HUMMS D (9:50-
School 11:50), H.E (1:00-
3:00), ICTB (3:00-
English for Academic
(DLP) Learning
Teacher Jessalyn L. Milagrosa and Professional
Date and November 21 , 2022 Quarter Second
A. Content Standards Understand the principles and uses of a position paper
Presents a convincing position paper based on properly cited factual
B. Performance Standards
C. Most Essential Define what a position paper is
Learning Competency
a. Define what a position paper is
b. Identify situation in which a position paper may be effectively used
D. Objectives
in the present society;
c. Write various kinds of position paper
A. Topic Position Paper
B. Key Concepts
C. Pre-requisite Skills
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide SHS English for Academic and Professional Purposes Module 6 ADM
2. Learner’s Materials The Effects of Technology Youth. Accessed January 18, 2018.
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
The Effects of Technology Youth. Accessed January 18, 2018.
1. Websites
2. Books/Journals
C. Materials Laptop & Story guide
A. Reviewing Previous What is concept paper? And when do we use it?
Lesson or Presenting
New Lesson
B. Establishing a Rearrange the letter to form words. Hint: problems and issues of today.
Purpose for the Write your answers on a separate sheet.
Lesson (Springboard 1. P R E N S S I O D E ------------------------------
or Motivation) 2. I N G Y U L L B Y C B E R ---------------------
3. N E I R O V M N T L A E N I S U E S S ---------------
4. T A G E N E E Y C N G A N E P R ---------------------------
5. E S A M X S E E G M R R A I A------------------------------
C. Presenting The teacher will ask the learner to think of three problems that
Examples/Instances the Philippines society is experiencing today. Enumerate these
of the New Lesson problems on the space provided on the left side of the chart
below. And then, write the opinion about each of.
Issue/Problem Opinion
D. Discussing New The teacher will have a direct discussion of the definition of a
Concepts and position paper.
Practicing New For the organization of thoughts, the teacher will present an
Skills outline (introduction, body and conclusion).
The teacher will give examples of a position paper.
E. Developing Mastery The teacher will group the students by five and they will be given
(Leads to Formative a set of question from the story “The Effects of Technology by:
Assessment) Orton Taylor
F. Finding Practical The teacher will give two questions where students can freely choose
Applications of issues to answer.
Concepts and Skills What is your stand on the increasing rates of teenage Pregnancy?
in Daily Living Do you agree or disagree legalizing same sex marriages in our
country? Why? Why not? State your main idea or claim and
supporting arguments.
1. Making The position paper is an academic writing in which viewpoints
Generalizations are expressed. The goal of writing a position paper is to
and Abstractions convince the audience and present valid arguments. Now, let’s
about the Lesson reflect what you have learned in this lesson. Use a separate
What is a Position Paper?
What have I found out about Position paper?
1. Evaluating Write a two- paragraph essay stating your position on the use
Learning of social media, will you consider it as a boon or bane? Use a
(Assessment for separate sheet.
2. Additional Assessment 1: True or False?
Activities for Directions: Read the statements below. In your answer sheet, write
Application or TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is not.
Remediation. 1. The main purpose of a position paper is to persuade readers to
take the position of the writer.
2. You can establish your paper’s credibility by presenting your claim
based on relevant research about your topic.
3. An effective position paper addresses all side of the issue.
4. The audience is not an important factor in writing a position
5. Moral and religious truths are credible source of evidence.
6. Biases are necessary in position paper writing.
7. Overly opinionated stands are considered effective as the main
point in your paper.
8. Disproving counterclaims reinforces your arguments that support
your stand.
9. Research on both positions on the topic.
10. Informal language is accepted in position paper writing.
A. Number of learners
who earned80% in the
B. Number of learners
who require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? Number
of learners who have
caught up with the
D. Number of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or Laptop, TV, Story Guide, and PowerPoint Presentation.
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
E. Key Concepts
F. Pre-requisite Skills
D. References
5. Teacher’s Guide SHS English for Academic and Professional Purposes Module 6 ADM
6. Learner’s Materials The Effects of Technology Youth. Accessed January 18, 2018.
7. Textbook Pages
8. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR)
E. Other Learning
The Effects of Technology Youth. Accessed January 18, 2018.
3. Websites
4. Books/Journals
F. Materials Laptop & Story guide
G. Reviewing Previous What is concept paper? And when do we use it?
Lesson or Presenting
New Lesson
H. Establishing a Rearrange the letter to form words. Hint: problems and issues of today.
Purpose for the Write your answers on a separate sheet.
Lesson (Springboard 1. P R E N S S I O D E ------------------------------
or Motivation) 2. I N G Y U L L B Y C B E R ---------------------
3. N E I R O V M N T L A E N I S U E S S ---------------
4. T A G E N E E Y C N G A N E P R ---------------------------
5. E S A M X S E E G M R R A I A------------------------------
I. Presenting The teacher will ask the learner to think of three problems that
Examples/Instances the Philippines society is experiencing today. Enumerate these
of the New Lesson problems on the space provided on the left side of the chart
below. And then, write the opinion about each of.
Issue/Problem Opinion
J. Discussing New The teacher will have a direct discussion of the definition of a
Concepts and position paper.
Practicing New For the organization of thoughts, the teacher will present an
Skills outline (introduction, body and conclusion).
The teacher will give examples of a position paper.
K. Developing Mastery The teacher will group the students by five and they will be given
(Leads to Formative a set of question from the story “The Effects of Technology by:
Assessment) Orton Taylor
L. Finding Practical The teacher will give two questions where students can freely choose
Applications of issues to answer.
Concepts and Skills What is your stand on the increasing rates of teenage Pregnancy?
in Daily Living Do you agree or disagree legalizing same sex marriages in our
country? Why? Why not? State your main idea or claim and
supporting arguments.
2. Making The position paper is an academic writing in which viewpoints
Generalizations are expressed. The goal of writing a position paper is to
and Abstractions convince the audience and present valid arguments. Now, let’s
about the Lesson reflect what you have learned in this lesson. Use a separate
What is a Position Paper?
What have I found out about Position paper?
3. Evaluating Write a two- paragraph essay stating your position on the use
Learning of social media, will you consider it as a boon or bane? Use a
(Assessment for separate sheet.
4. Additional Assessment 1: True or False?
Activities for Directions: Read the statements below. In your answer sheet, write
Application or TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is not.
Remediation. 1. The main purpose of a position paper is to persuade readers to
take the position of the writer.
2. You can establish your paper’s credibility by presenting your claim
based on relevant research about your topic.
3. An effective position paper addresses all side of the issue.
4. The audience is not an important factor in writing a position
5. Moral and religious truths are credible source of evidence.
6. Biases are necessary in position paper writing.
7. Overly opinionated stands are considered effective as the main
point in your paper.
8. Disproving counterclaims reinforces your arguments that support
your stand.
9. Research on both positions on the topic.
10. Informal language is accepted in position paper writing.
H. Number of learners
who earned80% in the
I. Number of learners
who require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
J. Did the remedial
lessons work? Number
of learners who have
caught up with the
K. Number of learners
who continue to
require remediation
L. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
M. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
N. What innovation or Laptop, TV, Story Guide, and PowerPoint Presentation.
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?