TEMP Active Learning Based Unit Plan
TEMP Active Learning Based Unit Plan
TEMP Active Learning Based Unit Plan
First and Last Name List down all your names in alphabetical order.
School Name Adapt a school of your choice situated in Lapu-Lapu City.
School District Search the district of your chosen school.
School Address and City Write the complete address and city of your chosen school.
Classroom Information
Subject Area
Grade Level
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Unit Summary
A concise overview of your unit that includes the topics within your subject that will be covered, a brief explanation of
how the activities will help students answer the Curriculum-Framing Questions, and how the thinking tool(s) will be
integrated into the unit to meet important learning goals.
A list of higher-order thinking skills and/or habits that are targeted for your classroom
Program Standard
Obtain this from K-12 Curriculum Guide under your grade level.
Content Standard
Obtain this standards from K-12 Curriculum Guide under your grade level.
Performance Standard
Obtain this standard from K-12 Curriculum Guide under your grade level.
Learning Competencies
List all the competencies obtained from K-12 curriculum using the following format:
EN7V-I-a-22: Use sentences appropriately and meaningfully
Learning Objectives
A prioritized list of content objectives that students will master by the end of unit in 10 days.
Unit Questions
Guiding, open-ended, unit-specific question(s) that help build understanding of the
Essential Question
Content Questions
Fact-oriented, closed questions that are required in order to begin answering the larger
questions of the unit. Often these questions directly support the unit’s targeted standards
Unit Details
Approximate Time Needed
Total time for the unit in week, periods per week, length of periods.
Prerequisite Skills
Conceptual knowledge and technology skills that students must have to begin the unit.
Instructional Procedures
Describe comprehensively teaching and learning activities in phases or activity-by-activity; either way, give an idea of
sequence and how much time is spent on various parts of the unit. You might want to use headers like “Introducing the
Unit” to divide the procedures into natural phases. As they occur in the unit, describe each associated resource (texts,
worksheets, student samples, Web links). Describe methods of assessment as they occur throughout the unit. Also
note how the Curriculum-Framing Questions will be used and answered throughout the unit.
Students with Special Learning Needs: Describe the various ways students may explore curriculum
content, including independent study, and various options
through which students can demonstrate or exhibit what they
have learned, such as more challenging tasks, extensions that
require in-depth uncoverage, extended investigation in related
topics of the learner’s choice, and open-ended tasks or projects
Students with Visual Impairment: Describe the various ways students may explore curriculum
content, including independent study, and various options
through which students can demonstrate or exhibit what they
have learned, such as more challenging tasks, extensions that
require in-depth uncoverage, extended investigation in related
topics of the learner’s choice, and open-ended tasks or projects
Gifted Students:
Describe the various ways students may explore curriculum
content, including independent study, and various options
through which students can demonstrate or exhibit what they
have learned, such as more challenging tasks, extensions that
require in-depth uncoverage, extended investigation in related
topics of the learner’s choice, and open-ended tasks or projects.
Describe your assessment plan to include the artifacts of student learning you will assess (presentation, report, test,
interview, performance), the assessments you will use (rubric, observation checklist, scoring guide, test key), and the
context and specific procedures of assessment (teacher, peer, or self-evaluation; midpoint (process) or summative
(product) assessment). Indicate the points where assessment occurs in the procedures section. Learning outcomes
should go beyond the creation and evaluation of the use of the thinking tools. Assessment may be based on one or
more of the following: interviews, observations, journals, essays, quizzes, tests, final products, and/or other learning
outcomes. Assessments can be conducted by the teacher, student peers, and/or the students themselves.
Assessment Timeline
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Assessment Methods Enter brief descriptions of what Enter brief descriptions of what
Assessment Activities assessment activities and methods will assessment activities and methods
Recording Methods be used during the unit. will be used at the end of the unit.
Talking to Learners
Concept mapping
Semantic web
Graphic organizer design
Comments on learner’s work
Self-assessment records
Written Feedback
Enter brief descriptions of what will Enter brief descriptions of what Enter brief descriptions of what
be completed as pre-assessment assessment activities and methods will assessment activities and methods
activities and methods be used during the unit. will be used at the end of the unit.
Enter brief descriptions of what will Enter brief descriptions of what Enter brief descriptions of what
be completed as pre-assessment assessment activities and methods will assessment activities and methods
activities and methods be used during the unit. will be used at the end of the unit.
Day 10
Enter brief descriptions of what assessment activities and methods will be used during the unit.
Essential items that have to be ordered or gathered to implement your unit and are
specific to the course of study. It is not necessary to include everyday items that are
common to all classrooms.
Technology – Hardware:
Technology devices needed to carry out the plan. These may include: cameras,
computer(s), DVD player, handheld devices, printer, projection system, scanner,
television, VCR, video camera, video conferencing equipment, etc.
Technology – Software:
Software programs and application needed to carry out the plan. These may
include: database/spreadsheet, desktop publishing, Web page development, word
processing software, multimedia, specific software programs, email, internet
browser, etc.
Internet Resources:
Web addresses (URLs) that support the implementation of your unit or Web sites
that students will use as a starting point for gathering information and evidence.
Other Resources:
Field trips, experiments, guest speakers, mentors, other students/classrooms,
community members, parents, etc.