Project Document Philippine Coast Guard The Project On Human Resource Development
Project Document Philippine Coast Guard The Project On Human Resource Development
Project Document Philippine Coast Guard The Project On Human Resource Development
March 2002
社 協 一
Chapter 1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2. Background of the Project ............................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Socio-economic Context ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Description of the Sector ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Overall National Programs and National Policy of the Philippines ........................................................ 6
2.4 Priors and Ongoing Assistance in the Sector........................................................................................... 8
Chapter 3. Problems to be addressed and the Current Situation...................................................................... 10
3.2 Problems to be Addressed for Development (Problem Analysis) ......................................................... 20
Chapter 4. Project Strategy.............................................................................................................................. 24
4.1 Project Strategy ..................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.1 Overall Strategy of the Project (Long-term Strategy identified by Objective Analysis)................ 25
4.1.2 Specific Strategy of the Project (Identified by Alternative Analysis & Project Selection) ............ 25
4.2 Organization of the Project Implementation.......................................................................................... 27
4.3 Commitment expected of the Counterparts and the Philippine Government ........................................ 29
Chapter 5. Project Basic Design...................................................................................................................... 30
5.1 Overall Goal ‘Performance capability of PCG is improved’ (Overall goal in long-term) ................. 30
5.2 Project Purpose ‘PCG personnel with knowledge and skills to perform their functions are developed’.
..................................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.3 Outputs and Activities ........................................................................................................................... 31
5.3.1 Output-1 & Activities ..................................................................................................................... 31
5.3.2 Output-2 and its Activities.............................................................................................................. 32
5.3.3 Output- 3 and its Activities............................................................................................................. 32
5.3.4 Output- 4 and its Activities............................................................................................................. 32
5.4 Plan for Implementation of the Activities (Plan of Operation) ............................................................. 33
5.5 Inputs ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.5.1 Input from Japanese side ................................................................................................................ 33
5.5.2 Inputs from the Philippines ............................................................................................................ 33
5.6 Important Assumptions and Risks......................................................................................................... 34
5.7 Prior Obligation and Prerequisite (pre-condition) ................................................................................. 34
Chapter 6. Impact of the Project...................................................................................................................... 35
6.1 Positive Impact of the Project................................................................................................................ 35
6.1 .1 Impact of the Project in Long-term ............................................................................................... 35
6.1.2 Impact of the Project in the Project period ......................................................................................... 35
6.2 Effectiveness of the Project ................................................................................................................... 36
6.2.1 Rationalization of the Project Design and Planning ....................................................................... 36
6.2.2 Suitability of the Project Purpose ................................................................................................... 36
6.2.3 Availability of Technical level of Japan to assist the Recipient Country........................................ 36
6.3 Efficiency of the Project ........................................................................................................................ 36
6.3.1 Timing of Project Type Technical Cooperation.............................................................................. 36
6.3.2 Cost-Benefit of Inputs towards Outputs ......................................................................................... 36
6.3.3. Economic Benefit in long-term ..................................................................................................... 36
6.4 Relevance of the Project ........................................................................................................................ 37
6.4.1 Appropriateness of Japan’s ODA ................................................................................................... 37
6.4.2 Relations with Japan Aid’s Policy for the Philippines.................................................................... 37
6.4.3 Consistency with National Development Policy Framework of the Philippines............................ 37
6.4.4 Participatory Design and Planning ................................................................................................. 37
6.4.5 Establishment of the Monitoring and Evaluation System (M&E System) ..................................... 37
6.5 Sustainability of the Project................................................................................................................... 38
6.5.1 Institutional & Management Capacity of the Counterpart Organization........................................ 38
6.5.2 Financial Condition ........................................................................................................................ 38
6.5.3 Socio-cultural Aspect ..................................................................................................................... 41
6.5.4 Environmental Aspect .................................................................................................................... 41
6.5.5 Technical appropriateness............................................................................................................... 41
6.6 Summary of the Ante-evaluation of the Project under the 5 evaluation criteria.................................... 41
Chapter 7. ANNEX
7.1 Project Design Matrix: PDM Version 1
7.2 Plan of Operation: PO (tentative)
7.3 TOR for Japanese Long-term Experts
7.4 TOR for the Counterpart Personnel
7.5 Outcomes of the PCM Workshop
7.6 Equipment list
7.7 The Basic Concept of the 5 Evaluation Criteria
7.8 Map of Districts, Stations and Dispatches of PCG in the Philippines
7.9 Former PCG Headquarters and Staff Organization
7.10 Acronym of Proposed PCG Organization Chart
7.11 Plan of PCG Training in CGETC from 2002 to2007
Chapter 1. Introduction
1. Background of the Project Finding
As an archipelago, the Philippines rely on maritime transportation system for basic passenger transport as
well as for cargo transport. As such, maritime transportation is one of the key industries directly related to
the fisheries and tourism, frequency of maritime incidents has been one of serious issues of the country.
Furthermore, fishery resources provide the essential daily protein source for all Filipinos; therefore the
Government has been concerned about maritime security and safety with consideration of its impact on the
economy and health of the people. Ratification of the ‘United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(UNCLOS)’(ratified in 1984) gave the Government broader responsibilities for maritime safety and security,
since UNCLOS sets yet transcends international boundaries by setting forth basic responsibilities of nations
for development of offshore resources and their preservation. There is pressing need to strengthen
organizational capability and to develop personnel in PCG who is a comprehensive maritime policy-
implementing agency, in order to cope with frequent maritime incidents for its prevention and reduction.
Increased marine pollution, piracy and smuggling cases reported by neighboring countries urgently call for
the enhancement of law to ensure maritime security at all times, as in the case of Japan who has more than
90% of crude oil transported through offshore of the Philippines.
Driven by necessity to collaborate with maritime agencies in East Asian countries, Japan has committed in
various ways to do its share in providing assistance to the sector. The ongoing technical cooperation is;
1) Dispatch of 1 expert to PCG for ‘Maritime Search and Rescue Operation and Marine Pollution
Prevention’, 2) Dispatch of 2 experts to MARINA for ‘Ship Inspection Techniques’, 3) Dispatch of 1 expert
to MARINA for ‘Maritime Administration’, and 4) Dispatch of 2 experts to NAMRIA for ‘Electronic
Navigational Chart 1’.
2. Reason for the ‘Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development’.
As a State Party to the ‘International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) of 1960 ’, (ratified in
1974) the Government created PCG in 1967 under DND to integrate diverse functions for maritime safety
administration and dedicate its existence to the enforcement of the provisions of the SOLAS. After the
ratification of the SOLAS, PCG was transferred from DND to DOTC in 1998 in order to strengthen the
coordination, implementation and enforcement of maritime transport safety policies and regulations, the
Philippine government has recognized that institutional capability building and human resource
development in PCG is an urgent and a must for this maritime agency to fulfill its mandate of ‘Saving life
and property at sea’ and ‘preservation of marine environment’.
In March 2001, PCG has completed the construction of its new training building, namely Coast Guard
Training Center (upgraded to a major command effective September 2001, and renamed Coast Guard
Education and Training Command; ‘CGETC’) so as to enhance the capability of PCG personnel through
education and training. However, CGETC has not fully developed its potential for education due to
insufficient equipment, outdated curriculum and lack of standard textbooks. There is now urgent need for
CGETC to improve in terms of facilities and faculty. The JICA Study Team has conducted the examination
and appraisal of “the Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development’ (hereinafter
referred to as ‘the Project’) since August in 2001, focusing on the current situation and national policy of the
sector, and of equipment use procured through Japanese experts dispatch. Institutional sustainability of
PCG was also examined to clarify the benefits of the Project, i.e. enhancement of PCG performance
capability in the fields of SAR, ATON, MARPOL & OSC and MARLEN, and expected great positive
impact not only on all Filipinos but also on the neighboring countries including Japan has been appraised.
National Capital Region 636.0 7,948,392 9,454,040 10,492,000 12,497.5 14,864.8 16,496.9
2. Education System
Primary education is compulsory for children of age 6 to 12, secondary education for age of 12 to 16, and
higher education for students with ages of 17 and more. Primary schools are reported at 39,312 with 1,268
million school children, 93% of them go to public schools. There are 7,128 secondary schools with 517
million students; the 76% go to public schools. Institutions for higher education are estimated at 271
national universities and 1,045 private, with 222 million students. 4 to 5 years’ education is required for a
Bachelor Degree; units obtained in the 5 years are estimated 210. (Philippine Statistical Yearbook 2000)
3. Economic Context
The following shows the National budget of the Philippines.
Regarding GDP by sector, the service sector was at 45.59% in 1999, while contribution of fisheries included
in the sector for agriculture/forest/fisheries account for 3.9%, which is estimated at 34 billions pesos in 1998.
Fisheries labor population has accounted comparatively high at 5% of total labor force.
Flow of GDP by Sector (at current cost: 1985, unit: million pesos)
Sector 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 % of 1999
Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries 171,390 172,848 179,451 185,004 173,106 183,407 19.99%
Industries 265,972 283,858 302,126 320,689 313,881 316,650 34.51%
Service 329,006 345,518 367,544 387,458 400,918 417,325 45.49%
Gross Domestic Product 766,368 802,224 849,121 893,151 887,905 917,382 100%
Source: ‘2000 Philippine Statistical Yearbook’, National Statistical Coordination Board
Trend of the Number of Passengers and Calling Vessels from 1994 to 1999
Topic 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Total No of Passengers 40,444,607 44,303,618 48,326,648 521,126,036 55,873,389 55,401,174
Disembarked 19,999,795 21,970,721 23,490,269 26,973,781 28,800,824 28,334,200
Embarked 20,444,812 22,332,897 24,836,379 25,152,255 27,072,565 27,066,974
In 1999, calling vessels account for more than 360 thousands, total number of passengers are estimated at
55.4 millions, and total volume of handling cargo eventually runs to 162.76 million MT. The Country has
abount 400 thousands seamen’s vessel running along the coastline. Numbers of fleets and handling cargo
have been increasing for these six years.
Trend of Cargo throughout All Port from 1994 to 1999 (Unit: 1,000 MT)
Topic 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Total Cargo handling 123,911,071 137,470,433 150,244,653 162,604,442 156,173,189 162,756,822
Foreign Cargo 52,802,679 60,762,614 69,091,994 73,210,839 66,778,586 69,435,392
Import 38,221,599 43,371,391 52,837,394 49,656,084 49,656,084 51,914,270
Export 14,581,080 17,391,220 16,254,600 17,122,502 17,122,502 17,521,124
Domestic Cargo 71,108,392 76,707,819 81,152,659 893,393,603 89,393,603 93,321,428
Incoming 36,568,811 39,693,287 41,738,162 45,209,807 45,209,807 47,751,792
Outgoing 34,539,581 37,014,532 39,414,497 44,183,796 44,183,796 45,596,936
Source: ‘Data Book 2001: Domestic Shipping Industry in the Philippines’, MARINA, p54; Source, PPA Statistic
3. Volume of Merchant Fleet
Compared with neighboring states namely the Indonesia and the Malaysia, it is shown that outstanding
volume of merchant fleet and importance of water transport for the Philippines. Concerning proportion (%)
of the volume, Japan is the seventh-ranking country and the Philippine stands thirteenth in 1999.
Maritime incidents and Pollution incidents at the Philippine Sea area from 1998 to 2001
Topic 1998 1999 2000 *2001 September
Maritime incidents* 210 263 161 61
Pollution incidents** 9 14 29 15
Source: PCG statistics*, PCG Action Center, November 2001
Note: *Maritime incidents: Aground, Sunk, Collision, Caught fire, Capsized, Missing, Drifted and engine
trouble, Flooding, Rammed, etc
**Pollution incidents: Oil spilling, chemical products leak, illegal damping, etc
The following table indicates that missing person and casualties on average per maritime incident at the
Philippine sea area is ten times more than those of Japan, it shows that ratio of PCG SAR mission is quite
low in comparison with Japan Coast Guard (JCG).
Missing person and Casualties per Maritime incident by the Philippines and Japan
Country 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Average
Philippines 1.01 1.15 1.60 1.33 1.80 1.54 1.15
Japan 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.14 n.a. n.a. 0.10
Source: ‘Maritime Incident Report’, Coast Guard Action Center, 2001, JCG, ‘Maritime Incident Repot’, 2001
Inadequate security is recognized that case of piracy and armed robbery on average is reported thirteen
times more, and smuggling case is almost twice more than those of Japan in the past four years, as shown in
the following table. It is noted that smuggling inbound into the Japanese Sea area have been increased.
Number of Piracy and Armed robbery cases by the Philippines and Japan
Country 1998 1999 2000 2001 Average
Philippines 116 72 96 88 93
Japan* 4 5 12 n.a. 7
Source: PCG statistics, Coast Guard Action Center, 2001, JCG ‘Statistics of maritime crimes’
Note: *All of cases here of Japan mean ‘armed robbery cases’
Since 1990s the Government has committed the deregulation and liberalization for the water transport to
promote private sector through introduction of domestic ferry or luxury passenger linear. Consequently, the
policy of liberalization increased supply in water transportation and called for more concerns for maritime
safety and security, the Government formulated and conducted a series of ‘Maritime Safety Improvement
Project: MSIP’. Furthermore, the government formulates a maritime safety action program especially for
domestic vessels through ‘National Safety Management Code’.
The International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Fund Convention of 1992 (FUND 92)
The INMARSAT Operating Agreement of 1976
Based on the above-mentioned national policies, the administrative capability building and human
resource development of the maritime agencies including other governmental and private organization are
considered as priority area for strengthening maritime sector.
All of above master plans are formulated based on the functions of PCG, i.e., Maritime Search and
Rescue (MARSAR), Marine Environmental Protection (MAREP), Maritime Law Enforcement
(MARLEN), Maritime Operations (MAROP) and Maritime Safety Administration (MARSAD) to address
the concerns of the national policy of the Government including NMP.
See Chapter 3-3.1.3 Functions and Duties of PCG
Construction of new CGETC building and procurement of some existing equipment were implemented with
‘Technology Transfer Fund’, which was a part of SAR project assisted by Australia. The provision of said
fund was utilized for the training of PCG personnel, and the savings generated by reduction of trainees
enabled to realize the construction of facility of Farola Compound in Manila and procurement of a part of
current existing equipment there (‘Project Completion Report’ SAR project team).
2.Necessity of Japan’s Cooperation
It is noted that all of above-mentioned ongoing and completed projects are hardware assistances and among
them there is no assistance aiming the improvement of human resource development system through
technology transfer focusing on CGETC. It is stressed that ‘the Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human
Resource Development’ will be the first project with the purpose of faculty building of PCG personnel
through enhancement of education and training management system of CGETC.
The Project has no duplication with other ongoing projects, and instead, it is evidently recognized that the
hardware (infrastructure) improvement of the other projects and software (technology) improvement by this
Project will be complementary to each other for great enhancement of PCG performance capability of their
functions for maritime security, safety and environmental preservation.
At CGETC, essential and fundamental education and training is offered to PCG personnel in the fields of
SAR, ATON, MARPOL, OSC and MARLEN, which are important functions of PCG. Specific technical
cooperation of the Project will be curriculum update and development, textbooks development, course
designing and procurement of equipment necessary for education and training at CGETC. Adequate
capacity building through the Project will enable PCG to develop capable human resource from enlisted
personnel and officers including leaders. Moreover, the Project will help the other governmental and
private organization of the sector to develop personnel in-charge of the sector through seminars offered by
Since the Project will assist the Philippine’s overall national program MTPDP, national policy NMP, the
implementation of the ratified international conventions and agreement, and internal master plans of PCG,
necessity and relevance of project implementation are highly appraised.
Chapter 3. Problems to be addressed and the Current Situation
3.1 Systematical and Institutional Frameworks of the Sector
1.Maritime Related Organizations
The Authority Concerned of the Project is Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC).
Other related agencies of the sector are shown as below.
Department of
Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) *
Transportation and
Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA)
Philippine Oversea Employment Agency (POEA)
E Department of Labor
Maritime Training Council (MTC)
S and Employment
National Marine Polytechnic (NMP)
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Department of Environment and National Mapping and Resource
Natural Resources (DENR) Information Agency (NARMIA)
DOTC and Attached Agencies of the Sector
DOTC Secretary
Project management office Attached Agencies
Investment secretary &
3 Undersecretaries MARINA, PPA, PMMA,
Law enforcement staff
Staff & Maritime
Project monitoring & Land Telecommunications
Audit group Telecom
PPA: Philippine Port Authority Established in 1974, supervisor for port and harbors administration
PMMA: Marine education and issue of certificate, 30% of new staffs of PCG in
Philippine Merchant Marine Academy 2001 is graduates from PMMA
DENR: Department of Environment Supervising of marine environment in the sector. PCG is deputized to
and Natural Resource implement a part of maritime law enforcement services of DNER.
DOF: PCG was deputized to implement some custom laws enforcement such
Department of Finance as anti-smuggling of BOC under DOF.
DOE: Supervise of oil tankers, cooperate with PCG in terms of MARPOL,
Department of Energy PCG is deputized to implement a part of services of DOE.
DA: A part of law enforcement services are deputized to PCG from DA for
Department of Agriculture preservation of natural resources, such as anti-illegal logging.
DFA: MOAC of DFA undertakes research and development for maritime
Department of Foreign Affairs Safety and marine environmental preservations
TESDA: Technical Education and
TESDA issues certificate for general crew.
Skills Development Authority
MTC: Supervising the educational level and curriculum of marine educational
Maritime Training Council institution of the nation, PCG is a member of MTC.
2.Marine & Maritime Domestic Laws and Orders
Republic Act No. 5173, 1967, PCG was established by the RA.
Executive Order No. 125 & 125-A 1987, MARINA was transferred to DOTC
Executive Order No. 474, Mandate as economic management agency to MARINA
Executive Order No. 475,1998, PCG was transferred to DOTC from DND by the EO
Department Order 1180 (Maritime safety administration)
Presidential Decree No. 1152- Philippine Environmental Code (MARPOL)
Presidential Decree No. 1151- Philippine Environmental Policy (MARPOL)
Presidential Decree No. 1586- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System (MARPOL)
Presidential Decree No.600- Marine Pollution Decree of 1974 (MARPOL)
Presidential Decree No.601- Revised Coast Guard Law of 1974
Presidential Decree No.602- Establishing National Operations Center for Oil Pollution (NOCOP)
Presidential Decree No.979- Marine Pollution Decree of 1976 (MARPOL)
Presidential Decree - National Marine Policy- Section 3 (MARPOL)
Source: PCG
MAREP: Prevention of marine pollution, Marine environmental protection, Oil spill combating,
Protection of marine resources, Enforcement of environmental laws, implementation of
international conventions, etc.
MARSAD: Encouragement of vessel safety regulations, Port state control, Crew competence, Provisions
of ATON, Removal of hazardous conditions for navigations etc
MAROP: Maritime security patrol, Public affaire, Implementation of PCGA program, etc
Note: *All of MALEN functions for PCG is to enforce deputized functions from other governmental agencies
(anti-smuggling from BOC, anti- illegal-logging from DENR, anti-illegal fishing from BFAR etc)
4. Organization of PCG
Since transferring to DOTC from DND in 1998, PCG has been undertaking the Re-organization
continuously for the purpose of its enhancement of functioning capability of the organization. The former
PCG Headquarters and Staff Organization until 2001 is shown in ANNEX 7.9. The following is the
present Working PCG Headquarters and Staff Organization through the Re-organization.
Commandant of PCG
Staff for Staff for Staff for Staff for Staff for Staff for
Personnel Intelligence Operation Logistics Plans, Program Controllership
(CG-1) (CG-2) (CG-3) (CG-4) (CG-5) (CG-6)
CGAO MRCC CGOP Real Estate Management office Internal Audit Account
The offices of former Staff for Training (CG-7), Staff for Maritime Safety Affaire (CG-8), Staff for
Environmental Protection(CG-9), Staff for Aids to Navigation (CG-10), Staff for Communication/Electronic
(CG-11) and Staff for Ship Engineering & International Affaire (CG-12) were transferred to the functional
units due to the Re-organization of PCG. For education and training, former CG-7 was transferred to
CGETC to be one of groups in this Command. The roles of former CG-7 were to advise the Commandant
of PCG on matters pertaining to training, and CGETC takes charge of its roles at present. The roles of
Staff for Personnel (CG-1) is responsible in determining the required rating classifications promotions,
demotions and assignment of all PCG personnel, while CGETC is responsible in determining the education
and training career pattern, required specialization courses program based on job assignment and rating
classification of PCG personnel. CGETC, the project focused site, is the operating unit that implements
the education and training program of PCG personnel. The present Working PCG Organizational Set-up is
shown as below.
Working PCG Organizational Set-up
Commandant of PCG
The Re-organization of PCG is still going on, and Proposed PCG Organizational Set-up in the future is
shown as the following page. Acronym of the Proposed Organization is shown in ANNEX 7.10.
Proposed PCG Organization
Commandant, PCG
Former CG-7, Existing Education and Training Development
See ANNEX 7.10 Acronym of Proposed PCG Organizational Set-up
Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO)
Deputy Commander
Education and Training
Development Chief Master at Arm (CMAA)
Administration & Personnel Operation & Intellectual Supply/Logistic/Finance Plan & Programs/Doctrines
Actual, Current and Planned Number of Personnel of Whole PCG from 2002 to 2007
2001 Actual 2002 Current 2003Planned 2004Planned 2005Planned 2006Planned 2007Planned
Actual, Current and Planned Number of Personnel of CGETC from 2002 to 2007
2001 Actual 2002 Current 2003Planned 2004Planned 2005Planned 2006Planned 2007Planned
Officers 9 9 10 13 13 14 15
EP 46 46 48 56 58 58 58
Grand total 55 55 58 69 71 72 73
Source: PCG, March 2002
Seminars are offered particularly for the fields private sector are not familiar with; expertise like SAR
planning and operation, OSC, MARPOL and Anti-piracy cooperation so on.
In 2002, CGETC has developed both specialization and other peculiar course programs as follows.
Note *: Relation with the fields for technology transferred of the Project;
○ Courses aimed for technology transfer, △A part of courses aimed for technology transfer,
□Courses not aimed but having with some possibility for technology transfer
**: S/E; Start month and Ending month of the module/course
Basic course is conducted for a larger number of students by using the both facilities of CGETC Farola in
Manila and CGETC Annex in Zambales. Likewise, seminars can be conducted in HQS PCG and other
units including CGETC.
Commander and course director sign the certificates of those who successfully passed course computed
based on grade weight per module. Examination and evaluation are not implemented for seminar
participants who are not PCG personnel.
The Project will aim the technology transfer in the fields of SAR, ATON, MARPOL & OSC and MRLEN,
through course revision and development and seminar improvement. MARLEN specialization course is
envisioned to start in 2003 through the Project.
In reference to the future training plan, See ANNEX 7.11 Plan of PCG Training CGETC from 2002 to 2007
In reference to directly aimed number of student (PCG personnel) in the Project, See ‘Number of students
estimated for technology transfer of the Project’ in Chapter 4, 4.1.2.‘Specific Strategy of the Project’.
Summary of Gender issue and the policy in National level of the Philippines
‘Memorandum Order No. 282’; Directing Various Government Training Institutions to Incorporate in their
Respective Curricula Gender and Development (GAD) Concerns and Programs of 19 May 1995
‘The Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) 1993-1998’; This plan provided the basic
framework within which government agencies designed their work plans. Present MTPDP follows the policy.
‘Philippine Human Rights Plan, 1996-2000’; This plan embodies a call to national action for appropriate
legislative, administrative and program measures to address the human rights concerns including women.
‘Philippine Plan for Gender-responsive Development, 1995-2025’; The comprehensive perspective plan for
gender and development and it serves as the government’s blue print for action in promoting women’s
advancement. This plan is the successor of the Philippine Development Plan for Women1989-1992.
3.2 Problems to be Addressed for Development (Problem Analysis)
See ANNEX 7.5 ‘Problem tree’
1.Core Problem; ‘Limited Performance Capability of PCG’
‘Limited Performance Capability of PCG’ was identified as a Core problem of the sector through problem
analysis of PCM Workshop. Nine direct causes bring about the Core problem were identified.
2. Effects of the core problem; ‘Loss of life and property, and marine environmental pollution at the Sea’
It is recognized that the following incidents and cases contribute to loss of life and property, and to marine
environmental pollution.
1) Maritime Incidents
The Philippine Sea area has congested transport routes among narrow water area, incidents happen
frequently because of geographical as well as meteorological reason with high occurrence of typhoon (direct
cause 9).
Number of Maritime incidents and its Victims
Type 1998 1999 2000 2001September
Number of Maritime incidents 210 263 161 61
Missing persons & Casualties 335 350 416 85
Number of PCG SAR Mission 86 219 50 25
Source: ‘Maritime Incident Report CY1995-2000’, PCG Coast Guard Action Center, November 2001
Data shown in the table below indicates that great amount of losses is estimated by incidents and crimes
at the sea, and thus the great benefits would be expected in the case the said losses are protected.
2) Pollution cases
Oil spilling and chemical product leak contributing to environmental pollution are recognized as serious
issues. Those are caused not only by waterborne source like spilled hazardous goods from ships but also
by land-based sources such as waste oil leak or waste water discharge from plants, and illegal damping of
hazardous goods so on (NOCOP Report 2001).
Number of Marine Pollution cases
Type 1998 1999 2000 2001
Number of Pollution cases 9 14 29 15
Source: PCG Statistics; Coast Guard Action Center, November 2001
Piracy cases and its Victims
Type 1998 1999 2000 2001
Piracy cases 100 66 83 79
Killed persons 33 14 29 15
Wounded persons 40 5 2 4
Missing persons 15 2 1 8
Source: PCG Statistics; Coast Guard Action Center, November 2001
Smuggling cases include smuggling of small arms, drugs, logging, human entry and others that are
transported to foreign countries including Japan, which contribute international crimes.
Smuggling Cases
Case / Year 1998 1999 2000 2001
Inbound 276 233 162 209
Outbound 36 28 45 46
Transfer 796 156 149 92
Total 1,108 417 356 346
Source: PCG Statistics, Coast Guard Action Center, November 2001
It is evident that maritime incidents/cases and its damages can be grown more serious by human-made
reasons such as low technical competency of seafarers (direct cause 8), short changing of procurement
(direct cause 7), low operation rate of air & water assets because of inadequate maintenance and overage of
equipment so on.
Air & water assets Belonging to PCG in 2000
Type Total number (A) Operational (B) Inoperative (A-B)
Vessels 7 4 3
Small craft 38 20 18
Water craft 41 30 11
Air craft 4 2 2
Source: PCG document, September of 2001
Insufficient information system (direct cause 3&4) also contributes to the damage and the loss. To take
measures against maritime incidents, poaches, illegal waste damping, piracy and smuggling cases calls
for improvement of radio information system. More services and technique for law enforcement and
effective regulation (direct causes 6 & 5) is required for prevention activities. It is stressed that
enhancement of PCG capability to fulfill their duty through CGETC will alleviate the damage and the
loss at the sea.
2) Practical training
Difficult situation are found for practical training without a gymnasium, diving pool nor small vessel, and
CGETC are not able to conduct periodical practice training. Vessels belonging to other PCG units and
private merchant company are utilized when available.
3) Instructor/Lecturer
Full-time instructors are limited; some are invited from other organization. There is no specific in-service
training system at present for instructor and lecturer development.
Audio-visual equipment, special model and stimulation device are insufficient for systematical technical
training. More computers for the navigation training are required; eleven are used in rotate in the
computer laboratory and six for administrative offices.
4.1.1 Overall Strategy of the Project (Long-term Strategy identified by Objective Analysis)
1. Direct Means; ‘Enhancement of both Hardware & Software situation for the Whole PCG duties’
‘Performance Capability of PCG is improved’ (Overall goal) calls for the achievement of ‘PCG personnel
with necessary knowledge and skill to perform their functions are developed’ (Project purpose). Both of
software improvement and hardware improvement (assumptions) are expected to attain the overall goal.
4.1.2 Specific Strategy of the Project (Identified by Alternative Analysis & Project Selection)
Twelve different approaches (A-L) were identified to realize the Core objective; ‘Performance capability of
PCG is improved’ through Alternative analysis & Project selection in the Workshop. Selecting the
approach B and some means from other approaches has finalized the approach L as the Project strategy,
which is ‘PCG performance capability enhancement approach’. The project title was finalized as ‘The
Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development’ in the end of the Workshop.
2.’PCG Performance Capability Enhancement Approach’ (L)
Improvement of educational system of CGETC (approach B) was identified as the top priority area.
Additional measures such as technology update, new technology introduction and improvement of the
information system management for SAR, ATON, MARPOL & OSC and MARLEN (a part of G, H and J)
were selected from other approaches. Human resource development at CGETC is expected for all
maritime sectors to supply specialists and officers including other governmental and private sector as a
long-term objective through multilateral coordination among maritime agencies (F).
4.2 Organization of the Project Implementation
1. Implementation Structure of the Project
Deputy Commandant for Administration, PCG, as the Project Director, will bear overall responsibility for
the administration and implementation of the Project. Commander of CGETC as the Project Manager will
take the responsibility of supervising of the managerial and technical matters of the Project.
Chairperson: PCG
Chief Advisor
PCG, Project Manager
Steering Coordinator
Committee Long-term Experts
Counterpart Personnel
(JICA Philippine Office)
<Function> -Formulate the annual work plan of the Project based on the tentative schedule of
implementation within the framework of the R/D
-Review the result of the annual work plan and the progress of the technical cooperation
-Review and exchange opinions on major issues that arise during the implementation of the
*Members of the Coordination Committee in PCG side
3 Commander, CGOF
4 Commander, ANC
5 Commander, MEPCOM
2) Steering Committee
3. Implementation Structure of Counterpart Team in the Philippine side
The implementation set-up of Counterpart Team, PCG is shown as below.
PROJECT DIRECTOR Deputy Commandant for Administration
5.2 Project Purpose ‘PCG personnel with knowledge and skills to perform their functions are
The project purpose expected to attain in the end of the Project was identified as ‘PCG personnel with
knowledge and skill to perform their duties appear in succession’ through the PCM Workshop and the
discussion. The following two indicators will serve to evaluate the achievement.
Indicator 1. 2,050 PCG personnel are trained as specialists for SAR, ATON, MARPOL & OSC and
MARLEN by the year 2007
Indicator 2. 450 other governmental and private organization are trained as specialists for SAR, ATON,
MARPOL & OSC and MARLEN by the year 2007
[Remark: Concept of the indicators] Indicators of the Project Purpose
Projection of Trained Students and Participants Trained directly by the Project
Category Module CY 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
4-2 To monitor progress of the Project once a year
4-3 To discuss on alteration needed for the Project design based on the monitoring
4-4 To evaluate jointly the project with JICA evaluation study team (midterm and final evaluations)
Indicator 4. M & E implementation schedule and its implementing records
5.5 Inputs
5.5.1 Input from Japanese side Dispatch of Experts
Long-term Experts
The following five (5) Long-term experts will be dispatched for the Project.
1) Chief Advisor/Education and Training: One (1)
2) Experts for MARPOL & OSC: One (1)
3) Expert for SAR and ATON: One (1)
4) Expert for MARLEN: One (1)
5) Coordinator: One (1)
See Annex 7.3 TOR for Japanese Long-term Experts
Short-term Experts
Short-term experts will be dispatched as the need arises to ensure the smooth implementation of the Project.
33 Facilities and Equipment
The implementing agency, PCG, will prepare the following facilities and equipment for the Project:
1) Existing facilities and equipment belonging to CGETC
2) Existing equipment belonging to the other units of PCG
3) Office for Japanese experts
Another risk is mentioned here as indicated in the Objective analysis; hardware improvement is expected
together with educational system improvement to realize the overall goal, ‘Performance capability of PCG
is improved’. There would be still a hindrance to conduct their duties in the case the operational rate of
logistics and assets got worsen after fulfillment of capable personnel development with training and new
recruitment. Therefore, ‘Operational conditions of PCG sea & air assets do not deteriorate compared to
the situation of the year 2002’ is indicated as one of assumptions to achieve the overall goal.
Chapter 6. Impact of the Project
6.1 Positive Impact of the Project
6.1 .1 Impact of the Project in Long-term
Taken in the broad sense, ‘Impact of the Project’ means positive impact expected by the Project in
long-term on the sector. Since all CGETC trainees/students are in-service personnel of PCG, feasibility to
make full use of skills and knowledge transferred by the Project is assessed very high through practical use
of the technology in the sector. Since PCG possesses 10 Districts, 52 Stations and 182 Detaches to offer
their services, it is stressed that the technology will be disseminated smoothly over the nation.
Beneficiaries of the overall goal will be estimated at 3,480 PCG officers and EPs (based on the number of
CY2001, excluding non-uniformed personnel, See Chapter 3,3.1-3.‘Functions and duties of PCG’).
Indirect beneficiaries in long-term after fulfillment of the overall goal will be users/passengers of the
Philippine Sea area estimated at 55.4 millions (CY1999, See page 4 ‘Trend of the Number of Passengers
and Calling Vessels from 1994 to 1999’).
PCG personnel with knowledge and skills to perform their functions are developed (Project purpose)
Education and training policies
Project on PCG Human Resource Development
Technology transfer New recruitment
Education & Training in
Equipment procurement (Assumption)
6.2 Effectiveness of the Project
6.2.1 Rationalization of the Project Design and Planning
Issues of the sector had jointly analyzed by PCM method in the Workshop to draw out a rough concept of
the Project. The concept has been jointly examined and revised through discussions in the Study by both
sides so as to finalize logically the basic project design.
6.2.2 Suitability of the Project Purpose
The Project will enable PCG to develop capable personnel with skill and knowledge to perform their
functions, through update/development of curriculum and textbook and equipment supply with updated
technology from the Japanese side. Since it is urgently necessary to improve the education and training
managerial system of CGETC, the suitability of the Project purpose is clearly recognized.
mentioned loss and damage, expected benefits in the long-term would be estimated very fruitful and high.
1) Monitoring
Counterparts shall monitor the activities of the Project in collaboration with Japanese team. To collect
data for indicators of PDM (statistics of maritime incident, number of missions, number of certificated
personnel, etc.) is one of important tasks in the supervising. Monitoring system serves to verify if the
Project goes on the direction planned and to find alteration needed out when some problems are
recognized. Monitoring result shall be reported periodically in the coordination committee meeting.
2) Evaluation
JICA Evaluation Team will be dispatched to conduct joint evaluations with the Project Evaluation Team
of Philippine side at least twice based on the 5 Evaluation Criteria (See ANNEX 7.7 ‘The Basic Concept
of 5 Evaluation Criteria’) by examining Monitoring result and other data. PDM is always used when
evaluation so as to examine the project progress and attained result, it will also help to alter the project
design if necessary. JICA Philippine Office will examine the project progress and development in 2~3
years after completion of the Project so as to assess the aftercare required. HQS JICA will dispatch the
mission for aftercare and post-evaluation when necessary.
With the current trend of stable budgetary allocation from the Government as shown in the above OPB table,
PCG can support and sustain the operation and management of the Project. Although there is a slight
decrease in the 2001 budget, one of the priorities and concentration in the budgetary support is forwards the
enhancement of education and training activities as shown in the following two tables.
Operational Program and Budget of CGETC (Unit: Pesos)
Item 1999Actual 2000Actual 2001Actual 2002Current
1) Personnel Services n.a 20,000 32,000 32,000
2) Maintenance and Operating Expense* n.a 312,000 4,253,000 8,806,000
3) Capital Outlays n.a 1,772,000 3,000,000 3,000,000
Grand total 718,000 2,104,000 7,253,000 11,838,000
Source: PCG, March 2002,
Note: The budget reflected under Personnel Services is a direct fund support to CGETC on Mobile &Welfare,
Rent and Recreation activities of CGETC personnel. HQS PCG curries Salaries, water and electricity.
The upgrading from CGTC gave CGETC a broader scope in terms of the number of personnel; CGETC is
now entitled to have more personnel with a support of substantial government budget allocation for PCG.
The Project effect is concluded sustainable to promote the transfer of technology.
2.Planned Operation and Program Budget of Implementing Agency, PCG
Planned POPB of PCG, POPB of CGETC and Tentative Budget for the Project are shown as below.
It is noted that Personnel Services and M&O Expense of CGETC are planned to increase and sustainable
even if whole budget is envisioned to be decrease as shown below, since Capital Outlays will be decreased
year by year along with progress of the environmental improvement at CGETC.
6.6 Summary of the Ante-evaluation of the Project under the 5 evaluation criteria
As above explained so far, examination of the Project have been conducted based on the 5 evaluation
criteria; 1) Impact, 2) Effectiveness, 3) Efficiency, 4) Relevance and 5) Sustainability, and the relevance of
the Project implementation has highly appraised.
Chapter 7. ANNEX
1/2 ANNEX 7.1 PDM Version1 Project title: The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development Date: March 2002
Project area: Whole nation of the Philippines Target group: The Philippine Sea Area User Project period: 1 July 2002 ~ 30 June 2007
Narrative Summary of the Project Objectively Verifiable Indicators Means of Verification Assumptions
Overall goal 1.Ratio of PCG SAR mission vis-à-vis maritime incidents on average of 2007 to Statistics of the Project survey
2011* is improved by 30% in comparison with that of 2002 to 2006* team
Performance capability of PCG is improved 2.Ratio of PCG MARPOL mission vis-à-vis MARPOL incidents on average of Maritime Incident Report:
2007 to 2011* is improved by 30 % in comparison with that of 2002 to 2006* DOTC
3.Ratio of PCG MARLEN response vis-à-vis illegal activities on average of Major marine accidents: PCG
2007 to 2011* is improved by 30% in comparison with that of 2002 to 2006* MARPOL Incident: MEPCON
Coast Guard Action Center
Project purpose 1. 2,050 PCG personnel are trained as specialists for SAR, ATON, MARPOL & 1. Course completion records The operational
PCG personnel with knowledge and skills to OSC and MARLEN by the year 2007 of the CGETC conditions of PCG sea
perform their functions are developed. 2. 450 other governmental and private organization are trained as specialists for 2 Seminar completion records & air assets do not
SAR, ATON, MARPOL & OSC and MARLEN by the year 2007 of the CGETC deteriorate compared
to the situation of the
year 2001
1. Education and training management system of Training policies of
CGETC is enhanced. 1-1. Number of meetings held per year 1. Minutes of meetings PCG personnel do not
2. Training courses (SAR, ATON, MARPOL & 2-1. Completion of curriculum and syllabus developed or revised 2. Curriculum and textbooks of change dramatically
OSC and MARLEN) at CGETC are improved. 2-2. Completion of textbooks and materials developed courses as planned for the next
3. Seminars (SAR, ATON, MARPOL & OSC and 3-1. Completion of educational materials for seminars 3. Material for seminar and five years
MARLEN) for the other governmental and 3-2. Completion of materials for public awareness and campaign public awareness
private organization concerned are improved 4 -1. M & E implementation schedule and its implementing records 4.Table of M & E with
1 To discuss the improvement of education and training managerial situation at CGETC < Philippine side > < Japanese side > personnel does not
2-1 To set-up and run the curriculum development committee [Personnel] [ Personnel]
] change dramatically
2-2 To define the concrete needs for education and training in the fields of SAR, ATON, MARPOL & ① Counterpart: At least 2 persons ① Long-term expert: 5 persons as planned for the next
OSC and MARLEN for each Japanese expert Chief Advisor/Education and Training five years
1) To determine the operating system and capability level of PCG ② Secretary for Japanese experts: MARPOL & OSC
2) To determine the required expertise level of PCG and its personnel 1 person SAR and ATON
3) To determine trainee’s potentials/expertise level of PCG incumbent/new recruited personnel MARLEN
4) To determine the concrete needs for education and training content /level/number of trainees [Facility and equipment] Coordinator
2-3 To examine IMO model course and discuss on the possibility of its adaptation to CGETC ① Existing facilities and ② Short-term expert
2-4 To update or develop the curriculum and syllabus of courses equipment belonging to the (when necessary): 3 ~ 4 persons,
2-5 To develop textbooks and training aid materials of courses CGETC Expert for SPECIAL RESCUE
2-6 To conduct instructor technical training for the counterparts and potential instructors ② Existing equipment belonging Expert for MARPOL
2-7 To conduct the education and training courses for students at CGETC to other PCG units. [Training in Japan]
2-8 To teach operation and maintenance equipment procured ③ Offices for Japanese experts Approximately 20 persons in the
3-1 To conduct the needs research for seminars 5 years
3-2 To develop materials for seminars [Finance] [Equipment]
3-3 To inform other governmental and private organizations concerned of the seminars offered by CGETC Salaries for PCG personnel ① Equipment & tools for SAR,
3-4 To hold seminars Operation cost ATON, MARPOL, OSC ,
3-5 To draw up a plan of public awareness activities for companies and citizens in the fields of [Others] and MARLEN
SAR, ATON, MARPOL & OSC and MARLEN Authority concerned: DOTC ② Computer related
3-6 To conduct public awareness activities for companies and citizens in the fields of SAR, Implementing agency : PCG ③ Audio-Visual Training Pre-conditions
ATON, MARPOL & OSC and MARLEN Project Director: Equipment: PCG personnel
4-1 To discuss and identify the implementation schedule and person in-charge of M & E Deputy Commandant for ④ Vehicle support the Project
4-2 To monitor progress of the Project once a year Administration, PCG [Facility]
4-3To discuss on alteration needed for the Project design based on the monitoring Project Manager: Special measures for physical
4-4 To evaluate jointly the project with JICA evaluation study team (midterm and final Commander, CGETC infrastructure development
ANNEX 7.2 PLAN OF OPERATION (PO) Date: March 2002
Project title: The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development Project Period: 1 July 2002 ~ 30June 2007 1/1
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
July July July July July July
1 To discuss the improvement of education and training managerial situation at CGETC
2-1 To set-up and run the curriculum development committee
2-2 To define the concrete needs for education and training in the fields of SAR, ATON, MARPOL & OSC and MARLEN
2-3 To examine IMO model course and discuss on the possibility of its adaptation to CGETC
2-6 To conduct instructor technical training for the counterparts and potential instructors
2-7 To conduct the education and training courses for students at CGETC
3-3 To inform other governmental and private organizations concerned of the seminars offered by CGETC
3-5 To draw up a plan of public awareness activities for companies and citizens in the fields of SAR, ATON,
3-6 To conduct public awareness activities for companies and citizens in the fields of SAR, ATON, MARPOL & OSC and MARLEN
4-1 To discuss and identify the implementation schedule and person in charge of M & E ★
4-2 To monitor progress of the Project once a year ★ ★ ★ ★
4-3 To discuss on alteration needed for the Project design based on the monitoring ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
4-4 To evaluate jointly the project with JICA evaluation study team (midterm and final evaluations) ★ ★
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
ANNEX 7.3.1
Terms of Reference
Japanese Long-term Expert on
Chief Advisor/Education & Training for
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
The long-term expert who takes in charge of Chief Advisor in coast guard field is expected to
assign to Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC) to improve the education
and training system of CGETC for human resource development of Philippine Coast Guard
(PCG). The Chief Advisor will supervise the management of the Project progress based on
the technical aspect of the coast guard field. The Chief Advisor will serve concurrently an
expert on Education and Training so as to examine the situation of education and training at
CGETC for smooth implementation of the Project.
Job Description
Location: Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC), PCG
Proponent: PCG and JICA
Job Period: 5 years
Specific Tasks
1) To supervise on the management of the Project progress
2) To act as advisor to the Project Director and the Project Manager in his capacity as the
Chief Advisor
3) To understand the development of the Project and give advice to the other team members
4) To develop and evaluate the course design and curriculum
5) To provide guidance for the technology transfer jointly with counterparts and other
long-term experts in order to improve the educational system
1) Age: more than 30 years old
2) Academic background: Bachelor Degree or equivalent
3) Communication ability: Proficiency in written and oral English communication
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
ANNEX 7.3.2
Terms of Reference
Japanese Long-term Expert on
Marine Pollution Prevention & Oil Spill Combating for
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
The long-term expert who specializes in Marine Pollution Prevention & Oil Spill Combating
(MARPOL & OSC) is expected to assign to Coast Guard Education and Training Command
(CGETC) to transfer technology so as to develop the human resource of Philippine Coast
Guard (PCG). In cooperation with counterparts, the expert will take charge of providing
assistance to evaluate and develop the special technology in terms of MARPOL & OSC
courses offered in CGETC.
Job Description
Location: Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC), PCG
Proponent: PCG and JICA
Job Period: 5 years
Specific Tasks
1) To comprehend the present educational system and evaluate the course curriculum and
materials of CGETC as a MARPOL & OSC specialist
2) To understand the technology level of CGETC/PCG and the current situation and
development policy in this field in the Philippines
3) To design the improvement plan to update the educational training of CGETC and transfer
the technology jointly with counterpart and other experts in order to improve the
educational system
Age: more than 30 years old
Academic background: Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Communication ability: Proficiency in written and oral English communication
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
ANNEX 7.3.3
Terms of Reference
Japanese Long-term Expert on
Search and Rescue & Aids to Navigation for
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
The long-term expert who specializes in Search and Rescue & Aids to Navigation (SAR &
ATON) is expected to assign to Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC) to
transfer technology so as to develop the human resource of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG). In
cooperation with counterparts, the expert will take charge of providing assistance to evaluate
and develop the special technology in terms of SAR & ATON courses offered in the CGETC.
Job Description
Location: Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC), PCG
Proponent: PCG and JICA
Job Period: 5 years
Specific Tasks
1) To comprehend the present educational system and examine the course curriculum and
materials of CGETC as an SAR & ATON specialist
2) To understand the technology level of CGETC/PCG and the current situation and
development policy in this field in the Philippines
3) To design the improvement plan to update the educational training of CGETC and transfer
the technology jointly with counterparts and other experts in order to improve the
educational system
Age: more than 30 years old
Academic background: Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Communication ability: Proficiency in written and oral English communication
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
ANNEX 7.3.4
Terms of Reference
Japanese Long-term Expert on
Maritime Law Enforcement for
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
The long-term expert who specializes in Maritime Law Enforcement (MARLEN) is expected
to assign to Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC) to transfer technology
so as to develop the human resource of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG). In cooperation with
counterparts, the expert will take charge of providing assistance to evaluate and develop the
special technology in terms of MARLEN courses offered in CGETC.
Job Description
Location: Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC), PCG
Proponent: PCG and JICA
Job Period: 5 years
Specific Tasks
1) To comprehend the present educational system and evaluate the course curriculum and
materials of CGETC as an MARLEN specialist
2) To understand the technology level of CGETC/PCG and the current situation and
development policy of this field in the Philippines
3) To design the improvement plan to update the educational training of CGETC and transfer
the technology jointly with counterparts and other experts in order to improve the
educational system
Age: more than 30 years old
Academic background: Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Communication ability: Proficiency in written and oral English communication
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
ANNEX 7.3.5
Terms of Reference
Coordinator on
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
The long-term expert who will be a Coordinator is expected to assign to Coast Guard
Education and Training Command (CGETC) to transfer technology so as to develop the
human resource of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG). The coordinator will assist the Chief
Advisor of the Japanese side and act as liaison between the Philippine side and the Japanese
side for the smooth implementation of the Project.
Job Description
Location: Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC), PCG
Proponent: PCG and JICA
Job Period: 5 years
Specific Tasks
1) To assist the Chief Advisor in terms of the management of the Project
2) To conduct the tasks necessary for the procurement or arrangements with regards to the
Project Inputs
3) To implement the monthly budget plans and manage accounting tasks in his function as an
accountant for the Project
4) To act in coordination with the Philippine side and the Japanese side, the JICA Philippine
Office and the Japanese Ambassador in the Philippines, etc.
Age: more than 30 years old
Communication ability: Proficiency in written and oral communication in English
Others: Knowledge of the Filipino Language, Tagalog, would be an asset
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
ANNEX 7.4.1
Terms of Reference
Counterpart for
Japanese Long-term Expert on
Chief Advisor/ Education & Training for
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
The counterpart who specializes in educational planning and training in coast guard field is
expected to assign to Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC) to work
jointly with the Japanese Long-term Expert of Education & Training in the transfer of
technology so as to develop the human resource of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).
Job Description
Location: Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC), PCG
Proponent: PCG and JICA
Job Period: 5 years
Specific Tasks
1) To give advice to the Education & Training long-term expert
2) To supervise the development of the Project and give advice to the other team members
3) To develop and evaluate the course design and curriculum
4) To provide guidance for the technology transfer jointly with other counterparts and
Japanese experts in order to improve the educational system
1) Academic background: Baccalaureate or higher
2) Communication ability: Proficiency in written and oral English communication
3) Rank: 1.Officer; Lieutenant and above
2. Non-Commissioned Officer: Petty Officer First Class and above
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
ANNEX 7.4.2
Terms of Reference
Counterpart for
Japanese Long-term Expert on
Marine Pollution Prevention & Oil Spill Combating for
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
The counterpart who specializes in Marine Pollution Prevention & Oil Spill Combating
(MARPOL & OSC) is expected to assign to Coast Guard Education and Training
Command (CGETC) to work jointly with the Japanese Long-term Expert of Marine Pollution
Prevention & Oil Spill Combating in the transfer of technology so as to develop the human
resource of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).
Job Description
Location: Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC), PCG
Proponent: PCG and JICA
Job Period: 5 years
Specific Tasks
1) To evaluate the present educational system, the course curriculum and materials of
CGETC jointly with the long-term experts
2) To comprehend the technology level of CGETC/PCG in terms of MARPOL & OSC
3) To design the improvement plan to update the educational training of CGETC and transfer
the technology jointly with other counterpart and Japanese experts in order to improve the
educational system
1) Academic background: Baccalaureate or higher
2) Communication ability: Proficiency in written and oral English communication
3) Rank: 1.Officer; Lieutenant and above
2. Non-Commissioned Officer; Petty Officer First Class and above
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
ANNEX 7.4.3
Terms of Reference
Counterpart for
Japanese Long-term Expert on
Search and Rescue and Aids to Navigation for
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
The counterpart who specializes in Search and Rescue & Aids to Navigation (SAR & ATON)
is expected to assign to Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC) to
work jointly with the Japanese Long-term Expert of Search and Rescue and Aids to
Navigation in the transfer of technology so as to develop the human resource of Philippine
Coast Guard (PCG).
Job Description
Location: Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC), PCG
Proponent: PCG and JICA
Job Period: 5 years
Specific Tasks
1) To comprehend the present educational system and examine the course curriculum and
materials of CGETC with the assistance of the Japanese expert
2) To comprehend the technology level of CGETC/PCG in terms of SAR & ATON
3) To design the improvement plan to update the educational training of CGETC and transfer
the technology jointly with other counterparts and Japanese experts in order to improve the
educational system
1) Academic background: Baccalaureate or higher
2) Communication ability: Proficiency in written and oral English communication
3) Rank: 1.Officer; Lieutenant and above
2. Non-Commissioned Officer; Petty Officer First Class and above
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
ANNEX 7.4.4
Terms of Reference
Counterpart for
Japanese Long-term Expert on
Maritime Law Enforcement for
The Project on Philippine Coast Guard Human Resource Development
The counterpart who specializes in Maritime Law Enforcement (MARLEN) is expected to
assign to Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC) to work jointly with the
Japanese Long-term Expert of Maritime Law Enforcement in the transfer of technology so as
to develop the human resource of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).
Job Description
Location: Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC), PCG
Proponent: PCG and JICA
Job Period: 5 years
Specific Tasks
1) To evaluate the present educational system and examine the course curriculum and
materials of CGETC with the assistance of the Japanese expert
2) To comprehend the technology level of CGETC/PCG in terms of MARLEN
3) To design the improvement plan to update the educational training of CGETC and transfer
the technology jointly with other counterparts and Japanese experts in order to improve the
educational system
1) Academic background: Baccalaureate or higher
2) Communication ability: Proficiency in written and oral English communication
3) Rank: 1.Officer; Lieutenant and above
2. Non-Commissioned Officer; Petty Officer First Class and above
ANNEX 7.5.1
Target group tentatively selected PARTICIPATION ANALYSIS
Students/Trainees Riding Public M. T. Council Embassy of Japan Private Training DOTC DOTC
Law Enforcement
PCG Personnel Domestic Shipping JCG JICA Government
Agencies Oil Spiller
of Japan
Foreign Ships Calling Local Government
Lighthouse Keepers JCG Academy
Philippine Port Units Terrorist
Local Populace
CHED Dependent on the NGOs
Sea for Livelihood
ANNEX 7.7 The Basic Concept of 5 Evaluation Criteria
The 5 Evaluation Criteria, which Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of OECD encourages to apply for evaluation, has been introduced into JICA
Project Cycle Management method (PCM) for project design & planning, preparatory examination & appraisal and midterm evaluation, final evaluation and post
project evaluation. Concepts of each criterion for examination & appraisal and evaluation are as follows:
① Efficiency:Measure the efficiency with which Outputs achieves(ed) through Inputs, in terms of both quantity and quality, considering the appropriateness,
timing, cost performance, and benefit of Inputs.
② Effectiveness:Identify the achievement level of Project purpose, considering on the extent to what Outputs contributes(ed) to its achievement.
③ Impact:Examine what the project affects(ed) to the society of a recipient country, considering both positive and negative, and direct and indirect effects.
④ Relevance:Examine direction of the project, whether Project purpose and Overall goal are(were) consistent with the development policy of a recipient
country and with BHN of the people.
⑤ Sustainability:Examine whether the benefits of the project will be (is) sustained after the donor’s assistance is completed, considering on institutional &
management capability, economic & financial aspect, socio-cultural aspect, environment aspect, technological level.
On the design & planning stage, project alternatives analysis and project selection are examined under the above 5 criteria. They will be criteria for preparatory
appraisal of the PDM of a potential project, midterm evaluation and final evaluation of an implementing project, and post-project evaluation of a completed
project. The 5 evaluation criteria are summarized into the following table showing the relation with components of the PDM.
5 Criteria
Efficiency Effectiveness Impact Relevance Sustainability
What kind of impacts Weather Project purpose and Whether recipient country
Overall goal
are observed? Overall goal have consistency could sustain benefits
How Outputs contributed
Project purpose with recipient country’s needs? from the Project
to the Project?
How the Inputs are by themselves
converted into after completion of
Inputs the Outputs? donor’s assistance?
Former PCG Headquarters and Staff Organization
Commandant of PCG
CG 1 CG2 CG3 CG4 CG5 CG6 CG7 CG8 CG9 CG10 CG11 CG12
BMI: Board of Maritime Inquiry, CGIA: Coast Guard Internal Affairs, CSPCG: Chief of Staff, PCG,
CGAO: Coast Guard Office, CGOC: Coast Guard Operation Center,
Deputy Commandant of PCG, F/SEC: Flag Secretary,
MCPO: Master Chief Petty Officer, MRCC: Maritime response coordinating center,
PA: Public Affairs, DCPCG, PCGA: PCG Auxiliaries Affairs, SCGS: Secretary of Coast Guard Staff
CG1: Staff for personnel, CG2: Staff for intelligence, CG3: Staff for operation,
CG4: Staff for logistics, CG5: Staff for plans, program, CG6: Staff for controllership,
CG7: Staff for training, CG8: Staff for maritime safety affairs, CG9: Staff for environmental protection,
CG10: Staff for aids to navigation, CG11: Staff for communication/ electronic,
CG12: Staff for ship engineering & international affairs,
ANNEX 7.10
Acronym of Proposed PCG Organizational Set-up
COURSES/ACTIVITIES 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
OFFICERS CGOC "A" Class 03-2002 8 30 60 90 90 25
OFFICERS CGOC "B" Class 01-2002 6 30
ENLISTED CGMC Class 05-2002 6 160 160 160 160 160
OFFICERS Maritime Safety Inspector Course 2 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Maritime Investigation Officer Course 2 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Aids to Navigation Officer Course 2 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Marine Environmental Protection Officer Course 2 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Officer Cou 2 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Maritime Law Enforcement Officer Course 2 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Logistic Officer Course 2 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Comptroller Officer Course 2 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Communication and Electronic Officer Course 2 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Finance Management Officer Course 2 30 30 30 30
ENLISTED Marine Safety Petty Officer Course 5 40 60 60 60
ENLISTED Marine Safety Investigation Petty Officer Course 5 40 60 60 60
ENLISTED Maritime Search and Rescue Petty Officer Course 5 40 60 60 60
ENLISTED Marine Environmental Protection Petty Officer Course 5 40 60 60 60
ENLISTED Maritime Aids to Navigation Petty Officer Course 5 40 60 60 60
ENLISTED Navigation/Comms Class 01 4 40
ENLISTED Seamanship Class 01 4 40
ENLISTED Engineering Class 01 4 40
ENLISTED Machinery Technician Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Boatswain’s Mate Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Quarter Master Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Damage Controlman Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Electrician’s Mate Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Electronic Technician Mate Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Radarman Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Radioman Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Aviation Technician Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Gunner’s Mate Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Commissary Steward Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Storekeeper Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Yeoman Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Health Services Technician Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED Musician Course 4 40 80 80 80
ENLISTED ATON Specialization 6 40
ENLISTED MARSAR Specialization 6 40
ENLISTED VS Specialization 6 40
ENLISTED MAREP Specialization 6 40
OFFICERS CGCSC CL 03-02 6 25 25 25 25 25
ENLISTED ALMC 6 40 40 40 40 40
OFFICERS Ship Watch Standing Package Crse 1 25 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Deck Watch and Planning Officer Course 1 25 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS Engineering Watch and Planning Officer Course 1 25 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS CO Package Course 1 10 30 30 30 30
OFFICERS EXO Package Course 1 10 30 30 30 30
ENLISTED Boat Captain Course 1 20 30 30 30 30
ENLISTED Boat Engr Course 1 20 30 30 30 30
BOTH Maritime Investigation Course 1 20 30 30 30 30
BOTH Basic Scuba Divers Course 1 25 30 30 30 30
71 1/2
BOTH GTC 4 4 8 8 8
OFFICERS WMU 3 4 4 4 4
BOTH PTTC 4 4 4 4 4
72 2/2