Job Safety Analysis Form OHS-F-02 SLB Scaffolding
Job Safety Analysis Form OHS-F-02 SLB Scaffolding
Job Safety Analysis Form OHS-F-02 SLB Scaffolding
Doc. ID: OHS-F-02 Revision No.: 04 Date of Revision: 13th June,2022 Page No:1
TASK LOCATION TYPE OF TASK DATE (dd/mm/yyyy) Client Location (if applicable) JSA NO.
Generic ☐ New
Schlumberger LMP, Houston EBD, Guyana. 11/26/2022 Schlumberger LMP, Houston EBD, Guyana. JSA-03
Selection of Personnel Incompetent personnel Injury,death, dislocation H All personnel must be trained and certified in their area of work by recognized insitutions.
working on job not Damage to equipment/ Ensure that all certificates are valid for period of work
understanding the task or property
hazards involoved Product loss
Analysis of the scenario and risks of the task Risks identification failed Injuries, dislocations M Keep the entire team focused during the analysis.
4 to be performed. Damage to equipment Ensure everyone is involved and participates in decision.
Environmental damage
Analysis of the physical and emotional state Assign tasks to tired disoriented Serious injury H Check the physical and emotional status of each team member.
of the team people Death Ask open ended questions in order to know if everyone is physically and emotionally fit
Product loss
5 Environmental damage
Site inspection, identify and access site If site management are Serious injury M Review the site emergency evacuation plan and advise site
conditions unaware of work being carried Death management of work activity for the day.
out then workers will be Product loss Ensure Traffic management procedures developed by site
unaccounted for in the event of Environmental damage management are followed
evacuation Become familiar with the site safety signs and follow all instructions
Failure to follow traffic (e.g. wearing of appropriate PPE)
management plans can Check for slip and fall hazards and use designated areas to access
lead to injury, damage to work area.
vehicle or equipment Identify the location of underground or overhead power lines on
Ignoring safety signs can lead to site
exposure to Identify the location of underground or overhead gas lines on site
hazards and noncompliance Identify where the first aid kit is located.
6 with site safety Identify who the first aider is on site.
Identify the location of the toilets and amenities on site
Uneven ground can cause slip Each worker is required to wear the required PPE at all times.
and fall injuries MSDS for any onsite materials are to be registered on site
when moving tools and Ensure appropriate PPE available and sun protection is provided
equipment to work and used by all personnel on site
area. Wear a hard hat and visor if needed
Underground or overhead Use 30+ sunblock
power can cause
Underground or overhead gas
lines can cause
serious burns if punctured
Exposure to weather conditions
Review JSA Not understanding job Harm to Personnel M Have Competent personnel performing the task.
Wounds & Injuries
7 Malfunction of equipment
Gather all tools and equipment, including Slips from wet surface Damage to personnel & M All scaffold must be inspected and certified.
safety equipment(including Scaffolds) Trips and falls over objects on equipment Make sure full ppe is used
8 the floor, Wounds or injuries Malfunction Watch every step and be aware of trip points
Death Secure all drop objects
Inspection of harness, slings/life line Falls from height, due to broke Damage to personnel & Make sure fall protect equipment is of good quality
hooks, damage life line equipment If damaged they are replaced immediately, and removed from work area.
Pinch points if not fitted Wounds or injuries Make sure PPE is properly adjusted before work begins
properly Death
Lack of proper anchor because
hooks are loose
Working from height and install the Falls from height, Injury H Use correct andproper ppe and harness
harness, slings /life line Pinch points, back strain, falls Death Hydrate constantly
due to poor communication, Lost of equipment/materials Only use competent personnel performing the task
Lack of proper anchor point Make sure use the proper tool to perfrom task
example handrails. Pay attention to the surface you are standing on and different levels.
10 Look for obstacles before starting this step, remove any possible obstacle on the way if any.
Erection of base frames, standards and Frames or standards falls Injury M Sole boards to be correct length for soft ground.
bracing Over striking person erecting Lost of equipment/materials Bracing or team member used to support first frames or standards.
scaffold Base plates or screw jacks used under all frames and standards.
Unsupported frames Foundation to be level or screw jacks to be used. Castor wheels
Locked and fitted correctly.
Erection of 2nd level frames, standards and Scaffold tips over causing fall. Injury M No climbing on braced scaffold.
bracing Instability / collapse of scaffold Death Two (2) persons used to assist in scaffold erection.
causing fall Lost of equipment/materials Foundation to be level or screw jacks to be used.
Scaffold topples over causing a Scaffold to be built square with plan bracing installed.
fall from height Sufficient and correctly fixed diagonal bracing.
12 Base frames or standards not General height of scaffold not to exceed 3 times the base width unless out riggers are used or the
adequately braced or supported scaffold is tied to a secure structure.
Climbing on braced scaffold
during erection
Erection of working platforms Step backward off higher deck Injury M 2 persons used to pass materials to higher lifts.
causing fall from height Death Working decks to be at same height.
Split (uneven) decks installed Lost of equipment/materials
Erection of edge protection, ladder and toe Scaffold moves unexpectedly Injury M Two (2) persons to assist in scaffold erection.
boards tips over causing fall Death Scaffold adequately braced to prevent movement whilst edge protection is fixed.
Fall from unprotected working Lost of equipment/materials Handrail positioned not below 900mm and above 1100mm the working platform on all sides.
platform Mid rail to be installed.
Fall from the edge of the Hatch to be closed whilst working on deck..
working platform No climbing up or down the outside of the scaffold.
Fall through ladder access Ladder access to be installed.
Hatch Ladder to be positioned internally for scaffold more than 3 meters in height and at the appropriate
Fall whilst gaining access to angle 1:4 i.e. for every 4 meters in height 1 meter out from the base.
working platform Ladder to be secured at the top and bottom.
Injury due to scaffold Collapse Ladder to project at least 1 meter above the working platform.
Edge protection Incomplete Ladder to access the working platform through a trap door.
Ladder access hatch (trap door) Toe boards to be fitted to the working platform.
in working deck Exclusion zone around scaffold
Inappropriate access to working Positioned in a public or work area.
deck Area around base of scaffold to be barricaded off.
tools and / or equipment lying
on working platform
Use and inspection of scaffold Injury due to scaffold collapse Injury M Scaffold not positioned too close to plant operating area.
Fall from scaffold or working Death Plant not operated in a defined exclusion zone
Platform Damage of equipment Un-authorized removal of or interference with scaffold components.
Scaffold accessed by Scaffold inspected by competent person prior to use.
experienced person or scaffold Isolation system used for incomplete scaffolds e.g. barricades and signs.
falls onto person. Complete edge protection to working platform.
Vehicle or mobile plant strikes Scaffold to be barricaded to prevent unauthorized use.
scaffold. Along with the daily pre-use inspection, scaffold above 2m shall be inspected (and recorded) every
15 Incomplete scaffold. 7 days by a competent person, whether it is in use or not.
Scaffold left unattended and Scaffold towers shall never be moved with a person on the structure or when it is over 4m in height
unsecured Access ladders should be fitted. Climbing on the scaffold structure itself is prohibited, including
climbing on the intermediate and hand guard rails.
Any work platforms should be fully boarded with no tipping or trip hazards
Do not drop or throw items from the scaffold
The scaffold should not be overloaded with either personnel and/or equipment
Advancing up a scaffold Falls from height Injury H Climbing on the scaffold structure itself is prohibited, including climbing on the
Pinch points, back strain, falls, Death intermediate and hand guard rails
due to poor communication, Damage of equipment
Lack of proper anchor point
example handrails.
Working from height and removing the Falls from height Injury M Use correct andproper ppe and harness
harness, slings /life line Pinch points, back strain, falls, Death Hydrate constantly
due to poor communication, Personnel injuries Only use competent personnel performing the task
Lack of proper anchor point Lost of equipment/materials Make sure use the proper tool to perfrom task
17 example handrails. Pay attention to the surface you are standing on and different levels.
Look for obstacles before starting this step, remove any possible obstacle on the way if any.
Dismantling and or alteration Fall from scaffold. Injury M No un-authorized removal of or interference with scaffold components.
Injury due to scaffold Collapse Death Scaffold to be inspected by competent person prior to use.
Scaffold collapse or fall from Personnel injuries Isolation system for incomplete scaffold Sufficient skills to complete the required task.
Scaffold Lost of equipment/materials Qualified scaffold used for dismantling Competent person used for scaffold alteration.
Scaffold incomplete or partly Qualified scaffold used for complex alterations
18 dismantled
Unstable or incorrect
dismantling of scaffold
Inappropriate alterations to
Working from height and taking equipment Falls from height Injury M Use correct and proper ppe and harness
to lower levels Pinch points, back strain, falls, Death Use good quailty of rope to take tools to higher levels
due to poor communication, Personnel injuries Only use competent personnel performing the task
Lack of proper anchor point Lost of equipment/materials Pay attention to the surface you are standing on and different levels.
example handrails. Look for obstacles before starting this step, remove any possible obstacle on the way if any.
Housekeeping Trips and falls over objects on Damage to personnel & M Clear area of all waste and debris
Replace all tools and equipment, including the floor that are out of place equipment Watch every step and be aware of trip points
safety equipment in designated storage area Theft Wounds or injuries Malfunction Secure all drop objects
20 Death Secure all tools and equipment.
Loss of equipment
Closing Discussion Unidentified hazards in Damage to personnel & M Identify,rectify and discuss with entire crew in Morning TBT following day before activity begins.
environment that were not equipment Notify surrounding personnel working on operations in area of any changes.
21 present at beginning of activity. Wounds or injuries Malfunction
What's Different ( Identify any change in the activity or environment and immediately control and correct)