Cabibbo 1961
Cabibbo 1961
Cabibbo 1961
Possible experiments with high-energy colliding beams of is calculated. A discussion of the limits from unitarity to the
electrons and positrons are discussed. The role of the proposed annihilation cross sections is given for processes going through
two-pion resonance and of the three-pion resonance or bound the one-photon channel. The cross section for annihilation into
state is investigated in connection with electron-positron annihi- pairs of spin-one mesons is rather large. The typical angular
lation into pions. The existence of a three-pion bound state would correlations at the vector-meson decay are discussed.
give rise to a very large cross section for annihilation into ir°-\-y. A neutral weakly interacting vector meson would give rise to
A discussion of the possible resonances is given based on consider- a strong resonant peak if it is coupled with lepton pairs. Effects
ation of the relevant widths as compared to the experimental of the local weak interactions are also examined. The explicit
energy resolution. Annihilation into baryon-antibaryon pairs is relation between the e2 corrections to the photon propagator due
investigated and polarization effects arising from the nonreal to strong interactions and the cross section for annihilation into
character of the form factors on the absorptive cut are examined. strongly interacting particles is given.
The density matrix for annihilation into pairs of vector mesons
given by
2 K^rn^n Omn)) (8)
where i is the unit vector pointing along the direction
of, say, the incoming positron; the tensor Rmn is defined
FIG. 1. Graph rep-
resenting the one-
photon channel. The and the summation 2a,&...c is over the final spin states.
symbols are defined Differential cross sections and cross sections for polar-
k = q++q_ in the text. ized final particles can be obtained from (7) by omitting
the relevant integrations and spin summations.
1.3. For the production of two particles a, b of equal
mass M, Eq. (7) gives
a 13
Q+ <7_ da= (Tmn a£b Rmn)d(cos6), (10)
32 E2 '
where v and u are Dirac spinors describing the positron where
and the electron, respectively, and jv(x) is the electro- f3=tl-(M/E)2J (11)
magnetic current operator. The relevant quantity is is the velocity of the final particles. If the masses of a
the matrix element of jv(0) between the vacuum and and b are different, (10) has to be replaced by
the final state of the produced particles. It will be
convenient to define the four-vector a / p\ 1 EaEb
da=—l - 2) (r w „£i? m n )J(cos0), (12)
Jv= (2w)ZnI2(a,b, • • -C; out| jv(0) 10), (3) 32\E/E E2 ab
where we have introduced for normalization purposes where p is the final center-of-mass momentum and Ea
a factor (27r)3n/2, where n is the number of the produced and Eh are the energies of a and b. We have called 6
particles. From the center-of-mass angle.
djp(x)/dxv=0, 1.4. The inclusion of radiative corrections to the next
electromagnetic order brings about (through its inter-
which holds for the charge current jv(x), it follows that ference with the lowest-order term) the two-photon
kvJv=0. (4) channel for which most of the general considerations
valid for the one-photon channel (such as, for instance,
1.2. It will be convenient to refer all the quantities angular momentum, parity, and charge conjugation
to the center-of-mass system for the reaction. In a rules) do not apply, at least in the same form. However,
colliding beam experiment the center-of-mass system for experiments which do not distinguish between a
is actually the laboratory system itself. final state and its charge conjugate (such as a total
We shall in the following neglect the electron mass. cross-section measurement, or any measurement that
We call E the energy of each incident particle in the treats symmetrically the produced charged particles)
center-of-mass system. It follows that such an interference term with the two-photon channel
vanishes. Radiative corrections for such experiments are
k2=(q++qJ)2=-4EK (5)
Moreover, Eq. (4) in the center-of-mass system becomes
2iEJt=0. (6)
Therefore, Jv has no time-like component in this
system. We shall call J its space-like component.
The total cross section for unpolarized initial and
final particles is given by FIG. 2. Graph for the
w-pion production re-
fry dzadsb- • -<Pc b(Ea+Eh-\ \-Ec-2E)
XS s (a+b+- •+c)Tmn £ Rn (7)
a,b> •-
„2 r,
K2< 0 timelike
K > 0 spaceltke
absorptive region
FIG. 3. The real k*
axis for the pion form
factor. physical region for physical region for
e+ + e~ > rr^-t-TT* e -h IT —+ e + IT
,2„ 2
-fairY K =0
obtained by multiplying the expressions for the cross center-of-mass system, J, must be formed out of the
sections by an energy-dependent factor p(E), and of final pion momenta and must have the character of a
course, by interpreting the matrix element Jv as includ- polar vector for n even and of an axial vector for n odd.
ing the second-order radiative corrections. 5 The factor For two final pions J will thus be proportional to the
p(E) is given by l+5s.e.+5 v +5&, where 5s<e. is the per- final relative momentum; for three final pions J will
centage correction due to the photon self-energy graph, be proportional to the only available axial vector,
8V is the correction due to the vertex graph for the namely, the normal to the production plane. Inserting
incoming electron and positron, and 5& is the brems- (9) and (8) into (7), one finds uniquely the form of the
strahlung correction. The expressions for 5s,e., dv, and 5& dependence of the cross section on the angle between J
can be found, for instance, in reference 5. These cor- and the initial electron-positron relative momentum:
rections take into account emission of soft photons. Be-
fore comparing with experiment one must, however, j? — i J|2sin26>, (14)
J^-mn 2
also add a correction for emission of hard photons under
particular kinematical conditions that make them un- where 6 is the angle between J and i, the unit vector
detectable with the experimental apparatus employed along the initial positron momentum. Therefore, for
(for an example see reference 6). two pions the angular distribution is ~sin 2 0; for three
pions the angle between the normal to the production
2. ANNIHILATION INTO PIONS AND K MESONS plane and the initial line of collision is also distributed
2.1. Pion production in e+-e~ collisions has already ^sin 2 0.
been discussed. 4 ' 6 We shall here reproduce the main 2.2. The simplest pion production process is
results and add some remarks. We consider the reaction e+-\-e~ —»7r++7r~". (15)
e +e~—-> n pions, (13) The matrix element of the current / „ is written as
occurring through a graph shown in Fig. 2. The relevant Jv=e(^+^)^F(k2)(pv^-pv^), (16)
vertex is a y-(n pions) vertex for a virtual y of mass
& 2 =—4E 2 . Such vertices are important for the theory where co+ and co_ are the pion energies, and p and ^ ( _ )
of the nucleon structure. 7,8 For n even, they contribute are the pion momenta. The form factor F(k2) is taken
to the isotopic vector part of the nucleon structure; at k2= — 4E 2 . The cross section is given by
for n odd, to the isotopic scalar part.
da T 1
We consider reaction (13) in its center-of-mass frame. DL2—p*\F(k2)\2sm2d. (17)
The final ^-pion state produced by the virtual y, d(cos9) 16 E 2
according to the graph of Fig. 2, must have parity — 1 ,
charge conjugation quantum number — 1 , total angular The dependence /33 sin20 is a direct consequence of
momentum 1, and total isotopic spin 1 for n even, 0 for angular momentum conservation that requires that the
n odd. In particular it follows that reaction (13) cannot two final pions be produced in a p state and of our
occur a t the lowest electromagnetic order if all final approximation of neglecting the electron mass. T h e
pions are neutral. The space-like part of / „ in the total cross section is given by
G. Putzolu, Nuovo cimento 20, 542 (1961). 1
The same results as those of reference 4 have also been given <rtotai = —2 (0.53X10- 32 cm2)b(x)\F(-4:E2)\2, (18)
by Yung Su Tsai, Phys. Rev. 120, 269 (1960), and Proceedings m
of the 1960 Annual International Conference on High-Energy
Physics at Rochester (Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York,
1960), p. 771. where m (expressed in Bev) is the pion mass (or in
G. F. Chew, Proceedings of the 1960 Annual International general the mass of the produced boson) and
Conference on High-Energy Physics at Rochester (Interscience
Publishers, Inc., New York, 1960), p. 775.
ft(»)=(l/a?)(l-l/*2)*, (19)
Chew, Karplus, Gasiorowicz, and Zachariasen, Phys. Rev.
110, 265 (1958), Federbush, Goldberger, and Treiman, ibid. 112, with x—E/m.
643 (1958). To predict the absolute values of the cross section at
the different energies, one should know the values of has charge conjugation number C = — 1 . Electron-
\F(k2)\ for k2<-\m2. These values of k2 lie in the positron collisions offer a good way for detecting
absorption cut on the k plane. In the graph of Fig. 3 systematically neutral mesonic resonant states with
we indicate the real axis of k2 with a specification of 7 = 1 , C=—T, and negative parity. The T==l resonant
the different regions. state discussed here belongs to such a class of states.
The form factor at k2=0 takes the value 1. The The netural production process
physical region for space-like k2 can in principle be
explored by pion-electron scattering. In such experi- e++e-->7r°+7r°,
ments k has the character of a momentum transfer.
The physical region for negative k2 can be explored does not occur at the lowest electromagnetic order (it
with pair production in electron-positron collisions. requires the exchange of at least two photons).
The absorptive region starts at k2= — (2m7r)2. The 2.3. The three-pion production process
lowest-mass intermediate state contributing in the
y—2?r vertex is the 2ir state itself. The next state e++e--+<ir++T-+7r°, (18)
consists of four pions and its contribution to the
absorptive part starts at k2= — (4mT)2. An interpre- can occur by the lowest-order graph (Fig. 2). If we
tation of e++e~—> 7r++7r~ in the vicinity of its threshold call I the relative ir+ir~ angular momentum and L the
can reasonably be given in terms of the two-pion angular momentum of 7r° relative to the T&TT center of
intermediate states only, and therefore directly in terms mass, we find that only the states Z = 7 = l , l=L=3,
of pion-pion scattering. This situation is indeed a very Z=Z,=5, etc., can be produced at the lowest electro-
fortunate one and does not occur in other cases of pair magnetic order. This follows directly from parity,
production in e+-e~ collisions. A pion-pion resonance charge conjugation, and angular momentum conser-
with r = l , 7 = 1 has been proposed by Frazer and vation.
Fulco 9 as a simple way of explaining the isotopic vector The matrix element Jv of the current operator for
part of the nucleon structure. The form factor proposed three pions can be written 8
by Frazer and Fulco can be approximated near the
Jv= -i(8co + w_wo)^^*(^,w + ,«-)6'^^ p (+^/-^ T (o)^ (19)
resonance by a resonant shape of the form
The form factor H* depends on three independent
\F(k2) [2= [p2+ (£o2)2]/[£2+ ( £ 2 - V ) 2 ] ,
scalars that we have chosen as E, co+= energy of 7r+,
where fi=2.65mir2 and kt^—lOAm/. At an energy and o>_= energy of TT~, all in the center-of-mass frame.
E=230 Mev (total center-of-mass energy 2Z£=460 The final momenta of 7r+, ir~, and ir° are p(+\ p(~\ and
Mev), near the maximum of the form factor, one finds p(0). The differential cross section can then be written
a total cross section of 8.35X10~31 cm2 for e++e~—>
w+-\-7r~. Bowcock, Cottingham, and Lurie10 suggest a d2a a 1
. _ _ = . iHlSsir/^p^Xp^)2. (20)
resonance with the same quantum numbers but with du+da-d(cosd) (2TT) 64£ 2
rather different parameters. They propose a resonant
shape Here 0, as already explained, is the angle between the
tr+7 initial line of collision and the normal to the production
F,(t)= • , plane. The absolute value of the cross section depends
/ r - / - i 7 (J/4-1)* entirely on the form factor \H\2. Knowledge of this
with tr=22.4mv and 7 = 0.4w T . _1 form factor is very important for the theory of the
At an energy £—330 Mev (total center-of-mass isotopic scalar part of the nucleon structure. 8
energy ^ 6 6 0 Mev) near the maximum of the form At present there is not much information available
factor the total cross section for e++e~ —•> x + +7r~ on \H\ . There have been proposals for the existence
reaches a value of 6.6X10 - 3 1 cm2. of a three-pion resonance or bound state with T=0,
These cross sections are much higher than the cross 7 = 1 . If one assumes the T = l , 7 = 1 two-pion reso-
section calculated for |JP| = 1 (a factor ~ 1 7 in the nance, a three-pion state with T=0, 7 = 1 may be
Frazer-Fulco case and ~ 3 3 according to Bowcock, formed in which all pairs of pions interact in the
Cottingham, and Lurie). resonant state. The possibility of such a saturated
Interpretations of the proposed T= 1, 7 = 1 resonance structure might lead to the existence of a bound three-
in terms of an unstable meson with 7 = 1, T=l, and pion state with T==0, 7 = 1 . I t has in fact been pro-
negative parity, which decays rapidly into 7r++7r~ have posed to identify such a bound state with a possible
been proposed. 11 The neutral meson of such a triplet resonant behavior observed by Abashian, Booth, and
9 Crowe.13 In this case its mass would be as low as 2.2
W. R. Frazer and J. R. Fulco, Phys. Rev. 117, 1609 (1960).
T. Bowcock, W. N. Cottingham, and D. Lurie, Phys. Rev. pion masses. A preliminary fit to the scalar part of the
Letters 5, 386 (1960). 12
J. J. Sakurai, Ann. Phys. 11, 1 (1960); A. Salam, Revs. G. F. Chew, Phys. Rev. Letters 4, 142 (1960).
Modern Phys. 33, 426 (1961); A. Salam and J. G. Ward, Nuovo A. Abashian, N. E. Booth, and K. M. Crowe, Phys. Rev.
cimento 19, 167 (1961); M. Gell-Mann (to be published). Letters 5, 258 (1960).
absorptive region
•M •*»!
physical region for phys. region for phys. region for % - IT'
e+ + e TT- in a Coulomb field
together with the K°K° pair. If, however, w+w~ pairs T= 1, 7 = 1 two-pion resonance would produce a strong
are also produced the K°K° pair can be produced in a resonant-like behavior of the vertex in the physical
C = + l combination and the correlation would be region for (21). The next absorptive threshold due to
different. three-pion continuum starts at k2=—9mlr2. If there is
a bound T=0, 7 = 1 , 3ir state at some k2>—9mir2,
3. ANNIHILATION INTO * 0 + r which decays only through electromagnetic interaction,
3.1. The process its presence would lead to a pole contribution to the
vertex at the relevant value of k2=—M2, where M is
e++e •7T°+Y (21) the mass of the bound state. Of course, the pole would
is very interesting from a theoretical point of view as occur strictly at a complex value of k2, due to the finite
it is directly related to the properties of the vertex lifetime of the bound state. The associated width is,
shown in Fig. 4. Here k and q are the photon momenta however, presumably only a fraction of a Mev, and
and p is the TT° momentum. I n the electron-positron the description by a pole may be safely applied except
annihilation process (21), the photon momentum k is for the immediate vicinity of the resonance peak. The
off the mass shall, corresponding to a virtual photon contribution from the peak to the cross section may
mass of (—k2)%—2E. For &2 = 0, the vertex describes turn out to be effectively very big, possibly of the order
of 30
decay into two photons and can be computed in I^-IO cm*. This can be seen from simple
terms of the 7r° lifetime. There exist various experi- considerations based on a Breit-Wigner description of
mental possibilities for exploring the above vertex for the resonance. The T=0, 7 = 1 three-pion bound state
the different ranges of values of k2, as illustrated in would presumably decay into 7T°+Y, or 27T+Y, with a
Fig. 5. I n the figure we have exhibited the real k2 axis lifetime ~ 10~20 sec. The corresponding width T is then
and indicated the various physical regions. We have between 0.06 Mev and 0.6 Mev. The experimental
also indicated the absorptive region, whose threshold energy resolution is given by 2AE, where AE is the
starts at two pion masses. energy resolution for each colliding beam (positrons
fUThe decay of a free ir° into two photons occurs at or electrons). If the energy spread of the incident beams
k2=0. The region at the right of k2=0 can in principle is larger than a few Mev, as it will presumably be, the
be explored through the so called Primakoff effect.17 measured quantity will be the integral of the cross
In the Primakoff effect an incident real photon produces section in a region comprising the peak. We therefore
a TT0 through the interaction with the Coulomb field of estimate the average cross section as
a nucleus. The vertex of Fig. 4 can be held responsible 1 ^E^M+LE I „E=\M+\kE
for such a process with q taken as the incident photon ad(2E)=— I (rdE. (22)
momentum and k as the virtual photon momentum. J WOR AE
The Dalitz process 7r°—»y+£++£~ may be used to
investigate the (7r°yY) vertex for small negative values We use a Breit-Wigner formula for the cross section
of &V8 near the resonance. For production through a 7 = 1
resonant state of mass M, total disintegration rate V
The physical region for (21) starts at k2= —mv2.
and partial rates I\- and 17 for decay, respectively, into
The absorptive region starts only at k2=— 4w x 2 , with
the initial e++e~ channel and final 7T°+Y (or 27T+Y)
the possibility of two-pion intermediate states. The
channel, we have
H. Primakoff, Phys. Rev. 81, 899 (1951); C. Chiuderi and
G. Morpurgo, Nuovo cimento 19, 497 (1961); V. Glaser and (7=f7rX 2 r,r / /[(2E-ikr) 2 +rV4]. (23)
R. A. Ferrell, Phys. Rev. 121, 886 (1961); S. Berman (to be
published). The contribution to a from the peak is then given by
S. M. Berman and D. A. Geffen, Nuovo cimento 18, 1192
(I960); How Sen Wong, Phys, Rev. 121, 289 (1961), ar=|7T2x25^/(r/2A£:), (24)
where Bi and Bf are the branching ratios I \ / r and system for the reaction by
F / / r , respectively. In performing the integration we
have assumed T<^C2AE but the result can be applied J=-C£/(«IPI)*]G(-^)CXP,
for an estimate if T < 2 A E . Let us assume M^Zm^ where co is the 7r° energy, p its momentum, and t the
and a branching ratio into e++e~~, Bi, of the order of polarization vector of the emitted 7 ray. The tensor
10- 3 . One obtains * = 1 . 3 X l O - 2 8 ( r / 2 A £ ) cm2, or, with Rmn is then given by
r ~ 1 0 2 0 sec"1, *=0.8X10- 2 9 (2A£ in Mev)- 1 cm2.
3,2. In the following we shall discuss in detail the
process e+-\-e~~ —•» 7T 0 +Y assuming the dominance of the and the differential cross section is given by
resonant 2TT state and of the 3ir bound state. From
what we have seen in the previous paragraphs, if the da = (a/6^\G(-k2)\2(l+cos26)d(cosd).
3T T=0, 7 = 1 bound state exists, its contribution is It will be convenient to express the cross section in
likely to be very important. terms of the 7r° lifetime through (26) :
Presumably also a J T = 0 , J—l three-pion resonance
(as opposed to a bound state) would have a very wa 1 G(-F)
important effect in e++e~—> ir°+y. A limitation of the da= £ s (l+cos 2 0) d(cosd). (27)
theory to the T= 1, / = 1 2w resonance19 would be rather 6(0)
artificial also in view of the remark by Chew12 that a The total cross section is given by
T— 1, / = 1 2w resonance could generate a T=0, J= 1 2>ir
resonance or bound state. The experimental result by 8TT a 1 \G(-k2)
20 z
Samios on internal conversion of gamma rays in ir° f3 \
decay indicates a negative value for the derivative of 3 mjr I G(0)
the 7T° form factor at the origin. This result would be
difficult to understand if only the 27r resonant state is
^2.75Xl0~35cm2 (1-x-2)3, (28)
kept in the calculations. A possible explanation could G(0)
be to include contributions from the intermediate
nucleon-antinucleon pairs. A theory of ir° decay based where x=2E/mT, and the numerical factor, inversely
on keeping only contributions from nucleon-antinucleon proportional to the 7r° lifetime, has been calculated for
pairs has been published by Goldberger and Treiman. 21 a lifetime of 2.2 XIO" sec.
The negative coefficient of the Samios experiment could The form factor G(k2) is assumed to satisfy a dis-
be possibly understood through the coherent contri- persion relation of the form
bution of the 2w resonant state and of the nucleon-
antinucleon states. Such a point of view has been 1 f c ImG(t)dt
G(-k- -) = - I (29)
proposed by Berman and Geffen in their discussion of t+k 2
7T ^ 4
internally converted pairs. 18 The point of view that we
follow here by including two- and three-pion states is (we are using w T = l ) . The imaginary part has contri-
closer to that of Wong 18 in his discussion of 7r° decay. butions from the absorptive region as indicated in
The general form for the 7r°77 vertex as determined Fig. 5. If a three-pion bound state is present an addi-
from invariance requirements is tional pole contribution should be added to (29). We
first evaluate the contribution to the dispersion integral
\G{-k2-q2-p2)e^pF,v{q)FXp{k), (25) from the T— 1, J—\ two-pion intermediate state,
where k and q are the four-momenta associated to the assuming a resonant 9pion-pion amplitude as proposed
photon lines, F^iq) and F\p(k) are Fourier components by Frazer 10and Fulco and by Bowcock, Cottingham,
the electromagnetic tensor, p is the 7r° four-momentum, and Lurie. The contribution from the resonant T=l,
€(jiv\p is the isotropic antisymmetric tensor, and G is a 7 = 1 two-pion 18 intermediate state can be expressed,
form factor. In our case one photon and the ir° are on following Wong, as
the mass shell. We shall denote by G(~k2) the value
of the form factor for — p2 = m7r2 and q2=0. The TT°
lifetime, r, depends on G(0) according to the relation T-
48ir J4
where Di(t) is the denominator function, as denned by state is given by t^ and T is its total decay rate, corre-
Chew,23 a is a positive constant, and A is an unknown sponding to a lifetime presumably of the order of 10~20
parameter. In this scheme also Fv(t) is related to D(t) by sec. The imaginary part — iT is very small, producing a
very narrow peak in G(—k2) in the neighborhood of
Fx(t) = D1(0)/Dl(t).
k2=—ts. The constant c% is the residuum of the pole
One sees that FT*(t)Mi(t) is essentially proportional corresponding to the 3T bound state. We shall not try
to the square of the absolute value of the pion form any theoretical determination of c2 and c% but rather
factor. The two-pion contribution G2(—k2) is therefore try to evaluate them on the basis of experimental
proportional to the integral information. G(0) is related to the 7r° lifetime through
(26). This gives approximately
(31) [Ci/h+cz/ts 12= (64cir/tn^)r-\ (37)
x7T^J4 A P ${t+a){t+tf-ie)
A second piece of information is given by the Samios
We shall evaluate the above integral by assuming for experiment on internally converted electron pairs from
\FT(t)\2 the form proposed by Bowcock, Cottingham, 7T° decay.20 The experiment gives some information on
and Lurie 10 the derivative of G(—k2) at k2=0. With the definition
F„(t)= {h+y)/ih-t-iy{t/±-m, (32) 1 /dG(-k2)^ _
where t2 and y are the parameters that characterize the
resonance. The form factor Fr(t) satisfies the non-
substracted dispersion relation
G(0)\ dk 2
y (38)
and obtain
§ (f-4t)*\Fx(f)\*dt h2(l-at2)\2
G2(~k2)oz- ' (40)
7T ^ 4 t+k2-ie k+k2-iT
By comparing with (33) and (34) we then find directly The form factor (40) is composed by two resonant terms.
2 2 2 The first term due to the resonant T = l , 7 = 1 TT-TT
G2(~k ) = c2/lt2+k -iy(-ik -m, (35)
interactions reaches its maximum around k2=—t2 and
where c2 is a constant. has a width given by y(—\t2— 1)H2~K With the
We shall now approximate G(~k2) for not very large Bowcock, Cottingham, and Lurie values for the pion-
values of \k2\ as pion form factor, y^0AmT~l, and the resonance width
c2 £3 is then about 0.8wT. The second term, due to the
G(-k2) = + . (36) proposed 3w bound state, reaches its maximum at
h+k2-iy(-ik2-l)3* h+k2-iT k2=— h= — (mass of the bound state) 2 . Its width,
The first term in the right-hand side of (36) represents presumably determined by the decay rate of the bound
the contribution from the 2w resonant state. The second state into 7T 0 +Y, is expected to be only a fraction of a
term represents the "pole" contribution from the Mev. According to (40) with the values /2 = 22.4 and
proposed 3w bound state. The mass M of the bound *3=5, the contribution from the 3T resonant term is
negligible for values of k2 about —22.4, in comparison
23 with the 2?r resonant term that reaches its maximum
G. F. Chew and S. Mandelstam, Phys. Rev. 119, 467 (1960).
in that region. The enhancement factor we find at mined in such a way as to give the value for the deriva-
k2=—t2 is tive at & 2 =0 required by the distribution of internal
|G(* 2 )/6(0)| 2 ^250. (41) converted electrons, in 7r° decay. Of course both
approaches are rather tentative and subject to criti-
The reason for the enormous enhancement can be cisms. For an energy resolution AE~5 Mev one expects
traced back in the required compensation of the two a cross section, on the resonance peak, of the order of
resonant contributions near k2 = 0 to produce a small 10~~30—10-29 cm2, tremendously big if compared to the
negative derivative. The enhancement factor (41) perturbation-theory (i.e., constant form factor) values,
multiplies the perturbation-theory (i.e., constant form always smaller than 2.75 X10~ 35 cm2 for a ir° lifetime
factor) cross section of 2.75 X10~ 35 cm 2 X ( l - f c r 1 ) 8 ^ ^ of 2.2X10 - 1 6 sec. Verification of the existence or
X10~ 35 cm2. The resulting cross section may thus nonexistence of such big cross section should be a
become observable in the region of the 2TT resonance feasible though probably very delicate task.
maximum. 3.3. In general the reaction (21) would be observed
The resonance peak due to the 3w resonance is very as an annihilation into three gammas of the initial
narrow and only an average cross section, integrating electron-positron pair. A close examination of the
the contributions from the peak, will be measurable. competing electromagnetic process,
On the basis of the expression (40) for the form factor
we can again estimate the value of the average cross e++e~—> 37, (42)
section a, as defined by (22). Near the 3w resonance
the cross section can be approximated as will therefore be necessary. The process (42) occurs at
the same order in the fine structure constant as the
-0^2/3 h 7r°+7 process.
(7 = 2 . 7 5 X l 0 - 3 5 c m 2 ( l - / 3 - 1 ) 3 A relevant contribution to 7r° production in e++e~
k-h h+k2+iv collisions will also come from a process first discussed
The resulting average a is by Low,
e++e--*e++e-+Tr°. (43)
, tz~at2k\2 1
<x^3.5 X10~29( I cm*. Low calculates the leading term of the cross section
h /) (2A£) using a Weizsacker-Williams method. 24 Such a leading
term corresponds to a forward scattering pole in (43)
with AE expressed in Mev. With the proposed values and its value depends only on the value of the 7r° form
for the parameters, a can become =10~ 2 8 /(2A£) cm2, factor at k2 = 0. For E=150 Mev, Low finds a total
a value about a factor of 10 higher than what we cross section for (43) of about 10~33 cm2 with a TT°
obtained before on the basis of assumptions on the lifetime 10~18 sec. With the value for the lifetime that
decay rates. The considerations that we have developed we have used above, 2.2X10" 16 sec, the cross section
strictly apply to the explicit case of a 37r bound state. would be of the order 10 - 3 5 cm2. A recent re-evaluation
I n the case of a 37r resonance there might occur an by Chilton 25 has lead to essentially similar results. The
important change in the conclusion if the decay rate cross section, as calculated from the pole term, increases
of the resonant state into three pions is strong enough. linearly with energy already at E>mr and, for r = 1 0 ~ 1 6
As no selection rules would be expected to prevent such sec, can be approximated as o- = 2.2Xl0 - 3 5 (E/m 7 r ). At
a decay mode, its rate is expected to be rather big and the same electromagnetic order of (43) a double brems-
might become much bigger than the rate for decay into strahlung process can occur, and the two emitted
7r°+7 as soon as the energy release is large enough to photons may simulate the photons from 7r° decay; Low
overcome the effects of the smaller statistical weight suggests discrimination between the two processes by
and of the centrifugal barrier. In this case the resonance
the different spread of the photon angular distribu-
width would be much larger and a better dispersion
tions.24 However, a detailed calculation of the double
theoretical approach would be required to obtain
bremsstrahlung process should be carried out for an
reliable estimates. Apart from the difficulties met in
accurate discrimination.
obtaining a precise estimate one can see that a very
big cross section for e++e~—> 7r°+7 could be obtained
if there is an intermediate bound state with spin one POSSIBLE RESONANCES
and charge conjugation number — 1 , which mainly
decays into 7r°+y. We obtained the first indication for 4.1. In the previous sections we have discussed the
such a big cross section on the basis of a Breit-Wigner possibility of resonances due to the contribution of
formula for the resonance with suitable choices of the pion-pion real or virtual bound states. I n particular,
relevant partial widths. The second indication is based we have examined the role of the proposed T=l, 7 = 1
on a theory for the 7r° form factor on the assumption pion-pion resonance and of the proposed T=0, 1=1
that only the 2w resonant amplitude and the three-pion 24
F.E. Low, Phys. Rev. 120, 582 (1960).
bound state contribute, with a relative weight deter- F. Chilton (to be published).
3TT bound state in reactions such as e++e~ —> 27r, or 3w, For the intermediate case (c) both (46) or (47) can be
or 7r°+T- Both the ir-ir resonant state and the 3ir bound applied for order-of-magnitude estimates, since they
state or resonant state that we have considered have only differ by a factor TT/2 if T9^2AE.
angular momentum 7 = 1 , and charge conjugation 4.2. For purposes of comparison, one can consider a
number, C = — 1. Electron-positron collisions offer in- typical cross section, such as that for e++e~ —»/*++/z~,
deed a very suitable means for exploring the properties which for E^m^ is given by \ira2K2. I t will also be
of intermediate neutral states with 7 = 1 , C = — 1, sufficient to limit the discussion to the most important
P = — 1, zero nucleonic number, and zero strangeness. final channels, for which Bf is of the order unity. The
Such states can transform into a single virtual gamma important quantity is then Ti/AE in case (a); I\-/T in
and this is in fact what selects them among all the case (b); and any of these two quantities in case (c).
other states accessible only through the exchange of We can then examine what important factors will
more virtual gammas. However other quantities, such appear in Ti, the rate for the transition Bj—* e++e~.
as the experimental energy resolution AE, and the We make use of gauge invariance and of the charge
partial decay rates from the intermediate state, are conjugation selection rules. For 7 = 0 , C = l , Ti is
relevant to the discussion, and a more detailed exami- proportional to a4me2, and for 7 = 0, C = — 1 , it will be
nation is necessary. I n the following we shall illustrate proportional to aQme2. The rates vanish for m e = 0
our statement by employing a simplified description of because the final electron and positron should be
the resonant reaction based on a Breit-Wigner formula. emitted in configurations with parallel spiralities thus
We consider a resonant channel of the type violating angular momentum conservation. For 7 = 1 ,
C = l , r is proportional to a4, but for 7 = 1 , C = —1 it
e+-\-e~ —> Bj~^ (final state), (44)
is proportional to a2. For 7 = 2 , C = 1, I \ is proportional
where Bj represents an intermediate state of zero to a4, for 7 = 2, C = —1 it is proportional to a 6 ; and,
strangeness and nucleonic number, spin 7, and mass M. similarly, higher powers of a appear when 7 is
In the vicinity of the resonance we assume that a increased.
Breit-Wigner description holds. The resonance cross It is now important to state that the energy resolution
section for (44) at a total energy 2E around M will AE will presumably not be smaller than ~ 1 Mev. An
then be approximated by energy spread of this order corresponds to rates T of
the order of 1021 sec™1. Therefore, in case (a) only
27+1 TiTf intermediate states with 7 = 1 , C = — 1 will produce
<JR{E)^TT\2- (45)
4 (2E-M)2+T/4 comparatively large effects. In fact, rather large effects
will be expected if I\/A2£2>a2. Next in importance are
where Ti is the rate for Bj—» e++e~ and Tf the rate states with 7 = 1 , C = + l, and 7 = 2, C = l with an
for Bj—» (final state). The total rate is given by T. additional factor a2. In case (b) the relevant quantity
In any actual measurement the measured quantity is is Ti/T, and T is supposed to be much bigger than 2AE.
the integrated product of a{E) with the experimental Therefore the same conclusions apply as for case (a),
resolution curve. For our purposes it will be enough to and, of course, they hold also in case (c). If Bj can
approximate the resolution curve with a rectangle of decay through strong interactions, T is expected to be
width 2AE. I t will be necessary to distinguish among of the order of 1023-1022 sec - 1 and thus much bigger
three cases: case (a): The resonance is very narrow, than 2AE. The T=l, 7 = 1 pion-pion resonance belongs
with a width much smaller than the experimental to this class of resonances, case (b). For the 3ir bound
energy resolution, T<K2AE] case (b): The resonance is state, which decays slowly into ir°+y or 27T+Y, T is
wide, with a width much larger than the experimental presumably of the order 1020 sec -1 , rather smaller than
energy resolution, r » 2 A £ ; and case (c): The reso- 2AE, case (a) or case (c). For a narrow energy resolu-
nance has a width comparable to the experimental tion, the factor Ti/AE is expected to be big enough to
energy resolution, T~2AE. The contribution to e+ give large resonance peaks. In general, the occurrence
-\-e~—» (final state), from the resonance, in an experi- of case (a) or (c) requires some inhibition of a fast
ment carried at an energy 2E=M with an energy decay via strong interactions and would in fact corre-
spread given by 2AE will be given by spond to a rather exceptional situation (such as a
bound state of very low mass).
1 p\(M+LE)
(TR = I (7 (E)dE.
This quantity is given in case (a) by 5.1. We shall discuss in this section electron-positron
2 annihilation in flight into a fermion-antifermion pair
aR= 2TTX (V4) ( 2 7 + l)BiBfT/(2AE), (46)
according to
with Bi=Ti/T and Bf=Tf/T. I n case (b) it is simply e++e--±f+f. (48)
given by
a(2M) = irK(2J+l)BiBf. (47) Pairs of strong interacting fermions can be produced
have any reliability in the physical region for the cross section of (54) depends on the relative 2-A parity
production process, which is far away from the limit and, actually, if an experiment like (48) could be
k2=0. carried out, it would provide a good mean for measuring
5.3. I t is at present difficult to decide whether the the relative 2-A parity. That the cross section for (54)
form factor in (56) should strongly decrease or increase has a strong dependence on the relative 2-A parity can
the value of the cross sections over the perturbation also be seen directly by examining the threshold
theory value given by (53). At present there is no behavior. If the relative 2J-A parity is positive, the
information available on the form factors of the final 2A (or 2A) will be produced in 8 5i, and zDh as
hyperons. Electron scattering on nucleons has provided follows from parity and angular momentum conser-
reliable information on the nucleon form factors for vation. If the relative 2-A parity is negative, the
positive values of k2. I t will not be easy, however, to accessible final states are instead lPx and 8 Pi. Therefore,
extract information from the form factor at positive k2, the cross section near the threshold increases linearly
as determined from electron scattering experiments, with the final momentum p in the center-of-mass
about the values for large negative k2 relevant to the system for even parity, and it is also isotropic. For
production experiments. The recent indication of a odd parity it increases as p* and will contain in general
core term in the nucleon structure 14 could eventually a cos20 term.
be related to the presence of singularities for large The general form of the matrix element J derived
negative values of k2, but the location and the nature from the requirements of Lorentz and gauge invariance
of such singularities cannot be determined at present. is different from the case considered in the preceding
To show a kind of science-fiction argument that one section of a self-conjugate fermion-antifermion pair.
can use to relate the information from the scattering For even relative parity we can write
experiments to possible guesses on the pair production
reactions, we shall make some (completely arbitrary) / , = ^AC/I(^2)7,+/2(^2)(T^,+/3^2)^,>S7 (55)
hypotheses on the origin of the core term in the nucleon
subject to the condition kvJv=0 which gives
structure and see what consequences it leads to for
pair production. Suppose, for instance, that the core fi(k2)
terms in the form factors given by Hofstadter and fz (k2) = i (mz—MA) . (56)
Herman 14 come from a big absorptive term concentrated k2
around, say, k2= — (3m)2. This choice is quite arbitrary
and, as far as the experiments tell us, there is no reason For odd relative parity
why the core term should not originate from singu- J r ,= *A[/l(*2)7r+/2(*8)(T,MfeM+/8(ft2)A,]75^, (57)
larities at much lower values of k2, say, &2z~—ra2, and
furthermore, it is very likely that it merely results and kvJv=0 gives
from contributions of singularities extending all over h(k22))
fs(k2) = - i (MX+MA). (58)
the absorptive region. Let us also, for defmiteness, k2
assign some small width V to the states originating the
singularities. For k2~— (3m)2, the nucleon form factors The form factors fi(k2), jf2(&2), fz(k2) are the analytic
should then be approximated, using the Hofstadter 14 continuations of the form factors describing, for positive
results, as Flp= 1.2/D, F2p= -3A/D, Fln=3.2/D, and k2, a virtual transition 2 —» A + 7 . The correspondence
J p 2n —0, where the common denominator is given by is correct, provided k^ is defined in the 2 — » A + Y
D=20—2E+i(T/2), and we have expressed all energies transition as k/ll=^li—Alt, where 2„ and A^ are the 2
in units of the pion mass. Inserting into (54) we find and A four-momenta. One notices that fz(k2) will not
for the cross sections near the singularity a~(ir/3)a2\2fi enter in the description of the production process (54),
X3.6X(m1T/Y)2 for p-p production and a^(7r/3)a2X2/3 as can be seen by specializing (55) or (57) in the
X50X(ntir/F)2 for n-n production. If, for instance, center-of-mass system where kv has only the,>time-like
Y=mT, these values are about 3.6 and 50 times bigger component, but J 4 is zero because of £4/4=0.
than the perturbation theory value for e+-\-e~~ —» f++f~ The cross section is given by
(the p-p cross section is smaller because of an accidental
cancellation). The above considerations have ad- da w f
mittedly little value, except that they may serve to =-rfX 2 /3|/?cosVC[/i(*»)| s +A 2 |/ 2 (A 2 )| 2 ]
illustrate the hope that the cross sections, at least in d(cos0) 8 l
same energy intervals, might come out rather bigger Z?A£S±^A^2
than what expected an the basis of (53). +Z\fi(k2)\2-k2\f2(k2)\2l-
5.4. Besides the reactions (49) one should also list
6rM-e-->2°+A, A + 2 ° , (54) -4- -ReLA(F)/2*(^)] , (59)
which involve a fermion-antifermion pair, but not
charge conjugate of each other. The expression for the where the plus sign refers to even relative 2-A parity
da 7r
= -a2X2^{A+B cos20} (61)
d(cosd) 8
e++e--*K'+K, (64)
2\mz WA/ conserving the total strangeness. The suggested strongly
interacting vector mesons are all expected to be
) Re[A/2*] eminently unstable. Reactions like (63) would therefore
WA WS' be observed as many-body reactions, and the possibility
^ = l / l | 2 + ^l/2| 2 . of separating the over-all process into two stages, of
which the first is the production process of the vector
The decay process,
mesons, relies essentially on the hypothesis of a suffici-
ently long lifetime for the intermediate vector meson.
is expected to be essentially determined by /2(0) When this hypothesis is not satisfied the separation of
(proportional to the so-called transition magnetic mo- the process into two stages is less justified and can
ment between S and A), for each case of relative parity. only lead to approximate results.
In fact, for a real 7, terms proportional to kv in both 6.2. We shall here examine in detail reaction (63),
(55) and (57) do not contribute because of the trans- including also a discussion of the angular correlation at
versality condition kvev=0. Similarly, fi(k2) should the decay of B, also in view of applications that we
presumably vanish at k2 = 0 as suggested from (56) or will consider in the next section to the verification of
(58). The same should apply to the quasi-real gammas the intermediate meson theory of weak interactions.
in 2°—> A°+e + +e~. The physical values of k2 in the We shall first give the general form for the electro-
production process e++e~—->2°+A° lie very far from magnetic vertex of a vector boson on the basis of
k2~0 so that a direct connection with 2° decay seems Lorentz-invariance, gauge invariance, and charge con-
unjustified. jugation invariance. The vertex is described by three
form factors. In the static limit they correspond to the
6. ANNIHILATION INTO POSSIBLE charge, the magnetic moment, and the electric quadru-
VECTOR MESONS pole moment.
6.1. Vector mesons have been discussed recently 11 In the electromagnetic vertex shown in Fig. 6, we
1 1 M M
because of their formal connection with local conser- call pi " , ei and p^, e2 the four-momenta and polar-
27 ization four-vectors of the (physical) particles B and
vation laws. We have already discussed in some
2 2 2
detail the possibility of detecting neutral unstable B. They satisfy px =p2 =—niB 1 e i 2 = € 2 2 = l , and
vector mesons with charge conjugation number — 1 (£i€i)= (^2^2) = 0. The matrix element J* of the electro-
through their resonant effect in reactions magnetic current must be constructed out of p^, p^,
€iM, and e2M. We take as independent vectors: kfX=pili
e++ e~->B -^ (final state), (62) +p2», Pli==pifi-p2'x, ci", and €2". We note that p2= -k2
where B° is the unstable meson. In this section we shall -4mB y (kp) = 0, ( e t f ) = - ( € i * ) , (6^0 = - ( € 2 * ) . The
discuss reactions of the type only independent scalars are therefore: k2(eik), (e2&),
and (ei€2). The matrix element J^ must transform like
e++e-->B+B, (63) a vector and must depend linearly on each e. We thus
where B is a (charged or neutral) spin-one meson. write
Reactions of the kind (62) will be very suitable to
detect vector mesons B° with C= — 1 and zero strange-
ness. However, a vector meson K' with nonzero +P»L(ele2)c(k2)+ (e1k) (e2k)d(k2)2
strangeness would not appear as intermediate state in + eH*2k)e(k2)+e2»(e1k)f(k2). (65)
(62), but it could be produced according to (63) or to
From the condition (kJ) = 0 we obtain a(k2) — 0 and
7 C. N. Yang and R. Mills, Phys. Rev. 96, 191 (1954). — k2b(k2) = e(k2)+f(k2). We then make use of invariance
under charge conjugation. The electromagnetic current We note that Tmn ^ Rmn is a Lorentz invariant
operator j M transforms into — j * under charge conju- quantity. We want a complete description of one of the
gation. Such a condition requires that the matrix produced bosons, say of P , after averaging over the
element J** transforms into —/" when £^—>&", p»—* polarizations of the other. We first sum over the
—p* and ei**-* e2". I t follows that e(k2) = -f(k2). The polarizations of B, using
general form of / " is thus
S 2 e2ti€2fX = dfiV+p2fip2i>/niB2,
J^=P"l(e1e2)c(k2)+(e1k)(e2k)d(k2)'] and we write
+ W{eJz)-eHelk)-]e(W). (66) L n E Rmn = Rp°r€i'€i*. (74)
I t will be convenient to introduce form factors Gi(k ), Equation (74) defines the tensor RP<T. The density
G2(k2)y and Gz(k2) such that eG^k2), MG 2 (* 2 ), and matrix will be described in terms of the tensor
eGz(k2) describe in suitable linear combinations (for
-tvpj- J\pTJ\T(/}J\03<Tj (75)
small spacelike k2) the charge distribution, the magnetic
moment distribution, and the electric quadrupole mo-
ment distribution. The new form factors are linearly AM„ = Sup+pinpir/niB2 (76)
related to c(k2), d(k2), and e(k2). We will thus write is a projection operator such that lp (1) = (1) always
satisfies (p^e^) = 0.
The differential cross section is given from (73),
//»= (2TT) 3 <££; out|i*(0) |0> = - -{Gi{W)(ei*i)p*
(4coico2)" (74) and (75), by
+ [Gi(^)+/*G 2 (* 2 ) + €G8(*2)]C(€l*)€2"-(e2*)€l''] da
;£Tr[P], (77)
+ eG 8 (* 2 )WB- 2 C(*€l)(*€ 2 )-i* 2 ( C i6 2 )», (67) d(cosd) 32 E2
where _coi and co2 are the center-of-mass energies of B
and B. The static anomalous magnetic moment is
is the velocity of the produced bosons. The differential
jit+e; the static anomalous electric quadrupole mo-
cross section can be evaluated directly from (77), (76),
ment is 2e.
(75), and (74), or using the expression for R that we
6.3. In a Lagrangian theory of vector mesons one
give in the next section. Its expression is given by
would assume a Lagrangian
£ = -hB^Bv-mfUjUn (68)
da 7T
=—a2\2^\ 2
d(cos6) 16
(£)• G1{¥)
where Z7M is the vector field, B[JLV=dliUv—dlfUliJ with
d/*— (d/d%)p—ieAp, and mj? the mass of the meson. +;uG 2 (F)+eG 3 (F) | 2 (l+cos 2 0)
The supplementary condition,
dML7M= (ie^F^B^ (69) +sin 2 0 2 Gi(*»)+2( — ) eG3(fc2)
L I \m B ' I
follows from the field equations (if MBT^O). The
minimal electromagnetic current is thus I / V l 2 ll
yM= - * * [ # „ % , _ t / ^ ; ] . (70) + G1(P)+2( — )nG2(P)\ \\. (78)
I \mB' I JI
To such a current one can add nonminimal terms The /33 dependence in (78) for production near threshold
is typical of P-state production. In our approximation
jJ=-iep(d/dx,)(UfU,--UJUJ, (71) of neglecting higher-order electromagnetic terms, the
2 final mesons must be produced in a state of total
j,"=ie(e/tnB ) (d/dx,) (B^B^-B^B^), (72)
angular momentum 7 = 1 , parity P = — 1 , and charge
The total current is then of the form (67) with Gi(k2) conjugation number C= — 1. From angular momentum
= G2(*2) = G8(fe2) = l. and parity conservation it follows that the final mesons
6.4. The cross section formula (7) reduces to can only be in lPh zPh 5 P 1? and 5 Pi. However, triplet
states of odd orbital parity cannot be produced because
<r = — fdsp1d*p2 5(a)1+a>2-2E) they have C = + l, so we are left with x Pi, 5 P X , and 6 Pi
(2TT) 16£ 4 J as the only permitted final states.
X53(Pi+p2)rm«i:i<:mn, (73) With G i = l , G2 = G 3 =0, the total cross section is
(7 = W B - 2 ( 2 . 1 X 1 0 - cm2)l{l~-u)Ki+n), (79)
where !Tmn is given by (8) and Rmn by (9) and (67).
Differential cross sections and cross sections for polar- where % is expressed in Bev and u— (m/E) . There-
ized final particles can be obtained from (73) by fore, e+—e~ collisions may turn out to be very efficient
omitting the relevant integrations and spin summations. for detecting possible unstable vector mesons.
6.5. The above cross section obtained with G i = 1, However, only the second of such states participates
G 2 = G 3 = 0 formally violates unitarity at high energies. to (85) in the limit when the electron mass can be
For high energies (79) goes to a constant whereas it neglected. In fact, the initial electron and positron
can be shown, on the basis of unitarity arguments, appear in the combination vy^u, which can be written
that the total reaction cross section must decrease vidy^a+ay^u where a = § ( l + 7 6 ) a n d a = | ( l — 7 5 )
proportionally to X2. are the projection operators for negative and positive
Unitarity arguments are not very informative usually helicity. By averaging (84) over the initial polarizations
at relativistic energies. Electron-positron collisions we then find the upper limit
present, however, an exceptional circumstance, that
they go through one specified channel, the one-photon |TTX2
£ U y a ^ (90) Ptxvlpifipip-sfXsv+d^(mB2-mi2)
spin +iew°(sPp1<T-s*p1p)J (96)
where d2 is the solid angle in the B rest frame and Again we specialize to B production near the threshold
^ / * = ((£**— (X4*). T h e summation is extended over and neglect (x and e. The angular correlation is then
the final spin states. The quantity lAPp^CW is a scalar given by
invariant and can be evaluated in the production 3+(i-d)»-2(i-f)(f.d)(d-i) > (97)
center-of-mass system (system of the laboratory in a in terms of the same vectors defined before. We have
colliding beam experiment) using the expressions (87) neglected the mass of the final lepton mi in comparison
and (89) that are valid in that system. The distribution to the mass of B. General formulas can be easily
in the laboratory system of the colliding beam experi- derived from (93), (95) and their analogs, and the
ment is thus given directly by general expression for R^ reported in (87) and {%%),
to cover all interesting cases.
£ (<A^vav)-—d£l\ (91)
7.1. Semiweakly interacting bosons have been sug-
where dQ' is the decay solid angle in the laboratory gested as intermediary agents of weak interactions. 28
system and cfcl/dti! only depends on the decay angle A simplest scheme of weak interactions is based on
with respect to the line of flight of B and on the velocity
charged weak currents only and can be reproduced by
of B. postulating only charged vector mesons. I t is known
As an application we consider the decays B —> w+w that the absence of JJL —* e+y leads to a difficulty in a
and B —> JJL+V, B-^e+v. The amplitude a* for theory with intermediate vector bosons, and the usual
suggestion to overcome such a difficulty is that there
B —» 7T+7T,
are two different neutrinos ve and *>M. Charged currents
2 tl 2 lx
has the general form (3i^=a(s )pi +b(s )s where s* is alone do not allow a simple incorporation of the AT—%
the difference of the two final four-momenta; p^, the rule in the theory of weak interactions. However, a
momentum of B, is their sum; and a(s2) and b(s2) are coupling of neutral intermediate vector mesons to both
form factors. However, the first term in the above the neutral strangeness nonconserving current and the
expression for Cf* does not contribute in the decay of a neutral lepton current leads to contradictions with
physical B, because of pi(Xeifi=0. So we take the experimental data. Therefore it is probable that even
amplitude in the form if intermediate neutral vector mesons exist they do
not couple to the neutral lepton currents and, in partic-
G"=KJV. (92) ular, to the initial electron-positron state of the reactions
that we are discussing. A check of this supposition
The decay correlation is thus given by
R. P. Feynman and M. Gell-Mann, Phys. Rev. 109, 193
P»Ws dQ. (93) (1958) ;1T. D. Lee and C. N. Yang, ibid. 119, 1410 (1960).
could be carried out experimentally on the basis of the for production of a fermion-antifermion pair is given
following remarks. If a B° exists which couples to by (53) in the absence of structure effects.
e+—e~, fj,+-~ijr, etc., it would give rise to resonances in One can also ask about the contribution of the known
reactions of the kind local weak interactions to electron-positron processes.
If, for instance, a weak lepton interaction of the type
e++e~ -> B° - » e++e~, (99)
(JU+/X~) (e+e~) exists, there could be a weak amplitude
+ of the form
e++e~ -> B° -»/x +M", (100)
etc. I t is remarkable that such resonances could lead (27r)-V8^C^(M-)TMi(l+75)HM + )]
to large observable effects in spite of the fact that two X[«(^)7i.i(l+76Me-)l (102)
semiweak couplings are involved in reactions like (99)
and (100). The mass of B° must be >MK in order to adding coherently to the electromagnetic amplitude
avoid a semiweak decay of K. We assume a width T for e++e~—^jjr-\-^r. The contribution from (102) is,
appropriate to the semiweak decay couplings of B° of however, very small though increasing very rapidly
the order of 5X10 17 sec -1 . We also assume for B° a with energy. The cross-section for e+-\-e~—>/z++pf~
mass of the order of the K mass, and we suppose that obtained by adding the contribution from (102) to the
the branching ratio for its decay into e++e~ (and lowest order electromagnetic amplitude is
similarly into M + +M~) is about one fifth. The width da w
T ^ 5 X10 17 sec - 1 corresponds to a very sharp resonance =-a 2 X 2 [(l+cos 2 0)(l + e+6 2 )
extending over a few hundreds of ev and what will d(co$6) 8
be actually measured is an defined as in (22). For &R +2(e+e 2 )cos6Q, (103)
we find a value of 2.6X10~5(27rX2) which is about three where e=6.2X10" 4 (E/ilfAr) 2 , with M;v=nucleon mass.
times bigger than the cross section for e++e~ —> JU + +/T" The numerical coefficient in the expression for e has
at any energy !£>>wM. been calculated by taking for G the value of the /3-decay
72. Intermediate charged vector mesons can be coupling constant. The appearance of the cos# term is
produced according to the reaction entirely due in (103) to the weak interaction (102).
e++e~->B++B- (63) However, a cos# term in the differential cross section
for e+Jre~~^ ixJrJrfx~ would also occur from the high
that we have discussed in the previous section. Of order electromagnetic graphs (for instance, from a
course, it seems perfectly consistent in this case of diagram with two gammas exchanged). The parity-
semiweakly interacting mesons to deal separately with nonconserving effects of (102) would constitute a more
their production processes and with their decay. unique test of its presence. For instance, to the differ-
Experimentally, reaction (63) would still appear as a ential cross section (103) wouldjDe*associated a longi-
many-body reaction, like for instance tudinal polarization
e++e~-* (n++v)+(e-+i>). (101) ± 2
P =±(e+€ ) (104)
An electromagnetic process like e+-\-e~—>/x++/z~+e+ (l+cos 2 0) + (e+e 2 ) (l+cos 2 0)
+e~, which could also originate a final ii+ and er, is of of the final JJL±. For energies E ~ 3 0 Gev, e becomes of
higher order and would have a much smaller proba- the order unity and the polarization should be quite
bility than (63) followed by the successive decay of large. For colliding beam energies of the order of 1-2
B+ and Br into the final particles. The decay products Bev, effects of local weak interactions should be
of B+ and Br would exhibit specific angular correlations negligible. On the other hand, if intermediate mesons
as we have already discussed in the previous sections. exist they would show off in various ways and electron-
In the absence of structure effects for B, the expression positron collisions would in fact constitute a good
for the cross section obtained from (78) would violate experimental means for their detection.
unitarity at high energy. Inclusion of a point magnetic
moment or of a point electric quadrupole moment 8. EXPRESSION FOR THE VACUUM POLARIZATION
does not change this situation. For instance, if a point DUE TO STRONG INTERACTING PARTICLES
magnetic moment jus is introduced, the cross section
The quantity
derived from (78) increases quadratically with E,
making the unitarity violation worse.
Of course, the considerations that make possible the n( ^) = - ^ ! £ <0ii,(0)U)( S |>(0)i0) (105)
existence of the intermediate boson B, having no strong 3k2 pw-k
interactions, would also apply to a possible fermion is known to be of fundamental importance in quantum
with mass bigger than the K mass, which had no strong electrodynamics. 29 In (105), j v is the current operator
interactions. Such a fermion would hardly have been and the sum is extended over all the physical states
detected, if it existed, and e+-\-e~ collisions may allow
one to definitely exclude its existence. The cross section G. Kallen, Helv. Phys. Acta 25, 417 (1952).
with total four-momentum p(z) = k. The Fourier trans- which gives the desidered connection. Note that
form of the photon propagator integrals of the type
D^' (x-x,) = i(0\P(Afl(xf)Av(x))\0), n(-a)
where P is the chronological product and A^ is the
electromagnetic field, can be expressed in terms of
J a2
da, (111)
TL(0)-lt(k2)-i>irn(k2) J E
X . (106)
converges. Such a condition is weaker than the one we
derived in Sec. 6 from the unitarity requirement for
In (106) n(&2) is defined as the cross sections VF{E). The integral
TL(k2) = P
1 'n(-o)
k2+a '
(107) II(0) = P J •
Jo a
annihilation processes producing strongly interacting values of k2 of the experiment. If one assumes, quite
particles for not very high energies. Pion form factors arbitrarily, that the recently found core terms in the
can be directly explored along the absorptive cut on the nucleon structure originate from contributions in the
k2 plane and, as already discussed many times, 4,6 ' 7 their absorptive region above the nucleon-antinucleon thresh-
values are directly related to the nature of forces old, one can then roughly expect cross sections for
among pions. A T=l, J—\ pion-pion resonance would annihilation into nucleon plus antinucleon well above
be directly exhibited in the two-pion annihilation mode, the perturbation theory estimates. The 2—A electro-
and a T = 0 , / = 1 three-pion bound state (or resonance) magnetic vertex is measured in annihilation into 2 + A
could dominate the amplitude for annihilation into and the processes show a strong dependence on the
three pions. Depending on the magnitude of the K°, relative 2—A parity. Vector mesons have been sug-
electromagnetic form factors for values of k2 inside the gested recently and shown formally to be connected to
physical region, pairs of neutral K mesons, in the local conservation laws.27 Pair production of spin-one
combination K^-\-K2Q, could be produced. The electro- mesons is discussed in Sec. 6, on the assumption that
magnetic form factor of the neutral pion can be ex- their lifetime is sufficiently long to allow a separation
plored, through the mode of annihilation into 7T°+Y, of the over-all process into a first stage of production
for values of k2 larger than one pion mass; two-pion of the vector mesons and a second stage in which they
and three-pion resonances (or bound states) may decay. Three form factors are needed to specify the
produce very large effects on the annihilation amplitude. electromagnetic interaction of a vector boson, corre-
A three-pion bound state would mostly decay into sponding to its charge, magnetic moment, and electric
7r°+7, or 2 T + 7 , and give rise to a very sharp resonance, quadrupole moment. The perturbation theory cross
with a width presumably of a fraction of a Mev, in the section for annihilation into a pair of spin-one bosons
7r°+7 annihilation reaction. The annihilation cross increases to a value of the order (MB in Bev)~ 2 (2.1
section, averaged around the resonance, may possibly X10~32 cm2) at energies much larger than the boson
reach values of the order of 10 -30 cm2. In a theory of mass MB. The perturbation theory increase is certainly
the 7T° electromagnetic form factor, one can tentatively not valid at very high energies because it would lead to
assume the dominance of a two-pion resonance and a a direct violation of unitarity. For electron-positron
three-pion bound state, and introduce the suggested annihilation through the one-photon channel, one can
values for the TT° lifetime and for the derivative of the strictly state the unitarity limitation in the form of an
form factor at the origin. Also these estimates lead to a upper limit to the reaction cross section, that must
very big annihilation cross section at the energy of the decrease not slower than A2. In Sec. 6 we also discuss
assumed bound state. From the assumed values of the the angular correlations that would be observed at the
derivative of the form factor near the origin one would decay of vector bosons from electron-positron annihila-
also estimate a very big enhancement of the cross tions into their final products.
section at an energy corresponding to that of the Vector bosons have also been suggested as inter-
assumed two-pion resonance. A discussion of the mediary agents of weak interactions. 28 Their production
possible resonances is given in Sec. 4, based on general in pairs in electron-positron annihilation would be a
considerations of the relevant partial and total widths convenient test for their existence. Neutral intermediary
as compared to the experimental energy resolution. I t vector bosons can only be coupled to neutral lepton
is concluded that electron-positron collisions offer a pairs provided they do not couple to the weak strange-
very suitable mean for detecting intermediate neutral ness-nonconserving currents. If they existed and were
resonant states of total angular momentum one, nega- coupled to leptons they would produce an evident
tive charge conjugation quantum number and parity, resonance-like behavior in annihilation reactions. Par-
and zero nucleonic number and strangeness. Other ticular effects, such as those arising from parity non-
intermediate states are not expected to lead to observ- conservation, would most directly inform on the
able effects. Annihilation into baryon-antibaryon pairs presence of weak interactions in a high-energy annihi-
would allow exploration of the baryon form factors for lation process. However, for a local weak interactions,
the relevant negative values of k2. Near the threshold such effects become large only at colliding beam
the cross section is isotropic and rises proportionally to energies greater than 10 Gev.
the final velocity. The form factors are complex in the
Quantum electrodynamics vacuum polarization is
physical region for the process and, as a consequence,
known to be affected by strong interactions. The effect
the produced fermions are expected to have a polar-
is insignificant at the lower energies but its analysis is
ization normal to the plane of production and propor-
important for an examination of an eventual high-
tional to the sine of the phase difference between the
energy breakdown of the theory. In the last section of
electric and the magnetic form factor (in contrast, for
this paper we give the explicit relation between the
instance, to electron-nucleon scattering in which the
strong interaction corrections to vacuum polarization
final nucleon is unpolarized, excluding radiative cor-
(or, equivalently, modification of the photon propa-
rection terms). There is at present no information
gator) and the cross section for electron-positron
available on the form factors for the large negative
annihilation into strongly interacting particles.