Virro 2004
Virro 2004
Virro 2004
Objective: To determine the relationship between sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) parameters (DNA
fragmentation index [DFI] and high DNA stainability [HDS]), and conventional IVF and IVF/intracytoplas-
mic sperm injection (ICSI) outcomes.
Design: Retrospective review and prospective study.
Setting: Private IVF clinic.
Patient(s): Two hundred forty-nine couples undergoing first IVF and/or ICSI cycle.
Intervention(s): IVF, ICSI, blastocyst culture.
Main Outcome Measure(s): DFI, HDS, conventional semen parameters, IVF, ICSI.
Result(s): IVF and ICSI fertilization rates were not statistically different between high- and low-DFI groups.
More men with ⱖ15% HDS had lower (⬍25% and ⬍50%) IVF fertilization rates. High DNA stainability was
not related to ICSI fertilization rates. High DNA stainability did not affect blastocyst rates or pregnancy
outcomes. Men with ⱖ30% DFI were at risk for low blastocyst rates (⬍30%) and no ongoing pregnancies.
Men with ⱖ30% DFI had more male factors. World Health Organization thresholds were not predictive of
Received May 14, 2003;
revised and accepted
ongoing pregnancy.
September 15, 2003. Conclusion(s): The relationship between HDS and poor IVF fertilization rates provides preliminary evidence
Supported in part by the that ICSI may be indicated in men with ⱖ15% HDS. Men with high levels of DNA fragmentation (ⱖ30%
Environmental Protection DFI) were at greater risk for low blastocyst rates and failure to initiate an ongoing pregnancy. The SCSA
Agency, grant no. provides valuable prognostic information to physicians counseling couples before IVF and/or ICSI cycles.
R827019, and SCSA (Fertil Steril威 2004;81:1289⫺95. ©2004 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Diagnostics. This is South
Dakota Agricultural Key Words: Sperm chromatin structure assay, SCSA, DNA fragmentation, DFI, HDS, IVF, ICSI, blastocyst
Experiment Station rate, pregnancy, spontaneous abortion
Publication no. 3378 of the
journal series.
Reprint requests: Donald P. Male factor as the etiology of infertility has influencing ICSI embryo development, the low
Evenson, Ph.D., Olson been shown to have a significant, negative ef- incidence of blastocyst development likely
Biochemistry Labs, ASC
149, South Dakota State fect on the number of embryos that develop to stems in part from the relatively high incidence
University, Brookings, the blastocyst stage (1, 2). Therefore, sperm of fragmented DNA and chromosomal abnor-
South Dakota 57007 (FAX: quality should be scrutinized to determine the malities within the sperm population selected
E-mail: role it plays in poor blastocyst development for ICSI (4). These data indicate that irrepara-
Markham Fertility Centre, and/or the failure to initiate a term pregnancy. ble abnormalities in the paternal genome affect
Markham, Ontario, Canada. Male factor infertility correlates significantly blastocyst development even when the sperm is
Olson Biochemistry Labs, with blastocyst numbers (1, 2) and quality (3). injected directly into the oocyte via ICSI (1).
South Dakota State
University, Brookings, Furthermore, blastocyst formation favors The embryonic genome is activated on day
South Dakota.
those zygotes resulting from IVF over intracy- 3, and its transcriptional products supersede the
0015-0282/04/$30.00 toplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) (4, 5). Al- regulatory control provided by maternal mes-
09.063 though technical aspects may play a role in sages stored in the oocyte. Blastocyst culture
maintains the embryo in vitro during and after activation of nuclear chromatin (DNA and protein) structure of these
the embryonic genome, allowing scientists to witness the immature sperm is abnormal, with a characteristically high
earliest expression of an “errant paternal genome” (6). Em- level of DNA stainability (%HDS). In a study of semen
bryo abnormalities seen in vitro can be more directly samples collected monthly for 8 consecutive months, the
related to male factors because the results can be assessed SCSA parameters were more repeatable than the conven-
without the interference of confounding female factors tional semen parameters of sperm count, motility, and mor-
(e.g., uterine and endocrine abnormalities) that may lead phology (21). Other studies have shown that the DFI can be
to embryo wastage or miscarriage post-transfer (7). In an excellent indicator of environmental pollution (22), smok-
vitro assessment of the embryos allows the development of ing (23, 24), and exposure to industrial toxicants (25, 26).
noninvasive selection criteria against abnormal, nonviable Additional factors that affect human SCSA data include
embryos and may lessen the chance that a child will be febrile illness (27), age (24), and cancer (28 –30).
conceived from sperm with an abnormal genome (6). Fur- In a Science article published in 1980, the SCSA showed
thermore, blastocyst culture aids scientific endeavors de- a clear difference in DNA quality between proven fertile and
signed to study the role that the paternal genome plays in infertile men (no conceptions over 1 year) and bulls (11). In
blastocyst development, implantation, and clinical pregnan- a subsequent comprehensive male factor fertility study of
cies. couples attempting to conceive without assisted reproductive
Gaining a better understanding of the impact of male techniques, the SCSA distinguished between highly fertile,
factors in abnormal blastocyst development is critically im- moderately fertile, and sub-/infertile men (12). In this study,
portant to clinical practice as only 20% of human embryos pregnancy rates were significantly lower when men had a
implant after transfer to the uterus (8). Transfer of embryos high percentage of immature sperm (ⱖ15% HDS). Further-
at the blastocyst stage provides the possibility of selecting more, no couple achieved a pregnancy when the DFI was
better-quality embryos with a higher implantation potential ⱖ30% during the month of conception. Similarly, three
(5). Even more critical may be evidence indicating that the other studies including a total of 146 patients reported no
most significant phenotypic manifestations of paternal ge- sustained pregnancies after IUI/IVF/ICSI when the DFI was
nome abnormalities occur during postimplantation develop- ⬎27% in the raw ejaculate (13, 17, 18, 31).
ment (9). Therefore, genetic abnormalities in the paternal To our knowledge, the research reported here is the first
genome may be a significant source of miscarriages, 50% of to compare SCSA parameters (DFI and HDS) to IVF/ICSI
which are currently unexplained (7). fertilization, blastocyst development, spontaneous abortions,
The role of paternal genome abnormalities in miscarriage and chemical and ongoing pregnancies.
is underestimated because the assays used in clinical practice
measure major numerical or structural abnormalities but do MATERIALS AND METHODS
not measure minor but potentially global chromosomal dam-
age (DNA nicks, double strand breaks; 9). Sperm from Patients
infertile men have an elevated rate of these “minor” DNA Two hundred forty-nine couples commencing their first
abnormalities (10 –17), which may lead to the observed IVF cycle had SCSA testing done on the male partner. Data
abnormal blastocyst development, failed implantation, and from the first 63 couples were looked at retrospectively.
spontaneous miscarriages in conceptions using these sperm. After this, every couple planning a cycle had SCSA testing
If evaluated in men before IVF and/or ICSI, sperm DNA done before their egg retrieval. South Dakota State Univer-
abnormalities would likely identify the cause of infertility in sity’s Institutional Review Board approved this research
a large percentage of patients (18). Therefore, evaluating the study. Approval was not sought in the private IVF clinic
paternal genome may be a significant upgrade to the diag- because of the lack of such a review board. Patients were
nostic and prognostic information provided by the conven- grouped according to their SCSA data. Men with ⬍30% DFI
tional male factor infertility examination. were classified as having low levels of DNA fragmentation,
and men with ⱖ30% DFI were classified as having high
Over the past decade, several techniques have emerged as
levels of DNA fragmentation. A second, independent group-
potential protocols for evaluating chromatin/DNA integrity.
ing was based on HDS. Men with ⬍15% HDS were said to
The sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) measures the
have low levels of immature sperm, and men with ⱖ15%
percentage of sperm with a high susceptibility to low pH-
HDS were said to have high levels of immature sperm.
induced DNA denaturation and is expressed as the DNA
fragmentation index (%DFI). DNA fragmentation index is a SCSA Protocols
highly accurate, repeatable measure of DNA quality that is The SCSA protocol has been described elsewhere by
proportionate to the level of DNA strand breaks in sperm Evenson et al. (12, 32). Each semen sample was frozen in
(19, 20). In addition to quantifying DNA strand breaks LN2 without cryoprotectant and transported in a LN2 dry
through DFI, the SCSA simultaneously identifies the per- shipper via Federal Express to SCSA Diagnostics (Brook-
centage of sperm with immature nuclear development. The ings, SD) for SCSA testing. From each semen sample, two
1290 Virro et al. Sperm DNA predicts lower pregnancy rate Vol. 81, No. 5, May 2004
Native (green fluorescence) versus fragmented DNA (red fluorescence) cytograms showing the two SCSA parameters of
interest. Left: semen sample with a high percentage of sperm with high levels of DNA fragmentation (%DFI). Right: semen
sample with a high percentage of sperm with HDS (%HDS).
Virro. Sperm DNA predicts lower pregnancy rate. Fertil Steril 2004.
separate measurements of 5,000 sperm cells each were eval- Seventy-five percent of patients had both conventional
uated by flow cytometry. High DNA stainability was calcu- IVF and ICSI performed, splitting the number of eggs
lated based on the percentage of sperm with high levels of equally for both procedures. Eighteen percent had all of their
green fluorescence (y-axis, Fig. 1). Native (green fluores- eggs injected for male factor reasons, and 7% had only
cence, y-axis) versus fragmented DNA (red fluorescence, conventional IVF performed. After egg retrieval, oocytes
x-axis) cytograms (Fig. 1) were used to determine the DFI of were rinsed of follicular fluid in HTF-Hepes ⫹ 10% HSA
the entire sperm population. The percentage of sperm with (human serum albumin; Bayer Corp. Canada, Toronto, On-
high levels of DNA fragmentation (%DFI) was quantified tario). Oocytes were transferred to organ culture dishes (Fal-
based on the increased ratio of red/[red ⫹ green] fluores- con, BD Biosciences, Franklin Lakes, NJ) that contained 800
cence. L of pre-equilibrated P1 ⫹ 10% substitute serum supple-
ment (SSS; Irvine Scientific Canada, Mississauga, Ontario).
Assisted Reproductive Techniques Oocytes were incubated for 4 – 6 hours (37°C; 5% CO2, 5%
Stimulation Protocol and Oocyte Retrieval O2, and 90% N2) before insemination (IVF) or injection
All women were suppressed with 0.1 cc of Lupron SC
(Abbott Laboratories Ltd., Montreal, Quebec, Canada) start- Fertilization Assessment, Embryo Culture, and Grading
ing on day 21. Suppression ranged from 13 to 20 days for Oocytes were examined for evidence of fertilization
IVF scheduling purposes. When E2 levels were below 100 16 –18 hours after insemination or injection. Normally fer-
pmol/L, ovarian stimulation was started with pure FSH [ei- tilized ova (2PN; 2PB) were transferred to organ culture
ther Gonal-F (Serono Canada Inc., Oakville, Ontario) or dishes containing 90 L of pre-equilibrated P1 ⫹ 10% SSS.
Puregon (Organon Canada Ltd., Scarburough, Ontario)] in Zygotes were incubated for 48 hours at 37°C in 5% CO2, 5%
96% of patients. The remaining 4% of patients had either O2, and 90% N2. On day 3, embryos were transferred to
pure LH (Lhadi, Serono Canada, Ltd.) or Humegon (Or- organ culture dishes containing 90 L of pre-equilibrated
ganon Canada Ltd.) added to their protocol. The mean num- blastocyst medium ⫹ 10% SSS (Irvine). Embryos were
ber of 75 unit ampoules injected was 26.5 per cycle, and the incubated for an additional 48 hours until day 5.
mean E2 level was 4,537 pmol/L at the time of hCG [Profasi
(Serono Canada Inc.) 10,000 units] administration. At least Blastocyst Grading and Transfer
two lead follicles were 18 mm at the time of hCG adminis- On the morning of day 5, embryos were examined for
tration as determined by transvaginal ultrasound. Egg re- further cleavage to the blastocyst stage. Blastocyst develop-
trieval was performed 35 hours after hCG injection. Egg ment was characterized according to Gardner and School-
retrieval was performed under neurolept anesthesia using craft’s blastocyst grading system (33). Any blastocyst that
Demerol, Propofol (Abbott Laboratories Ltd.), and Versed. scored less than 3 and that had more than 60 cells was graded
Female and male factors within DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and high DNA stainability (HDS) groups.
Group 1, DFI ⬍30%, n ⫽ 178 4.7 ⫾ 3.0 34.1 ⫾ 3.8 8.7 ⫾ 4.1 3.2 ⫾ 1.4 107.6 ⫾ 90.2 49.1 ⫾ 17.0 53.4 ⫾ 16.5
Group 2, DFI ⱖ30%, n ⫽ 71 4.2 ⫾ 2.6 33.9 ⫾ 4.4 8.5 ⫾ 4.1 3.4 ⫾ 1.3 54.1a ⫾ 66.0 35.2b ⫾ 15.6 41.0c ⫾ 17.0
Group 1, HDS ⬍15%, n ⫽ 207 4.5 ⫾ 2.9 34.2 ⫾ 4.0 8.5 ⫾ 4.1 3.2 ⫾ 1.3 104.6 ⫾ 88.5 47.5 ⫾ 17.2 51.7 ⫾ 16.7
Group 2, HDS ⱖ15%, n ⫽ 42 4.4 ⫾ 2.7 33.1 ⫾ 3.8 9.1 ⫾ 4.1 3.6 ⫾ 1.7 32.3b ⫾ 47.4 33.8b ⫾ 16.4 40.6a ⫾ 18.9
Note: Values represent mean ⫾ SD for DFI and HDS groups. Values within column and within sperm chromatin structure assay variable (DFI or HDS) with
different superscripts are significantly different. WHO ⫽ World Health Organization.
Virro. Sperm DNA predicts lower pregnancy rate. Fertil Steril 2004.
as an early blastocyst. Immediately before transfer, the blas- meaningful linear relationships (regression analysis) were
tocysts were transferred to HTF-Hepes ⫹ 30% SSS. Blas- identified between IVF/ICSI outcomes and conventional se-
tocysts were loaded in 10 –20 L of HTF-Hepes ⫹ 30% SSS men parameters (volume, count, motility, or morphology) or
in the tip of an Edwards-Wallace embryo replacement cath- SCSA parameters (DFI or HDS). Analysis of variance and
eter (Cooper Surgical, Shelton, CT). Only day 5 blastocyst regression analysis were used to determine the relationships
data were used in this manuscript. All embryos were graded between SCSA parameters and conventional semen param-
by one embryologist who was blinded to the %DFI and eters as well as female age, years of infertility, and total
%HDS for the sperm sample used in that couple’s cycle. number of mature eggs.
Couples had up to but not greater than two blastocysts
transferred on the fifth day after egg retrieval. Embryo trans- RESULTS
fer (ET) was performed under ultrasound guidance using an
Edwards-Wallace catheter (Cooper Surgical). Patients were SCSA Groups
requested to remain supine for 30 minutes after transfer and The 249 IVF and/or ICSI patients included in the study
then have limited activity for the next 48 hours. Serum were divided based on their SCSA-defined DNA fragmen-
hCG levels were drawn 12 days after ET. All patients were tation levels, low %DFI (⬍30% DFI, n ⫽ 178) and high
supported with P vaginal suppositories (200 mg) 24 hours %DFI (ⱖ30% DFI, n ⫽ 71). Men were also divided based on
after egg retrieval. If the hCG level was greater than 200 on their SCSA-defined DNA stainability, low HDS (⬍15%
day 12, patients started hCG support (2,500 units) IM every HDS, n ⫽ 207) and high HDS (ⱖ15% HDS, n ⫽ 42).
3 days until the twelfth week of gestation. Ultrasound was Female age, years of infertility, and average number of
performed between 6 and 6.5 weeks to confirm fetal viabil- mature eggs collected from the female partners did not vary
ity. Women with a positive hCG without a pregnancy at the significantly between the DFI or HDS groups (Table 1).
time of ultrasound or that miscarried before the twelfth week
were identified as having a spontaneous abortion. Conventional Semen Parameters and DFI
Men with ⱖ30% DFI were 6.9 times (3.8 –12.62, confi-
Statistical Analysis dence bounds) more likely to have one or more abnormal
Each semen sample was measured twice in tandem by the conventional semen parameter(s) and therefore be identified
SCSA. Statistical analysis was completed using the mean as “male factor.” The means of sperm count (P⫽.001),
DFI and HDS of the replicate runs. Pearson’s 2 test was motility (P⬍.0001), and World Health Organization (WHO)
used to measure the relationship between DFI groups morphology (P⫽.0002) were significantly lower in men with
(ⱖ30% DFI vs. ⬍30% DFI) and HDS groups (ⱖ15% HDS ⱖ30% DFI (Table 1). Individually, motility (r2 ⫽ 0.17,
vs. ⬍15% HDS) and the presence of male factors and P⬍.0001), count (r2 ⫽ 0.12, P⬍.0001), and WHO morphol-
IVF/ICSI outcomes [low fertilization rate (⬍25% and ogy (r2 ⫽ 0.13, P⬍.0001) were significant predictors of DFI.
⬍50%), low blastocyst rate (⬍30%), spontaneous abortion, In multiple regression analysis, motility and count signifi-
and chemical and ongoing pregnancy]. No biologically cantly predicted 21% (P⬍.01) of the variation in DFI.
1292 Virro et al. Sperm DNA predicts lower pregnancy rate Vol. 81, No. 5, May 2004
Percentage of couples with low fertilization rates (⬍25% and ⬍50%) in DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and high DNA
stainability (HDS) groups.
Group 1, DFI ⬍30% 9 4 2 28 12 18
(n ⫽ 13/144) (n ⫽ 4/114) (n ⫽ 4/178) (n ⫽ 40/144) (n ⫽ 14/114) (n ⫽ 32/178)
Group 2, DFI ⱖ30% 24 7 7 32 23 21
(n ⫽ 8/34) (n ⫽ 4/60) (n ⫽ 5/70) (n ⫽ 11/34) (n ⫽ 14/60) (n ⫽ 15/70)
Group 1, HDS ⬍15% 8 5 3 25 16 17
(n ⫽ 13/157) (n ⫽ 7/138) (n ⫽ 6/206) (n ⫽ 40/157) (n ⫽ 22/138) (n ⫽ 36/206)
Group 2, HDS ⱖ15% 38a 3 7 52b 17 26
(n ⫽ 8/21) (n ⫽ 1/36) (n ⫽ 3/42) (n ⫽ 11/21) (n ⫽ 6/36) (n ⫽ 11/42)
Note: Values within a column and within sperm chromatin structure assay variable (DFI or HDS) with different superscripts are significantly different. Values
are percents.
Virro. Sperm DNA predicts lower pregnancy rate. Fertil Steril 2004.
Conventional Semen Parameters and HDS men with ⱖ30% DFI. There was no significant relationship
Men with ⱖ15% HDS were 4.8 times (2.4 –9.3, confi- between ⱖ15% HDS and poor blastocyst rates. Furthermore,
dence bounds) more likely to have one or more abnormal no WHO threshold for semen volume, sperm count, motility,
conventional semen parameter(s) and therefore be identified or morphology was predictive of poor blastocyst rates.
as male factor. The means of sperm count (P⬍.0001), mo- Pregnancy Outcomes
tility (P⬍.0001), and WHO morphology (P⫽.004) were Men with high levels of DNA fragmentation (ⱖ30% DFI)
significantly lower in men with ⱖ15% HDS (Table 1). had a lower chance of initiating a chemical pregnancy than
Individually, motility (r2 ⫽ 0.09, P⬍.0001), count (r2 ⫽
0.11, P⬍.0001), and WHO morphology (r2 ⫽ 0.09,
P⬍.0001) were significant predictors of HDS. In multiple
regression analysis, motility and count significantly pre- FIGURE 2
dicted 15% (P⬍.01) of the variation in HDS.
Percentage of couples with a low blastocyst rate (⬍30%)
Fertilization Rates and SCSA Parameters between DFI groups. No significant differences were found
between HDS groups and blastocyst rate.
Although trends were evident, fertilization rates were not
statistically different between the high- and low-DFI groups
(Table 2). However, the percentage of couples with low
(⬍25%, P⫽.001) and moderately low (⬍50%, P⫽.01) IVF
fertilization rates was significantly higher in couples includ-
ing men with ⱖ15% HDS (Table 2). There was no relation-
ship between ICSI fertilization rates and HDS. After ICSI,
men with ⬎15% HDS were at an equal risk (0.392–2.8,
confidence bounds) of having ⬍50% fertilization rates as
those men with ⬍15% HDS. Combined, IVF and ICSI
fertilization rates were not significantly related to HDS.
1294 Virro et al. Sperm DNA predicts lower pregnancy rate Vol. 81, No. 5, May 2004
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