Debtors Circularisation Letters. - 1628756548
Debtors Circularisation Letters. - 1628756548
Debtors Circularisation Letters. - 1628756548
Signed ……………………………………………..
Position held……………………………………………..
Date {{today_long}}
On ............... the above company wrote to you requesting that confirmation of the balance outstanding on your account in their books at ………… should be sent
direct to us. According to the books of the company the amount due from you on that date was £
As we cannot trace a reply having been received we should be grateful if you would return this letter to us in the enclosed envelope confirming your agreement to
this balance by signing in the space provided below. If you do not agree this balance will you please write on the back of this letter the amount outstanding
according to your records, together with such details as you can provide of the difference.
We shall be most grateful for your co-operation in this matter.
Yours faithfully
* We agree the balance stated above.
* We do not agree the balance state above and set out overleaf the position according to our records.
(Signed) ……………………..
* Delete as appropriate.