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Problem-solving with Geogebra: How the relationship

between reasoning and communication in mathematics
Dedek Kustiawati  ; Nurfadilah Siregar

AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020031 (2022)



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Problem-Solving with Geogebra: How the Relationship
between Reasoning and Communication in Mathematics
Dedek Kustiawati1, a) and Nurfadilah Siregar2, b)
Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Ir H. Juanda St. No.95,
Cemp. Putih, Ciputat Tim., Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15412, Indonesia

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Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Tanjungpura, Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi St., Bansir Laut,
Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78124, Indonesia
Corresponding author: dedek.kustiawati@uinjkt.ac.id

Abstract. Reasoning and communication abilities are two core mathematical competencies required to solve
mathematical problems in mathematics and mathematics education. This research aimed to know the impact of Geogebra
in learning three-dimensional geometry on students' general mathematical reasoning and communication abilities, based
on their prior mathematic knowledge. Only 84 students from class XII at a high school in Central Jakarta, Indonesia,
participated in this quasi-experimental study using a design randomized post-test. The research data came in six-essay-
question mathematical reasoning and communication ability assessments, which were evaluated using the t-test and the
Mann-Whitney test. The research findings showed that Problem-Solving with Geogebra is substantially associated with
mathematical reasoning and communication abilities in geometry learning.

One of the most crucial mathematical thinking abilities to master is reasoning and communication. Mathematical
communication ability has been identified by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the
Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture as one of the required competencies for students to learn mathematics
[1][2]. Mathematical communication ability allows people to explain mathematical concepts and clarify their
comprehension [1]. The relevance of mathematical thinking and communication abilities are seen in the 2013
National Curriculum explanation. Both mathematical abilities, namely mathematical reasoning and communication
occupy an important role as abilities that should be possessed by high school students [3]. Geometry is one of the
most important subjects in the Indonesian curriculum, and it is taught to students from kindergarten through college
[4]. In learning geometry, students often have difficulty imagining something abstract. Many students also have
difficulty solving problems at the final counting level by connecting previous concepts [5]. This shows that students'
reasoning abilities in geometry tend to be weak. Geometry, according to Jiang [6], is a part of mathematics that is
poorly assimilated by students in school.
On the other hand, it is a truth that Indonesian students' mathematical reasoning and communication abilities are
still lacking [3].According to the results of PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) research conducted
in 2015 and 2018, one of the causes of students' deficient mathematical reasoning and communication abilities could
be noticed in the results of the survey [7]. According to the survey, Indonesian students' mathematical achievement
declined from 63rd to 72nd place out of 78 countries, with study participants' average score dropping from 386 to
379, considerably below the average of 493 This data demonstrates that Indonesian students' arithmetic ability at
level 5 or 6, which can be used to assess their mathematical abilities, are still below the PISA mean score. It is clear
at this level that Indonesian students' mathematics reasoning and communication ability are still lacking. The
comparison of the average percentage of correct answers for Indonesian students in knowing 32% from 56%,
applying 24% from 48% and reasoning 20% from 44% [8]. From these data, strengthening students' mathematical

Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education

AIP Conf. Proc. 2577, 020031-1–020031-5; https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0096136
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4360-0/$30.00

abilities is still relatively low. The mathematical ability referred to by PISA at level 5 or 6 is that students can
determine settlement strategies from problem-solving, reasoning, communicating actions, reflecting on their
findings, interpreting, and making arguments. This shows the average results of the PISA-equivalent high school
mathematics test results in level one, which means that students have not solved PISA-equivalent mathematics
problems. The solution requires students to have mathematical reasoning and communication abilities.
Students still have difficulty in reasoning and communication abilities; most students prefer to work on simple
questions; students tend to have difficulty working on story problems that are more complicated and take a long time
to do. As a result, students' mathematical reasoning and communication abilities are less developed. As a result,
there is still much to be examined in Indonesian education, including mathematics teaching and learning processes
in schools. Teachers and students confront numerous challenges when studying geometry in the classroom because
learning geometry includes more abstract concepts than concrete concepts [9]. Students have trouble understanding
the numerous geometric concepts offered when geometry learning is presented textually using pencil and paper and
incorporates unrelated topics to the students' contextual environment [10]. Students' lack of mathematical thinking
and communication abilities, particularly in geometry subjects, is linked to classroom learning. Technology
integration in education, particularly in mathematics learning, is critical and rapidly becoming a trend [11].
Geogebra software is one of the programs that may be used to learn geometry. Geogebra may help students visualize

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abstract concepts, draw connections, and find mathematical concepts, and can be implemented to overcome
difficulties in three dimensions geometry in the real world, encourages students to participate actively in the learning
process by facilitating interactive exploration [12][13]. When students can see the relationship between analytic
representations and visual-mathematical concepts, mathematics learning becomes inquisitive.
Reasoning about mathematical objects is called mathematical reasoning. Mathematical reasoning is the basic
ability needed to understand mathematical concepts, use flexible mathematical ideas and procedures, and to build
mathematical knowledge [14]. Providing explanations of reasoning or justification of results orally or in writing, and
communicating mathematical ideas and solutions in writing, using numbers and algebraic symbols, and visually,
using pictures, diagrams, charts, tables, graphs, and concrete objects are all examples of communication. Students
can reflect on and clarify their ideas, comprehension of mathematical relationships, and mathematical arguments
through communication [15].
Problem-solving is a teaching method used by teachers in the learning process, which includes the ability to find
information, analyze situations, and identify problems to generate alternatives so that they can take action to achieve
goals [16]. Students' mathematical reasoning ability, especially in geometry material, changes and innovations are
needed in learning geometry in class. Many studies in learning mathematics prove that geometry software can help
learn geometry in the classroom, especially to analyze and help students' difficulties in proving [17]. Geogebra is
one of the programs dynamic mathematics software that can be used for all levels of education in that combines
arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and calculus. Geogebra can assist students in visualizing abstract concepts, making
connections, and understanding mathematical concepts. The use of Geogebra in learning mathematics in the
classroom must be integrated with appropriate learning methods. Geogebra can be used in activity and problem-
oriented learning [18]. The problem-solving method is one of the learning methods that can be applied. Students can
develop ways of thinking, habits of tenacity and curiosity, as well as confidence in unknown situations through
problem-solving learning [19]. Based on the description above, the authors are encouraged to conduct research that
focuses on the use of Geogebra to improve students' mathematical reasoning through problem-solving methods.
According to Polya in Silver, mathematical problem solving is a way to solve mathematical problems using
mathematical reasoning (mathematical concepts) that have been mastered previously [16]. Pólya describes a
heuristic problem solving that relies heavily on a repertoire of past experiences. It is possible to consolidate and
organize student thinking, to improve students' mathematical knowledge and problem creation, and to communicate
mathematically [20] Observing and explaining concepts, distinguishing a mathematical concept, developing
theories, presenting difficulties using images or graphs, and explaining the results of their own thinking are all ways
to improve mathematical communication abilities [21].

This study takes a quantitative approach and implements a quasi-experimental methodology. Because there were
various variables in the study that were difficult to control, the quasi-experimental method was adopted. This study
only featured the experimental group, which received problem-solving with Geogebra as a learning method. This
study is based solely on the results of the post-test group. Students in the XII grade of a public senior high school in

Central Jakarta, Indonesia, constitute the study's population. Furthermore, the sample for this study was drawn from
a population of two classes using the cluster random sampling technique. The outcomes of the students'
mathematical reasoning and communication abilities on three-dimensional material presented after the learning was
done were used to compile the data for this study.
Six reasoning ability questions were utilized in this study, comprising aspects of transductive reasoning, analogy,
and generalization. This study used six questions of mathematical communication abilities to measure three aspects:
written text, drawing, and mathematical expression. The correlation coefficient for the test reliability test for
mathematical reasoning ability was 0.56, indicating that the interpretation of the level of reliability for mathematical
reasoning ability test items is in the medium range. The correlation coefficient for the test reliability test for
mathematical communication ability was 0.71, indicating that the interpretation of the level of reliability for the test
questions of mathematical communication ability is high and, overall, quite significant; therefore, the question is
still accepted. This study used descriptive and inferential statistical analysis to analyze the data. The hypothesis was
examined using a correlation test with a significance threshold of 0.01 after the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test
and the Levene homogeneity test had been tested before.


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However, before performing the correlation test, you must first perform a normality test to see if the data is from
a normally distributed population. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was done to determine normality using SPSS 22 at
a significance level of alpha is 0.01, with the findings indicating that the data are not normally distributed. So, the
Spearman correlation test is used to test the hypothesis: there is a relationship between students' mathematical
reasoning and communication abilities in Problem-Solving with Geogebra. The results of correlation between those
abilities describe in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Correlation test of reasoning and mathematical communication ability.
Mathematical Mathematical
Reasoning Communication
Mathematical Reasoning Correlation coefficient 1.000 .491**
Sig. (2-tailed) . .000
N 82 82
Mathematical Communication Correlation coefficient .491** 1,000
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .
N 82 82
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The significance value of the correlation between mathematical thinking and students' communication ability is
shown in Table 1. It can be seen that Sig. = 0.00 smaller than Į = 0.01 so that rejected null hypothesis. This means
that there is a correlation between the achievement of students' mathematical reasoning and communication abilities
in learning of Problem-Solving with Geogebra. The possibility of significantly influencing the post-test results
obtained is low or varied, influenced by learning factors and attitudes, reasoning abilities require communication and
communication requires reasoning. As a result, it can be inferred that in the learning of Problem-Solving using
Geogebra, there is a relationship between students' mathematical reasoning and communication abilities.
Students' ability to reason mathematically and communicate effectively is intertwined. As stated by Sumarmo
[22], when the teacher gives a problem, students will solve a mathematical problem with reasoning activities,
students can solve problems requiring mathematical communication because communication has a role important in
the problem-solving process, with the communication of ideas can become objects resulting from a reflection, a
discussion that helps to publish the issue, when students communicate orally, and in writing, they are actually
explaining the process of reaching logical conclusions based on cognitive.
If it is seen that the student's activities during the Problem-Solving with Geogebra learning take place, the
students show a positive attitude. This can be seen from students' attitude who always pay attention to the subject
matter and math problems proposed by the teacher, the enthusiasm of students in discussing between groups,
discussing with teachers, and asking questions. However, this attitude is not correlated with mathematical reasoning
and communication abilities. When the increase in mathematical reasoning ability is compared between students
who receive Geogebra-assisted learning and students who receive direct instruction, the results show that there is a

substantial difference. The contributing factor is the lack of students who are less skilled in using the Geogebra
software application; students are accustomed to the process carried out first to construct their own knowledge, then
through the conjecture, students get the expected conclusions.
Related with learning geometry [22] becomes one of support successful learning geometry aided GeoGebra,
which stated that the ability of mathematical reasoning students uses GeoGebra in teaching problem solving can
improve reasoning ability and mathematical communication students, especially students with high mathematical
prior knowledge and a human being [3][12]. Students in these conditions get a more significant opportunity in a
strong visual representation of geometric objects from the related research results. Students are involved in
construction activities to lead to a deep understanding of geometry to do good reasoning. That there is a significant
relationship between the two abilities. This shows a significant relationship between the two abilities of reasoning
and mathematical communication that occupy an essential role as abilities that high school students should have
[12]. This can be seen from the problem-solving method that is posing a problem, here students communicate
verbally or in writing, besides that communication is carried out by linking images and facts, traits, relationships, or
patterns, which integrates some knowledge and makes connections between various ideas for explanations of model,
fact, trait, relationship or pattern. Analyzing situations mathematically through a process of analogy by paying
attention to similarities and differences. Carry out a generalization process to examine causal relationships, make

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decisions, and test hypotheses and scientific investigations. Provide answers using their language. Natural objects,
drawings, and diagrams can be transformed into mathematical concepts and vice versa. Express mathematical
concepts by using mathematical language or symbols to represent everyday events. Students who receive good
scores on parts of mathematical reasoning ability during the post-test will also receive a high score on the
component of mathematical communication ability and the material of three-dimensional geometry.

According to the results of the study, pupils' mathematical thinking and communication abilities have a
significant association. Geogebra is suggested for use in learning geometry by mathematics teachers, especially in
three-dimensional content, because it can improve students' mathematical thinking and communication abilities in

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