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Global Journal of

ISSN 2474-7556
Case Report Glob J Otolaryngol
Volume 13 Issue 4 - March 2018
Copyright © All rights are reserved by John Li
DOI: 10.19080/GJO.2018.13.555869

The Use of Gabapentin in the Treatment of

Neurogenic Cough: A Case Report and Review
Veronica del Calvo1, Alexandra Lackey1 and John Li2*
Medical Student, Florida State University College of Medicine, USA
Otolaryngology, Ear, Nose and Throat Associates of South Florida, USA
Submission: March 09, 2018; Published: March 14, 2018
*Corresponding author: John Li, Ear, Nose and Throat Associates of South Florida, P.A, USA, Tel: +(561) 748-4445; Email:


Cough is one of the most common chief complaints presenting for medical evaluation. While the diagnoses of upper respiratory infection
(URI), postnasal drip, asthma, and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) are easily made and easily treated, there are many cases that remain difficult
to diagnose and treat. This study highlights a difficult case of intractable cough, and its resolution. The objective of this study is to draw attention
to the diagnosis of Sensory Neuropathic Cough and update the diagnostician with an expanded armamentarium of tools for treatment of the
difficult cough patient. Sensory neuropathic cough (SNC) is a commonly overlooked diagnosis that can be successfully treated with Gabapentin
class medications.

Keywords: Neurogenic Cough; Gabapentin; Sensory Neuropathic Cough; Chronic Cough; Laryngeal Sensory Neuropathy, Vagal Neuropathy

Abbreviations: SNC: Sensory neuropathic cough; URI: Upper Respiratory Infection; GERD: Gastroesophageal Reflux; TCA: Tricyclic antidepressants

conventional therapies. Unfortunately, for patients suffering
Acute cough is usually a self-limited entity that resolves
from SNC, misdiagnoses are common. Unnecessary antibiotics,
spontaneously within three weeks. It is usually associated
cough suppressants, inhalers, allergy medications, and proton
with URI and is treated symptomatically with over-the-counter
pump inhibitors are prescribed which yield no relief. Some of
medications and rest. Chronic cough, defined as lasting greater
these patients are submitted to a variety of testing including
than 8 weeks, is a much larger and more difficult problem and
chest x-rays, upper endoscopy, and laryngoscopy, which yield
is the reason for many primary care visits all over the world. It
no significant findings. Others are frustratingly diagnosed with
is a symptom that is often associated with URI, postnasal drip,
psychogenic cough. This unique case corresponds to a 72-year-
asthma, and GERD. These diagnoses are readily treated with
old Caucasian man with SNC who underwent extensive workup
successful resolution of the cough symptoms. However, there
for non productive cough, but ultimately found relief with
are many cases where the diagnosis is more difficult, and the
treatments do not seem to work. Oftentimes, patients are seen by
numerous providers without getting a definitive diagnosis. They Case Report
would be tried on a variety of over-the-counter medications as
A 72-year-old Caucasian male physician presented to our
well as the standard battery of prescription medications with
clinic with the chief complaint of a persistent non productive
little or no benefit.
cough with progressive worsening. His cough began when he
One diagnosis of exclusion is Neurogenic Cough also known returned from a five week vacation to Europe 18 months prior
as Sensory Neuropathic Cough. One of the first to suggest to presentation. Over time, the cough became debilitating to
the new diagnosis of SNC was Dr. Koufman J in 1999 who his daily activities. He was waking up from sleep gasping for
successfully treated a 19-year-old woman with chronic cough air. During the day, he would have numerous attacks where he
with gabapentin and amitriptyline [1]. could not catch his breath. He was previously evaluated by an
internist, allergist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, and an
SNC is believed to be the result of a decreased threshold
outside otolaryngologist. Attempted therapies consisted of
in the vagal sensory afferent fibers. This increased nerve
antihistamines, proton pump inhibitors, nebulising treatments,
irritability results in a chronic, mysterious non productive cough
multiple trials of antibiotics, and lifestyle modifications. The
that produces a non-diagnostic workup and fails to respond to

Glob J Otolaryngol 13(4): GJO.MS.ID.555869 (2018) 00107

Global Journal of Otolaryngology

previous physician’s all charted a grossly normal physical exam. incontinence. This particular patient’s attacks became so severe
Each specialist recognized that the presentation of the patient’s that he required hospitalization. Dr. Bastian suggested the unique
cough was somewhat atypical, but continued to prescribe characteristic of this type of cough is that it is not provoked by
conventional therapies. a significant external stimulus, but rather by subcritical stimuli
due to hypersensitivity of the vagal cough reflex afferents [3].
One month prior to presentation, the patient was hospitalized
Under normal physiologic conditions, external stimuli may
for three days after a severe coughing episode. He received an
include post nasal drip, reactive airway, gastric acid, or toxic
extensive workup which included a CT scan of his sinuses, viral
fumes and other inhaled irritants.
panels; legionnaire’s disease testing, pulmonary function test,
and a barium swallow study. All results were negative. Although Altman KW, Noordzij JP, Rosen CA, Cohen S, Sulica L [4]
he never received a definitive diagnosis of COPD, the patient Found that various studies seemed to support the observation
was treated as if he had COPD exacerbation. The treatment that the pathology of SNC was similar to that of HIV peripheral
did not provide him with answers or relief. Upon presentation neuropathy, and virus induced Guillain-Barre [4]. The common
to our clinic, the patient was extremely frustrated with his denominator was nerve damage. Many cases of SNC have been
lack of progress and lack of symptom control. As a physician observed to present after a viral URI. This observed pattern
himself, he was surprised that the diagnosis and management allows experts to hypothesize a post-viral cause of neural
of such a common symptom as cough could be so elusive. The damage similarly seen in post-herpetic neuralgia. In SNC,
review of systems was notable only for the chronic cough. He however, the outcome is not pain, but rather a cough due to nerve
was not taking any relevant medications. There was no history misfiring [4]. This irritant hypersensitivity occurs when normal
of smoking or significant alcohol usage. There were no medical neural physiologic parameters are obstructed. Triggers in SNC
conditions that could be attributed to his cough except for a include seemingly normal activities such as talking, laughing,
history a cardiac ablation for a trial fibrillation in 2016. inhaling air, and singing [5]. Unfortunately, there is currently no
specific test that measures the hypersensitivity of the sensory
The family history is notable for the patient’s father having
afferents, and hence, no specific test to make a diagnosis of
similar coughing spells at night, but notes the father was a
SNC. Since patients with SNC have normal laryngeal motor
smoker and was overweight. The physical examination showed
function, videostroboscopy, electromyography, and flexible
a normal otolaryngologic exam. The nasal passages were
rhinolaryngoscopy typically reveal normal findings. There is
essentially clear, without pus or mucous. The larynx appeared
limited research on the pathophysiology of SNC, so there is no
to be normal, with normal vocal cord mobility and no significant
gold standard diagnostic criterion in work up and treatment.
reflux changes. There were no obvious masses or polyps. In view
of the relatively normal exam, the duration of the symptoms and Various studies have been conducted in search of a treatment
the failure to respond to standard treatment for asthma, COPD, regimen that will provide relief to individuals suffering from SNC.
GERD, sinusitis, etc., the common diagnoses were ruled out. A Bastian ZJ et al. [3] performed a retrospective cohort case series
provisional diagnosis of Sensory Neuropathic Cough was made. consisting of 32 patients and studied the effectiveness of three
A trial of Gabapentin was suggested. The patient was started on medications known to treat neuropathic pain, amitriptyline,
100 mg of Gabapentin 3x/day for one week. During this week, desipramine, and gabapentin. The study concluded all drugs had
the intensity and frequency of the cough significantly decreased. similar efficacy in improving the cough, but noted differences
in dosing regimens that needed to be tailored to the individual
The treatment regimen was subsequently reduced to 100
[3]. Another randomized clinical trial performed by Jeyakumar,
mg of Gabapentin 2x/day for one week, followed by 100 mg 1x/
Brickman & Haben [5], investigated the use of amitriptyline
day in the evening for two weeks. The regimen was eventually
versus a cough suppressant. While none of the 28 subjects
discontinued after initial resolution of his cough. The patient was
achieved complete resolution with codeine/guaifenesin, a
symptom free for four weeks when the symptoms returned with
majority of these patients resolved their symptoms with a 10
the same intensity as before. The patient resumed Gabapentin
mg dose of amitriptyline [5]. Lastly, a randomized, double blind
100 mg in the evening for another two weeks. This was successful
clinical trial performed by Ryan, Birring, & Gibson [6], treated
in resolving his symptoms. At this point, he discontinued the
62 patients with refractory chronic cough with Gabapentin
medications and has not had a recurrence.
(n=32) and placebo (n=30). It also concluded that neuropathic
Discussion & Literature Review medications, in this study gabapentin, offered significant
improvement in the patients’ symptoms and quality of life [6].
Bastian, Vaidya, & Delsupehe, in 2006, noted patients
presenting with SNC can vary widely in severity. The cough can As an anti-seizure drug, Gabapentin is used as adjunctive
occur from a few times a day to hundreds of debilitating episodes therapy for seizure disorders. It has been found to be useful
per day. Associated symptoms may include hoarseness, stridor, as treatment for postherpetic neuralgia in adults. Off-label
and wheezing [2]. The cough may have a barking characteristic. uses include alcohol dependence and withdrawal, pruritus,
In severe cases, the individual may have violent attacks leading diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia syndrome, hiccups, hot
to complications such as broken ribs, vomiting, or stress flashes, neuropathic pain, restless leg syndrome and chronic

How to cite this article: Veronica del Calvo, Alexandra Lackey, John Li. The Use of Gabapentin in the Treatment of Neurogenic Cough: A Case Report and Review.
Glob J Oto 2018; 13(4): 555869. DOI: 10.19080/GJO.2018.13.555869
Global Journal of Otolaryngology

refractory cough. Although Gabapentin has a similar chemical are not familiar or not comfortable with the use of Gabapentin,
structure to the neurotransmitter GABA, it does not bind to the amitriptyline and desipramine. This case report demonstrates
GABA receptors and does not affect the production or reuptake how the appropriate diagnosis of SNC can be made, and that
of GABA. The proposed mechanism of action involves binding Gabapentin can be useful in the treatment of SNC. The successful
to presynaptic voltage-gated calcium channels containing an and safe use of Gabapentin in this case also helped confirm the
alpha-2-delta-1 subunit that modulates the release of excitatory diagnosis of SNC.
neurotransmitters which act by interacting with GABA-R or
NMDA-R. This feature is what gives it the ability to attenuate pain
and control epilepsy [7,8]. Other medications such as Tricyclic 1. Koufman J (2018) Chronic Cough. The Voice Institute of New York, USA.
antidepressants (TCA’s), amitriptyline and desipramine, can 2. Bastian RW, Vaidya AM, Delsupehe KG (2006) Sensory neuropathic
be also be used. However, they are on the American Geriatric cough: a common and treatable cause of chronic cough. Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg 135(1): 17-21.
Society’s Beers Criteria list of potentially inappropriate
medications for use in older adults. 3. Bastian ZJ, Bastian RW (2015) The use of neuralgia medications to treat
sensory neuropathic cough: our experience in a retrospective cohort of
These medications should probably be avoided in patients thirty-two patients. PeerJ 3: e816.
over the age of 65. The most serious side effects of TCA’s include 4. Altman KW, Noordzij JP, Rosen CA, Cohen S, Sulica L (2015) Neurogenic
anticholinergic activity, and cardiotoxicity that may lead to fatal cough. Laryngoscope 125: 1675-1681.
cardiac arrhythmias. TCA’s have a narrower therapeutic index 5. Jeyakumar A, Brickman TM, Haben M (2006) Effectiveness of
when compared to Gabapentin, making Gabapentin a safer and amitriptyline versus cough suppressants in the treatment of chronic
more convenient drug of choice. For these reasons, Gabapentin cough resulting from postviral vagal neuropathy. Laryngoscope 116:
was chosen for our patient and should be considered the first
line treatment for Sensory neuropathic cough. 6. Ryan NM, Birring SS, Gibson PG (2012) Gabapentin for refractory
chronic cough: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Conclusion Lancet 380: 1583-1589.
7. Rose MA, Kam PC (2002) Gabapentin: pharmacology and its use in pain
Sensory neuropathic cough (SNC) can be a frustrating management. Anaesthesia 57: 451-462.
condition for patients and difficult to diagnose for clinicians.
8. Sills GJ (2006) The mechanisms of action of Gabapentin and pregabalin.
This diagnosis is often not made because many providers are not Curr Opin Pharmacol 6: 108-132.
aware that this diagnosis exists. Furthermore, many physicians

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How to cite this article: Veronica del Calvo, Alexandra Lackey, John Li. The Use of Gabapentin in the Treatment of Neurogenic Cough: A Case Report and Review.
Glob J Oto 2018; 13(4): 555869. DOI: 10.19080/GJO.2018.13.555869

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