Scopus Q3 Terapan 2022 17.08 - 19
Scopus Q3 Terapan 2022 17.08 - 19
Scopus Q3 Terapan 2022 17.08 - 19
Vol. 17, No. 8, December, 2022, pp. 2513-2521
Journal homepage: ABSTRACT
Received: 15 August 2022 Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) reflects the aspect of human resource
Accepted: 3 November 2022 management in environmental management, and it focuses on the role of human resources in
preventing pollution through the operational processes of a business. GHRM plays a vital role
Keywords: in environmental management as the human resource function also plays an important role in
green human resource management, achieving the company's goals of a green company. Therefore, this study aims to identify the
organizational commitment, participation direct effect of the Green Human Resource Management variable on the participation of farmer
of member group members and the indirect effect of Organizational Commitment as a mediating variable.
The population of this study was all farmer group members in Tirtomartani Village with a total
of 510 members. The determination of the sample used the cluster random sampling technique
because the groups have similar characteristics such as farming behavior, level of education,
farming patterns, plants planted, size of fields, to the organizational structure of each farmer
group. This study used a five-point Likert scale with 5 for strongly agree and 1 for strongly
disagree. Data were collected from 110 respondents. The analysis was performed with the help
of SmartPLS with the Path Analysis Method. The results showed that Green Recruitment and
Selection, Green Training, Green Performance Management, and Green Payment and Reward
have a positive and significant effect on the participation of farmer group members, while
Green Involvement did not. Moreover, organizational commitment cannot be used as a
mediating variable in this research model. Farmer groups had programs to develop skills,
knowledge and attitudes related to good environmental management so that the participation
of their members' increased. A successful organization means that each member pays more
attention to green performance targets, and indicators of green performance success, evaluate
green performance and reduce errors that affect the decline in the predetermined green
training, rewarding, and assessment. need to emphasize the role of their members in environmental
Companies need to consider organizational commitment for management to be more responsible for their performance,
the sustainability of the company. Luthans [12] states that including environmental performance. Disbenefit is a negative
organizational commitment consists of a strong desire to measure to deal with problems regarding the green
remain a member of an organization, a worker's willingness to performance outcomes of members who do not comply with
work hard on behalf of the organization, and individuals’ established regulations [19].
beliefs and acceptance of the values and goals of the Rewards and incentives can make performance more
organization. Greenberg and Baron [13] state that employees effective to motivate and produce green initiatives [25].
with a high organizational commitment are more stable and Jabbour et al. [26], Mandip [27] define Green Payment and
productive so it is more profitable for the organization, so that Reward as a financial and non-financial reward system to
organizational commitment is predicted to be able to attract, retain, and motivate organizational members in
strengthen the organizational member’s participation where contributing to environmental goals. Green travel can be said
their work intentions are in line with the applicable as one of the rewards for transportation and travel of the
management practices in the organization [9]. High organization members. They are guided to learn how to reduce
organizational commitment makes employees or workers their carbon footprint and have a greater awareness of
more motivated to be in the organization and to achieve environmental protection. Green recognition requires a non-
organizational goals [14]. In this study, researchers identify financial reward system for members, for example, public
the influence of GHRM on the participation of farmer group recognition and gift certificates. Green rewards can lead to
members in Sleman Yogyakarta with organizational feelings of pride among coworkers and effectively encourage
commitment as a mediating variable. environmental initiatives [25].
Member involvement in green initiatives can increase
opportunities for better green management by aligning goals,
2. LITERATURE REVIEW abilities, motivations, and perceptions of employees with
green management practices and systems [28]. Members may
2.1 Green human resource management be provided with opportunities to engage in environmental
management, which stimulates them to support pollution
Das and Singh [15] define GHRM as a procedure that prevention and identify environmental opportunities [19].
applies environmentally friendly or green concepts and HR Tang [16] in line with [19] identify five indicators of GI
policies that lead to more employee involvement, and cost- including Green Vision, Green Learning Climate,
effective leadership, that can encourage organizational communication channels, green initiatives, and opportunities
sustainability. Tang et al. [16] state that in measuring GHRM, in improving quality and problem-solving in environmental
it can be seen from some variables, namely Green Recruitment problems.
and Selection, Green Training (GT), Green Performance
Management (GPM), Green Payment and Reward (GPR), and
Green Involvement (GI). Hiring candidates who have a green
mindset helps the company to have professionals who are
aware of sustainable processes and are familiar with the basics
of green concepts such as recycling and conservation [17].
Green recruitment can result in a green commitment and has a
positive impact on the company as it has the opportunity to
increase company profits [18]. Renwick et al. [19] divides
GRS into three indicators, namely Green Awareness, Green
Branding, and Green Criteria for Attracting Candidates.
Green training is a practice focusing on developing
employees’ skills, knowledge, and attitudes related to
environmental management [20]. Green Training needs to be
carried out as it can increase the awareness, knowledge, and
skills of members. In companies that implement GHRM, green
training has to be provided to all members [21]. Tang et al. [16] Figure 1. Research framework
insert three indicators in Green Training, namely pro-
environment activities, provision of knowledge management, 2.2 Organizational commitment and participation of
and climate initiatives for the environment. member
Jabbour et al. [22] state that GPM refers to an employee
performance evaluation system in the environmental Organizational commitment is the extent to which
management process. Some previous studies have investigated individuals are involved in the organization [29]. As proposed
Green Performance Management by providing feedback and by Allen and Meyer [30], organizational commitment has
balance metrics [23]. Companies need to identify a systematic three indicators of affective commitment, continuance
method of implementing GPM [16]. The implementation of commitment, and normative commitment. Chun et al. [31]
GPM needs to consider some aspects including determining a state that organizational commitment is closely related to work
green target for all members to emphasize and translate ethics as when the organization highly depends on some
environmental goals into an action plan for all staff [24]. limited standards, the commitment of the members will
Creating green performance indicators is important in the increase. Green behavior and environmental performance are
implementation of GPM [17]. Besides, evaluating the results in line with [7] that organizational commitment has a strong
of green performance is also important. Organizations also relationship with environmental performance. Furthermore,
Bangwal and Tiwari [9], Mowday et al. [14] argue strong Members mediated by Organizational Commitment
organizational commitment increases members’ participation H2e: GI has an effect on the Participation of Farmer Group
in playing their roles in the organization [2]. There is a strong Members mediated by Organizational Commitment
role of organizational commitment between green behavior
and green human resource management so that GHRM
practices are a fundamental concern so that member 3. METHOD
participation can increase [32]. Kim et al. [33] reveal empirical
evidence on the relationship between organizational The population in this study was farmer groups in
commitment and GHRM. Therefore, this present study uses Tirtomarnani Village, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Tirtomartani
the following framework and hypothesis listed in Figure 1: Gapoktan has 17 farmer groups with a total of 510 members.
H1a: GRS has a positive effect on the Participation of The determination of the sample used the cluster random
Farmer Group Members sampling technique as the farmer groups in Tirtomartani
H1b: GT has a positive effect on the Participation of Farmer village had similar characteristics of organizational structure.
Group Members Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to
H1c: GPM has a positive effect on the Participation of respondents. This study used a five-point Likert scale with 5
Farmer Group Members for strongly agree and 1 for strongly disagree. Inferential
H1d: GPR has a positive effect on the Participation of statistical analysis was divided into two, namely descriptive
Farmer Group Members analysis and path analysis with the Partial Least Square
H1e: GI has a positive effect on the Participation of Farmer program. In the Partial Least Square program, the outer model
Group Members assessment used Convergent Validity, and Composite
H2a: GRS has an effect on the Participation of Farmer Reliability tests and, while the structural model (inner model)
Group Members mediated by Organizational Commitment was to predict the relationship between latent variables and the
H2b: GT has an effect on the Participation of Farmer Group hypothesized [34]. The validity test aims to find out the
Members mediated by Organizational Commitment validity of the obtained data from questionnaires. The
H2c: GPM has an effect on the Participation of Farmer reliability test aims to determine the reliability of the
Group Members mediated by Organizational Commitment measuring instrument [34]. The measurement indicators for
H2d: GPR affects the Participation of Farmer Group each variable can be seen below Table 1.
No Variable Indicator
Awareness of Green Environment
1 Green Recruitment and Selection (GRS) [16, 19, 35] Green Branding for Candidates
Green Criteria for Candidates
Increasing Environmental Awareness
2 Green Training (GT) [16, 35-37] Green Knowledge Management
Building Green Initiative Climate
Determining Green Targets
Creating Green Performance Indicators
3 Green Performance Management (GPM) [16, 19, 24]
Evaluating Green Performance
Making a loss
Transportation Benefits
4 Green Payment and Reward (GPR) [16, 25] Green Incentives and Taxes
Green Confession
Green Vision
Green Learning Climate
5 Green Involvement (GI) [16, 19, 38] Communication Channel
Offering Green Practice
Supporting Green Involvment
Affective Commitment
6 Organizational Commitment [30] Continuance Commitment
Normative Commitment
Contributive Participation
7 Member Participation [39]
Incentive Participation
whether to continue or not to continue the membership in the 4.3 Convergent validity and composite reliability of the
organization very well. The following questionnaire results on outer model
the Organizational Commitment variable are listed in the
Table 4. Table 6 shows that Organizational Commitment (KO) and
The Member Participation variable obtained a value of 4.14 Member Participation (PA) have AVE values of > 0.5 and CR >
or in the high category. This means that the Program, members, 0.7. This means that there is no measurement error in the outer
and management are suitable. The agreement between the model and all latent variables can be used to predict structural
output and the needs referred to in the organization's program functions in the inner model. Meanwhile, the Green Human
is considered to be able to provide higher member Resource Management (GHRM) variable has an AVE value
participation. The following questionnaire results on the lower than 0.5 with a CR value of > 0.7. This shows that this
Participation variable are listed in the Table 5. variable is considered to have a high consistency value.
Table 4. Results of questionnaire on organizational commitment variable
Original Sample Mean Standard Deviation Standard Error T Statistics
Sample (O) (M) (STDEV) (STERR) (|O/STERR|)
Z1.1 ← KO 0.718 0.710 0.062 0.062 11.536 0.000
Z1.2 ← KO 0.745 0.727 0.058 0.058 12.949 0.000
Z1.3 ← KO 0.731 0.720 0.060 0.060 12.085 0.000
Z2.1 ← KO 0.720 0.710 0.060 0.060 11.937 0.000
Z2.2 ← KO 0.720 0.704 0.059 0.059 12.150 0.000
Z2.3 ← KO 0.758 0.752 0.045 0.045 16.884 0.000
Z3.1 ← KO 0.683 0.681 0.053 0.053 12.848 0.000
Z3.2 ← KO 0.642 0.633 0.069 0.069 9.303 0.000
Z3.3 ← KO 0.653 0.643 0.058 0.058 11.346 0.000
4.4 Outer model assessment The total coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.904 or in
other words, it can predict the model by 90.4% while the
Table 7 shows some items that have an outer loading value remaining 9.6% is caused by variables outside the model.
higher than 0.5; and the outer loading significance test shows
that all items have a significant value lower than 0.05. Thus, it 4.6 Hypothesis testing
can be said that the questionnaire items in this study have a
good outer model. The research model structure can be seen in Figure 2, from
these results Table 9 shows the results of the direct effects and
4.5 Coefficient of determination of endogenous variables Table 10 shows the results of the indirect effects. Partially
GRS, GT, GPM and GPR have a positive and significant
The endogenous variables in the inner model of the influence on member participation. However, GI does not
structural equation show that Organizational Commitment have a significant effect. The results of the indirect effect show
(KO) and Member Participation (PA) are determined by Green that organizational commitment cannot mediate the effect of
Human Resource Management (GHRM). GHRM on member participation.
Exogenous variable Endogenous variable
Green Human Organizational Commitment
Resource Management (KO) Member Participation
Source: Processed Primary Data, 2022
Sobel Test
Exogenous Mediation Endogenous Decision
Axb Z-test p-value
H2a GRS KO PA 0.011 0.580 0.562 Not mediating
H2b GT KO PA 0.018 0.724 0.469 Not mediating
H2c GPM KO PA 0.043 1.267 0.205 Not mediating
H2d GPR KO PA 0.051 1.828 0.068 Not mediating
H2e GI KO PA 0.054 1.939 0.053 Not mediating
5. DISCUSSION the organization will involve all its members in improving
quality and solving environmental problems. Requiring each
The results of this study are in line with [17, 19, 40, 41] that member to implement Green Involvement practices is one
there is a positive relationship between GHRM and member effective way to motivate members to be involved in
participation. In this study, hypothesis 1 which states that environmental management [16, 19]. However, in this study,
Green Recruitment and Selection have a positive and Green Involvement did not have a significant effect on
significant effect on the participation of farmer group member participation. Green involvement must be
members is proven. Green Recruitment and Selection is a implemented as the organization already have rules of how far
system where organizational members focus more on the each member needs to be involved in every activity in the
importance of the environment and make it the main element organization. This returns to social sustainability which can
in the organization [17]. Recruiting group members who have provide various individual interactions in organizations to
a green mindset will make it easier for organizations to have maintain the rules that have been made [45, 46]. Member
professional members who are aware of sustainable processes involvement including giving responsibilities and
and are familiar with the green concepts such as recycling and opportunities for members to be involved in activities in the
conservation [17]. The green image in the organization organization is not in line with providing opportunities for
members makes them feel prouder to work in organizations every member of the organization to participate in the
with a good environmental reputation [23]. decision-making process.
Green Training and development are also used to train Moreover, organizational commitment cannot mediate the
members to work with methods that save energy, reduce waste, relationship between Green Recruitment and Selection, Green
spread environmental awareness within the organization, and Training, Green Performance Management, Green Payment
provide opportunities to involve in solving environmental and Reward, and Green Involvement in member participation.
problems [20]. Green training refers to a system of activities Organizational commitment is more than just passive loyalty,
that can motivate organizational members to learn but involves an active relationship and the desire of
environmental protection skills and pay attention to organizational members to make a meaningful contribution to
environmental issues, which are key to achieving the organization [14]. The results of this study indicate that the
environmental goals [23]. Fernandez et al. [37] state that participation of members is directly influenced by the
Green Training is needed as it can increase the awareness, behavioral practices of Green Recruitment and Selection,
knowledge, and skills of organizational members. Green Green Training, Green Performance Management, and Green
training programs can help organizational members better Payment and Reward in a positive and significant way without
understand the importance of environmental protection, which going through organizational commitment. The results of this
makes members more sensitive to the process of controlling study also prove that organizational commitment does not
and/or preventing environmental damage [36]. mediate variables that can be used in this research model.
When organizations can integrate environmental
performance into their performance management system, they
protect environmental management from any possible harm 6. CONCLUSIONS
[42]. Therefore, members remain rational in making decisions
on the sustainability of business management with various Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that
existing limitations [43]. Effective performance appraisal GRS, GT, GPM and GPR show a positive and significant
provides useful feedback to each member of the organization effect on member participation, but GI does not.
and supports continuous improvement in more Organizational commitment in this research model does not
environmentally friendly results [23]. Each member of the manage to mediate the role of GHRM on member participation.
organization who has a green mindset will refer to the Organizations can plan programs needed by members
performance evaluation system in the process of sustainable according to mutual agreement because an agreement between
environmental management [22]. Therefore, organizations the organization's output and the needs of members will
need to identify a systematic method for implementing Green increase member’s participation. Organizations can build a
Performance Management [16]. climate that encourages all members of the organization to be
Payment and Reward is the most powerful method of involved in environmental initiatives. The organization
connecting individual interests with organizational interests prioritizes the design of activities such as increasing
[42]. In accordance with the strategic approach to rewards and knowledge and awareness of the green environment,
management, today's modern organizations focus on increasing the implementation of environmental awareness,
developing reward systems to encourage green initiatives implementing green performance evaluations, the benefits of
initiated by organizational members [44]. Rewards and transportation benefits, and the green vision and mission of the
incentives can motivate each member of the organization to organization. Integrated training does not only cover a
produce green initiatives [25]. Each member of the farmer comprehensive program but also creates a work climate with
group works hand in hand regarding the benefits of an environmental perspective and this will directly lead to
transportation related to the harvesting process and its higher member participation. Farmer group members have
distribution. Overall, the value of the Green Payment and professional skills suitable for their field of work and can help
Reward variable is in the high category. This shows that the achieve organizational goals, namely green management.
financial and non-financial rewards obtained by farmer group Group members have to always evaluate the green
members have an impact so their contribution to performance efforts that have been carried out, thereby
environmental goals can be realized properly. increasing member participation.
Members who have joined will accept all the consequences The limitation of this study is the sample which is only taken
implemented by the organization including green involvement from Tirtomartani, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Thus, it cannot be
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