Aic Unit 3
Aic Unit 3
Aic Unit 3
Contents :
Comparators, Limitations of op-amp as comparator,
Schmitt Trigger,
Precision half wave and full wave rectifiers,
Peak Detectors,
Sample and Hold circuits,
Waveform generators,
Wein bridge Oscillator
Quadrature oscillator.
An operational amplifier, in open loop configuration, operates
in a non-linear manner.
It finds use in many applications in which the output needs to
be switched between positive and negative saturation levels.
Positive feedback can also be employed in these circuits to
obtain hysteresis characteristics, i.e., to provide the upper and
lower input voltage levels that trigger the output voltage to
change from one saturation level to the other.
An op-amp comparator compares an input voltage signal with a known voltage, called the
reference voltage.
In its simplest form, the comparator consists of an op-amp operated in open-loop, and
when fed with two analog inputs, it produces one of the two saturation voltages ±Vsat ( +Vcc
or – VEE ) at the output of the op-amp.
The input-output transfer characteristics of an ideal comparator and a practical comparator
using op-amp are shown in Fig.
It can be seen from Fig. (b) that the output state of a practical comparator can change with
an input increment of only 2 mV.
This width of 2 mV is the region of uncertainty of a practical comparator.
Two types of comparators, viz.
(i) Non-inverting comparator, and (ii) Inverting comparator can be constructed using op-
Transfer characteristics of an ideal comparator and a
practical comparator
Non-inverting comparator
• A fixed reference voltage Vref is applied to (–) input and
a time-varying signal vi is applied to (+) input.
• When the noninverting input vi is less than the reference
voltage Vref, i.e. vi < Vref, the output voltage vo is at -V @ -
V sat EE .
• On the other hand, when vi is greater than Vref , i.e. vi >
Vref , the output voltage vo is at +V @ +V sat CC
• .
• Thus, the output vo changes from one saturation level to
another depending on the voltage difference between vi
and Vref.
• Figures show the input and output waveforms of the
comparator when Vref is positive and negative
• The diodes D1 and D2 are connected to protect the op-amp
from excessive input voltages of Vref as shown in Fig
In practical circuits, Vref can be
obtained by the use of a 10 k
potentiometer forming a voltage
divider with the use of supply voltages
+VCC and –VEE , and the wiper
connected to (–) input terminal of op-
amp as shown in Fig. (d).
Output voltage level other than ±Vsat at the output can be
obtained by using a resistor R and back-to-back Zener diodes
connected at the output of op-amp as shown in Fig. (e).
Then, the limiting values of voltage vo becomes (VZ1 + VD)
and –(VZ2 + VD), where VD ª 0.7V, and VZ1 and VZ2 are the
Zener voltages.
Practical inverting comparator
Figure (a) shows a practical
inverting comparator with the
reference voltage Vref applied to (+)
input and the voltage signal vi
applied to the (–) input.
For a sinusoidal input signal vi and
for positive and negative Vref, the
input and output waveforms are as
shown in Fig. (b) and (c) respectively.
Applications of comparator
The important applications of comparator are:
(i) Zero crossing detector (sine wave to square wave converter)
(ii) Amplitude distribution analyser
(iii) Pulse-time modulator
(iv) Window detector
(v) Timing marker signal generator
(vi) Phase detector
Exa. 1 . Draw the transfer characteristics of the comparator circuit
shown in Fig. , when (a) op-amp is ideal and (b) open-loop gain of op-
amp is 100000. Assume VZ1 = VZ2 = 5.5 V.
(a) Since the op-amp is ideal, the open-loop gain AOL
= ∞. Therefore, a very small positive or negative
voltage at the input results in ±Vsat at the output.
This causes VZ1 or VZ2 to breakdown, driving the
output vo to ±(VZ + VD) = ±(5.5 V + 0.7 V) = ±6.2 V.
The curve shown in Fig. shows the transfer
characteristics of the ideal op-amp.
That is, the Zener diodes break down at ±0.062 mV. The transfer characteristic of such an
arrangement is shown in Fig.
Limitations of op-amp as comparator
When an input sinusoidal signal of frequency f is applied to such a comparator, a symmetrical square wave is
produced at the output as shown in Fig.
Hence, the most important application of the Schmitt trigger circuit is to convert a slowly varying input voltage
into a square wave output. Hence, the circuit is also called a squarer.
Refer to the circuit of Fig.(a), R1 = 56 k, R2 = 150 k, vi = 1Vpp sine wave of frequency 50
Hz, Vref = 0V and op-amp 741 is used with supply voltages of = ±15 V and the saturation
voltages are ±13.5 V. Determine the threshold voltages VUT and VLT and draw the input
and output waveforms of Schmitt trigger. Also, plot the hysteresis voltage curve.
Precision rectifiers
The signal processing applications with very low voltage, current and power
levels require rectifier circuits.
The ordinary diodes cannot rectify voltages below the cut-in voltage of the
A circuit which can act as an ideal diode or precision signal-processing
rectifier circuit for rectifying voltages which are below the level of cut-in
voltage of the diode can be designed by placing the diode in the feedback loop
of an op-amp.
The above figure shows a practical rectifier circuit with its transfer characteristics.
In a practical rectifier circuit, the output waveform will be 0.7 volts less than the applied input
voltage, and the transfer characteristic will look like the figure shown in the diagram.
At this point, the diode will only conduct if the applied input signal is slightly greater than the
forward voltage of the diode.
Noninverting Half Wave Rectifier:
Vi >0 V
Vi<0 V
Precision half wave rectifier
A non-saturating half-wave precision rectifier circuit is shown in Fig. 5.12(a).
When vi > 0, the voltage at the inverting input becomes positive, forcing the output VOA to go
negative. This results in forward biasing the diode D1 and the op-amp output drops only by ª
0.7 V below the inverting input voltage.
Diode D2 becomes reverse-biased. The output voltage vo is zero since no current flows in the
feedback circuit through Rf.
Hence, the output vo is zero when the input is positive.
When vi < 0, the op-amp output VOA becomes positive, forward biasing the diode D2 and
reverse biasing the diode D1.
The circuit then acts like an inverting amplifier circuit with a non-linear diode in the forward
The gain of the circuit is unity when Rf = Ri.
The input and output waveforms are shown in Fig. (b).
The op-amp shown in the circuit must be a high-speed op-amp. This accommodates the
abrupt changes in the value of VOA when vi changes sign and improves the frequency
response characteristics of the circuit.
The advantages of half-wave rectifier are
(i) it is a precision half-wave rectifier, and
(ii) it is a nonsaturating one.
The inverting characteristics of the output vo can be circumvented by the use of an
additional inversion for achieving a positive output.
Precision full wave rectifier (Absolute value circuit)
The op-amp A is a subtractor connected the op-amp circuit, which enables the
signal vp–p to identify the peak-to-peak value of the input signal vi.
Sample & Hold Circuit
Sample & Hold Circuit is used to sample the given input signal and to hold the sampled
Sample and hold circuit is used to sample an analog signal for a short interval of time in
the range of 1 to 10µS and to hold on its last sampled value until the input signal is
sampled again.
The holding period may be from a few milliseconds to several seconds.
The following figure shows the block diagram of a typical sample and hold amplifier.
The Command terminal is in the form of a logic pulse. It controls whether to
sample the input signal or hold the last sampled value of the input signal.
When the pulse is high signal is sampled and when the pulse is low signal value
is holded. Thus the circuit has two modes of operation depending upon the
logic level of S/H command signal.
Upon receiving the input command pulse, the circuit samples the input and
output follows input i.e. output tracks the input so called TRACK mode of
After command pulse is removed the circuit holds the output at a value
which input signal had at an instant of pulse deactivation; which is called HOLD
Sample and hold circuits are used in
following applications.
1. Analog to Digital conversion (ADCs)
Out of different ADCs, successive approximation type ADC uses S/H
circuit, where the signal is to be held constant while A to D conversion is
taking place.
2. In DACs
3. In analog demultiplexing in data distribution and in analog delay lines.
In general S/H circuits are used in all applications where it is necessary to
freeze the analog signal for further processing.
Sample and Hold circuit
Amplifier A1 and A2 are both voltage follower circuits.
FET is operated as ON/OFF switch.
The S/H pulses controls the switching ON/OFF of FET.
Signal to be sampled is applied at Vin.
Input impedance of A1 is very high so input voltage source is not loaded.
While sampling output of A1 is same as Vin.
When S/H pulse is applied FET switches ON and starts conducting. Resistance between drain
and source (rdsON) is very small.
For voltage follower, A1 and A2 have 100% feedback (β=1). Therefore output impedance of A1
and A2 is very small.
Now capacitor C starts charging through rdsON and output impedance of A1.
Charging Time Constant = rdsON × rout × C
As rdsON and rout are very small, capacitor C charges through very quickly to Vin (i.e. capacitor
tracks the input signal).
At the end FET is off, so almost acts as open circuit. So capacitor isolates
from previous circuits and it holds the charge of last sampled value.
As input impedance of A2 is very large, capacitor discharging time is very
high, so it almost holds the charge. Also Gain of A2 is unity.
Therefore Vout = Charge on capacitor
As rout of A2 is very small, we can take Vout across any value of RL
The Capacitor C used has a perfect dielectric having no leakage.
Materials used for di-electric are polycarbonate, polythene, polystyrene,
myler or Teflon.
Performance parameters of S/H circuit:
The performance of an ordinary S/H circuit can be characterized by Vio,
Gain error, nonlinearity etc. Consider the following figure to define some
of the important parameters of S/H amplifier.
1. Acquisition Time (tAC):
It is the time required for the holding capacitor CH to charge upto a level
close to the input voltage during sampling. It depends on three factors
namely RC time constant, Maximum output current of op-amp and slew
rate of op-amp.
2. Aperture Time (tAP):
Ideally as soon as the hold command is given to S/H circuit, the circuit
should stop following any changes taking place in the input and hold the
latest sampled value. But practically, the S/H circuit will follow the
changes in input voltage for a short period of time, even after receiving
the hold command. This period is called as aperture time. It is due to the
propagation delays of the driver and the switch.
3. Aperture Uncertainty (∆tAP):
It is the variation in the aperture time from sample to sample.
4. Hold mode settling time (ts):
After the application of hold command, it takes a certain amount of time for Vo to settle within a
specified error band such as 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%.
5. Hold Step:
At the time of switching from sample to hold or hold to sample mode, there is an unwanted
transfer of charge between the switch driver and holding capacitor CH. This changes the
capacitor voltage and hence output voltage. These changes in output voltage are referred as
hold step, pedestal error or sample and hold offset.
6. Feed through:
In the hold mode, because of stray capacitances across switch there is a small amount of ac
coupling between Vo and Vin. This ac coupling causes output voltage to vary with variation in
the input voltage. This is referred as feed through.
7. Voltage Droop:
The leakage current causes voltage of the capacitor to drop down. This is referred as droop.
This sample and hold circuit is readily built in IC form is available (monolithic) and are
comparatively inexpensive. For this IC user has to connect only a single capacitor externally.
National Semiconductor ICs LM 198/298/398.
Waveform generators
The op-amps are widely used in circuits for generating various waveforms.
Most of the analog and digital equipments require one or more periodic
waveforms for timing, control and other functions.
The commonly used sinusoidal, square and triangular waveform generations
are other forms of evolution in the design of operational amplifiers.
Their applications have made the design of oscillators possible, which are
capable of generating repetitive waveforms of fixed frequency and amplitude
without the need of any other signal.
The terms oscillator and function generator or waveform generator represent
the circuits employed for generating such waveforms.
Multivibrators are regenerative circuits, which are mainly used in timing applications. Based
on their operational characteristics, they can be classified into three categories, namely,
(i) Astable multivibrator
(ii) Monostable multivibrator
(iii) Bistable multivibrator
The astable multivibrator toggles between one state and the other without the influence of
any other external control signal. It is also called a free-running multivibrator.
The monostable multivibrator or one-shot requires an external signal called a trigger to force
the circuit into a quasi-stable state for a particular time duration or delay. A suitable timing
network determines the time delay and it returns to the stable state at the end of the delay
Square-wave generator / Astable multivibrator
Square-wave generator / Astable
An astable multivibrator is a square-wave generator. Figure (a) shows the circuit of an astable
multivibrator with the output of op-amp fedback to the (+) input terminal.
The resistors R1 and R2 forma voltage divider network, and a fraction β = R2/R1+R2 of the
output is fed back to the input.
The output can take values of +βVsat or –βVsat. The voltage ± β Vsat acts as Vref at the (+)
input terminal. The output is also connected to the (–) input terminal through an integrating
low-pass RC network.
When the voltage Vc across capacitor C just exceeds Vref , switching takes place resulting in a
square-wave output.
To understand the operation of the circuit, let us consider that initially the output is at +Vsat
as shown in Fig. (b).
The capacitor C with its voltage shown as Vc starts charging through resistor R towards +Vsat.
The voltage at (+) input terminal is held at +βVsat as indicated by the use of R1 – R2 potential
divider network.
The charging of C continues until the voltage Vc at the (–) input terminal is just greater than
the voltage at the (+) input terminal, +βVsat .
When this happens as shown at point b of Fig. (b), the output is switched down to –Vsat.
The voltage + +βVo across the capacitor now starts discharging through resistance R and
charging towards –Vsat. The capacitor voltage v
Vc now becomes increasingly more and more negative and at point c just exceeds –βVsat. The
output now switches back to +Vsat, and the cycle repeats.
(i) when vo = + Vsat, C charges from –βVsat to +βVsat and switches vo to – Vsat and
(ii) when vo = – Vsat, C charges from +βVsat to –βVsat and switches vo to +Vsat.
The frequency of the free running multivibrator is determined by the charging and
discharging time of the capacitor between the voltage levels –b Vsat and +bVsat
and vice versa. The voltage across the capacitor as a function of time can be
represented as
Considering R1 = R2
Equation shows that the period is directly proportional to the time constant, RC.
Thus, varying either R or C changes the period correspondingly.
Therefore, providing a tunable resistance R paves the way for a continuously tunable square-
wave generator.
The output peak amplitudes can be varied by the use of Zener diodes connected back to
back as shown in Fig. (c).
The output voltage is then regulated to ±(Vz + VD) where Vz is the Zener voltage. Then the
peak-to-peak output voltage is given by vo (peak-to-peak) = 2(Vz + VD).
To generate an asymmetric square wave, a variable voltage source V can be introduced as
shown in Fig. (d).
For the circuit shown in Fig. (a), assuming that R1 = 116 k, R2 = 100 k, and ± Vsat = ± 14 V, find
(i) the time constant to produce 1 kHz output
(ii) the resistance R and
(iii) the maximum value of differential input voltage
Design a square wave oscillator for fo = 1 kHz using 741 op-amp
and DC supply voltage of ± 12 V.
Let R1 = R2 = 10 kΩ
Design a square-wave oscillator for fo = 2 kHz using 741 OP-
AMP and a dc supply voltage of +12 V.
Triangular wave generator
Substituting the value of vo(pp) from Eq. (7.27) in the above equation, we get
(c) The peak value of the op-amp is simply the saturation voltage levels, i.e. +14V and –14V
(d) Peak value of the triangular wave is
All the oscillators using tuned LC circuits operate well at high frequencies.
At low frequencies, as the inductors and capacitors required for the timing
circuit would be very bulky, RC oscillators are found to be more suitable.
Two important RC oscillators are
(i) RC phase shift oscillator and
(ii) Wien Bridge oscillator.
Wein bridge Oscillator
Wien Bridge oscillator is the most commonly used audio frequency oscillator due to its
inherent simplicity and stability.
Figure (a) shows the Wien Bridge oscillator using op amp. Since the op-amp is connected to
operate in non-inverting mode, it produces no phase-shift at the output. The Wien Bridge
circuit is connected between the input and output terminals of the amplifier.
The bridge consists of a series RC network (shown as Zs (s)) forming one arm of the bridge
circuit, a parallel RC network (shown as Zp (s)) forming the second arm, input resistance R1
and feedback resistance Rf forming the third and fourth arms of the bridge circuit
respectively as shown in Fig.(b).
The feedback circuit of the Wien Bridge oscillator is shown in Fig. (c).
The above RC network consists of a series RC circuit connected to a parallel RC forming basically a High Pass Filter
connected to a Low Pass Filter producing a very selective second-order frequency dependant Band Pass Filter with
a high Q factor at the selected frequency, ƒr.
At low frequencies the reactance of the series capacitor (C1) is very high so acts a bit like an open circuit, blocking
any input signal at Vin resulting in virtually no output signal, Vout. Likewise, at high frequencies, the reactance of
the parallel capacitor, (C2) becomes very low, so this parallel connected capacitor acts a bit like a short circuit
across the output, so again there is no output signal.
So there must be a frequency point between these two extremes of C1 being open-circuited and C2 being short-
circuited where the output voltage, VOUT reaches its maximum value. The frequency value of the input waveform
at which this happens is called the oscillators Resonant Frequency, (ƒr).
At this resonant frequency, the circuits reactance equals its resistance, that is: Xc = R, and the phase difference
between the input and output equals zero degrees. The magnitude of the output voltage is therefore at its
maximum and is equal to one third (1/3) of the input voltage as shown.
It can be seen that at very low frequencies the
phase angle between the input and output
signals is “Positive” (Phase Advanced), while at
very high frequencies the phase angle becomes
“Negative” (Phase Delay). In the middle of these
two points the circuit is at its resonant frequency,
(ƒr) with the two signals being “in-phase” or 0o.
We can therefore define this resonant frequency
point with the following expression.
ƒr is the Resonant Frequency in Hertz
R is the Resistance in Ohms
C is the Capacitance in Farads
As ZS and ZP are effectively connected together in series across the
input, VIN, they form a voltage divider network with the output taken from
across ZP as shown.
Lets assume then that the component values of R1 and R2 are the same
at: 12kΩ, capacitors C1 and C2 are the same at: 3.9nF and the supply
frequency, ƒ is 3.4kHz.
At the supply frequency of 3400Hz, or 3.4kHz, the combined DC impedance of the RC parallel
circuit becomes 6kΩ (R||Xc) with the vector sum of this parallel impedance being calculated as:
So we now have the value for the vector sum of the series impedance: 17kΩ, ( ZS = 17kΩ ) and for the parallel
impedance: 8.5kΩ, ( ZP = 8.5kΩ ). Therefore the total output impedance, Zout of the voltage divider network at
the given frequency is:
Then at the oscillation frequency, the magnitude of the output voltage, Vout will be equal to Zout x Vin which as
shown is equal to one third (1/3) of the input voltage, Vin and it is this frequency selective RC network which
forms the basis of the Wien Bridge Oscillator circuit.
If we now place this RC network across a non-inverting amplifier which has a gain of 1+R1/R2 the following
basic Wien bridge oscillator circuit is produced.
The output of the operational amplifier is fed back to both the inputs of the
amplifier. One part of the feedback signal is connected to the inverting input
terminal (negative or degenerative feedback) via the resistor divider network
of R1 and R2 which allows the amplifiers voltage gain to be adjusted within
narrow limits.
The other part, which forms the series and parallel combinations of R and C
forms the feedback network and are fed back to the non-inverting input
terminal (positive or regenerative feedback) via the RC Wien Bridge network
and it is this positive feedback combination that gives rise to the oscillation.
The RC network is connected in the positive feedback path of the amplifier
and has zero phase shift a just one frequency. Then at the selected resonant
frequency, ( ƒr ) the voltages applied to the inverting and non-inverting inputs
will be equal and “in-phase” so the positive feedback will cancel out the
negative feedback signal causing the circuit to oscillate.
The voltage gain of the amplifier circuit MUST be equal too or greater than three “Gain = 3” for oscillations to start because
as we have seen above, the input is 1/3 of the output. This value, ( Av ≥ 3 ) is set by the feedback resistor network, R1 and R2
and for a non-inverting amplifier this is given as the ratio 1+(R1/R2).
Also, due to the open-loop gain limitations of operational amplifiers, frequencies above 1MHz are unachievable without the
use of special high frequency op-amps.
It is known that the total phase-shift around the circuit must be 0o or 360° for oscillations to occur.
It is achieved when the bridge is balanced, i.e. at resonance. Thus the frequency of oscillation is the
resonant frequency of the balanced Wien Bridge.
Wien-Bridge networks are low frequency oscillators which are used to generate audio and
sub-audio frequencies ranging between 20 Hz to 20 KHz.
Further, they provide stabilized, low distorted sinusoidal output over a wide range of
frequency which can be selected using decade resistance boxes.
In addition, the oscillation frequency in this kind of circuit can be varied quite easily as it just
needs variation of the capacitorsC1and C2.