The document summarizes a student's experience with their work immersion at a local barangay hall. They were initially assigned minor tasks like sweeping but later helped at the daycare center and health center when staff attended a seminar. Over the course of their immersion, the student assisted with programs, learned how to make certificates and clearances, and gained hands-on experience with the daily operations of the barangay hall.
The document summarizes a student's experience with their work immersion at a local barangay hall. They were initially assigned minor tasks like sweeping but later helped at the daycare center and health center when staff attended a seminar. Over the course of their immersion, the student assisted with programs, learned how to make certificates and clearances, and gained hands-on experience with the daily operations of the barangay hall.
The document summarizes a student's experience with their work immersion at a local barangay hall. They were initially assigned minor tasks like sweeping but later helped at the daycare center and health center when staff attended a seminar. Over the course of their immersion, the student assisted with programs, learned how to make certificates and clearances, and gained hands-on experience with the daily operations of the barangay hall.
The document summarizes a student's experience with their work immersion at a local barangay hall. They were initially assigned minor tasks like sweeping but later helped at the daycare center and health center when staff attended a seminar. Over the course of their immersion, the student assisted with programs, learned how to make certificates and clearances, and gained hands-on experience with the daily operations of the barangay hall.
We are almost through with senior high school in the year
2023. We undergo work immersion as other students do as the
years go by. The goal of the work immersion would be new to me, same as to my batchmates. As the immersion draws to a close, we are assigned to various departments where we can apply our knowledge and abilities to grow and develop.
At the start of the work immersion, I was deployed at
barangay collat’s barangay hall, with two of my batchmates with me. We went to the barangay secretary as we needed to report to them. After doing so, they have introduced us to the staff and instructed us to watch and learned the way around the barangay hall, as of the second to the third day we did almost nothing but watch the staff working, while they instructed us to sweep the barangay hall, so that we have some tasks to do while observing. For the fourth to seventh day of immersion, we were assigned to the daycare center as well as the health center as the staff will be having a seminar at Baguio city, so we won’t be doing any extra days to complete the immersion. At the daycare we have assisted the daycare staff in teaching and assisting children for three days. We bonded with the children and had an enormous amount of experience dealing with children. The eight day we came back to the barangay hall as a program was held, we assisted, arranging and decorating the covered court, for the last three day we were taught how to make certificates and barangay clearance whereas the very last day, we were pressured to a lot of people requesting clearances and certificates.
And for that we have gained experience in working,
where the immersion has given us the opportunity to learn, grow and have hands-on experience of everyday staff work in the barangay hall.