Management Micro Project For Last Year Student
Management Micro Project For Last Year Student
Management Micro Project For Last Year Student
HADAPSAR- 411028
Academic Year: 2022-23
Title of Project
Guidance Teacher
Mrs.Gade M.A
Submitted By
Ashutosh Dhamdhere
Praharsha Chaudhari
Pune District Education Association
Institute of Technology, Hadapsar, Pune
The Importance of Employee Productivity and Motivation
We’re going to create The Importance of Employee Productivity and
➢ Program Out Comes :-
• Basic and Discipline specific knowledge:
Roll Student Name Marks out of for Marks out of 4 Total out
No. performance in for performance Of 10
group activity in oral I
11 Ashutosh
12 Praharsha
Pune District Education Association
Institute of Technology, Hadapsar, Pune
2. Definition of
3. Productivity
4. Theoretical
5. Conclusion
6. Planning
7. Reference
Pune District Education Association
Institute of Technology, Hadapsar, Pune
1. Introduction
Employee productivity can be defined as the amount of work (or output) produced by an
employee in a specific period of time. As a manager, you have the power and responsibility to
help your teammates do their best work. The ways to measure employee productivity include
measuring goals, measuring the quality of work.
Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's
workers bring to their jobs which encourages their employees to work better. Whether the
economy is growing or shrinking, finding ways to motivate employees is always a management
concern. Competing theories stress either incentives or employee involvement
(empowerment). Employee motivation is key to an organization's success. It's the level of
commitment, drive, and energy that a company's workers bring to the role each day. Companies
experience reduced productivity, lower levels of output and it's likely that the company will
fall short of reaching important goals too.
High-level employee motivation will impact employee productivity by stimulating the
production of better and higher quantity work. A motivated employee is more likely to have a
high level of job satisfaction and increase long-term employee retention. The 4-Drive Theory
of Employee Motivation states that there are four main drives that motivate employees, are the
drives to Acquire & Achieve, to Bond & Belong, to be Challenged & Comprehend, and to
Define & Defend. Most employees need the motivation to feel good about their jobs and
perform optimally. Some employees are money motivated while others find recognition and
rewards personally motivating. Motivation levels within the workplace have a direct impact on
employee productivity. Workers who are motivated and excited about their jobs carry out their
responsibilities to the best of their ability and production numbers increase as a result.
Pune District Education Association
Institute of Technology, Hadapsar, Pune
2. Definition of Terms
The usage of the following terms in this project is limited to their meaning as given in the
following definitions.
1. MORALE-This refers to the attitude and feeling of employees towards their establishment
and working relationship.
2. MANAGEMENT-This is the process of getting things done through others to achieve the
company goals or objectives.
3. MOTIVATION-This means the factor or reason that stimulates action, mainly or external
factors that stimulates reaction in person.
4. PRODUCTIVITY-This is the reaction of useful result obtained to the resources expanded
in obtaining them. Productivity of labour denotes or indicates efficiency or physical output par
5. SALARY-This stands for compensation for work. It can be paid weekly, monthly, or
6. STRATIFIED SAMPLING-This is a method of sampling where by heterogeneous
population is divided into states or layer, in such a away that each stratum or layer is made
homogenous and then sampled at random.
7. MOTIVES-This term refers to that which causes an organism to act. In general, when
we speak of motives it means the causes or reasons that underline a given behaviour.
8. NEEDS-Physiologically, the term “needs” refers to a condition of :lack” or “deficiency” in
a person or other organisms.
9. EMPLOYEE-An employee is any person who has undertaken to place his gainful activity
in return for remuneration, under the direction and control of another who may be an individual,
a private or public organization.
10. MANAGER -This term defined as company or a person that pays people to work for them.
It also one who control or direct a worker under an express or contract of higher and pays the
workers salaries or wages.
11. FRINGE BENEFITS-This term stands for other benefits the employee received outside
his statutory or basic salary.
Pune District Education Association
Institute of Technology, Hadapsar, Pune
3. Productivity
Productivity in general has been defined in the Cambridge International and Oxford Advance
Learner’s dictionaries as the rate at which goods are produced with reference to number of
people and amount of materials necessary to produced it. On the other hand, productivity has
been defined as the utilization of resources in producing a product or services (Gaissey,
1993). It has further been defined as the ratio of the output (good and services) and input
(Labour, capital or management). The definition of productivity is utilized by economists at
the industrial level to determine the economy’s health, trends and growth rate whiles at the
project level, it applies to areas of planning, cost estimating, accounting and cost control
(Mojahed, 2005).This has been given a mathematical expression as follows: Productivity =
Output Input (Heizer and Render, 1999) Clearly, it can be seen from the mathematical
expression that productivity will increase when output increase with input being constant or
decreasing input with output constant.
The United States for almost100years, was able to increase productivity at an average rate of
2.5% per annum and that doubled their wealth every 30years (Heizer and Render,
1999).Productivity improvement can be realised if the following factors can be accomplished.
(i) Faster set-up of machine tools
(ii) Better quality control
(iii) More flexible in changing product specification.
(iv) Proper material handling Surely, there exist a positive correlation between productivity
and some variables namely: Labour; Material; Capital; and Management. Total factor
productivity gives a more general definition of productivity and it takes into consideration the
combination of various input factors and is measured as follows:(Haas et al, 1998).
Pune District Education Association
Institute of Technology, Hadapsar, Pune
4. Theoretical Literature
1. Mac Gregory’s Theory of X and Y
Mac Gregory suggested that there exist two set of employees (lazy and ambitious employees)
with the lazy employees representing theory X and the ambitious representing theory Y.
According to him the lazy should be motivated to increase performance in an organization.
Mac Gregory suggested that there exist two set of employees (lazy and ambitious employees)
with the lazy employees representing theory X and the hard and ambitious workers representing
theory Y. according to him the lazy should be motivated to increase performance in an
organization. Another motivational author Mac Gregory’s theory which is built on Maslow’s
theory adds a central idea that: managers’ assumptions about their employees can affect their
motivation. This theory proposes two alternative and extreme views to see the human being:
Theory X & Y. according to Theory X the employee is viewed as mainly negative, lazy, resist,
threats and punishments. Employees in an organization like this tends to perform less
effectively, give low productivity, produces aggressions and conflicts (Bolman et al.., 1997).
Theory Y on the other hand strives to maximize the employees’ individual goals and efforts by
giving workers greater job involvement and autonomy. This means that employees are given
the possibility to grow and achieve their own goals within the organization .Employees are
viewed as positive, open to development. Management’s goal is to make the employee happy
and satisfied with their work and performance (Bolmanet al.., 1997).Taken not too literally the
theory can provide a useful tool for motivation and management research (Shah and Shah
2007). In addition these theories remain as a guiding principle of positive approaches for
management to organizational and development and to improve organizational culture.
This theory is based on two foundations; namely man’s need as a living being to avoid pain
and as a human, the need for psychological growth Herzberg listed a number of factors that are
similar to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, except that his theory is more inclined to the working
environment. He divided these factors into dissatisfies (hygiene factor) and satisfiers
(motivators).Under the satisfiers he stated factors such as recognition, achievements
,advancements, growth, responsibility and job challenge. On the other hand the dissatisfiers
include working condition, company policy, administrative practices, salaries and benefits,
supervision, status, job security, co-workers and personal life. One set of need is associated
with what a person does while the other is concerned with the situation in which it is done.
Motivators are able to create effective motivation in workers in order to be able to perform and
exert considerable effort while the dissatisfiers describe the work environment but do not have
much effect in creating positive attitudes. The hygiene factors form the environment in which
man is persistently trying to adjust while the motivators create motivation. They are the task
available to facilitate achievement and growth. Herzberg argues that dissatisfier factors must
be initially observed in the job before satisfiers can be used to stimulate the job and the resultant
feeling of motivation is achieved. This means that motivators cannot be used until the hygiene
factors have been fulfilled. Herzberg theory was able to point out some related factors that are
Pune District Education Association
Institute of Technology, Hadapsar, Pune
Pune District Education Association
Institute of Technology, Hadapsar, Pune
5. Conclusion
Based on the findings of this research it can be concluded that most workers work hard when
they are motivated since when they are motivated the motivation package they get will help
them to satisfy some of their needs. The above findings also establish that there is a relationship
between motivation and employees performance at the organization SO.NA.RA. The theories
and hypothesis of the study were based on the fact that motivation influences workers to be
more productive at the organisation .Furthermore, the study was able to identify various types
of motivation given at the organization SO.NA.RA such as bonus, sick allowance, pension,
travelling allowance, promotion, job security. Productivity would also increase if these are
giving properly. In addition, motivation can be grouped under financial and non-financial
motivation. A worker would be dissatisfied if these are not present. According to ckukwudi
(2002), workers would prefer motivation in cash than in kind and at the council the majority of
the 81% preferred financial motivation and thus management at the council should pay
attention to the type of motivation giving to the workers at the council for a financial motivation
would leave the workers satisfied than a non-financial motivation and this goes a long way to
affect their productivity and thus workers performance at the council.
The findings also point the need for management to monitor the behaviour of their workers on
a continuing basis as a deliberate policy and practice to use so that they can generate
information on what type of motivational technique used would be beneficial to the workers.
This should not be on an occasional base rather it should be continuous so that organizational
behaviour data provided will place the council in a position of strength while dealing with the
organizational problems rather than the acting out in ignorance and uncertainty. Oloko (1977)
in his study of the staff at “Muddy Water” advocates for a research system where the workers
say what their want and need, and this can be obtained based on data provided by monitoring
the behaviour of workers. From this type of research we can begin to lay the foundation for a
realistic motivation system that will motivate workers to dependably apply productive efforts
in both the Government and private sector of the society. From the data collected and analysis
made 73% (27) of the workers responded that motivation significantly has an effect on
employee’s productivity. This clearly answers our research question in chapter one. From the
analysis above it can be concluded that motivation has an effect on employee’s performance at
the council. The null hypothesis in chapter 1 illustrated that limited or inadequate motivation
does not cause workers at the council to be less productive. From the results gotten we rejected
the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis. Thus it can be concluded that
motivation plays a significant role in workers performance at the organisation.
Pune District Education Association
Institute of Technology, Hadapsar, Pune
6. Planning
Follow up
7. Reference