(Survey) Semantic Communications - Principles and Challenges

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Semantic Communications: Principles and

(Invited Paper)

Zhijin Qin, Senior Member, IEEE, Xiaoming Tao, Senior Member, IEEE,
Jianhua Lu, Fellow, IEEE, Wen Tong, Fellow, IEEE,
arXiv:2201.01389v5 [cs.IT] 27 Jun 2022

and Geoffrey Ye Li, Fellow, IEEE


Semantic communication, regarded as the breakthrough beyond the Shannon paradigm, aims at
the successful transmission of semantic information conveyed by the source rather than the accurate
reception of each single symbol or bit regardless of its meaning. This article provides an overview on
semantic communications. After a brief review of Shannon information theory, we discuss semantic
communications with theory, framework, and system design enabled by deep learning. Different from
the symbol/bit error rate used for measuring conventional communication systems, performance metrics
for semantic communications are also discussed. The article concludes with several open questions in
semantic communications.

Index Terms

Deep learning, semantic communication, semantic theory, task-oriented communication.

Zhijin Qin is with the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, London
E1 4NS, U.K. (e-mail: z.qin@qmul.ac.uk)
Xiaoming Tao and Jianhua Lu are with the Department of Electronic Engineering and also with the Beijing National Research
Center for Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. (e-mail: taoxm@tsinghua.edu.cn, lhh-
Wen Tong is with Wireless Technology Labs, Huawei Technologies, Ottawa, Canada (e-mail: tongwen@huawei.com)
Geoffrey Ye Li is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ,
U.K. (e-mail: geoffrey.li@imperial.ac.uk)


Around 70 years ago, Weaver [1] categorized communications into three levels: transmission of
symbols, semantic exchange, and effects of semantic exchange. The first level communications,
transmission of symbols, has been well studied and delivered in conventional communication
systems, which are approaching to the Shannon capacity limit. However, in many situations,
the ultimate goal of communications is to exchange semantic information, such as natural
languages, while the communication medium, such as optical fiber, electromagnetic wave, and
cable, can only transmit physical signals. Recently, semantic communication1 has attracted
extensive attention from industry and academia [2], [3], and has been identified as a core
challenge for the sixth generation (6G) of wireless networks.
In contrast to the Shannon paradigm, semantic communications only transmit necessary in-
formation relevant to the specific task at the receiver [1], which leads to a truly intelligent
system with significant reduction in data traffic. Fig. 1 demonstrates the concept of semantic
communications, where the transmission task is image recognition. Instead of transmitting bit
sequences representing the whole image, a semantic transmitter extracts features relevant to rec-
ognize the object, i.e., dog, in the source. The irrelevant information, such as image background,
will be omitted to minimize the transmitted data without degrading performance. As a result,
the demands on energy and wireless resources will be lowered significantly, leading to a more
sustainable communication network.
For many applications in the age of 6G and artificial intelligence (AI), the agent, such as
smart terminals, robot, and smart surveillance, is able to understand the scene and executes the
instruction automatically. Hence, the core of the task-oriented semantic communication is deep
semantic level fidelity rather than shallow bit-level accuracy. Such a semantic communication
framework will be widely used in Industrial Internet, smart transportation, video conference,
online education, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR), to name a few.
Since the masterpiece from Shannon [1], the remarkable progress has been made in under-
standing the mathematical foundation of symbol transmission without considering semantics
of the transmitted symbols or bits. Bar-Hillel and Carnap [4] revisited the bypassed semantic
problem in Shannon’s work, and offered a preliminary definition of semantic information. Bao et
al. [5] clarified the concepts of semantic noise and semantic channel. A semantic communication

In this article, semantic communications refer to Level 2 and Level 3, also called task/goal-oriented communications.

Source Channel Physical Channel Source

Encoding Encoding Channel Decoding Decoding

0101000 010100001 011100001 0101000

0111001 011100110 010101110 0111001
1001001 100100111 100000111 1001001

(a) Traditional Communication Systems

Semantic Channel Physical Channel Semantic

Encoding Encoding Channel Decoding Decoding


(b) Semantic Communication Systems

Fig. 1: The illustration of a semantic communication system for object recognition.

framework [6] was proposed to minimize semantic errors. These pioneering works are based on
logical probability and are mainly designed for textual processing. Due to the lack of a general
mathematical model to represent semantics, the development of semantic communications is still
in its infancy after seven decades since it was first introduced.
Recent advancements in deep learning (DL) and its applications, such as natural language
processing (NLP), speech recognition, and computer vision provide significant insights on de-
veloping semantic communications [3], [7]. Hwang [8] discussed intelligence transmission in the
analysis and design of communication systems. Moreover, Chattopadhyay et al. [9] quantified
semantic entropy and the complexity for semantic compression. Joint source-channel coding
(JSCC) schemes [10], [11] were proposed to capture and transmit semantic features, in which
the semantic receiver executes the corresponding actions directly rather than recovering the source
messages. More recently, a series of semantic communication frameworks have been developed
[12]–[15] for multimodal data transmission, which have attracted extensive attention.
So far, there have been several tutorials and surveys on semantic communications. Tong et
al. [3] identified two semantic communication related critical challenges faced by AI and 6G,
including its mathematical foundations and the system design. Kalfa et al. [16] discussed semantic

transformations of different sources for popular tasks in the field, and presented the semantic
communication system design for different types of sources. Strinati et al. [17] indicated the
role of semantic communications in 6G. Lan et al. [18] classified semantic communications
into human-to-human (Level 2), human-to-machine (Level 2 and Level 3), and machine-to-
machine (Level 3) communications. Various potential applications of semantic communications
are presented. Furthermore, many researchers have dedicated to designing new frameworks [19]–
[22] for semantic communications in the format of terse and forceful magazine articles. By
summarizing the highly related works, they serve as a good start to step into the area.
In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview on principles and challenges of
semantic communications. We first review Shannon information theory and summarize the
development of semantic theory. After clarifying the critical difference between conventional
and semantic communications, we introduce principles, frameworks, and performance metrics
of semantic communications. Next, we present the developments of DL-enabled semantic com-
munications for multimodal data transmission, including text, image, and audio. We conclude the
article with research challenges to pave the pathway to semantic communications. This tutorial
article tries to provide insights on answering the following common questions:
• How to understand the semantic meaning of bit sequences?
• Where is the gain from in semantic communications?
• Is there a theoretic limitation for semantic communication systems?
This article will present readers a clear picture of semantic communications. The rest of the
article is structured as follows. Section II compares conventional and semantic communication
systems and theories. Section III presents semantic communication system components, semantic
noise, and performance metrics. The recent advancements on DL-enabled semantic communica-
tion systems for transmitting multimodal data are discussed in Section IV. This article concludes
with open questions in Section V.


In this section, we first discuss the critical difference between conventional and semantic
communications. Then we briefly introduce information theory and semantic theory.

,P D J H ,P D J H
6 R X UF H  & K D Q Q H O X Y & K D Q Q H O 6 R X UF H  7 H [ W 6 H P D Q WLF ( [ WU D F WLR Q
7 H [ W & K D Q Q H OV
6 S H H F K & R G LQ J & R G LQ J ' H F R G LQ J ' H F R G LQ J 6 S H H F K 7 D N H $ F WLR Q

7 H [ W X 6 H P D Q WLF  Z -6 & &  Y YÖ -6 & &  ZÖ 6 H P D Q WLF 
& K D Q Q H OV 7 D N H $ F WLR Q 7 D V N V
6 S H H F K & R G LQ J & R G LQ J ' H F R G LQ J ' H F R G LQ J


Fig. 2: Comparison of conventional and semantic communication systems.

A. Difference between Conventional and Semantic Communications

Since research in semantic communications is still in its preliminary stage, there is no con-
sistent definition of semantic communications yet. In Fig. 2, we compare conventional and
semantic communications. In a conventional communication system, the source is converted into
bit sequences to process. At the receiver, the bit sequence representing the source is recovered
accurately. In a conventional communication system, the bit/symbol transmission rate is bounded
by Shannon capacity. Semantic communications transmit semantic meaning of the source. One of
the critical difference is the introduction of semantic coding, which captures the semantic features,
depending on tasks or actions to be executed at the receiver. Only those semantic features will
be transmitted, which reduces the required communication resources significantly. Tasks at the
receiver could be data reconstruction or some more intelligent tasks, such as image classification
and language translation. Note that in semantic communications, data are not processed at the bit
level, but the semantic level. Semantic communications could be described by semantic theory.
The following starts with a brief review of information theory. We then present semantic
theory developed in past decades though it is not well established yet.

B. Information Theory

In 1948, Shannon introduced the concept of information entropy [1], which exploits uncertainty
to measure the information content in terms of bits.
Definition 1: Given the source, X ∈ {x1 , x2 , · · · , xn }, with probabilities {p(xi )}ni=1 , the source
entropy measures the average number of bits per symbol to be reconstructed without loss, which
is defined as n
H(X) = − p(xi )log2 p(xi ). (1)

Theorem 1: For transmission over noisy channels, described by p(yj |xi ), channel capacity is
given by
C = max I (X; Y ) , (2)

where I(X; Y ) = H(X) − H(X|Y ) is the mutual information between the input, X, and the
output, Y , of the channel, and H(X|Y ) = − p(yj ) p(xi |yi )log2 p(xi |yi ) is the conditional
j=1 i=1
entropy of X for a given Y as shown in Fig. 2(a).
With the channel capacity, Shannon further developed the source-channel coding theorem.
Theorem 2: If xi for i = 1, ..., n, satisfies the asymptotic equipartition property (AEP) and
H(X) ≤ C, there exists a source-channel code with probability of error p(x̂i 6= xi ) → 0.
Conversely, there will be a positive probability of error if H(X) > C.
Conventional communication systems are based on Shannon’s separation theorem including
two stages: i) compress source data into its most efficient form; and ii) map the sequence of
source coding into channel coding.
Theorem 1 provides an upper bound for distortion-less transmission. For a given distortion
D∗ , the minimum transmission information rate R can be described by rate distortion theory,
also known as the lossy source coding theorem.
Theorem 3: For a given maximum average distortion D∗ , the rate distortion function R(D∗ )
is the lower bound of the transmission bit-rate [23]

R (D∗ ) = min∗ I (X; Y ) , (3)

where D = x,y p (x)p (y |x ) d (x, y) is the distortion, d(x, y) is the distortion metric with
d(x, y) = 0 if x = y. As R (D∗ ) = min∗ I (X; Y ) ≤ min I (X; Y ) = H(X), R (D∗ ) ≤ H(X).
D≤D D=0
Information theory is a rich subject nowadays and it is impossible to introduce it within a
couple of pages. The above are only theorems and definitions that are highly related to the
semantic theory in the subsequent discussions.

C. Semantic Theory

Entropy in Shannon information theory measures the information content by the uncertainty
of the source. However, how to measure the amount of semantic information, or the importance
of information, for a specific transmission task is yet to be determined. The transmission task
refers to the task, such as classification, recognition, and device configuration, to be performed
at the receiver after the source information is received in conventional communications.

Definition 2: Given a transmission task, V , the semantic information, Z, is the information

relevant to V in the source, X.
The uncertainty in Z is less than that in X, which indicates the following relationship:

H(V ) ≤ H(Z) ≤ H(X). (4)

The semantic information, Z, is extracted from X, which can be regarded as the lossy
compression of X. However, from the view of V , Z is the lossless compression of X since the
task, V , could be fully served by it. With different tasks, the required semantic representation,
Z, will be different as shown in Fig. 2.(b).
With the transmission task, V , it is possible to measure the importance of information, say
semantic information. For example, for image classification tasks, the receiver is only interested
in the objects in an image rather than the original image. Therefore, the objects are considered
as essential information while the others are non-essential. Similarly, for text transmission, the
receiver requires the meaning of text instead of lossless text recovery.
1) Semantic Entropy: In the past decades, researchers have worked hard to find a way to
quantify semantic entropy by following the path of information entropy developed by Shannon.
However, it is still an active research area with huge space to investigate.
Based on logical probability, many different definitions of semantic entropy have been devel-
oped. Carnap and Bar-Hillel [4] measured the semantic information by the degree of confirmation,
which is expressed as
H(H, e) = − log c(H, e), (5)

where c(H, e) is defined as the degree of confirmation of hypothesis H on the evidence, e. For
example, H could be a new message and e could refer to the knowledge. Bao et al. [5] defined
semantic entropy of a message or sentence s as

H(s) = −log2 (m(s)), (6)

where the logical probability of s is given by

p (w)
p (Ws ) w∈W,w|=s
m (s) = = . (7)
p (W) P
p (w)

Here, W is the symbol set of a classical source, |= is the proposition satisfaction relation, and
Ws = {w ∈ W| w |= s} is the sets of models for s, i.e., the space in which s is true. Here,

p (w) is the probability of w. If there is no background available, p (w) = 1. The conditional
entropy with background knowledge is also defined by extending the above definition.
In fuzzy systems, semantic entropy is defined by introducing the concept of matching degree
with the membership degree [24]. Membership degree is a concept in fuzzy set theory and is
usually difficult to measure analytically. Therefore, it is defined manually by following expert
intuition and experience. Liu et al. [24] defined ς as a semantic concept, which could be treated
as the transmission task, and µς (X) as the membership degree
for each X ∈ X ,where X is the
µς (X)
set of X. For the class, Cj , the matching degree, Dj (ς) = P , characterizes the semantic
µς (X)
entropy of X on the concept, ς. Note that the definition of matching degree shares similarity as
that defined in (7). With the matching degree, semantic entropy on class Cj is defined as

HCj (ς) = −Dj (ς) log2 Dj (ς) . (8)

The overall semantic entropy over X could be obtained by summing up that of all classes. The
basic properties of semantic entropy defined above are similar to those of information entropy.
The difference is the membership degree. It is related to the semantic concept or the transmission
task, which characterizes the semantic information.
The above definitions of semantic entropy assume that there exists a way to measure semantic
information. All theorems are developed based on the assumption of available semantic represen-
tation without providing the specific approach to quantifying semantic information. A group of
statisticians [9] is working on an active project to develop an information-theoretic framework
for quantifying semantic information content in multimodal data, where semantic entropy is
defined as the minimum number of semantic enquires about the source X, whose answers are
sufficient to predict the transmission task, V . By doing so, the approach to finding semantic
entropy becomes to find the minimal representation of X for serving the task, V . However, it
is still under investigation and how to apply such a framework to practical scenarios is to be
2) Semantic Channel: For communication over a noisy channel, the received message is
usually with distortion. From the Shannon theorem, such errors caused by distortion can be
measured by bit-error rate (BER) or symbol-error rate (SER), which is the engineering problem.
From the semantic view, such errors can be measured by semantic mismatch. Bao et al. [5]
introduced two kinds of semantic errors from logic probability, 1) Unsoundness: the sent message
is true but the received message is false, 2) Incompleteness: the sent message is false but the

received message is true. However, there is yet a definition of the semantic error/noise, which
will be further discussed in Section III.A.
3) Semantic Channel Capacity: In addition to (6), Bao et al. [5] further developed the
following theorem for semantic channel capacity, which can be regarded as counterpart of
Theorem 1.
Theorem 4: The semantic channel capacity of a discrete memoryless channel is expressed as
n o
Cs = sup I (X; V ) − H (Z| X) + HS (V ) , (9)

where I (X; V ) is the mutual information between the source, X, and the transmission task, V .
p (Z| X) is the conditional probabilistic distribution that refers to a semantic coding strategy with
the source, X, encoded into its semantic representation, Z, and H (Z| X) means the semantic
ambiguity of the coding. HS (V ) = − p (v) H (v), v ∈ V , is the average logical information
of the received messages for the task V.
Note that higher H (Z|X) means higher semantic ambiguity caused by the semantic coding
while higher HS (V ) leads to strong ability for the receiver to interpret received messages. The
semantic channel capacity could be either higher or lower than the Shannon channel capacity
I (X; V ), dependent on the semantic coding strategy and the receiver’s ability to interpret received
Two cases are provide here for better understanding. Given the source sentence “She parked
Jame’s car on the ground floor of the building, which has 13 floors with 120 sqm on each floor
and is called Smith Building due to the creator, William Smith.” The receiver want to know
where is Jame’s car.
• Case 1: HS (V ) − H (Z|X) > 0, which means that the receiver can handle the semantic
ambiguity. The source sentence can be compressed as “the ground floor of Smith Build-
ing.” Compared with the source sentence, the semantic ambiguity is higher, which means
that H (Z|X) increases. However, the receiver can answer the question with the received
sentence, thus the receiver can handle the semantic ambiguity. The semantic compression
can achieve higher transmission rate. Cs is higher than Shannon capacity in this case.
• Case 2: HS (V ) − H (Z|X) < 0, which means that the receiver cannot solve the semantic
ambiguity. The source sentence can be compressed as “She parked Jame’s car on the
building.” The receiver cannot find the car based on the received sentence, thus the receiver
cannot handle the semantic ambiguity, in which Cs is lower than Shannon capacity.

4) Semantic Rate Distortion and Information Bottleneck: Similar to (3), the rate distortion
in semantic communication system is formulated as [25]
R (Ds , Da ) = min I Z; X̂, Ẑ , (10)

where Ds is the semantic distortion between source, X, and recovered information, X̂, at the
receiver, and Da is the distortion between semantic representation, Z, and received semantic
representation, Ẑ. Note that (10) considers the distortion caused by both semantic compression
and channel noise.
Information bottleneck is an approach to finding the optimal tradeoff between compression
and accuracy, which is to solve the following problem [26]

min I (X; Z) − βI (V ; Z) , (11)


where V is the desired semantic representation. As its extension, Sana et al. [27] designed a
new loss function as
L = I (Z; X) − (1 + α) I Z; Ẑ + βKL X, Ẑ , (12)
| {z } | {z } | {z }
Mutual information Inference

where α and β are the parameters to adjust the weights of the mutual information term and the
inference term. The compression term represents the average number of bits required for X. The
inference term is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the posterior probability at the
encoder, X, and the one captured by the decoder, Ẑ. Note that the upper bound of (12) is
L = LCE − αI Z; Ẑ , (13)

which is the loss function designed in [12] to be detailed in Section VI.

Though it is not yet possible to quantify semantic communication systems as Shannon did
for conventional communication systems, understanding the above concepts could provide us
important insights, especially on the loss function design for DL-enabled semantic communica-


As we can see from Section II, semantic theory is still in its infancy. But it does not prevent
us from developing practical semantic communication systems. This section introduces main
components, semantic noise, and performance metrics for semantic communication systems.

Semantic Channel

Background Background
Knowledge Knowledge
Channel Channel
Encoder Decoder
Semantic Physical Semantic
Encoder Channel Decoder

Transmitter Receiver

Fig. 3: The main components in a semantic communication system.

A. Semantic Communication System Components

As shown in Fig. 3, a semantic communication system includes semantic level and trans-
mission level. The semantic level addresses semantic information processing to obtain semantic
representation, which is performed by the semantic encoder and decoder. Here, the semantic
information refers to that useful for serving the intelligent tasks at the receiver. The transmission
level guarantees the successful reception of symbols at the receiver after going through the
transmission medium, which are normally proceeded by the channel encoder and decoder. The
semantic transmitter and receiver are equipped with certain background knowledge to facilitate
semantic feature extraction, where the background knowledge could be different for various
Similar to the general structure shown in Fig. 3, a task-oriented semantic signal processing
framework has been proposed [16]. Moreover, semantic-aware active sampling [21], [22] allows
each smart device to control its traffic, in which samples are generated if the sampler is triggered
for serving a specific task.
Note that there are two types of channels to deal with in semantic communication systems.
The first type of channels are the physical channels, which introduce channel impairments,
such as noise, fading, and inter-symbol interference, to the transmitted symbols. In the past,
the majority of efforts on wireless communications have been made to combat the physical
channel impairments. The second type of channels are the semantic channels, which could be
contaminated by semantic noise caused by misunderstanding, interpretation errors, or disturbance
in the estimated information.
To support semantic communications, a semantic Open System Interconnection (OSI) model

Application Layer Application Layer

Sensors Sensors
Actuators Semantic Layer Semantic Layer Actuators
Users Users

Radio-access Layers Physical Radio-access Layers

(Link/MAC/PHY) Channel (Link/MAC/PHY)
Transmitter Receiver

Fig. 4: The novel layered architecture of semantic communication system [18].

was introduced [18]. As shown in Fig. 4, it allows the semantic layer to interface with sensors
or actuators and to access algorithms and data for specific tasks. In the semantic layer, semantic
coding is performed to transmits semantic encoded data to lower layers. Moreover, the radio-
access layer aims at improving the system transmission performance, which transmits control
signals to the semantic layer over a control channel. Those control signals are exploited by
the semantic layer to remove semantic noise for semantic symbol error correction or to control
computing at the application layer. Similarly, Zhang et al. [20] proposed a new semantic system
model with different layers as a comprehensive system to replace the existing OSI model.

B. Semantic Noise

Semantic noise refers to the disturbance that affects the interpretation of the message, which
could be treated as the semantic information mismatch between the transmitter and the receiver
in semantic communications. Fig. 5 illustrates the semantic noise as the two parties interpret the
word “earth” in different ways.
There is yet a general formulation of semantic noise. For semantic communications, we
categorize it into two types as shown in Fig. 6. The first type of semantic noise refers to
semantic ambiguity introduced to the source. For example, minor changes to letters or words
in the sentence, for instance, replace the synonym or reverse the alphabetical order randomly,
could make it hard to understand the semantic meaning by the machine, which leads to wrong
decision making [28]. In particular, Peng et al. [29] developed a robust semantic communication
system for text transmission to deal with such type of semantic noise.
Another type is the adversarial semantic noise that misleads the DL model. Due to the discrete


Fig. 5: An example of semantic mismatch for the word “earth” between two persons.

Semantic Noise

Literal Semantic Channel

Knowledge Knowledge

Semantic M Channel Channel Semantic

Encoding Encoding Decoding Decoding

Physical Channel

Transmitter Receiver

Fig. 6: Semantic noise in a semantic communication system.

nature of text, it is impossible to add perturbation to text without being noticed by human.
However, some modifications added to images are so subtle that human can hardly notice. A
typical example of adversarial example in the image domain is shown in Fig. 7, in which the
adversarial samples are added. We could see that the image with adversarial noise will mislead
the DL models for classification but look the same as the original image if observed by human.
Moreover, the sample-dependent and sample-independent semantic noise are investigated in [30],
which both mislead the DL model.
Some prior works have studied adversarial example generation. Goodfellow et al. [31] pro-
posed a fast gradient sign method to generate perturbation by using the gradient of the loss
function. Miyato et al. [32] developed a fast gradient method to generate adversarial examples.
The role of adversarial examples for DL has two effects. First, it can be used to prevent machine
learning system from attacks. Secondly, it is beneficial to improve the robustness of a DL-

Fig. 7: An example of the adversarial example in image domain [31].

based system. Note that all the aforementioned adversarial examples are generated by human.
To investigate whether there are adversarial samples in nature, a mobile phone camera is used to
photograph adversarial samples [33], which have showed that images obtained by taking pictures
of the adversarial samples will also be misclassified.

C. Performance Metrics

In the conventional communication systems, BER and SER are usually adopted as the perfor-
mance metrics. However, they are not applicable to measure semantic communication systems
any more as the focus of communications is shifted from accurate symbol transmission to
effective semantic information exchange. At the moment, a general metric is still missing for
semantic communications. In the following of this section, We will discuss metrics for different
sources, including text, image, and speech, in the literature.
1) Text Semantic Similarity: Word-error rate (WER) is used to measure the semantic
text transmission [10], [34], which is not applicable for semantic text transmission as two
sentences with different words may share high semantic similarity. The bilingual evaluation
understudy (BLEU) score is a commonly used metric to measure the quality of text after machine
translation [35], which has been exploited to measure semantic communication systems for text
transmission [12], [14]. The BLEU score between the transmitted sentence s and the received
sentence ŝ is calculated by
  X N
log BLEU = min 1 − , 0 + un log Pn , (14)
ls n=1

where ls and lŝ are the word length of s and ŝ, respectively, un defines the weights of the
n-grams, and Pn is the n-grams score defined as
min (Ck (ŝ) , Ck (s))
Pn = k P , (15)
k min (Ck (ŝ))

where Ck (·) is the frequency count function for the k-th element in the n-th gram. BELU score
counts the difference of n-grams between two sentences, where n-grams refer to the number of
words in a word group for comparison. For example, for sentence “This is a dog”, the word
groups are “this”, “is”, “a” and “dog” for 1-gram. For 2-grams, the word groups include “this
is”, “is a” and “a dog”. The same rule applies for the rest.
The range of BLEU score falls between 0 and 1. The higher the score, the higher similarity
between the two sentences. However, few human translations will attain the score of 1 since
sentences with different expressions or words may refer to the same meaning. For example,
sentences “my bicycle was stolen” and “my bike was stolen” share same meaning but the BLEU
score is not 1 since they are different when compared word by word.
To characterize such a feature, sentence similarity [12] was proposed as a new metric to
measure the semantic similarity level of two sentences, which is expressed as
BΦ (s) · BΦ (ŝ)T
τ (ŝ, s) = , (16)
kBΦ (s)k kBΦ (ŝ)k
where BΦ is the BERT model [36] to map a sentence to its semantic vector space, which is a
pre-trained model with billions of sentences. Instead of comparing two sentences directly, we
compare their semantic vectors obtained by the BERT model. Sentence similarity ranges from
0 to 1. The higher the value, the higher similarity between the two sentences.
To achieve a tradeoff between the transmission accuracy and the number of symbols used for
each message, a metric [27] has been designed as
γ= × (1 − ψ (s, ŝ)) , (17)
where N is the number of symbols per message and ψ (s, ŝ) is the semantic error between s
and ŝ. Note that ψ (s, ŝ) could be in various formats, such as BLEU score and mean-squared
error (MSE), which is dependent on the transmission task at the receiver.
Moreover, some other metrics have also been introduced recently, i.e., average bit consumption
per sentence measures the system from a communication perspective [34].

2) Image Semantic Similarity: The similarity of two images, A and B, is measured as

η(f (A), f (B)) = kf (A) − f (B)k22 , (18)

where f (·) is the image embedding function mapping an image to a point in the Euclidean
space. The image embedding function f (·) is the essential part for finding the image semantic
similarity. Note that the commonly used metrics, such as peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and
structural similarity index (SSIM), are shallow functions and fail to count many nuances of human
perception. Moreover, traditional image similarity metrics are built on the top of hand designed
features, such as Gabor filter and scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT). Their performance is
heavily limited by the representation power of features.
Image semantic similarity metric depends on the high-order image structure, which is usually
context dependent. DL-based image similarity metrics could achieve promising results, as the
convolutional neural network (CNN) encodes high invariance and captures image semantics. It is
discovered that deep CNNs trained on a high-level image classification task are often remarkably
useful as a representational space. For example, we can measure the distance of two images in
VGG feature space as the perceptual loss for image regression problems [37]. They define two
perceptual loss functions based on a VGG network, φ. The feature reconstruction loss encourages
the two images with similar feature representations computed by φ. Let φi (x) be the activation
function of the lth layer, which is of shape L. The feature reconstruction loss is calculated by
feature (A, B) = kφ(A) − φ(B)k22 . (19)
The style reconstruction loss penalizes differences in colors, textures, and common patterns. It
is the difference between the Gram matrices, Gφ
l , of the two images given by

Lφ,l φ φ 2
style (A, B) = kGl (A) − Gl (B)kF . (20)

The effectiveness of deep features in similarity measuring is not restrict to VGG architecture.
Richard et al. [38] evaluated deep features across different architectures and tasks, which showed
significant performance gain compared to all previous metrics and coincided with human per-
ception. Furthermore, a deep ranking model proposed in [39] characterizes the image similarity
relationship within a set of triplets: a query image, a positive image, and a negative image.
The image similarity relationship is characterized by the relative similarity ordering in triplets.
Moreover, metrics, including adversarial loss [40], inception score (IS), and Fréchet inception
distance (FID) [41], have also been proposed to measure the similarity between images generated

from generative adversarial networks (GAN) and natural images, from a image distribution
Visual semantic embedding is another way to assess the image semantic similarity [42]. As
mentioned earlier, the concepts from different images can be extracted and compared. The visual
translation embedding (VTransE) network [43] maps the visual features of objects and predication
into a low-dimensional semantic space. Therefore, the semantic similarity can be measured. The
relationship detection model in [44] learns a module to map features from the vision and semantic
modalities into a shared space, where the matched feature pairs should be discriminative against
those unmatched ones and maintaining close distances to semantically similar ones. As a result,
the model can represent semantic similarity of images well at the relationship level. Semantic
embedding has been widely used in scene graph generation (SGG), image captioning, and image
retrieval. Hence, it is with great potential to be exploited in semantic communication systems.
3) Speech Quality Measurement: The transmission goal of semantic commutations can be
categorized into full data reconstruction and task execution. To achieve the speech reconstruction,
the global speech semantic information, such as the voice of a speaker, text information, and
speech delay, are transmitted and recovered at the receiver. Therefore, the metrics, such as per-
ceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) [45], short-time objective intelligibility (STOI) [46],
and perceptual objective listening quality assessment (POLQA) [47], can be adopted to measure
the global semantic content of speech signals, which comprehensively evaluate the reconstructed
speech signals. In [13], PESQ is adopted as the performance metric in a semantic communication
system for speech transmission.
However, to serve intelligent tasks, i.e., speech synthesis, the speech signals are synthesized at
the receiver based on the text and speaker’s information, which omits some content of semantic
information, e.g., speech delay. Therefore, unconditional Fréchet deep speech distance (FDSD)
and unconditional kernel deep speech distance (KDSD) are utilized to assess the quality of
synthesized speech, which first extracts the features of the speech signals and feeds these features
into an assessment model to measure their similarity.
Denote the extracted features of the original speech samples and the synthesized ones as
D ∈ RK×L and D b ∈ RK×L , respectively, the FDSD is defined as

2 h 1 i
Γ2 = µD − µDb + Tr ΣD + ΣDb − ΣD ΣDb 2 , (21)

where µD and µDb represent the averages of D and D,

b respectively, while ΣD and Σ b denote

their covariance matrices.

KDSD [48] is given by
2 1 X  
∆ = q Di, Dj
K (K − 1) 1≤i,j≤K

b (22)
1 X   X  
+   q Di, Dj +
b q Di, D
bj ,
b Kb −1 i=1 j=1
b 1≤i,j≤K

where q(·) is the kernel function.

From the above, for semantic communications serving different tasks, the performance metric
is heavily dependent on the chosen “semantic language” for the application. Such a semantic
language could be a typical natural language, the scene graph for image processing, truth tables
from Carnap et al. [4], or the customized graph-based language from Kalfa et al. [16]. The
metrics will have to be adapted to these languages.


Though semantic theory has been investigated for decades, the lack of a general mathematical
tool limits its applications. Thanks to the advancements of DL, some interesting works have been
developed for semantic communications in recent years. This section presents the latest work on
the deep semantic communication system design for text, image, speech, and multimodal data.

A. Text Processing

The advancement on NLP [49] enables text coding to consider the semantic meaning of
text, which motivates us to re-design the transceiver for achieving successful semantic infor-
mation transmission. For the system shown in Fig. 3, neural networks are used to represent
the transmitter and receiver in DL-enabled semantic communications. The core of DL-enabled
semantic communication is to design semantic coding, which can understand and extract semantic
information. Those semantic features are then compressed. Moreover, the channel decoder is
trained to combat the channel impairment. Another core task is to design a proper loss function
to minimize semantic errors and channel impairments. If the system is designed for serving a
specific task at the receiver, the loss function should be adjusted accordingly to capture features
relevant to the task.

TABLE I: An comparison of received sentences with DeepSC and benchmarks when transmitted
over Rayleigh fading channels, SNR=18 dB, and 8 symbols used for each word. [12].

Transmitted sentence it is an important step towards equal rights for all passengers.
DeepSC it is an important step towards equal rights for all passengers.
JSCC [10] it is an essential way towards our principles for democracy.
Huffman + Turbo rt is a imeomant step tomdrt equal rights for atp passurerrs.

For erasure channels, Farsad et al. [10] developed a long short-term memory (LSTM) enabled
JSCC for text transmission. The cross entropy is adopted as the loss function and WER is
used for performance metric. It shows the great potential of DL-enabled JSCC compared to the
conventional communication system. Though the concept of semantic communication was not
mentioned in [10], it inspired subsequent research greatly.
Afterwards, Xie et al. [12] developed a Transformer based joint semantic-channel coding for an
end-to-end semantic communication system, named DeepSC. In such an end-to-end system, the
block structure of the conventional communication system has been merged [7]. In particular,
a new loss function given by (13) was provided, which counts the cross entropy for better
understanding texts and the mutual information for higher data rates [12]. By designing such
semantic coding and channel coding layers, DeepSC is capable of extracting semantic features
and guaranteeing their accurate transmission. It has been verified that DeepSC outperforms
typical communication systems significantly, especially when channel conditions are poor. For
instance, the BLEU score in Fig. 8 is improved by 800% compared to the conventional method
with Huffman coding and Turbo codes when SNR = 9 dB. When measured by sentence similarity
defined in (13), we could also see the significant performance gap between DeepSC and the
conventional method. Note that when SNR = 12 dB, the BLEU score is less than 0.2, which
makes the received sentence almost impossible to read by human beings. It could be reflected
by the sentence similarity which is almost 0 with SNR = 12 dB.
Moreover, Table I provides an snapshot of the received sentences after they pass through
Rayleigh fading channels, in which the traditional methods exhibit some spelling mistakes. Note
that the performance metrics, such as BLEU score and sentence similarity, cannot be used as
the loss function in DeepSC as it will cause gradient disappearance for the transceiver training.
Since then, several variants of DeepSC have been developed. Specifically, Jiang et al. [34]

1 1

0.8 0.8

Sentence Similarity
BLEU (1-gram)

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
Huffman + Turbo
Huffman + Turbo JSCC [10]
JSCC [10] DeepSC
0.2 0.2

0 0
0 6 12 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)

Fig. 8: BLEU score comparison of DeepSC and traditional methods under Rayleigh fading
channels, with 8 symbols used for each word [12].

combines semantic coding with Reed Solomon coding and hybrid automatic repeat request
for improving the reliability of text semantic transmission. A similarity detection network was
proposed to detect meaning errors. Moreover, Sana et al. [27] defined a new loss function (12)
to capture the effect of semantic distortion, which can dynamically trade semantic compression
loss for semantic fidelity. Note that (12) is upper bounded by (13), but it is hard to use (12) as
the loss function for neural network training. Another contribution from [27] is the introduction
of adaptive number of symbols used for each word for further performance gain in terms of the
metric defined in (17). The performance gain becomes obvious when the maximum number of
symbols for each word is large, but it also increases the size of data to be transmitted. To make
the trained model affordable for capacity-limited IoT devices, Xie et al. [14] developed a lite
model of DeepSC by pruning and quantizing the trained DeepSC models, which could achieve
40x compression ratio without performance degradation.

B. Image Processing

In this part, we first introduce different approaches of image semantic extraction. DL-based
image compression and semantic communications for image transmission are then discussed.
1) Non-Structural Image Semantic Representation: The representation of pixel-level im-
ages usually lacks of high-level semantic information. Classical machine learning methods utilize

hand-crafted features for image representation. Later on, sparse coding [50] was introduced to
represent image patches as a combination of overcomplete basis elements, also known as a
codebook. However, the representation power of shallow features is usually limited.
After the breakthrough of convolutional neural networks (CNN), powerful deep features
become available. In a CNN, each layer generates a successively higher-level abstraction of
the input data, named a feature map, to keep essential yet unique information. By employing a
very deep hierarchy of layers, modern CNNs achieve superior performance in image semantic
representation and content understanding. Although these approaches have achieved advanced
performance in visual feature extraction, there is still a gap between visual features and semantics.
To narrow the gap, some researchers focus on extracting image utilizing context information.
The deep semantic feature matching approach proposed in [51] incorporates convolutional fea-
ture pyramids and activation guided feature selection. Promising results have been obtained in
estimating correspondences across different instances and scenes of the same semantic category.
Huang [52] proposed an image and sentence matching approach by utilizing the image global
context to learn semantic concepts, such as objects, properties, and actions. The description
of image regions is generated in [53], where the visual-semantic alignment model infers the
alignment between segments of sentences and the region of the image described by those text
segments. Shi et al. [54] proposed a semantic representation for person re-identification, where
semantic attributes include the color and category of clothes as well as different parts of the
Some researchers tried to extract concise representation for image semantics, such as semantic
segmentation map, sketch, object skeleton, and facial landmark. These semantic labels describe
the layout of those objects. For instance, each pixel in semantic segmentation is labeled with the
class of its enclosing object or region. Object skeleton describes the symmetry axis, which is
widely used in object recognition/detection. Facial landmarks are used to localize and represent
salient regions of the face, i.e., eyes and nose, which are applied to various tasks, such as face
alignment, head pose estimation, and face swapping, to name a few.
2) Structural Image Semantic Representation: The efforts of structural image semantic
representation have been concentrated on using graph-based machine learning techniques to
reduce semantic gap between the low-level image features and the profusion of high-level human
perception to images. With the power of graph representation, the solution space is reduced,
which results in faster optimization convergence and higher accuracy in the representation

Fig. 9: A scene graph example.

learning. Graph based methods have demonstrated effective performance in image segmentation,
annotation, and retrieval. In this way, the gap between image vision content and the semantic
tags can be bridged.
Scene graph [55] has been regarded as a typical representation of the semantic graph, which
is a data structure to describe objects and their relationship in a real scene. As shown in Fig. 9,
a complete scene graph could represent the detailed semantics of scenes, which can be used
to encode 2D/3D images/videos into semantic features. Scene graph is a new content for scene
description, which has been widely adopted in inference tasks, such as question answering, image
retrieval, and image captioning.
Scene Graph Generation (SGG) is developed to build a more complete scene graph. Particu-
larly, VTransE places objects in a low-dimension relation space where the relationship can be
modeled as a simple translation vector (subject + predicate = object) [43]. Note that elements
of visual scenes have strong structural regularity, thus some structural repetitions in scene graphs
can be examined. MOTIFNET [56] divides SGG into the stage predicting bounding boxes, object
labels, and relationships. Moreover, Causal-TDE [57], which is based on causal inference other
than the conventional likelihood, introduced a causal graph of SGG to remove the effect from
the undesired bias by counterfactual causality.
3) Deep Learning based Image Compression: Traditional image compression projects an
image into its sparse domain and reconstructs the image under the guidance of pixel level
accuracy. They suffer from blocky and ringing artifact at low bit rate and the reconstructed image
is not visually pleasant. It is the frontier that machine learning based image compression methods
transform the traditional pixel reconstruction into semantic reconstruction. Content understanding
is considered as the core of next generation image coding.

Fig. 10: A semantic communication framework for image transmission.

Deep autoencoder encodes the image into a low dimensional latent code thus achieves highly
efficient compression. Various end-to-end deep autoencoder based image compression architec-
tures were proposed in [58]–[60]. To deal with the non-differential rounding based quantization,
differentiable alternatives have been proposed for the quantization and entropy rate estimation.
Based on the fact that local information content of an image is spatially variant, a content-aware
bit rate allocation method was proposed in [61].
Moreover, GAN is used to produce visually pleasing reconstruction for very low bit rates. The
pioneering work [62] introduced GAN to compression and proposed a real-time adaptive image
compression method. By utilizing an autoencoder feature pyramid to downsample an image and
a generator to reconstruct it, the compressor typically produces files 2.5 times smaller than the
typical image compression method, such as JPEG. Agustsson et al. [63] introduced the GAN
based extreme learned image compression, which obtains visually pleasing results at an extremely
low bit rate. Furthermore, if a semantic label map is available, the non-essential regions in the
decoded image can be fully synthesized. Wu et al. [64] proposed a GAN-based tunable image
compression system, in which the important map is learned to guide the bit allocation.
4) Semantic Communications for Image/Video: Fig. 10 illustrates a structure for image
semantic communications, which utilizes the aforementioned image processing but is beyond
that. The semantic encoder extracts the low-dimensional semantic information, in the form of
visual-semantic embedding, semantic label, or semantic graph. Machine learning techniques are
adopted to design an efficient semantic encoder. The next stage is the channel encoder, which
can be jointly trained with the semantic encoder.

Particularly, Kurka et al. proposed DeepJSCC [65], [66] for adaptive-bandwidth wireless
transmission of images. It exploits the channel output feedback signal and outperfoms separation-
based schemes. DeepJSCC performs well in the low SNR and small bandwidth regimes with
slight degradation. At the receiver, the semantic decoder usually adopts a GAN based archi-
tecture to map semantic information into its vision space. Such an under-determined image
reconstruction training task is optimized using the criterion of semantic similarity.
More works have been designed for serving certain vision tasks, named task-oriented semantic
communications. Specifically, Lee et al. [67] designed a joint transmission-classification system
for images, in which the receiver outputs image classification results directly. It has been verified
that such a joint design achieved higher classification accuracy than performing image recovery
and classification separately. Kang et al. [68] proposed a scheme for joint image transmission
and scene classification. Deep reinforcement learning was exploited to identify the most essential
semantic features for serving the transmission task so as to achieve the best tradeoff between
classification accuracy and transmission cost. Jankowski et al. [69] considered image based re-
identification for persons or cars as the transmission task, and two schemes were proposed to
improve the retrieval accuracy.
Moreover, video transmission is considered as a killing application of semantic communica-
tions, especially the video conference. In particular, Wang et al. [70] have developed a reinforce-
ment learning enabled end-to-end framework for video transmission with variable bandwidth. It
demonstrates superior performance compared to the conventional method. Wang et al. [71] have
designed a JSCC scheme for video transmission over the air with to minimize the end-to-end
transmission rate-distortion. Jiang et al. [72] have proposed a semantic transmission scheme for
video conferencing with a novel semantic error detector. The photo of the speaker is shared as
prior information to help reconstruct the motion of the speaker’s facial expression. The developed
scheme lower the demands on wireless resource dramatically. Tao et al. [73] developed a mobile
video transmission framework to guarantee the quality of experience (QoE). A large dataset has
been built to find the relationship between the subjective QoE scores and the neural network
parameters to guide the semantic video transmission. Moreover, Fried et al. [74] have proposed to
edit talking-head video by editing text. Afterwards, Tandon et al. [75] have proposed to transmit
text only rather than video, which dramatically lower the network traffic.
For image or video transmission, task-oriented semantic communications lower the network
traffic significantly. However, as the system is trained for a specific task, the trained model should

be updated or even re-trained if the transmission task varies.

C. Speech and Multimodal Data Processing

1) Semantic Communications for Speech: Semantic communication systems have also been
designed for speech transmission [76], [77]. Weng et al. [13] proposed an extension of DeepSC
for speech signals, named DeepSC-S. In particular, joint semantic-channel coding could deal
with source distortion and channel effect. In this work, the bit-to-symbol transformation is not
involved. MSE is adopted as the loss function to minimize the difference between the recovered
speech signals and the input ones. In addition, signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR) and PESQ are
adopted as two performance metrics to the quality of recovered speech signals. Tong et al. [77]
extended it to a multi-user case and implemented federated learning to collaboratively train
the CNN based encoder and decoder over multiple local devices and the server. MSE is also
used as the loss function and performance metric, which hardly reflects the amount of semantic
information at the receiver.
Inspired by the unprecedented demands of intelligent tasks, DeepSC-ST [76] utilized recurrent
neural networks (RNNs) to extract the text-related semantic information from speech signals at
the transmitter and to recover the text sequence at the receiver for speech synthesis. By doing so,
only text semantic information is transmitted, which reduce the required transmission resource
significantly. Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) [78] is adopted as the loss function,
where character-error-rate (CER) and WER are adopted as two performance metrics to measure
the accuracy of the recognized text information. The aforementioned FDSD and KDSD are
exploited to measure the similarity between the real and synthesized speech signals.
2) Unified Semantic Communications for Multimodal Data and Multi-Task: Multimodal
data processing has been considered as a critical task as shown in Fig. 11. For tasks, such as
AR/VR and human sensing care system, the generated multimodal data are correlated in the
context. By introducing new degrees of freedom, multimodal data improves the performance of
intelligent tasks [79].
Semantic communications are promising to support multimodal data transmission. Xie et al.
[15] developed MU-DeepSC for the visual question answering task, where text based questions
about images are transmitted by one user and the enquiry images are transmitted from another
user. Cross entropy is adopted as the loss function while the task related metric, i.e., answer
accuracy rate, is used to measure the performance of MU-DeepSC. Different from all the

Fig. 11: The illustration of semantic communication applications.

aforementioned works for the point-to-point transmission, MU-DeepSC is designed for serving
multi-user transmission. As an extension of DeepSC, a Transformer based framework [80] has
been developed as a unique structure for serving different tasks. Various tasks have been tested
in [80] to show its superiority.
Note that the aforementioned work still requires model training for each task, which limits the
application. A unified deep learning enabled semantic communication system (U-DeepSC) [81]
has been designed to serve various transmission tasks. To jointly serve these tasks in one model,
domain adaptation is employed to lower the transmission overhead. Moreover, since each task
is with different difficulty and requires different numbers of layers, a multi-exit architecture has
been proposed to provide early-exit results for relatively simple tasks.
Note that the investigation on semantic commutations for multimodal data transmission is
still at its infancy. But we could see the great potential of semantic communications to support
multimodal data transmission for various applications, especially the great potential to lower the
size of data to be transmitted by utilizing the correlations among data from different modalities.


We can now conclude that the semantic communication is a breakthrough of the conventional
communication. However, its general structure and many related issues are not clear yet, which
motivates us to investigate more in this area. To pave the way to semantic communications, the
following open questions should be answered:
1) Semantic theory: Though some researchers have tackled semantic theory in past decades,
most of them are based on logical probability with limited application scenarios, which
follows the framework of conventional information theory. It is still questionable whether
we could follow a similar path to quantify semantic communications by semantic entropy,
semantic channel capacity, semantic level rate-distortion theory, and the relationship between
inference accuracy and transmission rate.
2) Semantic transceiver: Semantics provide concise and effective representations, thus making
the semantic communication an efficient system in terms of bandwidth saving and subse-
quent task processing. However, a general semantic level JSCC for different types of sources
is not available yet. Moreover, it is a significant challenge to design a semantic noise robust
communication system, incorporating machine learning techniques like adversarial training.
Furthermore, proper loss functions without causing gradient disappearance are required.
3) Semantic communications with reasoning: Inspired by the advances of System 2 that
enables reasoning, planning, and handling exceptions, a semantic communication system
with reasoning could significantly reduces the communication cost by sending only the most
effective semantics as pointed out by Tong’s keynote and Seo et al. [82]. However, the
investigated in this direction is still at its infancy, more efforts are expected to develop a
more intelligent semantic communication system with reasoning.
4) Resource allocation in semantic-aware network: In semantic-aware networks, it is es-
sential to rethink resource allocation for semantic interference control. In contrast to re-
source allocation in conventional communications, which focuses on engineering issues,
i.e., improving bit transmission rate, semantic-aware resource allocation aims to address
both engineering and semantic issues. The objective of semantic-aware resource allocation
is to improve communication efficiency in semantic domain. In particular, semantic spec-
trum efficiency has been proposed in [83], [84]. However, this issue still faces following

• How to evaluate semantic communication efficiency, i.e., semantic transmission rate or

semantic spectral efficiency?
• How to formulate a general resource allocation problem for difference task-oriented
semantic systems to optimize the resource allocation policy to maximize semantic com-
munication efficiency?
5) Performance metrics: Though several new performance metrics have been explored in
semantic communication systems as aforementioned, it is more than desired to design more
appropriate evaluation metrics for semantic communications, for instance, the metric to
evaluate the amount of semantic information that has been preserved or missed. Moreover, a
general performance metric, such as SER or BER for conventional communication systems,
is required to measure different semantic communication systems.
6) Applications: Apart from the extensive research interest in semantic communications, the
killing applications are more then desired. We are witnessing extensive interest in semantic
communications enabled AR/VR and video conference from both academia and industries.
We are looking forward to seeing more potential applications of semantic communications
in the near future.


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