Tomcat Conf Files
Tomcat Conf Files
Tomcat Conf Files
The Server contains several Listeners (Lines 3-7). A Listener listens and responses to specific
The JasperListener enables the Jasper JSP engine, and is responsible for re-compiling the JSP
pages that have been updated.
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener" />
The GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener enables the global resources, and makes possible the
use of JNDI for accessing resources such as databases.
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener"
You can define other global resource JNDI such as MySQL database to implement connection
A Service associates one or more Connectors to a Engine. The default configuration defines
a Service called "Catalina", and associates two Connectors: HTTP and AJP to the Engine.
<Service name="Catalina"> ...... </Service>
A Connector is associated with a TCP port to handle communications between the Service and the
clients. The default configuration defines two Connectors:
HTTP/1.1: Handle HTTP communication and enable Tomcat to be an HTTP server. Clients can
issue HTTP requests to the server via this Connector, and receive the HTTP response messages.
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000"
redirectPort="8443" />
The default chooses TCP port 8080 to run the Tomcat HTTP server, which is different from the
default port number of 80 for HTTP production server. You can choose any number between
1024 to 65535, which is not used by any application, to run your Tomcat server.
The connectionTimeout attribute define the number of milliseconds this connector will wait,
after accepting a connection, for the request URI line (request message) to be presented. The
default is 20 seconds.
The redirect attribute re-directs the SSL requests to TCP port 8443.
AJP/1.3: Apache JServ Protocol connector to handle communication between Tomcat server
and Apache HTTP server.
<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />
You could run Tomcat and Apache HTTP servers together, and let the Apache HTTP server
handles static requests and PHP; while Tomcat server handles the Java Servlet/JSP. Read "How
To Configure Tomcat to work with Apache".
Tomcat refers to Engine, Host, Context, and Cluster, as container. The highest-level is Engine; while
the lowest-level is Context. Certain components, such as Realm and Valve, can be placed in a
A Engine is the highest-level of a container. It can contains one or more Hosts. You could configure
a Tomcat server to run on several hostnames, known as virtual host.
<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
The Catalina Engine receives HTTP requests from the HTTP connector, and direct them to the
correct host based on the hostname/IP address in the request header.
A Realm is a database of user, password, and role for authentication (i.e., access control). You can
define Realm for any container, such as Engine, Host, and Context, and Cluster.
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm">
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
The default configuration defines a Realm (UserDatabaseRealm) for the Catalina Engine, to
perform user authentication for accessing this engine. It uses the JNDI name UserDatabase defined
in the GlobalNamingResources.
Besides the UserDatabaseRealm, there are: JDBCRealm (for authenticating users to connect to a
relational database via the JDBC driver); DataSourceRealm (to connect to a DataSource via
JNDI; JNDIRealm (to connect to an LDAP directory); and MemoryRealm (to load an XML file in
A Host defines a virtual host under the Engine, which can in turn support many Contexts (webapps).
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
The default configuration define one host called localhost. The appBase attribute defines the base
directory of all the webapps, in this case, <CATALINA_HOME>\webapps. By default, each webapp's URL
is the same as its directory name. For example, the default Tomcat installation provides four
webapps: docs, examples, host-manager and manager under the webapps directory. The only
exception is ROOT, which is identified by an empty string. That is, its URL
is http://localhost:8080/.
The unpackWARs specifies whether WAR-file dropped into the webapps directory shall be unzipped.
For unpackWARs="false", Tomcat will run the application from the WAR-file directly, without
unpacking, which could mean slower execution.
The autoDeploy attribute specifies whether to deploy application dropped into
the webapps directory automatically.
Tomcat supports server clustering. It can replicate sessions and context attributes across the
clustered server. It can also deploy a WAR-file on all the cluster.
A Valve can intercept HTTP requests before forwarding them to the applications, for pre-processing
the requests. A Valve can be defined for any container, such as Engine, Host, and Context,
and Cluster.
In the default configuration, the AccessLogValve intercepts an HTTP request and creates a log entry
in the log file, as follows:
They are so many things that you can configured in Tomcat. I describe some of the configurations
that I found useful in this section.
Enabling Directory Listing
When the request URL refers to a directory instead of a file, e.g., http://host:port/hello/, you can
configure Tomcat to serve the directory listing, or a welcome file, or issue error "404 Page Not
Found". Enabling directory listing is handy for test server but NOT desire for production server (as it
reveal the directory structure and expose the entire directory hierarchy).
Enabling Directory Listing for ALL Webapps
To enable directory listing for all the web applications, you could modify the <CATALINA_HOME>\
conf\web.xml, by changing "listings" from "false" to "true" for the "default" servlet, as follows:
<!-- The default servlet for all web applications, that serves static -->
<!-- resources. It processes all requests that are not mapped to other -->
<!-- servlets with servlet mappings. -->
The following messages appear on the Tomcat's console if you re-compile a servlet:
3. ......
4. ......
5. <Context path="/ws" docBase="d:/workshop" reloadable="true">
6. </Context>
7. </Host>
8. </Engine>
9. </Service>
In the above example, we define a web context with URL " /ws", with context root (docBase or
document base directory) at "d:\workshop". This application can be accessed via
URL http://host:port/ws.
Take note that:
o The configuration creates a mapping from the "URL Path" issued by the web users to the
"document base directory" in the server's file system, where you store your webapp
o Place the <Context> element before the ending tag of the <Host> element.
o Use Unix-style forward slash '/' as the directory separator in the configuration file,
instead of Window-style back slash '\'.
o The attribute reloadable="true" asks Tomcat to monitor your servlets for changes, and
automatically reload the servlets if changes is detected. This is handy for a development
system, but inefficient in a production system.
10. Write a configuration file with a <Context> element and place it under Tomcat's "conf\
Catalina\localhost". For example, suppose we wish to create a webapp with URL " hello" in
base directory "d:\myproject\myHello", create the following file "hello.xml":
11. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2. Deploying Webapps
A web context is a single web application (webapp). It is the lowest-level container, that you can
define components such as Realm and Valve. By default, all webapps are kept under
the <CATALINA_HOME>\webapps directory (as configured in the <host> element appBase attribute.
A Java webapp may contain many types of files, such as HTML, CSS, Scripts, images, JSP, servlet,
utility classes, external library jar-files. A Java webapp must follow a strict directory structure as
depicted in the Servlet/JSP specifications. This enables deployment in a Java-capable web server
(such as Apache Tomcat and Glassfish). The resources must be kept in the correct directories and
The URL of a webapp, by default, is the same as the base directory name (or context root) of the
2.1 Webapp's Directory Structure
The directory structure of a webapp is as follows:
"ContextRoot": contains the resources that are visible and accessible by the web clients, such as
HTML, CSS, Scripts and images. These resources will be delivered to the clients as it is. You could
create sub-directories such as images, css and scripts, to further categories the various
"ContextRoot\WEB-INF": This directory, although under the context root, is NOT visible to the
web users. In other words, it is NOT accessible by the clients directly (for security reason). This is
where you keep your application-specific configuration files such as " web.xml". It's sub-
directories contain program classes, source files, and libraries.
"ContextRoot\WEB-INF\src": Keeps the Java program source files. It is optional but a good
practice to separate the source files and classes to facilitate deployment.
"ContextRoot\WEB-INF\classes": Keeps the Java classes (compiled from the source codes).
Classes defined in packages must be kept according to the Java package directory structure.
"ContextRoot\WEB-INF\lib": Keeps the libraries (jar-files), which are provided by other
packages, specific and available to this webapp only.
"ContextRoot\META-INF\": This is also a hidden directory, to keep resources and configurations
(e.g., "context.xml") related to the server. In contrast, "WEB-INF" is for resources related to this
web application, independent of the server.
2.2 Webapp-Specific Configuration Files
These are the configuration files specific to a webapp: (a) WEB-INF\web.xml; (b) META-INF\
You can configure a webapp in many ways: (a) Write a <context> element
in server.xml under <Host> element, (b) contextRoot\META-INF\context.xml, and (c) conf\
Catalina\localhost\webapp.xml, and (d) conf\context.xml. See "Setting the Context Root
Directory and Request URL of a Webapp".
2.3 Web Application Deployment Descriptors - " web.xml"
The "web.xml" contains the deployment descriptors. There are two sets of web.xml:
1. <CATALINA_HOME>\conf\web.xml: applicable to ALL webapps.
2. ContextRoot\WEB-INF\web.xml: applicable to the specific web context. It overrides the global
setting, if any.
The complete specification for "web.xml" can be found in the "Java Servlet Specification" under
"Deployment Descriptor".
<web-app ......>
<display-name>My Servlet Display Name</display-name>
<description>My Testing Servlet long description</description>
manager-script - Access to the "plain-text" interface, and to the "Server Status" page, via
command in the form of:
// Examples
http://{host}:{port}/manager/text/list // List all webapps
For security reason, a user should NOT be given more than one of the following roles: manager-
gui, manager-script, and manager-jmx.
Tomcat's "Administration Tool"
The Tomcat "Adminstrative Tool" (or "Administrator Console") has been removed since Tomcat 6.
Use JMX manager instead.
The Tomcat service called "Apache Tomcat 7" is installed and will start automatically whenever the
system is started. Check the "Services" under "Control Panel" ⇒ "Administrative Tools".
A GUI application called Tomcat7w is available for monitoring and configuring Tomcat services.
Launch Tomcat7w:
<CATALINA_HOME>\bin> Tomcat7w
You could put the Tomcat icon in the system tray via the MS (Monitor Service) option:
# Tomcat init script for Linux.
exec $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ $*
$ cd /etc/init.d
$ sudo chown root.root tomcat // change owner to user root, group root
$ sudo chmod 755 tomcat // change mode u+rwx, g+rx, a+rx
In Information Security:
Access control deals with identifying which resources require protection, and which users (roles)
are authorized to access the protected resources.
Authentication deals with verifying users' credential, i.e., ensuring the user is "who he said he is".
User's credential is typically provided in the form of username/password and possibly IP address
(hostname). Other means include biometrics (finger-print, face recognition, retina) and digital
Confidentiality deals with the encryption of the transmitted data over the network. This is often
carried out via employing HTTP over SSL (Secure Socket Layer), known as HTTPS.
Message Integrity ensures that messages are not tempered during transmission. This is done via
message digest or hash.
Non-repudiation: If he/she has sent a message, he/she cannot deny. This is done via digital
certificate and public/private keys.
Security can be managed by the webapps themselves (called application-managed security) or via
the Tomcat container (called container-managed security). In container-managed security, security is
handled by the server. The server-side programs (servlets, JSPs) do not need any security-aware
code. That is, the security control is totally transparent to the server-side programs. This section shall
deal with container-managed security for access control and authentication.
In Tomcat, a user is identified via username/password. A user is assigned role(s) (e.g., manager,
admin, user, etc). Tomcat grants access for webapps to role(s), instead of individual users.
A realm is a collection of usernames/passwords and roles. Tomcat supports the following types of
UserDatabaseRealm: kept in a XML file " conf\tomcat-users.xml", accessed via JDNI (Java
Naming and Directory Interface).
JDBCRealm: kept in a relational database such as MySQL, accessed via JDBC.
others: JNDIRealm (uses LDAP directory), JAASRealm (Java Authentication and Authorization
You can used the <realm> element to configure a realm in " conf\server.xml". <realm> element can
be placed in <engine>, <host>, or <context>, which determines the scope of the realm: all virtual
hosts under the engine, a particular host, or a particular web application.
4.2 UserDatabaseRealm
UserDatabaseRealm stores user information in a XML file and accessed via JNDI (Java Naming and
Directory Interface). By default, the XML file is " <CATALINA_HOME>\conf\tomcat-
users.xml". UserDatabaseRealm is loaded into memory from the specified file, and kept in memory
until Tomcat is shut down.
Tomcat provide a JSP example called "FORM Authentication" (@
http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/security/protected/index.jsp"), which uses UserDatabaseRealm.
Let us study this example. But before we get into the codes, let's look at the Tomcat's configurations.
You can specify the type of realm to be used via <Realm> element in server.xml. In this
case, UserDatabaseRealm. The <Realm> is defined within the <Engine> elements, and thus applicable
to all the virtual hosts and webapps, under this server.
To specify the file used in UserDatabaseRealm, a JDNI resource named "UserDatabase" is defined,
which maps to the file "conf\tomcat-users.xml".
<Service name="Catalina">
<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
<!-- Use the LockOutRealm to prevent attempts to guess user passwords
via a brute-force attack -->
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm">
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
resourceName="UserDatabase" />
<Host name="localhost" ......
Recall that a user is identified via username/password. A user is assigned role(s). Accesses for web
applications are granted to role(s) instead of individual users. " Tomcat-users.xml" contains the
following roles and username/password, but commented-out. Uncomment them for testing the
example. Two roles, tomcat and role1, and three users, tomcat, role1 and both are defined.
Take note that the passwords are stored in clear text, which is not really desirable.
For Tomcat's webapp called "examples", the security roles are defined using <security-
constraint> element in "webapps\examples\WEB-INF\web.xml " as follows. The URL
patterns /jsp/security/protected/* are accessible by users having roles
of tomcat and role1 only.
<web-app ......>
<display-name>Example Security Constraint</display-name>
<web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
<!-- Define the context-relative URL( to be protected -->
<!-- If you list http methods, only those methods are protected -->
<!-- Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area -->
<head><title>Login Page for Examples</title></head>
<form method="POST" action='<%= response.encodeURL("j_security_check") %>' >
Username:<input type="text" name="j_username">
Password:<input type="password" name="j_password">
<input type="submit" value="Log In">
The login page submits the username and password in
parameters j_username and j_password to j_security_check. <input type="password" ...> is
used for password text field, which displays the password as *'s.
The response.encodeURL(URL) encodes the URL j_security_check by including the session ID if
URL-rewriting is used for session tracking; it returns the URL unchanged if cookie is used. For robust
session tracking, all URLs emitted by server-side programs (servlet/JSP) should be run through this
If login fails, user will be redirected to error.jsp page, as follows,
<head><title>Error Page For Examples</title></head>
Invalid username and/or password, please try again
<a href='<%= response.encodeURL("index.jsp") %>'>again</a>.
If login succeeds, the user will get the page he requested for. Study the " examples\jsp\security\
protected\index.jsp" source.
To logoff, terminate the current session via session.invalidate().
You can use request.getRemoteUser() to get the authenticated login
username; request.getUserPrincipal() to get a object containing
the name of the current authenticated user; request.isUserInRole(role) to check if the
authenticated user is included in the specified role.
In FORM-based authentication, the username/password are sent in clear text, and susceptible to
eavesdropping. Hence, it is important to encrypt the transport by turning on SSL (HTTPS). Read
"Tomcat with SSL" on how to setup Tomcat with SSL.
To enforce user to use secure transport (HTTPS), add
a <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee> , inside the <security-
constraint>, as follows:
<display-name>Example Security Constraint</display-name>
<web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
<!-- must use SSL for secure transport -->
<realm-name>Basic Authentication Area</realm-name>
<!-- Removed, no applicable for BASIC authentication
In BASIC authentication, Tomcat uses the HTTP Basic Authentication to ask for username and
password. Try http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/security/protected/index.jsp , you will be
prompted for username/password automatically. There is no redirect to login.jsp and no need to
write the login.jsp.
Again, the HTTP Basic Authentication sends the username and password in clear text (password is
encoded in Base64, but not encrypted). It is totally insecure, unless you use a secure transport
(HTTPS) or VPN (Virtual Private Network).
The Tomcat's webapp manager (under webapps/manager) uses BASIC authentication.
4.6 HTTP DIGEST Authentication
To use DIGEST authentation, change the <login-config>'s <auth-method> to DIGEST. In DIGEST
authentication, Tomcat uses HTTP Digest Authentication Scheme to ask for username/password.
Instead of sending password in clear text, the digest of password is send to the server. Although
DIGEST authentication is more secure than BASIC authentication, HTTPS is much more secure.
<realm-name>Digest Authentication Area</realm-name>
4.7 JDBCRealm
UserDatabaseRealm is not meant for serious production environment, as it is hard to
maintain. JDBCRealm is more appropriate.
In JDBCRealm, user information is kept in a relational database, such as MySQL, accessed via JDBC,
instead of an XML file. The information can be secured thruough proper database security.
Setting up Database
We shall set up our user database in MySQL. Read "How to Install MySQL and Get Started" if you are
new to MySQL.
The following script can be used to set up the user database. Two tables are required: a users table
containing username and password, and a user_roles containing username and the role assigned.
use tomcat_users;
JDBC Driver
Next, copy the MySQL's JDBC driver (" mysql-connector-java-5.1.{xx}-bin.jar ") into Tomcat's lib
("<CATALINA_HOME>\lib"). Read "How to Install MySQL and Get Started"
Again, the realm is defined in server.xml via a <Realm> element. In this case, a JDBCRealm, with
a connectionURL providing a MySQL database connection.
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"
userTable="users" userNameCol="username" userCredCol="password"
userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role" />
Replace the {port} with your MySQL server port number, and {dbuser} and {dbpass} with an
authorized MySQL username/password.
Same as UserDatabaseRealm.
Authentication Methods
Same as UserDatabaseRealm, you can use FORM, BASIC or DIGEST authentication method.
You need to start MySQL server before starting the Tomcat Server.
4.8 Single Login
By default, each protected webapp would request for login during the first access. You can enable
single login to all webapps under the host by uncommenting the single-login valve, as follows:
<Host ......>
<!-- SingleSignOn valve, share authentication between web applications
Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html -->
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />
"SSL Configuration How-to" of Tomcat Documentation @ " <CATALINA_HOME>\webapps\docs\
"keytool - Key and Certificate Management Tool" @ JDK documentation.
Note that the SSL (or HTTPS) is running on port 8443 instead of its default port number 443.
Add in the keystoreFile and keyStorePass attributes. The keystoreFile attribute specified the
location of the keystore file. The keyStorePass provides the password for accessing the keystore file.
Step 4: Start your tomcat (run "<CATALINA_HOME>\bin\startup.bat"). After that, start a web
browser and issue an HTTPS request as follows:
5. Clustering
1. Create a directory "" under <CATALINA_HOME>, according to the appBase.
2. Create a web application called ROOT, by creating a directory ROOT under the
"". Recall that ROOT was configured with an empty string URL. In other
words, accesses the ROOT application.
3. Create a directory "" under "conf\Catalina".
4. Write a welcome page called "index.html" and save it in "\ROOT".
5. <html>
6. <head><title>Testing Virtual Host</title></head>
7. <body>
8. <h1>It's work on virtual host</h1>
9. </body>
To test the virtual host, without registering the hostname with an ISP, edit " C:\Windows\System32\
drivers\etc\hosts" to include the following lines (required administrative authority):
Now, you are ready to test the virtual hosts. Start the Tomcat server and issue these URL: