This
threaded rods and deformed reinforcing bars. Both of these materials are commonly
installed in the field, so being able to predict how they will behave while in-service is
imperative. This test program should investigate the performance of unheaded grouted
anchors installed with a threaded rod and compare this behavior to that when a deformed
reinforcing bar is installed. Installation using a threaded rod shall be considered as the
baseline series. Unheaded anchors must be used to try to force a failure at the steel/grout
interface. A failure at this location will allow calculation of the bond stress, τ, directly
and as unheaded. The resulting bond strengths should be compared. Ideally, the grout
product would exhibit similar bond strengths for both types of anchors. The results from
testing of threaded rods and reinforcing bars should be compared. If the deformed
reinforcing bar average bond strength is more than 20% less than the average bond
strength of threaded rods, or if the coefficient of variation of the deformed reinforcing bar
test series exceeds the aforementioned maximum, the grout product should be limited to
Anchor test series should include the baseline series of installing headed anchors
headed anchors installed per manufacturer instructions except in holes drilled with the
hole drilling technique to be evaluated. In order to evaluate the effect of the hole drilling
technique, a bond failure at the grout/concrete interface must occur. Therefore, all
anchors shall be installed using the type of nut, anchor diameter, hole diameter, and
embedment depth described in Section 9.2. If either the coefficient of variation for the
tested hole drilling technique or the reduction in the bond strength between the baseline
and the variable test series exceed the limit of 20%, the grout product tested should not be
Bond strength can be influenced by the moisture condition of the hole depending
on the type of grout product used for anchor installation. Cementitious grout products
commonly require installation in damp holes to prevent excessive water loss from the
grout to the concrete, which could reduce the bond strength of the grout. Polymer grouts
are usually installed in dry holes to allow the chemical reactions to occur, thus binding
the grout to the concrete. If a polymer grouted anchor is installed in a damp hole (i.e. a
core-drilled hole that has not been given sufficient time to dry), the presence of water
could impede the bonding process, thus reducing the bond strength. Grout products
being evaluated should be tested for sensitivity to damp or dry hole conditions. In order
to evaluate the effect of the moisture condition of the hole, it is necessary for failure to
occur at the grout/concrete interface. Therefore, all anchors shall be installed using the
type of nut, anchor diameter, hole diameter, and embedment depth described in Section
In the damp hole installation test series, polymer grouted anchors should be
installed as headed and according to the manufacturer’s instructions, except the holes
baseline series needs to be installed as per manufacturer instructions. The bond strength
from the baseline series and the damp hole installation series should be compared. ICBO
ES AC58 (ICBO ES 2001) states that all dampness specimen results shall be at least 80%
of the average of the baseline specimens. The appropriate restrictions, if any, should be
assigned to the polymer grout product based on the bond strength results evaluated in
accordance with ICBO ES AC58 and the maximum coefficient of variation as set forth in
this paper.
In the dry hole installation test series, cementitious grouted anchors should be
installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, except the holes shall be dry
manufacturer instructions. The bond strength from the baseline series and the dry hole
manner to dampness specimen. All dry hole installation specimen results shall be at least
80% of the average of the baseline series. The coefficient of variation of the dry hole
installation series shall be less than the aforementioned maximum. The appropriate
restrictions, if any, should be assigned to the cementitious grout product based on the
This parameter is considered more critical for polymer grouts as they are believed
to be more sensitive to temperature changes. Test series of headed and unheaded anchors
directions, except at elevated temperature. The bond strengths from each series should
then be compared. The grout product may be approved for use in elevated temperature
applications if the average bond strength at elevated temperature is not more than 20%
less than the bond strength of the baseline series and the coefficient of variation of the
elevated temperature series is less than the limit set forth in this paper.
Bond strength has the potential to be significantly reduced when anchors are
installed at an orientation other than vertically downward. This reduction is due to the
grout settling unevenly or flowing out of the hole. For a horizontal installation, the
anchor is perpendicular to the vertical face of the concrete. The anchor potentially settles
against the lower surface of the hole resulting in a non-uniform grout thickness around
the anchor. Additionally, air voids can form along the upper hole surface. This
diminishes the bond area and thus results in a corresponding reduction in bond strength.
For an overhead orientation, the anchor is installed vertically upward. The grout
wants to flow out of the hole, and the anchor potentially settles in an outward movement.
This settlement can result in a reduction in the effective embedment depth and
In order to minimize the punitive effects an alternate hole orientation can have on
bond strength, it is highly recommended that cementitious grouts should not be installed
in this type of application. Non-quick setting cementitious grouts are not sufficiently
viscous, and their initial set time is too long to make their use practical for alternate hole
orientation installations. Similarly, polymer grouts possessing low viscosities should also
not be utilized.
In the optional horizontal hole orientation test series, grouted anchors shall be
holes. The bond strength from the baseline series installed in vertical holes and
horizontal hole orientation series should be compared. If the bond strength is reduced by
more than the limit set forth in this paper when installed horizontally, or if the coefficient
of the horizontal hole test series exceeds the aforementioned maximum, the grout product
holes. This test series should also be compared to the baseline series. Similarly, if the
reduction in bond strength or the coefficient of variation of the overhead test series
exceed the limits set forth in this paper, the grout product shall be excluded from use in
this application.
creep. If the rate of displacement does not attenuate, the anchor displacement will reach
the applied load should not induce failure. The applied load should be a service level
load that can be taken as a percentage of the tensile load that incites failure. Similar to
FM 5-568 (FDOT 2000), it is recommended that a tensile load that is 40% of the mean
This test series is optional unless sustained long-term load is anticipated. Both
headed and unheaded anchors shall be tested. In these test series, anchors should be
installed per the manufacturer’s directions. In accordance with FM 5-568, creep tests
minimum of 42 days. At the end of 42 days, the load can be removed from the anchors.
In accordance with FDOT Section 937 (FDOT 2002a), the rate of displacement shall
decrease during the 42 day loading period. Also, at the end of the loading period, the
total creep displacement shall be less than 0.03 inch (0.75 mm) and less than 0.003 inch
The anchors that have not exceeded the predefined displacement limit should then
be reloaded in tension and tested to failure. The bond strength from these reloaded
anchors should be compared to that of the baseline test series. If the coefficient of
variation or the reduction in bond strength of the creep test series exceed the limits set
forth in this paper, it may be appropriate to limit the use of the product to applications in
which service loads would not need to be sustained long-term. If the level of creep
displacement exceeds the limit, the anchor can be considered to have failed.
Other factors may also need to be considered when determining whether a grout
product can be used in a certain application. Some additional factors are: repeated loads,
freezing and thawing cycles, seismic (shear and tension), cracked concrete, and concrete
aggregate. Testing methods for these factors are outside the scope of this report.
10.1 Summary
This thesis addresses the behavior of headed and unheaded grouted anchors
installed in uncracked concrete tested in tension. Data from this test program as well as a
summary of data from other test programs are presented. A variety of products, anchor
configurations, installation conditions, edge distances, and group anchor spacings have
been tested. Test results were used to establish if existing behavioral models for adhesive
and cast-in-place anchors could be extended to accurately predict the strength of grouted
anchors. These models are the uniform bond stress model and the concrete capacity
design model, respectively. Additionally, factors that constitute a desirable grout product
are discussed. The results from various installation and service condition tests are
10.2 Conclusions
Grouted anchor behavior varies depending on the product used for installation,
whether the anchor is installed as unheaded or headed, installed near an edge, installed in
an anchor group, and what installation and service conditions the anchor is exposed to.
Four different failure modes exist for grouted anchors: bond failure at the steel/grout
interface, bond failure at the grout/concrete interface, concrete breakout failure, and steel
bond failure at the steel/grout interface, but a bond failure at the grout/concrete interface
has also been observed. Again, ignoring steel failure, headed grouted anchors may
uniform bond stress model (Equations (3) and (5)), which is based on the bond stress (τ)
at the steel/grout interface. If the grout/concrete bond stress (τ0) is low enough, a bond
failure may occur at the grout concrete interface (Equations (4) and (6)). The failure
mode can be predicted based on which equation yields the smaller bond strength. For
design, the expected anchor strength can be taken as the lesser of Equation (9) and
Equation (10).
Bond failure at the steel/grout interface is precluded for headed grouted anchors
by the presence of the head. The capacity of headed grouted anchors can be predicted by
either the uniform bond stress model (Equations (4) and (6)) or the concrete capacity
design model (Equations (1a or 1b) and (2)). The failure mode can be predicted by which
of these two models yields the lower result. For design, the expected anchor strength can
The test program reported in this thesis indicated that the critical edge distance
and critical anchor spacing of the uniform bond stress model currently used for adhesive
anchors were not accurate for grouted anchors. The data were analyzed, and the critical
edge distance for grouted anchors was found to be 5d0; the critical anchor spacing for
The tests performed in the current test program and in previous testing programs led to
cementitious grouts.
The type of grout product used to install the anchor can greatly
Headed grouted anchors are not sensitive to the type of nut (regular
of the hole.
10.3 Recommendations
Based on the test results presented in this thesis, the following tests are proposed
Establish τ0.
Establish τ.
Additionally, hole orientation and long-term loading (creep) tests are proposed as
optional tests.
A comprehensive design model for grouted anchors is needed, and the CCD
method and modifications to the uniform bond stress model were shown to accurately
predict anchor capacity. It was observed that installation and service conditions will
affect the behavior of grouted anchors, and product approval tests were proposed to
factors for the aforementioned installation and service conditions. Future study is
grouted anchors.
grouted anchors.
grouted anchors.
c1 = distance from the center of an anchor shaft to the edge of concrete in one
direction, in (mm).
c2 = distance from the center of an anchor shaft to the edge of concrete in the
direction orthogonal to c1, in (mm).
dn = distance from the surface of the concrete to the bottom of the pull plate at
each anchor in an anchor group; subscript ranges from 1 to 4 for quadruple
fastener anchor groups, in (mm).
dn,poten = distance from the surface of the concrete to the bottom of the pull plate at
each potentiometer in an anchor group; subscript ranges from 1 to 4 for
quadruple fastener anchor groups, in (mm).
Abond = bonded surface area between grout and concrete, in2 (mm2).
AN0 = projected concrete failure area of one anchor, for calculation of strength in
tension when not limited by edge distance or spacing, in2 (mm2).
N = general mean tensile strength for an anchor group with unspecified failure
mode, lbf (N).
N0 = general mean tensile strength for a single anchor with unspecified failure
mode, lbf (N).
Nc,0 = mean tensile strength for concrete cone breakout of a single anchor, lbf (N).
Nτ,0 = mean tensile strength for steel/grout failure of a single anchor, lbf (N).
Nτ0,0 = mean tensile strength for grout/concrete failure of a single anchor, lbf (N).
Nc = mean tensile strength for concrete cone breakout of an anchor group, lbf (N).
Ntest = tensile strength of a single anchor or an anchor group for one test repetition,
lbf (N).
Nτ = mean tensile strength for steel/grout failure of an anchor group, lbf (N).
Nτ0 = mean tensile strength for grout/concrete failure of an anchor group, lbf (N).
N’c,0 = nominal tensile strength for concrete cone breakout of a single anchor, lbf (N).
N’τ,0 = nominal tensile strength for steel/grout failure of a single anchor, lbf (N).
N’τ0,0 = nominal tensile strength for grout/concrete failure of a single anchor, lbf (N).
N’cone = nominal tensile strength for concrete cone breakout of an anchor group, lbf
N’τ = nominal tensile strength for steel/grout failure of an anchor group, lbf (N).
N’τ0 = nominal tensile strength for grout/concrete failure of an anchor group, lbf (N).
τ0,test = uniform bond stress at the grout/concrete interface for a single anchor or an
anchor group in one test repetition, psi (MPa).
τ’0 = τ0(1-kCOV), nominal uniform bond stress at the grout/concrete interface, psi
Ψτ,e = modification factor, for strength in tension, to account for edge distances
when bond failure occurs at the steel/grout interface.
Ψτ0,e = modification factor, for strength in tension, to account for edge distances
when bond failure occurs at the grout/concrete interface.
Ψc,e = modification factor, for strength in tension, to account for edge distances
when concrete cone breakout failure occurs.
This appendix contains the results from testing of single anchors installed away
from an edge. Table B-1 lists the details about each test performed including the
installation number, the effect being tested, the anchor number in the given test series, the
average concrete compressive stress at the time of testing, the failure mode, the tensile
strength of the anchor, and the bond stress of the anchor. Figures B-1 through B-5 depict
the axial tensile load versus the vertical displacement for the various tests performed.
The title of each graph within the figures denotes information about the test being
performed. The first two letters in the title specify the type of hole drilled. Core-drilled
holes are represented by CD, and hammer-drilled holes are represented by HD. The first
number identifies the test series of the hole type. The second number identifies the
Table B-1 Individual baseline and hole drilling technique anchor test results
CD 1-1 CD 1-2
45 45
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) (b)
A) B)
CD 1-3 CD 1-4
45 45
40 40
35 35
28.65726 29.18651
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) (d)
C) D)
CD 1-1, CD 1-2, CD 1-3, CD 1-4, CD 1-5
CD 1-5
45 45
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
Tensile Load, kips
30 30
25 25
20 20
0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacem ent, in
Axial Displacem ent, in
(e) (f)
E) F)
Figure B-1 Graphs of test results of first installation of core-drilled anchors A) First test
in series; B) Second test in series; C) Third test in series; D) Fourth test in series; E) Fifth
test in series; F) Comparison of all test in series
CD 2-1 CD 2-2
45 45
40 40
35.76472 36.04953
Tensile Load, kips 35 35
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) (b)
A) B)
CD 2-3 CD 2-1, CD 2-2, CD 2-3
45 45
40 40
35 33.49185 35
Tensile Load, kips
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) (d)
C) D)
Figure B-2 Graphs of test results of second installation of core-drilled anchors A) First
test in series; B) Second test in series; C) Third test in series; D) Comparison of all test in
CD 3-1 CD 3-2
45 45
41.74099 41.30884
40 40
Tensile Load, kips 35 35
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) (b)
A) B)
CD 3-3 CD 3-1, CD 3-2, CD 3-3
45 45
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) (d)
C) D)
Figure B-3 Graphs of test results of third installation of core-drilled anchors A) First test
in series; B) Second test in series; C) Third test in series; D) Comparison of all test in
30 30
25 25
20 20
0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Axial Displacement, in
Axial Displacement, in
A) (b)
HD 1-3 HD 1-4 Steel Broke
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) (d)
C) D)
HD 1-1, HD 1-2, HD 1-3, HD 1-4, HD 1-5
HD 1-5 Steel Broke
45 45
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
30 30
25 24.04969 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(e) (f)
E) F)
Figure B-4 Graphs of test results of first installation of hammer-drilled anchors A) First
test in series; B) Second test in series; C) Third test in series; D) Fourth test in series;
E) Fifth test in series; F) Comparison of all test in series
HD 2-1 HD 2-2
45 45
40 38.8617
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) (b)
A) B)
HD 2-3 HD 2-1, HD 2-2, HD 2-3
45 45
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) (d)
C) D)
This appendix contains the results from testing of single anchors installed near
one edge. Table C-1 lists the details about each test performed including the installation
number, the effect being tested, the anchor number in the given test series, the average
concrete compressive stress at the time of testing, the failure mode, the tensile strength of
the anchor, and the bond stress of the anchor. Figures C-1 through C-3 depict the axial
tensile load versus the vertical displacement for the various tests performed. The title of
each graph within the figures denotes information about the test being performed. The
first letter in the title specifies that an edge test is being performed. The first number
identifies the edge distance of the test series. The second number identifies the individual
E 4.5-1 E 4.5-2
45 45
40 40
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) (b)
A) B)
E 4.5-3 E 4.5-4
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) D)
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacem ent, in Axial Displacem ent, in
(e) F)
Figure C-1 Graphs of test results of core-drilled anchors installed 4.5 inches away from
one edge A) First test in series; B) Second test in series; C) Third test in series; D) Fourth
test in series; E) Fifth test in series; F) Comparison of all test in series
E 6.0-1 E 6.0-2
45 45
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
A) (b)
E 6.0-3 E 6.0-4
45 45
40 40
35 32.63869 35 32.29447
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) (d)
C) D)
E 6.0-5 E 6.0-1, E 6.0-2, E 6.0-3, E 6.0-4, E 6.0-5
45 45
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(e) (f)
E) F)
Figure C-2 Graphs of test results of core-drilled anchors installed 6.0 inches away from
one edge A) First test in series; B) Second test in series; C) Third test in series; D) Fourth
test in series; E) Fifth test in series; F) Comparison of all test in series
E 7.5-1 E 7.5-2
45 45
40 40
35 35 31.95368
Tensile Load, kips
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) (b)
A) B)
E 7.5-3 E 7.5-4
45 45
40 40
35 35 33.05069
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) (d)
C) D)
E 7.5-5 E 7.5-1, E 7.5-2, E 7.5-3, E 7.5-4, E 7.5-5
45 45
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
30 28.32958 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacem ent, in Axial Displacem ent, in
(e) (f)
E) F)
Figure C-3 Graphs of test results of core-drilled anchors installed 7.5 inches away from
one edge A) First test in series; B) Second test in series; C) Third test in series; D) Fourth
test in series; E) Fifth test in series; F) Comparison of all test in series
This appendix contains the results from testing of anchor groups. Table D-1 lists
the details about each test performed including the installation number, the effect being
tested, the group number in the given test series, the average concrete compressive stress
at the time of testing, the failure mode, the anchor number in the given test series, the
tensile strengths of the individual anchors as well as the anchor group, and the bond
stresses of the individual anchors and the anchor group. Figures D-1 through D-6 depict
the axial tensile load versus the vertical displacement for the various tests performed.
The title of each graph within the figures denotes information about the test being
performed. The first letter in the title specifies that a group test is being conducted. The
first number identifies the anchor spacing of the test series. The second number identifies
the group in a series. The remaining letters specify the load measuring instrument being
used. The load washer on each anchor is represented by LW, and the overall load cell for
the anchor group is represented by OLC. The third number identifies the individual
40 40
35 35
25 25
20 20
15 15 13.72662
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) B)
G 5-1 LW 3 G 5-1 LW 4
45 45
40 40
35 35
Tensile Load, kips
25 25
20 20
15 15 13.16129
10 10
5 5
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in
Axial Displacement, in
(c) D)
G 5-1 LW 1-4 G 5-1 OLC
45 70
Tensile Load, kips
25 40
20 30
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacem ent, in Axial Displacem ent, in
(e) F)
Figure D-1 Graphs of results of first core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 5.0 inches A) Load on first anchor; B) Load on second anchor; C) Load on
third anchor; D) Load on fourth anchor; E) Comparison of all anchor loads in test;
F) Load on entire anchor group
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 13.75545
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
(a) B)
G 5-2 LW 3 G 5-2 LW 4
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20
16.13572 16.19654
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) D)
G 5-2 LW 1-4 G 5-2 OLC
70 66.92794
Tensile Load, kips
Tensile Load, kips
20 30
15 20
0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Axial Displacem ent, in
Axial Displacem ent, in
(e) F)
Figure D-2 Graphs of results of second core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 5.0 inches A) Load on first anchor; B) Load on second anchor; C) Load on
third anchor; D) Load on fourth anchor; E) Comparison of all anchor loads in test;
F) Load on entire anchor group
40 40
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) B)
G 5-3 LW 3 G 5-3 LW 4
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 13.65523 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) D)
G 5-3 LW 1-4 G 5-3 OLC
45 70
40 60
Tensile Load, kips
25 40
5 10
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacem ent, in
Axial Displacem ent, in
(e) F)
Figure D-3 Graphs of results of third core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 5.0 inches A) Load on first anchor; B) Load on second anchor; C) Load on
third anchor; D) Load on fourth anchor; E) Comparison of all anchor loads in test;
F) Load on entire anchor group
40 40
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) B)
G 9-1 LW 3 G 9-1 LW 4
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 28.59958 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) D)
G 9-1 LW 1-4 G 9-1 OLC
45 110 104.59455
40 100
Tensile Load, kips
Tensile Load, kips
25 60
20 50
10 20
5 10
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial D isplacem ent, in
Axial D isplacem ent, in
(e) (f)
E) F)
Figure D-4 Graphs of results of first core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 9.0 inches A) Load on first anchor; B) Load on second anchor; C) Load on
third anchor; D) Load on fourth anchor; E) Comparison of all anchor loads in test;
F) Load on entire anchor group
40 40
25 25 22.19361
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) B)
G 9-2 LW 3 G 9-2 LW 4
45 45
40 40
35 35 32.70422
30 30
25 24.25150 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) D)
G 9-2 LW 1-4 G 9-2 OLC
45 110 105.50309
40 100
Tensile Load, kips
Tensile Load, kips
25 60
20 50
10 20
5 10
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacem ent, in
Axial Displacem ent, in
(e) F)
Figure D-5 Graphs of results of second core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 9.0 inches A) Load on first anchor; B) Load on second anchor; C) Load on
third anchor; D) Load on fourth anchor; E) Comparison of all anchor loads in test;
F) Load on entire anchor group
40 40
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(a) B)
G 9-3 LW 3 G 9-3 LW 4
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 30
25 23.34821 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacement, in Axial Displacement, in
(c) D)
G 9-3 LW 1-4 G 9-3 OLC
45 110
40 100
Tensile Load, kips
Tensile Load, kips
25 60
20 50
10 20
5 10
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Axial Displacem ent, in
Axial Displacem ent, in
(e) F)
Figure D-6 Graphs of results of third core-drilled anchor group installed with anchor
spacing of 9.0 inches A) Load on first anchor; B) Load on second anchor; C) Load on
third anchor; D) Load on fourth anchor; E) Comparison of all anchor loads in test;
F) Load on entire anchor group
Figure E-1 Typical grout/concrete bond failure of single core-drilled anchor with grout
Figure E-2 Typical grout/concrete bond failure of single anchor with secondary shallow
concrete cone
Figure E-3 Grout/concrete bond failure of single core-drilled anchor with secondary
shallow cone removed and grout plug exposed
Figure E-4 Typical grout/concrete bond failure of single hammer-drilled anchor with
grout plug
Figure E-5 Typical grout/concrete bond failure of single hammer-drilled anchor with
secondary shallow concrete cone and grout plug
Figure E-6 Typical grout/concrete bond failure of single core-drilled anchor installed 4.5
inches from one edge with grout plug and diagonal cracking of surrounding concrete
Figure E-7 Typical grout/concrete bond failure of single core-drilled anchor installed 6.0
inches from one edge with grout plug
Figure E-8 Typical grout/concrete bond failure of single core-drilled anchor installed 7.5
inches from one edge with grout plug
Figure E-9 Typical surface view of cone failure of quadruple fastener anchor group with
anchor spacing of 5 inches
Figure E-10 Typical dissection view of cone failure of quadruple fastener anchor group
with anchor spacing of 5 inches
Figure E-11 Typical grout/concrete failure of quadruple fastener anchor group with
anchor spacing of 9 inches
Tensile Load (kips)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
CA Curing Time (days)
Individual Average
Tensile Load (kips)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
CG Curing Time (days)
Individual Average
35 33.1
Average Failure Load (kip)
20 18.5
15 13.7
5 3 3.6
Threaded Rod Smooth Rod
Figure F-4 Comparison of average failure loads for installation with threaded rods and
smooth rods
3.5 3.31
3.02 3.06
Figure F-5 Comparison of average bond stresses for installation with threaded rods and
reinforcing bars
40 37.77 38.22
35 33.27
Average Failure Load (kip)
25 23.6
Figure F-6 Comparison of average failure loads for installation of headed anchors with
regular hex nuts and heavy hex nuts
29.34 28.97
Test Series 1 Test Series 2
Product CA
Figure F-7 Comparison of average failure loads for installation in core-drilled and
hammer-drilled holes
0.96 0.97
1 0.93
Average Bond Stress ( 0) (ksi)
Figure F-8 Comparison of average bond stresses for installation in damp and dry holes
72 Degrees Fahrenheit
110 Degrees Fahrenheit
Figure F-9 Comparison of average failure loads for tests performed at ambient and
elevated temperatures
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The author was born on November 4, 1979, in Florida. She began attending the
school in Davie, Florida. After receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil
Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in June 2001, she began
graduate school in the College of Engineering at the University of Florida. She plans to
receive her Master of Engineering degree in August 2003, with a concentration in civil
engineering structures after which time she will pursue a career in structural design. The
author is a member of American Society of Civil Engineers, Chi Epsilon, and Tau Beta