5th Week Lectures
5th Week Lectures
5th Week Lectures
Dr. Mohamed Fekry
محطات الرفع
Pumping Stations
1- To rise the sewage from the level of last manhole to the level of the
first tank in the wastewater treatment plant (deceleration tank =
Slowdown chamber).
Types of pumps:
1- Dry pump.
- Horizontal pump.
- Vertical pump.
2- Submerged pump.
3- Screw pump.
Vertical & Submerged pump
Horizontal pump
Screw Sewage Pump
1- pumps:
- The discharge of the pump doesn’t exceed 300 l/s and the
head of the pump doesn’t exceed 90 m.
Force Main
Gravity Pipe
Total head of pump:
HT=H static+h friction+h minor Losses +h Losses in P.S
Hstatic = H.W.L – L.W.L
= water level in the deceleration tank – L.W.L in the wet sump
Friction losses hf
flv 2 8 flQ 2
2 gd g 2 d 5
Minor Losses = 10 % of hf
Losses in P.S = 2 – 5 m.
Qdes = Qmax ( the bigger of Q max summer and Q max winter)
Collects and distributes the wastewater uniformly on the total number of pumps
Design criteria:
- T at Q max = 5 – 10 minutes
T at Q min ≤ 30 minutes
- Vmin wet = Q * T/ 4
- V wet = 2* V min wet
- H = (0.8 – 3) m (distance between stop and start level inside the wet sump)
- A wet = V wet/H
- Circular well 1Wet: 1 Dry
- r1-1 =
- Circular well 1 Wet: 2 Dry
- r1-2 =
Transmit the wastewater from P.S to the
deceleration tank.
Design criteria:
- Qdes = A x v
- v = 1 - 2.5 m/s v ≥ 1 m/s
- minimum Φ = 100 mm (ductile iron)
- n≥2
Design velocity and the optimal pipe diameter for rising main
Noise is a nuisance and lower flows will slow your process, but
pitting damage will ultimately decrease the life of the pump.
Vapour Pressure and Cavitation
To understand Cavitation,
you must first understand
vapour pressure. Vapour
pressure is the pressure
required to boil a liquid at a
given temperature. Soda
water is a good example of
a high vapour pressure
liquid. Even at room
temperature the carbon
dioxide entrained in the
soda is released. In a
closed container, the soda
is pressurized, keeping the
vapour entrained.
Calculating NPSHA
𝑄𝑝 = (1 + 4+ 𝑝)Qav.waste + Qinf
تعتبر المضخات الطاردة المركزية هى الكثير شيوعاً فى مجال الصرف الصحى والتى
يعتمد نوعها على السرعة النوعية ( )Ns …… rpmوهى السرعة التى يكون عندها
تصرف المضخة 1م/3ث مع رفع 1متر ماء عندى اقصى كفاءة للمضخة وتحسب من
= 𝑠𝑁 𝑄
𝐻 0.75
- Axial flow
for small H …… less than 10 m & greater Q ……. More than 600 l/sec
- Mixed flow
in-between the previous kinds, H from 10 to 40 m
نوع المضخة الطاردة المركزية السرعة النوعية )(Ns …. rpm
بطيئة السرعة ذات تصرف قطرى 30 - 10
متوسطة السرعة ذات تصرف قطرى 50 – 30
عالية السرعة ذات تصرف قطرى 80 – 50
عالية السرعة ذات تصرف مختلط 160 – 80
عالية السرعة ذات تصرف محورى 500 – 160
مضخات ذات سرعات عالية جداً اكبر من 500