69 Shops & Commercial Establishments
69 Shops & Commercial Establishments
69 Shops & Commercial Establishments
Skilled Workers
Photogra pher,
Wakh Mechanic /
Repairer, Radio
Mechanic /
Repairer, T. V.
Repairer, Optical
Basic 539.28 74027.27 513.60 13353.59 489."t4 72717.77 465.85 "t2112.10
Repairer, SkiIIed
VDA 109.11 2835.80 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2835.80
labour in lift fixing 109.11 2836.80
installing Total u8.39 16858.07 622.7t 16190.39 598.25 15554.51 574.96 L4948.90
Technician/ Mecha
nical Instrument
shop, CarpenEr
(Fumiture shop),
Polisher (Fumiture
(Optical shop), Hair
Dresser (in hair
dressing saloon),
Air Condition plant
operator, Umbrella
/ Suihase maker
and other skilled
Semi-Skilled Workers
Bill collector, Bill Basic 490.25 72746.61 466.9"1 't2^139.63 444.68 11551.55 423.50 11011.00
clerk, Godown VDA 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 -109.11 2835.80 109.11 2836.80
Keeper, Booking Total 599.35 15583.41 576.02 74976.43 553.79 14398.35 532.61 13847.80
clerk, Assistant
Sales man /Sales
Girl, Assistant
Photo artists, Shop
Assistant Packer,
Gas Supplier,
Stove Repairer,
Painter, Fruit luice
or Lassi maker in
the shop and other
semi skilled work.
Un-Skilled Workers
Weighing mao
Fitter/ repairer,
Workers engaged
in drying, storing
washing, Ironing, /t45.69
Basic 11587.83 424.46 11036.03 404.25 10510.50 385.00 10010.00
(in l-aundry),
measuring,, VDA
109.11 2835.80 109.11 2835.80 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80
loading and
unloading in Total 554.80 1W24.63 533.57 13872.83 513.35 13347.30 494.11 72846.80
Workers engaged
in grinding
services, General
workers (in all
shops &
other than in
and clerical ca&e
and who are not
covered in any of
the above
categories) and
other unskilled
Office staff and Drivers
Zone-l Zone-Il Zone-III Zone- IV
Per Per
Details Per day Per month
duy month
Per month Pe, month
duy day
Manager/ Personal Basic 631.00 16423.00 603.38 15688.00 576.50 14989.00 ss0.88 L4323.00
officer, Marketing VDA "r09.11
109.11 2836.80 1"09.^t7 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 2836.80
Manager/ office
Total 740.17 19259.80 7L2.49 18524.80 585.61 17825.80 659.99 17159.80
Supervisor and similar
Assistant Manager / Basic 593.2^l 75423.40 564.96 L4688.95 538.06 13989.48 512.44 1.3323.3r
Assistant PeEonal VDA 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 109.1L 2836.80
Manager, Senior Total 702.32 18260.20 674.O7 17525.75 647.17 16826.28 62L.55 L6160.77
Accountant and
similar post
Senior Clerk, Cashier, Basic 539.28 L4021.27 513.60 13353.59 489."t4 "12777.7-t 465.85 12112.10
Judgment writer,
VDA 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80
Stenographer, Store
keeper, Receptionist, Total 648.39 15858.07 622.77 L5190.39 598.25 15554.51 574.96 14948.90
and similal post.
unior Clerk , Basic 490.25 12746.61 466.97 ^12739.63 M4.68 11561.55 423.50 11011.00
Booking Clerk, VDA -t_09.1L
109.11 2836.80 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 L09."t1_ 2836.80
Operator, Typist Total 599.36 15583.41 576.02 L4976.43 553.79 14398.35 532.6L 13847.80
Operator, Data
Entry Operator
and similar post.
Attender, Basic 445.69 "t1.587.83 424.46 11036.03 404.25 10510.50 385.00 10010.00
Watchmaru Lift
VDA 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 L09.1L 2836.80 109.11 2836.80
Operator , Office
Boy, PeorL Total 554.80 L4424.63 533.57 13872.83 513.35 L3347.30 494.17 12846.80
Helper/ Assistant,
Dalaya! Majdur,
Sweeper and
similar post.
Heary Vehicle Basic 539.:28 1,4021.27 513.60 13353.59 489.1,4 12717.71, 465.85 72772.1.0
Driver, Tractor VDA 109.11 36.80 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80
Driver, Multi Total 618.39 15858.07 62L7r \6190.39 598.25 15554.51 574.96 74948.90
Axel And Earth
Movers Drivers,
Crane Vehicle
Drivers, Road
Roller And
Construction Of
Road Related
Vehicle Drivers
Basic 490.25 12746.6L 466.9"1 1.2139.63 444.68 11561.55 423.50 11011.00
Car Driver, Jeep VDA 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80 109.11 2836.80
Driver, Light Total 599.36 15583.41 576.O2 L4976.43 553.79 L4398.35 532.61 13847.80
Vehicle Drivers
Zone-2: Notified areas of all the Corporations in the State other than the places
mentioned in Zone 1.
Zone - 3: All District Head Quarters other than the places mentioned in Zone '1.&
- zone -2
Zone - 4: All other Places of the State other than the places mentioned in Zo ne _1., Zone_2
and Zone -3.
v.D.A : In addition to the basic wages, ar Category of Employees in the state shal be paid
V.D.A at the rate of 4 paise per point over and above 6537 points