Phishing IJCA Paper
Phishing IJCA Paper
Phishing IJCA Paper
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 185 – No. 11, May 2023
those that enter the system via a file downloaded from the
internet, known as an "injector" [1].
Regardless of how a phishing assault is carried out, all
approaches entail some kind of deceit. Attackers may, for
example, send an email purporting to be from a respected
institution and request that the receiver click on a link or open
an attachment. This link might take the victim to a bogus
website designed to steal sensitive information, or the attacker
could directly request personal information via a form or email
response [1]. Phishing attacks are usually difficult to detect
because attackers typically employ genuine-looking logos and
graphics in their communications. However, grammatical
problems or the sender's email address that does not match the
organization's name might be indicators of a phishing email [1].
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 185 – No. 11, May 2023
survey, phishing assaults mainly target corporate personnel via Vishing attacks can be challenging to detect because the
social media sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. This method attacker may employ sophisticated ways to seem official, such
works because many employees have personal profiles on these as faking the phone number to match the actual organization or
platforms, and attackers know that if they are already linked agency they claim to represent [1]. Victims may also trust a
with someone at the firm, they are more likely to click on a link phone call or text message more than an email or website,
or attachment. The increased usage of the internet by rendering them more vulnerable to assault [1].
organizations and consumers is to blame for the increase in
cyberattacks. Cybercriminals use advanced social engineering To avoid vishing attacks, being wary of unsolicited phone calls
techniques to trick their victims into clicking on malicious links or text messages is critical, especially if they appear to be from
or opening infected files that appear legitimate files from a well-known organization or agency [1]. Personal information,
trusted parties such as banks or email providers, exposing them such as passwords or social security numbers, should only be
to malware infections such as ransomware or banking Trojans. given over the phone or text message if the caller's identity can
be verified [1]. If someone has doubts or suspicions, contact the
firm or agency immediately using a recognized and trustworthy
phone number [1]. Individuals may reduce their vulnerability
to vishing attacks and protect their personal and financial
information by being aware and taking the required steps.
3.3 Smishing
Smishing is sending fraudulent text messages with URLs that
look legitimate but lead to fraud, malware, or other types of
cyberattacks [7]. The communications might be sent by
attackers impersonating reputable persons, such as business
acquaintances, to gather sensitive information like income or
working circumstances. Smishing attacks are potent because
they use social engineering tactics to generate a feeling of
urgency and encourage the victim to act without investigating
the message's legitimacy. Individuals and companies can suffer
Fig 4: Brands Attacked 2021-2022 (APWG significant repercussions from these assaults, including identity
Q3Report,2022) theft, financial loss, and data breaches. As a result, individuals
and companies must be aware and take precautions against
Phishing assaults on e-commerce and retail enterprises these sorts of attacks.
decreased in the third quarter of 2020, but attacks on SaaS
stayed constant. This rise might be ascribed to the influence of 3.4 Key logger
COVID-19, which required more individuals to work online, Keylogging is capturing every keystroke a computer user
creating a bigger pool of possible targets for attackers [1]. makes to obtain sensitive information such as credit card
Financial institutions were the most targeted industry, numbers or passwords [2]. The stolen data is typically
accounting for 23.4% of assaults. However, this was down preserved in a log file for the attacker to retrieve later. Notably,
from 27.6% in the previous quarter. Interestingly, December most keylogging data is retained on websites without two-
had the fewest phishing assaults of any month, most likely factor authentication, making it more straightforward for
because many businesses take a vacation over the holiday attackers to get unauthorized access to critical information [2].
season, giving less potential for attacks [1]. Companies should This type of cyber assault, which can result in serious
continually monitor changes in attacker technology and tactics repercussions such as identity theft and financial loss, is
to keep up with developing threats. frequently used as a weapon for corporate espionage or to get
access to sensitive information saved on a victim's computer.
3. DIFFERENT TYPES OF PHISHING As a result, it is critical for computer users to apply robust
3.1 Search Engines Phishing security measures to protect themselves against keylogging
Phishing through search engines is a technique that uses Google assaults, such as utilizing antivirus software and avoiding
and Bing software to add malicious links to the search engine questionable internet downloads.
results pages (SERPs). These malicious links are designed to
look like real ones and lure users into clicking them. Phishing 3.5 Social Engineering
through search engines has been around for years, but it is Social engineering is a common phishing technique that
become more common recently due to the increased use of includes leveraging victims' trust or gullibility to deceive them
mobile devices and social media platforms like Facebook and into disclosing personal information [17]. To persuade victims
Twitter. to provide their passwords or account numbers, attackers may
masquerade as customer care representatives or employ other
3.2 Vishing deceit. Unlike other phishing strategies that rely on
Vishing is a phishing assault in which a fraudster calls or texts infrastructure penetration, social engineering persuades
the victim using their phone number or other information, such individuals to access crucial information willingly. The
as their name and address [1]. The attacker may pretend as an efficacy of social engineering strategies is based on their
employee of a well-known corporation, such as Apple or capacity to affect victims' psychology and instill a sense of
Verizon, or a government body, such as the IRS, and ask the urgency or trust in them, motivating them to reveal sensitive
victim personal identifying questions [1]. The attacker aims to information [18]. Individuals and organizations must thus be
get sensitive information from the victim, which he or she may aware of the many types of social engineering strategies and
subsequently sell on the black market or use to perpetrate take caution when dealing with unknown sources or revealing
identity theft against the victim [1]. personal information.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 185 – No. 11, May 2023
3.6 Domain spoofing software, routinely upgrading software and operating systems,
Domain spoofing is a typical phishing method in which and being wary of strange emails or other communications that
attackers establish fake websites that seem identical to may include malware.
authentic ones to collect sensitive information from
unsuspecting victims [5]. These websites are meant to appear
3.10 Ransomware
and feel like the real thing, making it impossible for consumers Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts a user's data
to tell the difference. Attackers can employ a variety of ways to and prevents them from being accessed until a ransom is paid
attract people to their fake websites, such as phishing emails or [5]. This sort of assault may be disastrous for people and
social media messages with a link to the false website. When a businesses, resulting in the loss of critical data and severe
user inputs their login credentials or other sensitive information financial impact. The attacker encrypts the data, and the victim
on the faked website, the attackers can gather and exploit this must pay a ransom to get the decryption key required to open
information to gain access to the real website or carry out other them. This tactic is frequently used to extort money from
harmful operations. Domain spoofing may have profound individuals or businesses. After receiving money, the attacker
effects, ranging from identity theft to financial losses. Thus, may or may not supply the victim with the decryption key. The
users must be aware and cautious when providing personal growing prevalence of ransomware attacks emphasizes the
information online. importance of proactively protecting personal and business
data from cyber threats.
3.7 Website forgery
Website forging is a fraudulent practice in which a website that
3.11 Malvertising
seems real but is phony is created [19]. The fraudster may use Malvertising is a cybercriminal practice in which they pay
stolen identities or data to impersonate an actual website to third-party businesses to put advertisements on websites under
establish a phony website. The false website might be hosted their control. The advertisements are intended to lure users to
on another server, and the fraudster will use various tactics to the attackers' websites, where they can steal sensitive
trick the visitor into thinking they are visiting the actual information or exploit vulnerabilities in the consumers'
website. This is a typical sort of cyber assault in which the machines or networks [12]. Users can be directed to these sites
attacker attempts to steal sensitive information from by clicking on the advertisement or visiting the website. The
unsuspecting victims. Website forgery is especially attackers can then acquire access to the accounts and passwords
problematic since it is sometimes impossible for people to of the companies, allowing them to carry out attacks on the
recognize that the website, they are viewing is a fabrication. firms' systems. This activity is an increasing source of worry
When a victim inputs personal or financial information on a for both corporations and people, as it may cause major
false website, the attacker can access that information and use financial and reputational harm. Users must consequently be
it for nefarious reasons. As a result, it is critical for users to be attentive and take adequate precautions to protect themselves
cautious when inputting sensitive information online and to from such assaults.
confirm the legitimacy of websites before entering any 3.12 Spear Phishing
Spear phishing is a type of email phishing in which an attacker
3.8 Trojan sends an email to a user posing as a trusted individual, such as
A Trojan horse is malicious software that may install additional an attorney, employer, or university, requesting confidential
apps on a user's computer without their knowledge or consent information such as login credentials, social security numbers,
[12]. This virus is frequently sent via email attachments or and other personal data that could be used to gain access to
websites that have been hijacked by hackers or malware writers accounts or steal money online [15]. Spear phishing is a highly
looking to enhance the capabilities of their dangerous focused kind of phishing that focuses on specific persons or
programs. Trojan horses are well-known for their ability to organizations to make the assault look more legitimate and
disguise themselves as legal applications or software updates, customized. These assaults are frequently effective because the
deceiving unwary users into downloading and installing them. attacker has done research on the target and may use that
Once installed, the Trojan horse can perform a variety of knowledge to construct a compelling message that seems real.
operations on the user's computer, such as stealing personal 3.13 Session Hijacking
data, installing further malware, or providing the attacker
Session hijacking is a malicious technique to gain unauthorized
remote access. As a result, users must be cautious and follow
access to a user's session ID and intercept their data. Attackers
best practices to protect themselves from such unwanted
achieve this by exploiting vulnerabilities in session
management procedures, which can be present in cookies,
3.9 Malware tokens, or URLs [9]. The attacker can then use this information
Malware is a term that refers to any program that is meant to to impersonate the user, access their confidential information,
disrupt a computer system or steal personal information from and carry out unauthorized transactions. Session hijacking is a
users who unknowingly download it onto their machines, serious threat that can result in identity theft, account misuse,
typically without their knowledge or agreement. and financial fraud, among other consequences [9]. To prevent
Cybercriminals generally construct this malware, which is then session hijacking attacks, it is essential to ensure proper session
deployed in a variety of methods, including phishing assaults, management techniques, including session timeouts, secure
spam emails, and keyboard loggers [9]. Phishing assaults have session storage, and using HTTPS to encrypt session data [8].
grown in popularity in recent years, and they frequently use 3.14 Content injection
malware to infect victims' systems and steal important data.
Content injection is a cyberattack in which harmful code is
Malware can also be used to carry out other sorts of assaults,
placed into genuine website content without the website
such as ransomware and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
owner's or user's knowledge or consent [15]. The inserted code
attacks, which can be extremely damaging to organizations and
may modify or replace current content with malicious code,
people [10]. As a result, it is critical for people and companies
giving the impression that the website has been altered. Content
to take precautions against malware, such as installing antivirus
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 185 – No. 11, May 2023
injection attacks are designed to steal sensitive data from 4. PURPOSE BEHIND THE PHISHING
genuine websites or to divert users to phishing websites where
their personal information can be obtained. To carry out the 4.1 Identity theft
content injection attack and achieve their goals, the attackers Phishing is a social engineering assault used to gain personal
may employ a variety of techniques, including cross-site information, particularly login credentials. In this attack, an
scripting (XSS) and SQL injection (SQLi). Content injection email or SMS message seems to originate from a trusted source,
attacks are a severe danger to website owners and users since but it is really delivered by an unknown sender [14]. The email
they can cause data breaches, financial loss, and reputational or message may contain what appear to be normal links or
harm to impacted companies. attachments. However, they are meant to download malicious
software onto the target's computer or mobile device to acquire
3.15 Link Manipulation sensitive information such as login credentials or financial
Users can be directed to other web pages by using web links. information [14]. These phishing assaults can have major
On the other hand, attackers might exploit this feature by ramifications, including identity theft, financial loss, and
building malicious links that redirect visitors to fraudulent sites malware installation on victims' PCs [14].
rather than the intended destination. As a result, attackers can
intercept any cookie provided along with the link [15]. This 4.2 Financial Gain
allows them to mimic the user and conduct nefarious activities Phishing is frequently driven by financial gain, with criminals
such as stealing sensitive data or starting fraudulent using the scam to trick customers into disclosing their bank
transactions. As a result, users should be cautious when account passwords and transferring data [8]. This type of
clicking on links, particularly those they do not recognize or assault is known as "phishing," It involves mimicking emails
look suspicious. Putting in place security measures like two- from financial institutions, banks, and other trustworthy
factor authentication can also assist to reduce the danger of businesses to obtain personal information from unsuspecting
such assaults. victims.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 185 – No. 11, May 2023
technique is to steal client data from the firm and then post it critical to deploy robust authentication procedures such as
online, which can severely harm the company's reputation. MFA to reduce the dangers of such attacks. [5]
Brand tarnishing is a significant concern since it may result in
considerable financial losses and harm the targeted company's 5.6 Access control list
reputation. ACL is a set of permissions allocated to a specific object, such
as a file or folder, that indicates which people or groups have
4.7 Data Theft access to the item and what degree of access they have [5].
Data theft is a primary objective of phishing attacks. Attackers ACLs are frequently used to limit access to sensitive data or
use various tactics to trick individuals into divulging sensitive resources so only authorized users can access them. Suppose an
information like passwords or credit card numbers, allowing ACL is configured incorrectly or is out of date. In that case, it
them to access the data for their purposes [8]. Malware can also can lead to security vulnerabilities and raise the risk of phishing
steal data by tricking individuals into downloading it onto their attempts by allowing unauthorized users to access sensitive
computers or networks. Once the attacker has obtained the data, data or network resources. As a result, it is critical to evaluate
they can use it to commit identity theft or financial fraud, or sell and update ACLs on a regular basis to ensure that they are
the information on the black market. correctly set and effective in safeguarding the network against
unwanted access.
5.1 Security Flaws 5.7 Software Updates
Attackers can access systems by exploiting security Successful phishing assaults are frequently caused by out-of-
weaknesses in software and hardware [3]. A design defect is date software. These are examples of web browsers, antivirus
the most prevalent security problem when software is software, and operating systems. When these software
distributed without sufficient testing. Because of this design packages are not frequently updated, they might become
weakness, attackers can abuse the program and obtain exploitable, exposing the system to attack. To reduce the
unauthorized computer access. danger of these sorts of assaults, it is critical to keep software
up to date.
5.2 Weak passwords
A weak password is not considered a security weakness; 5.8 Browser Vulnerabilities
instead, the user must generate a strong password and update it When using a browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox to
frequently. Phishing attacks may readily exploit a weak explore the internet, users are generally requested to install
password [12]. Users and administrators may use weak software updates to check for security vulnerabilities in their
passwords owing to carelessness in password selection or system each time they visit a website. It is, nevertheless, critical
because they often use basic passwords such as "password" or to use caution when upgrading this program. Before installing
"123456." Furthermore, individuals frequently use the same any updates, users should check whether any security updates
password for several accounts, exposing all of their accounts if are available. This is because attackers may exploit weaknesses
the password is hacked [8]. in obsolete software and take advantage of users unaware of the
latest security upgrades to launch phishing attacks. To reduce
5.3 Non-secure desktop the danger of such assaults, it is recommended that all software
A non-secure desktop does not have the latest security updates. on a system be maintained up to date.
A non-secure desktop that lacks the most recent security
patches makes a machine more vulnerable to phishing assaults 5.9 Open ports and misconfigured services
[7]. Furthermore, users should be aware of the kind and version exposed to the internet
of their browsers, as certain browsers are more secure than Open ports and misconfigured services on the internet
others. If a browser is hacked, it may be used to launch phishing constitute a severe security risk because they allow unprotected
attacks. traffic from untrusted sources to access devices or computers
without authorization, even when firewalls or other security
5.4 No User Awareness controls are in place. Some frequently used ports, such as 80
A non-secure desktop environment employs web browsers (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS), are exposed to the public, rendering
such as Internet Explorer 11 and other out-of-date versions that them vulnerable to malevolent actors. Similarly, misconfigured
are vulnerable to phishing attempts [5]. Users can prevent this services such as SMTP and FTP can be utilized by anybody on
risk by disabling all extensions in Internet Explorer 11 and the internet without authorization, raising the danger of
using contemporary browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, phishing attempts. To reduce this risk, it is advised that open
or Chrome as the default browser in Windows 10/8/7. Users ports be secured, and services be correctly configured, as well
can better defend themselves against phishing attempts and as employing extra security measures such as network
other online hazards by doing so. segmentation and intrusion detection systems.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 185 – No. 11, May 2023
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 185 – No. 11, May 2023
resources. RDP ports 3389, 3390, 3394, and 4100 are often unwanted emails and prevent them from reaching the user's
used. It is recommended to avoid open RDP ports by inbox without the sender's consent.
monitoring them and swiftly shutting them when they are found
to be utilized for something other than their original purpose. 8. PHISHING DETECTION
7.5 Hardening conditional access policies Several Microsoft Azure technologies are used to create a
Conditional access is a type of access control in which users are phishing detection system. Azure Data Factory is used for data
permitted access to a resource if specific conditions are migration, allowing files to be transported from many sources
satisfied. Location, time of day, device kind, or user to Azure Data Lake gen2. For Python and R language, Azure
identification are examples of such circumstances [8]. Databricks is utilized, with all R Language and Python code put
Conditional access can be used to restrict access to sensitive in Databricks notebooks..
information such as social security numbers and credit card
data and to guarantee that only authorized individuals have To run Databricks python note book spark cluster are used
access to customer and financial records. Azure Databricks is a fully managed first-party service that
enables an open data lakehouse in Azure. With a lakehouse
Using temporary passwords, granted to users depending on built on top of an open data lake, quickly light up a variety of
predefined criteria, is one form of conditional access. When analytical workloads while allowing for common governance
accessing particular resources, for example, a user may be across your entire data estate. Enable key use cases including
prompted to submit a temporary password texted to their data science, data engineering, machine learning, AI, and SQL-
mobile device. Requiring an extra layer of authentication, this based analytics.Data Lake Gen 2 is used to store pre- and post-
helps to prevent illegal access. Organizations may strengthen datasets, and Power BI is used to produce telemetry reports by
their security posture and safeguard sensitive information from connecting to Data Lake Gen 2.
unwanted access by introducing conditional access restrictions.
Data collection is the first stage of the phishing detection
7.6 Security policies implementation. Data is collected from numerous sources and
Incorporating security policies, such as those issued by the transported to Azure Data Lake Gen2 storage utilizing the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), can Azure data factory tool for data movement. In Azure data
help avoid phishing attempts. These policies establish best factory self hosted integration runtime is use to move data from
practices for safeguarding systems and sensitive data and on prem to Azure Data Lake cloud storage. The obtained
should be followed by all workers who have access to member dataset is read into CSV format using the Pandas package and
accounts and systems. Such rules should be included in an labeled. The NLTK library is used for importing stop words
organization's Information Security Policy and Procedures and porter stemmer, which are used to delete unnecessary
Manual and other related guidelines and paperwork [25]. words and locate the word's base root. Regular expressions are
used to remove special characters from a dataset.
7.7 Avoiding clicking links and attachments
Receiving an email with a link or attachment should trigger Following data cleaning, text preparation is carried out, in
suspicion, and clicking on it should be done cautiously. Before which email body words are transformed to lowercase, and
clicking [10], it is best to confirm the integrity of the link or file each word is separated into a separate column. The count
by checking the URL or email address with a reliable source. If vectorizer from the scikit-learn package turns unique words
the link or attachment is opened, ensure it takes the user to the into columns. The primary dataset is then converted into
correct page. Otherwise, it is best to approach it with care. Boolean variables 0 and 1 for spam and valid emails. Both
datasets are then tested using train-test split and the Nave Bayes
7.8 Spam Guarding package. The confusion matrix from the scikit-learn package is
The deployment of spam guarding services at both the used to test and validate predictions. The accuracy score
organization's email server and user levels is an effective anti- measures the algorithm's accuracy across all 11 datasets.
phishing tactic. These tools prevent unsolicited commercial
email messages from entering the network and entering emails Emails identified as spam and those not transferred more
carrying harmful code, such as viruses or worms, into the profoundly into the data lake and Power BI to create a spam
computer system. detection tool efficiency report. Overall, developing a phishing
detection algorithm necessitates using multiple Azure
7.9 Install antivirus and anti-spam software. technologies and modules for data cleaning, preprocessing,
Several free antivirus apps may be used to protect computers visualization and testing.
against malware such as viruses and spyware. Examples
include Microsoft Security Essentials, Norton 360, and
McAfee's Internet Security package [6]. Additionally, the user
should install anti-spam software on their device to filter out
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 185 – No. 11, May 2023
9. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS tool was more than 92% efficient in most of the tests done. The
The research findings reveal that the created phishing detection tool was determined to be 94% efficient and accurate on
tool detects phishing emails with excellent efficiency and average. Finally, the experimental findings show that the
accuracy. The program was evaluated on 11 datasets, each of created phishing detection tool successfully identifies phishing
which had 500 emails, including a mix of spam and legal emails and may be used to safeguard individuals and businesses
emails. The phishing detection tool's total accuracy was 94%, from phishing assaults.
with an efficiency of 92% or higher in most of the tests
Table 1: Experimental Results
Datasets Number Spam Not Efficiency
of detected Detected
1 500 106 9 0.96
2 500 94 6 0.95
3 500 93 7 0.94
4 500 95 5 0.93
5 500 94 6 0.92
6 500 94 6 0.94
7 500 92 8 0.94
8 500 93 7 0.95 Fig 6: Phishing Detected vs Not Detected
9 500 94 6 0.93 The phishing detection tool's effectiveness was assessed by
testing it on 11 datasets, each comprising 500 emails (5,500).
10 500 95 5 0.94 As shown in Fig 7, the developed prediction model was more
11 500 96 4 0.92
12 5500 1099 16 0.98
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 185 – No. 11, May 2023
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