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Reducing IMD in

High-Level Mixers
If the question is “How can I get the greatest dynamic
range out of diode mixers?” a high-level mixer is
often the answer. Come learn how to get great
performance out of these useful devices.

By John B. Stephensen, KD6OZH

bout four months before this what would solve the problem. What I than the 1-dB compression point. This
writing, I started designing a found can help you use those types of mixer should be capable of a third-or-
new HF transceiver. I live in mixers more effectively. der intercept of +35 dBm (3 W!) if used
Los Angeles, where there are many properly.
other active hams and several within The Mixer Manufacturers test DBMs with
a one-mile radius. I wanted a good The Mini-Circuits ZFY-1 doubly broadband 50-Ω terminations at all
strong receiver that would be immune balanced mixer (DBM) 1 used in the ports so these numbers do not show
to interference from strong local sig- transceiver has impressive specifica- exactly what will happen when the
nals on the same band where I was lis- tions and is usable from the 160-meter mixer is embedded in a transceiver.
tening for weak signals. After looking to 70-centimeter amateur bands (see However, they are reproducible and do
at several QST and QEX articles, I de- Table 1). Other models are available give a good indication of relative per-
cided that a passive high-level mixer for applications through 3 GHz. formance. With the proper design, per-
was the best solution. Mini-Circuits application notes in- formance close to these numbers
All went well until I finished con- dicate that the third-order intercept of should be possible.
struction and tested the receiver. The a DBM is approximately 15 dB higher
measured intermodulation distortion Testing the Conventional Wisdom
(IMD) was not anywhere near the per- 1Notes appear on page 50. I initially assumed that termination
formance expected. The actual third-
order intercept (IP3) was 15 dB lower
than could be achieved according to Table 1—ZFY-1 Specifications
the manufacturer’s published data. LO/RF 100 kHz - 500 MHz
My design followed the guidelines IF 10 kHz - 500 MHz
published in Amateur Radio publica- LO Power 23 dBm
tions, but there must have been some- RF 1-dB Compression Point 20 dBm
thing that I didn’t know. Thus, I Conversion Loss, 0.2-250 MHz 4.9 dB typ, 6.0 dB max
started performing a series of tests Conversion Loss, 0.1-500 MHz 7.5 dB max
with different terminations on the
LO-RF Isolation, 0.1-1 MHz 20 dB min, 40 dB typ
mixer’s LO, RF and IF ports to see
LO-RF Isolation, 1-250 MHz 35 dB min, 46 dB typ
LO-RF Isolation, 250-500 MHz 30 dB min, 40 dB typ
LO-IF Isolation, 0.1-1 MHz 23 dB min, 37 dB typ
153 Gretna Green Wy LO-IF Isolation, 1-250 MHz 35 dB min, 46 dB typ
Los Angeles, CA 90049
LO-IF Isolation, 250-500 MHz 30 dB min, 40 dB typ

May/June 2001 45
of the mixer’s IF port was the only LO was tuned to place each distortion These measurements show that
important requirement for using a product into the IF filter passband for both the IF and RF DBM ports must
DBM. Competent advice told me that measurement. be well matched and the LO port must
the IF port must be terminated in a The two tones pass through a three- be supplied with a clean signal to
50-Ω broadband load, but other ports pole RF band-pass filter connected to achieve the best performance. The
were not very sensitive to their termi- the RF port of the mixer. The band-pass next problem was how to translate
nations. The following passage from filter has a loss of 3 dB. The mixer’s LO these requirements into a real circuit
Solid State Design for the Radio Ama- port was driven directly by an amplifier inside the transceiver.
teur2 is similar to those in many other with an untuned output. The IF port
articles in amateur literature: was terminated with an attenuator Achieving Proper
“After initial measurements were per- that fed directly into a KVG XF-9B10 Termination at the RF Port
formed with broadband terminations at 2.4-kHz bandwidth crystal filter, The RF and LO frequencies are the
all ports, tuned circuits were inserted in matched to 50 Ω by an L network. This most important and must be termi-
various lines to the mixer. These were was followed by an IF strip and the rest nated properly. When the IF fre-
single-tuned LC circuits. The results of the receiver. The AGC system is this quency is 1.5 times the highest R
were profound! When a single-tuned receiver has a digital readout accurate frequency, or higher, proper termina-
circuit was put in the IF port it had the to ±1 dB over the range used. The filter tion can be provided by parallel
effect of still presenting a 50-Ω termina- exhibits a very low return loss (high low- and high-pass filters with the
tion at the desired IF of 9 MHz. (The RF SWR) outside its passband. Conse- high-pass or “idler” filter terminated
energy was at 14 MHz and the LO was quently, return loss outside the pass- in 50 Ω as shown in Fig 2. Doug Smith,
at 23 MHz.) However, at frequencies band was determined by the loss in the KF6DX, referred to this in a recent
other than the 9-MHz IF, the impedance attenuator as shown in Table 2. QEX article4 describing a transceiver
was highly reactive. This has the effect The attenuator was adjusted to de- with a level-17 mixer and a 75-MHz
of decreasing the output intercept from termine the mixer sensitivity to IF- IF. In most cases, a set of band-pass
+15 dBm to +5 dBm in several of the port termination impedance and the
mixers studied. The conversion loss did results are shown in Table 3. This was
not change significantly.” hardly the improvement expected Table 2 —Attenuation, Return Loss
“When a narrow-band termination from the conventional wisdom on and SWR
was used at the RF and LO ports of the DBMs. Only 4 dB of improvement was
mixer, a degradation in output inter- seen versus the 10 dB expected. Return
cept was also observed. However, it When attenuators were inserted at Attention Loss SWR
was not nearly as severe as that seen at the RF port in place of the band-pass
3 dB 6 dB 3:1
the IF port.” filter, considerable performance im-
This testing was done on a low-level provement was measured, as shown in 6 dB 12 dB 1.67:1
mixer with a +10-dBm LO. I was using Table 4. These results showed that, at 9 dB 18 dB 1.29:1
a high-level mixer with a +23-dBm LO. least in high-level mixers, the IF port
The LO and IF frequencies were iden- is not the only port sensitive to its ter-
tical. Perhaps there was a difference mination. An 11-dB improvement Table 3—Receiver IMD versus
in behavior of high-level mixers. could be obtained by paying attention IF-Port Match
The circuit used to test this assump- to the RF-port termination.
tion is shown in Fig 1. A crystal- A test with a 3-dB attenuator on the IF Port
controlled oscillator and an HP-8640 LO port showed no discernable differ- Attenuation IMD IP3
signal generator were used to gener- ence in IMD; however, LO waveform 0 dB –33 dBc +20.5 dBm
ate RF signals at 14.318 MHz and symmetry does affect IMD perfor- –3 dB –37 dBc +22.5 dBm
14.218 MHz, respectively, which were mance, and the LO voltage at the mixer –6 dB –40 dBc +24.0 dBm
combined in a hybrid combiner and was asymmetrical. I had not seen any
–9 dB –41 dBc +24.5 dBm
sent to the mixer under test. The out- quantitative measurements published
put level was 4 dBm per tone. This is so I added a filter to the LO port and
a typical setup for two-tone IMD test- made the measurements shown in
ing. For more information on IMD, Table 5. The filter was a π network Table 4—Receiver IMD versus
see The ARRL Handbook.3 The LO tuned to 23 MHz with a Q of 3. With this RF-Port Match
frequency range used was 23 to filter in place, waveform symmetry was RF Port
23.4 MHz and the IF was 9 MHz. The 50/50 and IMD dropped by 6 dB. Attenuation IMD IP3
(BPF) –37 dBc +22.5 dBm
–3 dB –52 dBc +30.0 dBm
–6 dB –65 dBc +33.5 dBm

Table 5 —Receiver IMD versus

LO-Waveform Symmetry
LO Filter IMD IP3
no –37 dBc +22.5 dBm
yes –49 dBc +28.5 dBm
Fig 1—IMD Test Setup

46 May/June 2001
filters that are one-half to one-octave
wide precede the low-pass filter to
prevent severe second-order inter-
modulation products. Since LO har-
monics fall within the high-pass
filter’s passband, they are terminated
properly. Note that any IMD products
from signals inside the band-pass
filter’s passband that fall outside both
the band-pass filter’s and the high-
pass filter’s passbands are not termi-
nated.5 This effect is probably insig-
nificant compared to other sources of
Fig 2—Parallel high- and low-pass filters for LO termination at RF port.
When the IF is lower than the RF (as
with VHF/UHF transceivers or HF
transceivers having a first IF in the
3- to 11-MHz range), the mixer RF port
requires a band-pass filter to reject the
image frequency. This filter is also
desirable to reject strong signals that
are present from international broad-
cast stations or nearby amateur trans-
mitters on adjacent bands.
RF band-pass filters can have either
very high impedance or very low
impedance outside the passband de-
pending on the type of filter. Filters
with series capacitors or inductors at
their inputs for matching to the first
resonator will have high impedances
outside the passband, as shown in
Fig 3. Filters that have tapped induc-
tors or shunt capacitors on their in-
puts will have low impedances outside
the passband, as shown in Fig 4. Ei-
ther situation can cause excess IMD in
the mixer. Unfortunately, most ama-
teur-built equipment ignores this
problem. Fig 3—Impedance (MZ11) and attenuation (MS21) plots of a three-pole 10-meter band-
pass filter with series-capacitor matching at the input port.
To provide a proper termination, a
diplexer circuit can be used between the
filter and mixer, as is commonly done
at the IF port. This achieves a broad-
band 50-Ω match at one or both ports.
However, achieving such a broadband
match is only practical for simple filters
with a Q of 10 or less. When a multipole
filter is needed to achieve steep skirts
and reject the RF image frequency, a
different approach must be taken. The
RF and LO frequencies are the most
important and the mixer termination
need not be perfect far away from these
frequencies. This fact can be used to
design a simpler and lower-loss solu-
tion for the RF port of the mixer.
If the filter presents low impedance
outside the passband, place a 50-Ω
resistor in series with the filter input.
Alternatively, a 50-Ω resistor may be
placed in parallel with the filter if it
presents a high impedance outside the
passband. This gives a good match far
from the passband. The resistor can Fig 4—Impedance (MZ11) and attenuation (MS21) plots of a three-pole 10-meter band-
then be bypassed by a series-resonant pass filter with tapped-inductor matching at the input port.

May/June 2001 47
trap or disconnected by a parallel- of the IMD problem. Fig 9 shows such a viding a high return loss at the 23-MHz
resonant trap for signals inside the circuit designed for 9 MHz and Fig 10 LO frequency. The main crystal filter or
passband, as shown in Fig 5. The trap shows its characteristics. The low Q a roofing filter can then be connected to
need not have high Q, as it must only (1.6) allows the use of fixed capacitors the diplexer output. There will be some
have a bandwidth smaller than the and inductors and ensures a low inser- IMD generated by strong signals inside
difference between the RF and LO fre- tion loss (0.3 dB) at the IF, while pro- the diplexer passband and outside the
quencies. It will affect the adjacent
resonator slightly, but this may be
retuned and no significant distortion
of the passband will result.
A band-pass filter, shown in Fig 6,
was designed for the 20-meter amateur
band and tested. Figs 7 and 8 show the
measured attenuation and return loss.
A Chebyshev filter with 0.1-dB ripple
and shunt capacitive coupling between
resonators was chosen because of its
low-pass characteristic. This provides
maximum attenuation at the image fre-
quency with a high-side LO. The reso-
nator impedance was chosen to maxi-
mize the unloaded Q of the inductor for Fig 5—Multipole band-pass filters with out-of-band impedance matching on one port.
lowest filter loss. The filter at (A) has a high impedance outside the passband and the filter at (B) has a
The filter attenuation is 90 dB at the low impedance outside the passband.
LO frequency (23 MHz) and over 100 dB
at the image frequency (32 MHz). This
was achieved with the help of shielding
between resonators. The series-reso-
nant trap is constructed with a fixed-
value inductor and capacitor. The
inductor is a molded RF choke with a Q
of no more than 50. However, the return
loss is 23 dB or more at both the LO and
RF and insertion loss at 14.2 MHz is
only 2.8 dB. The return loss is opti-
mized above the filter passband. This is
an advantage when the LO is above the
RF. A transformer-coupled design
showed better return loss below the fil-
ter passband.
Fig 6—20-meter band-pass filter schematic. L1, L2 and L3 are each 24 turns of #22 AWG
Achieving Proper enameled wire on a T50-6 powdered-iron toroid core (2.5 µH).
Termination of the IF Port
With low-level mixers, a post-mixer
IF amplifier is usually included to pro-
vide a broadband termination. When
using a high-level mixer in a receiver,
the output intercept of the mixer is of-
ten equal to or higher than the input
intercept of any low-noise amplifier
that can be designed to follow it. Any
amplifier that is used will also promote
IMD in the crystal filter that follows.
For example, the ZFY-1 mixer can pro-
duce 25 mW of output, which exceeds
the 10-mW maximum input rating of
most crystal filters without any ampli-
fication. It is best to avoid any IF
amplifier prior to the first crystal filter.
However, crystal filters present a very
reactive load outside their very narrow
(250 Hz to 15 kHz) passbands.
The IF port may be terminated using
the same strategy as the RF port. A low-
Q diplexer will terminate any LO en-
ergy at the IF port and eliminate much Fig 7—Predicted attenuation and return loss for the 20-meter band-pass filter.

48 May/June 2001
crystal filter passband, but this effect notes. It is very interesting considering ond mixer (tests 9 and 10), insertion of
turns out to be minimal compared to that the return loss at the IF port for the 3-dB attenuator at the IF port made
other sources of IMD. the down-converted test signals is 6 dB only a 0.5-dB difference. The IP3 with
(3:1 SWR). In fact, removing the 3-dB the 3-dB IF attenuator was 1.7 dB lower
Driving the LO Port attenuator at the IF port only degraded and, without the attenuator, was 1.3 dB
It has long been known that it is very the IP3 by 3.5 dB. Going beyond 3-6 dB higher than the first mixer. This is
important for the LO waveform to be of attenuation had no measurable ef- important on the higher HF bands be-
as symmetrical as possible to mini- fect. Clearly, termination of the signals cause the IF filter can be connected di-
mize IMD. In this case, the original near the IF has a smaller effect on IP3 rectly to the IF diplexer to lower the
LO signal was asymmetrical with a than any other factor. receiver noise figure.8 An RF amplifier
47/53% duty cycle with respect to zero When tests were repeated with a sec- would increase complexity and cause
crossings. Since the LO tunes only a
relatively narrow range (the 20-meter
amateur band), a π network is suitable
to filter the input to the LO port. The
network shown in Fig 11 has a Q of 2.1
and attenuates the second harmonic of
the LO by more than 20 dB. Fixed-
value capacitors and inductors were
used for construction; loss is minimal.

Tests were made using a ZFY-1 mixer
and two crystal-controlled RF sources
with a 25-kHz separation. Crystal-con-
trolled sources were used to ensure that
phase noise did not affect measure-
ments at such a close spacing. The two-
tone RF signal generator circuit is very
similar to one previously published in
QEX, 6 but uses the oscillator and filter
circuit described in my ATR-2000 ar-
ticle.7 The signal levels at the RF filter
were +1 and +2 dBm at approximately
14.300 MHz and 14.325 MHz. The test
setup is shown in Fig 12.
The LO filter, terminated RF filter,
IF diplexer and IF attenuator de-
scribed above were all constructed us-
ing connectors so that they could be
removed or reversed to measure their Fig 8—20-meter band-pass filter showing measured attenuation (at A and B, S21) and
effects. Various circuit configurations return loss (at C, S11).
were tried and the results are shown
in Table 6.
The results are impressive with all
modifications in place (test 1). The
third-order intercept point (IP3) is
within 1 dB of that achievable accord-
ing to the manufacturer’s application

Fig 9—IF diplexer circuit. Fig 10—IF diplexer attenuation and return loss.

May/June 2001 49
Table 6—IMD Test Results with Various Configurations
LO RF Filter IF
Test # Filter Terminated Diplexer IF Attn IP3 ∆ IP3
1 Yes Yes Yes 3 dB 37.0 dBm 0
Fig 11—LO-port filter.
2 Yes Yes Yes 0 dB 33.5 dBm –3.5 dB
3 Yes Yes No 3 dB 30.0 dBm –7.0 dB
4 Yes Yes No 0 dB 24.5 dBm –11.5 dB
greater degradation in IP3 than was
shown with either mixer. 5 No Yes Yes 3 dB 30.0 dBm –7.0 dB
The largest single improvement in 6 No Yes No 3 dB 23.5 dBm –13.5 dB
IP3 is caused by terminating the LO and 7 Yes No Yes 3 dB 28.0 dBm –9.0 dB
image frequencies at the mixer’s RF 8 Yes No No 3 dB 27.5 dBm –9.5 dB
port (test 7). Termination of the LO fre- 9* Yes Yes Yes 3 dB 35.3 dBm 0
quency at the IF port and ensuring sym- 10* Yes Yes Yes 0 dB 34.8 dBm –0.5 dB
metry of the LO waveform are also large
contributors. Interestingly, the IF *Test with ZFY-1 option B mixer date code 9448 02—others with date code
diplexer has little effect if the RF port is
9602 03
not terminated properly at the LO fre-
quency (test 8). Proper termination of
all ports is required for the best perfor- band-pass filter covers 5 to 7 MHz and the and has worked in the computer indus-
mance. original signals are 5.5 and 6.5 MHz, the try for 26 years. He was a cofounder of
mixer will produce third-order distortion Polymorphic Systems, a PC manufac-
Notes products at 4.5 and 7.5 MHz, fifth-order
turer, in 1975 and a cofounder of Retix,
Mini-Circuits ZFY-1 is the distortion products at 3.5 and 8.5 MHz and
so on. The mixer RF port is not terminated a communications-software and hard-
“connectorized” version of the SAY-1
mixer and both use 200 mW of LO injec- in 50 Ω at these frequencies. ware manufacturer, in 1986. Most re-
6S. Rumley, KI6QP, “A Precision Two-Tone cently, he was Vice President of Technol-
tion to achieve high performance levels.
The ZFY-1 is $75 from Mini-Circuits dis- RF Generator for IMD Measurements,” ogy at ISOCOR, which develops mes-
tributors but I have also seen it for $30 on QEX, April 1995, pp 6-12. saging and directory software for
7J. Stephensen, KD6OZH, “The ATR-2000: A
the surplus market. A lower-cost mixer commercial users and ISPs. John re-
with specifications almost as good is the High Performance Homemade Transceiver,
Pt 1” QEX, Mar/Apr 2000, pp 3-15. The crys- ceived his Amateur Radio license in
TUF-1H, which uses a 50-mW LO and is
available for $12 new. Surplus Sales of tals shown in Appendix A were pulled up or 1993 and has been active on the
Nebraska, RF Parts and Down East Micro- down in frequency with series connected 12- amateur bands from 28 MHz through
wave are good sources of these or similar pF or 10-µH components to achieve a 25.8- 24 GHz. His interests include designing
high-level mixers at low cost. kHz spacing between oscillator frequencies. and building Amateur Radio gear, digi-
2W. Hayward, W7ZOI, and D. DeMaw, (Part 2 of the ATR series appeared in May/ tal and analog amateur satellites, VHF
W1FB, Solid State Design for the Radio June 2000 and Part 3 in Mar/Apr 2001.)
Amateur (Newington: ARRL, 1977), p 119. 8Atmospheric noise below 30 MHz is nearly and microwave contesting and 10-meter
3R. Straw, N6BV, Editor, The ARRL Hand- always more than 18 dB above the thermal DX. His home station is almost entirely
book for Radio Amateurs (Newington: noise, so a receiver noise figure of 13 dB home-built and supports operation on
ARRL, 1999), Chapter 15. is adequate for all HF bands. SSB, PSK31, RTTY and analog and
4D. Smith, KF6DX, “Signals, Samples, and
digital satellites in the 28, 50, 144, 222,
Stuff: A DSP Tutorial (Part 2),” QEX, May/ John Stephensen, KD6OZH, has been 420, 1240, 2300, 5650 and 10,000 MHz
June 1998, pp 22-37.
5The original signals inside the band-pass interested in radio communications bands from Grid Square DM04 in Los
filter passband can produce odd-order dis- since building a crystal radio kit at age Angeles. The mobile station includes
tortion products outside the band-pass fil- 11. He went on to study Electronic Engi- 10-meter SSB, 144/440-MHz FM and
ter passband. For example, if the neering at the University of California 24-GHz SSB.

Fig 12—IMD test setup for data of Table 6.

50 May/June 2001

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