Pa Tho Physiology of Hodgkin's
Pa Tho Physiology of Hodgkin's
Pa Tho Physiology of Hodgkin's
Risk Factors: Age Mid 20s and after 50 years old. Underdeveloped countries. EBV Post-Organ Transplant Patients Immunodeficiency diseases Genetic Predisposition EXTERNAL ASSAULT Pathogen causing HD Immunodeficiency Pathogens like HIV First Phase: Proliferation Phase At this phase, the biologic factor multiply as nourished by internal supplements. When they reached enough number to maximally sensitize the immune system they enter the next phase. If not they were suppressed generally by basic immune response IINTERNAL ASSAULT Oncogenic Proliferation Malnutrition INDUCED ASSAULT Organ Transplant Etiology: Unknown
First Phase: Dormant Phase Point at which the genetic predisposition is suppressed by suppressor genes. And balanced is generally attained as well as normal functioning.
First Phase: Point of Compatibility Point at which the organ transplanted matches that of the recipient. Second Phase: Somewhere Phase Point wherein an idiopathic rejection of the organ takes place, and immune response is induced.
Second Phase: Migration Phase Point of active infiltration of nutrient-enriched blood vessels. Third Phase: Sensitization Phase Point of active systemic immune response. Wherein the pathogens were brought to lymphatic system or full sabotage. If successful, the microorganism then is obliterated. If not then we enter the next phase. Fourth Phase: Mutilation Phase Point of thorough immune assault leading to infiltration of cells and tissues, specifically of the lymphatic system for this disease. Fifth Phase: Alteration Phase This is when the organisms specifically viruses cause a DNA damage which is generally non-repairable due to extent of damage. The damage leads to wrong genetic coding leading to cell mutation
Second Phase: Ration Phase This is the point wherein the predisposition is expressed maybe linked to age, nutrition or part of time-open system. Third Phase: Production Phase Point wherein the genes undergo synthesis and reproduction leading to Overt abnormal cell replication
Third Phase: Autoimmunity Phase Point at which the selfrecognition fails, and a generalized immune attack is executed.
Fourth Phase: Cellular Damage Point at which the overt self attack lead to generalized cellular damage including g that of the DNA.
Fifth Phase: Expression Phase When the damage is unhealed it then leads to abnormal coding leading to expression of abnormal cells.
Sixth Phase: Expression Phase At this point, the wrong coding leads to showcase of abnormal cells. Final Phase: Progression Phase This is when the ratio of abnormal cells to normal cells is high enough to impair normal functioning. this is the point wherein the difference between HD and NHD appears. At the progression phase of HD there is the production of abnormally enlarged cells known as REED-STERNBERG CELLS. While for NHD there is none in particular. The difference is genetically-linked.
PROFOUND CANCER MANIFESTATION Characteristic of Lymphatic System leading to signs and symptoms: Cellular configuration of lymph nodes is present to all organs throughout the body leading to extra-lymphatic cancer cell affectation. The lymphatic system serves as drainage of almost all organs except of the CNS. Immunoglobulins mature and thrive in the lymphatic system.
S/Sx: Enlarged Cervical lymph nodes due to proliferation of abnormal cells. Edema impaired drainage and possible liver affectation. Cyanosis of head and neck due to compression of jugular veins and carotid artery. Jaundice accumulation of bilirubin due to obstruction of bile ducts. General pruritus secondary to jaundice Non-productive cough related to irritation of airways secondary to mediastinal lymph node enlargement. Dyspnea and Chest Pain decreased oxygen supply due to compression.. Hepatosplenomegaly due to cellular infiltration and possible metastasis. Intermittent fever due to hypermetabolic state of cellular proliferation, and ineffective immune function.