Adv Notice No 07 of 2023 Dated 24 04 2023
Adv Notice No 07 of 2023 Dated 24 04 2023
Adv Notice No 07 of 2023 Dated 24 04 2023
Advertisement for
engagement of Faculty on academic arrangement basis under
SO 364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020 in
Government Medical College Baramulla.
Advertisement Notice No. 0 -of 2023
Dated: - 4-04-2023
In terms of SO 364 of 2020 dated
27-11-2020, applications on plain paper are
from non-PSC/retired persons along with duly filled information as per "Annexure
enclosed to this
notification for engagement
Professors/Assistant Professors on Professors/Associate
Academic Arrangement basis in the various
department of Govt. Medical College Baramulla,
initially for a period of one year,
extendable up to maximum of six years (one year at a time and
performance and good conduct) or tillthe selection/promotion is made in subject to
with recruitment rules governing the respective posts, accordance
The last date for submission of completed whichever earlier.
Registrar Academics, GMC Baramulla is
application forms in the office of
2023 up to 4 PM.
The eligibility conditions and age for submitting the
applications shall be as under:
Maximum age at
Posts Minimum Qualification and the time of
Teaching Experience. submitting
application form
As per the eligibility conditions
Professor prescribed vide S.O 285 Dated
18th August 2021 (available on (67) Years )
As per the eligibility conditions
Associate prescribed vide S.O 285 Dated
Professors 18th August 2021 (available on (67) Years )
As per the eligibilityconditions
Assistant prescribed vide S.O 285 Dated
Professors 18th August 2021 (available on (67) Years
Application Fee:
Application forms complete in all respects, should be accompanied with a non
refundable bank draft for Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) pledged to Chief
Accounts Officer, Govt. Medical College, Baramulla and payable at J&K Bank, TP
Selection Criteria:
The selection will be made in accordance with the Government order no. 282
JK (HME) of 2023 Dated 04-04-2023 read with Corrigendum to
Government Order
No. 282-JK(HME) of 2023 Dated: 06.04.2023.
The selected candidates shall execute an agreement that:
He/she will not leave the department before the completion of at least one year
That one-month salary will be withheld and shall be released after the successful
completion of tenure. In case, the candidate leaves the assignment before one
year, his/her one-month salary shall not be released. Incase the candidate leaves
the asignment after completion of one year he/she has to furnish one-month
prior notice falling which one month salary shall not be released on his/her
At the time of joining he/she is not on the rolls of other medical
colleges/institutionof the country as required by NMC regulations,nor he/she is
PSC confirmed.
Thecandidate is deemed to be relieved on successful completion of 06 years.
. The candidate is deemed to be relived in case of permanent faculty member
recommended by JKPSC through direct recruitment or promotion, joins on the
same post.
Incomplete applications in any respect or not appended with required documents
shallbe rejected without any notice.
In case of any dispute, the decision of Chairperson of the Selection Comgitee
shall be final.
1. Secretary to Government, H&ME Department, UT of J&K, Srinagar for favour of
2. Principal, GMC Srinagar/Anantnag/SKIMS-MC for information.
3 Director Coordination New Govt. Medical Colleges J&K for information.
4. Joint Director Information with the request that this advertisement may kindly be
published in prominent local dailies for two consecutive days.
5 Chief Accounts Officer, Govt. Medical College, Baramulla for information.
6. Medical Superintendent, Associated Hospital Baramulla for information.
7. Website /C for uploading the notice on the college website.
8 College Notice Board.
Annexure A
Checklist for the post of Professor in Govt. Medical College Baramulla
S. No.
Name & Residence: Description Response
Speciality Applied for:
D.O.B/ Contact No./email ID:
Academic Qualification
1. Marks (Percentage) in MBBS/BDS/Equivalent Degree
2. Discipline of Post-Graduation
(Ph.D. in case of non-clinical candidates)
Discipline of Super speciality degree (D.M/M.Ch.), if any
Teaching Experience
Teaching experience as Professor/Associate Professor in a
Govt/Govt. recognized Institution including the institutions
authorized/recognized by MCVDC/NMC
Note: The weightage shall be given only to the teaching
4. experience attained beyond minimum teaching experience of
13 years (out of which minimum of 03 years should be as
Associate Professor fromn an MCVNMCDCI recognized
Medical College or Institute as a full-time faculty member)
required for the post of Professor as per S.O 285 Dated 1gh
August 2021)
Research Publications
Number of Publications (only original papers, meta-analysis,
systematic reviews and case series that are published in journals
indexed in Medline, PubMed, Central Science Citation Index,
5. Science Citation Index, Expanded Embase, Scopus, Directory of
Open Access Journals (DoAJ) will be considered).
Note: These publications should be beyond minimum required
publications ie., Four Research publications out of which at
least two publications should be as Associate Professor.
Number of oral presentation including invited for
lectures/guest lectures/oration in a Nationa/International
6. seminar /conference/workshop relevant to the discipline with
the abstract/full paper published in the proceedings/souvenir of
the seminar/conference/workshop
Number of poster presentation of paper(s) in
NationalVInternational seminar/conference/workshop relevant
to the discipline with the abstract/full paper published in the
proceedings/souvenir ofthe seminar/conference/workshop.
Books/Book Chapters
Number of books or a chapter in a book of the speciality
concerned as 1# or 2nd or 3d author (Foreign Book/National
Book published with ISBN/ISSN) and assessed by the subject
matter expert to be relevant to the subject and of a level
where it can be accepted as a reference material for the post
o applied for
Special Attributes
9 Gold Medal for overall first position in MBBS/BDS/ Equivalent Yes No
Annexure A
Checklist for the post of Assoc. Professor in Govt, Medical College Baramulla
S. No.
Name &Residence: Description Response
Speciality Applied for:
D.O.B/Contact No./email lID:
Academic Qualification
1 Marks (Percentage) in MBBS/BDS/Equivalent Degree
2. Discipline of Post-Graduation
(Ph.D. in case of non-clinical candidates)
Discipline of Super speciality degree (D.M/M.Ch.). if any
Teaching Experience
Teaching experience as Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
in a Govt/Govt. recognized Institution including the institutions
authorized/recognized by MC/DC/NMC
Note: The weightage shall be given only to the teaching
4. experience attained beyond minimum teaching experience of
09 years (out of which minimum of 04 years should be as
Assistant Professor from an MCVNMG/DCl recognized Medical
College or Institute as a full-tine faculty nmember) required for
the post of Associate Professor as per S.O 285 Dated 18h
August 2021)
Research Publications
Number of Publications (only original papers, meta-analysis,
systematic reviews and case series that are published in journals
indexed in Medline, PubMed, Central Science Citation Index,
5. Science Citation Index, Expanded Embase, Scopus, Directory of
Open Access Journals (DoAJ) will be considered).
Note: These publications should be beyond minimum required
publications i.e., Two Research publications.
Number of oral presentation including invited for
lectures/guest lectures/oration in National/International
6. seminar /conference/workshop relevant to the discipline with
the abstract/fullpaper published in the proceedings/souvenir of
Number of poster presentation of paper(s) in
Nationa/International seminar/conference/workshop relevant
to the discipline with the abstract/full paper published in the
proceedings/souvenir of the seminar/conference/workshop.
Books/Book Chapters
Number of books or a chapter in a book of the speciality
concerned as 1" or 2nd author (Foreign Book/National Book
8. published with ISBN/ISSN) and assessed by the subject matter
expert to be relevant to the subject and of a level where it can
be accepted as a reference material for the post applied for
Special Attributes
9. Gold Medal for overall first position in MBBS/BDS/ Equivalent Yes No
Annexure A
Checklist for the post of Assistant Professor in Govt. Medical College Baramulla
S. No.
Name S Residence: Description Response
Speciality Applied for:
D.O.B/ Contact No./email ID:
Academic Qualification
1. Marks (Percentage) in
Discipline of Post-Graduation
(Ph.D. in case of non-clinical candidates)
Discipline of Super speciality degree
(D.M/M.Ch.), if any
Research Publications
Number of Publications (only original papers, meta-analysis,
systematic reviews and case series that are published in journals
indexed in Medline, PubMed, Central Science Citation Index,
4. Science Citation Index, Expanded Embase, Scopus, Directory of
Open Access Journals (DoAJ) will be considered).
Note: These publications should be beyond minimum required
publications i.e., At least four Research publications out of
which at leasttwo publicationsshould be as Associate Professor
Number of oral presentation in a National/International
5. seminar /conference/workshop relevant to the discipline with
the abstract/full paper published in the proceedings/souvenir of
the seminar/conference/workshop
Number of poster presentation of paper(s) in
6. National/nternational seminar/conference/workshop relevant
to the discipline with the abstract/full paper published in the
proceedings/souvenir of the seminar/conference/workshop.
Books/Book Chapters
Number of books or a chapter in a book of the speciality
concerned as any author (Foreign Book/National Book
7. published with ISBN/ISSN) and assessed by the subject matter
expert to be relevant to the subject and of a level where it can
be accepted as a reference material for the post applied for
Special Attributes
8. Gold Medal for overall first position in MBBS/BDS/ Equivalent Yes No
9 Distinction in any subject in MBBS/BDS/ Equivalent Degree Yes No
General Note: A minimum of 02 years teaching/Research experience as
Tutor/Demonstrator/Registrar/Senior Resident from an MCUNMC/DCI recognized
Medical College or Institute on full-time basis is required for the post of Assistant
Professor as per S.0285 Dated 1&h August 2021 and Government order no. 282- JK
(HME) of 2023 Dated 04-04-2023.