Watercolor Stains For The Homebrewery

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Full Page Watercolor Stains

A collection of full page watercolor effects for use in your Homebrew content
Designed by /u/flamableconcrete
Special thanks to the following authors for their inspiring tutorials
/u/QalarValar - Watercoloring in the Homebrewery
/u/AeronDrake - Formatting on the Homebrewery

TL;DR Imgur Album of full page stains

It is very difficult to wrap text around an image when the
image is on the left, so some stains are less usable right
Background now. It would be ideal if someone figured out how to make
As mentioned on the cover page, there are already several the shape-outside CSS selector work with these, because
tutorials on how to create a watercolor effect using the I couldn't!
homebrewery and they go into much more detail on how to
customize images for your exact needs. I chose to write this
not as a guide to duplicate the efforts of others, but as a
Create Your Own!
gallery of ready-made full page stains I have created for quick I created these stains in GIMP using the watercolor brushes
use. These are not one size fits all, but I have found that the from /u/QalarValar's tutorial. I am not a graphic designer by
effect works well for my purposes and I wanted to share. any means, but I did the following steps:
Download the album using the Imgur Album Downloader
How To Use website
Convert them to GIMP brushes (.gbr)
Find a stain you would like to use from my Imgur Album or I uploaded them to deviantart for your convenience
Draco's Imgur Album. if you want to use them yourself
Copy the snippet below to use this effect in your Add the .gbr files to GIMP Home Directory
homebrewery files. Windows:
<!-- Cool background image --> Mac:
<img /Users/{your_id}/Library/GIMP/2.8/brushes
src='https://img00.deviantart.net/b844/i/201 (GIMP) Click Refresh Brushes in very bottom right (or
d64attr.png' style='position:absolute; restart GIMP?)
top:-00px; left:0px; width:1016px' />
Open the default background and start erasing and adding
brushes wherever you want. Layers help, as does a test
<!-- Full page stain --> Export as .png
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/Tkbl4ji.png' Upload to imgur
style='position:absolute; top:0px;
left:0px; width:816px' /> Credits
Filler text provided by https://pirateipsum.me
<!-- (Optional) Cool foreground image -->
<img src='https://media- Artwork
waterdeep.cursecdn.com/avatars/thumbnails/7/ pg. 1: Sanctuary by Xenonia
style='position:absolute; top:100px;
pg. 2: Placid Pond by ehecod
pg. 3: Requiem - Speedpainting by Xenonia
left:0px' />
pg. 4: Fantasy City by BritneyPringle
pg. 5: Wasteland by ehecod
Some notes            Goliath by Wizards of the Coast
pg. 6: On A Quest by ehecod
The width of the page is 816 pixels pg. 7: Swamp House by Jake-Labz
If your image is sufficiently high resolution,
increase the width and play with the top and left
/u/QalarValar's guide has tips on transforming images
Blending mode from /u/AeronDrake's guide does not look
great when it overlaps a watercolor boundary. The best
solution to this is to only use foreground images that
already have transparency for the background.


Hail Shot
The Seven Seas 7th-level transmutation
Scourge of the seven seas hands bounty hail-shot topmast Casting Time: 1 action
parley Chain Shot lad Sail ho chantey bilge bucko. Overhaul Range: 60 feet
Barbary Coast yo-ho-ho crow's nest aft pillage come about Components: S
yard trysail landlubber or just lubber cutlass boom. Bring a Duration: Until dispelled
spring upon her cable Jack Tar driver lad jury mast belay Jack Pirate broadside plunder cable Admiral of the Black crack
Ketch fore hail-shot matey lookout Arr. Jennys tea cup measured fer yer chains snow Gold Road.
Corsair heave to pirate black spot hearties salmagundi
scuppers fluke quarter. .


Nipperkin Pirate Round Shiver me timbers
Admiral of the Black lad yo-ho-ho Barbary Coast
cog topmast. No prey, no pay matey wench galleon
swing the lead holystone boom aft fire in the hole.
Jack Tar cackle fruit Barbary Coast quarterdeck
maroon coffer loaded to the gunwalls plunder Plate
Fleet. Rope's end code of conduct capstan spike
measured fer yer chains log gun fathom squiffy.
Fore overhaul chandler to go on account spyglass
interloper spike gunwalls hogshead. Loaded to the
gunwalls tack Pieces of Eight ballast jib hogshead
jack killick Arr. Smartly tackle fire in the hole swab
mizzenmast grog league Chain Shot crack Jennys tea cup.

Bilge Rat
Long clothes Arr scallywag bilge rat scuppers gally hail-shot
Pirate Round quarter reef sails measured fer yer chains six
pounders. Barque Sea Legs man-of-war plunder hands ye
quarter yo-ho-ho scuttle hail-shot Jack Tar yard. Blimey
hogshead spyglass warp fluke landlubber or just lubber
handsomely topmast run a rig wherry gaff brigantine.
Davey Jones' Locker
Dead men tell no tales dance the hempen jig yo-ho-ho barque Pressgang man-of-war hands wench
skysail haul wind plunder rope's end. Skysail grapple lateen spanker no prey, no pay chantey quarter.
sail scuttle gaff spanker bilged on her anchor red ensign. Pieces of Eight mizzenmast nipper killick avast
Heave down yawl scourge of the seven seas code of conduct cackle fruit list gangplank. Lugger yawl plunder American
hang the jib scuppers rum jolly boat. Barque bilged on her Main pirate fire in the hole swing the lead furl. Pieces of Eight
anchor warp no prey, no pay Plate Fleet splice the main brace hardtack bilge coxswain deadlights topgallant square-rigged
Jack Ketch handsomely. Swab measured fer yer chains warp. Boatswain poop deck coxswain draught mizzen league
salmagundi spanker ye Gold Road cackle fruit Privateer. aft reef.
Pirates Overhaul Jack Ketch fire in the hole coxswain Spanish
Main brig plunder league. Weigh anchor log me hearties gally
Level Type spanker matey scurvy. Pirate Round bounty barque lookout
1st Cook broadside quarterdeck dance the hempen jig Sail ho.
4th Boatswain Doubloon crow's nest clipper gabion loaded to the gunwalls
Shiver me timbers bowsprit hands. Corsair bowsprit parrel
8th Powder Monkey cackle fruit gun Arr rope's end parley.
11th Gunner
Heal Bad Hygene
14th Sailing Master 5th-level transmutation
17th First Mate Casting Time: 1 action
20th Captain Range: 30 feet
Components: S
Poop deck belaying pin aye main sheet Sink me plunder Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Jack Ketch brig. Hulk gaff run a shot across the bow belaying A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs from
pin ye long clothes crack Jennys tea cup main sheet. Sail ho from an object that you touch. The effect look like a regular
reef sails bilge sloop jack hearties aft landlubber or just flame, but it creates no heat and doesn't use oxygen. A
lubber. Arr gabion rum spyglass handsomely salmagundi continual flame can be covered or hidden but not smothered
parrel mutiny. or quenched.
Yawl bilged on her anchor salmagundi knave prow fluke
boom to go on account. Warp Jack Tar yo-ho-ho Chain Shot
scourge of the seven seas run a rig Barbary Coast nipperkin.
Tender run a rig gun fire ship man-of-war ye sheet careen.
Davy Jones' Locker jolly boat wench ahoy fire ship sheet.


Jack sheet nipperkin long clothes killick
dead men tell no tales shrouds plunder warp.
Interloper quarterdeck nipperkin gaff maroon deadlights
bilge water grog blossom ahoy. Dead men tell no tales come
about no prey, no pay topgallant pressgang fire in the hole
swing the lead rope's end brig. Run a rig long boat fire ship
schooner bilge water Jack Tar Gold Road Blimey plunder. List
hogshead black spot quarter belay bilge rat lee landlubber or
just lubber lass. Carouser Pirate Round Shiver me timbers
belaying pin loot killick yo-ho-ho tackle fathom. Bilge me
galleon hogshead grapple long clothes Nelsons folly
starboard reef.
Rum trysail bring a spring upon her cable sheet mizzen
nipperkin hempen halter Brethren of the Coast landlubber or
Corsair just lubber. Weigh anchor grapple pirate Corsair hail-shot
blow the man down mutiny scourge of the seven seas Arr.
Scallywag aft coxswain chandler keel wench Jack Tar grog Pirate black spot no prey, no pay poop deck spyglass Jolly
blossom knave. Heave down lookout lateen sail main sheet Roger scuttle careen Barbary Coast. Scourge of the seven
spirits aye deadlights bilge water yawl. Knave broadside line seas Blimey league driver knave stern bowsprit pirate
lass long boat boatswain bilge rat mizzen fluke. Fluke tack hornswaggle. Loot matey trysail spike knave lad salmagundi
spyglass loot bounty matey capstan pink barkadeer. Hands coxswain barkadeer. Hardtack bowsprit parley red ensign
cog brig handsomely Arr strike colors gaff rum interloper. trysail lad hail-shot chandler stern. Overhaul gibbet starboard
Corsair knave matey nipperkin scourge of the seven seas yardarm draught Chain Shot hempen halter topgallant
American Main plunder come about run a shot across the quarterdeck.
bow. Hornswaggle six pounders mizzen brigantine lee Gold Sea Legs trysail bilge water swab sloop barkadeer
Road lateen sail Plate Fleet gun. hornswaggle Buccaneer coxswain. Wench poop deck gally
Careen Jack Tar heave to chandler execution dock rigging furl rope's end grog blossom knave piracy lugger. Reef bilge
sheet black jack draft. Coxswain interloper grapple loaded to rat dead men tell no tales Plate Fleet fire ship dance the
the gunwalls chantey Nelsons folly cog sloop Jolly Roger. hempen jig provost Nelsons folly square-rigged. Yardarm
Plunder killick run a shot across the bow lad quarter fire in strike colors chase pirate crow's nest man-of-war bilge water
the hole mizzenmast yardarm fathom. lanyard piracy.


Yellow Jack
Tender Sink me piracy trysail rigging smartly Sea Legs
handsomely driver. Port yawl Corsair bilge water clipper Jack
Ketch lee chandler hulk. Black jack parrel holystone provost
barkadeer hearties Arr matey rope's end. Barkadeer avast
quarter boatswain trysail lass holystone ye bilge rat.
Execution dock lass hulk gunwalls avast Davy Jones' Locker
draft scuppers Pirate Round. Holystone driver main sheet
poop deck salmagundi clap of thunder jolly boat cog pink.
Nelsons folly mizzen loot coxswain Sail ho haul wind rigging
interloper matey.
Barbary Coast wherry gibbet execution dock six pounders
lanyard take a caulk line loaded to the gunwalls. Topmast run
a rig scuttle grapple trysail pillage galleon hardtack rigging.
Scallywag jib hogshead gunwalls squiffy code of conduct Jolly
Roger schooner crimp. Fire in the hole topsail gally gunwalls
hearties transom coxswain overhaul lugsail. Pirate Round
gunwalls brigantine ahoy clap of thunder aye lugger hail-shot
Spanish Main. Log lee Jack Tar Jolly Roger driver scallywag
quarterdeck take a caulk brig. Strike colors bucko gun run a
shot across the bow scurvy ballast Admiral of the Black
draught Plate Fleet.
Six pounders crimp fire ship spike pillage pinnace furl
sheet line. Quarterdeck starboard to go on account parrel yo-
ho-ho yardarm booty Arr bilge rat. Poop deck starboard
keelhaul rum topgallant bilge rat rope's end wench pillage.
Reef sails ballast quarter avast chase guns lad Sail ho chase
Davy Jones' Locker. Spirits lookout gibbet matey sheet bring a
spring upon her cable Blimey gunwalls knave. Heave down
landlubber or just lubber wherry league spirits chase guns
lanyard hail-shot barque. Run a shot across the bow lateen
sail clipper quarter prow quarterdeck provost lugger
Doubloon Boom Execution
Jack Ketch yardarm yawl yard wherry league hail-shot haul
wind cable. Landlubber or just lubber crimp topmast clipper
pinnace brigantine fire ship Sink me parley. Dance the
hempen jig killick loaded to the gunwalls splice the main
brace Yellow Jack stern cackle fruit barkadeer loot. Chase
scurvy cable Brethren of the Coast Blimey lass aft tender
Yellow Jack. Yo-ho-ho Jack Ketch pressgang me furl overhaul
grog shrouds Sink me. Shrouds bowsprit weigh anchor
doubloon trysail pinnace hogshead maroon black jack.
Bounty main sheet yardarm handsomely take a caulk prow
snow warp Pieces of Eight.
Furl port yawl hail-shot Cat o'nine tails coffer grog blossom
interloper overhaul. Hearties swab spirits parley lee tender
hands quarterdeck execution dock. Skysail reef poop deck
chase booty Chain Shot barkadeer loaded to the gunwalls
hornswaggle. Doubloon boom execution dock jolly boat spike
spyglass Chain Shot avast heave to. Gibbet draught knave
Barbary Coast grapple plunder hulk bilge rat clipper. Rutters
hail-shot reef sails scurvy flogging chase guns deadlights
spirits overhaul. Bowsprit fluke chandler hempen halter
gabion mizzenmast gally Blimey skysail.
Grog jack bilged on her anchor cable galleon pressgang
maroon Jolly Roger topgallant. Topgallant hempen halter
rigging long boat run a shot across the bow hearties Spanish
Main pinnace lugsail. Marooned draft clipper shrouds clap of
thunder warp Spanish Main gangway lee.
Sail ho scuppers prow snow come about jolly boat Shiver me
timbers quarterdeck yawl. Hail-shot spike parley Spanish
Main crimp grapple scallywag provost grog. Come about loot
strike colors chandler lugsail hardtack cog spike coffer. Black
spot scallywag rigging crimp gunwalls lad yawl gangplank
Squiffy ballast gun lugsail lass keelhaul hardtack lugger
bucko. Swab jack grapple yawl fathom wherry pinnace
overhaul pressgang. Hang the jib spirits to go on account
spanker quarterdeck spyglass coxswain yard tender.
Landlubber or just lubber port skysail maroon heave to
rutters to go on account jury mast loaded to the gunwalls.
Fire in the hole killick measured fer yer chains execution
dock bilge parrel Nelsons folly snow league. Yardarm heave
down cackle fruit schooner boatswain pressgang bounty case
shot trysail. Tackle hail-shot line ye bowsprit yawl Yellow Jack
cutlass cackle fruit.
Plate Fleet pressgang brig topmast Sea Legs spirits Pieces
of Eight swing the lead Jolly Roger. Gunwalls coxswain Shiver
me timbers belaying pin ballast furl topsail fire ship port.
Quarter Yellow Jack splice the main brace gabion deadlights
heave down Pirate Round to go on account lad. Holystone
Nelsons folly draft main sheet scurvy bilged on her anchor
deadlights warp broadside. Hands killick capstan haul wind
scurvy careen crack Jennys tea cup lanyard ho. Topgallant
Spanish Main starboard hail-shot swing the lead knave line
trysail tack. Grapple gally stern league bounty main sheet
reef sails chase guns scourge of the seven seas.
Gold Road Brethren of the Coast
6th-level necromancy
Sutler crack Jennys tea cup holystone bounty lookout run a Casting Time: 1 action
rig spyglass cog grog. Scurvy Plate Fleet splice the main Range: Touch
brace jib fire ship smartly shrouds dance the hempen jig Components: V
Brethren of the Coast. Hulk hail-shot jack Buccaneer bilge Duration: 1 hour
water strike colors Plate Fleet gaff topmast. Keel boom run a
shot across the bow sheet gangway jury mast Jack Ketch Driver skysail fore wherry draught Cat o'nine tails
chandler bring a spring upon her cable. Tack yawl broadside hogshead belaying pin red ensign. Chase guns quarter
ahoy Blimey tender doubloon scurvy ye. Gangplank scourge starboard ye fathom strike colors capstan gaff cackle fruit.
of the seven seas parley lad Gold Road carouser man-of-war Sail ho gangway Chain Shot Buccaneer splice the main brace
crimp rum. Yellow Jack fore shrouds Shiver me timbers heave down spirits killick aye. Piracy driver gibbet chase
dance the hempen jig salmagundi Plate Fleet hearties Davy bounty fluke pirate case shot carouser. Hang the jib port walk
Jones' Locker. the plank Nelsons folly barkadeer bilge rat fire in the hole
Starboard fluke take a caulk square-rigged splice the main scourge of the seven seas starboard. List Spanish Main Davy
brace killick weigh anchor avast flogging. Grog blossom yawl Jones' Locker American Main square-rigged red ensign
scuppers rutters hang the jib gabion strike colors American topmast warp ahoy. Cat o'nine tails heave to lass topgallant
Main Buccaneer. Execution dock six pounders loot parley grog blossom bilged on her anchor keel boom draught.
bilged on her anchor red ensign Jack Ketch Jolly Roger reef.



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