LockboxExecution LockboxExecutionReportRedwood
LockboxExecution LockboxExecutionReportRedwood
LockboxExecution LockboxExecutionReportRedwood
7 Record was validated.
1 Lockbox batch name is required.
1 The receipt was transferred.
Receipt Currency USD
Conversion Type User Conversion Rate 1
Transmission Record Count Transmission Amount
Lockbox Number 22200 Lockbox Amount
Lockbox Batch Count Lockbox Receipt Count
Lockbox Batch Name ATPL_Batch Batch Amount
Batch Receipt Count Receipt Method ATPL LBM
Item Number 1 Receipt Date 5/18/23
Receipt Number RCPT-10011 Remittance Amount 5000000
Overflow Sequence Overflow Indicator
MICR Number
211310032 Customer Account Number 211310032
Customer Account Number
Billing Site Billing Site Identified 54617
Matched Using Transaction Number
Error Number Applied Apply To Installment Customer Invoice Type Transaction Matching Matching Date
Amount Account Number Currency Number
3000000 6001 1 6001
Overflow Sequence Overflow Indicator
MICR Number
Customer Account Number
Customer Account Number
Billing Site Billing Site Identified
Matched Using
Batch Receipt Count Receipt Method ATPL LBM
Item Number Receipt Date
Receipt Number Remittance Amount
Overflow Sequence Overflow Indicator
MICR Number
Customer Account Number
Customer Account Number
Billing Site Billing Site Identified
Matched Using
Lockbox Batch Count Lockbox Receipt Count
Lockbox Batch Name Batch Amount
Batch Receipt Count Receipt Method
Item Number Receipt Date
Receipt Number Remittance Amount
Overflow Sequence Overflow Indicator
MICR Number
Customer Account Number
Customer Account Number
Billing Site Billing Site Identified
Matched Using
855145 Receipt has invalid applications.
855146 Lockbox amount doesn't equal the sum of the receipt amounts.
855147 Lockbox record count doesn't equal the number of receipts.
855148 The receipt has more than 1 MICR number.
855149 The deposit date was specified as the accounting date source, but no deposit date was provided.
855150 Conversion rate is required.
855151 Overflow records for each receipt must begin with the same sequence number.
855152 Overflow record with the next sequence is missing.
855153 Receipt number is missing.
855163 The transmission has more than 1 bank origination number.
855164 Bank origination number is missing from the transmission.
855165 Lockbox number is missing.
855166 The receipt is missing the remittance amount.
855167 Remittance amount can't be negative.
855168 Duplicate lockbox number.
855169 Lockbox is either not defined or is currently inactive.
855170 Lockbox batch name is required.
855171 The batch name provided in the batch header and batch trailer records doesn't match the batch name on the receipt.
855172 Duplicate lockbox batch name.
855234 Accounting date required when the accounting date source is defined as a constant date.
855235 Receipt date must be equal to or earlier than the accounting date.
855236 Sum of the applied amounts is greater than the receipt remittance amount.
855237 Transmission amount isn't equal to the sum of the receipt amounts.
855238 The transmission record count doesn't equal the actual number of records in the transmission.
855239 The transmission has more than 1 transmission header.
855240 The transmission has more than 1 transmission trailer.
855661 Invoice was already selected for automatic receipt.
855881 USSGL code isn't defined in the transaction codes.
856442 The transaction type assigned to the transaction does not allow overapplication.
856443 You can't apply against this transaction because the transaction type allows natural application only.
856449 The customer account number is invalid.
856451 You can't apply this receipt to this credit memo because the transaction type allows natural application only.
856453 You must enter a transaction number for the related application.
856460 The installment number is invalid.
856467 Unable to update transmission {TRANSMISSION_NAME}.
856468 Unable to create the discard file {FILE_NAME}.
856469 Unable to create the transmission {TRANSMISSION_NAME}.
Report Date 5/18/23 10:19 AM
Lockbox Execution Report
Page 10 of 10
856472 Record type {RECORD_TYPE} is invalid for the transmission format {TRANSMISSION_FORMAT}.
856478 The transmission {TRANSMISSION_NAME} doesn't exist.
856479 The batch header record type of the lockbox transmission format is missing the batch name transmission field.
856481 Unable to create the output file.
856482 Unable to write to the output file.
856485 The overflow record type of the lockbox transmission format is missing the item number transmission field.
856486 The overflow record type of the lockbox transmission format is missing the overflow indicator transmission field.
856491 The lockbox transmission format {TRANSMISSION_FORMAT} doesn't exist.
856492 The lockbox transmission format is missing the receipt record type.
856494 The receipt record type of the lockbox transmission format is missing the remittance amount transmission field.
856495 The receipt record type of the lockbox transmission format is missing the receipt number transmission field.
856496 The receipt record type of the lockbox transmission format is missing the item number transmission field.
856498 Unable to locate the lockbox data file {FILE_NAME}.
856499 Unable to open the output file.
856500 The lockbox transmission format includes batches, but the receipt record type is missing the batch name transmission field.
856501 The lockbox transmission format includes batches, but the overflow record type is missing the batch name transmission field.
856502 The batch trailer record type of the lockbox transmission format is missing the batch name transmission field.
856503 The lockbox header record type of the lockbox transmission format is missing the lockbox number transmission field.
856504 The lockbox trailer record type of the lockbox transmission format is missing the lockbox number transmission field.
856512 The MICR number is invalid.
856886 This remittance includes these invalid transaction numbers.
857812 The alternate payer name is missing. You must enter an alternate payer name to the Zengin format file and resubmit the lockbox transmission.
857814 The customer account number can't be derived for the Zengin receipt, because the alternate name mapping rule is missing or invalid.
857816 The Zengin receipts descriptive flexfield setup is incomplete or invalid. You must set up all descriptive flexfields for the context ORA_ZENGIN_CASH_RECEIPTS.
End of Report