NRB 0282-0754 H

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NRB 0282H-0754H Reversible air/water heat pump

Cooling capacity 52 ÷ 261 kW
Heating capacity 57 ÷ 193 kW

• High efficiency also at partial loads

• Components redundancy for greater
• Reduced amount of refrigerant
• Compact dimensions

DESCRIPTION ■ VARIABLE FLOW RATE: Correctly adjust the speed of the invert-
Reversible outdoor heat pumps for the production of chilled/heat- er-controlled pumps according to the load demand of the system,
ed water designed to satisfy the needs of residential and commercial in order to reduce power consumption.
buildings, or for industrial applications.
The base, the structure and the panels are made of galvanized steel CONTROL
treated with polyester paint RAL 9003. Microprocessor adjustment, with keyboard and LCD display,for easy ac-
VERSIONS cess on the unit is a menu available in several languages.
° Standard — The presence of a programmable timer allows functioning time pe-
A High efficiency riods and a possible second set-point to be set.
E Silenced high efficiency — The temperature control takes place with the integral proportional
L Standard silenced logic, based on the water output temperature.
— Floating HP control: the function can be activated with inverter
FEATURES fans or with DCPX which allows unit operation to be optimised at
Operating field any operating point through continuous modulation of the fan
Working at full load up to -15°C outside air temperature in winter, and speed. In addition, the use of inverter fans ensures an increase in
up to 48°C in summer. Hot water production up to 55°C (for more infor- energy efficiency at partial loads.
mation see the technical documentation). — Night Mode: it is possible to set a silenced operation profile. Per-
fect for night operation since it guarantees greater acoustic comfort
Units mono or dual-circuit in the evenings, and a high efficiency in the time of greater load.
The units are mono or dual-circuit, to ensure maximum efficiency both Night Mode for standard versions is mandatory DCPX accesso-
at full load and at partial load. ry (standard on all low noise versions) or "J" inverter fan
New condensing Coils
The whole range uses copper - aluminium condensation coils with ACCESSORIES
reduced diameter rows, allowing a lower quantity of gas to be used AER485P1: RS-485 interface for supervision systems with MODBUS
compared to traditional coils. protocol.
AERBACP: Ethernet communication Interface for protocols Bacnet/IP,
Electronic expansion valve Modbus TCP/IP, SNMP
The possibility to use electronic expansion valve, available to configu- AERNET: The device allows the control, the management and the re-
rator, offers significant benefits, especially when the chiller is working mote monitoring of a Chiller with a PC, smartphone or tablet using
with partial loads, increasing the energy efficiency of the unit. Cloud connection. AERNET works as Master while every unit connected
Option integrated hydronic kit is configured as Slave (max. 6 unit); also, with a simple click is possible
An optional, integrated hydronic kit containing the main hydraulic to save a log file with all the connected unit datas in the personal ter-
components, to obtain a solution that allows you to save money and minal for post analysis.
to facilitate installation. MULTICHILLER_EVO: Control, switch-on and switch-off system of the
It is available in different configurations with storage tank or with single chillers where multiple units are installed in parallel, always en-
fixed or variable pumps also inverter. suring constant flow rate to the evaporators.

PGD1: Allows you to control the unit at a distance. parameters and graphically view the progress of some variables in real
DCPX: Device for condensation temperature control, with continuous time.
speed modulation of fans by using a pressure transducer. AERCALM: The aim of the accessory installed in the electric box of the
GP: Anti-intrusion grid. unit is to provide a clean contact for commanding - on the basis of the
VT: Antivibration supports outside air temperature - a boiler to supplement or replace the heat
pump. Aercalm must be requested at the time of ordering, as it is in-
FACTORY FITTED ACCESSORIES stalled in the factory.
DRE: Electronic device for peak current reduction.
RIF: Power factor correction. Connected in parallel to the motor allow- COMPATIBILITY WITH VMF SYSTEM
ing about 10% reduction of input current. For more information about VMF system, refer to the dedicated
C-TOUCH: 7", touch screen keyboard, which allows to navigate intui- documentation.
tively among the various screens, allowing to modify the operating
Model Ver 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
°,A • • • • • • • • • • •
E,L • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
°,A • • • • • • • • • • •
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°,A • • • • • • • • • • •
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°,A • • • • • • • • • • •
E,L • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
°,A • • • • • • • • • • •
E,L • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Condensation control temperature

Ver 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Fans: °
° - - - - DCPX142 DCPX142 DCPX142 DCPX142 DCPX142 DCPX142 DCPX143 DCPX143 DCPX143 DCPX143 DCPX143
A - - - - DCPX142 DCPX142 DCPX142 DCPX142 DCPX142 DCPX143 DCPX143 DCPX143 DCPX143 DCPX143 DCPX143
E,L DCPX140 DCPX140 DCPX140 DCPX140 As standard As standard As standard As standard As standard As standard As standard As standard As standard As standard As standard
Fans: M
E,L DCPX141 DCPX141 DCPX141 DCPX141 - - - - - - - - - - -

Ver 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Integrated hydronic kit: 00, I1, I2, I3, I4, P1, P2, P3, P4
° - - - - VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22
A - - - - VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22
E VT17 VT17 VT17 VT17 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22
L VT17 VT17 VT17 VT17 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22
Integrated hydronic kit: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, K1, K2, K3, K4, W1, W2, W3, W4
° - - - - VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22
A - - - - VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22
E VT13 VT13 VT13 VT13 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22
L VT13 VT13 VT13 VT13 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT11 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22 VT22

Anti-intrusion grid
Ver 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
° - - - - GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1)
A - - - - GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1)
E GP3 GP4 GP4 GP4 GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1)
L GP3 GP3 GP4 GP4 GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 2 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1) GP2 x 3 (1)
(1) x _ indicates the quantity to buy
The accessory cannot be fitted on the configurations indicated with -
Device for peak current reduction
Ver 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604
°,A - - - - DRENRB502 (1) DRENRB552 (1) DRENRB602 (1) DRENRB604 (1)
E,L DRENRB282 (1) DRENRB302 (1) DRENRB332 (1) DRENRB352 (1) DRENRB502 (1) DRENRB552 (1) DRENRB602 (1) DRENRB604 (1)
(1) Only for supplies of 400V 3N ~ 50Hz and 400V 3 ~ 50Hz. x 2 or x 3 (if present) indicates the quantity to be ordered.
The accessory cannot be fitted on the configurations indicated with -
A grey background indicates the accessory must be assembled in the factory
Ver 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
°,A,E,L DRENRB652 (1) DRENRB654 (1) DRENRB682 (1) DRENRB702 (1) DRENRB704 (1) DRENRB752 (1) DRENRB754 (1)
(1) Only for supplies of 400V 3N ~ 50Hz and 400V 3 ~ 50Hz. x 2 or x 3 (if present) indicates the quantity to be ordered.
A grey background indicates the accessory must be assembled in the factory

Power factor correction
Ver 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
°,A - - - - RIF0502 RIF0552 RIF0602 RIF0604 RIF0652 RIF0654 RIF0682 RIF0702 RIF0704 RIF0752 RIF0754
E,L RIF0282 RIF0302 RIF0332 RIF0352 RIF0502 RIF0552 RIF0602 RIF0604 RIF0652 RIF0654 RIF0682 RIF0702 RIF0704 RIF0752 RIF0754
The accessory cannot be fitted on the configurations indicated with -
A grey background indicates the accessory must be assembled in the factory
Touch screen keyboard
Ver 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
A grey background indicates the accessory must be assembled in the factory
Clean contact for controlling a boiler.
Model Ver 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
AERCALM °,A,E,L • • • •

Field Description Field Description
1,2,3 NRB 03 Storage tank with high head pump
Size 04 Storage tank with high head pump + stand-by pump
4,5,6,7 0282, 0302, 0332, 0352, 0502, 0552, 0602, 0604, 0652, 0654, 0682, 0702, 0704, Kit with pump/s and storage tank with holes for heaters
0752, 0754
05 Storage tank with holes for heaters and single low head pump (8)
8 Operating field
06 Storage tank with holes for heaters and pump low head + stand-by pump (8)
° Standard mechanic thermostatic valve (1)
07 Storage tank with holes for heaters and single high head pump (8)
X Electronic thermostatic expansion valve (1)
08 Storage tank with holes for heaters and pump high head + stand-by pump (8)
Y Double mechanical thermostat for low temperature (2)
Double loop
Z Low temperature electronic thermostatic valve (3)
09 Double loop
9 Model
Kit with pump/s
H Heat pump
P1 Single pump low head
10 Heat recovery
P2 Pump low head + stand-by pump
° Without heat recovery
P3 Single pump high head
D With desuperheater (4)
P4 Pump high head + stand-by pump
11 Version
Kit with inverter pump/s to fixed speed
° Standard
I1 Single low head pump + fixed speed inverter
A High efficiency
I2 Single low head pump with fixed speed inverter + stand-by pump
E Silenced high efficiency (5)
I3 Single high head pump + fixed speed inverter
L Standard silenced (5)
I4 Single high head pump with fixed speed inverter + stand-by pump
12 Coils
Kit with storage tank and inverter pump/s to fixed speed
° Copper-aluminium
K1 Single low head pump + storage tank + fixed speed inverter
R Copper pipes-copper fins
K2 Storage tank and low head pump with fixed speed inverter + stand-by pump
S Copper pipes-Tinned copper fins
K3 Single high head pump + storage tank + fixed speed inverter
V Copper pieps-Coated aluminium fins
K4 Storage tank and low head pump with fixed speed inverter + stand-by pump
13 Fans
Kit with storage tank and variable speed inverter pump/s
° Standard
W1 Single low head pump + Storage tank + variable speed inverter
J Inverter
W2 Double low head pump + Storage tank + variable speed inverter
M Oversized (6)
W3 Single high head pump + Storage tank + variable speed inverter
14 Power supply
W4 Double high head pump + Storage tank + variable speed inverter
° 400V ~ 3 50Hz with magnet circuit breakers
1 220V~ 3 50Hz with magnet circuit breakers (7) (1) Water produced from 4 °C ÷ 18 °C
(2) Water produced from -10 °C ÷ 18 °C
15,16 Integrated hydronic kit (3) Water produced from 4 °C ÷ 18 °C for ° version; -10 °C for the others versions
Without hydronic kit (4) The desuperheater must be intercepted in heating mode. In cooling mode, a water temperature no lower
than 35°C must always be guaranteed on the heat exchanger inlet.
00 Without hydronic kit (5) The size 0282-0302-0332-0352 are only available in the silenced versions "HL/HE"
Kit with storage tank and pump/s (6) Only for 0282 ÷ 0352 sizes
(7) Only for sizes up 0282 from 0352 and from 0604 to 0704
01 Storage tank with low head pump (8) Storage tanks with holes for supplementary heaters (not provided) are sent from the factory with plastic
02 Storage tank with low head pump + stand-by pump protection caps. Before loading the system, if the installation of one or all resistances is not expected, all
plastic caps must be replaced with the special caps, commonly commercially available.

Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Cooling performance 12 °C / 7 °C (1)
Cooling capacity kW - - - - 91,2 99,7 116,0 115,4 124,7 133,4 151,0 169,9 159,9 187,2 180,8
Input power kW - - - - 33,5 37,5 42,6 46,2 47,8 51,2 51,7 60,0 58,0 69,8 65,7
Cooling total input current A - - - - 61,0 67,0 74,0 83,0 83,0 92,0 90,0 102,0 105,0 116,0 116,0
EER W/W - - - - 2,72 2,66 2,72 2,50 2,61 2,60 2,92 2,83 2,76 2,68 2,75
Water flow rate system side l/h - - - - 15705 17177 19972 19876 21484 22988 25997 29247 27534 32236 31116
Pressure drop system side kPa - - - - 35 42 37 44 43 44 50 61 65 74 59
Heating performance 40 °C / 45 °C (2)
Heating capacity kW - - - - 96,8 105,8 123,7 129,0 136,1 143,4 158,7 178,4 171,8 198,7 188,6
Input power kW - - - - 31,0 33,8 38,7 42,7 43,3 47,7 51,2 58,2 57,3 66,0 61,8
Heating total input current A - - - - 56,0 60,0 68,0 77,0 76,0 87,0 89,0 99,0 104,0 110,0 111,0
COP W/W - - - - 3,12 3,13 3,20 3,03 3,15 3,01 3,10 3,07 3,00 3,01 3,05
Water flow rate system side l/h - - - - 16773 18334 21443 22371 23594 24863 27527 30948 29797 34460 32710
Pressure drop system side kPa - - - - 40 48 43 56 52 52 56 69 76 84 65
(1) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 12 °C/7 °C; External air 35 °C
(2) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 40 °C/ 45 °C; Outside air 7 °C d.b. / 6 °C w.b.
Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Cooling performance 12 °C / 7 °C (1)
Cooling capacity kW 52,1 59,2 67,3 78,1 88,5 96,5 111,5 110,4 119,3 126,4 147,0 164,5 154,9 180,5 174,0
Input power kW 19,5 22,0 24,8 29,5 34,1 38,3 44,1 48,4 49,9 54,2 52,3 61,5 59,2 72,5 67,8
Cooling total input current A 35,0 41,0 47,0 55,0 59,0 66,0 74,0 84,0 84,0 94,0 87,0 100,0 103,0 116,0 116,0
EER W/W 2,67 2,69 2,71 2,65 2,60 2,52 2,53 2,28 2,39 2,33 2,81 2,68 2,62 2,49 2,57
Water flow rate system side l/h 8974 10197 11584 13455 15234 16630 19200 19020 20540 21776 25312 28324 26677 31068 29958
Pressure drop system side kPa 33 42 33 45 33 39 34 40 39 40 48 58 60 69 55
Heating performance 40 °C / 45 °C (2)
Heating capacity kW 57,5 65,7 75,3 84,9 96,8 105,8 123,7 129,0 136,1 143,4 158,7 178,4 171,8 198,7 188,6
Input power kW 17,6 20,7 23,1 26,9 31,0 33,8 38,7 42,6 43,3 47,7 51,2 58,2 57,3 66,0 61,8
Heating total input current A 32,0 38,0 43,0 51,0 56,0 60,0 68,0 77,0 76,0 87,0 89,0 99,0 104,0 110,0 111,0
COP W/W 3,27 3,17 3,26 3,16 3,12 3,13 3,20 3,03 3,15 3,01 3,10 3,07 3,00 3,01 3,05
Water flow rate system side l/h 9973 11376 13056 14711 16773 18334 21443 22371 23594 24863 27527 30948 29797 34460 32710
Pressure drop system side kPa 41 53 42 54 40 47 43 55 52 52 56 69 75 84 65
(1) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 12 °C/7 °C; External air 35 °C
(2) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 40 °C/ 45 °C; Outside air 7 °C d.b. / 6 °C w.b.
Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Cooling performance 12 °C / 7 °C (1)
Cooling capacity kW - - - - 96,9 106,5 123,6 123,1 133,6 142,1 163,9 178,5 168,0 199,9 190,0
Input power kW - - - - 32,3 36,1 39,5 43,3 45,0 47,2 50,7 57,0 55,4 66,5 62,8
Cooling total input current A - - - - 57,0 61,0 68,0 73,0 74,0 79,0 85,0 94,0 99,0 102,0 106,0
EER W/W - - - - 3,00 2,95 3,13 2,84 2,97 3,01 3,23 3,13 3,03 3,01 3,03
Water flow rate system side l/h - - - - 16684 18331 21277 21205 23007 24462 28216 30726 28924 34406 32698
Pressure drop system side kPa - - - - 26 31 32 38 38 50 44 52 50 56 54
Heating performance 40 °C / 45 °C (2)
Heating capacity kW - - - - 100,3 110,9 124,3 129,7 138,2 149,4 164,1 179,7 172,3 200,6 190,0
Input power kW - - - - 30,7 33,5 37,6 40,5 42,0 46,7 50,2 56,3 54,3 62,9 59,5
Heating total input current A - - - - 56,0 60,0 67,0 73,0 74,0 86,0 87,0 96,0 99,0 106,0 107,0
COP W/W - - - - 3,27 3,31 3,31 3,20 3,29 3,20 3,27 3,19 3,17 3,19 3,19
Water flow rate system side l/h - - - - 17406 19230 21553 22489 23953 25914 28469 31171 29889 34800 32956
Pressure drop system side kPa - - - - 28 34 33 42 41 56 45 54 54 57 55
(1) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 12 °C/7 °C; External air 35 °C
(2) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 40 °C/ 45 °C; Outside air 7 °C d.b. / 6 °C w.b.

Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Cooling performance 12 °C / 7 °C (1)
Cooling capacity kW 55,4 62,1 70,0 81,2 94,0 103,0 119,1 117,6 128,0 138,3 159,4 172,5 162,3 191,7 182,6
Input power kW 18,5 21,0 23,7 28,3 32,8 36,9 40,7 44,7 46,9 47,7 51,4 58,5 56,7 69,3 64,9
Cooling total input current A 32,0 37,0 42,0 47,0 56,0 61,0 68,0 74,0 75,0 76,0 83,0 93,0 98,0 102,0 106,0
EER W/W 3,00 2,96 2,95 2,86 2,86 2,79 2,92 2,63 2,73 2,90 3,10 2,95 2,87 2,77 2,81
Water flow rate system side l/h 9530 10696 12052 13983 16181 17722 20498 20255 22037 23819 27431 29692 27947 33000 31425
Pressure drop system side kPa 23 29 26 35 24 29 30 34 34 48 41 49 47 51 50
Heating performance 40 °C / 45 °C (2)
Heating capacity kW 59,0 68,2 76,6 87,1 100,3 110,9 124,3 129,7 138,2 149,4 164,1 179,7 172,3 200,6 190,0
Input power kW 17,5 20,3 22,9 26,4 30,7 33,5 37,6 40,5 42,0 46,7 50,2 56,3 54,3 62,9 59,5
Heating total input current A 33,0 38,0 44,0 50,0 56,0 60,0 67,0 73,0 74,0 86,0 87,0 96,0 99,0 106,0 107,0
COP W/W 3,37 3,36 3,35 3,30 3,27 3,31 3,31 3,20 3,29 3,20 3,27 3,19 3,17 3,19 3,19
Water flow rate system side l/h 10227 11816 13289 15100 17406 19230 21553 22489 23953 25914 28469 31171 29889 34800 32956
Pressure drop system side kPa 26 35 31 41 28 34 33 42 41 56 45 54 54 57 55
(1) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 12 °C/7 °C; External air 35 °C
(2) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 40 °C/ 45 °C; Outside air 7 °C d.b. / 6 °C w.b.


Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Cooling performance 23 °C / 18 °C (1)
Cooling capacity kW - - - - 122,6 133,3 155,1 154,9 165,6 183,4 203,5 227,9 218,9 248,3 247,3
Input power kW - - - - 36,3 41,0 46,5 50,2 52,2 55,9 55,8 65,6 62,6 77,0 72,2
Cooling total input current A - - - - 65,0 72,0 80,0 89,0 90,0 99,0 96,0 110,0 112,0 126,0 126,0
EER W/W - - - - 3,38 3,25 3,33 3,08 3,17 3,28 3,65 3,48 3,50 3,23 3,42
Water flow rate system side l/h - - - - 21190 23054 26805 26775 28622 31700 35175 39395 37837 42931 42743
Pressure drop system side kPa - - - - 63 75 67 81 76 84 92 111 123 131 112
Heating performance 30 °C / 35 °C (2)
Heating capacity kW - - - - 98,8 107,2 127,4 132,8 139,6 146,7 163,5 182,9 176,8 201,7 192,4
Input power kW - - - - 25,4 27,7 31,8 34,3 35,5 38,4 42,0 47,3 46,5 53,2 50,4
Heating total input current A - - - - 46,0 49,0 56,0 61,0 62,0 70,0 72,0 80,0 84,0 88,0 90,0
COP W/W - - - - 3,89 3,87 4,01 3,87 3,93 3,82 3,90 3,87 3,80 3,79 3,82
Water flow rate system side l/h - - - - 17058 18508 21998 22936 24118 25357 28248 31616 30551 34851 33261
Pressure drop system side kPa - - - - 41 49 45 59 54 54 59 72 80 86 68
(1) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 23 °C/ 18 °C; External air 35 °C
(2) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 30 °C/ 35 °C; Outside air 7 °C d.b. / 6 °C w.b.
Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Cooling performance 23 °C / 18 °C (1)
Cooling capacity kW 69,6 79,3 92,2 105,6 118,1 128,2 147,6 146,8 156,6 170,9 196,8 218,8 210,1 237,3 235,3
Input power kW 21,9 24,2 27,3 32,5 37,3 42,4 48,9 53,8 55,5 60,7 57,2 68,1 64,8 81,0 75,7
Cooling total input current A 39,0 44,0 51,0 60,0 64,0 72,0 81,0 92,0 93,0 104,0 94,0 110,0 111,0 128,0 128,0
EER W/W 3,18 3,27 3,37 3,25 3,17 3,02 3,02 2,73 2,82 2,82 3,44 3,22 3,24 2,93 3,11
Water flow rate system side l/h 12041 13740 15960 18270 20427 22163 25508 25376 27064 29542 34006 37824 36327 41017 40668
Pressure drop system side kPa 59 77 63 83 59 69 61 70 68 73 86 103 112 120 101
Heating performance 30 °C / 35 °C (2)
Heating capacity kW 58,9 66,7 77,1 86,8 98,8 107,2 127,4 132,8 139,6 146,7 163,5 182,9 176,8 201,7 192,4
Input power kW 13,9 16,5 18,4 21,5 25,4 27,7 31,8 34,3 35,5 38,4 42,0 47,3 46,5 53,2 50,4
Heating total input current A 25,0 30,0 34,0 40,0 46,0 49,0 56,0 61,0 62,0 70,0 72,0 80,0 84,0 88,0 90,0
COP W/W 4,25 4,06 4,19 4,03 3,89 3,87 4,01 3,87 3,93 3,82 3,90 3,87 3,80 3,79 3,82
Water flow rate system side l/h 10168 11516 13317 14972 17058 18508 21998 22936 24118 25357 28248 31616 30551 34851 33261
Pressure drop system side kPa 42 54 44 56 41 48 45 57 54 54 59 72 79 86 68
(1) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 23 °C/ 18 °C; External air 35 °C
(2) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 30 °C/ 35 °C; Outside air 7 °C d.b. / 6 °C w.b.

Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Cooling performance 23 °C / 18 °C (1)
Cooling capacity kW - - - - 131,3 143,6 166,5 170,4 178,7 198,2 222,3 241,2 231,6 268,1 261,3
Input power kW - - - - 34,9 39,4 42,9 47,2 49,0 50,3 54,8 62,4 59,6 73,6 68,8
Cooling total input current A - - - - 61,0 66,0 74,0 79,0 80,0 82,0 91,0 101,0 105,0 112,0 115,0
EER W/W - - - - 3,77 3,65 3,88 3,61 3,65 3,94 4,06 3,86 3,88 3,65 3,80
Water flow rate system side l/h - - - - 22699 24821 28771 29452 30874 34255 38412 41683 40019 46336 45163
Pressure drop system side kPa - - - - 48 57 59 73 68 98 81 97 96 102 103
Heating performance 30 °C / 35 °C (2)
Heating capacity kW - - - - 104,2 114,6 128,1 133,6 141,8 154,4 169,0 184,0 177,3 203,5 193,6
Input power kW - - - - 25,2 27,6 30,9 32,6 34,4 38,0 41,2 45,8 44,1 50,7 48,5
Heating total input current A - - - - 46,0 49,0 54,0 59,0 60,0 69,0 71,0 78,0 80,0 85,0 87,0
COP W/W - - - - 4,14 4,16 4,15 4,10 4,12 4,07 4,10 4,02 4,02 4,01 3,99
Water flow rate system side l/h - - - - 18004 19795 22128 23077 24492 26674 29206 31801 30649 35173 33469
Pressure drop system side kPa - - - - 30 36 35 45 43 60 47 56 56 58 57
(1) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 23 °C/ 18 °C; External air 35 °C
(2) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 30 °C/ 35 °C; Outside air 7 °C d.b. / 6 °C w.b.
Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Cooling performance 23 °C / 18 °C (1)
Cooling capacity kW 76,4 85,7 96,8 111,4 126,2 137,5 158,5 160,4 168,9 191,5 214,3 230,5 221,2 253,2 247,4
Input power kW 20,4 23,1 25,7 31,2 35,9 41,0 45,2 49,8 52,2 51,4 56,4 65,1 62,1 78,2 72,6
Cooling total input current A 35,0 40,0 45,0 51,0 61,0 67,0 75,0 81,0 82,0 81,0 90,0 102,0 106,0 114,0 117,0
EER W/W 3,74 3,72 3,77 3,57 3,51 3,36 3,51 3,22 3,24 3,72 3,80 3,54 3,56 3,24 3,41
Water flow rate system side l/h 13219 14836 16740 19268 21829 23767 27392 27721 29185 33098 37025 39827 38232 43759 42750
Pressure drop system side kPa 43 55 50 66 44 52 53 64 60 92 75 88 88 91 92
Heating performance 30 °C / 35 °C (2)
Heating capacity kW 60,5 70,2 78,9 90,4 104,2 114,6 128,1 133,6 141,8 154,4 169,0 184,0 177,3 203,5 193,6
Input power kW 13,8 16,1 18,2 21,1 25,2 27,6 30,9 32,6 34,4 38,0 41,2 45,8 44,1 50,7 48,5
Heating total input current A 26,0 30,0 35,0 40,0 46,0 49,0 54,0 59,0 60,0 69,0 71,0 78,0 80,0 85,0 87,0
COP W/W 4,38 4,36 4,34 4,28 4,14 4,16 4,15 4,10 4,12 4,07 4,10 4,02 4,02 4,01 3,99
Water flow rate system side l/h 10456 12125 13636 15617 18004 19795 22128 23077 24492 26674 29206 31801 30649 35173 33469
Pressure drop system side kPa 27 37 33 43 30 36 35 45 43 60 47 56 56 58 57
(1) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 23 °C/ 18 °C; External air 35 °C
(2) Data 14511:2018; System side water heat exchanger 30 °C/ 35 °C; Outside air 7 °C d.b. / 6 °C w.b.

Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Cooling capacity with low leaving water temp (UE n° 2016/2281)
° W/W - - - - 3,92 3,83 3,99 3,70 3,91 3,67 4,14 3,97 3,73 3,88 3,76
A W/W - - - - 4,21 4,14 4,39 3,93 4,20 3,92 4,38 4,27 3,99 4,24 4,06
E W/W 4,28 4,32 4,22 4,24 4,17 4,10 4,33 3,86 4,12 3,93 4,35 4,21 3,98 4,16 3,92
L W/W 4,10 4,11 4,11 4,00 3,88 3,83 3,93 3,68 3,89 3,64 4,08 3,89 3,70 3,81 3,71
° % - - - - 154,00 150,00 157,00 145,00 153,00 144,00 163,00 156,00 146,00 152,00 147,00
A % - - - - 165,00 163,00 173,00 154,00 165,00 154,00 172,00 168,00 157,00 167,00 160,00
E % 168,00 170,00 166,00 167,00 164,00 161,00 170,00 151,00 162,00 154,00 171,00 165,00 156,00 163,00 154,00
L % 161,00 161,00 161,00 157,00 152,00 150,00 154,00 144,00 153,00 143,00 160,00 153,00 145,00 149,00 145,00
UE 813/2013 performance in average ambient conditions (average) - 35 °C - Pdesignh ≤ 400 kW (1)
° kW - - - - 88,80 97,30 112,20 116,80 124,50 129,90 144,90 162,80 157,50 182,70 172,10
A kW - - - - 90,20 99,60 112,20 116,80 125,80 135,00 149,00 164,10 157,00 183,30 173,60
E kW 53,46 53,46 53,46 78,80 90,20 99,60 112,20 116,80 125,80 135,00 149,00 164,10 157,00 183,30 173,60
L kW 52,20 60,22 68,44 78,20 88,80 97,30 112,20 116,80 124,50 129,90 144,90 162,80 157,50 182,70 172,10
° % - - - - 135,90 139,50 140,40 130,40 140,30 129,50 134,00 137,30 126,30 138,40 128,50
A % - - - - 138,00 142,80 143,20 133,00 143,10 132,10 139,80 141,30 128,00 142,00 133,00
E % 158,26 158,26 158,26 152,70 138,50 142,80 143,20 133,00 143,10 132,10 139,80 141,30 128,40 142,00 133,00
L % 156,16 152,79 152,22 150,00 135,90 139,50 140,40 130,50 140,30 129,50 134,00 137,30 126,30 138,40 128,50
° - - - - 3,47 3,56 3,58 3,34 3,58 3,31 3,43 3,51 3,23 3,54 3,29
A - - - - 3,53 3,65 3,66 3,40 3,65 3,38 3,57 3,61 3,29 3,63 3,40
E 4,03 4,04 4,03 3,89 3,54 3,65 3,65 3,40 3,66 3,38 3,57 3,61 3,29 3,62 3,40
L 3,98 3,89 3,88 3,83 3,47 3,56 3,59 3,34 3,58 3,31 3,43 3,51 3,23 3,54 3,29
(1) Efficiencies for low temperature applications (35 °C)

Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Electric data
° A - - - - 74,3 79,2 88,1 100,3 97,0 113,5 115,9 130,5 134,6 147,2 144,4
A A - - - - 74,3 79,2 88,1 100,3 97,0 117,7 115,9 130,5 134,6 147,2 144,4
Maximum current (FLA)
E A 42,6 49,2 56,9 65,3 74,3 79,2 88,1 100,3 97,0 117,7 115,9 130,5 134,6 147,2 144,4
L A 41,5 49,2 55,8 65,3 74,3 79,2 88,1 100,3 97,0 113,5 115,9 130,5 134,6 147,2 144,4
° A - - - - 279,8 284,7 331,4 214,1 340,3 227,2 367,0 381,6 278,1 479,6 349,8
A A - - - - 279,8 284,7 331,4 214,1 340,3 231,5 367,0 381,6 278,1 479,6 349,8
Peak current (LRA)
E A 148,0 163,0 170,6 208,9 279,8 284,7 331,4 214,1 340,3 231,5 367,0 381,6 278,1 479,6 349,8
L A 146,9 163,0 169,5 208,9 279,8 284,7 331,4 214,1 340,3 227,2 367,0 381,6 278,1 479,6 349,8


Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Type °,A,E,L type Scroll
Compressor regulation °,A,E,L Type On-Off
°,A no. - - - - 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 2 4
E,L no. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 2 4
°,A no. - - - - 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2
E,L no. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2
Refrigerant °,A,E,L type R410A
° kg - - - - 12,2 12,2 16,8 17,6 16,8 20,0 24,5 24,5 23,0 24,5 23,0
A kg - - - - 15,9 15,8 17,8 19,8 18,4 21,6 28,6 28,6 27,0 28,6 27,0
Refrigerant charge (1)
E kg 9,1 10,7 11,1 12,5 15,9 15,8 17,8 19,8 18,4 21,6 28,6 28,6 27,0 28,6 27,0
L kg 8,8 9,4 10,3 11,0 12,2 12,2 16,8 17,6 16,8 20,0 24,5 24,5 23,0 24,5 23,0
System side heat exchanger
Type °,A,E,L type Brazed plate
°,A no. - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
E,L no. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Hydraulic connections
Connections (in/out) °,A,E,L Type Grooved joints
Sizes (in/out) °,A,E,L Ø 2” 1/2
Type °,A,E,L type Axial
° no. - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
A no. - - - - 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3
E no. 6 6 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
L no. 4 6 6 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
° m³/h - - - - 42785 42785 41094 41065 41094 39542 62015 61936 61936 61936 61936
A m³/h - - - - 41080 41080 39461 39461 59701 59684 59684 39461 61963 59684 59684
Air flow rate
E m³/h 21230 22746 28176 25787 31149 31149 29855 29855 29855 47085 45202 45187 45187 45187 45187
L m³/h 15574 21226 22732 28156 32650 32650 31613 31169 31161 29823 47087 47125 47125 47125 47125
Sound data calculated in cooling mode (2)
° dB(A) - - - - 86,6 86,9 87,1 86,5 87,3 86,5 88,8 88,9 88,2 89,4 89,5
A dB(A) - - - - 86,6 86,9 87,1 86,5 87,3 88,2 88,8 88,9 88,2 89,4 89,5
Sound power level
E dB(A) 73,0 73,5 74,3 74,5 82,2 82,9 83,3 76,7 83,7 77,8 84,9 85,0 78,0 86,1 84,0
L dB(A) 72,4 73,5 73,9 74,5 82,2 82,9 83,3 76,7 83,7 77,1 84,9 85,0 78,0 86,1 84,0
° dB(A) - - - - 54,8 55,0 55,2 54,6 55,4 54,6 56,8 56,9 56,2 57,4 57,5
A dB(A) - - - - 54,8 55,0 55,2 54,6 55,4 56,2 56,8 56,9 56,2 57,4 57,5
Sound pressure level (10 m)
E dB(A) 41,3 41,7 42,5 42,7 50,3 51,0 51,4 44,8 51,8 45,8 52,9 53,1 46,0 54,1 52,0
L dB(A) 40,7 41,7 42,1 42,7 50,3 51,0 51,4 44,8 51,8 45,3 52,9 53,1 46,0 54,1 52,0
(1) The load indicated in the table is an estimated and preliminary value. The final value of the refrigerant load is indicated on the unit's technical label. For further information contact the office.
(2) Sound power calculated on the basis of measurements made in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9614-2, as required for Eurovent certification. Sound pressure (cold functioning) measured in free field, 10m away from the unit
external surface (in compliance with UNI EN ISO 3744).




Size 0282 0302 0332 0352 0502 0552 0602 0604 0652 0654 0682 0702 0704 0752 0754
Dimensions and weights
°,A mm - - - - 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898
E,L mm 1680 1680 1680 1680 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898
° mm - - - - 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 4010 4010 4010 4010 4010
A mm - - - - 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 4010 4010 4010 4010 4010 4010
E mm 2450 2950 2950 2950 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 4010 4010 4010 4010 4010 4010
L mm 2450 2450 2950 2950 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 4010 4010 4010 4010 4010
°,A mm - - - - 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
E,L mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100

Aermec reserves the right to make any modifications deemed necessary. Aermec S.p.A.
Via Roma, 996 - 37040 Bevilacqua (VR) - Italia
All data is subject to change without notice. Aermec does not assume Tel. 0442633111 - Telefax 044293577
responsibility or liability for errors or omissions.


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