402 Information Tech SQP
402 Information Tech SQP
402 Information Tech SQP
Sample Question Paper
Class X (Session 2019–2020)
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50
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Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 2 marks each:
9. Write down the steps to create a folder in C drive with your name. (2)
10. What are the myths about Entrepreneurship? Explain any two (2)
11. List down any four factors causing ecological imbalance. (2)
12. (1)
is an accessibility function that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated
keystrokes, making typing easier for people with hand tremors.
14. (1)
are text or image included at the bottom of the page and may repeat in all
pages of the document.
a. Illustrations
b. Symbols
c. Media
d. Text
16. feature is used to extract the data using some conditions on columns. (1)
18. A is the visual motion when one slide changes to the next during a (1)
a. Slide transition
b. Animation
c. Sound
d. Movie Clip
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19. helps to move, rotate or resize multiple objects in a presentation. (1)
a. Grouping
b. Charts
c. Table
d. Movie clip
22. You can categorize appointments in time management software by giving specific (1)
to appointments.
25. Differentiate between Page Break and Section Break options of a word document. (2)
29. Mention two points stating the effective use of animation in a presentation. (2)
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Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 3 marks each:
30. Sanya is working on Word document. She has inserted graphics and wants to use (1+2)
Wrap text with graphics.
(i) Under which tab she can find text wrapping?
(ii) List any two text wrapping options available in a word processing software.
31. Explain any three character formatting options in a word document. (3)
32. State the purpose of creating Tables in a digital Presentation. Mention two ways to (3)
insert a table in a presentation.
34. Snehal works for an event management company. She has prepared a presentation
and while setting up the Slide Show she is getting the following options, explain them (3)
35. What is Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML)? (1½ +
Give one example of each. 1½)
36. Rohan’s Grandfather was wondering that how does Rohan chat on web with his father (5)
posted in California, Elaborate the steps involved while transferring data over internet.
38. Write the points to be kept in mind to make an effective presentation for the audience (5)
(Mention any 5 Points).
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39. (a) Write a Query to create a Table with the following structure (2+3)
Table Product
Field Datatype
PID Char(4)
Pname Varchar(20)
Description Varchar(40)
Price Decimal
(b) Consider the following Vendor table and write the queries
Table Vendor
VendorID VName DateofRegistration Location
V001 Mother Dairy 20-01-2009 Delhi
V002 Havmor 01-04-2015 Gujrat
V003 Amul 12-05-2012 Kolkata
V004 Kwality Walls 15-10-2013 Mumbai
(ii) Write a Query to add a new row with the following details
(iii) Write a query to modify the location of V003 from Kolkata to Gujrat
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