Karwa Letter 5
Karwa Letter 5
Karwa Letter 5
1. The Prime Minister of India, New Delhi
(Email – connect@mygov.nic.in)
13.shekhar.bose@gov.in )
5. The State Finance Minister of India, New Delhi
(Email – 1.bhagawat.karad@sansad.nic.in
3.revas.mof@gov.in )
19th Floor,Central Office Building
Shahid Bhagat Singh Road Mumbai-400001
(Email - dgmrr@rbi.org.in)
Representation No.5 by :-
Respected Sir,
That above mentioned holding is as enumerated for your
perusal as per following details
(iii) That , The Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank Ltd
Bank being headed by RSS-BJP cadre people, But in
2018-2019 the erstwhile Chairman Rahul Chainsukh
Sancheti and his team of bank directors and then Chief
Executive officer Shri Dipak Saoji (who is absconding /
abducted since April 2019) has taken over exposure by
disbursement of loans to people without creating proper
lien / security - assets in custody of the Malkapur Urban
Co-op Bank from borrowers , neither board of directors
nor recovery officers followed process as laid out per
SARFEASSI act or DRT regulations for reasons best
known to them .which resulted in NPA to huge extend at
the Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank Ltd .
(v) That,Chairman Chainsukh Madanlal Sancheti
( 9422182199 cmsancheti1@gmail.com) , and his team
of directors lead by vice chairman Purushttom Gopal
Lakhani (9422180660 email mucbho@gmail.com), Rahul
Cheinsukh Sancheti (7021446695) , Ashok Rajdev, Sunil
Champalal Sancheti, Rajendra Nathmal Kochar,
(9422180872) Abhay Madhukar Borle ( 9422883683) ,
Tayade , Damodar Sharma, Subham Manak Jain, Anagha
Anil Gurjar, Kanchan Ravikabt Palve, Kanchan Suresh
Mandwekar, Shobhadevi Ashok Aggarwal, Devendra
Rupchnad Jain (9423779017), Abhijar Husaain Zakir
Hussain , Rajendra Oza ( 9422706157) all of them
severally and jointly mishandled the banking to own
benefit and has led worsened stage within the Malkapur
Urban Co-op Bank Ltd with their own tantrums, Being
adamant was the chairman , Vice chairman & board of
directors , had disbursed loans on exorbitant valuation
and non competent recovery officers ( Gavale
9422207011, Rajendra Jadhav 9422706154, Sanjay
Aggarwal 9422706158 Phirke 9423149137 ) were non
collecting arrears in loan amount , and nominally doing
their duties only for few hours , but all were busy in their
own business and trading.
(vi) That, Moderate restriction was imposed by RBI
date 04 June 2020 on the Malkapur Urban Co operative
bank. Had RBI published such news of imposition of
restrictions media, FD depositors / SB and current
account holders have an opportunity to question
management of the Malkapur UCB that would have given
ample amount of time to lead to authorities to diminish
illicit nexus of board of directors, top banking officers of
the Malkapur Urban coop bank with defaulter borrowers.
(ix) That , Even Department of Co-operatives i.e.
Commissioner of cooperative , Pune , AR and DDR of
both Buldhana and Aurangabad shunted its vigilant eyes,
in 2020-2021 on said the Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank
Ltd , as it was to recover loan Rs.1023 Crores disbursed
on strength of Rs.673 Crore of other depositors/
account holders . May be both directors Management
with banking and recovery officers, and panel of Valuers
of the Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank were hands in gloves
of borrowers, which resulted in default in repayment to the
Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank.
when things had fire at home turf and have worsened at
the Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank.
Chavhan (IAS) and present DM Shri Asteikkumar Pandey
(a) All directors of the Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank Ltd
should be stationed at Aurangabad RO, and should
visit each and every Defaulter Borrowers, for
recovery of dues even matter is subjuidies or
otherwise as per SARFESSI ACT or at DRT – As
outreach of the bank, to defaulter borrowers.
(b) The Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank Ltd to hire retired
banking officers from PSU bank/ private banks, or
from Coop banking federation or reputed CA to
recover dues from defaulter borrowers.
(c) The Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank Ltd should publish
list of Defaulter borrowers on flex at all branches and
in leading news papers and auction the lien
(d) The Malkapur Urban Co-op Bank Ltd, should offer
OTS scheme or adjusting FD of other depositors (who
either are relatives / have legal concern with
borrowers), by entering a tripartite agreement with
defaulter borrowers in accordance with sec.101.
individuals, HUF , AOP and BOI, and so also of
having deposit of Rs.203 Crores from Cooperative
Societies ( having Para banking / Pigmy / RD
facilities) and has to recover Rs.531 Crores from
defaulter borrowers ( most of them are located at
Ch .Sambhajinagar /( Aurangabad ), because of
RBI’s restriction U/s35A read with U/s 56 amount
of almost all needy individuals and cooperative
societies have come to stand still. It is learnt that
The Malkapur UCB has collected Rs.305 Crores as
on 31.03.2023
(xix) That it was also learnt that , CEO of MUCB has also
accepted its arbitrary unethical blatant violation
wrongdoing at MUCB of giving only 2.50 % interest
to sb account holders as against 4%interest being
offered by PSU banks , and giving 3.99 % interest to
FD renewals (since restrictions date)
per PSU-SBI sb account holder as 4% , and FD
holders as 7% instead of prevailing wrong
procedure of 2.5% and 3.99 % adopted by
Malkapur Urban Coop bank Ltd.( by reversing
entries wrongfully entered by management of the
Malkapur UCbank Ltd.)
Purushttom GopalChand Lakahani ,Dy Chairman
Rahul Cheinsukh Sancheti to infuse Rs.10 Cr each
as infused capita, and other directors Rs.2 Cr each
and all Sr Officers Rs. 10 lacs each , and other staff
members Rs. 2.5 Lacs each as infused capita , and
each defaulter borrowers Rs.10 lacs as infused
capital , and after receipt of 35 % of deposits to the
depositor should subscribe share of 2.5% of that
received amount to be infused as CRAR by each
1st PAN holder from depositor side as share capital
to increase CRAR to reach to positive of the
Malkapur Urban Co Op bank. Al such infused
amount of the above all can be withdraw able after
3 years from 24.05.2023(as done in case shares of
yes bank )
act and suitable act as per RBI act with
amendments of disgruntled the Malkapur Urban
Bank with any strong Co-operative Bank like the
Cosmos bank, The Saraswat bank , The Janata
Sahakari bank, The Deogiri Nagari Sahakari bank