Cadenas Troficas Coral Reef
Cadenas Troficas Coral Reef
Cadenas Troficas Coral Reef
Silvia Opitz
ISSN 0115-5547
ISBN 971-8709-60-6
Foreword Meryl J. W~llrams .................................................................................................................x
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1
The ECOPATH Model ................................................................................................................ 3
Development of the Models ...................................................................................................... 10
Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 10
Chapter 3 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 42
Fish Species ................................................................................................................................
Nonfish Taxa ............................................................................................................................ 79
The Models ..................................................................................................................................
Chapter 4 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................... 156
Compatibility of the Models with the PRVl Coral Reef System ................................................. 156
Comparison of the Models with Other Coral Reef Areas ...................................................... 157
New Insights into Structure and Functioning of a Coral Reef
as an Ecosystem Unit ................................................................................................ 160
Identification and Solution of Methodological Problems during
the Modelling Process ...................................................................................................163
Gaps of Knowledge and Suggestions for Future Research .......................................................164
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................169
Meryl J. Williams
Director General
*Conducted by Dr. S. Opitz towards her doctorate requirements at the University of Kiel, Germany, under the guidance of Dr. D.
Pauly and with advice from Dr. V. Christensen of ICLARM.
The work before you is the most detailed account ever published of the energy fluxes within
a coral reef ecosystem - and I am well aware that this is a strong claim to make in view of the
enormous research effort which has been devoted to coral reefs to date, and of the enormous
literature which presents the results of this effort.
Upon perusing that literature, however, it quickly becomes clear that only a small fraction
deals with the energetics of more than two species at a time: the bulk of published coral reef
studies deals with the dynamics or trophic biology of either one species, or the interactions
between two species.
Studies referring to ensembles of coral reef species obviously do exist as well but they tend
to concentrate on the definition, identity and maintenance of the "communities" formed by coral
reef species, with little attention devoted to their energetics: few coral reef researchers followed
the path opened by the pioneering study of the metabolism of Eniwetak lagoon, published in
1955 by the Odum brothers.
One reason for this may be the lack of a straightforward tool for integrating scattered
knowledge on the interactive elements of coral reef ecosystems: simulation modeling, e.g., as
brilliantly applied by T.R. McClanahan to coral reef systems, requires formal skills possessed by
only few biologists potentially interested in using a formal modeling framework.
This situation changed in the mid-1980s, when J.J. Polovina and coworkers developed the
ECOPATH approach and software, and applied this to the description of a coral reef system in
the Northern Hawaiian Island, the French Frigate Shoals. This approach, fully described in the
present work, does not need restating here. Suffice to say that, while based on a simple "Master
Equation" with parameters that are relatively easy to estimate, it allows incorporation, into a
formal framework, of the immense amount of single-species data, and on data on species
interactions alluded to above.
The creators of this approach - J. Polovina and colleagues for the initial version, V.
Christensen and this author for its vastly expanded successor ECOPATH II - earlier attributed
the versatility of the ECOPATH approach to the "steady-state1'or "equilibrium" assumption that
seemed to underlie its Master Equation.
However, this assumption is not necessary for the ECOPATH approach to work. Rather,
what is needed is mass-balance, i.e., one must not only be able to account for all flows of
biomass among the different elements of an ecosystem, during the period being modeled
(usually one year), but one should also account for any difference in biomass that may occur
between the beginning and the end of that period.
Equilibrium or steady-state implies.that this difference should be zero - a problem when
the system being modeled is known to display interannual changes of biomass. However, recent
changes incorporated on the Windows version of ECOPATH (ECOPATH 3.0) not only allow
considering between-year changes of biomass (through a term for "biomass accumulated",
added to the Master Equation), but also explicitly consider seasonal changes of all biomass and
fluxes during an annual production cycle.
These features, along with the explicit consideration of uncertainty on the input values
(accommodated through a Monte-Carlo simulation, whose output can be interpreted in a
Bayesian context), have given the ECOPATH approach dynamic features that were lacking
when Dr. Opitz began the work which led to this document.
The fact that Dr. Opitz could assemble as many biomass and rate estimates as she did,
and then establish mass-balance in her models -without recourse to the routines recently
developed to assist users of the ECOPATH software - speaks for the depth of understanding
she achieved of the energetics of Caribbean coral reef systems, and of the biology of their
Indeed, I assume that many future models of coral reef systems -whether constructed
using the ECOPATH approach or not -will rely on the biomass and rate estimates obtained by
Dr. Opitz, and validated by their "fit" to her model.
I conclude, thus, by congratulating Dr. Opitz for a work destined to be found, much
thumbed, on the desk of every would-be modeler of coral reef ecosystems.
Daniel Pauly
Principal Science Adviser
Five thermodynamically balanced models of the trophic interactions and organic matter
transfer between compartments of a Caribbean coral reef system are presented. Inputs to the
models were obtained from published data and from parameter estimates based on multivariate
statistics. The models were analyzed using the ECOPATH II program (Version 1.O) of Daniel
Pauly, Villy Christensen and coworkers at the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources
Management (ICLARM) (in Manila, Philippines) which combines elements of network flow
analysis with the steady-state approach of Jeffrey Polovina's original ECOPATH. A single model
with 50 boxes, 2 models with 20 boxes and 2 with 11 boxes were constructed, based on two
different methods of aggregation. Their features were compared.
These balanced models indicate that coral reef systems are in a "steady-state" or "flow-
through equilibrium", when the appropriate spatial and temporal scale is selected. This implies
that investigations on reef community structure which relied on a small spatial scale, and which
suggest a high degree of stochastic variability may not address issues related to the stability of
structures at larger scales.
The models' outputs indicate the existence of short cycles, effectively recycling organic
matter within the reef system, with the larger part of net primary production being recycled
directly to the detrital pool. Thus, transfer efficiencies between trophic levels are generally low.
Selected outputs of the models were compared with features of the original coral reef
system, i.e., unfished segments of the Puerto Rico - Virgin Islands (PRVI) coral reef area and
were found to be compatible.
Summary statistics of the models were compared with those of two other coral reefs also
modelled using ECOPATH II. The models presented here refer to a large system in terms of
biomass and throughput, compared to French Frigate Shoals, Hawaii, and to Bolinao,
Philippines. These statistics indicate an intermediate stage of system maturity when compared
to the other two systems. Features of the modelled system (degree of piscivory, avoidance, by
piscivorous fish, of larger herbivorous reef fish as prey, sediment production by parrotfish) were
compared with those of other coral reef systems and were found to be compatible.
A potential fisheries yield of 4 gm-2year1for unfished segments of the PRVl reef area was
estimated from the models' outputs. Present overexploitation of lobsters and conchs in the PRVl
area may in part be explained by the strong predation pressure already exerted on these
resources in the unexploited system as indicated by the high ecotrophic efficiencies of
crustaceans and gastropods.
Possible solutions could be developed or suggested for several methodological problems
identified during the modelling process. Also, worthwhile areas of future theoretical and field
research were identified:
1. A large number of fish species can effectively be reduced to fewer groups by cluster
analysis. Appropriate aggregation parameters are those referring to energetic requirements of a
species such as size, activity level and type of food.
2. The impact of predator abundance on predation pressure may be accounted for by
introdtrcing a weighting factor, which should be the product of density, mean weight and relative
food requirements of a predator.
3. Density estimates from visual censuses, especially for migrating species, such as
apex predators, should be divided by the time an individual fish was actually seen during the
census. This would lead to more realistic values of "effective" biomass, i.e., a biomass which is
related to the carrying capacity of the reef system for this species.
4. Density estimates for small and/or cryptic reef species should be obtained from
repeated rotenone or similar samplings.
5. Density estimates for small schooling pelagics are urgently needed and may be
obtained by hydroacoustic methods.
6. For the construction of nonfish groups one should, as was done for fishes, start from
the species level and define appropriate energetic aggregation criteria by objective selection of
ecological variables.
7. For future models, it will be a worthwhile theoretical task to identify objective criteria
for the determination of spatial and temporal scales of the system which is to be modelled, to
define appropriate system boundaries.
8. More information on diet, food consumption requirements, abundances and growth
performance should be obtained for nonfish taxa in the PRVl reef area. This could strongly
improve the reliability of the models' output.
9. Information on length-weight data and growth parameters for fish species without
interest for fisheries (e.g., very small ones) are needed as well as catch data on a species level
or for ecological guilds, i.e., on a generic or family level, for the PRVl reef area.
All kinds of superlatives have been used to describe the ecosystem "coral reef", the most
famous being "the oasis in the desert", which is related to the high production rates often
measured for components of the coral reef community compared to rates measured in the
nutrient-poor water masses surrounding coral reefs (Polovina 1984b).
There is general agreement that coral reefs are characterized by three main features: (1)
high species diversity; (2) pronounced complexity of relationships within the system community;
and (3) high rates of production in usually nutrient- and plankton-poor oceanic waters (see
Lewis 1981).
It is hypothesized here that coral reefs can survive under such unfavorable conditions
mainly because these three features are interconnected, resulting in an effective recycling and
conservation of organic matter within the system. This hypothesis is based on small-scale
observations such as the symbiosis between the coral polyps and their symbionts, the
"zooxanthellae". Whether this hypothesis applies to an entire coral reef ecosystem unit is, to
date, not known. There is further disagreement on the question whether coral reefs may be
considered to be in a steady-state, i.e., whether import plus consumption are balanced by
production plus respiration for the entire system.
The main objective of this report was to test whether it is possible to construct a
thermodynamically balanced model of a Caribbean coral reef system, the assumption being that
if such model could be constructed, this would indicate that the coral reef system in question
can indeed be considered as being in some form of steady state.
A Caribbean coral reef area was selected as study site for a modelling effort because I
became enthralled by these beautiful ecosystems since I have "dived" Caribbean coral reefs in
198311984. Another reason was that several Caribbean reef areas have been studied in such
detail that enough input data appeared to exist for the creation of a model representative of the
larger Caribbean area. My choice of a model of a Caribbean coral reef as a research topic was
also influenced by the consideration that tools for proper management of coral reef systems,
especially of fisheries resources, are urgently needed.
The whole system approach seems very promising, since it will provide information for
conservationists with a holistic claim as well as for fisheries managers concerned with fisheries
yields from a small number of target species. Several of these commercially interesting species
are already heavily exploited and some show declines in catchleffort although they are reported
to be only lightly exploited. Munro (1984), in an unpublished report to the Caribbean Fisheries
Management Council (CFMC) "on assessment of the fisheries of Puerto Rico and the U.S.
Virgin Islands", attempted to find out why "the reported landings for the Virgin Islands only
amount to 5%-13% of the 'norm' (for other Caribbean reef areas) of 5 tonnes km-2".He
concluded that "either the landings are greatly underestimated or the fisheries are rather lightly
exploited or both". In contrast to this statement, fisheries statistics in CFMC (1984, 1985)
showed a decline in landings for target fish species in the Puerto Rico - Virgin Islands (PRVI)
area, and contributions in Mahon (1987) reported on the overexploitation of target invertebrates
(conchs, lobsters) along with an increasing fishing effort for the same area.
The lack of appropriate data for proper stock assessment is emphasized regularly
throughout the relevant literature (see e.g., Munro 1984; Mahon 1987; PDT 1990). Many
unpublished reports of investigations and surveys lead a poor life in shelves or drawers; the
more lucky ones are distributed through the person-to-person method. Thus, there is a need to
pool, check and quantify data scattered over a wide range of formal and informal
documentation. The construction of a model is an excellent reason for such compilatory work.
By logical combination of the elements of a system, one may obtain new insights in its
functioning as a whole and in that of its elements as well.
Holistic steady-state models, in contrast to simulation models, can be parameterized with
relatively small expenditure in input data while they may, at the same time, correctly describe
properties of the system being modelled (Silvert 1981). In spite of their "simplicity", these
models may reflect relevant structures of the system and contribute to its understanding;
simultaneously, they may indicate gaps of knowledge and thus identify areas of future practical
research. According to Silvert (1981), the "complexity of a model is not in itself a criterion of its
quality. The degree of complexity is determined chiefly by its function and the observations it is
supposed to describe, not by the internal structure of the system" that is being modelled.
Leontief (1951) developed economic input-output analysis aiming to quantify the amount of
raw materials and industrial services required to produce a quantity of consumer goods.
Augustinovics (1970) later worked out an inverse analysis where the fate of system inputs is
traced to their destination through the economic flow diagram. Hannon (1973) and Finn (1976)
were the first to apply these techniques to biological systems.
Network analysis today provides tools for unifying the concepts of food chains, food webs,
species richness, diversity, etc., by depicting ecosystems as number of compartments,
interconnected by flows of energy or matter from one compartment to another. Wulff et al.
(1989) believed that "network flow analysis contains a lot of information about the dynamic
structure of a whole system and how it functions1'.
Network analysis today includes analysis of cycles, through-flows, storages and information
theory. Finn (1976) developed an index showing the proportion of the flow in a system that is
recycled, relative to total flow. The magnitude of this "cycling index" depends to some extent on
the substance used as currency (biomass, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.). Ulanowicz
(1980, 1986), one of the leading scientists of Working Group 59/73 of the Scientific Committee
on Oceanographic Research devoted to "Mathematical Models in Biological Oceanography",
(Platt et al. 1981), introduced three indices describing the state of an ecosystem: (1) Total
System Throughput, the sum of all flows occurring within a system; (2) Ascendency, a measure
of the mutual information content within the system; and which concerns the size of the system
as well as diversity of flows; and (3) Development Capacity, a measure of the potential for
growth of a system towards maturity.
In network analysis, comparison of two different elements (e.g., species) within a system
may be established by defining their relative position in the food web as one plus the weighted
mean trophic level of their preys. Conversely, the division of any kind of diet into compartments
allows the construction of pyramids (see Lindeman 1942) representing flows and transfer
efficiencies between trophic levels. This technique allows intercomparison of ecosystems or
comparison of different states of a single system based on the analysis of the food web linking
its components.
1.I. The ECOPATH Model
The modelling approach used here was developed by J.J. Polovina (1984a, l984b, l984c,
1985, 1986) and Polovina and Ow (1983), named "ECOPATH", was originally designed to
estimate standing stock and production budget of an entire coral reef ecosystem, the "French
Frigate Shoals", in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
ECOPATH II is derived from the original ECOPATH software. It was considerably enhanced
and modified by combining the steady-state approach of the original ECOPATH with techniques
derived from network analysis and information theory. ECOPATH II was designed as a tool to
produce straightforward equilibrium box models for any kind of aquatic system. The
development and updating of ECOPATH I1 are part of a project funded by the Danish
International Development Agency (DANIDA) on "Global Comparisons of Aquatic Ecosystems",
executed by Drs. Villy Christensen and Daniel Pauly at the lnternational Center for Living
Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM). Aquatic scientists, spread all around the world, are
contributing to this project by applying ECOPATH II to "their" ecosystems. The present report is
based on a thesis written as part of this project; therein, ECOPATH II was used to generate five
quantitative steady-state models of the trophic interactions in a Caribbean coral reef.
In the following, a short comparative description is given of the theoretical background of
inputs required and outputs provided by Polovina and Ow's original ECOPATH and by the
ECOPATH I1 software of Pauly, Christensen and coworkers (Christensen and Pauly 1990a,
1990b; Pauly et al. 1993a). Analyses of models included here were executed with version 1.0 of
ECOPATH 11. Since version 2.0 of ECOPATH II is distributed together with a comprehensive
user's manual (Christensen and Pauly 1991), 1 advise the reader to consult this manual for
additional information on differences between versions 1.0 and 2.0 (see also Christensen and
Pauly 1992b for version 2.1 and Christensen and Pauly 1995 and 1996 for ECOPATH 3.0).
Theoretical Background
The basic assumption of the original version of the ECOPATH model (termed here
ECOPATH I) is that the ecosystem which will be modelled must be under equilibrium conditions,
i.e., in a "steady-state". Polovina (1984b) stated that "equilibrium conditions exist when the
mean annual biomass for each species (group) does not change from year to year. This
assumption results in a system of biomass budget equations which, for each species (group),
can be expressed as:
Production of biomass for species (i) - all predation on species (i) - nonpredatory biomass
mortality for species (i) = 0 for all (i) ...1.1)
The ECOPATH model expresses each term in the budget equation as a linear function of
the unknown mean annual biomasses (Blls), so the resulting biomass budget equations become
a system of simultaneous equations linear in the Blls." This system of equations can be
expressed in matrix form as AB = 0, where A is an n x n matrix of coefficients, and B is an n-
dimensional vector.
Outputs of ECOPATH I are: estimates of mean annual biomass, mean annual consumption
and mean annual production of each species (group). Additionally, an estimate of necessary net
primary production to support the system is computed which may be compared with "external"
estimates to validate the model.
The inputs required by ECOPATH I (and ECOPATH II) are few compared to, e.g., simulation
models. In the following, the inputs necessary to solve the system of biomass budget equations
via the ECOPATH I computer program are briefly introduced.
Species Groups
Subsequent to identifying the various components of the ecosystem under study, these
may be regrouped into species groups. ECOPATH I allows a maximum input of 20 species
(groups). A species group is an aggregation of species with a common physical habitat, similar
diet and similar life history characteristics (Polovina 198413).
ECOPATH I is a "top-down model", i.e., the biomasses of the subordinated species (groups)
are determined by the biomass (and food consumption) of the apex predator (group). When
there is no fishery catch, a biomass estimate for at least one top predator (group) must be
provided to produce a unique and nontrivial set of Bi's (i.e., B,> 0) which solves the system of
equations. In an ecosystem where there is fishing mortality, the fish catches may be entered
instead of an estimate of a species' (group's) biomass to insure a nontrivial solution.
Polovina (198413, 1985) defined production (P) over one year for a cohort of animals as:
where N, is the number of animals and W, the mean individual weight at time t.
Allen (1971) showed that, under equilibrium conditions, for a number of growth and
mortality functions, including negative exponential mortality and "von Bertalanffy" growth, the
ratio of annual production to mean biomass for a cohort of fish is equal to the annual
instantaneous total mortality (Z). When mortality is expressed by a negative exponential
function, total species group production (P) is equal to the sum of the production (PI) of n
cohorts (or species) i with annual instantaneous total mortality (ZI).
In an ecosystem under equilibrium (i.e., under steady state) and where (when) there is very
little or no fishing mortality, the PIB ratio of fishes and invertebrates is thus equal to their
instantaneous rate of naturalLmortality (M) (Christensen and Pauly 1991).
Predation Mortality
Predation mortality is the fraction of the biomass of a species group which is consumed by
its predator in a given ecosystem. Polovina's ECOPATH model computes this mortality in the
same fashion as the PROBUB model by Laevastu and Larkins (1981). Here, two types of
information are needed:
A diet composition matrix DCij must be specified, where an entry DC, from this matrix refers
to the proportion of prey j in the diet of predator (or consumer) i. The primary source of this
information is the analysis of consumers' stomach contents. Composition of stomach contents
may be expressed in percent of total volume, weight or energy contents. Macdonald and Green
(1983) showed that the estimation of diet composition is largely unaffected by the units used
(volume, weight or energy); on the other hand, "numbers of items" or "occurrence" produce
misleading diet compositions, due to the large difference in energy contents between small and
large prey items (Pauly 1985, 1986).
Food Required
The second type of information needed to ascertain predation mortality is the food
requirements of the predator. Food required (R) by a species (group) (i) is expressed as:
where Bi is the mean annual species (group) biomass, Pi is the annual production of
species (group) i, and ai and bi are parameters to be estimated from energetics studies. The
component biBi is the food required to maintain the biomass Biand the component aiPi is the
food required to support the biomass production Pi (Laevastu and Larkins 1981).
In the original ECOPATH model, the production of species (group) i is Pi = CiBi, so the food
required for species (group) Bi is
Thus, the amount of species (group)j consumed by predator species (group) i is given as:
RiDCi, = (bi+ a,Ci)BiDCi, ...I.6)
Predation mortality consumes generally between 75% and 90% of the populations'
production (Ricker 1969; Polovina 1984a, 1984b); a change in predation mortality has little
influence on the biomasses of species groups calculated by ECOPATH I, as was shown by
Polovina (1984c) by simple sensitivity analysis on the input parameters.
Nonpredation Mortality
All mortality attributable to causes other than predation, such as fishing, spawning and
disease, is considered "nonpredation mortality".
Habitat Area
For each species (group) included in ECOPATH I, an estimate of the area of distribution for
which the other input values are valid was required. This was not included in ECOPATH II as
biomass and flows are easy to adjust to any standard area, without using a special software or
routine. ECOPATH II
Theoretical Background
where "production" is the sum of "export + mortality due to predation + flow to detritus". Both
versions of ECOPATH (I and II) are structured around the feature that, in a balanced system,
the consumption of a predator (group) generates the predation mortality of its prey (groupls).
New Features and Outputs
equations, representing an ecosystem, is solved using the "generalized inverse method1'
(Mackay 1981); this has the advantage that a generalized inverse can be found even if the set
of equations is overdetermined (more equations than unknowns) or underdetermined (less
equations than unknowns). By linking the species groups into a combined system, the basic
routines of ECOPATH I and II allow the estimation of one missing parameter (= unknown) of
each species (group). In ECOPATH I, only biomass could be the unknowns, whereas other
parameters may be unknown in ECOPATH II (see Christensen and Pauly 1992a, 199213 and
further below).
For all consumers of the system, a request was incorporated into ECOPATH II for the
percentages of ingestion that are lost due to egestion (feces) and to excretion (urine); values of
15% and 5%, respectively, are provided as defaults, based on Winberg (1956). The entries (or
defaults) are subsequently used for the computation of net conversion efficiencies (production1
[ingestion - egestion]) and of flows to the "detritus box". Detritus is derived from nonpredatory
"leaks" of organic substance from any trophic level, mainly egestion, excretion and nonpredatory
ECOPATH II was provided with checks for "i's" that do not balance, i.e., for which
production is larger or equal to the amount of food consumed. Gross efficiency (GE =
production1consumption) should be < 0.5 for all species (groups). Ecotrophic efficiency (EE), the
part of production consumed by predators, was, throughout, a required input in ECOPATH I. It is
now either an input or output of ECOPATH II and is used to ascertain that the amount
consumed by predators does not surpass production of a species (group). In a balanced
system, EE must be 5 1.O.
ECOPATH II calculates fractional trophic levels as suggested by Odum and Heald (1975). A
routine assigns a trophic level (TL) of 1 to primary producers and detritus and a TL of I + (the
weighted average of the prey's TL) to consumers.
The concept of "omnivory index" was included into ECOPATH II in 1987 (see Pauly et al.
1993a). It is calculated as the variance of the trophic levels of a consumer's prey groups. When
the output value is zero, the consumers in question feed on a single discrete trophic level.
Ivlev's electivity index El (Ivlev 1961) is computed by ECOPATH II for each species (group),
based on biomasses, not numbers. El is scaled so that El = -1 corresponds to total avoidance, El
= 0 to nonselective feeding, and El= 1 to exclusive feeding. Since this index is not independent
of prey density a further index, the "standardizedforage ratio" of Chesson (1983) was
incorporated into ECOPATH II. This is independent of prey availability and initially ranged
between 0 and 1, with SI = 0 representing avoidance and S,= 1 exclusive feeding. In ECOPATH
II, this index has been reexpressed such that it can now range between -1 and 1, and thus
allows direct comparison with Ivlev's index of electivity.
AND TRANSFER Based on Lindeman (1942), Christensen and Pauly (1WOb)
provided ECOPATH II with routines to calculate discrete trophic levels and, since an ecosystem
is treated as a thermodynamical unit, to calculate flows and transfer efficiencies between trophic
levels. The combination of throughput and transfer efficiency of each trophic level allows the
construction of solid "trophic pyramids" (see Christensen and Pauly 1992b) representing an
entire system; these pyramids can be used for intercomparison of ecosystems.
MIXEDTROPHIC This routine allows the computation of direct and indirect impacts
which a change in biomass of a predator group will have on other groups in the system,
assuming that the diet matrix remains unchanged. This routine, based on Hannon (1973) and
Hannon and Joiris (1989), may thus be viewed as a tool for sensitivity analysis.
AGGREGATIONOF BOXES. The ascendency and related features of an ecosystem are affected by
the number of groups by which the system is represented. An aggregation routine was included
into ECOPATH I I which allows for reduction of the initial number of boxes to any desired
number. This routine identifies, under the constraint of no change in throughput, the pair of
"boxes" which, when pooled, least reduce the ascendency of the ecosystem. As shown in
Christensen and Pauly (1992b), "pairing" of boxes generally involves groups with low
throughputs (at least initially) and having similar trophic levels.
PRIMARY PRODUCTION (PP). Net primary production (NPP, in the currency of the model, here in
gm-2.year1WW) is not an input for ECOPATH I. However, this is a required input for ECOPATH
II, in order to "(1) encourage users to obtain independent, i.e., "external" estimates of a
parameter which closely correlates with a number of important characteristics of a system; (2) to
allow for validation of internally generated NPP, which should be smaller than or equal to the
"external" input value and more importantly; (3) to allow for the difference between observed (=
external) and computed (= internal) NPP to be added to the detritus box and thus quantify a
linkage important in virtually all ecosystems (i.e., the transfer of uningested, dead phytoplankton
and algal biomass to the detrital pool, from where it becomes available to a variety of
consumers and/or for burial or export" [Pauly et al. 1993al).
DETRITUS (D). Detritus biomass is not a required input in ECOPATH I, but is needed
by ECOPATH II for various computations when detritivores are included in a system, e.g., to
compute the "electivity" of detritivores for detritus.
ECOTROPHIC Ecotrophic efficiency (EE) is an input of ECOPATH I
expressing the fraction of total production consumed by predators (alpI). In ECOPATH II,
ecotrophic efficiency must be either entered (when biomass is unknown) or is estimated by the
program (when biomass is known and was entered). In ECOPATH II, the fraction 1-EE of
production is directed toward the detritus box, from which it may be exported out of the system.
FISHERIES (C). Export from a species (group) consists of catches and
emigration or transport out of the system. Fisheries catch (andlor the quantity killed by fishing
and discarded) is required for all exploited species. This input is needed for both versions of
ECOPATH in a system of which some elements are exploited.
P R ~ D U C T I ~ N ~RATIO M A ~The
B I ~(PIB). ~ PIB ratio is an input parameter required for ECOPATH I
as well as ECOPATH II. As stated above, under certain conditions, the PIB ratio of a population
can be set equal to instantaneous total mortality Z (or natural mortality M for an unfished stock).
The PIB ratio of primary producers can be estimated either by direct methods (oxygen
production, C,,, etc.) or if those data are not available, by indirect methods, e.g., empirical
equations (Lafontaine and Peters 1986; Pauly et al. 1993a). Mann (1982) provides PIB
estimates for various benthic algae and seagrasses.
FOODCONSUMPTION PER UNITBIOMASS (QIB). The relative food consumption of a species (group)
other than primary producers is required as input parameter by both versions of ECOPATH.
Pauly et al. (1993a) defined QIB as the number of times a population consumes its own weight
per year. In ECOPATH I, this input corresponds to the "food required (FR)". Pauly (1986) used
the symbols "Q/Bnfor cases when FR refers "to age-structured populations, i.e., when one must
consider the fact that there are, in a natural, steady-state population of fish more young than old
fish, and that the former eat (per unit weight) more than the latter" (Pauly et al. 1993a). Methods
to calculate QIB of an age-structured population are described in the "Materials and methods"
FOOD.Egestion and excretion refer to parts of ingestion that are not assimilated.
The respective fractions can be entered as an optional input if known for a species (group).
Default values of 15% and 5%, respectively, are provided by the program based on Winberg
Fig. 1.1 shows a flow chart of the logical development and construction of the five models
of a Caribbean coral reef that are presented here.
Starting from the motivation for such a modelling effort, the first step was to formulate an
objective, the second to define the size and boundaries of the system which was to be
modelled. The next step was the collection and definition of the elements represented in the
system. Empirical methods were used to obtain values for the key input parameters of
ECOPATH II. The literature was systematically searched for data useful for the composition of a
diet matrix, for the estimation of preliminary biomass values and for the computation of vital
statistics by empirical methods. After a preliminary set of inputs was prepared, the elements of
the system were reduced to 50 species (groups) or "boxes", using a clustering technique.
The reduced set of inputs was entered into ECOPATH II and subsequently modified until
the 50-box model was balanced. The final outputs were compared with the initial inputs and
discrepancies discussed.
The balanced 50-box model was then reduced to 20-box and II-box models by two
different methods of aggregation. The resulting 20- and 11-box models from both methods were
compared. Based on the outputs from all models, the implications of the modelling were
The number(s) of the section(s), in which the above steps are described, is (are) given in
the upper right corner of the boxes in Fig. 1.1.
1.3. Objectives
Reduction to 50 groups
Fig. 1.I.
Flow chart showing development and construction of five trophic models of a Caribbean coral reef.
The numbers in the upper right corner of the boxes refer to the sections describing the steps.
2.1. Sources of Data
Input data used here for the modelling of a Caribbean coral reef were obtained from
published reports and papers and from parameter estimates based on multivariate statistics.
The decision to model a Caribbean, rather than an Indo-Pacific reef, was made on the
basis of the author's personal SCUBA diving experience in the Caribbean, and because it was
assumed that more literature data would be available for the former area.
Within the Caribbean, the Puerto Rico-Virgin lslands (PRVI) shelf complex appears to have
been studied in greater detail than any other area, notably with regard to the food habits of
fishes (see Randall 1967). Nevertheless, information from other areas had to be considered;
wherever possible, data were taken from other areas of the Caribbean. When such data were
lacking, literature on Indo-Pacific reefs was consulted, then that covering other tropical areas.
Some literature data on various invertebrate groups were also taken from subtropical and
temperate areas; in such cases, the relevant rates were always adjusted to the higher
temperatures of PRVl area (see section 2.6.6).
The PRVl insular shelf extends over more than 1,000 km2.The US Virgin lslands of St.
Thomas, St. John and St. Croix are surrounded by about 200 km2,the British Virgin Islands by
343 km2and Puerto Rico by 554 km2of shelf area. A summary description on topographical
features of the PRVl shelf area may be found in Ogden and Gladfelter (1983) and in Jacobsen
and Browder (1987).
The coral reefs fringing the Virgin lslands form one of several distinct ecological units that
are interconnected through various components and processes. Based on our own independent
literature studies, we agree with Jacobsen and Browder's (1987) concept of the shallower part
of the reef consisting of distinctive, though interconnected subsystems (Fig. 2.1, Table 2.1).
Six of the seven subsystems of Jacobsen and Browder (1987) were combined here into a
modelling "unit" comprising a transect from the water edge (mangrove estuaries) at 0 m depth
down to the sandlmudflats at the 100-m contour with the extension of the pelagic subunit
reduced to the area overlying the five demersal subunits. The shelf ("break) area below 100 m
depth, which Jacobsen and Browder (1987) identified as their seventh subsystem, was not
considered here, mainly because of the lack of suitable information (on, e.g., presence of
nonfish taxa, abundance of species or feeding relationships), although it might be significant in
both ecological and fisheries contexts.
The five demersal units were assumed to Table 2.1. Areal extent of subsystems of the PRVl shelf (based
on Jacobsen and Browder 1987).
comprise each of the same area, i.e., 20% of
the total area. This is a rough estimate, but the Subsystem Location Area (km2)
data in Table 2.1 do not suggest this to be Mangrove estuaries Puerto Rico (PR)
erroneous. The inputs and outputs of biomass, Virgin Islands (VI)
production and consumption for the Seagrass beds Culebra (PR)
components of the system were all estimated St. Croix (VI)
for an average square meter from the five Coral reefs Culebra (PR)
demersal subsystems and the overlaying Vieques (PR)
pelagic zone. St. Croix (VI)
St. Thomas (VI)
St. John (VI)
2.4. System Components
Algal plains Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands
The system was divided into two main
Sandlmud Puerto Rico
components: fish species and nonfish taxa. Virgin Islands
Fig. 2.1. Diagram of conceptual subsystems included in the models (modified from Jacobsen and Browder
texts (Bohlke and Chaplin 1968; Randall 1968, 1983). However, site-specific studies of the PRVl
area reported fewer than 500 fish species: Parrish (1982) recorded 130 species on a reef off
southwest Puerto Rico; Colette and Talbot (1972) recorded 107 species on a reef off St. John;
Clavijo et al. (1980) listed 212 fish species that used reefs off St. Croix as "typical habitat1'while
adults. Kimmel (1985) identified around 200 fish species on reefs of La Parguera, Puerto Rico.
The more than 200 fish species included in Randall's (1967) study of the food habits of
West Indian reef fishes were taken as scaffold for the model. This species list was completed by
including more fish species with affinities with coral reefs, especially sharks, from Fischer
(1978). Table 2.2 lists all the fish species included in the present model.
The nonfish taxa included in the model consist mainly of groups reported by Randall from
fish stomachs, as completed with information from various published sources (Table 2.3). These
nonfish taxa comprise different functional groups. The energetic basis of the system is the
detrital pool, with particulate organic matter (POM) and dissolved organic matter (DOM)
included under the same label. This pool receives all dead organic material, excreta and egesta
from the organisms in the system. Conversely, this pool serves as a food source for different
detritivores of various levels of organization, e.g., bacteria, worms, crustaceans, finfish (Sorokin
Autotrophs belong to the next category of organisms. The following primary producers
contribute to the reef metabolism (Mann 1982):
symbiotic algae, which consist of symbiotic dinoflagellates, called "zooxanthellae", and
filamentous chlorophyceans (the former live inside the wall cells of the coral polyps and
exchange metabolites directly with the host animal; the latter live attached to the coral
skeleton and contribute roughly three times more weight than the former to total organic
mass of hermatypic corals [Odum and Odum 19551);
macrophytic brown and red algae;
coralline algae;
seagrasses (spermatophytes);
benthic diatoms; and
Randall (1967), in his analysis of reef fish stomachs, identified around 150 species of
primary producers as food items. A variety of organisms was pooled under the label
"decomposers1microfauna".The elements of this group are single-celled heterotrophic
organisms such as bacteria, ciliates, foraminiferans, etc. This functional group is, like the
detritus pool, of utmost importance for the entire reef metabolism. Through very high turnover
rates and the ability to transform dead organic material such that it is reintroduced into the
trophic cycle, the decomposer/microfauna group can be viewed as the "motor" of the reef
whereas the detritus pool serves as "fuel" (note that this analogy has a problem, since some
part of the "motor" is always consumed by the reef community).
As was done with "decomposerslmicrofauna", various organisms were pooled under the
label "zooplankton" (e.g., several crustacean families, jellyfish, eggs and larvae, insects).
Benthic invertebrates, sea turtles and birds form the last categories of nonfish groups.
The version of ECOPATH II used for this work did not allow the inclusion of consumers with
a PIR ratio > 1." Therefore the symbiotic coral-zooxanthellae-filamentous algae complex was
separated into a producer component (the zooxanthellae and filamentous algae, which were
grouped with the benthic autotrophs) and a consumer component (the heterotrophic part of the
coral polyps).
The models presented here deal exclusively with the organic part of the system, i.e., the
inorganic part, such as the skeletons of corals, foraminiferans, worms, etc., are not considered.
Table 2.2 continued
continued ...
Table 2.2 continued
- -
Table 2.2 continued
continued ...
Table 2.2 continued
continued ...
Table 2.2 continued
* Diplectrum formosum (Linnaues 1758) Sand seabass; sand perch Serrano arenero
Epinephelus adscensionis (Osbeck 1771) Rock hind Mero cabrilla
Epinephelus guttatus (Linnaeus 1758) Red hind Mero colorado
Epinephelus itajara (Lichtenstein 1822) Giant grouper; jewfish Mero guasa
* Epinephelus morio (Valenciennes 1828) Red grouper Mero americano
Epinephelus striatus (Bloch 1792) Nassau grouper Cherna criolla
Hypoplectrus aberrans (Poey 1868) Yellowbellied hamlet
Hypoplectrus chlorurus (Valenciennes 1828) Yellowtail hamlet
Hypoplectrus nigricans (Poey 1852) Black hamlet
Hypoplectrus puella (Cuvier 1828) Barred hamlet
Mycteroperca bonaci (Poey 1861) Black grouper Cuna bonaci
* Mycteroperca interstitialis (Poey 1861) Yellowmouth grouper Cuna amarilla
* Mycteroperca rubra (Bloch 1793) Comb grouper Cuna negra
Mycteroperca tigris (Valenciennes 1833) Tiger grouper Cuna gata
Mycteroperca venenosa (Linnaeus 1758) YellowFin grouper Cuna de piedra
Paranthias furcifer (Valenciennes 1828) Creole fish Cuna lucero
* Serranus tabacarius (Cuvier 1829) Tobacco fish
Serranus tigrinus (Bloch 1790) Harlequin bass
Serranus tortugarum Longley 1935 Chalk bass
Sparidae Archosargus rhomboidalis (Linnaeus 1758) Western Atlantic seabream Sargo amarillo
Calamus bajonado (Bloch & Schneider 1801) Jolthead porgy Pluma bajonado
Calamus calamus (Valenciennes 1830) Saucereye porgy Pluma calamo
Calamus pennatula Guichenot 1868 Pluma porgy Pluma plumilla
Diplodus argentus caudimacula (Poey 1861) Silver porgy Sargo fino
Sphyraenidae Sphyraena barracuda (Walbaum 1792) Great barracuda Picuda barracuda
Sphyraena picudilla (Poey 1860) Southern sennet Picuda china
Sphyrnidae Sphyrna lewini (Cuvier, Gr~ffith& Smith 1834) Scalloped hammerhead Cornuda comun
Sphyrna tiburo (Linnaeus 1758) Bonnethead Cornuda de corona
Synodontidae Synodus foetens (Linnaeus 1766) Galliwasp
Synodus intermedius (Agassiz 18??) Sand diver
Synodus synodus (Linnaeus 1758) Rockspear
Tetraodontidae Canthigaster rostrata (Bloch 1782) Sharpnose puffer
Sphoeroides spengleri (Bloch 1785) Bandtail puffer Tamboril collarete
Triakidae Mustelus canis (Mitchill 1815) Smooth dogfish Musola dentuda
Table 2.3. Nonfish taxa included in the ECOPATH II models of a Caribbean coral reef (from stomach
content analyses of West Indian reef fishes by Randall 1967).
D = detritus, A = autotroph, I = invertebrate, R = reptile, B = bird
Taxon Remarks
A complete list of reported nonfish food items from stomachs of West Indian reef fishes is to
be found in Appendix 5.1 for benthic algae and spermatophytes; in Appendix 5.2 for
invertebrates and sea turtles; and in Appendix 5.3 for items that are part of the "zooplankton"
To simplify the modelling work and to reduce data requirements, an unexploited system was
assumed. Since data from a large geographical range had to be used, especially for the nonfish
taxa, the resulting model largely reflects a "virtual1'system the description of which would not
necessarily be improved by inclusion of fisheries catch data from a specific area. Moreover,
even if this had have been attempted, it would have been extremely difficult to obtain catch data
for individual species - except for certain commercial species of the Serranidae and Lutjanidae
The ecosystem described here can thus be seen as representing unfished areas of the
PRVl shelf and may therefore be directly compared with the unexploited French Frigate Shoals
reef ecosystem described by Polovina (1984a,b,c, 1985, 1986) and Polovina and Ow (1983).
For the computation of several input parameters of ECOPATH II (e.g., QIB, M), growth
parameters had to be estimated for most of the fish and invertebrates included in the model.
Growth of fish was generally assumed to follow the von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF)
expressed for growth in length as:
where L, is the length at age t, Lmthe asymptotic length, K is the growth coefficient (year1) and to
the theoretical "age1'at length zero (Pauly 1984). Growth in weight is defined as:
where W, is the weight at age t, Wmthe asymptotic weight and b is the exponent of a length-
weight relationship of the form:
When only one pair of L, W value was available, the value of b was set equal to 3, and the
relationship was used to estimate the multiplicative factor required in equation 2.3.
For the majority of fish species considered in the model, size-at-age or length-frequency
data were not available from which Lr or W_ could be estimated. Therefore, asymptotic sizes
were estimated from the reported maximum sizes (Lmax or Wmax) using the relationships (Pauly
Estimates of the growth coefficient K of the VBGF were obtained directly from published
sources or via the equation
for weight. The required estimates of $' and $ were generally obtained from the means of
several values of
where K, Lmand Wmare growth parameter estimates for various populations of the same
species (Pauly 1979a; Pauly and Munro 1984; Pauly 1985). This approach which, strictly
speaking, should be used only within species was used here between species (generally of the
same genus) when these were similar in shape and habits. ESTIMATION OF to
For all cases considered here, rough estimates of towere obtained via an empirical model
by Pauly (1979a) of the form:
with L= as the asymptotic length in cm (total length) and K the growth coefficient of the species
considered, expressed in year1. This parameter has little influence on the estimation of Q/B
(see Pauly 1986), the only use for which it was required here.
Ecological information on feeding areas, shelter, time of activity, schooling behavior, etc., as
well as information on abundance of Caribbean reef fishes were assembled from various
published sources (e.g., Randall 1967, 1968; Jacobsen and Browder 1987). An attempt was
made to classify information on spatial occurrence according to the subsystems defined in Fig.
2.1. Qualitative abundances were grouped applying the scale presented in Table 2.4.
Category "Enwas considered here because some of the species for which growth data and/
or other information were available, while not occurring in the PRVl area, do occur in other
areas of the Caribbean and
Table 2.4. Qualitative abundance levels as used to estimate average density thus might be useful for others
(Nm-2) of fish species included in the model^.^ who might wish to construct
Abundance level Remarks Nm2 models of other areas of the
V Very abundant Usually seen in large numbers 5.00000
A Abundant Usually seen in some numbers 0.50000 To reexpress qualitative
c Common Usually seen 0.050oo statements about abundances
F Fairly common Seen about half of the time
0 Occasional Usually not seen into numerical values, the
R Rare Very uhkely o.oooo5 following procedure was
E Absent (see text) o.ooooo applied: A series of six
=AS assessed following comparison of various scales (see text). published sets of numerical
abundances from visual
censuses and from rotenone stations carried out in the PRVl area (Jacobsen and Browder
1987) was transformed and ranked. Every list was treated separately since many fish species
occurred in several lists. Furthermore, it was important to check whether the whole range of
abundances was covered by the majority of the sets, and whether their respective rankings
differed markedly. A parallel listing of the sets revealed, when a log,, scale was applied, that the
whole range - of abundance values (from 1.3 * Nm-2to 8.4 * 10-I Nm-2)could be covered by
six levels of abundance. The last column in Table 2.4 presents an average density value in Nm-2
for each abundance level. This average density was computed as the mean of the
corresponding subrange. Density values refer to an average.m2for the five subsystems
considered here.
Qualitative abundances from several sources (e.g., Clavijo et al. 1980; Randall 1983;
Jacobsen and Browder 1987) were transferred one level downward so they would correspond to
the new scale, as suggested by a comparison of visual census figures with qualitative
abundances data, for a variety of species for which both estimates were available. This transfer
had the disadvantage that the qualitative definitions of the different abundance levels did not
completely overlap. However, for the present application, it appeared more important to obtain a
consistent scale for all data sets.
When several estimates of abundance were available for the same species, a selection
was made according to three hierarchical levels:
a. data (individuals m-2)from visual censuses or rotenone stations, by subsystems;
b. qualitative abundances from tables in Jacobsen and Browder (1987) based on
published visual census figures; and
c. qualitative abundances derived from general descriptions of the biology of the species
in question.
For species for which no indication of abundance could be found, abundance was assumed
equal to the average for species with similar characteristics.
The list thus prepared, with adjusted qualitative abundances for every species and every
subsystem, was used to obtain numerical values by substituting qualitative abundances by its
numerical average range value in Nm-2,divided by four. Then, the sum of four subsystems
(seagrass beds and algal mats were combined here in one subsystem) was computed by
simple addition of estimates for a species across subsystems.
For nonfish taxa, even rough qualitative estimates of abundance are scarce to nonexistent
in coral reef systems. Although some investigations have been carried out in the PRVl reef area,
they concentrated mostly on commercially exploited species, especially conchs and lobster. The
limited information on abundance of nonfish taxa that were identified in the course of this work
may be found in Table 3.9 in the "Results" section.
2.6.3. Biomass . FISH SPECIES
The biomass in g per m2wetweight (gm-2WW)of each fish species was calculated by
multiplying the average numerical abundance obtained as described above with the mean
individual weight of the corresponding species. Mean individual weight (Wmean)
was obtained
with Wmbeing asymptotic weight in gWW and assuming that the mean weight corresponds
roughly to 30% of maximum weight, itself about 86% of the asymptotic weight (see equation
2.6). Note that this definition of W
,,,, implies that the bulk of the biomass is comprised by late
juveniles and young adults.
Many of the biomass values for nonfish taxa were indicated in the corresponding
references in units other than wet (=live) weight. A summary of the conversion factors used for
the computation of biomass and PIB values for nonfish taxa is given in Table 2.5.
The following empirical equation was derived by Pauly et al. (1993a, Appendix IV) to obtain
rough estimates of detritus biomass (D, gCm-2)as a function of primary production (PP, gCm-2
year1) and euphotic depth (E, in m):
Fifty-two percent of the variation (R = 0.718) in the data set was explained by equation (2.12),
so the fit is not tight. However, the biomass of detritus (as opposed to the flows in and out of this
box) is not an important parameter and hence the low precision of estimates for (2.13) may be /
acceptable here.
Table 2.5. Conversion factors used for ECOPATH II input parameter estimation of nonfish groups.
"C or DW expressed as percent of WW.
bCor DW expressed as percent of DW.
Source: AFDW = ash free, C = carbon, DW = dry weight, WW = wet (live) weight
Mean annual temperature was determined from hydrographical charts (DHI 1969) to be
28°C for the waters around the PRVl area. An estimate of mean annual temperature was
required to compute natural mortality M and food consumption (QIB) from empirical models (see
below). This value of 28°C agrees closely with temperatures indicated by Randall (1962a) for
two different study sites in the US Virgin Islands.
2.6.5. Production/Biomass Ratio
Under certain conditions mentioned above, the P/B ratio is equal to total mortality Z or
natural mortality M (in case of no fishing) of a population of fish or invertebrates. Given the
assumption of zero fishing mortality made here, the literature was searched for published values
of M (or of Z in unexploited systems).
When natural mortality (or Z) was indicated as a percentage, or as percentage survival, the
estimate was transformed into an exponential rate based on:
where Nt is the number of fish in a given cohort at time t and Nois the initial number of fish.
In cases where no values of M for fishes or invertebrates with high metabolic rate could be
found, this parameter was estimated by means of an empirical model derived by Pauly (1980),
of the form
One of the key input parameters in ECOPATH I as well as in ECOPATH II is the food
consumption of a species (group). Polovina (1984a,b) called this input the "food required" (FR).
Pauly (1986), instead, used the expression "food consumption per unit biomass" (QIB) and
defined it as the number of times an age-structured population of fish consumes its own weight
per year. In the forthcoming, QIB shall be used sensu Pauly.
Published data on food consumption of tropical reef fishes and invertebrates are scarce.
Thus, Polovina (1984a,b,c), in the absence of appropriate data, used estimates of consumption
by Pacific salmon for the reef fishes in the ECOPATH modelling of French Frigate Shoals,
Northern Hawaiian Islands Furthermore, all reef invertebrates, except squids, lobsters and
crabs, were lumped together as "heterotrophic benthos" with one common estimate of QIB.
Menzel (1958,1960) was one of the firsts to carry out food conversion experiments on coral reef
fishes using two species from Bermuda, the herbivorous Holacanthus bermudensis
(Pomacanthidae) and the carnivorous Epinephelus guttatus (Serranidae) for his experiments.
To date a series of methods exists for estimating the quantity of food eaten by a fish
population during a certain period of time (e.g., Bajkov 1935; Beverton and Holt 1957; Ursin
1967; Elliot and Persson 1978; Jobling 1981; Daan 1973, 1983; Andersen 1982; Armstrong et
al. 1983; Durbin et al. 1983; Rice et al. 1983; Stewart et al. 1983; Majkowski and Hearns 1984;
and Pennington 1984). Most of the available methods are based on combining stomach
contents data obtained from the field with experimental results. These parameters then allow for
the determination of transition rates for stomach contents. Such investigations require a great
number of stomachs because of the generally high variabilities of stomach contents in natural
fish populations. This requirement is generally difficult to meet with regard to coral reef fishes
which abundances are often rather low. In addition to this, reefs are unsuited for trawl fishing for
obvious reasons and, instead, fishes on reefs and in adjacent areas are caught by a wide
variety of gears from traps to hook and lines. Therefore, catches and hence stomach contents
are usually not representative. Fishes, when trap-caught, may consume prey usually
unavailable to them. Also the mean weight of the food in the stomach of fishes caught with hook
and lines, tends to be underestimated because generally "hungry" fish are caught.
Another approach to estimate the food consumption is by executing laboratory or pond
feeding experiments. According to Mann (1978), extrapolations of food consumption estimates
from laboratory experiments to natural conditions can be divided into direct and indirect
methods. The direct methods attempt to simulate natural conditions in the laboratory by
imitating environmental variables such as temperature, salinity, food type, availability of food,
water movements, die1 cycles, etc., as well as the growth rates of fish occurring in the field.
Because of practical difficulties in meeting all of these requirements, indirect methods have
evolved. Indirect estimates usually use nitrogen and/or energy budgets as a basis for the
prediction of food requirements of fish under a range of conditions (Ivlev 1939, 1961; Winberg
1956; Gerking 1962). Although more assumptions than in the direct method are involved, the
indirect approach leaves more space for the incorporation of the effects of environmental
variables. A detailed discussion of the subject can be found in Mann (1978).
As a contribution to the indirect approach, an analytical method for the estimation of Q/B
has been developed by Pauly (1986) which may be applied in cases where stomach analyses
from field samples cannot be carried out. The method links up estimates of gross food
conversion efficiency, obtained from laboratory experiments, with field data on growth. Thus, it
aims to make the best use of available data from laboratory or pond experiments without the
need for extensive field sampling of stomachs. By combining experimental and field data, this
model reduces the effects of two sources of bias from experimental data on food conversion: (1)
experimental fish are most often given a higher ration than is available to them in nature
(Windell 1978); and (2) captive fish are usually stressed and therefore have lower conversion
efficiencies than in nature (Pauly 1986).
Pauly's model assumes that the population under consideration is in a steady state and that
the fish (or invertebrate) grows according to the von Bertalanffy theory of growth (von
Bertalanffy 1934, 1938, 1951; Pauly 1984). Note that these assumptions are also inherent to the
reef ecosystem model developed here.
The model incorporates the following main features:
1. experimental data
a. food conversion efficiencies and/or weight-specific daily ration obtained from feeding
experiments; and
b. a conversion parameter p (beta; see below for definition)
2. field data
a. the parameters (W, K and to) of VBGF; and
b. an estimate of mortality (here M).
Parameter Estimation
OF Feeding experiments can be used to obtain estimates of gross conver-
sion efficiency (K,), which is defined for any time interval by (Ivlev 1939, 1966)
dwldt is the growth rate and F the food ingested. Growth increment and food ingested are
expressed in the same units (e.g., g wet weight, dry weight or protein). Under stable laboratory
or environmental conditions, food conversion efficiency and fish weight usually show a strong
negative correlation. This can be expressed by the regression
(for a discussion of this model, see Jones 1976). Pauly (1986) derived the alternative model
with p as the slope of a double logarithmic plot when equation (2.21) is transformed to
Wmis the weight at which K, = 0 (x-intercept), and K, = 1 when W = 0. Wmis thus defined as the
weight at which dwldt is 0, independently of the amount of food ingested. This corresponds to
the definition of asymptotic weight (W,) in the VBGF (see above).
For cases in which the available data lead to unrealistic estimates of Wm,equation (2.22)
can be rewritten as
where C is the mean of the -l~g,~(l-K,) values, logW the mean of the log,,W values and WmVBGF
an estimate of asymptotic size suitable to describe the growth of the fish in question. The same
value of Wmcan thus be used for a combined analysis of growth and food consumption.
Pauly (1986) also emphasized the appropriate choice of the regression model used. Thus
when (1) the log,,W values are not controlled by the experimentor or (2) regression parameters
are required rather than prediction of C-values, a "geometric mean" or Type II regression should
be used instead of an "arithmetic mean" or Type I regression. Conversion from a Type I to a
Type II regression can be performed through
where a,b are the parameters of Type I, a' and b' the parameters of Type II regression and r is
the correlation coefficient linking the y (= C) and the x (= log,,W) values (Ricker 1973).
The growth rate (dwldt, e.g., in kg year1) is the first derivative of VBGF and has the form:
The cumulative food consumption (Q,) of a fish can thus be obtained by integrating equation
(2.26) from age at recruitment (t,) to age at which the fish dies (tmax)
with N, the number of fish in the population at time t and Nr the number of recruits, the food
consumption per unit biomass (QIB) of an age-structured population can be estimated from:
(dw 1 dt) Nt
- --
Thus, the parameters needed for the estimation of QIB of a fish or invertebrate population
are b, 8, Wm,Z (or M for an unfished system), K, to, tr and tmaxThe parameter b is the exponent
of the length-weight relationship and can generally be set equal to 3 (see above); the parameter
I3 is estimated from feeding experiments; Wm,K and to are obtained from growth data, whereas tr
and tmaxcan be set more or less arbitrarily (a sensitivity analysis of the model showed only
negligible effects for changes of tr, tmax
and to; see Pauly 1986).
where Z is total mortality (or M natural mortality for an unfished population) and BIQ the
reciprocal of the output of equation (2.33). E, expresses population production per unit food
consumed. Food that has not been turned into production of biomass goes to respiratory and
excretory losses; the relative amount of such losses can be calculated through
Pauly's (1986) food consumption model was used to obtain estimates of QIB for several
macroinvertebrates (see Results section). All values of QIB, Rmand E, were calculated with a
BASIC computer program called MAXIMS (Jarre et al. 1990).
The bulk of the QIB estimates used for the development of the empirical model, described
below, was calculated by applying published results of food conversion experiments and growth
parameters of the fish stocks considered to the above described food consumption model (see
Palomares 1987).
Fish Species
Food consumption per unit biomass (QIB) for the fish species included in the present
models of a Caribbean coral reef was computed with an empirical model of the form:
(Palomares and Pauly 1989), where QIB is the food consumption of an age-structured
population over its mean biomass, Wmis the mean asymptotic (or maximum) weight (as defined
by the VBGF) of the fish of a given population (live weight in g), T is the mean environmental
temperature in "C, A an index of the mean activity level of the fish of a given species, derived
from the shape ("aspect ratio") of its caudal fin (see below) and F is the food type, with :
carnivorous = 0 and herbivorous = 1. The derivation of this model, which is modified from
Palomares (1987), is given in Palomares and Pauly (1989). It is based on QIB estimates for 33
demersal and pelagic fish stocks ranging in size from myctophids to tuna and occurring in
marine waters with mean annual temperatures ranging from 10 to 28°C.
ASPECT RATIOOF THE CAUDALFIN.The aspect ratio (A) of the caudal fin is defined as the square
of the height (h2)of the caudal fin over its surface area (s) or
(Lindsey 1978). This ratio can be used to characterize the activity level of fishes which use their
caudal fin as (main) organ of propulsion. High aspect ratios indicate that the fish are fast and
continuous swimmers (e.g., tunas) while low aspect ratios refer to slow andlor "burst" swimmers
(e.g., groupers, see Fig. 2.2). The aspect ratio of the caudal fin is thus related to the activity
level and energy requirements of the fish (Sambilay 1990). It is therefore an indirect measure
for the food consumption of a fish (or a population of fish).
Based on photographs in Randall (1968) and drawings in Fischer (1978), the aspect ratios
of around 230 Caribbean coral reef fish species were determined using a computerized image
analyzing system. This newly available I
technology permits to rapidly analyze a Scornberornorus cavaila
high number of pictures, especially when Aspect ratio 6.3
FOOD TYPE.The food type (F) of equation (2.34) is a dummy variable which originally took
only two values: 0 for carnivorous and 1 for herbivorous fish. To be able to deal with omnivory
(i.e., diets containing both animals and plants), linearity was assumed between 0 and 1, i.e., the
variable F was set at values proportional to the fraction of plants in the diet when solving for
Nonfish Taxa
The majority of estimates of QIB for nonfish taxa were obtained by searching directly in the
literature for estimates of this parameter. As pointed out above, for several taxa QIB could be
estimated through the food consumption model (Pauly 1986), i.e., via P as obtained from
published estimates on food conversion or daily ration and from growth parameters.
I also attempted to estimate QIB from data on energy metabolism, i.e., from oxygen
consumption estimates. This approach yielded, for reasons not explored here, excessively high
consumption estimates and was therefore abandoned.
Consumption values from the literature were adjusted to a mean annual temperature of
28"C, prevailing in the Caribbean waters around the Virgin Islands, through a reexpression of
the slope associated with temperature in equation (2.34), i.e.,
V is the factor for temperature adjustment, T the temperature at PRVl (i.e., 28°C) and T' the
original habitat or experimental temperature.
It was known from a previous application of ECOPATH II to the Peruvian upwelling system
(Jarre et al. 1991), that changes in the diet composition had a strong impact on model structure.
Therefore, the diet matrix of the present modelling work was elaborated as carefully as possible
for the species groups involved.
The data for the diet composition matrix DC,,were obtained primarily from a study carried
out in St. John, US Virgin Islands, by Randall (1967).
The results of Randall's stomach contents analyses were given in percent of volume of the
different major groups of food organisms. This is roughly equivalent to relative weight and thus,
approximates the relative amounts of energy extracted by consumers from various system
components (MacDonald and Green 1983).
The taxonomic level of the organisms identified by Randall (1967) from fish stomachs
varied from species to families and higher categories, with most of the invertebrates grouped
under the higher categories. Fishes, on the other hand, were identified mostly to generic or
specific level without indication of percentage volume of the single genus or species. For the
construction of the DC matrix, the percentages of "fish" were divided into equal parts between
all the genera and species listed as prey for the respective fish species. When fish were
identified only to family or generic level, the respective percent of volume was distributed evenly
over all species of the family or the genus represented in the matrix. Only 18 fish species
appeared as prey but not as predators. Their share was distributed evenly over all the species
of the same family or genus considered in the matrix. Species of families that were not
represented in the matrix were considered as "unidentified" fish (FO). The FO in the matrix
contains also all cases where the share of fish in a diet was not identified to a lower taxonomic
Unidentified stomach contents were assigned to the identified parts according to the
relative-abundanceof the latter. Eggs and larvae were assigned as "zooplankton", together with
a variety of other organisms (see Appendix 8.5.3). In Randall's study, "algae and organic
detritus1'were listed as a combined item in many cases. Their relative contribution was divided
into two equal parts. The symbiotic coral-algae complex was separated into a producer and a
consumer component; when a fish species' diet included the item "corals", the corresponding
percentage was divided into two shares with 60% of it for plant tissue (benthic algae) and 40%
for animal tissue (corals).
Only five species of sharks, four of the family Carcharhinidae and one of the family
Ginglymostomatidae were included in Randall's study. These five species were represented only
by few individuals, many of which had (nearly) empty stomachs. The same was true for
stomach analyses of the two species of rays included in the model. Diet for cartilaginous
species was generally stated as "fish", preliminarily included into the food matrix under the label
FO. Randall's list of shark species was completed by including more sharks with affinities to
coral reefs of the PRVl area, based on accounts in Fischer (1978). From qualitative descriptions
of the diet composition given therein, quantitative shares were estimated for each food item
according to the already existing DC matrix. The item "fish" or "small fish" was most difficult to
translate into quantitative information. It was assumed that, when part of the diet was stated to
be "fish", every fish species in the system had the same probability of being a victim of a shark's
appetite. So the generalization "feeds on fishes" was translated by distributing 100% (minus the
part of the diet represented by invertebrates) into equal percentages over all fish species in the
DC matrix. Excluded were (1) species larger than the one under consideration and (2) reef fish
species with Wm< 100 g. The latter restriction was adopted based on the notion that a large
animal, such as a tiger shark, weighing about half a ton, would generally not manage to extract
gobies, blennies, damselfishes, etc., of 10-20 g from between the coral heads and other
crevices. When the diet, or part of it, was stated to be "pelagic fish", this was divided into the
pelagic species in the DC matrix. When a shark fed on "small pelagic fish" the same procedure
was applied, but excluding the scombrids and large jacks from the list of possible candidates.
When the food or part of it consisted of "small fish", the diet was distributed evenly over all
species with Wm< 1,000 g. The weight limits are arbitrary. Such arbitrary limits were necessary,
however, since a rigorous definition of what a "small fish" is does not exist.
The relative contribution of fish versus nonfish taxa is also arbitrary. The only restriction was
the statement "feeds mainly on...". In such cases, the diet part referred to was considered to
represent from 60% to 80% of the total diet.
To establish a diet matrix for the nonfish taxa, the food items of fish stomachs analyzed by
Randall (1967) were listed under their corresponding taxon together with the number of fish
species for which an item was stated as part of the diet (see Appendix Tables 8.5.1 and 8.5.2).
Based on this listing, a search of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) database
was carried out and ca. 300 publications were selected. Since quantitative information on diet
composition of coral reef invertebrates is still scarce (see also Lewis 1981), the quantitative diet
composition of each taxon was estimated in many cases from qualitative or rough quantitative
information and/or was transferred from ecosystems other than coral reefs.
For the construction of the DC matrix, all percentages of volume were reexpressed as
fraction of one.
2.8. Aggregation of Species and Taxa
A set of ecologically meaningful criteria was needed by which the fish species could be
aggregated into species groups, using cluster analysis. Since I was concerned with a model of
energy flow, variables which relate to flows between elements of the system had to be identified.
These variables must necessarily relate to the factors which determine the food consumption of
a species. Referring to the section on "Food consumption (QIB)", these variables are: ( I ) size,
(2) activity level and (3) type of food. These variables were parametrized as in equation (2.34))
using: (1) size = asymptotic weight Wmin g; (2) activity level = aspect ratio A; and (3) type of
food = degree of herbivory, in %. These three were treated as being of equal importance. Prior
to the aggregation of fish species into species groups by cluster analysis, two of the three
variables were transformed such that they evenly covered a range of values.
Asymptotic weights (originally in g wet weight) were reexpressed in logarithmic form and
thus reduced to values between 0 and 6. Food type was divided by 10 and thus ranged then
from 0 to 10. A value of 0 corresponded now to 100% carnivory and a value of 10-100%
herbivory. Aspect ratio was not transformed since this evenly covered values between 0.7 and
To determine whether the three variables were correlated, a factor analysis was carried out.
According to Backhaus et al. (1986), prior to the execution of a cluster analysis on a given set of
elements and variables, it is advisable to carry out a factor analysis to detect dependent
variables and exclude them from the aggregation process. The factor analysis showed that the
variables were largely independent, except for a negligible correlation between aspect ratio and
size (Fig. 2.3).
Cluster analysis was performed, using the prepared matrix of 243 fish species and 3
variables. "Quadratic Euclidean distance (QED)" was selected as index of dissimilarity. By
relying on the square of the distance between the variables of two elements, this index
emphasizes large distances.
Three hierarchical agglomerative cluster-algorithms were applied to the matrix of input data:
(1) "average linkage", (2) "centroid1'and (3) "ward". All three are conservative algorithms (they
have no contracting or dilating effect on the grouping process) and may be used with measures
of dissimilarity (e.g., QED). "Average linkage" and "ward" are monotonous algorithms where the
measure of dissimilarity (QED) increases monotonously with decreasing number of clusters.
"Ward" has the exclusive feature of forming groups of similar sizes, i.e., groups with a similar
number of elements. By comparison of the results (clusters) obtained by the three algorithms,
"average linkage" was finally selected to be most appropriate. The species groups aggregated
by this algorithm represented best the conditions in the reef, even with reference to the habitat
of certain species groups (see below).
-1 0 0 h
l I
-1.4 -0.8
Factor I
Fig. 2.3. Results of the factor analysis; relation between asymptotic weight (factor 1) and aspect ratio (factor
A QED value of 1.5 was achieved when all fish species were aggregated into a single
cluster. This corresponds to a cutoff level of 100%. At a cutoff level of 20% (QED = 0.3), 29
species groups were identified. Of these, 6 species, each forming a single cluster, were
regarded as outliers and merged (outside the cluster analysis) with larger species groups.
An additional criterion of distinction outside the cluster analysis was applied to the prepared
boxes. This criterion referred to the vertical dimension of the habitat. It was defined to be the
level in the water column where a species spends most of its time. The water column was
divided into two levels: demersalloff bottom and midwaterlpelagic. Following this criterion, the
species groups were divided into a demersal and a pelagic fraction whenever they contained
species from both habitats. This division was omitted in groups of large predators because not
enough information on preferred level was available, or a species could not be assigned to a
distinct level. Overall, 27 fish species groups or boxes were obtained by the above-described
method of aggregation.
The theoretical background for the factor analysis and cluster analyses was obtained from
Backhaus et al. (1986) and Pielou (1984). The analyses were performed with the assistance of
Mr. C. Klingenberg, using SAS on a VAX 750 mainframe at the lnstitut fijr Meereskunde, Kiel.
The aggregation of nonfish taxa could not be performed in the same manner as for fish
species due to their broad taxonomic range. Values for size, activity and food type were almost
entirely lacking at the species level. Activity could not be transformed into a simple parameter
due to the extreme difference in lifestyle. Reduction from initially 41 to 23 groups was performed
by applying the following, largely subjective aggregation criteria (in order of importance):
1. Availability of estimates of PIB and QIB: Estimates of these two input parameters were
only available for 24 of the 41 taxa. Fortunately, most of the taxa for which estimates
could be obtained were definitely of great importance to reef metabolism.
2. Size: Rough indications of size for the majority of taxa were obtained from Barnes'
(1963) Invertebrate Zoology. For some, size indications were encountered while
compiling estimates of PIB and QIB of nonfish taxa. Size was roughly scaled into four
groups: small, medium, large, very large. It was assumed that, for taxa with a wide
spectrum of sizes (e.g., polychaetes, gastropods), the average size contributed the bulk
of biomass to the respective box.
3. Similarity of diet composition: Diet composition was reduced to six compartments:
detritus, benthic producers/symbiotic algae, phytoplankton, microfauna, zooplankton,
4. Similarity of lifestyle: Sessile, semisessile, burrowing in bottom or calcareous skeletons,
free living, filtering, grazing, scavenging, predatory were the categories considered.
5. Taxonomic closeness: This feature was used in cases (e.g., coralslsea anemones)
where the preceding criteria were not applicable or did not allow a decision because,
e.g., the lifestyles were too different, as in the case of sessile or slow-moving organisms
which had no adequate group to be pooled with in terms of sizes or diet compositions.
To obtain a reasonable distribution of food percentages within the species groups, these
had to be weighted by considering throughput of every species belonging to the respective
group. A weighting factor (WF) was computed for every species through
where Wmean is as defined for equation (2.12) above, AB is the abundance of a species in Nm-2
and QIB the annual food consumption per unit biomass.
Single fish species and nonfish taxa were combined into the respective groups according to
the results of the aggregation procedure.
A group estimate of PIB ratio and QIB was obtained from the median of the respective
parameter for each group of estimates for single species or taxon.
For the condensation of the DC matrix, groups had to be combined vertically (columns) and
horizontally (rows). All columns and rows belonging to one group were summed up. Thus, each
row in the reduced DC matrix represented a predator group and each column a prey group. To
bring the sum of a row back to unity (all values had formerly been multiplied by the
corresponding weighting factor, see above), each value in a row was divided by the sum of the
where dij is the weighted jth value of species group i, k is the number of columns and d,' the
resulting part of 1.0 in column j of group i. This procedure was carried out for each species
group and each level of aggregation.
The initial 50-box model was still rather difficult to handle and visualize. For this reason, and
also to find out whether information on the energy flow is lost when the system is further
aggregated, the number of boxes was further reduced. Models with an equal number of boxes
generated by two different methods of reduction were also compared.
Fish Groups
The fish groups were further reduced by increasing the average distance (expressed by the
dissimilarity index QED) between clusters. Two additional cutoff levels of 40% and 50% were
selected. After separating the "pelagic-midwater" from the "demersal-off bottom" species, two
sets with nine, respectively, four fish species groups were obtained. Combining groups was
achieved by computing a mean (weighted by biomass) for the three key input parameters. The
DC values were computed as weighted means (by throughput = biomass * consumption) from
the groups of which they consisted.
Nonfish Groups
The nonfish groups were again difficult to reduce, especially because no standardized
criterion could be identified for lumping nonfish groups with each other and with fish groups, a
necessary procedure when reducing the boxes of the system ( ~ 2 0 )Based
. on diet composition,
size and lifestyle, boxes were combined intuitively with each other as well as with fish groups.
Results of this "intuitive guesswork" (Ulanowicz 1986) were contrasted with those of the
objective aggregation routine included in ECOPATH II, described in the Introduction and
summarized in Section The resulting total number of boxes including all fish species
and nonfish taxa was 20 and 11, respectively.
As described in the Introduction, the ECOPATH II program (Pauly and Christensen 1993)
includes an aggregation routine, based on Ulanowicz (1986), which allows the stepwise
reduction of the number of boxes in a model from a highest possible number of 50 to any small
number (after the initial system is balanced). Boxes are linked pairwise such that ascendency (a
measure of the information content of a system, see Introduction) is reduced as little as
possible. With this aggregation routine, the boxes of the present coral reef system were reduced
pairwise until the 50 initial boxes of the system were reduced to 10. The intermediate models
with the box numbers corresponding to those obtained by method 1 were used to compare
models resulting from both methods.
The databases for the 50-, 20- and 11-box models obtained by method 1 were fed into the
ECOPATH I1 program, and the ecotrophic efficiency (EE) for each box was computed. Then, the
original input values of the 50-box model were gradually modified, until all components (boxes)
showed an E E 4 . Starting from the balanced 50-box model, the ECOPATH I1aggregation
routine (method 2) was then used to compute the parameter values for each aggregation step
(this involved automatical transformation of the diet matrix) such that every new model resulting
from a further reduction of boxes was again balanced.
Besides estimation of EE, ECOPATH I1 was used to compute the estimates for each box of
the parameters of the "master equation" (see Introduction). With the estimates for food intake,
predation mortality (= production (P) * EE), flow to detritus and assimilation (A) (all in
gm-2.year1),an energy balance for every box could be calculated. Furthermore, ECOPATH II
calculated trophic level, omnivory index, gross efficiency, net efficiency, RIA ratio and PIR ratio
for each box of the system. Based on the diet composition matrix, ECOPATH I1 computed,
finally, for each predator, the food intake in gm-2.year1,Ivlev's electivity index and the
standardized forage ratio of each prey group (see Introduction).
In the Introduction, the various features of ECOPATH I1 were presented. Besides the ability
to produce a balanced system, the program offers several routines for the computation of
various whole system properties useful for comparing different ecosystems or models of the
same ecosystem.
These summary statistics are: sum of all production, sum of all imports, sum of all
respiratory flows, sum of flows into detritus, total system throughput, throughput cycled, Finn's
cycling index and net primary production necessary to support the system.
The "network flow indices" routine enabled the computation of ascendency, overhead and
capacity for distinctive sources (inputs, internal and dissipations) of the system. The same
routine computed flows and transfer efficiencies within the system subsequent to dividing it into
discrete trophic levels. Finally, the routine called "mixed trophic impacts" allowed the
computation of a predator - prey matrix in which the impact of an increase in biomass for a
predator group is shown for all prey groups.
The graphical representation of the box models followed suggestions made on this topic by
Jarre et al. (1989) and Pauly and Christensen (1993). Thus, the surface area of each box was
drawn so as to be proportional to the logarithm of the biomass in that box. Also, care was taken
to arrange the boxes along the ordinate (trophic level) such that they did not overlap and
enough space was left to draw the arrows representing the flows. Furthermore, the boxes were
arranged along the abscissa so as to minimize crossovers of arrows. Whenever possible, flows
were combined to reduce the number of arrows between boxes. About 80-90% of flows into a
box from the components of the system were included into the graphical representations of the
models, the rest was omitted for clarity. The complete sets of flows for each box are shown in
Appendix 8.8.
3.1. 1 Ecology
The available information on the spatial distribution of coral reef fish species in the Puerto
Rico - Virgin Islands (PRVI) area are summarized, by subsystem, in Table 3.1. While the
majority of species live within the coral reef, a number of others use the reef only as shelter and
forage in the adjacent areas, such as the seagrass beds and the algal flats. These species
contribute to reef metabolism mainly by means of their excreted and egested matters (feces).
Several species use mangrove areas and estuaries as nursery for their offspring. These few
examples show that in terms of energy flow, the subsystems cannot really be separated from
each other (see also Ogden and Gladfelter 1983).
The resident coral reef fishes and the regular visitors to reefs show a very high species
diversity, whereas the pelagic or oceanic fishes that are only indirectly related to reef
metabolism (through their foraging activity or release of excreta) contribute relatively few
However, Table 3.1 is only a first attempt to group into compartments what is, in reality, a
gradient with smooth transitions.
The fisheries in the PRVI reef area consist mainly of small-scale, commercial fishing, and
the rest of recreational fishing (and perhaps some subsistence fishing). The Caribbean
Fisheries Management Council (CFMC 1985) estimates that 22% of total landings originate
from the recreational sector in the US Virgin Islands. In the shallow-water reef fisheries, it is
estimated that recreational landings contribute 13% of total landings. The overwhelming part of
domestic requirements of fish products in the PRVI area (Puerto Rico, 85%; US Virgin Islands,
over 60%) is covered by imports. Table 3.2 gives the number of fishers and vessels comprising
the commercial fisheries in the PRVI area.
Fish traps are by far the most important fishing gear in terms of units as well as yield in the
PRVI area. The second most important gear is the handline. Table 3.3 gives the relative
importance of the different gear in the fisheries of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. A local
annual fisheries production of around 3,000 t for Puerto Rico and 1,700 t for the US Virgin
Islands is indicated (Table 3.3).
The CFMC reports the following 10 species as important in PRVI: Nassau grouper
(Epinephelus striatus), red hind (E. guttatus), coney (Cephalopholis fulva), lane snapper
(Lutjanus synagris), mutton snapper (L. analis), yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus), white
grunt (Haemulon plumier/), queen triggerfish (Balistes vetula), spotted goatfish (Pseudupeneus
Table 3.1. Spatial distr~butionof Caribbean reef fishes (with emphasis on the Virgin Islands and notes on the~recology).
F=foraging, H=home, CI=cleaner, y=young, I=bottom, 2=well above bottom. 3=midwater, 4=pelag1c;+ = reported to occur in subsystem.
VA=very abundant, A=abundant, C=common, F=fairly common, O=occasional, R=rare, E=absent
Rzresident, V=regular visitor. T=transient.
W=wide range from shallow to deep; V=very shallow, surface to 2 m; SH=shallow, 1-15 m; D=deep, below 15 m; ++=upper depth lim~tSH.
= from tables in Boulon (1986b); type of length not stated, therefore total length is assumed; average size of species estimated during census on reef; species with an estimate are of commercial importance in the
Virgin Islands Biosphere Reserve; values in brackets were recorded for genus or family.
Table 3.1 continued P
Seagrass Sand Average Depth Average
Mangroves1 Coral beds1 and Offshore depth1 limit size*
Family Species estuaries reefs algal mats mudflats reef upper limit (m) Abundance Type (cm) Remarks
Table 3.1 continued
continued... p
Table 3.1 continued
Diodontidae Chilomycterus antennatus HFI Relatively rare; most often taken from
seagrass beds.
Chilomycterus antillarum
Diodon holocanthus More often in muddy habitats
(mangroves) than on reefs
Diodon hystrix Most frequent of family.
Table 3 1 cont~nued
Fistularia tabacaria
Table 3.1 continued
Haemulidae Anisotremus surinamensis HFI F1 Very shallow water, one of the largest
(Pomadasyidae) grunts.
Anisotremus virginicus HFlCy Common in Florida Keys.
Haemulon album H1 F1 Largest of genus; clear water; active
at night; good food fish.
Haemubn aurolineatum + H1 F1 Smallest and most common of family.
Haemulon bonariense + HFI HFI Abundant in southern Caribbean, also
found in mangrove-lined lagoons.
Haemulon boschmae HFI Forms loose aggregates.
Haemulon carbonarium + HFI Forms schools around coral reefs in
clear water.
Haemulon chrysargyreum H1 F1,3 Small schools hiding in caves by day.
Haemulon flavolineatum HFly HFI HFI Most common grunt on WI reefs; one
of most abundant species in WI;
commonly in schools.
Haemulon macrostomum HFI Clear water.
Haemulon melanurum HFI Clear water; schooling.
Haemulon parrai HFI More common in continental waters;
Haemulon plumier; HFI Common reef fish.
Haemulon sciurus HFI One of most common and most
colorful WI grunts.
Haemulon steindachneri Mainly sandy and rubble bottom,
occasionally coral reefs; schooling.
Haemulon striatum Prefers deeper water than other
species of genus.
Orthopristis chrysoptera Only occasionally on reefs.
Orthopristis poeyi Cuba only.
Orthopristis ruber Southern Caribbean; also in brackish
Pomadasys corvinaeformis Cuba is northern limit of distribution.
Pomadasys crocro Also quite common in brackish,
mangrove-lined lagoons;
Table 3.1 cont~nued --- ~
Table 3.1 continued A
Table 3.1 continued
Sparidae Archosargus rhomboidalis HFI 7.6 Rare on coral reefs; more common
near mangroves and on vegetated
Calamus bajonado HFI HFI (17.7) Largest of genus; clear water; large
adults usually solitary.
Calamus calamus HFly HFly (17.7)
Calamus penna + (17.7)
Calamus pennatula HFI HFI T (17.7) Most common of genus in WI; young
in shallower waters.
Diplodus caudimacula HFI (17.7) Shallow, calm waters; young may
form aggregations.
Table 3.3. Relative importance of the different gear in the fisheries of the PRVl area (adapted
from Table 5 in CFMC 1985).
Apogonidae Apogon conklini 5 SLI Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Smith and Tyler (1972)
Apogon maculatus 10 1 Randall (1962. 1967, 1968) Smith and Tyler (1972)
Atherinidae Allanetta harringtonensis 8 1 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Atherinomorus stipes 9 + Randall (1962. 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Aulostomidae Aulostomus maculatus 76 1 Randall (1962, 1967. 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Balistidae Balistes capriscus 31 Johnson and Solomon (1984), Polovina and Ralston (1987)
Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Balistes vetula 45 FL Munro (1983); Randall (1962, Randall (1962, 1967. 1968)
1967, 1968)
Canthidermis sufflamen 56 + Randall (1962. 1967, 1968) Munro (1983)
Melichthys niger 36 Randall (1962 1967.19681
Xanthichthys ringens 25 Randall (1962; 1967: 1968)
Table 3.5 continued
Source wm Source
Clrrhitidae Amblycirrhitus pinos 8 (SL) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928) Smith and Tyler (1972)
Clinidae Labnsomus nuchiplnnls 20 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Smith and Tyler (1972)
Coryphaenidae Coryphaena hippurus 151 Pauly and Palomares (1986) Pauly and Palomares (1986)
Diodontidae Chilomycterus antennafus 26.3 % Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Chilomycterus antiNarum 26.3 % Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Diodon holocanthus 51 Randall (1962, 1967. 1968)
Diodon hystnx 60 % Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Emmelichthyidae lnermia viffata 23 (SL)/ Randall (1962. 1967, 1968) Smith and Tyler (1972)
Ephippidae Chaetodipterus faber 90 Flscher (1978), Randall (1962, Beebe and Tee-Van (1928);
1967, 1968) Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Ginglyrnostomatidae Ginglymosfoma cirratum 430 Fischer (1978) Figuereido and Menezes (1977)
Haemulldae An~sotremussunnamensrs 63 TL% Randall (1962, 1967. 1968) Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
(Pomadasyidae) Anisotremus virgrnrcus 30 I Randall (1962, 1967. 1968) Munro (1983)
Haemulon album 65 FL Pauly (1980) Munro (1983)
Haemulon aurolineatum 23 FL Munro (1983) Munro (1983)
Haemulon bonarrense 30 FL Munro (1983) Munro (1983)
Haemulon boschmae 19 1 Flscher (1978); Randall (1962.
1967, 1968)
Haernulon carbonarrum 38 % Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Munro (1983)
Haemulon chrysargyreum 24 % Randall (1962 1967 1968) Munro (1983)
Haernulon flavolrneatum 27 I Randall i1962: 1967: 1968) Munro (1983)
Haemulon macrostomum 45 % Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Haemulon melanurum 30 FL Munro (1983) Munro (1983)
Haemulon parrai 41 Randall (1962. 1967. 1968)
Haernulon plumierr 42 Munro (1983) Munro (1983)
Haemulon scrurus 41 % Randall (1962. 1967. 1968) Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Haemulon ste~ndachner~ 27 Randall (1962.1967.1968)
Haemulon striatum 28 Randall (1962, 1967,1968)
Olfhopristis chrysoptera 46 Darcy (1983), Fischer (1978) Darcy (1983)
Orthopnstis poeyr 24 Flscher (1978)
Olfhopristis ruber 33 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Table 3.5 continued
Holocentridae Holocentrus ascensionrs 37 TL% Randall (1962. 1967, 1968) Munro (1983)
Holocentrus coruscus 13 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Holocentrus rufus 32 Fischer (1978); Randall (1962. Munro (1983)
1967, 1968)
Myripristisjacobus 23 % Randan (1962, 1967,1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Neoniphon marianus 19 % Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Plectrypops refrospinis 13 Randall (1962, 1967. 1968)
Sargocentron vex~llariom 18 - Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Kyphosldae Kyphosus incisor 70 % Ranaal (1962 1967 1968) Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Kyphosus sectatnx 80 % Ranaal (1962 1967 1968) Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Labridae Bodianus rufus 40 Flscher (1978); Randall (1962, Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
1967: 1968)
Clepbcus parrae 25 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Halichoeres bivrttafus 23 % Randall 11962. 1967. 19681
Halichoeres garnob 19 Randall i1962: 1967: 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Halrchoeresmaculipinna 11 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Halichoeres poeyr 20 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Halichoeres radratus 46 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Lachnolaimus maxrmus 86 % Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Randan (1962.1967, 1968)
Thalassoma bifascratum 17 Pauly (1978) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Xyrichtys novacula 23 % Randa l(1962 1967 1968)
Xyrichtys splendens 14 Randa l(1962 1967 1968)
Malacanthidae Malacanthus plumieri 61 1 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Mugilidae Mugil curema 38 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Myllobatidae Aetobatus narinari 370 Len Fischer (1978) 230,000 F~guereidoand Menezes (1977)
280 Wid F~scher(1978)
Table 3.5 continued
Rachycentridae Rachycentron canadurn 160 Pauly (1978) Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Sciaenidae Equetus lanceolatus 25 Flguereido and Menezes (1977) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Equetus punctatus 28 % Randall (1962. 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Odontoscion dentex 25 Flguereldo and Menezes (1977) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Pareques acurninatus 24 mean Flguereldo and Menezes (1977),
Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Scorpaenidae Scorpaena brasrhensis 36 I Randall (1962. 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Scorpaena grandrcornis 18 1 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Scorpaena inerrnis >7 Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Scorpaena plurnieri 43 I Randall (1962, 1967, 1968) Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Scorpaenodes carrbbaeus 13 I Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Table 3.5 continued
Sphyraenldae Sphyraena barracuda I78 Pauly (1978), Randall (1962, Randall (1962, 1967. 1968)
1967, 1968)
Sphyraena picudilla 50 Flscher (1978)
Sphyrnidae Sphyrna mokarran 550 Flguereldo and Menezes (1977), 711,000 mean F~guereldoand Menezes (1977),
Randan (1962, 1967, 1968) Randall (1962, 1967, 1968)
Sphyrna lewrnr 420 Fischer (1978) 400.853 Figuereido and Menezes (1977);
Randall (1962. 1967, 1968)
Sphyrna f~buro 150 18,000
Synodontidae Synodus intermedrus 46 Randall (1962. 1967. 1968) 1, I 03 Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Synodus foefens 46 Randall ,1962 1967 1968, 1.100
Synodus synodus 33 Ranoa 1962 1967 1968, 400
Tetraodontldae Canthrgaster rosfrata 11 (SL) Randall (1962. 1967. 1968) 82 Smith and Tyler (1972)
Sphoeroides spenglen 15 F~scher(1978) 92 Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Sphoerordes testudrneus 30 Flscher (1978)
Negaprion brevirostris
Rhizoprionodon porosus
Sparisoma aurofrenatum
Sparisoma chrysopterum
Sparisoma radians
Sparisoma rubripinne
Sparisoma viride
Blenniidae Parablennius marmoreus Eyberg (1984); annual PIB ratio for the respective
Scartella cristata Eyberg (1984); annual PIB ratio for the respective
Table 3.7 continued
L, K M
Family Species Origin (cm) year1 year1
Megalopidae Tarpon atlanticus Ceara 263.3 FLf Ferreira de Menezes and Pinto Paiva (1966)
Ceara 206.2 FLm Ferreira de Menezes and Pinto Paiva (1966)
continued... 2
Table 3.7continued -I
L, K M
Family Species Origin (cm) year1 year1 Sourcea
Table 3.7 continued
"For values of M andlor K [when M was computed by equations (2.9), (2.10) and (2.15)].
FL = fork length.
SL = standard length.
TL = total length.
f = female.
m = male.
VI = Virgin Islands.
* = computed with equation (2.15).
** = computed via 6 or 6'[equations (2.9) or (2.10)] and equation (2.15).
> = MIK divided by K or Kmean from other source.
I = approximate asymptotic size.
+ = rather more than the recorded size.
- = rather less than the recorded size.
() = 'reported' to reach the recorded size.
Table 3.8. Estimated food consumption of Caribbean reef fishes. Q/B values represent mean population consumption of the corresponding
species; mean environmental temperature = 28°C.
Chaetodon sedentarius
Chaetodon striatus
Haemulon steindachneri
Haemulon striatum
Orthopristis chrysoptera
Orthopristis ruber
Gymnothorax vicinus
Lycodontis moringa
Scomberomorus maculatus
Scomberomorus regalis
Although I assumed a coral reef ecosystem without fishing activities, which was realistic
when Randall investigated food habits of West Indian reef fishes in 1967, some information on
fisheries and management were included here to give an idea of later developments.
Boulon (1986b) gave a short description of spatial occurrence of the three commercially
most important invertebrates in the Virgin Islands Biosphere Reserve:
Adults of Strombus gigas, the queen conch, are found from grass and mud-bottom mangrove
embayments out to deep (10 m+) algal plains. They are most often found in beds of seagrass
(Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme, or a mixture of both), but are also found on sand
flats. Juvenile conch are generally found in shallower water and in areas of less dense seagrass.
Young conch may be restricted in their movements in thick beds of seagrass.
Cittarium pica, the West Indian topshell, is primarily found in rocky, coastal habitats, from
slightly above the water level to several feet below. They appear to prefer coasts that are subject
to at least some wave action. The smaller individuals tend to be found higher up in the habitat
range of this species with larger, mature individuals being found in deeper (1-2 m)subtidal
bedrock or upper fore-reef zones.
Panulirus argus, the spiny lobster, appears to be most abundant near reef-grassflat
boundaries. Juveniles were found in mangroves and Thalassia habitats. In the reef habitat,
lobsters are primarily found in dense grass beds (?) where they spend the daylight hours. At
night, they forage for food either on the reef or on adjacent algal plains.
Mahon (1987) gave a summary on ecology, fisheries and management of "shared fishery
resources of the Lesser Antilles region". The only invertebrates discussed therein are queen
conch and spiny lobster; the former is stated to be "the second most valuable resource in the
Caribbean as a whole", while "conch stocks throughout the Caribbean region are considered to
be fully or overexploited".
In Puerto Rico, all conch production is consumed locally. The west coast dominates the
fisheries with landings averaging 68.2 t during the early and mid-1970s, and increasing to 189 t
in 1982. Price per pound rose from US$0.5 in 1975 to USW.37 in 1984, with a total worth for
the latter year of $628,350, thus, making conch one of the country's most commercially
important species."
Inshore populations were noticeably reduced by the mid-1970s, when fishing pressure on
deepwater areas increased. In the population off La Parguera, Puerto Rico, fishing mortality is
estimated to be 68% (F = 0.4 year1). The conch fishery is classified as "overfished".
A directed, commercial conch fishery exists on St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. St. Thomas and
St. John are less fished because conch occur deeper and farther from shore. In 1982,9.7
conch.ha-I and 1.58 * l o 6individuals were estimated for St. ThomasISt. John, and 7.6 conch.ha-
and 0.26 * l o 6 individuals for St. Croix. Primary fishing grounds for conch in the US Virgin
Islands are the west and northwest coasts of St. Croix and the south shelf on St. Thomas. The
conch resources in the US Virgin Islands are classified as "overfished".
While assembling the ECOPATH II input parameters for nonfish taxa, a number of
estimates of abundance and weight per individual could be identified (Table 3.9).
Table 3.10 shows the complete database of the three ECOPATH II key input parameters for
the 41 nonfish taxa originating from stomach contents records of West Indian reef fishes
(Randall 1967). Following is a brief description on the origin of every range or single value, in
form of 135 numbered statement^":^
1. To assess total system net primary productivity (NPP), a selection of published values of
coral reef gross and net PP was compiled from various sources (Table 3.11). Emphasis was put
on information from the Caribbean Sea. Available values for distinct parts of the community
were related to their corresponding subsystem(s) (mangrove, seagrass bed, sand flat, coral
reef, algal plain). A mean NPP (in gCm-2year1)was computed for every subsystem and from
these again a mean total system NPP of ca. 1,200 gCm-2year1(= 20,000 gm-2year1WW,
conversion: carbon = 6% of WW) was obtained. Compared to overall NPP for coral reefs
worldwide (e.g., in Lewis 1981 and Hatcher 1990, see Table PP), the value obtained by the
above-described procedure for a Virgin Islands reef system seemed high. This value, however,
was strongly influenced by the high NPP estimates reported for parts of the algal community by
Connor and Adey (1977) for the Virgin Islands. The uncertainty of the estimate of total system
NPP is critical since this value is a direct measure of the carrying capacity of the system. The
reliability of this parameter has a strong impact on the degree of similarity in terms of size
(biomass) between the real system and the model.
bThe number corresponding to each statement may also be found in Table 3.10.
Table 3.9. Abundance (Nm-Z)and mean individual live weight (g) of some nonfish taxa from Caribbean reefs and other areas.
F r o m Table 1 in Bak et al. (1984), an average density of 2.1 individuals per mZwas computed for Diadema antillarum in Cura~ao,
Netherlands Antilles.
bBeets and Lewand (1986, Tables 1-4) mdicated density values (individuals m-2)for five phototransects of a US Virgin Islands reef area.
The area covered was 0.5 m on either side of the transect line. Values in Table DMWNFG represented means for five transects.
"Berry (1982,in Table 1) reported a mean density for amphipods (several species) on the OR1 reef, Natal province, South Africa, of 516
individuals per mZ ; live weight is 1-3.5 g m ~ (conversion:
2 DW=25% of WW). Mean weight per individual is 4.5 mg.
dBerry (1982), in Table 1, gave a mean density of 15 individuals per m2and a biomass equivalent to 55.1 kJm-2for holothurians on the
OR1 reef, Natal province, South Africa. 1 kJ corresponds to 1.08 g WW; mean individual live weight is 3.96 g.
'Guerra (1979) gave growth estimates for Octopus vulgaris (in the Mediterranean) which yielded a WI of 10,850 g. Wmean was com-
puted from equation (2.12).
'Munro (1983) recorded a mean h e weight of 58.7 g for individual Panulirus guttatus around Jamaica.
gMunro (1983) reported a biomass of 63-119 kgkm2 and a density of 290-550 individuals per kmz for P argus in Jamaican waters.
Hence, mean individual live weight is 217 g.
hNaim and Amoureux (1982) gave a maximum polychaete density of 1,900 individuals m-2= 11 g m ~for > a coral reef in Moorea, French
Polynesia. Me'an weight per individual is 5.8 mg.
'Pauly et al. (1993b) for Caribbean D. antillarum.
ischwinghamer et al. (1986, Table 1).
kWeil et al. (1984); mean density of D. antillarum for several coral reefs in Venezuela.
IWilkinson (1987, Table 1) indicated density values for Caribbean reef sponges of 7.37 individuals m-2(0 5 km distance from land) and
7.60 individuals m-2(5 km distance from land).
"With density and biomass values from Table 1 in Wilkinson (1987), a range of mean weight of 86-184 glindividual was calculated for
Caribbean reef sponges.
Table 3.1 0. Database of ECOPATH II key input parameters of nonfish groups for Caribbean coral reef models; QIB = annual consumption1
unit biomass, PIB = productionlbiomass ratio.
Net primary production (NPP) of overall system: 20,000 (15,000-25,000) g m-2year1WW(seetext statement no. 1)
Export of benthic producers from system: 480 gm-2year1WW(seetext statement no. 2).
Benthic autotrophs
(excluding symbionts)
Symbiotic algae
(zooxanthellae, filaments)
Benthic autotrophs
Benthic bacteria
Fire corals
(Millepora, Hydrozoa)
Sea fans (Gorgonacea)
(Octocorallia, Anthozoa)
Sea anemones (Actiniaria and
Zoanthidea, Hexacorallia,
Stony corals (Scleractinia)
(Octocorallia, Anthozoa)
Sipunculid worms
(excluding Cephalopods)
Table 3.10 continued
lsopods (fish parasites)
Small crustaceans
Spiny lobsters
Scyllarid lobsters
Hermit crabs
Ascidians (Tunicata)
Sea turtles
Sea b~rds
Symbols: I = invertebrates.
A = autotrophs. R = reptiles.
B = birds. TSN = text statement number.
D = detritus. = assumed value.
Table 3.11. Primary productivity of coral reefs and components; GPP = gross primary production, NPP = net primary production, P/R
= productionlrespiration ratio.
Community Geographical
component location GPPa NPPa PIR Source
Values adjusted to annual production
2. From Table 2 in Zieman et al. (1979), total export of primary producers from Virgin
Islands seagrass meadows was calculated as follows:
Annual export of benthic producers amounted to around 480 g live weight m-2.
3. Detritus standing stock was calculated by applying equation (2.13). A gross PP of 3,000
gCm-2year1(mean from overall system values in Table PP) and an approximate euphotic depth
of 40 m (personal observatiqn) yielded a detritus standing stock of 195 gCm-2which was around
2,000 gm-2WW.Conversion: C = 10% of W W for organic material.
4. 21.5 gCm-2was the average algal biomass (mean of highest and lowest value) from Fig.
5 in Klumpp and McKinnon (1989) for an epilithic algal community (EAC) on Davis Reef, Great
Barrier Reef, Australia. Conversion: C=6% of WW.
5. In Klumpp and McKinnon (1989), the range of gross production of the above (no. 4) EAC
was 1.705-2.511 gCm-2day-'for the reef flat and 1.114-1.716 gCm-2day-1for the reef slope. An
average annual production of 662 gCm-2was calculated (highest + lowest value12) which
resulted in a PIB ratio of 30.8 when divided by an average biomass of 21.5 gCm-2(see no. 4).
6. Carpenter (1985) reported a biomass of 19.0 gm-2DWfor reef turf algae in the PRVl
area. Live weight was 109 gm-2with a conversion of 17.5%.
7. A biomass of 1,022.1 gm-2DWwas obtained for benthic fleshy algae on a Caribbean
Porites furcata reef from Table 2 in Glynn (1973). Conversion: 17.5% of WW.
8. Biomass for macroalgae was derived from a value of 71.27 gm-2DWin Table 3 in
Dominguez and Alcolado (1990) for macroalgae in the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba. Conversion: DW
= 17.5% of WW.
9. From Tables 8-12 in Odum and Odum (1955), an average biomass for benthic algae
(excluding symbiotic algae in corals) of 490 gm-2DWwas calculated. Conversion: DW = 17.5%
of WW.
10. Stanhope (1980) gave a biomass of 4.3-11.7 gm-2DWfor benthic algae associated with
coral reefs in the PRVl area. Converted into live weight, the biomass was 55-164 gm-2(DW =
17.5% of WW).
11. A mean standing crop of 142 gm-2DWwas assessed by Gonzalez-Liboy (1979) for turtle
grassbeds (Thalassia testudineum) for seven sites off La Parguera, Puerto Rico. DW-WW
relationship was assumed to be 17.5%. This live weight was only valid for one subsystem, so
the calculated value of 811 g was divided by 5. This procedure was applied in cases where the
distribution of an organism was clearly limited to a specific subsystem.
12. Zieman et al. (1979, in Table I ) indicated a daily production of 2.7 gm-2DWand a
standing crop of 77 gm-2DWfor a turtle grassbed (Thalassia testudineum) in the US Virgin
Islands, which resulted in an annual PIB ratio of 12.8. Production and standing crop for the
seagrass Syringodium filiforme were 0.32 gm-2day-1DWand 5.8 gm-2DW,respectively, which
yielded an annual PIB ratio of 20.1.
13. A mean daily turnover (= PIB * 100) of 3.63% was assessed by Gonzalez-Liboy (1979)
for the above turtle grassbeds. Annual turnover (= PIB) was thus 13.25 (3.63 * 3.65).
14. A mean standing crop of 1,513 gm-2WWfor benthic autotrophs, excluding symbiotic
algae (zooxanthellae and filamentous algae), was estimated from biomass values of different
components described in nos. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
15. A weighted (by biomass) mean annual PIB ratio of 13.5 for benthic autotrophs was
estimated from nos. 5, 12 and 13, and an assumed annual P/B ratio of 12.5 for benthic algae,
benthic fleshy algae and macroalgae (see no. 21).
16. From Table 4 in Odum and Odum (1955), an average dry weight for symbiotic algae
(zooxanthellae and filaments) of 0.063 g ~ mwas - ~ obtained. Conversion DW-WW was 17.5%.
Since the calculated live weight of 3,600 gm-*was only valid for the reef zone, and few or no
corals grow in the other subsystems included in the model, the value was divided by 5. The
resulting biomass of 720 S ~ - ~ W wasWincreased to 730 gm-2WWto account for zooxanthellae
biomass in foraminiferans (see no. 35).
17. A PP for corals of 281-3,723 gCm-2year1was read off Fig. 1 in Hatcher (1990). A mean
production of 33,366 gm-2year1WW(conversion: C = 6% of WW) and a biomass of 3,600 gm-
2WWfor symbionts resulted in an annual PIB of 9.3.
18. From Kanwisher and Wainwright (1967), an average gross primary productivity of 2,200
gCm-2year1was obtained for Gorgonacea (sea fans) and Scleractinia (stony corals). Applying a
conversion of C = 6% of WW and a symbiont biomass of 3,600 gm-2WW,the resulting PIB ratio
was 10.2 year1.
19. Production of zooxanthellae was indicated with 10 kcalm-2day-1 in Fig. 2 in Sorokin
(1987) which is 3,650 gm-2year1WW.When zooxanthellae biomass is around 220 S ~ - ~ W W
(Odum and Odum 1955, Table 4; conversion DW = 17.5% of WW), annual PIB is 16.6.
20. Odum and Odum (1955) estimated a mean standing stock of benthic producers of 703
S~-~D with
W a low standard deviation, i.e., the biomass seemed to be evenly distributed over
the reef regardless of species composition. A conversion of DW = 17.5% WW resulted in a live
weight biomass of ca. 3,500-4,000 gm-2for benthic autotrophs.
21. Odum and Odum (1955) indicated an annual ratio of 12.5 for gross PP to standing
stock of benthic autotrophs for the Eniwetok atoll reef.
22. Weighted (by biomass) mean annual PIB ratio for benthic autotrophs and symbiotic
algae was 13.0.
23. Chlorophyll-a concentrations per depth range of pelagic waters in Great Cruz Bay, St.
John, Virgin Islands, were given in Table 52 in Jacobsen and Browder (1987). The median was
0.37 mgChl.-am-2.A conversion factor of Chl.-a to phytoplankton carbon of 6% was determined
from Table 1 and Fig. 5 in Knoppers and Opitz (1984). Assuming a conversion of 6% for carbon:
WW resulted in a biomass of 0.102 gm-2WWfor phytoplankton.
24. Margalef (1971) gave a phytoplankton biomass range of 0.7-5.0 g Cm-2for the
northeastern Caribbean. This, transformed into wet weight, yielded a range of 11.7-83 g
(Carbon = 6% of WW).
25. Jones (1963) indicated a phytoplankton production of 307 gCm-2year1 = 5,117 gm-2
yearlWW (conversion C = 6% of WW) for a Florida patch reef. Assuming a P/B ratio of 70
(Polovina 1984b) yielded a biomass of 73 gm-2WW.
26. All estimates with this source number in Table 3.10 were adopted from Polovina
27. Sorokin (1987) reported 0.2-0.5 gm-3as range for bacterioplankton biomass. An
assumed mean water depth of 10 m resulted in a value of 2-5 gm-2bacterioplankton standing
28. A daily consumption of 10 k c a h 2was read off Fig. 2 in Sorokin (1987) for bacterioplankton.
A conversion of 1 kcal = 1 g live weight and a biomass of 2-5 gm-2yielded a daily consumption of
286% of body weight (% BWdayl) and an annual QIB of 1,043.
29. Lewis (1981, Table 3b) presented values for production and biomass of bacteria in the
water column above various coral reefs. From these values, a mean annual PIB ratio of 267 can
be calculated.
30. Production of bacterioplankton was 3 kcalm-2day-1 in Fig. 2 in Sorokin (1987). Divided by
a biomass of 3.5 gm-2,this resulted in an annual P/B ratio of 313 (1 kcal = 1 gWW).
31. Odum and Odum (1955) calculated a biomass of 0.1 gm-*for bacteria on reef
32. Sorokin (1987) gave a biomass range of 0.2-1.7 gm-2for benthic bacteria as an average
for coral reefs.
33. Sorokin (1987), in Fig. 2, gave a ration of 20 kcalm-2day-1 = 20 gm-2WWfor demersal
microflora on coral reefs. Based on an average biomass of 1 gm-2(0.2-1.7 gm-2,no. 32), the
annual consumption was 7,300 *BW.
34. From Table 3a in Lewis (1981), a mean annual PIB ratio of 155 was calculated for
bacteria in coral sediments.
35. A value for organic tissue of foraminiferans was obtained as follows:
a. 31.4 g was the mean foraminiferan biomass of a four-year sampling period in the Gulf
of Batabano, Cuba (based on Table 4 in Gomez et al. 1980).
b. Odum and Odum (1955, Table 12) reported an ash-free DW of 48 gm-2for
foraminifera and an AFDW:WW conversion of 86.5% for this component of the
decomposers on the Eniwetok reef atoll, South Pacific. Thus foraminiferan wet weight
was 55.5 gm-2.
c. From Table 2 in Glynn (1973), a biomass of 135.6 gm-2DWwas obtained for
foraminiferans on a Caribbean P furcata reef. A conversion of 86.5% (Odum and Odum
1955) yielded a live weight of 157 gm-2.
d. A mean foraminiferan biomass of 81 gm-2WWwas computed from a, b and c. Odum
and Odum (1955) gave a loss on ignition for foraminiferans of 13.5% per individual.
Organic tissue of foraminiferans is assumed to approximately represent the difference
between dry weight and wet weight, so that the main component of dry biomass consists
of the calcareous skeleton. Like coral polyps, foraminiferans, in Caribbean coral reefs,
cover their metabolic requirements largely through the activity of symbiotic microalgae
(zooxanthellae). These autotroph organisms are assumed to represent 80-90% of the
organic tissue of foraminiferans (Prof. Rijttger, Department of Microbiology, University
Kiel, pers. comm.). Hence, isolated organic tissue of foraminiferans was reduced to 1
36. Annual PIB ratio of foraminiferans (no. 37) is about ten times the PIB ratio of corals.
Their functioning as an ecological unit resembles that of corals: both have a calcareous skeleton
and symbiotic zooxanthellae which supply a considerable part of the ration - ca. 40% of
photosynthesis C,, is transferred to the animal (Drits et al. 1987). Considering the much smaller
size of foraminiferans and therefore a higher metabolism, I assumed their QIB to be at least ten
times that of corals. Hence, annual consumption should not be < 30 *BW.
37. Hallock (1981) reported carbonate turnover rates for foraminiferans of 11-16 times per
year for Palau, Western Caroline Islands and of 7-11 times for Hawaii due to slower growth
rates and the absence of the family Calcarinidae. Species composition of Caribbean reef
foraminiferans was not known; an average annual PIB ratio of 10 was assumed.
38. Sum of foraminifera (1 gm-2),benthic bacteria (0.9 gm-2)and bacterioplankton (3.5 gm-2)
39. Consumption, computed via the combined daily ration of 30 kcalm-2day1,for
bacterioplankton and demersal decomposers (Fig. 2 in Sorokin 1987) was 556% * 3.65 = 2,028*
year2BW based on a wet biomass of 5.4 gm-2and a conversion of 1 kcal = 1 gWW.
40. Mean weighted (by biomass) annual PIB ratio for microfauna (bacterioplankton, benthic
microflora and foraminifera) was 220.
41. Sorokin (1987) reported a range of 0.5-3 gm-3for zooplankton biomass on coral reefs;
based on an assumed average water depth of 10 m, the biomass was thus 5-30 gm-2.
42. Sorokin (1987) in Fig. 2 gave a consumption of 2.5 kcah2day1for reef zooplankton. For an
average biomass of 18 gm-2,daily consumption was 13.9% BW and annual Q/B was 50.1.
43. Glynn (1973, in Table 2) reported a sponge biomass of 11.8 gm-2DWfor a P furcafa reef
in the Caribbean. A conversion of DW = 30% of WW yielded a wet biomass for sponges of 39.3
gm-2.A 22.5% wet mass was subtracted for inorganic skeletal material (D. Barthel, IfM, Kiel,
pers. comm.). The organic weight was 30.5 gm-2.
44. Wilkinson (1987, in Table I ) gave a biomass value of 1,353.8 gm-2WW(0.5 km distance
from land) and 654.2 gm-2(5 km distance from land) for sponge populations around St. Croix,
US Virgin Islands. Subtracting 22.5% for inorganic skeletal material yielded a range of organic
wet weight of 507-1,049 gm-2.
45. Wilkinson (1987) reported a consumption of 0.084 gCm-2day-1for a Great Barrier Reef
sponge biomass of 98.3 gm-2WW= 76.2 gm-2of organic wet weight. A conversion of carbon to
live weight of 10% yielded a daily sponge consumption of 1.I % BW. Thus, sponges consumed
4.02 times their body weight per year. This value might underestimate consumption of
Caribbean sponge populations. Sponges in the Pacific show a much higher infestation with
autotrophic symbionts (Cyanophyceae) than species in the tropical Atlantic; metabolites of these
symbionts are consumed directly by the sponge host, as those of symbiotic zooxanthellae by
the coral polyp (see Wilkinson 1987).
46. Weight-at-age data for the Caribbean sponge Pseudocerafina crassa were read off Fig.
1 in Wilkinson and Cheshire (1988). The slope of a semilogarithmic plot from these data yielded
an annual production rate of 2.97, indicating that an individual would treble its initial biomass in
one year. When assuming a low natural mortality of 10% year1 and exponential growth, an
annual PIB ratio of 1.7 can be obtained as a crude preliminary estimate.
47. A biomass value of 16.52 gm-2DWwas adopted from Table 12 in Alcolado (1990) for
calculating a gorgonian standing stock. Dry weight was converted to live weight (22.5%) and
yielded 73.4 gm-2.From this value, 5% was subtracted for zooxanthellae biomass (see Table 4
in Odum and Odum 1955). The resulting animal biomass was divided by 5 to account for its
occurrence in only one subsystem.
48. Yoshioka and Yoshioka (1990) reported an average annual survival rate of 92% for
gorgonians at La Parguera, Puerto Rico. From this value, an exponential rate of total mortality Z
= M = 0.08 year1 can be computed. This corresponds to an estimate of PIB (see Allen 1971).
49. Glynn (1973) in Table 2 gave a biomass of 1.Igm-*DWfor zoanthids on a Caribbean P
furcafa reef. With a conversion of DW = 17% of WW, the live biomass was 6.5 gm-2.Divided by
5 to account for the subsystems' effect led to a live weight of sea anemones of 1.3 gm-2.
50. A weight range of 60.1-160 gm-2DWfor stony corals was taken from Fig. 8 in Martinez-
Estalella and Alcolado (1990a). This value originated from a coral reef area near the lsla de la
Juventud at the southern margin of the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba. Conversion of DW = 22.5% of
W W resulted in a live weight of 267-711 gm-2.Martinez-Estalella and Alcolado (1990a) did not
mention if their coral biomass values were reduced for plant material (symbiotic zooxanthellae
and filamentous algae). If not, the stony coral animal live weight decreased to 107-285 gm-2
(animal tissue ca. 40% of plant tissue, subpolyp zone not included; see Odum and Odum 1955,
Table 4). Accounting for the subsystem effect, the final animal biomass for stony corals was
21.4-57 gm-2WW.
51. Odum and Odum (1955, in Table 4) gave a biomass of animal tissue in corals of 0.021
g~m-~D =w933.3 gm-2WW(DW = 22.5% of WW). Accounting for the subsystems effect, the live
weight of corals for the representative area in the models was 933.315 = 187 gm-2.
52. Sorokin (1987, his Fig. 2) gave a consumption value from reef system components
(excluding supply by symbiotic algae) of 8.2 kcalm-2day-1 for coral polyps and sea anemones,
and 1 kcal was assumed to equal 1 gWW. A biomass of 1,000 gm-2for stony corals (calcareous
skeleton and symbionts excluded) and sea anemones (see nos. 49 and 51) yielded a daily
consumption of 0.825% BW and an annual QIB of 3.0. When consumption was based on an
average biomass of 200 gm-2(no. 50), the annual consumption mcreased to 15 *BW.
53. Production of coral polyps and sea anemones was given as 1 kcalm-2day-1in Fig. 2 of
Sorokin (1987). This value yielded an annual PIB ratio of 0.365 based on a biomass of 1,000
gm-2WWand 1.825 with a biomass of 200 gm-2WW(conversion Ikcal = 1 gWW).
54. Dahl (1973) in Table 2 gave a live weight of 2.3 g for 0.25 m2of a coral reef and sand
habitat in Puerto Rico.
55. Glynn (1973) in Table 1 gave a slpunculid dry weight of 0.9 gm-2for a Caribbean /?
furcata reef area. Applying a conversion factor for polychaetes (DW = 20% of WW) yielded a
live biomass of 4.5gm-2.
56. Berry (1982), in Table I , gave for polychaetes a dry biomass range of 1.5-2.3 gm-2DW
which was a live weight of 7.5-11.5 gm-2WWwhen a conversion of DW = 20% of W W was
57. Horn (1986), in Table 4, gave an average dry biomass of 3.3 gm-2and 5.4 gm-2(sum of
somatic tissue and shell organics) for two populations of Chiton pelliserpentis on a New Zealand
high- and lowshore habitat. A conversion of DW = 18% of WW (mean of several gastropod
species; for chitons, no value was available) yielded an average live biomass of 18.4 gm-2
(highshore) and 30.2 grm2 (lowshore).
58. Based on values in Glynn (1973), an average dry biomass of 55 gm-2was computed for
chitons from two reef-boring polyplacophores (Chiton tuberculatus, Florida reef, 41 gm-2and
Acanthopleura granulata, Puerto Rico reef, 69 gm-*).A live biomass of 306 gm-2was obtained
by an 18% DW:WW conversion for gastropods. This occurred in only one subsystem, so the
average live weight was 61 .Igm-2.
59. In Table 7, Horn (1986) gave an average consumption of 471 (highshore) and 1,521
(lowshore) kJm-2year1for Chiton pelliserpentis. If 18.6 kJ corresponded to 1 gDW of somatic
tissue and 23.9 kJ to 1 gDW of shell organics, annual consumption for chitons was: highshore,
7.2 * BW and lowshore, 16.2 * BW (average biomass: highshore, 3.3 gm-2DWand 5.4 gm-2DW,
lowshore; see no. 57). Both values are rather low for an herbivorous animal.
60. Horn (1986) gave an annual mortality rate of 22.9% for highshore and 34.3% for lowshore
chitons. These values were transformed into exponential rates of natural mortality M = 0.26 and
0.42 year1, respectively; M was set equal to PIB (Allen 1971).
61. A dry biomass of 60-80 g for gastropods from Fig. 19 in Martinez-Estalella and
Alcolado (1990b) was converted into live biomass = 38.9 gm-2with a conversion of DW = 18% of
62. Huebner and Edwards (1981) gave a daily feeding rate of 1.28% BW for the gastropod
Polinices duplicatus. The annual rate was 1.28 * 3.65 = 4.7 * BW.
63. Riddle et al. (1990) in Table 5 gave a consumption for infaunal gastropods (>2.0 mm)
from Davies Reef Lagoon, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, of 277 kJm-2year1.Biomass was
indicated with 0.748 gCm-2.QIB was then 7.7 year1 (conversion: 1 gC = 48 kJ).
64. Deslous-Paoli et al. (1985) gave an energy budget for the gastropod Crepidula fornicata
in the basin of Marennes-Oleron, France: average biomass for an individual representative of
the population was equivalent to 1.87 kJ and the annual consumption was 20.08 kJ per
individual. QIB was thus 10.74 year1.Adjusted for temperature (V = 1.465 when T'= 15"C), the
consumption increased to QIB = 15.7 year1.
65. From Table 3 in Carefoot (1970), gross conversion efficiencies (K,) for two seahares
(Aplysia dactylomela and A. juliana), fed on various species of algae, were computed. A mean value
of b = 0.0204 (see Pauly 1986) and an annual consumption of 56.4 *BW was computed using
growth parameters for the seahare Dolabella auricularia from Pauly and Calumpong (1984): W, =
490 g, K = 0.9 year1,to= -0.23 year1 and b = 3. Natural mortality M = I.6 was estimated through
equation (2.15). The computations were executed with the MAXIMS software.
66. Berg and Olsen (1989) gave an average natural mortality rate M of 0.1 year1for the
abundant queen conch (Strombus gigas) in the PRVl area; this was set equal PIB.
67. Riddle et al. (1990, in Table 5) gave a PIB ratio for gastropods (>2 mm, mean weight =
50.5 mgll) of 2.5 year1.
68. All estimates of PIB ratio with this statement number in Table 3.10 were obtained from
Table 1 in Schwinghamer et al. (1986). Each PIB ratio in Table 3.10 represented the average of
all estimates listed for a taxon in Schwinghamer et al. (1986); their PIB ratios were assembled
from temperate and boreal areas.
69. A dry biomass of 60.1-170 g 1 for bivalves from Fig. 20 in Martinez-Estalella and
Alcolado (1990b) was converted to a live biomass of 60-170 gm-2with a conversion of DW =
10% of WW.
70. Salzwedel (1980) gave an energy budget for an "average" Tellina fabula population in
the German Bight, North Sea, of mean biomass = 60 kJm-2and consumption = 290 kJm-2year1,
at a temperature of about 10°C. Annual QIB for T. fabula was thus 4.8. This value was adjusted
for temperature to a consumption of 9.5 yearl*BW with a factor of 1.88. (T = 28"C, T' = 10°C).
71. Riddle et al. (1990, in Table 5) gave a consumption for infaunal bivalves (>2.0 mm) from
Davies Reef Lagoon, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, of 657 kJm-2year1.Biomass was indicated
with 1.443 gCm-2.Annual QIB was then 9.5 (conversion: 1 gC = 48 kJ).
72. The daily rations for three species of bivalves (Mytilus edulis, Modiolus modiolus and
Arctica islandica) were calculated as follows: filtration rates were determined from equations in
Moehlenberg and Riisgard (1979) and multiplied by an average organic content of 0.16 mgl-I of
seawater. The parameter b and QIB values were computed with MAXIMS (Jarre et al. 1990).
The growth constant K was obtained from Appendix 4 in Vakily (1992). Wmax in the filtration
experiments of Moehlenberg and Riisgard were assumed to be 86% of Wmof the three species.
M was assumed to equal K, as is commonly done in bivalves. The average annual QIB of the
three species was adjusted for temperature. Table 3.12alb shows the parameters used for the
computation of annual QIB for bivalves.
Table 3.12a. Parameters used to estimate annual QIB of some bivalves.
Size (gDW)
Volume filtered (I day-I)
Daily ration (gDWday-l)
Daily ration (%)
K = M (year1)
M was assumed to equal PIB, therefore, a range of 0.85-1.58 year1was accepted for squids.
80. From Beets and Lewand (1986), an octopus density for a Virgin Island reef area of 0.01
individuals m-2(mean of Tables 1-4) was obtained. From growth estimates in Guerra (1979) and
from equation (2.12), a medium-sized individual of Octopus vulgaris was calculated to weigh
2,800 g The resulting live biomass was 28 gm-2WW.
81. Two species of octopus ( 0 . vulgaris and 0. briareus) were identified as prey items of
fish diets on West Indian reefs (see Appendix Table 8.5.2). For 0. vulgaris, annual population
consumption was computed as follows: From Table 3 in Smale and Buchan (1981), estimates
for gross conversion efficiency (K,) and b were obtained for females and males separately (see
Table 3.13a). With MAXIMS (Jarre et al. 1990), annual QIB was then computed using growth
parameters from Guerra (1979) (Table 3.13b). Age at size 0 (to)and natural mortality M were
obtained from equations (2.11) and (2.16), respectively. Annual QIB was then adjusted for
temperature (Table 3 . 1 3 ~ ) .
82. From growth parameters in Guerra (1979), an annual natural mortality rate M of 1.09
was calculated for 0. vulgaris (Wm= 10,850 g, K = 0.72 year1, T = 28°C). M was assumed to
equal PIB.
83. Buchan and Smale (1981) gave an annual PIB ratio of 3.33 for female and 2.78 for
male 0. vulgaris on the OR1 Reef, Natal Province, South Africa. The mean was 3.06 year1.
84. Lewis (1981) calculated an average biomass of 0.19 gCm-2(= I.9 gm-2WW)for
polychaetes in coral clumps on reefs in the Bahamas and off South Florida from data in Vittor
and Johnson (1977).
85. Naim and Amoureux (1982) gave a maximum polychaete density of 1,900 individuals =
11 gm->for a coral reef in Moorea, French Polynesia.
Table 3.13a. Conversion efficiencies of 0. vulgaris (Smale and Buchan, 1981 modified).
1 84 R+M
2 77 M
3 97 M
4 70 R+M
5 194 R+M
6 138 R+M
7 81 R+M
8 53 R+M
9 55 R+M
10 58 R+M
11 25 M
12 196 R+M
13 31 M
14 98 R+M
Mean females
1 83
2 278
3 91
4 94
5 I58
6 127
7 139
8 36
9 112
10 lo6
11 112
Mean males
Guerra (1979)
Guerra (1979)
Largest individual of Srnale
and Buchan (1981)
w, (s) Set value
K (year1) Guerra (1979)
to (year') Equation (2.11)
b Guerra (1979)
P Table 3.13a
M (year1) Equation (2.16)
T ("C) DHI (1967)
T' ("C) Smale and Buchan (1981)
v Pauly et al. (199313)
Table 3 . 1 3 ~ Consumption
. and maintenance ration of 0. vulgaris
at 28°C.
Temperature (% BWD) (% BWD) (yeari) (*BWyearl)
86. Ibarzabal (1990, in Fig. 15) gave a biomass value of > 2 gm-2DWfor polychaetes in an
area near the lsla de la Juventud, Cuba. Applying a conversion of DW = 20% of WW, the
minimum live weight was 10 gm-2.
87. Kohn and Lloyd (1973) estimated biomass of polychaetes on coral reefs in the Eastern
Indian Ocean of 2-6 gm-2DW(ca. 20 gm-2WW).
88. Glynn (1973, in Table 2) gave a dry biomass of 6.7 gm-2for polychaetes in a Caribbean
P furcafa reef area. Allowing for DW = 20% of WW yielded a live weight of 33.5 gm-2.
89. Riddle et al. (1990, in Table 5) reported the following consumption rates and PIB ratios
for polychaetes in Davies Reef Lagoon, Great Barrier Reef, Australia:
A weighted (by biomass) mean annual QIB of 24.2 with a PIB ratio of 5.8 could thus be
calculated for polychaetes as an ecological group.
90. From Table 1 in Pamatmat and Findlay (1983), a mean daily ration for the polychaete
Capifella capitafa of 27% BW was determined. Annual QIB for animals of 45-167 mgWW was 99.
91. Berry (1982, in Table 1) gave a dry biomass range for two species of Cirripedia on the
OR1 Reef, Natal Province, South Africa, of 8.74 to 20.46 gm-2(calcareous shells excluded).
Allowing for a conversion DW = 25% of W W (mean for various small crustaceans) resulted in a
live biomass range of 35.4-82.8 gm-2.
92. Berry (1982, in Table 1) gave a dry biomass range for amphipods (several species) of
0.28-0.92 gm-2which corresponded to a live biomass of 1.I-3.5 gm-* (conversion 1:4).
93. Riddle et al. (1990, in Table 5) gave a biomass of 0.086 gCm-2and a consumption of 69
kJm-2year1for crustaceans in Davies Reef Lagoon, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, of 5.32 mg (>2
mm length) mean body weight. Annual QIB was thus 16.7. Consumption for crustaceans of a
mean weight of 0.072 mg (0.5-2 mm length) was 46.3*BW year1 (249 kJm-2year114810. 112
gCm-2).Weighted (by biomass) mean annual Q/B of small crustaceans was then 33.4.
94. Applying an equation by Cammen (1980):
where C = daily ingestion rate in mgday-'DW, W = body weight in mgDW, for deposit feeders
and detritivores yielded a daily ingestion rate of 0.515 mg = 34.3% BW for amphipods of mean
individual dry body weight of 1.5 mg (Berry 1982). Annual QIB was 125.25.
95. Hargrave (1985) gave an average daily co'nsumption rate of 30-60% BW for lysianassid
amphipods (size not given) of the Nares Abyssal Plain (5,830 m depth) in the northwest Atlantic
Ocean, where temperature (not given) can be presumed to be very low. A mean consumption
rate of 45% BW yielded an annual QIB of 164. This already high estimate of Q/B was not
adjusted to the higher temperature of waters around PRVI.
96. Odum and Odum (1955, p. 309) gave a biomass value for "microcrustacea" in algal
encrusting mats of 0.022 gm-2DWwhich is 0.17 gm-2WW(wet volume assumed to have a
specific density of 1). The authors did not comment on species composition and size of this
ecological group.
97. In Fig. 32 in Martinez-lglesias and Alcolado (1990), a dry biomass range of 66-140 g
100m-2was indicated for decapod crustaceans in the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba, north of the lsla
de la Juventud. In Fig. 34 (same source), it was shown that penaeidean and caridean shrimps
comprise an average 10% of the decapod biomass of the samples taken during the study.
Allowing for DW = 26.7% of W W yielded a shrimp wet biomass of 0.25-0.52 gm-2.
98. Odum and Odum (1955, in Table 8, quadrat A), gave a dry biomass for predominantly
herbivorous gammarids and other small crustacean of 4.7 gm-2.A mean live biomass of 18.8
gm-2was computed with DW = 25% of WW. This ecological group was not listed for quadrats
B,C,D and E by Odum and Odum (1955, Tables 9-12); hence, the average reef area contained
18.815 = 3.76 gm-2WW.
99. Pauly et at. (1993b) computed a daily consumption of 7.93% BW for "shrimps" as an
ecological group; annual Q/B was thus 26.9.
100. Pauly et al. (1993b) estimated a natural mortality rate for Metapenaeus monoceros of
M = 1.6 year1 and for Penaeus monodon of M = 0.9 year1. M was assumed to equal P/B.
Hence, an annual range of P/B for shrimps of 0.9-1.6 was obtained.
101. Garcia (1985), in Table 1, gave estimates of annual natural mortality M (= PIB) for fully
exploited penaeid shrimp stocks in the Gulf of Mexico of 1.8-2.8 year1. Penaeids comprised ca.
25% of occurrence of "shrimps" in West Indian fish stomachs analyzed by Randall (1967). M
was set equal PIB.
102. Munro (1983) reported a biomass of 63-119 kgkm-2= 0.063-0.119 gm-2for Panulirus
argus in Jamaican waters.
103. Food consumption for spiny lobsters was computed as follows: Table 3.14a shows
food conversions and corresponding weights for Panulirus homarus, read off Fig. 17 in Smale
(1978) for an experimental temperature of 28°C. Dry weight was converted into wet weight with
DW = 18% of WW. These data were used to estimate b through equation (2.23), applying a
mean Wmof 833 gWW from females and males (see Table 3.14b). From growth parameters in
Table 3.14b, the annual consumption (Table 3 . 1 4 ~of
) spiny lobster was computed with MAXIMS
(Jarre et al. 1990).
104. Malkov (1978) gave a natural mortality estimate M of 0.35 year1for P argus in Cuban
105. Buesa (1969) reported an annual natural mortality of 56-78% for F! argus in Cuban
waters; from this, a mean exponential rate of M = 0.45 year1was computed; M was assumed to
equal PIB.
Table 3.14a. Food conversions of P homarus (Smale 1978, Fig. 17, 28°C)
Smale (1978)
Smale (1978, Table 3)
Munro (1983,for P guttatus)
Munro (1983,for P guttatus)
Set value
Smale (1978, K (day-l)*365)
Equation (2.11)
Mean of nos. 95, 96 and 97
See text
Table 3 . 1 4 ~Consumption
. and maintenance ration of P homarus
Q/B Rm Q/B Rm
Sex (% BWD) (% BWD) (year1) (*BWyearl)
Munro (1983)
Munro (1983)
Munro (1983)
Munro (1983)
Munro (1983)
Equation (2.6)
See text
Equation (2.11)
Equation (2.16)
Computed with MAXIMS
Computed with MAXIMS
1 diet: wild reef algae; 2 diet: fish - Gracilaria sp. - Ulva sp.
Table 3.15b. Consumption of a Caribbean population of I 15. From data in Wurzian (1984) on
M. spinosissimus.
Astropecten aranciacus in the Northern Adriatic
I Sea, a rough estimate of food consumption for
Sex (% BWD) (year1)
starfish was computed as follows: density of A.
Female I 5.2372 19.1157 aranciacus was 3.67 individuals 100 m-*: this was
Male 1 4.2936 15.6715
Female 2 3.2977 12.0366
0.037 individuals m-2.Ingestion was 9.5 kJm-2year1
Male 2 2.5036 9.1318 A mean radius (R)
. , of 12.3 cm was computed from
F+M 1 4.765 17.394
F+M 2 2.901 10.587
R-frequency data in Fig. 1 (same source) and
converted to a live weight of 130 g applying the
1 and 2: see above. equation in Fig. 2:
where W W is wet weight in g and R is the radius of the starfish. With a density of 0.037
individuals m-* and an individual weight of 130 g, an average live biomass of 4.76 gm-2was
computed. Ingestion was converted into wet weight with 1 kJ = 1.2 gWW (conversion for sea
urchins) to 11.37 gm-2yeari. Hence, annual food consumption for an average individual of A.
aranciacus was 2.39 *BW. Adjusted for temperature, annual QIB increased to 3.24 (V = 1.36;
T1=17°C: mean annual temperature for the Northern Adriatic was determined from charts in
KNMl 1957).
116. Production of A. aranciacus in the Northern Adriatic was indicated with 1.958
kJm-2year1(Wurzian 1984). Converted to live weight, production was 2.35 gm-2year1.Based on
an average biomass of 4.76 gm-2WW(see no. 115), the annual PI6 ratio was 0.49.
117. A biomass range of 2-6 g l Om-2DW for ophiuroids in the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba, was
obtained from Fig. 41A in Corvea et al. (1990). Live weight of ophiuroids was 0.7-2.1 g when
DW is 29% of WW.
118. McClanahan (1988), in Table 1, gave density and biomass values for three species of
sea urchins on a Kenyan coral reef. Mean biomass was 67.4 gm-2WW.
119. A biomass range of 127-472 g1 DW for echinoids in the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba,
was obtained from Fig. 39A in Corvea et al. (1990). Live weight of sea urchins was thus 39.7-
147.5 gm-2based on a conversion DWIWW of 32%.
120. From Table 1 in Bak et al. (1984), an average density of 2.1 individuals m2was computed
for Diadema antillarum in Cura~ao,Netherlands Antilles. Pauly et al. (1993b) computed an average
weight per individual of the same species of 57 gWW. Based on these values, the biomass was
119.7 gm-2.D. antillarum is the most common sea urchin in PRVl reef areas.
121. Weil et al. (1984) reported a mean D. antillarum density of 2.6-3.7 individuals m2for
several coral reefs in Venezuela. Based on an average individual weight of 57 g (see no. 120),
the mean biomass range was 148.2-210.9 gm-2WW.
122. Pauly et al. (1993b) estimated food consumptions for various species of sea urchins.
When abundance of the respective genera in stomach analyses of reef fishes was considered
(Randall 1967, see Appendix 8.5.2), the weighted mean consumption for sea urchins as an
ecological group is 0.77% BWD or 2.81 * BWyearl.
123. Hawkins (1985) gave a PIB estimate of 2.0 year1for the sea urchin D. antillarum in
124. A biomass range of 21-40 g 10m-*DWfor holothurians in the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba,
was obtained from Fig. 40A in Corvea et al. (1990). Live weight of sea cucumbers was 23.3-
44.4 gm-2when DW is 9% of WW.
125. Berry (1982), in Table I , gave a caloric equivalent of biomass of 55.1 kJm-2for a
holothurian species on the OR1 Reef, Natal Province, South Africa. Allowing for a conversion of
1 kJ = 1.08 gWW, the live biomass was 59.4 gm-2.
126. Pauly et al. (1993b) estimated the consumption of several species of tropical
holothurians from published data. From this source, consumption estimates for Holothuria sp.
(QIB = 0.77% BWD) and Opheodesoma spectabilis (QIB = 1.07% BWD) were used to compute
an average consumption of 3.36 * BWyearl for the ecological group "holothurians" of the
present Caribbean reef model.
127. In Pauly et al. (1993b), estimates of the growth constant K (year1) were given for
various species of holothurians. The mean annual K of species similar to those occurring in the
PRVl area was 0.29, assumed to equal M (= PIB).
128. Corvea et al. (1990, in Fig. 36) gave a dry biomass range for echinoderms in the Gulf
of Batabano, Cuba, of 351-500 g10m-2.This corresponded to a live weight of 140.4-200 gm-2.
129. Glynn (1973, in Table 2) gave a dry biomass for echinoderms on a Caribbean P
furcata reef of 263.3 gm-2.This corresponded to a live weight of 1,053.2 gm-2.
130. Dahl (1973, in Table I ) gave a wet biomass of 8.8 g 0.25m-2which corresponded to
35.2 gm-2for tunicates on a Puerto Rican algal plain.
131. Berry (1982, in Table 1) gave a biomass of 148.8 gm-2DW(flesh only) for the ascidian
Pyura stolonifera on the OR1 Reef, Natal Province, South Africa. Allowing for DW = 20% of W W
(organic tissue) yielded a live weight of 744 gm-2.
132. Consumption of ascidians (sessile tunicates) was estimated as follows: Mullin (1983)
provided equations to compute filtering rates of the planktonic living salp Thalia democratica on
phytoplankton and bacteria. Benthic tunicates also filter phytoplankton and microfauna (besides
zooplankton and detritus particles); hence, the suggested filtering rates were assumed to be valid
also for sessile ascidians. From stomach analyses of West Indian reef fishes (Randall 1967) and
from a collection of Caribbean reef invertebrates and plants (Colin 1978), species composition and
rough estimates of abundance were obtained. Meinkoth (1981) provided information on size of
solitary and colonial ascidians. Weight estimates were obtained by computing the volume of a
cylinder whose height corresponded to the length of an individual ascidian and whose radius
corresponded to its widthl2, and by setting the specific weight of the cylinder equal to that of water
(1 cm3= 1 g). Body carbon of ascidians was computed via the equations in Mullin (1983):
where carbon is organic carbon content of body in mg and L is body length in mm. Mullin (1983)
reported median total particulate organic carbon in his experimental filtering media as 142 pgCI-I
(range 69-200 pgCI-I). I assumed from diet composition percentages for ascidians (see Appendix
Table 8.6.2) that 60% of the volume filtered (VF) was grazed at rates for bacteria and 40% at rates
for phytoplankton. The VF of every food item was computed by multiplying the corresponding
grazing rates with the body carbon of the respective species. The consumption of a food item was
obtained by dividing the total organic carbon content (142 pgl-l) into the respective percentages
(60% for bacteria, 40% for phytoplankton) and by then multiplying the shares by VF. Rations per
hour were converted into consumption of % of body weight applying mean carbon-weight (CAN)
ratios of 0.0112% for solitary and 0.0013% for colonial species. The range of consumption values
included in Table 3.10 does not report the results for the colonial species as they are unrealistically
low. An average annual QIB of 24 is the median for solitary species. Table 3.16 shows the data used
for the estimation of food consumption for ascidians as an ecological group in the present
Caribbean reef model.
133. Berry (1982), in Table I,gave a caloric equivalent of biomass of 2,300 kJm-*for organic
tissue of the detritivorous ascidian Pyura stolonifera on the OR1 Reef, Natal Province, South Africa.
Production of organic tissue was given as 5,213 kJm-2year1.Hence, the PIB ratio was 2.3 year1.
134. U. Richter (Hagenbecks Tierpark, Hamburg) reported the following personal
observations: (a) juvenile Emydura albertinii (marine turtle, New Guinea, piscivorous) of 65 g
live weight consumed around 0.5 g fish or shellfish flesh per day which was 0.77% BWD and
2.8*BWyear1,(b) a "giant turtle" (species name not available) of 300 kg consumed around 2 kg
of plant food per day which was 0.67% BWD or 2.5*BWyear1.These values of turtle
consumption were somewhat lower than that of 3.5*BWyear1estimated by Polovina (1984b) in
his coral reef model of French Frigate Shoals, Hawaii. The low values are surprising since, in
the first case, we deal with a very young organism with high metabolic requirements. In the
second case, the consumption rate appears to be low for an herbivorous animal. However,
annual PIB ratio was also very low (0.15).
135. From Fig. 1 in Nuitja and Uchida (1982), maximum daily growth for juvenile
loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) was obtained for a feeding rate of 3.1% BW. It is not known
if the growth potential is reached at that feeding rate. This feeding rate yielded an annual
consumption estimate for juvenile carnivorous loggerhead turtles of 11.5*BW. Experimental
temperature was 20S°C. For this turtle, the amount of food required to maintain basal
metabolism was less for higher temperatures than for lower ones (see Nuitja and Uchida 1982).
Therefore, the QIB estimate was not corrected for temperature.
The estimates presented in points 1-135 were summarized; a range and an average input
value were determined for each of the three input parameters and for each taxon for which
estimates were available (Table 3.17).
In the diet composition (DC) matrix of nonfish taxa (Appendix Table 8.6.2), constituents are
listed in rough systematical order. The matrix was assembled from a wide variety of sources
(see "Materials and methods" section). The references on which the matrix was based are listed
in Appendix Table 8.6.3 by author(s) and year of publication.
The results from the cluster analysis, aggregating 243 fish species stepwise into 1 species
group, are depicted in Fig. 3.1. This dendrogram includes the names of fish species combined
into the respective clusters. The first cutoff level at a quadratic Euclidean distance (QED) of 0.3
(20% of the total 1.5) yielded 29 fish species groups (see "Materials and methods1'section).
Overall, the cluster analysis produced a distinct separation among carnivorous, omnivorous
and herbivorous species. Furthermore, apex predators, such as large sharks and rays, as well
Table 3.16. Food consumption of ascidians (class: Tunicata)
Ascidia nigra 2 IS
Boltenia echinata 1 I
B. ovifera 1 I
B. villosa 1 I
Clavelina huntsman; ? I
Clavelina picta ? I
Didernnurn albidum 2 C
D. carnulenturn 2 C
Distaplia stylifer ? C
Ecteinascidia turbinata 1 I
Polycarpa obtecta 1 Is
Species VFbact VFphyto Cons. B. Cons. P. QIB-bac QIB-phy QIB QIB QIB QIB
(mlh-') (mlh-l) (pgh ') (pgh-') (%BCh-') (%BCh-') (%BCh-') (%BCday-l) (%BWD) (year1)
Ascidia nigra 21,372.33 34,058.91 1,816.65 1,941.36 47.99 51.29 49.64 1,191.34 13.31 48.57
Boltenia echinata 444.73 641.38 37.80 36.56 12.12 11.72 11.92 285.98 3.19 11.66
B. ovifera 9,504.47 14,833.16 807.88 845.49 35.98 37.66 36.82 883.63 9.87 36.03
B. villosa 1,736.90 2,549.48 147.64 147.89 19.66 19.70 19.68 472.33 5.28 19.26
Clavelina huntsrnani 3,168.22 4,806.41 269.30 273.97 24.35 24.77 24.56 589.41 6.58 24.03
Clavelina picta 208.86 295.40 17.75 16.48 9.26 8.78 9.02 216.53 2.42 8.83
Didernnurn albidurn 1.28 1.62 0.11 0.09 2.11 1.79 1.95 46.78 0.06 0.22
D. carnulenturn 1.28 1.62 0.11 0.09 2.11 1.79 1.95 46.78 0.06 0.22
Distaplia stylifer 129.04 184.62 10.97 10.52 6.31 6.05 6.18 148.25 0.19 0.70
Ecteinascidia turbinata 444.73 641.38 37.8 36.56 12.12 11.72 11.92 285.98 3.19 11.66
Polycarpa obtecta 3,168.22 4,806.41 269.30 273.97 24.35 24.77 24.56 589.41 6.58 24.03
Table 3.18 presents the characteristics of 27 fish species groups which resulted from a
further treatment of the 29 fish species groups from the cluster analysis. These 27 groups are
part of the 50-box model, which was completed by adding 23 nonfish groups. An extended
version of Table 3.18, where the species are only grouped but not condensed may be found in
Appendix Table 8.7.1.
Tables 3.19 and 3.20 present the estimates of the three key parameters: biomass, PIB ratio
and QIB, which served as input values for the groups of the 50-box model. The model was
balanced based on these inputs and the corresponding food matrix, presented in Table 3.21,
with all ecotrophic efficiencies (EEs) < 1 and input NPP > output NPP.
The inputs were ranked intuitively according to the accuracy of the methods by which the
respective inputs were obtained (see "Materials and methods"). The biomass values of fish and
nonfish groups were considered to be the least accurate of all inputs. The PIB and QIB values
of nonfish groups were considered to be less accurate than those of fish groups. The diet matrix
of nonfish groups was considered less accurate than that of fish groups. Within the fish groups,
the DCs of large, wide-ranging top predators, like sharks, scombrids and jacks, were considered
less accurate than that of the other fish groups. The inputs were gradually modified following the
above sequence of accuracy.
Output vahes
In Table 3.22, the changes of the three key input parameters necessary to balance the 50-
box model are documented together with the resulting change in ecotrophic efficiency. Table
3.23 documents necessary changes within the diet composition matrix. Table 3.24 shows
Table 3.18. Characteristics of 27 fish species groups defined by cluster analysis.
L-, WI = asymptotic lengthllive weight.
H = habitat ( a feature not included in cluster analysis), P = pelagic, D = demersal.
"Median of species-specif~cvalues
Grouped by habitat "m~dwater-pelagic"outside cluster-analysrs.
Table 3.19. Key input parameters of 27 fish species groups prepared for a 50- box model of a Caribbean coral reef; average values = mean of 2 values
or median of > 2 values.
Average Average
Group No. of Biomass PIB QIB
no. Fish species group species (g.dww) (year1) (year1)
Table 3.20. Key input parameters of 23 nonfish groups prepared for a 50-box model of a Caribbean coral reef; average values = mean of 2 values or
median of > 2 values.
NPP of overall system: 20,000 (15,000-25,000) gm2.year1WW.
Exoort of benthic oroducers from svstem: 480 a.m-2.vear' WW.
Table 3.21 continued
no 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 j9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Table 3.21 continued
no. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
continued ...
Table 3.21 continued
no. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Sum
"Grouped by habitat "midwater-pelagic"outside cluster analysis.
bValueoutside parentheses: no. of species indicated by cluster analysis.
Value inside parentheses: no. of species with DC values available in DC matrix.
Table 3.22. Results of the ECOPATH I1parameter estimation for the construction of a 50-box model of a Caribbean coral reef.
Original inputs which had to be modified are shown in parentheses.
PIB = annual production1biomassratio; QIB = annual consumption lunit biomass; EE = ecotrophic efficiency.
Sharks/scombrids, carnivorous
lnterrnediatejacks, carnivorous
Small jacks, carnivorous
Intermediate reef f~sh.carnivorous 1
Hemiramphidae, herbivorous
Kyphosidae, herbivorous
lntermediate reef fish, herbivorous
Large reef fish, carnivorous
Sea turtles
Shrimpslhermit crabs1 stomatopods
Table 3 23 cont~nued
. - -- -- - --
Sea anemoneslcorals
Contr~but~onto detr~tus
Table 3 23 continued
no 12
Table 3.23 continued
no. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Table 3.23 continued
no. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Table 3.23 cont~nued
no 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Table 3.23 continued
no. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Sum
Table 3.23 continued
no. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Sum
Table 3.24. Results of the ECOPATH II parameter estimation for the construction of a 50-box model of a Caribbean coral reef. Additional parameters.
Import to detritus: 475 g m 2 , other imports to boxes are 0; catches for all boxes are 0.
Excretion = 5% and egestion = 15% (default values) of the food intake of each box.
continued ...
Table 3.24 continued
Sea anernoneslcorals
Benthic autotrophs
Detritus, POM, DOM
'(gm2.year1 WW).
Table 3.24 continued.
Table 3.24 continued
The input value of net PP had to be modified slightly, from 20,000 gm-2year1to 20,500
gm-2year1.This was still well within the established range of NPP estimates (15,000-25,000
The strongest changes were applied to the biomass estimates since they were considered
to be least accurate of all input values. The biomass of detritus was left unchanged, as well as
biomass of phytoplankton, whereas that'of benthic primary producers had to be lowered by 42%
from 2,230 to 1,300 gm-2.This value was still within the range estimated for an average m2from
five subsystems.
It was observed during the balancing process that the input biomass values of fish groups
were generally too high, while those of the majority of nonfish taxa were too low. This was
especially true for strongly carnivorous groups. Another aspect of the initial biomass estimates
of fish groups was that values for large predators were too high, while those for small ones were
too low.
The density estimates for fishes, which are generally based on visual censuses, appeared
to have provided unrealistically high abundances for groups of large predatory fish. For
example, the biomass of large sharks and rays had to be decreased from 96 gm-2to 0.3 gm-2,a
change of 99.7%. Obviously, the density estimates for relatively rare, but large and wide-ranging
predators depended strongly on their presence during a census. This point will be discussed in
more detail below.
The majority of biomass values for sharks and rays was computed via qualitative
indications of density. Since a common definition in terms of numbers does not exist for
qualitative indications of abundance, it is quite possible that expressions such as "abundant" or
"common" refer to a comparison between species of the same ecological group, so that, e.g.,
nurse sharks are abundant on the reef compared to tiger sharks but that this abundance has
nothing in common with the expression "abundant" used, e.g., for doctorfish, parrotfish, etc., or
even small pelagics such as dwarf herring or sardine.
Densities of small andlor cryptic reef fish species are obviously strongly underestimated by
visual census techniques. Thus, for example "Blenniidae" had to be raised from 0.012 gm-2to
0.6 gm-2,a change of biomass of 4,900%.
The density of small schooling pelagic fish was also strongly underestimated. Thus, for
example, the initial estimate of the biomass of Engraulidae had to be raised from 0.019 gm-2to
3.325 gm-2(17,400% change). This can be explained by the fact that only the highest density
level obtained from visual censuses for reef fishes was assigned to small schooling pelagics. In
all censuses in which small pelagics were explicitly included, they were stated as "too numerous
to count". Still higher levels of abundance might have to be added to the ones presented in
"Materials and methods" in order to properly account for densities of small pelagics.
Groups of large to intermediate herbivorous reef fish (e.g., families Scaridae or
Kyphosidae) showed generally low EEs. Their input biomasses were reduced in line with
reduction of biomass of 60-99% performed on groups containing similarly sized carnivorous
species. An 80% reduction of biomass is the average for fishes of this size range. The biomass
of large herbivorous reef fish could have been reduced further to raise their EE, but there was
no good reason to do so, except that the relatively high EE of benthic autotrophs would have
slightly decreased.
The biomass values of nonfish groups had to be raised because of the diet preferences of
fish groups. Conspicuous was the discrepancy between "offer" and "demand" in crustaceans,
which were the most difficult groups to balance. This is because these groups feed on a
relatively high trophic level and their consumption is rather high (up to 125 times their body
weight per year). This makes it difficult to raise their biomass without serious implications for the
whole system.
Initial biomasses of crustaceans were generally too low to satisfy the food requirements of the
fish groups. Two opposite tendencies might be responsible for this discrepancy: (1) the comparably
high percentages of crustaceans in the diet composition of fish groups might be an artefact, i.e., due
to the high amount of undigestible exoskeletons, the percentage of crustaceans in the food of fishes
might be overestimated; and (2) the biomass estimates for crustaceans are derived mainly from the
Gulf of Batabano, Cuba, from an area characterized by sand and mud. The combined biomass
estimates for crustaceans from this area, of 5-10 gm-2WW,do not compare well with an overall
estimate of crustacean biomass of around 160 gm-*WWrecorded by Glynn (1973) for a Caribbean
Porites furcata reef (see also Table 3.17).
The effect of erroneous biomass estimates on weighting factors within species groups is, on
the other hand, of minor importance since these groups are composed of species with similar
ecological features; the above problems concerning the input biomasses are thus valid for all
species of a group.
After the biomasses, the strongest modifications were performed on the DC matrix,
particularly of elasmobranchs and on invertebrates. This was not unexpected, since these parts
of the matrix were most heterogenous in the first place. Raising the biomass of crustaceans was
not enough to correct for the unrealistically high initial EE values for these groups. Thus, the diet
of groups which fed on crustaceans was shifted, in part, to ecological groups with low EEs (sea
urchins, ascidians, sponges, etc.). This implied a shift to lower trophic levels.
The diet of large carnivorous fish groups was similarly modified, often from carnivorous to
herbivorous fishes. The latter showed in general low EEs, especially the groups containing large
species, which also had high biomasses. For example, large parrotfish (Scaridae) with the
highest output biomass for a single fish family in the 50-box model (almost 19 gm-2)have a very
low EE (EE = 0.336). The original DC matrix of fishes did not identify large herbivorous reef fish
as a preferred food item of carnivorous species. It might be an artefact from Randall's stomach
analyses, but this is unlikely since it can be assumed that herbivorous fish should have been
identified as reliably as carnivorous fish. This suggests that large predatory fish species tend to
avoid herbivorous reef fish as prey. Parrotfish produce a skin mucus which is reported to protect
them from predation while they sleep. If the low predation mortality of herbivorous reef fish is
true, and not an artefact, this would mean that predator biomass would have to be lowered
further to lower the EE of prey groups below 1. This would also mean that large herbivorous reef
fish serve mainly as energy supply for the detrital pool. This matter will be discussed further
The initial PIB values, especially of fish groups, were considered to be more reliable than
the initial biomass estimates; thus, the overwhelming majority of PIB outputs were kept within
the initial range of input PIB estimated for the respective groups.
The consumption estimates for nonfish groups were slightly modified in a few groups only.
For sea urchins and sponges, QIB was raised in order to lower their gross efficiency below 0.4
and to lower their PIR ratio to 0.6 year1.
Output gross efficiencies (GE = production/consumption) for all boxes were generally
between 0.1 and 0.5. High GEs are characteristic of small-sized and/or young animals. Low
GEs are characteristic of large-sized and/or old animals. The GE of apex predators should be
close to zero when they are not exploited by fisheries. GE output values from the 50-box model
for fish groups were somewhat low, never exceeding 0.3. To raise these estimates, the PIB
ratios could be increased and/or the Q/B reduced, thus decreasing the EEs of prey groups.
These modifications would result in an increase of the biomass of a number of prey groups.
Fig. 3.2 shows the mass-balanced 50-box model of an unexploited segment of coral reef in
the PRVl area. This graph demonstrates that it is possible to balance a quantitative steady-state
model of the energy flow within a coral reef system based on literature data and parameter
estimations derived from multivariate statistics.
Summary statistics computed by ECOPATH II for the 50-box model are presented in Table
Network flow indices computed by ECOPATH II for the 50-box model are listed in Table 3.26.
Table 3.27 presents flows and transfer efficiencies for discrete trophic levels computed by
ECOPATH II for the 50-box model.
Fig. 3.3 shows the direct and indirect impacts an increase in the biomass of the groups to
the left of the histograms would have on the groups positioned above them. The bars pointing
upwards show positive impacts while those pointing downwards, negative impacts. The impacts
are relative, not absolute ones but are comparable between histograms. Note that the routine
assumes the food matrix to remain stable, which would not happen in the long term (but may be
reasonable for the short term). The mixed trophic impacts can also be viewed as a simple
sensitivity analysis sensu Majkowski (1982).
A biomass increase of benthic autotrophs (group 49) has a direct positive effect on all
groups feeding on benthic producers. The impact is greatest for groups which feed almost
exclusively on benthic autotrophs, such as Kyphosidae (group 1O), intermediate herbivorous
reef fish ( I I ) , parrotfish (family Scaridae, groups 23, 24, 25), herbivorous blennies (26),
echinoids (37) and corals (45). The impact on detritus is also positive since a larger amount of
biomass would be directed towards this box.
An increase in phytoplankton biomass would have a strong direct positive impact on
engraulids (16) since they feed largely on phytoplankton. It has a moderate direct positive
280 hid. Sharks1
Small fish.pelagic
Fig. 3.2. Graphical representation of the 50-box model of a Caribbean coral reef. The area of each box is proportional to the logarithm of the biomass (B, in S ~ - ~ W of
each group. Values represent the average for all subsystems in Fig. 2.1. Flows are in gm-2year1WW. Incoming flows (bottom half of a box) represent at least 80% of the
diet of a group.
Table 3.25. Summary statistics computed by ECOPATH II for a 50-box
model of a Caribbean coral reef. PP = primary production.
"Difference between input total net PP and calculated total net PP.
Table 3.26. Network flow indices computed by ECOPATH II for a 50-box model of a Caribbean coral reef.
Table 3.27. Flows and transfer efficiencies for discrete trophic levels computed by ECOPATH
II for a 50-box model of a Caribbean coral reef.
I 0.000
II 8,299.198
Ill 1,060.269
IV 183.624
v 17.906
VI 1.599
VI I 0.176
Vlll 0.020
IX 0.002
44 Sponges
45 Coralslanemones
46 Zooplankton
47 Decomposerslmicrofauna
48 Phytoplankton
49 Benthic producers
50 Detritus
Fig. 3.3. Mixed trophic impacts of a 50-box model of a Caribbean coral reef showing the direct and
indirect impacts an increase in the biomass of the groups to the left of the histograms will have on the
groups positioned above the histograms.
impact on bivalves (42), ascidians, barnacles and bryozoans (43) and zooplankton (46) since
these groups feed to some extent on phytoplankton. A slight indirect positive impact is observed
for groups feeding on groups which feed on phytoplankton, such as sharks and scombrids,
which feed on phytoplanktivorous engraulids.
An increase in biomass of decomposers/microfauna (group 47) has a large indirect positive
impact on almost all other groups (recall the analogy with the system's motor), except for a
small indirect negative impact on groups, which feed to a large extent on detritus. These groups
may be regarded as competitors for the same food source since group 47 feeds almost
exclusively on detritus. Therefore an increase of decomposers/microfauna biomass would have
a direct negative impact on the detritus box.
Increasing the biomass of the apex predators (birds, sharks, scombrids, large jacks and
groupers) would have a relatively small negative impact on their prey groups. This is due to the
small biomass of these groups combined with moderate relative food requirements. An increase
in the biomass of apex predators would have a slight direct positive effect on groups which
themselves feed, albeit, to a small extent on these predators, such as the seabirds.
Overall, an increase in biomass of a given group has a direct negative impact on its prey
groups and an indirect negative impact on groups competing for the same food source. Further,
such increase has a direct positive impact on the predators of that group and an indirect positive
impact on groups feeding, in turn, on those predators.
The results of the cluster analysis used to pass from 29 to 1 fish species group are depicted in
Fig. 3.1.
The strong separation of herbivores and carnivores is maintained up to a cutoff level of
80% (QED 1.2). The strongest separation between large and fast-swimming apex predators and
the vast majority of reef fish is maintained up to a cutoff level of 99.9% (QED 1.49). The reef fish
fauna is thus characterized by three principal energetic groups: (1) the large and fast-swimming
apex predators with a predominantly pelagic habitat and wide-ranging migrations (exceptions
are not well identified due to set values used here for the aspect ratios of sharks and rays; some
of them, especially rays and the nurse shark, probably belong to the large reef fishes); (2) the
predominantly carnivorous; and (3) the predominantly herbivorous reef fishes. (The omnivores
were pooled with either group depending on the percentage of plant or animal food in their diet).
Fig. 3.4 shows the results of the ECOPATH II aggregation routine which allowed a stepwise
reduction of the number of boxes from 50 to 1. Species groups with a similar trophic level were
aggregated first as in the case of the strictly herbivorous fish groups and the strictly carnivorous
groups which belong largely to the apex predators; within each trophic set, groups with a low
biomass were aggregated first in order to reduce ascendency as little as possible. It may also
be observed from Fig. 3.4 that the aggregation routine tends to form two main trophic groups by
combining groups with a similar trophic level: one carnivorous and one herbivorous. This
tendency becomes more obvious when the number of boxes is further reduced. Due to their
Sea blrds
Sha&dscombrids, camlwrous
Large jacks, carnivorous
Large shaiWrays, camiwrous
Large grwpen camworms
Large rest fisn cam vor0.r
ntermed ate lacks camrvorws
Sma face, camovoroJs
Sma. K h m ng lsh pelag c
Small reef fish carnworodS 2
Interneeate reef bsn cam voro~s1
a r g s onlermedmle schm ng tlrh peaglc
lnferneaale reef fish cam vorous 2
InlermedP1ereef fish, cam vOmbS 3
Sma reef l s h cam .oro.s 1
Sea tunles
Small reef hsh, omnlvomus 1
HemlramDhldae hehiuorous
Small r e d hhsh, omnivorous 3
Sea anemoneslmals
Engraulidae, hehlwrous
Small benthic admpods
Intermediate reef fish, hehworous
Blennadae, hehivomus
Kyphosldae, helvorous
Small Scaddae, herbivorous
Intermediate Scandae, herbivorous
Large Scaddae, hsrb~vorous
Bwmic autotrophs
Detritus, POM, DOM
Fig. 3.4. Graphical representation of the results of the ECOPATH II aggregation routine showing the
stepwise reduction of the number of boxes from 50 to 1 for models of a Caribbean coral reef.
high biomass and/or degree of detritivory, sponges and microfauna are kept as single groups
until the system is reduced to 8 boxes.
Benthic producers and detritus are also kept separate until the system is reduced to a
minimum number of boxes (5, 3 and 1). This dendrogram cannot be compared directly with the
results of the cluster analysis, since the latter was applied exclusively to fish species.
Nevertheless, it should be noticed that both figures show a separation into main trophic groups
(recall the separation into herbivorous and carnivorous reef fish groups which was maintained
up to a cutoff level of 80% in Fig. 3.1). The separation into large apex predators with a mainly
pelagic habitat and reef fish with a demersal habitat was not repeated by the ECOPATH II
aggregation routine.
Group Group
no. Predatorlprey group no. Predatorlprey group
2 Sharkslrayslscombrids I Gastropods +
I Polychaeteslpriapuloidslophiuroids
Average Average
Group No.of Biomass PIB QIB End
Predator group groupsa (g .m-2) (year1) (year') EE
Sea birds
Sharkslrayslscombrids, carnivorous
Large to intermediate jacks, carnivorous
Large to intermediate schooling pelagics
Small schooling pelagic fish
Large groupers, carnivorous
Large to intermediate benthic carnivores
(>50% live animal food)
Small benthic carnivores
(>50% live animal food)
Benthic invertebrates, omnivorous
Large to intermediate reef fish, herbivorous
(>50% plant food)
Small reef fish, herbivorous
(>50%plant food)
Benthic invertebrates, herbivorous
(>50% plant food)
Semisessile detritivores
(>50% detrital food)
Sessile detritivores
(>50% detrital food)
Benthic autotrophs
Sea birds
Sharkslrayslscombrids, carnivorous
Large to intermediate jacks, carnivorous
Large to intermediate schooling pelagics
Small schooling pelagic fish
Large groupers, carnivorous
Large to intermediate benthic carnivores
(~50% live animal food)
Small benthic carnivores
(>50% live animal food)
Benthic Invertebrates, omnivorous
Sea birds
Sharkslrayslscombrids, carnivorous
Large to intermediate jacks, carnivorous
Large to intermediate schooling pelagics
Small schooling pelagic fish
Large groupers, carnivorous
Large to intermediate benthic carnivores
(>50% live animal food)
Small benthic carnivores
(>SO% live animal food)
Benthic invertebrates, omnivorous
Large to intermediate reef fish. herbivorous
(>50% plant food)
Small reef fish, herbivorous
(>50% plant food)
Benthic invertebrates, herbivorous
(>50% plant food)
Semisessile detritivores
(>50% detrital food)
Sessile detritivores
(>50% detrital food)
Benthic autotrophs
Detritus, POM, DOM
Table 3.31 continued
1 jacks
Large Intermediate
carnivores '33
I I small
pelagics 8 = 14
-1 1 Bi
Benthic ]
Benthic invertebrates,
invertebrates, omnivores
herbivores 0.80
1 detnt~vores
Sessile I
reef fish,
I 11
Fig. 3.5. Graphical representation of a 20-box model of a Caribbean coral reef as obtained by method 1 (cluster analysis + intuition). The area of each
box is proportional to the logarithm of the biomass (B, in gm-2WW) of each group. Values represent the average for all subsystems in Fig. 2.1. Flows
are in gm-2year1WW.Incoming flows (entering bottom half of a box) represent at least 90% of the diet of a group.
Table 3.32. Transfer efficiencies (%) by discrete trophic level for a 20-box model (method 1)
Transfer efficiencies by discrete trophic levels for primary producers were somewhat lower
(4% to 9%) than in the 50-box model. For detritus, transfer efficiencies were lower for levels IV,
VI and VII. Throughput per trophic level for detritus is around 7-10 times that for primary
producers. Thus, resulting transfer efficiencies for combined flows were mainly affected by
efficiencies computed for detritus. The differences in transfer efficiencies for models with a
different number of boxes may be because the efficiencies are computed after the flows
involved in cycles are removed, and there are more flows involved in cycles after aggregating
formerly distinct boxes. Since detritus is involved in more cycles than any other food source, the
differences in transfer efficiencies for detritus must also be more pronounced when comparing
models with a different number of boxes.
Trophic level VII for primary producers had, in contrast to the 50-box model, no estimate of
transfer efficiency. This may be explained by the effect of aggregating groups of differing food
types, where the fraction of plant food in the resulting groups was reduced to nearly zero due to
weighting of DC by the biomass and consumption requirements of the groups included.
MIXEDTROPHICIMPACTS. Fig. 3.6 shows the direct and indirect impacts on the biomass of prey
groups by an increased biomass of the predator group for the 20-box model obtained by
method 1. Relationships and impacts between groups correspond basically to those discussed
for the 50-box model. The figure was included here for a better visualization of impacts, when
the system is reduced to 20 boxes and for comparison with the 20-box model obtained by
method 2 (see below).
COMPOSITION OF GROUPS. Table 3.33 shows the group composition of the second of the two
20-box models. The group composition is the result of a combination of groups from the bal-
anced 50-box model by the ECOPATH II aggregation routine. In contrast to method l , the
combination of groups is based on a single criterion, the least reduction (by pairing boxes) of
average shared information (i.e., ascendency). Interestingly, this routine tends to group boxes of
similar trophic levels, i.e., the aggregated boxes in the reduced models consist of carnivorous,
omnivorous and herbivorous groups without reference criteria, such as size. Therefore, a large
carnivorous fish group is produced which includes species ranging from tiger shark to gobies
(Group 1, aggregation 26).
Also, because a trophic level of 1 is assigned to autotrophs as well as to detritus (see
Introduction), nonfish taxa or groups feeding to some or large extent on detritus are combined
with groups feeding on benthic autotrophs (group 4, aggregation 22).
The omnivorous group 6 (aggregation 25) includes fish and nonfish groups with a wide
spectrum of omnivory. The groups with similar trophic levels are more likely to be aggregated
when their biomass values are low because the associated flows are less, and hence have little
impact on ascendency. This might also be the reason why so many nonfish groups from the 50-
1 Sea birds
2 Sharkslrayslscombrids
3 Large intermediate jacks, carnivorous
4 Large intermediate schooling pelagics
5 Small schooling pelagics
6 Large groupers, carnivorous
Small reef fish, herbivorous
Benthic invertebrates, herbivorous
11- -
Semisessile detritivores
Sessile detritivores
I -
16 Zooplankton
17 Decomposerslmicrofauna
18 Phytoplankton
19 Benthic producers
Fig. 3.6. Mixed trophic impacts of a 20-box model (method 1) of a Caribbean coral reef showing the
direct and indirect impacts an increase in the biomass of the groups to the left of the histograms will
have on the groups above the histograms.
Table 3.33. Composition of groups of a 20-box model of a Caribbean coral reef as obtained by method 2 (ECOPATH II aggregation routine);
names of subgroups refer to original groups in the 50-box model
Group Group
no. Predatorlprey group no. Predatorlprey group
Aggregation 26 Aggregation 25
Aggregation 24 Amphipodslisopodsltanaidslpycnogonids
Small jacks, carnivorous Gastropods
Large to intermediate schooling fish, pelagic
Small schooling fish, pelagic Chitonslscaphopods
Aggregation 20
F Hemiramph~dae,herbivorous 12 Bivalves
F Kyphosidae, herbivorous
F Large Scarldae, herbivorous 13 Ascidianslbarnacleslbryozoans
F Intermediate Scaridae, herbivorous
F Small Scaridae, herbivorous
I Echinoids 14 Sponges
4 Aggregation 22 15 Sea anemoneslcorals
box model continued to exist as separate entities within the 20-box model. This is certainly a
positive feature, since differences in DC, consumption requirements and size are pronounced
between nonfish groups.
When comparing the group composition produced by method 1 with that by method 2, the
food type is apparently the principal aggregation criterion. The basic producer groups of the
system are left unchanged in both 20-box models (groups 15-20, corals to detritus). The
combination of fish with nonfish and the distinction of the food type in a group depend primarily
on the contrast of (1) intuitive use of more than one aggregation criterion, and (2) objective
combination of groups by a single aggregation criterion. The choice of method depends on the
objective of the modelling effort. Method 1 produces a more detailed view of the system where
ecological criteria, such as size, lifestyle and, to some extent, habitat (e.g., pelagic vs.
demersal) are explicitly considered. If one aims, though, to produce an energy pyramid of the
system considered, where energy transfer efficiencies and flow rates between distinct trophic
levels are of interest, method 2 is certainly the better choice.
PARAMETER ESTIMATION.Tables 3.34 and 3.35 list the outputs for the three key parameters, as
well as EEs and additional parameters. The percent food intake of prey for 20 predator groups
(database of a food matrix) may be found in Appendix Table 8.8.3. Fig. 3.7 shows the 20-box
model of the PRVl coral reef as obtained by method 2.
Table 3.34. Results of the ECOPATH II parameter estimation for a 20-box model of a Caribbean coral reef (method 2: ECOPATH II aggregation routine);
PIB = productionlbiomass ratio, QIB = consumptionlunit biomass, EE = ecotrophic efficiency (part of production consumed by predators).
Aggregation 26
Aggregation 24
Aggregation 20
Aggregation 22
Engraulidae, herbivorous
Aggregation 25
Aggregation 21
Coralslsea anemones
Benthic autotrophs
Detritus, DOM, POM
" Number of groups refers to original groups from the 50-box model
Table 3 35. Results of the ECOPATH II parameter estimation for a 20-box model of a Caribbean coral reef method 2 (ECOPATH II aggregation routine).
Additional parameters
Import to detritus: 475 g m 2 , other imports to boxes are 0. catches for all boxes are 0. Excretion = 5% and egestion = 15% (nonassimilated food, default
vaues) of the food intake of each box
Aggregation 26 3.45
Aggregation 24 3.57
Aggregation 20 2.08
Aggregation 22 2.05
Engraulidae, herbivorous 2.32
Aggregation 25 2.48
Aggregat~on21 3 02
Amphipods/~sopods/tanaids/pycnogonids 2.28
Gastropods 2.37
Chitonslscaphopods 2.38
Polychaeteslpriapuloidslophiuroids 2.35
Bivalves 2.10
Ascidianslbarnacleslbryozoans 2.34
Sponges 2 00
Coralslsea anemones 2.34
Zooplankton 2.60
Microfauna 2.00
Phytoplankton 1.oo
Benthic autotrophs 1.00
Detritus, POM. DOM 1 00
Table 3.35 continued
sea anemones I
Fig. 3.7. Graphical representation of a 20-box model of a Caribbean coral reef as obtained by method 2
(ECOPATH II aggregation routine). The area of each box is proportional to the logarithm of the biomass (B, in
gm-2WW)of each group. Values represent the average for all subsystems in Fig. 2.1. Flows are in gm-2year1WW.
Incoming flows (entering bottom half of a box) represent at least 90% of the diet of a group.
SYSTEM PROPERTIES.System properties, such as summary statistics, network flow indices
and size of flows from primary producers, detritus and all flows combined for a 20-box model as
obtained by method 2, are shown in Appendix Tables 8.9.4 to 8.9.6. These properties showed
only small differences in relation to the 50-box model and to the 20-box model as obtained by
method 1. This is mainly due to the fact that both methods of aggregation maintain a given
throughput during the aggregation process. Table 3.36 presents the transfer efficiencies
between discrete trophic levels.
Transfer efficiencies by discrete trophic levels for primary producers were somewhat higher
(1% to 6.5%) than in the 50-box model. Compared to the 20-box model obtained by method 1,
differences varied from 5% to 14%. For detritus, transfer efficiencies showed differences to the
50-box model of -1% to +4% and to the 20-box model, obtained by method 1, of -1% to +14%.
For combined flows, differences of transfer efficiencies varied from -1% to +5% compared to the
50-box model, and from -1% to +14% for the 20-box model as obtained by method 1.
Differences in transfer efficiencies were more pronounced for levels V, VI and VII when
compared to the 50-box model (+5% to +9%), and for levels IV to VII when the 20-
box model as obtained by method 1 (+lo% to +14%). These more pronounced differences
between the 20-box models, obtained by two different aggregation methods, may as well be due
to efficiencies computed after removing flows involved in cycles. Since the two methods
produced somewhat differing groups, the efficiencies should also be different.
MIXEDTROPHIC IMPACTS. Fig. 3.8 shows, as its predecessors of the 50-box model and the 20-
box model obtained by method 1, the direct and indirect impacts on the biomass of prey groups
by a raise of biomass of the predator group. As for the 20-box model obtained by method 1, the
present figure was included for a better visualization of impacts, when the system is reduced to
20 boxes by the ECOPATH II aggregation routine and for comparison with the 20-box model as
obtained by method 1.
Table 3.37. Composition of groups of an 11-box model of a Caribbean coral reef obtained by method 1 (cluster analysis + intuition); names of
subgroups refer to original groups in the 50-box model.
Group Group
no Predatorlprey group no. Predatorlprey group
Benthic omnivores
Gastropods +
I 2 Aggregation 24
3 Aggregation 20
4 Aggregatlon 22
5 Engraulidae, herbivorous
6 Aggregation 25
I 7 Aggregatlon 21
8 Small benthic arthropods
9 Gastropods
10 Chitonslscaphopods
11 Polychaeteslpriapuloidsl
12 Bivalves
13 Ascidianslbarnaclesl
14 Sponges
I 15 Coralslanemones
16 Zooplankton
17 Decomposerslmicrofauna
18 Phytoplankton
19 Benthic producers
20 Detritus
PARAMETER ESTIMATION. Tables 3.38 and 3.40 present inputloutput estimates for the three key
parameters as well as EEs and additional parameters and ratios. Input values did not have to be
modified to equilibrate the system, therefore the same tables are valid for input as well as for
output. The same is true for the diet matrix (Table 3.39).
Fig. 3.9 shows the 11-box model as produced by method 1.
SYSTEM PROPERTIES. Summary statistics, network flow indices and size of flows for primary
producers, detritus and all flows combined for an 11-box model, obtained by method 1, are
presented in Appendix Tables 8.9.7 to 8.9.9. The results, again, showed only small differences
when compared to the previous models. Table 3.41 presents the transfer efficiencies between
discrete trophic levels.
Overall, transfer efficiencies for primary producers showed only negligible differences when
compared to the 20-box model obtained by the same method. The only more pronounced
differences could be observed in level V for detritus (+8%) and consequently for all flows
combined (+7%) and in level VII for all flows combined (-10%). The differences may be because
before computing the transfer efficiencies, ECOPATH II removes the flows involved in cycles. A
difference in group composition between the two methods must therefore result in differing
transfer efficiencies.
MIXEDTROPHIC IMPACTS. Fig. 3.10 shows the direct and indirect impacts on the biomass of
prey groups by a raise of biomass of the predator group for an II-box model obtained by
method 1. As for the 20-box models, the figure was included here for comparison with the
previous models.
COMPOSITION OF GROUPS. Table 3.42 shows the composition of groups for an 11-box model
resulting from a further reduction of the number of boxes by the ECOPATH II aggregation
routine. At this level of reduction, fish groups are strongly fused with nonfish ones. The tendency
to produce groups of similar food type is maintained. Aggregation 12 (group 1) represents a
very large group (large in the sense of containing the highest number of groups from the 50-box
model) of carnivores. Group 2 (aggregation 20) holds the herbivores consisting of few groups,
then group 3 (aggregation 15), the omnivores. Group 4 (aggregation 11) is a mixture of
phytoplankton-feeding engraulids with detritivorous and phytoplanktivorous bivalves, ascidians,
barnacles and bryozoans. Group 5 (aggregation 13) consists of invertebrates feeding
predominantly on autotrophs. Groups 6-11 were maintained as in the 50-box model. Except for
the sponges (group 6), which were pooled with other detritivores in the 20- and 11-box models
of method 1, these groups are represented as single boxes in the 11-box models from both
methods. Both 11-box models contain similar qualitative groupings although, as stated above,
the detritivores are not separated from the herbivores due to the assignment of the same trophic
level to both food types in method 2.
Tables 3.43, 3.44 and Appendix Table 8.8.5 show the ECOPATH II
outputs for the II-box model. Fig. 3.11 presents the second of the two II-box models of a
Caribbean coral reef.
Table 3.38. Results of the ECOPATH II parameter estimation for an 11-box model of a Caribbean coral reef (method 1: cluster analysis +
intuition); average values are weighted by biomass; PIB = productionlbiomass ratio, QIB = consumptionlunit biomass, EE = ecotrophic
efficiency (part of production consumed by predators).
Table 3.39. Diet composition matrix for an 11-box model of a Caribbean coral reef, method 1 (cluster analysis + intuition)
Table 3.40. Results of the ECOPATH II parameter estimation for an 11-box model of a Caribbean coral reef, method 1 (cluster analysis + intuition).
Additional parameters. Import to detritus: 475 g m Z ,other imports to boxes are 0: catches for all boxes are 0
Excretion = 5% and egestion = 15% (nonassimilated food, default values) of the food intake of each box.
"g.m 2.year1WW)
Table 3.40 continued
- -
nC Benthic
Benth~cproducers Detr~tus
B=1.300 B=2,000
Fig. 3.9. Graphical representation of an Il-box model as obtained by method 1 (cluster analysis + intuition).
The area of each box is proportional to the logarithm of the biomass (B, in S ~ - ~ W of
) group. Values
represent the average for all subsystems in Fig. 2.1. Flows are in gm-2year1WW.Incoming flows (entering
bottom half of a box) represent at least 95% of the diet of a group.
Table 3.41. Transfer efficiencies (%) by discrete trophic level for an 11-box model (method 1)
1 Apex predators
2 School pelagics
3 Benthic carnivores
4 Benthic invertebrates
5 Benthic herbivores
6 Benthic detritivores
7 Zooplankton
8 Decomposers/rnicrofauna
9 Phytoplankton
10 Benthic producers
11 Detritus
Group Group
no. Predatorlprey group no. Predatorlprey group
Aggregation 12 Aggregation 15
Aggregation 20
Hemiramphrdae, herbivorous +
Kyphosidae, herbivorous + Microfauna
Large Scaridae, herbivorous +
lntermediate Scaridae, herbivorous + Phytoplankton
Small Scaridae, herbivorous +
Echinoids + Benthic autotrophs
Table 3.43. Results of the ECOPATH II parameter estimation for an 11-box model of a Caribbean coral reef (method 2: ECOPATH
II aggregation routine); PIB = productionlbiomass ratio, QIB = consumpt~onlunitbiomass, EE = ecotrophic efficiency (part of
production consumed by predators).
Aggregation 20
Aggregation 15
Aggregation 11
Aggregation 13
Benthic autotrophs
Detritus, DOM, POM
Aggregation 12
Aggregation 20
Aggregation 15
Aggregation 11
Aggregation 13
Benthic autotrophs
Detritus, POM, DOM
SYSTEM PROPERTIES. System properties such as summary statistics, network flow indices and
size of flows for primary producers, detritus and all flows combined are listed in Appendix Tables
8.9.1 0 to 8.9.12. Table 3.45 presents the transfer efficiencies between discrete trophic levels.
Table 3.45. Transfer efficiencies (%) by discrete trophic level for an 11-box model (method 2).
6 Sponges
7 Zooplankton
8 Decomposers1
9 Phytoplankton
10 Benlhlc producers
Fig. 3.12. Mixed trophic impacts of an 11-box model
(method 2) of a Caribbean coral reef showing the 11 oetr1tus
direct and indirect impacts an increase in the biomass
of the groups to the left of the histograms will have
on the groups above the histograms.
The models presented in the "Results1'section show that it is possible to construct a
quantitative steady-state model of a coral reef system from published data and parameter
estimates based largely on multivariate statistics.
4.1. Compatibility of the Models with the PRVI Coral Reef System
In the following, selected outputs will be compared to "external" estimates, i.e., values not
used to produce the models, to assess the "match" between the models and real coral reef
ecosystems (unexploited segments of the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands [PRVI] reef area and coral
reef ecosystems in general).
Benthic autotrophs showed a relatively high ecotrophic efficiency (EE) of 0.36 in the five
models. According to Jacobsen and Browder (1987), only 5%-10% of net productivity of
Thalassia is consumed directly. This corresponds to an EE of 0.05-0.1. Seagrasses formed a
sizable fraction of benthic autotrophs but it is well possible that a considerably stronger grazing
pressure was exerted on the algae, the other elements of this box. The reef contains a
specialized fish fauna feeding directly on benthic plants: mixed aggregations of acanthurids,
scarids, chaetodontids, for example, graze on coral-algal reef flats like sheep on a meadow (see
e.g., Earle 1972).
Based on rotenone sampling, Randall (1963b) obtained a reef fish biomass of 160 gm-* and
158 gm-2for two fringing reef areas in the Virgin Islands. Small pelagics as well as large apex
predators (sharks, rays, scombrids, jacks) were not included in this figure. These values were
not used as biomass inputs for the models presented here because (1) the estimates referred
only to a single subsystem and, more important, (2) an independent estimate of reef fish
biomass was needed for validation of the models' outputs (subsequent comparison of results
from the model with "external" estimates). Only by using independent estimates can the
compatibility of both be checked and thus the results confirmed or rejected.
The models' output of total fish biomass amounted to 104 gm-2,including small pelagics
and apex predators for an average system composed of the five subsystems in Fig. 2.1.
Demersal reef fish biomass was 75 gm-2.This value was only 47% of Randall's (1963b)
estimate. Although his figure was based on a rotenone sampling from the subsystem "coral reef"
where biomasses for typical reef fishes usually are higher than for an average square meter
from five subsystems, his figure was probably still an underestimate of the real values.
Apparently, the two reefs were sampled by fish poison only once each. Even sampling by
poison will underestimate fish biomass on a reef probably due to escape of larger individuals or,
in case of small cryptic species, by flight into hiding places, where they subsequently die
undetected (Pauly 1984).
Smith (1973) showed that not all individuals present in a specific reef area are killed by the
first application of poison. For a more realistic estimate of population size, sampling has to be
repeated. A "Leslie" plot of catchleffort (catch per application of poison) versus cumulative catch
can be used to obtain an estimate of real population size from the intersection of the resulting
regression line with the abscissa, as was shown by Pauly (1984) for two coral reef fish species
(see Fig. 4.1).
From Fig. 4.1, a ratio between the first sample and the initial population size of 0.31 for reef
eels and of 0.32 for bluehead wrasse can be estimated. Applying the mean ratio of 0.315 to
Randall's fish biomass estimate of 160 gm-2yielded an initial fish biomass of 533 gm-2.
Another evaluation of reef fish standing stock, carried out by Dammann (1969, cited in
Lewis 1981) yielded a fish biomass for a Virgin Islands fringing reef of 38 gm-2.Since this paper
was not available to me, I cannot discuss the methodology involved. Note, however, that the fish
biomass estimated here is intermediate between Randall's and Dammann's estimates of fish
Fast and Pagan-Font (1973, cited in Jacobsen and Browder 1987) obtained a biomass
estimate for a natural reef in Puerto Rico of 23.3 gm-2.Fishing pressure on reef fish in Puerto
Rico is more pronounced than in the Virgin Islands, and this is sufficient to explain the lower
Jacobsen and Browder (1987, p. 34) stated that "herbivorous fishes dominate tropical reef
faunas throughout the world". They do not specify in what sense, if in numbers or in biomass. I
assume they are referring to biomass.
The strictly herbivorous reef fish of the families Scaridae and Acanthuridae in Randall's
study made up between 20.7% (33.1: I 60.1 gm-2)and 28.7% (45.4:157.8 gm-2)of reported fish
biomass. The biomass estimate of herbivores for the first reef area of 33.1 gm-2compares very
well with the models' estimate of 32.6 gm-2(demersals only), although this figure contains
additional species from other families. Herbivorous fish biomass of the model amounts to 43.4%
(32.6:75.1 gm-2)of total reef fish biomass (demersals only) whereas herbivorous fish contribute
to total number of demersal reef species only with 12% (30 out of 243). The model's output for
herbivorous reef fish biomass is thus compatible with "externalJ'estimates.
In the following, features of our PRVl coral reef model will be compared to those of other
coral reefs. Table 4.1 presents a comparison of selected outputs of three coral reef models,
I3 Bluehead wrasses
Reef eels
2 -
Cumulative catch
Fig. 4.1.Leslie plots for reef eels (Kaupichthys hyoproroides) and bluehead wrasses (Thalassoma
bifasciatum) from an isolated Bahamian reef patch, with estimates of unexploited population size
(reproduced from Fig. 6.1 in Pauly 1984).
Table 4.1. Comparison of properties of three coral reef models, analyzed by ECOPATH II.
"Estimates in this column refer to 50 boxes. Values for 20 and 11 boxes differ only slightly.
bNo estimate available.
"Computed here as capacity (100%) - ascendency (44%).
analyzed by ECOPATH II, such as (1) our PRVl coral reef system; (2) the French Frigate Shoals
(FFS) in Hawaii (Pauly et al. 1993a); and (3) segments of the Bolinao coral reef system (AliAo et
al. 1993) in the Philippines.
Table 4.1 shows that the PRVl system is large in terms of throughput when compared to
Bolinao and FFS. Total biomass and fish biomass are highest in the PRVl system, although the
ratio of fish biomass to total biomass is highest for FFS. It is surprising that such a high fish
biomass is maintained by such a small biomass of nonfish groups. Estimates of P/B and Q/B
differ to some degree for those ecological groups from both models which can be compared
directly (see tables in Pauly et al. 1993a). If P/B of prey groups is higher and Q/B is lower than
in the PRVl model, the ecological efficiency (production/consumption) is increased and thus, the
same biomass of predators can be maintained by a smaller biomass of prey groups. The
inverse seems to be the case for the Bolinao model in which a very low fish biomass is
maintained by a large nonfish biomass. This very low fish biomass is the result of the strong
overfishing of the fish resources of the Bolinao reef system (McManus et al. 1992).
Ascendency is, as stated before, a measure of average mutual information in a system.
Ulanowicz and Norden (1990) supposed systems, in the absence of major perturbations, to
mature in the direction of increasing ascendency. This would imply that the Bolinao system is
the most mature, the PRVl area intermediate and the FFS system the most immature. On the
other hand, FFS is situated close to the northern limit for coral reefs and hence, production,
respiration, etc. and, in consequence, ascendency are low compared to PRVl and Bolinao. This
indicates that caution must be taken when using ascendency as an index of maturity
(Christensen 1995).
Parrish et al. (1986), in their study on "piscivory in a Hawaiian coral reef fish community",
found that 12%-31% of the biomass of the reef fish community of the four stations sampled
consisted of piscivores. Piscivory is not considered as a separate feeding type in the model of a
Caribbean coral reef presented here; rather as part of carnivory. Our findings can thus not be
directly compared. However, one can estimate from the output diet composition (DC) matrix of
the 50-box model (Table 3.23) that about one-third of the diet of the carnivorous-omnivorous fish
(referring only to demersal groups) consists of fish. Piscivory amounts thus to 18.7% of
demersal reef fish biomass. This figure is well within the range reported by Parrish et al. (1986).
As stated, (large) herbivorous reef fish are not a preferred food item of piscivorous reef fish,
as demonstrated by the respective input and output percentages of this prey item in the DC
matrix of the 50-box model (see "Results" section). This is further reflected by the "standardized
forage ratios" (SI) computed by ECOPATH II for each predator in relation to its prey groups. This
ratio indicates a preference or avoidance of a potential prey group. In contrast to Ivlev's
electivity index, this ratio is independent of prey density. Table 4.2 shows the ratios for all groups
of herbivorous fish in the 50-box model in relation to their predator groups.
The majority of values in Table 4.2 are negative, and several values are positive but close
to zero. Many of these were increased (as shown by the "+" sign in Table 4.2) due to a raise of
the respective diet fraction performed to reduce predation pressure on carnivorous fish groups
(see "Results"). Since a value of -1 for S,corresponds to total avoidance of a prey group and SI=
0 to nonselective feeding, this confirms that herbivorous fishes are indeed not a preferred food
item for the majority of carnivorous predators.
Interestingly, Parrish et al. (1986) stated, with reference to Hawaiian reefs, that a number of-
herbivorous and omnivorous species from the families Scaridae, Acanthuridae, Chaetodontidae,
etc. "are not eaten in significant quantity by abundant predators"! They stated further that "these
non-piscivorous fishes consume considerable food resources; the route by which these
resources pass on through the trophic system remains in doubt". Parrish et al.'s findings
confirmed the model's results on low EEs for larger herbivorous fish groups.
If not esteemed as food source by higher trophic levels, herbivorous reef fish seem to be
more strongly involved in other processes on the reef. Gygi (1975) estimated the erosion of
coral reefs (i.e., sediment production), generated by the stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride on
two reef types in Bermuda, as a side-effect of its feeding habits: "The fish scrape away algae
and some of the rock below with strong, beak-like jaws, and crush the mouthful in the
pharyngeal mill. Swallowed rock bits are used as a milling agent to rip up algal cells". The
excreted sediment is then deposited as sand. For an algal-vermetid rock flat with coral-algal
patch reefs, Gygi determined a parrotfish standing stock of 20 gm-2WW.The resulting erosion
from this fish biomass was computed to be 5,814 gha-'day-'. This corresponded to an erosion of
0.58 gm-2day-1and to 212 gm-=year1.The model's output biomass for scarids was ca. 30 gm-2.
Table 4.2. Standardized forage ratios for herbivorous reef fish groups as computed by ECOPATH II for a 50-box model of a
Caribbean coral reef.
Large sharkslrays
lntermediate jacks
lntermediate reef fish carnivorous 1
Intermediate reef fish carnivorous 2
Large reef fish carnivorous
lntermediate reef fish carnivorous 3
Small reef fish carnivorous 1
Large groupers
Small reef fish omnivorous 1
Sea birds
Table 4.3. Comparison of natural mortalities M (= PIB values) of selected groups of herbivorous and
carnivorous reef fish from the outputs of the balanced 50-box model (Tables 3.18 and 3.22).
The high fish species diversity within the PRVl coral reef system was successfully reduced
into fewer groups with similar energetic requirements. It is difficult to parametrize and combine
ecological information of various dimensions, e.g., spatial, temporal, energetic in a given model.
Emphasis should focus on one aspect, depending on the objectives of the model. In the present
case, the emphasis was on energy flow and trophic relations. The model reflects to some extent
the spatial aspect by the separation of pelagics and demersals and by the explicit consideration
of subsystems. The division in two distinct horizontal levels is also reflected by consumption
requirements and prey items.
The aggregation of nonfish taxa was achieved by considering as well as possible the
energetic aspect, leading to more or less distinct trophic groups. Taxa were aggregated
intuitively based on criteria known to be related to energetic requirements. This was only
achieved for higher taxonomic categories, since estimates at the species level were generally
unavailable. A first attempt to leave the taxonomic level and proceed to an ataxonomic approach
for combining elements, including fish and nonfish, was realized in the 20- and 10-box models
of methods 1 and 2.
Parrish et al. (1986) emphasized the impact of predator abundance on predation pressure
for a Hawaiian coral reef system. I agree with these authors. Indeed, it is not only abundance (in
weight) of a predator which is of importance, but also its food requirements (QIB). Within
species groups, a weighting factor could be calculated for every species of the model from
average biomasses and QIB estimates to determine the "throughput" of every species in a
group. The percentages of respective prey items (DC matrix) were then weighted by these
factors (see "Materials and methods"). Between species groups, this relationship is produced by
the key input parameters for each group (biomass, mortality = PIB ratio, and QIB).
Thus, ECOPATH II and some of the methods developed in the course of the work leading to
this report provide possible solutions for a variety of problems related to ecosystem analysis.
lnput values for nonfish taxa had to be assembled from a wide geographical range for a
wide variety of taxa. Preparation of input values was based on various qualitative and
quantitative assumptions. The match between these data and the actual rates and states on the
ground is not necessarily close. However, balancing of the model forced the various rates for
these groups to become mutually compatible. It is assumed that this process also rendered
them more similar to the values on the ground.
From the above considerations, the following theoretical research topics may be
1. Determination of appropriate scales: How can a suitable ecological system
unit be determined for modelling, and how does one deal with migrations? The
system unit should not be too small because of stochastic effects, and not too
large because of possible loss of genuine system identity. Is it possible to
identify objective criteria?
2. Construction of groups: Objective methods for assembling of nonfish groups
should be developed. Ataxonomical aggregation of reef nonfish taxa should be
initiated at the specific level, as was done for the fishes. Nonfish taxa tend to
strongly differ in their anatomy (they represent a much larger systematical
range than fishes). If one aims to assemble ecologically similar groups, one
must base the aggregation process on ecological features, not on morphologi-
cal ones. The figure below shows possible combinations between construction
plan and ecology by connecting all features.
varied I > a r i e d
ral m
i is" '
An objective procedure for the construction of groups would be as follows: (1) determination
of relevant ecological variables (depending on one's objective); (2) application of a factor
analysis to identify independent variables; (3) cluster analysis to aggregate species, and
eventually; (4) discriminant analysis to determine if clusters differ significantly.
Several times in the foregoing, it was pointed out that the input data for nonfish groups
were too scattered, often based on risky assumptions and therefore quite unreliable. To improve
this situation, the database for inputs must be improved. This opens a wide area for future
practical research. In the first place, the existing literature could be searched more thoroughly
for estimates and data sets on the species level.
Needed are, furthermore, analyses of diet, food consumption requirements, abundances
and biomass, growth performance, etc., of reef invertebrates and other nonfish taxa, preferably
at the species level.
Other areas requiring work are length-weight data and growth parameters for reef fish
species which may not be of interest for fisheries, and rigorous studies of the DC of apex
The initial biomasses of fish groups had to be changed considerably to balance the 50-box
model. Biomasses of groups, including small pelagic or cryptic fish species, were strongly
increased whereas biomasses of groups, including large- to intermediate-sized fish species
(both carnivores and herbivores), were decreased, more or less proportional to the size of the
fishes. The input biomasses of the large, highly motile predators had to be decreased the most.
Densities, used to compute biomasses of small pelagic fish species, were assumed to
correspond to the highest abundance level encountered for reef fish species. More realistic
estimates of abundance of small pelagic stocks in a given area should be obtained by the
application of, e.g., hydroacoustic techniques (Thorne 1979).
The need to increase input biomasses of groups, including cryptic species, is not surprising:
very small, cryptic species tend to be overlooked during visual censuses, and other methods
should be used for biomass estimation (e.g., successive rotenone sampling and a Leslie plot,
see above).
The case of large, highly motile predators is as straightforward. It could be that the SCUBA
divers performing the censuses actually attract faraway apex predators (whose sense of smell
and hearing is geared, indeed, to detect faraway, potential preys).
It could also be that census surveys in general, or at least those whose results were used in
the present study, do not account appropriately for potential effect on estimated biomass of a
brief sighting of a large or very large fish, compared with much longer sightings of smaller fish.
If so, one could imagine a correction factor, proportional to the inverse of the sighting time
of any recorded fish, which would lead to estimates of "effective" biomass, i.e., to estimates of
the biomass relying on a given reef for its food.
Last but not least, catch data must be considered, since there 1s fishing activity in the area.
If it is not possible to obtain such data at the species level, attempts should be made to report
catch data for ecological guilds, i.e., at the generic or family level. The f ~ s hspecies are divided
into three main groups: (1) apex predators, loosely related to the reef; (2) a mainly carnivorous
group comprising around 70%-80% of reef fish species; and (3) a mainly herbivorous group
comprising a little more than 10% of species but around 40% of total fish biomass. This division
could be utillzed for other purposes. The specles-rich cluster of (predominately) carnivores
could be grouped by species of the same family or genus and thus better be matched with
species clusters used in fisheries statistics. Appeldoorn and Lindeman (1985) referred to
species clusters known from fisheries statistics "in many respects to behave similar to a
unispecies stock with size selective mortality". They identified species clusters to "approximating
an ecological guild". Many of the model's fish groups contain several species of a family or
genus. Examples are members of the families Haemulidae, Muraenidae, Blenniidae, Scaridae,
Serranidae, etc. Note that, for fisheries management purposes, it is generally advisable to
separate fish groups from nonfish groups.
What are the mechanisms by which stock size of, e.g., herbivorous reef fish is controlled,
since predation pressure on these groups is rather low? Are they food- or recruitment-limited?
In future models, the ecological position of the different developmental stages of a fish
species could be modelled by treating each stage as a different species with different inputs.
These inputs could be prepared and stages clustered according to, e.g., energetic
Seasonal differences (e.g., rainy and dry seasons) could be modelled by producing one
model for each season or month (as done by Jarre-Teichmann and Pauly 1993 for the Peru
New insights into structure and functioning of a coral reef as an ecosystem unit were
achieved by the modelling process. By modifying inputs deducted from published information on
the system (these changes are fully documented in the input-output tables in the "Results"
section), a hypothetical reef could be constructed. Overall, the model presented here can be
assumed to represent the specific coral reef system from which the majority of information was
gathered. This hypothetical reef can now be tested and improved.
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Table 8.1.1. Length-weight data of Caribbean reef fishes after Beebe and Tee-Van (1928)
Observed Estimated
Length Weight L- w-
Family Species (Wa (9) (cm) mb ab.~
Decapterus punctatus
Oligoplites s a w s
Selar crumenophthalmus
Trachinotus falcatus
continued ..
Table 8.1.1 continued
Observed Estimated
Length Weight Lm
Family Species (cm). (g) (cm) (db ab.c
Haemulon plumieri
Haemulon sciurus
Pomadasys cofvinaeformis
Lachnolaimus maximus
Thalassoma bifasciatum
Lutjanus analis
Lutjanus apodus
Lutjanus campechanus
Lutjanus griseus
Lutjanus jocu
Lutjanus synagris
Ocyurus chrysurus
Aluterus scripta
Cantherines pullus
Monacanthus ciliatus
Table 8.1 .I continued
Observed Estimated
Length Weight L* w-
Family Species (cm). (9) (cm) (g)b ab,c
Stegastes fuscus
Sparisoma chrysopterum
Sparisoma viride
Scomberomorus regalis
Thunnus obesus
Scorpaena grandicornis
Scorpaena plumier;
Cephalopholis fulva
Epinephelus guttatus
Epinephelus itajara
Epinephelus morio
Epinephelus striatus
Mycteroperca venenosa
Paranthias furcifer
Serranus tabacarius
Serranus tigrinus
Length Weight
Family Species (cm) (9)
Acanthuridae Acanthurus bahianus
Acanthurus chirurgus
Acanthurus coeruleus
Chaetodon sedentarrus
Chaetodon striatus
Table 8.1.2 continued
Haernulon steindachneri
Haemulon strlatum
Hemlrarnphus balao
Hemiramphus brasiliensis
Table 8.1.2 continued
Clepticus parrae
Halichoeres bivittatus
Halichoeres garnoti
Halichoeres maculipinna
Halichoeres poeyi
Halichoeres radiatus
Lachnolaimus maximus
Thalassoma bifasciatum
Xyrichtys novacula
Xyrichtys splendens
Lutjanus apodus
Lutjanus cyanopterus
Lutjanus griseus
Lutjanus jocu 79 !
Lutjanus mahagoni 38 !
Lutjanus synagris 36
Ocyurus chrysurus 76 /
Pomacanthus arcuatus
Pomacanthus paru
Stegastes leucostictus
Stegastes planifrons
Stegastes variabilis
Heteropriacanthus cruentatus
Priacanthus arenatus
Scarus guacamaia
Scarus iserti
Scarus taeniopterus
Scarus vetula
Sparisoma aurofrenatum
Sparisoma chiysopterum
Sparisoma radians
Sparisoma rubripinne
Sparisoma vir~de
Table 8.1.2 continued
Mycteroperca bonaci
Mycteroperca cidi
Mycteroperca interstitialis
Mycteroperca phenax
Mycteroperca bra
Mycteroperca tigris
Mycteroperca venenosa
Paranthias furcjfer
Serranus dewegeri
Serranus tabacarius
Serranus tigrinus
Serranus tortugarum
"Calculated only when an estimate of 'a' or W was needed for combined asymptotic sizes from various authors (Table 3.5).
! = specimen measured by Randall. SL = standard length.
* - - world record (hook and line). ma = mean 'a' from several LNV pairs.
I = approximate maximum size. as = 'b' from equation (2.3),assumed equal to 3.0.
+ = rather more than the recorded size. VI = Virgin Islands.
- - rather less than the recorded size. 9 = female.
( ) = 'said to reach' the recorded size. d = male.
FL = fork length.
Table 8.1.3.Length-weight data of Caribbean reef fishes after Smith and Tyler (1972)
Length Weight
Fish Species (ern). (9) ah
Table 8.1.3 continued
Length Weight
Fish Species (cm). (9) ab
Gobiosoma evelynae
Gobiosoma horsti
Gobiosoma saucrum
Lythrypnus elasson
Lythrypnus nesiotes
Lythrypnus sp.
Quisquilius hipoliti
Risor ruber
Neoniphon marianus
Thalassoma bifasciatum
Chromis multilineata
Pomacentrus partitus
Stegastes planifrons
Stegastes variabilis
Table 8.1.3 continued
Length Weight
Fish Species (cmY (9)
Length Weight L, wm
Family Species (cm) (9) ( W (9)' a=.b
Table 8.1.4 continued
Family Species (cm)
"Calculated only when an estimate of 'a' or W was needed for combined asymptotic sizes from various authors (Table 3.5).
b'a'computed with equation (2.4); 'b' assumed equal to 3.0.
! = specimen measured by the authors.
I = approximate maximum size.
+ = rather more than the recorded size.
- = rather less than the recorded size.
Table 8.1.5.Length-weight data of Caribbean reef fishes after FA0 species identification sheets (Fischer 1978).
continued ...
Table 8.1.5 continued
Hemiramphidae Hemiram~hbsbalao
Hyporamphus unifasciatus
Table 8.1.5continued
Epinephelus striatus
Mycteroperca bonaci
Mycteroperca cidi
Mycteroperca interstitialis
Table 8.1.5 continued
+ = rather more than the recorded size. FL = fork length
- = rather less than the recorded size. Q = female.
( ) = 'reported' to reach the recorded size. d = male.
SL= standard length.
Table 8 1 6 Length-we~ghtdata of Car~bbeanreef fishes after Munro (1983)
L, wp M F Z
Fam~ly Specles (cm) a (9) a b K M F
continued ...
Table 8.1.6 continued
Lm ww M F Z
Family Species (cm) a (9) a b K M F
Ocyurus chrysurus
Pristipomoides macrophthalmus
Rhomboplites aurorubens
Pseudupeneus maculatus
Scarus coeruleus
Scarus guacamaia
Scams iserti
Sparisoma viride
Blenniidae Hypleurochilus sp
Table 8.2.1 continued
A Length A
Family Species (Fischer) (cm) Sex (Randall)
Table 8.3.1 continued
A Length A
Family Species (Fischer) (cm) Sex (Randall)
Table 8.3.1 continued
A Length A
Family Species (Fischer) (cm) Sex (Randall)
Hemiramphus brasiliensis
Hyporamphus unifasciatus
Hemipteronotus martinicensis Q
Lachnolaimus maximus
Thalassoma bifasciatum 9
Lutjanidae Lutjanus analis
Lutjanus apodus
Lutjanus campechanus
Lufianus cyanopterus
Lufianus griseus
Lutjanus jocu
Lutjanus mahagoni
Lutjanus synagris
Ocyurus chrysurus
A Length A
Family Species (Fischer) (cm) Sex (Randall)
Opistognathus rnaxillosus
Opisthognathus whitehurstii
Lactophrys triqueter
Table 8.3.1continued
A Length A
Family Species (Fischer) (cm) Sex (Randall)
Q = female.
d = male.
Appendix 8.4
Table 8.4.1.Food consumption of Caribbean reef fishes (without accounting for omnivory); QIB values represent mean population consumption of the
corresponding species; mean environmental temperature = 28%.
- Assumed (derived from other members of genus or family)
Appendix 8.5. List of species of nonfish taxa.
Table 8.5.1. Benthic primary producers in fish stomachs of West Indian reef fishes (based on Randall 1967); occurrence refers to
number of fish species with respective item in stomach.
- -
Taxon and class Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Algae Algae *
Rhodophytaa Acanthophora spicifera
Acrochaetium sp.
Amphiroa fragilissima
Anacystis marina
Anacystis sp.
Asterocystis ramosa
Chlorophytab A vrainvillea nigricans
Avrainvillea rawsonii
Avrainvillea sp.
Cyanophytac Bluegreens
Botryocladia occidentalis
Chlorophyta B~yopsispennata
Bryopsis sp.
Btyothamnion triquetrum
Rhodophyta Callithamnion sp.
Calothrix crustacea
Calothrix sp.
Chlorophyta Caulerpa cupressoides
Caulerpa mexicana
Caulerpa prolifera
Caulerpa racemosa
Caulerpa serfularioides
Caulerpa sp.
Caulerpa taxifolia
Caulerpa vickersiae
Rhodophyta Centroceras clavulatum
Centroceras sp.
Ceramium byssoideum
Ceramium fastigiatum
Ceramium nitens
Ceramium sp.
Chlorophyta Chaetomorpha sp.
Rhodophyta Champia parvula
Chondria littoralis
Chondria sp.
Chlorophyta Cladophora delicatula
Cladophora sp.
Codium intertextum
Codium isthmocladum
Coelothrix irregularis
Colpomenia sinuosa
Rhodophyta Corallina cubensis
Corallina subulata
Cryptonemia crenulata
Dichothrix penicillata
Dichothrix sp.
Dictyopteris delicatula
Dictyopteris justii
Dictyopteris plagiogramma
Dictyopteris sp.
Chlorophyta Dictyosphaeria favulosa
Phaeophyta Dictyota bartayresii
Dictyota ciliata
Dictyota dentata
Dictyota divaricata
Dictyota linearis
Dictyota sp.
Table 8.5.1 continued
Taxon and class Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Table 8.5.1 continued
Taxon and class Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Sargassum polycerafium
Sargassum pteropleuron
Sargassum rigidulum
Sargassum sp.
Spatoglossum schroderi
Rhodophyta Spermothamnion investiens
Phaeophyta Sphacelaria tribuloides
Sphacelaria sp.
Spirulina sp.
Rhodophyta Spyridia filamentosa
Phaeophyta Turbinaria turbinata
Chlorophyta Udotea flabellum
Ulva lactuca
Ulva sp.
Valonia utricularis
Valonia ventricosa
Vidalia obtusiloba
Rhodophyta Wrangelia argus
Taxon Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Mycale sp
Hydrozoans Hydroids
Millepora alcicornis
Pennaria sp.
Sertularia sp.
(Sea fans) Eunicea calyculata
Gorgonia flabellum
Muricea atlantica
Muricea laxa
Muricea sp.
Plexaura flexuosa
Pferogorgia sp.
(Leather corals)
(Sea anemones) Bunodactis stelloides
Bunodosoma granulifera
Palythoa sp.
Phyllactis flosculifera
Rhodactis sanctithomae
Zoanthus pulchellus
Zoanthus sociatus
Zoanthus sp.
(Stony corals) Cladocora arbuscula
Colpophyllia sp.
Oculina diffusa
Aspidosiphon cumingi
Aspidosiphon sp.
Aspidosiphon speciosus
Aspidosiphon spinososcutatus
Siphonosoma cumanensis
Acanthochiton hemphilli
Acanthochitona pygrnaea
Acanthochitona sp.
Calloplax janeirensis
Choneplax lata
lschnochiton papillosus
lschnochiton sp.
acmaeids (limpets)
.Acmaea antillarum (limpets)
Acmaea leucopleura (limpets)
Table 8.5.2 continued
Taxon Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Table 8.5.2 continued
Species Occurrence Genus Hioher taxon
Mitrella lunata
Mitrella nitens
Modulus modulus
Murex pomum
Murex sp.
Muricopsis hexagonus
Nassarios albus
Nassariirs sp.
Natica canrena
Natica sp. (juvenile)
Nerita peloronta
Nitidella laevigata
Nitidella nitida
Nitidella ocellata
Nitidella sp.
Oliva caribaeensis
Oliva reticularis
Oliva sp.
Olivella nivea
Olivella petiolita
Olivella sp.
Persicula lavalleeana
Petaloconchus sp. (vermetid)
Planaxis lineatus
Polinices lacteus
Pseudostomatella coccinea
Pseudostomatella erythrocoma
Purpura patula (thaid)
Pusia sp.
Pyramidella candida
Pyrgocythara sp.
Retusa sp.
Risomurex roseus
Rissoina cancellata
Rissoina fischeri
Rissoina sp.
Schismope sp.
Seila adamsi
Sinum perspectivum
Siphonaria sp. (limpets)
Smaragdia viridis
Strombus gallus
Strombus gigas
Strombus sp.
Synaptocochlea picta
Tegula excavata
Tegula fasciata
Tegula lividomaculata
Tegula sp.
Tricolia adamsi
Tricolia bella
Tricolia tessellata
Tridachia crispata
Trivia sp.
Turbo castanea
Turbo sp.
Turbonilla sp.
Turritella sp.
Vasum muricatum
Zebina browniana
Aequipecten gibbus
Aequipecten lineolaris
Americardia guppyi
Americardia media
Antigona listeri
Table 8.5.2 continued
Taxon Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Arca imbricata
Arca sp.
Arca umbonata
Arca zebra
Arcopsis adamsi
Asaphis deflorata
Atrina rigida
Atrina seminuda
Barbatia cancellaria
Babartia domingensis
Brachidontes citrinus
Brachidontes exustus
Brachidontes sp.
Chama sarda
Chama sp.
Chione cancellata
Chione paphia
Chione sp.
Chlamys sp.
Codakia costata
Codakia orbicularis
Codakia pectinella
Corbula contracta
Crassinella sp.
Crassostrea rhizophorae
Crenella divaricata
Cumingia antillarum
Divaricella quadrisulcata
Ervilia nitens
Glycymeris decussata
Glycymeris pectinata
Glycymeris sp.
Gouldia cerina
lsognomon alatus
lsognomon radiatus
Isognomon sp.
Laevicardium sp.
Lima pellucida
Lithophaga bisulcata
Lyropecten antillarum
Macoma cerina
Microcardium sp.
Musculus lateralis
Nuculana sp.
Ostrea sp.
Papyridea semisulcata
Papyridea solenifomis
Papyridea sp.
Pecten ziczac
Pecfen sp.
Pinctada radiata
Pinctada sp.
Pinna camea
Pitar fulminata
Pitar sp.
Pseudochama sp.
Pteria colymbus
Solemya occidentalis
Spondylus sp.
Tellina caribaea
Tellina listeri
Tellina sp.
Trachycardium magnum
Trachycardium muricatum
Trachycardium sp.
Volsella sp.
Yoldia perprotracta
Cadulus acus
continued ...
Table 8.5.2 continued
Taxon Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Cadulus sp.
Dentalium semistriolatom
Dentalium sp.
Dorytheutis plei
Dorytheutis sp.
Sepiateuthis sepioidea
Octopus briareus
Octopus vulgaris
Cariboa sp.
Chloeia sp.
Eunice sp. (fire worm)
Sabellastarfe magnifica (palolo worm)
Semiodera sp.
Barnacles appendages
Gonodactylus curacaoensis
Gonodactylus oerstedii
Gonodactylus sp.
Lysiosquilla glabriuscula
Pseudosquilla ciliata
Squilla tricarinata
Squillus sp.
lysianassids (gammarid)
Ampelisca sp. (gammarid)
Colomastix sp.
Corophium sp.
Cymadusa filosa
Cymadusa sp.
Elasmopus sp.
Table 8.5.2 continued
Taxon Soecies Occurrence Genus Hiaher taxon
Eurystheus sp.
Hyale sp.
Leucothoe sp.
Magamphapus sp.
Neomicrodentopus sp
Paraphoxus sp.
Photis sp.
gnathiids (larvae)
Asellote sp.
Cymodoce sp.
Excorallana antillensis
Excorallana sp.
Paracerceis caudata
Stenetrium sp.
Alpheus sp.
Brachycarpus biunguiculatus
Calianassa sp.
Gnathophylloides miner;
Lucifer faxani
Lucifer sp.
Lysmata moorei (cleaner shrimp)
Penaeopsis goodei
Penaeopsis sp.
Periclimenes sp. (cleaner shrimp)
Processa sp.
Sicyonia laevigata
Sicyona sp.
Solenocera sp.
Stenopus hispidus (cleaner shrimp)
Synalpheus sp.
Tozeuma sp.
Trachycaris restrictus
Trachypenaeus sp.
Upogebia sp. (Thalassinids)
Spiny lobsters
Panulirus argus
Panulirus guttatus
Scyllarid lobsters
Scyllarides aequinoctialis
(slipper lobster)
Hermit crabs
Calcinus fibiceus
Calcinus sulcatus
Clibanarius sp.
Table 8.5.2 continued
Taxon Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Clibanarius tricolor
Dardanus venosus
Paguristes anomalus
Paguristes depressus
Paguristes grayi
Paguristes sp.
Paguristes wassi
Pagurus bonairensis
Pagurus miamensis
Petrochirus diogenes
Spiropagurus sp.
gonoplacid (Speocarcinus)
continued ...
Table 8.5.2 continued
Taxon Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Petrolisthes sp.
Pilurnnus sp.
Pisosoma sp.
Grapsidae Sesarma sp
Amphipholis gracillima
Amphiura fibulata
Ophiactis sp.
Ophiocoma echinata
Ophiocoma riisei
Ophiocoma sp.
Ophioderma brevispinurn
Ophioderma rubicundurn
Ophioderma sp.
Ophioderma squamosissima
Ophionereis sp.
Ophiothrix lineata
Ophiothrix sp.
Brissus brissus (heart urchin)
Clypeaster sp.
Diadema antillarum
Echinometra lacunter
Echinometra sp.
Echinornetra viridis
Eucidaris tribuloides
Lytechinus variegatus
Moira atropus
Tripneustes esculentus
Holothuria arenicola
Thyone pseudofusus
Ascidia nigra
continued ...
Table 8.5.2 continued
Taxon Species Occurrence Genus Higher taxon
Boltenia sp.
Ecteinascidia turbinata
Polycarpa insulsa
Microcosmos exasperatus
Arthropoda Insects
Tunicata Appendicularians
Organic detritus
Benthic algae
Symbiotic algae
Sea fans
Sea anemones
Stony corals
Sipunculid worms
Spiny lobsters
Scyllarid lobsters
Hermit crabs
Sea turtles
Sea birds
Unidentified fish
Acanthuridae Acanthurus bahianus
Acanthurus chirurgus
Acanthurus coeruleus
Antennarildae Antennarius multiocellatus
Antennarius striatus
Apogonidae Apogon conklini
Apogon maculatus
Atherinidae Allanetta harringtonensis
Atherinomorus stipes
Aulostomidae Aulostomus maculatus
Balistidae Balistes vetula
Canthidermis sufflamen
Melichthys niger
Belonidae Platybelone argalus argalus
Strongylura timucu
Tylosurus acus acus
Tylosurus crocodilus crocod.
Blenniidae Entomacrodus nigricans
Ophioblennius atlant~cus
Parablennius marmoreus
Scarfella cristata
Bothidae Bothus lunatus
Bothus ocellatus
Table 8.6.1 continued
Table 8.6.1 continued
Halichoeres bivittatus
Halichoeres garnoti
Halichoeres maculipinna
Halichoeres poeyi
Halichoeres radiatus
Xyrichtys novacula
Xyrichtys splendens
Lachnolaimus maximus
Thalassoma bifasciatum
Lutjanidae Lutjanus analis
Lutjanus apodus
Lutjanus cyanopterus
Lutjanus griseus
Lutjanus jocu
Lutjanus mahagoni
Lutjanus synagris
Ocyurus chrysurus
Malacanthidae Malacanthus plumieri
Megalopidae Tarpon atlanticus
Monacanthidae Aluterus schoepfii
Aluterus scripta
Cantherines macroceros
Cantherines pullus
Monacanthus ciliatus
Mugilidae Mugil curema
Mullidae Mulloidichthys marfinicus
Pseudupeneus maculatus
Muraenidae Echidna catenata
Lycodontis moringa
Gymnothorax vicinus
Myliobatidae Aetobatus narinari
Ogcocephalidae Ogcocephalus nasutus
Ophichthidae Myrichthys breviceps
Myrichthys ocellatus
Ophichthus ophis
Opisthognathidae Opisthognatus aurifrons
Opisthognatus maxillosus
Opisthognatus whitehurstii
Ostraciidae Acanthostracion polygonius
Acanthostracion quadricornis
Lactophrys trigonus
Lactophiys bicaudalis
Lactophiys triqueter
Pempheridae Pempheris schomburgki
Pomacanthidae Centropyge argi
Holacanthus ciliaris
Holacanthus tricolor
Pomacanthus arcuatus
Pomacanthus paru
Pomacentridae Abudefduf saxatilis
Abudefduf taurus
Chromis cyanea
Chromis multilineata
Microspathodon chrysurus
Stegastes fuscus
Stegastes leucostictus
Stegastes planifrons
Stegastes variabilis
Priacanthidae Priacanthus arenatus
Heteropriacanthus cruentatus
Scaridae Scarus coelestinus
Scarus isedi
Scarus guacamaia
Scarus taeniopterus
Scarus vetola
Sparisoma aurofrenatum
Sparisoma chrysopterum
Sparisoma radians
Sparisoma ~ b r i p i n n e
Sparisoma viride
Sciaenidae Equetus lanceolatus
Equetus punctatus
Table 8.6.1 continued
Odontoscion dentex
Pareques acuminatus
Scombridae Euthynnus allefferatus
Scomberomotus cavalla
Scomberomorus regalis
Scorpaenidae Scorpaena brasiliensis
Scorpaena grandicornis
Scorpaena inermis
Scorpaena plumieri
Scorpaenodes caribbaeus
Serranidae Alphestes afer
Cephalopholis cruentata
Cephalopholis fulva
Epinephelus adscensionis
Epinephelus guttatus
Epinephelus itajara
Epinephelus stfiatus
Hypoplectrus aberrans
Hypoplectrus chloturus
Hypoplectrus nigricans
Hypoplecttus puella
Mycteroperca bonaci
Mycteroperca tigris
Mycteroperca venenosa
Paranthias furcifer
Serranus tigrinus
Sparidae Archosargus rhomboidalis
Calamus bajonado
Calamus calamus
Calamus pennatula
Diplodus argentus caudimacula
Sphyraenidae Sphyraena barracuda
Sphyraena picudilla
Sphyrnidae Sphyma lewini
Sphyrna tiburo
Synodontidae Synodus foetens
Synodus intermedius
Synodus synodus
Tetraodontidae Canthigaster rostrata
Sphoeroides spengleri
Triakidae Mustelus canis
A = autotroph F = fish
B = bird I = invertebrate
D = detritus R = reptile
Table 8.6.2.The complete diet composition matrix for the construction of steady-state models of a Caribbean coral reef area, including 41 nonfish taxa and
208 fish species.
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
small pelagics
Labridae, Pornacentridae, Mylipbatidae
Engraulidae, Mullidae
Fish (parasite)
Table 8.6.2 continued
Predatorlprey Dl A1 A2 A3 II 12 13 14 15
Acanthurus bahianus
Acanthurus chirurgus
Acanthurus coeruleus
Antennarius multioceliatus
Antennarius striatus
Apogon conklini
Apogon maculatus
Allanetta haringtonensis
Atherinomorus stipes
Aulostomus maculatus
Balistes vetula
Canthidermis suflamen
Melichthys niger
Platybelone argalus argalus
Strongylura timucu
Tylosurus acus
Tylosurus crocodilus
Entomacrodus nigricans
Ophioblennius atlanticus
Parablennius marmoreus
Scarfella cristata
Bothus lunatus
Bothus ocellatus
Caranx barfholomaei
Caranx latus
Caranx ruber
Decapterus punctatus
Oligoplites saurus
Selar crumenophthalmus
Seriola dumerili
Trachinotus falcatus
Trachinotus goodei
Carcharhinus acronotus
Carcharhinus falciformis
Carcharhinus leucas
Carcharhinus limbatus
Carcharhinus longimanus
Carcharhinus perezi
Galeocerdo cuvier
Negaprion brevirostris
Rhizoprionodon porosus
Chaetodon aculeatus
Chaetodon capistratus
Chaetodon sedentarius
Chaetodon striatus
Amblycirrhitus pinos
Labrisomus guppyi
Labrisomus nuchipinnis
Harengula clupeola
Harengula humeralis
Jenkinsia lamprotaenia
Opisthonema oglinum
Heteroconger halis
Dactylopterus volitans
Dasyatis americana
Chilomycterus antennatus
Diodon holocanthus
Diodon hystrix
lnermia vittata
Anchoa hepsetus
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Acanthurus bahianus
Acanthurus chirurgus
Acanthurus coeruleus
Antennarius multiocellatus
Antennarius striatus
Apogon conklini
Apogon maculatus
Allanetta harringtonensis
Atherinomorus stipes
Aulostomus maculatus
Balistes vetula
Canthidermis sufflamen
Melichthys niger
Platybelone argalus argalus
Strongylura timucu
Tylosurus acus
Tylosurus crocodilus
Entomacrodus nigricans
Ophioblennius atlanticus
Parablennius marmoreus
Scartella cristata
Bothus lunatus
Bothus ocellatus
Caranx bartholomaei
Caranx latus
Caranx ruber
Decapterus punctatus
Oligoplites saurus
Selar crumenophthalmus
Seriola dumerili
Trachinotus falcatus
Trachinotus goodei
Carcharhinus acronotus
Carcharhinus falciformis
Carcharhinus leucas
Carcharhinus limbatus
Carcharhinus longimanus
Carcharhinus perezi
Galeocerdo cuvier
Negaprion brevirostris
Rhizoprionodon porosus
Chaetodon aculeatus
Chaetodon capistratus
Chaetodon s e i : . - f ~ ~ ~ - ,
Chaetodon striatus
Amb1ycirrhi:us pinos
Labrisomx guppy;
Labrisor,ius nuchipinnis
Harenguia clupeola
Harengula humeralis
Jenkinsia lamprotaenia
Opisthonema oglinum
Heteroconger halis
Dactylopterus volitans
Dasyatis americana
Chilomycterus antennatus
Diodon holocanthus
Diodon hystrix
lnermia vittata
Anchoa hepsetus
Table 8.6.2 continued
F 1 -
F 2 -
F 3 -
F 4 -
F 5 -
F 6 -
F 7 -
F 8 -
F 9 -
F 10 - 0.009 0.046 0.009 0.009 -
F 11 -
F 12 -
F 13 -
F 14 -
F 15 -
F 16 - 0.24 0.24
F 17 -
F 18 -
F 19 -
F 20 -
F 21 -
F 22 -
F 23 -
F 24 -
F 25 0.145 -
F 26 0.025 - 0.051 0.051 -
F 27 -
F 28 -
F 29 -
F 30 - 0.067 0.067 0.066 -
F 31 -
F 32 -
F 33 0.01 0.01 - 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 - 0.01 -
F 34 - 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 - 0.005
F 35 -
F 36 0.05 -
F 37 -
F 38 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
F 39 - 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 - 0.003
F 40 0.005 0.005 - 0.005 0.005 0.005 - 0.005 - 0.005 -
F 41 0.007 0.007 - 0.007 0.007 0.007 - 0.007 - 0.007 -
F 42 -
F 43 -
F 44 -
F 45 -
F 46 -
F 47 -
F 48 -
F 49 -
F 50 -
F 51 -
F 52 - -.
F 53 -
F 54 -
F 55 -
F 56 -
F 57 -
F 58 -
F 59 -
F 60 -
Table 8.6.2 continued
F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 F3 1 F32 F33 F34 F35 F36
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.2.6continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
F79 F80 F81 F82 F83 F84 F85 F86 F87 F88 F89 F90 F91 F92
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
F 1 -
F 2 -
F 3 -
F 4 -
F 5 -
F 6 -
F 7 -
F 8 -
F 9 -
F 10 - 0.037 -
F 11 -
F 12 -
F 13 -
F 14 -
F 15 -
F 16 -
F 17 -
F 18 -
F 19 -
F 20 -
F 21 -
F 22 -
F 23 -
F 24 -
F 25 -
F 26 -
F 27 -
F 28 -
F 29 -
F 30 -
F 31 -
F 32 -
F 33 - 0.01 - 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
F 34 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 - 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 - 0.005
F 35 -
F 36 -
F 37 -
F 38 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
F 39 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 - 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 - 0.003
F 40 - 0.005 - 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
F 41 - 0.007 - 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007
F 42 -
F 43 -
F 44 -
F 45 -
F 46 -
F 47 -
F 48 -
F 49 -
F 50 -
F 51 -
F 52 -
F 53 -
F 54 -
F 55 -
F 56 -
F 57 -
F 58 -
F 59 -
F 60 -
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Predatorlprey D1 A1 A2 A3 I1 12 13 14 15
Anchoa lyolepis
Chaetodipterus faber
Fistularia tabacaria
Eucinostomus argenteus
Gerres cinereus
Ginglymostoma cirratum
Coryphopterus glaucofraenum
Gnatholepis thompsoni
Gobiosoma evelynae
Gramma loreto
Gramma melacara
Rypticus saponaceus
Anisotremus surinamensis
Anisotremus virginicus
Haemulon album
Haemulon aurolineatum
Haemulon carbonarium
Haemulon chrysargyreum
Haemulon flavolineatum
Haemulon macrostomum
Haemulon parrai
Haemulon plumier;
Haemulon sciurus
Hemiramphus balao
Hemiramphus brasiliensis
Holocentrus ascensionis
Holocentrus coruscus
Neoniphon marianus
Holocentrus rufus
Sargocentron vexillarium
Myripristis jacobus
Kyphosus incisor
Kyphosus sectatrix
Bodianus rufus
Clepticus parrae
Halichoeres bivittatus
Halichoeres garnoti
Halichoeres maculipinna
Halichoeres poeyi
Halichoeres radiatus
Xyrichtys novacula
Xyrichtys splendens
Lachnolaimus maximus
Thalassoma bifasciatum
Lutjanus analis
Lutjanus cyanopterus
Lutjanus griseus
Lutjanus jocu
Lutjanus mahagoni
Lutjanus synagris
Ocyurus chrysurus
Malacanthus plumieri
Tarpon atlanticus
Aluterus schoepfi
Aluterus scripta
Cantherines macroceros
Cantherines pullus
Monacanthus ciliatus
Mugd curema
Table 8.6.2 continued
16 17 18 19 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
F 61 -
F 62 0.185 0.009 - 0.137 -
F 63 -
F 64 - 0.027 - 0 017 0.035 - 0.199 -
F 65 - 0.061 - 0.147 0.233 - 0.128 -
F 66 - 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 02 0.05 0.02 -
F 67 - 0.1
F 68 -
F 69 -
F 70 -
F 71 -
F 72 -
F 73 - 0.168 0.015 -
F 74 - 0.004 - 0.008 0.038 0.055 0.002 - 0 14
F 75 - 0.001 0 257 0.008 0 008 0.028 0.055 0.002 - 0.143 0.01 -
F 76 - 0.021 0.016 0.004 - 0.31
F 77 - 0.048 - 0.098 0.152 - 0.08
F 78 - 0.012 - 0.018 0 147 - 0.001 0.001 0.191 -
F 79 - 0.102 - 0 057 0.005 0.032 0.008 - 0.033 0.398 -
F 80 -
F 81 0.034 - 0 051 0.028 0.002 - 0.029 -
F 82 - 0.086 - 0.007 0 071 0.013 - 0.15
F 83 - 0 003 0.032 - 0.048 0158 0.002 - 0.016 0.053 -
F 84 - 0.101 -
F 85 -
F 86 - 0 01 0.039 -
F 87 -
F 88 -
F 89 - 0.006 0.078 - 0.045 -
F 90 - 0 103 0.251 - 0.04
F 91 - 0.07
F 92 -
F 93 -
F 94 - 0.007 0.105 0.081 - 0.002 -
F 95 -
F 96 - 0.034 0.129 0.039 - 0.181 -
F 97 - 0.005 - 0.021 0.146 0.076 - 0.06
F 98 - 0 009 - 0.015 0.053 0.024 0.002 - 0.043 0.475 -
F 99 - 0.054 - 0.046 0 222 0 23 0019 -
FIOO - 0.002 0.213 0.251 - 0.014 -
F101 - 0.411 0.298 0.06 - 0.08
F102 - 0.051 0.034 -
F103 - 0.397 0.426 0.006 -
F104 - 0.063 - 0.056 - 0.022
F105 - 0.133 - 0.031 -
F106 - 0.005 - 0.035 -
F107 -
F108 - 0.068 -
F109 - 0.036 - 0.022 0.07 -
F 170 - 0.094 -
F 111 - 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.041 -
F 112 - 0.025 0.012 - 0.01 0.01 -
F 113 - 0.104 - 0.057 - 0.104 -
F 114 -
F 115 - 0.006 -
F 116 0.024 - 0.006 -
F 117 -
F 118 0.018 0.003 0.024 - 0.002 -
F 119 - 0.016 0.024 - 0.043 -
F120 -
Table 8 6 2 contmued
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Predatorlprey FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F 61 Anchoa lyolepis
Chaetodipterus faber
Fistularia tabacaria
Eucinostomus argenteus
Gerres cinereus
Ginglymostoma cirratum
Coryphopterus glaucofraenum
Gnatholepis thompsoni
Gobiosoma evelynae
Gramma loreto
Gramma melacara
Rypticus saponaceus
Anisotremus surinamensis
Anisotremus virginicus
Haemulon album
Haemulon aumlineatum
Haemulon carbonarium
Haemulon chrysargyreum
Haemulon llavolineatum
Haemulon macmstomum
Haemulon parrai
Haemulon plumieri
Haemulon sciurus
Herniramphus balao
Hemiramphus brasiliensis
Holocentrus ascensionis
Holocentrus coruscus
Neoniphon marianus
Holocentrus rufus
Sargocentmn vexillarium
Myripristis jacobus
Kyphosus incisor
Kyphosus sectatrix
Bodianus rufus
Clepticus parrae
Halichoeres bivittatus
Halichoeres garnoti
Halichoeres maculipinna
Halichoeres poeyi
Halichoeres radiatus
Xyrichtys novacula
Xyrichtys splendens
Lachnolaimus maximus
Thalassoma bifasciatum
Lutjanus analis
Lutjanus cyanopterus
Lovanus griseus
Lutjanus jocu
Lutjanus mahagoni
Luljanus synagris
Ocyurus chtysurus
Malacanthus plumieri
Tarpon atlanticus
Aluterus schoepfi
Aluterus scripta
Cantherines macroceros
Cantherines pullus
Monacanthus ciliatus
Mugil curema
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
F65 F66 F67 F68 F69 F70 F71 F72 F73 F74 F75 F76 F77 F78
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
F93 F94 F95 F96 F97 F98 F99 FlOO FlOl F102 F103 F104 Fi05 F106
Table 8.6.2 continued
continued ...
Table 8.6.2 continued
F121 F122 F123 F124 F125 F126 F127 F128 F129 F130 F131 F132 F133 F134
continued ...
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Predatorlprey Dl
Mulloidichthys marfinicus -
Pseudupeneus maculatus -
Echidna catenata
Lycodontis moringa
Lycodontis vicinus
Aetobatus narinari
Ogcocephalus nasutus
Myrichthys acuminatus
Myrichthys oculatus
Ophichthus ophis
Opisthognatus aurifrons -
Opisthognatus maxillosus -
Opisthognatus whitehurstii -
Acanthostracion polygonius -
Acanthostracion guadricornis -
Lactophrys frigonus
Rhinesomus bicaudalis
Rhinesomus trigueter
Pempheris schomburgki
Centropyge argi
Holacanthus ciliaris
Holacanthus tricolor
Pomacanthus arcuatus
Pomacanthus paru
Abudefduf saxatilis
Abudefduf taurus
Chromis cyanea
Chromis multilineata
Microspathodon chrysurus
Stegastes fuscus
Stegastes leucostictus
Stegastes planifrons
Stegastes variabilis
Priacanthus arenatus
Priacanthus cruentatus
Scarus coelestinus
Scarus iserfi
Scarus guacamaia
Scarus taeniopterus
Scarus vetula
Sparisoma aurofrenatum
Sparisoma chrysopterum
Sparisoma radians
Sparisoma rubripinne
Sparisoma viride
Equetus lanceolatus
Equetus punctatus
Odontoscion dentex
Pareques acuminatus
Euthynnus alletteratus
Scomberomorus cavalla
Scomberomorus regalis
Scorpaena brasiliensis
Scorpaena grandicornis
Scorpaena inermis
Scorpaena plumieri
Scorpaenodes caribbaeus
Alphestes afer
Cephalopholis cruentata
Cephalophohs fulva
continued ...
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
PredatorlPrey FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
Mulloidichthys martinicus -
Pseudupeneus maculatus 0.022
Echidna catenata
Lycodontis moringa
Lycodontis vicinus
Aetobatus narinari
Ogcocephalus nasutus
Myrichthys acuminatus
Myrichthys oculatus 0.032
Ophichthus ophis
Opisthognatus aurifrons -
Opisthognatus maxillosus 0.227
Opisthognatus whitehurstii 0.22
Acanthostracion polygonius -
Acanthostracion quadricomis -
Lactophrys trigonus
Rhinesomus bicaudalis
Rhinesomus triqueter
Pempheris schomburgki
Centropyge argi
Holacanthus ciliaris
Holacanthus tricolor
Pomacanthus arcuatus
Pomacanthus paru
Abudefduf saxatilis
Abudefduf taurus
Chromis cyanea
Chromis multilineata
Microspathodon chrysurus
Pomacentrus fuscus
Pomacentrus leucostictus
Pomacentrus planifrons
Pomacentrus variabilis
Priacanthus arenatus
Priacanthus cmentatus
Scarus coelestinus
Scams croicensis
Scarus guacamaia
Scarus taeniopterus
Scarus vetula
Sparisoma aurofrenatum
Sparisoma chrysopterum
Sparisoma radians
Sparisoma rubripinne
Sparisoma viride
Equetus lanceolatus
Equetus punctatus
Odontoscion dentex
Pareques acuminatus
Euthynnus alletteratus
Scomberomorus cavalla
Scomberomorus regalis
Scorpaena brasiliensis
Scorpaena grandicornis
Scorpaena inermis
Scorpaena plumieri
Scorpaenodes caribbaeus
Alphestes afer
Cephalopholis cmentata
Cephalopholis fulva
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
F65 F66 F67 F68 F69 F70 F71 F72 F73 F74 F75 F76 F77 F78
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
F93 F94 F95 F96 F97 F98 F99 FlOO FlOl F102 F103 F104 F105 F106
Table 8.6.2 continued
F107 F108 FA09 FllO Flll F112 F113 F114 F115 F116 F117 F118 F119F120
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
F 121 -
F122 -
F123 -
F124 -
F125 -
F126 - 0,001 - 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
F127 -
F128 -
F129 -
F130 -
F 131 -
F132 -
F133 -
F134 -
F135 -
F136 -
F137 -
F 138 -
F139 -
F140 -
F 141 -
F142 -
F143 -
F144 -
F145 -
F146 -
F147 -
F 148 -
F 149 -
F150 -
F151 -
F152 -
F153 -
F154 -
F155 -
F156 -
F157 -
F158 -
F159 -
F160 -
F 161 -
F162 -
F163 -
F164 -
F165 -
F166 -
F167 -
F168 -
F169 -
F170 -
F 171 -
F172 - 0.064 0,064
F173 -
F174 -
F175 -
F176 -
F177 - 0.038 0.038 -
F178 -
F179 - 0.092 -
F180 -
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
F191 F192 F193 F194 F195 F196 F197 FA98 F199 F200 F201 F202 F203 F204
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Epinephelus adscensionis
Ephephelus guttatus
Epinephelus itajara
Epinephelus striatus
Hypoplectrus aberrans
Hypoplectrus chlorurus
Hypoplectrus nigricans
Mycteroperca bonaci
Mycteroperca tigris
Mycteroperca venenosa
Paranthias furcifer
Serranus tigrinus
Archosargus rhomboidalis
Calamus bajonado
Calamus calamus
Calamus pennatula
Diplodus caudimacula
Sphyraena barracuda
Sphyraena picudilla
Sphyma lewini
Sphyma tiburo
Synodus foetens
Synodus intermedius
Canthigaster rostrata
Sphoeroides spengleri
Mustelus canis
continued ...
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2. continued.
Predatorlprey FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
Epinephelus adscensionis
Epinephelus guttatus
Epinephelus itajara
Epinephelus striatus
Hypoplectrus aberrans
Hypoplectrus c h l o m s
Hypoplectrus nigricans
Hypoplectrus puella
Mycteroperca bonaci
Mycteroperca tigris
Mycteroperca venenosa
Paranthias furcifer
Serranus tigrinus
Archosargus rhomboidalis
Calamus bajonado
Calamus calamus
Calamus pennatula
Diplodus caudimacula
Sphyraena barracuda
Sphyraena picudilla
Sphyrna lewini
Sphyrna tiburo
Synodus foetens
Synodus intermedius
Canthigaster rostrata
Sphoeroides spengleri
Mustelus canis
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
F97 F98 F99 FlOO FlOl F102 F103 F104 F105 F106
Table 8.6.2 continued
F107 F108 F109 F110 Flll F112 F113 F114 F115 F116 F117 F118 F119 F120
Table 8.6.2 continued
Table 8.6.2 continued
Benthic algael
Microfauna Sorokin (1987)
Zooplankton Gottfried and Roman (1983), Sorokin (1987), Jarre et at. (1989)
Sponges Reiswig (1971). Wilkinson (1987)
Hydrozoans Lewis (1982), Minchin (1983), Sorokin (1987)
Gorgonians Lewis (1982), Minchin (1983), Sebens and Koehl (1984),
Sorokin (1987)
Zoantharians Lewis (1982), Minchin (1983), Sebens and Koehl (1984),
Sorokin (1987)
Scleractinians Meinkoth (1981), Lewis (1982), Minchin (1983), Sorokin (1987)
Bryozoans Meinkoth (1981), Kaminski (1984), Winston (1986)
Sipunculid worms Meinkoth (1981)
Priapulolds Meinkoth (1981)
Chitons Lewis (1982), Steneck and Watling (1982), Nishihama
et at. (I 986)
Gastropods Kasinathan et al. (1975), Engstrom (1977), Hoffman et at. (1978),
Milera and Cortes (1979), Kohn (1980), Broom (1981), Garrity
and Levings (1981), Grlffiths (1981), Behrens-Yamada (1982),
Brawley and Adey (1982), Creese and Underwood (1982).
Lewis (1982), Maes (1982), Rietsma et at. (1982), Salvat
and Denizot (1982), Steneck (1982), Taylor (1982), Tsikhon-
Lukanina (1982), VanMontfrans et al. (1982), Anon. (1983),
Broom (1983), Fujioka and Yamazato (1983), McKillup
and Butler (1983), Penney and Grifflths (1983), Thangavelu and
Muthiah (1983), Berry (1984), Boggs et at. (1984), Morgan and
Kitting (1984), Robertson and Schutt (1984), Tornita and
Mizushirna (1984), Underwood (1984), Watanabe (1984),
Hardison and Kitting (1985), Hawkins (1985), Hughes (1985a,
1985b), Kitting (1985), Kotaki et al. (1985), Perron et al. (1985),
Steinberg (1985), Winter and Hamllton (1985), Borja (1986),
DSouza (1986), Kohlmeyer and Bebout (1986), Mook (1986),
Taylor (1987), Berry (1988)
113 Bivalves Berg and Alatalo (1981), Schmid and Schaerer (1981), Pohlo
(1982), Tsikhon-Lukanina (1982), Fehlbeck (1983), Shafir and
Loya (1983). Graham (1984), Reid (1985), Chang et at. (1988),
Davenport (1 988), Scott (1 988)
114 Scaphopods Poon (1987)
115 Squids Nigmatullin and Toporova (1982), OSullivan and Cullen (1983),
Nemoto et al. (1984), Maurer and Bowman (1985). Nlcol and
ODor (1985), Vovk (1985), Guo-Xln et al. (1986), Yang et at.
(1986), Chesalin (1987), Lipinsk~and Linkowski (1988)
116 Octopuses Smale and Buchan (1981), Ambrose and Nelson (1983), Ambrose
(1984), Nixon and Budelrnann (1984), Lam and Chiu (1985),
Kobayashi (1986)
117 Polychaetes Fauchald and Jurnars (1979), Vreeland and Lasker (1989)
118 Echiuroids Schernbri and Jaccarini (1978), Ohta (1984)
11 9 Pycnogonlds Meinkoth (1981), Bamber and Davis (1982), Chlld and Harbison
(1986), Staples and Watson (1987)
120 Barnacles Lewis (1981), Meinkoth (1981), Tsikhon-Lukan~naet at. (1986),
Sorokin (1987)
121 Stornatopods Giovanardi and Piccinetti (1984), Dorninguez and Reaka (1988)
122 Amphipods Zlmrnerman et al. (1977), Zirnrnerrnan (1979), Brawley and Adey
(1981), Howard (1982), Nielsen and Kofoed (1982), Gunnill
(1983), Hendler and Miller (1984), Miller (1984), Stuart et at.
(1985), Yarnashlta et al (1985). SainteMarie (1986), Brawley and
Fei (1987), Buschrnann and Santelices (1987), Baerlocher et at.
(1988), Morrisey (1988)
Tanaids Johnson and Attramadal (1983), Delille et a1 (1985)
lsopods Waegele (1982), Sandlfer and Kerby (1983), Segal (1987)
Shrim~s Corredor and Criales (1977), Balasubramanian et at. (1979),
Gultart and Hondares (1980), Chong and Sasekumar ( l 9 8 l ) ,
Moriarty and Barcley (1981), Reed et at. (1982), Beal (1983),
Table 8.6.3 continued
# = single species grouped outside cluster analysls
* = estimated values.
1 = dernersal, 2 = off bottom, 3 = midwater, 4 = pelagic.
Appendix 8.8. Food intake and elettivity indites for each consumer and all models.
TOTAL 1.000
Table 8.8.1 continued
Table 8.8.1 continued
Benthic prod.
Predator: (8)
Benthic prod.
Table 8.8.1 continued
Table 8.8.1 continued
49. Benthic prod.
Table 8.8.1 continued
Benthic prod
Table 8.8.1 continued
Benthic prod.
Table 8.8.1 continued
Table 8.8.1 continued
OCTOPUSES (0' Cycle)
Table 8.8.1 continued
Predator: (36)
ASTEROIDS (0' Cycle)
Benthic prod.
Predator: (37)
ECHlNOlDS (0' Cycle)
Benthic prod.
Table 8.8.1 continued
Predator: (41)
48. Phytoplankton
49. Benthic prod.
50. Detritus
48. Phytoplankton
49. Benthic prod.
Table 8.8.2. The 20-box model as obtained by method 1 (cluster analysis + intuition).
Table 8.8.2 continued
Table 8.8.2 continued
Benthic prod.
Table 8.8.3. The 20-box model as obtained by method 2 (ECOPATH II aggregation routine).
- -
1. Agg. 26
2. Agg. 24
3. Agg. 20
4. Agg. 22
7. Agg. 21
19. Benthic prod.
7. Agg. 21
18. Phytoplankton
19. Benthic prod.
20. Detritus
TOTAL 1.000
Table 8.8.3 continued
Predator: 16)
~, Agg. 25
Agg. 26 0.014
Agg 24 0.001
Agg. 20 0.038
Agg. 22 0.022
Agg 25 (0' Cycle) 0.010
Agg. 21 0.012
Phytoplankton 0.014
Benthic prod. 0.514
Detritus 0.114
Agg. 26 0 017
Agg. 24 0.003
Agg. 20 0.082
Agg. 22 0.004
Agg. 25 0.007
Agg. 21 (0' Cycle) 0 047
Benthic prod. 0.079
Detritus 0.149
TOTAL 1.000
Table 8.8.3 continued
Predator: (10)
19. Benthic prod.
Table 8.8.3continued
Table 8.8.4. The 11-box model as obtained by method 1 (cluster analysis + intuition).
10. Benthic prod.
11. Detritus
9. Phytoplankton
10. Benthic prod.
11 Detritus
Table 8.8.4 continued
9. Phytoplankton
10. Benthic prod.
Table 8.8.5. The I l - b o x model as obtained by method 2 (ECOPATH 11 aggregation routine).
1. Agg. 12
2. Agg. 20
3. Agg. 15
4. Agg 11
5. Agg. 13
10. Benthic prod
1. Agg. 12
2. Agg. 20
3. Agg. 15
4. Agg. 11
5. Agg I 3
9. Phytoplankton
10. Benthic prod.
11. Detritus
continued ...
Table 8.8.5 continued
Appendix 8.9. Summary statistics and flows between discrete trophic levels
for the 209 and 1 1-box models from two methods.
"Difference between input total net PP and calculated total net PP.
Table 8.9.2. Network flow indices for a 20-box model of a Caribbean coral
reef (method 1).
Table 8.9.3 Flows and transfer efficiencies for discrete trophic levels of a
20-box model (method 1).
I 480.000 0.000
II 0.000 5,226.313
111 0.000 550.389
IV 0.000 67.132
v 0.000 6.358
VI 0.000 0.602
VII 0.000 0.061
Vlll 0.000 0.006
IX 0.000 0.001
Table 8.9.4. Summary statistics for a 20-box model of a Caribbean coral
reef (method 2). PP = primary production.
Table 8.9.5. Network flow indices for a 20-box model of a Caribbean coral
reef (method 2).
Table 8.9.6. Flows and transfer efficiencies for discrete trophic levels of a
20-box model (method 2).
'Difference between input total net PP and calculated total net PP.
Table 8.9.8. Network flow indices for an 11-box model of a Caribbean coral
reef (method 1).
Table 8.9.9. Flows and transfer efficiencies for discrete trophic levels of an
11-box model (method 1).
I 475.000
II 0.000
111 0.000
IV 0.000
v 0.000
VI 0.000
VII 0.000
Vlll 0.000
"Difference between input total net PP and calculated total net PP.
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