Pullout Strength of Embed Plates With Welded Anchor Bars in Concrete
Pullout Strength of Embed Plates With Welded Anchor Bars in Concrete
Pullout Strength of Embed Plates With Welded Anchor Bars in Concrete
Embedded plates are used to support external attachments such as hooked, straight, or headed, as the anchor elements. Here,
heavy piping, brackets, sprinkler systems, or other equipment in the word “anchor” defines a bar welded to a steel plate. The
concrete structures. The plates are typically welded with deformed nonstructural attachments or piping are attached to the face
reinforcing bars or deformed wires, which are embedded in rein- of the embed steel plate, as shown in Fig. 1(a). In SC walls,
forced concrete walls. The ACI Codes (ACI 318-19 and ACI 349-13)
the anchor bars (DRAs or DWAs) are welded to the face-
provide design equations to calculate the pullout strength of
plate, whereas the other end is embedded in concrete, as
anchors in concrete under tension loading. However, these empir-
ical equations are based on experiments conducted on headed shown in Fig. 1(b). The steel plate and anchors (embedment)
studs, hooked bars, headed bolts, and adhesive anchors. With the transfer the tensile forces to the concrete.
lack of experimental data and resulting Code provisions on straight According to ACI 349-13,1 the bar embedment length is
deformed reinforcing bars or deformed wires used as anchors, it calculated as the full development length (ld) of reinforcing
is believed that anchoring bars with the embedment length as per bars regardless of bar spacing or edge distance. Except for
the Code-prescribed development length will provide sufficient bar yield or bar rupture, the development length provisions
strength to transfer tensile forces to the concrete, ignoring other rule out other failure modes (concrete breakout, pullout, and
failure modes such as concrete breakout and pullout. The applica- so on) for such embedments. Accordingly, no check for the
bility of the concrete-governed adhesive bond model of ACI 318-19 concrete breakout is performed in the design of these embed
for bonded anchors is evaluated to estimate the strength and
plates. However, limited experimental data is available
failure modes of these connections. The current ACI adhesive bond
regarding the axial tension behavior and pullout strength of
model does not capture the correct failure mode and the influence
of anchor spacing and bond strength on the capacity. The issue is embed plates designed in this manner.
addressed by incorporating the correction factor (ψg,N). This paper represents the results of: 1) eight large-scale
This paper presents eight large-scale group-anchor test results to group-anchor tests conducted to investigate the concrete
evaluate their concrete breakout strength and the applicability of breakout behavior in tension of embed plates anchored with
the ACI 318-19 adhesive anchor/bond model to estimate connec- DRAs and DWAs; and 2) seven single-anchor tests conducted
tion capacities and failure modes. The mean average back-calculated to evaluate the bond behavior for DRAs and DWAs. The
effective k value is 33.3 for deformed reinforcing bar anchors paper also presents the database of group-anchor experiments
(DRAs) and 36.5 for deformed wire anchors (DWAs). Single-anchor used to evaluate the applicability of ACI 318-192 equations
tests were also performed to evaluate the bond behavior per the for concrete breakout strength and bond strength of anchors.
ACI 318-19 uniform bond model. The experimental study confirms
that the axial tension capacity of embedded plates anchored to
concrete using deformed reinforcing bars or deformed wires can
be limited by concrete breakout strength. The ACI bond model with Limited experimental data has led to the erroneous assump-
the correction factor appropriately estimates the failure mode and tion that if the reinforcing bars are fully developed as per
strength of such connections. ACI 349-131 and ACI 318-19,2 then no further design checks
are needed. However, regulators and code committees have
Keywords: concrete breakout; deformed reinforcing bars; deformed wire raised concerns regarding concrete breakout failure modes
anchors; embedded plates; pullout strength. in the design of such connections. The recent experimental
testing conducted by Chicchi et al.3 confirms that the axial
INTRODUCTION tensile strength of embed plates equipped with welded rein-
Embedments are often used in safety-related nuclear forcing bars can be limited by concrete breakout strength (as
facilities to provide equipment attachments or to anchor opposed to bar yield or bar rupture). The current provisions
components and piping. These facilities are constructed for anchorage to concrete in ACI 349-131 and ACI 318-192
using massive concrete members, including thick rein- were developed for headed studs, headed bolts, and adhe-
forced concrete (RC) walls and steel-plate composite (SC) sive (bonded) anchors with relatively shallow embedment.
walls. According to ACI 349-13,1 the term “embedment” Results of this study demonstrate that the concrete breakout
is used for a fabricated steel plate equipped with anchors
or reinforcing bars embedded in the concrete surface. Such ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 6, November 2022.
MS No. S-2022-112.R2, doi: 10.14359/51737147, received April 13, 2022, and
steel embed plates may employ deformed reinforcing bar reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2022, American Concrete
anchors (DRAs conforming to ASTM A706) or deformed Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
wire anchors (DWAs conforming to ASTM A1064), either closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Note: 1 in. = 2.54 cm; 1 in.2 = 6.45 cm2; 1 ksi = 6.89 MPa; 1 psi = 6.895 kPa.
Fig. 2—Sensor layout for single-anchor specimens: (a) linear variable displacement transducers (DT); and (b) strain gauges
ACI 318-192 using nominal steel and concrete properties. in terms of loss of load-carrying capacity due to concrete
The development length (ld) for DWAs was increased by breakout failure or rupturing of the steel bars. Addition-
30% based on the previously conducted single-anchor tests ally, small loading-unloading cycles with load levels up to
by Chicchi et al.3 The remaining specimens from each bar 20 kip (89 kN) or 10% of the expected failure strength were
type were designed with lemb less than ld. A summary of the performed at the beginning of the test to check the loading
specimen details is presented in Table 1. The table includes system, sensor behavior, or elastic behavior of the specimen.
the anchor type, size and diameter (db), cross-sectional area The behavior of the test specimens was measured using
of the bar (Ab), measured yield and tensile stress of the bar displacement transducers (DTs) and strain gauges (SGs).
(fy and fu), measured compressive strength of the concrete The vertical displacement of the single-anchor specimens
(fc′), and embedment length of the bar (lemb). The table also within the concrete cone was measured using linear vari-
presents the expected failure mode of each test specimen. able displacement transducers (LVDTs) located in a circular
Finally, the concrete block dimensions of all the test speci- layout around the specimens, as shown in Fig. 2 and 3. The
mens are included in the table. As presented, all single-anchor vertical displacement of the single-anchor specimens was
specimens are 90 in. (228.6 cm) wide, 90 in. (228.6 cm) measured using two LVDTs (DT 1 and DT 2), as illustrated
long, and 24 in. (61 cm) deep. in Fig. 2(a). Two additional LVDTs (DT 3 and DT 4) were
placed on either side of the concrete block at the strong floor
Test setup and sensor layout to measure the potential uplift of the block. Two SGs were
The tension loading was applied to the steel plates at the used to measure the axial strain along the longitudinal axis
top of the specimen using a 660 kip (2935.8 kN) actuator, of the anchor, as illustrated in Fig. 2(b).
while the specimen was post-tensioned to the floor. The actu-
ator is connected to the cross beam of the loading frame. The SINGLE-ANCHOR PULLOUT TEST RESULTS
loading frame was built and has been used at Bowen Labora- DRA No. 5 specimens
tory in the past. This loading frame has been designed (and Specimens SA-1 and SA-2 had No. 5 DRAs with embed-
used in the past) to conduct tests with a maximum applied ment lengths (lemb) of 7.0 in. (17.8 cm) for Specimen SA-1
load of 660 kip (2935.8 kN), limiting the actuator capacity and 9.0 in. (22.9 cm) for Specimen SA-2. The lemb of the
used to conduct the tests. The applied loading was increased specimens was less than the development length (ld) of
monotonically until the failure of the specimen occurred the No. 5 DRAs (11.6 in. [29.5 cm]) calculated using the
Fig. 6—Applied force-displacement (P-Δ) responses: (a) Specimens SA-3 and SA-4; and (b) Specimens SA-5, SA-6, and SA-7.
at 27.7 kip (123.2 kN) after developing its yield strength. GROUP-ANCHOR PULLOUT TESTS
The average bond stress values for Specimens SA-5 and Test matrix and specimen details
SA-6 are 774.6 psi (5.3 MPa) and 1078.2 psi (7.4 MPa), The group-anchor test specimen details were selected
respectively. while considering the typical embedment plate design used
in safety-related nuclear structures. The thickness of RC
Summary of single-anchor test results walls of nuclear-related structures typically ranges from
A summary of the single-anchor test results is provided 2 to 5 ft (61 to 152.4 cm). Hence, bars (anchors) smaller
in Table 2. It includes the calculated bar yield and tensile than No. 11 are typically used in such structures to allow
strengths (Py and Pu), predicted and observed failure modes, for sufficient embedment length of the anchors. In addition,
maximum loads, and average bond stresses. The bond stress multiple anchor bars (for example, 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4, 5 x
was calculated by dividing the maximum load by the surface 5, and so on) are needed in general to provide appropriate
area of the bar, assuming the uniform bond stress distribu- tension capacity to embedment plates exceeding the design
tion along the length of the bar. As presented in the table, demand. Even with multiple anchor bars, the reinforcing bar
Specimens SA-2 and SA-4 underwent bar rupture even with spacing can influence the tension capacity of embedment
the embedment lengths (lemb) less than the Code-prescribed plates. That is, the tension capacity can be controlled by the
development lengths (ld). Specimens SA-1 and SA-6 failed concrete breakout capacity if the anchors are closely spaced,
in pullout after developing their yield strengths. The bond resulting in the reduction of the concrete breakout surface.
stress of the DRAs appears to be higher than that of the The typical reinforcing bar anchor spacing ranges from 3 to
DWAs. The average bond stress was 1667 psi (11.5 MPa) 9 in. (7.62 to 22.9 cm) in the application to safety-related
for the DRA No. 5 specimen (Specimen SA-1), 883.5 psi nuclear facilities.
(6.1 MPa) for the DWA 1/2 specimen (Specimen SA-3), and Eight group-anchor test specimens were fabricated and
926.4 psi (6.4 MPa) for the DWA 5/8 specimens (Specimens tested in this study. Table 3 presents details of the eight
SA-5 and SA-6). This difference in bond strength of DRAs group-anchor test specimens. As presented in the table, four
and DWAs plays a vital role in determining the appropriate test parameters were considered, including: 1) the bar layout
failure mode and capacities of group anchors. (3 x 3 or 5 x 5); 2) bar type (DRA or DWA); 3) bar size
(db = 0.5 and 0.625 in. [1.3 and 1.6 cm] diameter); and 4)
Note: 1 in. = 2.54 cm; 1 kip = 4.45 kN; 1 psi = 6.895 kPa.
Note: 1 in. = 2.54 cm; 1 in. = 6.45 cm ; 1 ksi = 6.89 MPa; 1 psi = 6.895 kPa.
2 2
bar spacing (s = 3, 4.5, and 6 in. [7.6, 11.4, and 15.2 cm]). and GA-8. Figure 7(b) shows the cross section view of the
All the test specimens had straight bars with an embedment group-anchor test specimens.
length (lemb) close to their development length (ld) calculated The pullout capacity of each specimen was expected to
per ACI 318-192 using nominal material properties. The be limited by the concrete breakout strength by comparing
table also presents the material properties of concrete and the bar strengths (Py and Pu) with the concrete breakout
steel measured by performing material testing. For concrete, strength Ncbg_keff of each specimen. The yield strength (Py)
normalweight concrete with a nominal compressive strength and tensile strength (Pu) of each specimen were calculated
(fc′) of 6000 psi (41.4 MPa) with 1/2 in. (1.3 cm) aggregate by multiplying the measured yield stress (fy) and ultimate
was used. The concrete compressive strength was measured tensile stress (fu) with the nominal cross-sectional area of the
per ASTM C39/C39M-147 for each specimen on the day anchor bar (Ab) and the number of anchors (n). The Ncbg_keff
of the test. For steel, the material tests were conducted per of each specimen was calculated using the design equa-
ASTM E8/E8M-138 to measure the yield and ultimate tensile tions in ACI 318-19,2 as presented in Eq. (2). However, kc
strengths of the bars. was replaced with keff values experimentally measured and
The thickness of the embed plates is 1.5 in. for all the back-calculated from previously conducted tests by Chicchi
specimens. The eight group-anchor test specimens were et al.3 The value of keff was 35.4 for the DRA specimens
embedded in RC blocks that were post-tensioned to the (Specimens GA-1 and GA-2) and 31.4 for the DWA spec-
laboratory floor to prevent uplift. The blocks were 114 in. imens (Specimens GA-3, GA-4, GA-5, GA-6, GA-7, and
(289.6 cm) wide, 114 in. (289.6 cm) long, and 30 in. GA-8).
(76.2 cm) deep. These dimensions were determined so that
post-tensioning forces (anchoring the RC block to the labo- Test setup and sensor layout
ratory floor acting at 45-degree angles) would not interfere The tension loading setup for the group-anchor tests
with the breakout cone (35 degrees from the exterior anchor) was similar to the single-anchor tests. The behavior of the
of the concrete block specimen, as illustrated in Fig. 7(a). group-anchor specimens was measured using DTs and SGs.
In addition, the reinforcement mat was placed at the top The vertical displacement of the group-anchor specimens
and bottom of the blocks to avoid shear and flexural fail- within the concrete cone was measured using LVDTs (DT
ures due to the large forces applied by the actuator at the 3 to DT 6), as shown in Fig. 8. The LVDTs were placed on
midspan of the block. Grade 60 reinforcing bars (No. 5) the concrete surface in a circular pattern at 1.5 times hef from
were provided at both the top and bottom (in both directions) the embed plate. The vertical displacement of the embed
at 6 in. (15.2 cm) for Specimens GA-1, GA-2, GA-5, GA-6, plate was measured using two DTs (DT 1 and DT 2). Two
and at 8 in. (20.3 cm) for Specimens GA-3, GA-4, GA-7, additional LVDTs were placed on the laboratory floor along
Fig. 11—Breakout cones: (a) Specimen GA-1; and (b) Specimen GA-2.
cone angle varied from 31.2 to 38.9 degrees, with an average greater than the expected breakout strength. The vertical
breakout cone angle of 34.2 degrees for Specimen GA-1 and displacement measured at Pmax was approximately 0.047 in.
36.8 degrees for Specimen GA-2, which are comparable (0.120 cm) and 0.048 in. (0.122 cm) for Specimen GA-3 and
with the ACI-prescribed angle of 35 degrees (CCD method). Specimen GA-4, respectively. The back-calculated effective
k value was 36.2 for Specimen GA-3 and 36.01 for Spec-
5 x 5 DWA D-1/2 specimens imen GA-4, which was higher than the keff of 31.4 reported
Specimens GA-3 and GA-4 had 5 x 5 DWA D-1/2 bars with by Chicchi et al.3 by up to 4.8.
an effective embedment length (hef) of 12.5 in. (31.75 cm). Figure 13 shows photographs of Specimens GA-3 and
Figure 12 shows the applied force-displacement (P-Δ) GA-4 after the tests. As shown, the concrete cracks encircled
response of Specimens GA-3 and GA-4. Specimen GA-3 the embed plate in a circular ring pattern. The edge distances
experienced no concrete cracking until it failed in concrete were measured from the exterior anchor to the crack. The
breakout at 225.1 kip (1001.3 kN) (Pmax). The initial stiffness distance varied from 12.5 to 29 in. (31.75 to 73.7 cm) (1hef
of the specimen decreased significantly after reaching the to 1.50hef) with an average distance of 1.21hef for Spec-
expected breakout strength (Ncbg). Pmax for Specimen GA-3 imen GA-3 and 1.5hef for Specimen GA-4. The breakout
was greater than the predicted (Ncbg) of 195.3 kip (868.7 kN) cones were removed from the specimens and are shown
by 15.2% (29.2 kip [129.9 kN]). Specimen GA-4 also in Fig. 14. As shown, the breakout cone angle varied from
exhibited similar behavior and failed in concrete breakout 33 to 41.05 degrees, with an average breakout cone angle
at 207.5 kip (923.0 kN) (Pmax), 14.7% (26.6 kip [73.8 kN])
Fig. 13—Failed 5 x 5 DWA 4/8 specimens: (a) Specimen GA-3; and (b) Specimen GA-4.
Fig. 17—Breakout cones: (a) Specimen GA-5; and (b) Specimen GA-6.
to 5 x 5, and Pmax was less than Pu (except Specimen GA-8), Comparison with ACI adhesive bonded
resulting in the governing failure mode of concrete breakout. anchor model
The average back-calculated effective k (keff) value was 39.6 The application of the adhesive (bonded) anchor model
for the DRAs and 34.3 for the DWAs, which is comparable of Eligehausen et al.9 to the DRA and DWA group anchors
to the mean k value of 35 for post-installed anchors. was evaluated by Chicchi et al.3 and Eligehausen et al.10 The
application was further evaluated in this study by comparing
the test results from the database and corresponding ACI
design equations. The design equations are based on the
N ag = ∙ ψec,Na ∙ ψed,Na ∙ ψcp,Na ∙ Nba (6)
where ANa is the projected influence area of a group of adhe-
sive anchors and is determined as a rectangle with a side
length of 2cNa + Σsi–1, where s is the row spacing and i is the
number of rows of anchors. ANao is the projected influence
area of a single bonded anchor, taken as (2cNa)2. cNa is a func-
tion of the bond stress, and the 5% fractile calculation for cNa
is given in ACI 318-192 as follows
Fig. 18—Applied force-displacement (P-Δ) response of cNa = 10 ∙ da ∙ (in.-lb) (7)
Specimens GA-7 and GA-8. 1100
Fig. 19—Mixed failure mode observed for Specimen 8: (a) reinforcing bar rupture; and (b) pullout.
Note: 1 in. = 2.54 cm; 1 in.2 = 6.45 cm2; 1 psi = 6.895 kPa; 1 kip = 4.45 kN.
However, cNa was calculated in this section using Eq. (8), Pu to determine the governing failure mode. The predicted
which is the function of critical spacing scr. The equation is governing failure mode for all the test specimens was bar
based on the mean predictor recommended by Eligehausen pullout, which is significantly different from the experi-
et al.,10 further modified (addition of square root) by the mental results. In addition, the average ratio of the minimum
authors to achieve a better fit with the existing test data. of Ncbg and Nag to PmaxTest was 1.82 with a standard deviation
of 0.35, suggesting that the current ACI equations for Ncbg
τuncr together with Nag underestimate the axial tension capacity of
scr = 2cNa = 14.7 ∙ da ∙ (in.-lb) (8) group anchors significantly.
In Eq. (6), the ψec,Na, ψed,Na, and ψcp,Na values are 1 for Comparison with correction factor (ψg,N)
simplicity. Table 6 summarizes the comparison of the test It was observed that the ACI 318-192 bond model underpre-
results in the database with the ACI 318-192 bond model of dicts the axial tension capacity of group anchors because the
adhesive anchors. In the table, PmaxTest is the experimentally equation does not address the influence of bond area on the
measured maximum load, and Ncbg is the concrete breakout strength of adhesive anchors. The ACI Code only suggests
strength calculated using the current ACI equations given in using a correction factor for closely spaced anchors given in
Eq. (2) with an effective k value of 35.0 (for post-installed Eligehausen et al.9 For a group of adhesive bonded anchors,
anchors). The calculated value of Ncbg was compared with Eligehausen et al.10 recommends including the influence of
PmaxTest and the tensile strength of the bars (Pu) of each test bond area on the strength of adhesive anchors by adding the
specimen to determine the predicted governing failure. The ψg,N factor for calculating bond strength (Nag). The ψg,N factor
predicted failure mode of all the test specimens was concrete depends on the number and spacing of anchors in the group
breakout. The current ACI equations for Ncbg predict the and the mean bond strength of the anchors. For the same
concrete breakout strength reasonably well with an average number of anchors, group anchors with low bond strength
PmaxTest/Ncbg ratio of 1.05 and a standard deviation of 0.14. fail in bar pullout, whereas group anchors with high bond
The concrete breakout calculation was followed by the strength fail in concrete breakout. The ψg,N factor is calcu-
bond strength calculation, as the axial tension capacity of lated as
group anchors can be limited by the bond strength (Nag) of
the bars. Nag was calculated using the current ACI equa- s
tions given in Eq. (5) and (6). In Eq. (5), the bond stress g , N 0g , N
1 0g , N 1 (9)
(τ) was assumed to be 1450 psi (10 MPa) for DRAs and
870 psi (6 MPa) for DWAs. The PmaxTest of each test spec-
imen was compared with the minimum of Ncbg with Nag and 0g , N n (10)
Note: Avg is average; SD is standard deviation; 1 in. = 2.54 cm; 1 kip = 4.45 kN.
For ψg,N, α in Eq. (10) was taken as 0.5 for simplicity, and ratio of the minimum of Ncbg and Nag to PmaxTest is 1.33 with
n was taken as the total number of anchor bars. The critical a standard deviation of 0.29. The inclusion of ψg,N resulted in
spacing, scr, was calculated using Eq. (8). Table 7 presents higher Nag, which accurately predicted the governing failure
a summary of the comparison of the test results in the data- modes. In addition, the ratio of the minimum of Ncbg and Nag
base with the ACI 318-192 bond model of adhesive anchors to PmaxTest was improved with the inclusion of the ψg,N factor.
with the ψg,N correction factor. Figures 20 and 21 show This ratio varies from 0.86 to 1.31, resulting in an average
the governing anchor capacities—that is, the minimum of ratio of 1.05 and a standard deviation of 0.14.
ACI 318-192 breakout and pullout capacity, with and without
the correction factor. The model without the correction CONCLUSIONS
factor could not predict the pullout/reinforcing bar rupture The test results described in this paper suggest that the kc
failure modes with a high standard deviation. The average (35) value for post-installed anchors is close to the average
Note: Avg is average; SD is standard deviation; 1 in. = 2.54 cm; 1 kip = 4.45 kN.
back-calculated effective k (keff) value of 33.3 for deformed As shown in Table 6, the ACI Code equations for concrete
reinforcing bar anchors (DRAs) and 36.5 for deformed wire breakout mode predict the tensile capacity reasonably well
anchors (DWAs); therefore, it can be used for estimating the but fail to predict the pullout (bond) failure mode for speci-
concrete breakout strength of embed plates with anchor bars. mens (GA-7 and GA-8) having a lesser number of bars with
In addition, the experimentally measured average bond stress greater anchor spacing. Additionally, the current ACI Code
of a single-anchor bar is comparable to the bond stress given equation for estimating the bond strength of anchor bars
in ACI 318-19.2 The test results also support the fact that the underestimates this bond strength, and thus predicts incor-
tensile capacity of embed plates with welded anchor bars can rect (pullout) failure modes for all the specimens.
be limited by the concrete breakout strength rather than the Modifying the ACI 318-192 bond strength model with a
yield or rupture strengths of bars with embedment lengths correction factor (ψg,N ) provides a better (more accurate)
based on the development length provisions of the Code. estimate of the tensile strength and governing failure mode