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05-22 06:48:30.

397 1671 1671 I SystemServerTiming: InitPowerManagement

05-22 06:48:33.397 1671 1671 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135549675; UID 10129; state: ENABLED
05-22 06:48:40.397 1671 2325 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :1671
05-22 06:49:15.902 2941 4720 W System.err: at
05-22 06:49:16.361 2843 4679 D NetworkMonitor/100: isCaptivePortal:
isSuccessful()=true isPortal()=false RedirectUrl=null isPartialConnectivity()=false
05-22 06:49:21.397 1294 1294 D keystore: UPDATE begin, (10146)
05-22 06:49:23.973 3796 3858 I _V_Updater/SelfUpgradeUtils: lastSelfCheckTime:
1684672511562, currentTime: 1684709363973
05-22 07:17:31.373 1671 6945 E ActivityManager: 0% 4386/com.vivo.customtool: 0%
user + 0% kernel / faults: 397 minor 158 major
05-22 07:17:31.944 939 3971 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:939_5 expire 9
05-22 07:17:32.397 6444 7765 I _V_V-AppStore.DL_DownloadInfo:
startDownloadIfReady() isReady: false isActive: false
05-22 07:17:48.397 8587 8835 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
05-22 07:17:48.397 8587 8835 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
05-22 07:17:54.684 4200 4594 E native : E0000 00:00:1684711074.683970 4594
compactor.cc:78] Could not index embedding for docid 583: INTERNAL: Unable to find
Thing Proto section
05-22 07:18:30.397 11396 11494 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-22 07:18:49.397 1671 6667 I ActivityManager: Process
com.google.android.packageinstaller (pid 11670) has died: cch+45 CEM
05-22 07:18:52.810 1671 3293 V ActivityManager: Disconnecting binding
IntentBindRecord{b397099 CR
uth.APP_CERT pkg=com.google.android.gms}: shouldUnbind=true ,updateOomAdj=true
05-22 07:18:52.977 1671 1774 V ActivityManager: Disconnecting binding
IntentBindRecord{b397099 CR
uth.APP_CERT pkg=com.google.android.gms}: shouldUnbind=true ,updateOomAdj=true
05-22 07:22:41.397 754 816 E netd : QUERY_RESOLV_NETID command.uid:10211,
05-22 07:22:49.397 527 527 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
interface=vendor.vivo.hardware.vperf::IVPerf sid=u:r:gmscore_app:s0:c512,c768
pid=18744 scontext=u:r:gmscore_app:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
05-22 07:22:49.397 18744 18744 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
05-22 07:26:09.397 21734 21938 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-22 07:28:48.397 3980 4124 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-22 07:41:07.854 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 07:44:05.397 28276 28358 E HQSession.cpp: Peer closed with error
err=Connection abandoned msg=Error on socket write Network is unreachable, proto=,
client CID=, server CID=00000000, local=<uninitialized address>, <uninitialized
address>=upstream, drain=none
05-22 08:34:11.348 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 08:34:20.422 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 08:34:20.512 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 08:34:26.383 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 08:34:30.397 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 08:34:42.181 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 08:37:47.883 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 08:38:13.869 7964 10397 E libc : Access denied finding property
05-22 08:38:13.875 7964 10397 E libc : Access denied finding property
05-22 08:38:16.097 7964 10397 E libc : Access denied finding property
05-22 08:38:16.102 7964 10397 E libc : Access denied finding property
05-22 08:39:00.368 6085 6289 E HQSession.cpp: Peer closed with error
err=Connection reset msg=Peer reset proto=h3-fb-05, client CID=, server
CID=7af8d08e18f0b00c, local=,, drain=none
05-22 08:39:33.397 845 12972 E _V_mm-camera: <MCT ><ERROR> 998:
mct_controller_proc_bus_msg_internal: Failed to issue SOF cmd to all modules.
05-22 08:39:38.797 7964 10397 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-7964-10]
(id:1f1c0000000a,api:4,p:1235,c:7964) queueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
05-22 08:39:38.830 7964 10397 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-7964-10]
(id:1f1c0000000a,api:4,p:1235,c:7964) dequeueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
05-22 08:39:38.934 7964 10397 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-7964-10]
(id:1f1c0000000a,api:4,p:1235,c:7964) queueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
05-22 08:39:39.078 7964 10397 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-7964-10]
(id:1f1c0000000a,api:4,p:1235,c:7964) queueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
05-22 08:39:59.397 1671 1929 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
15113,uid: 10135
05-22 08:40:25.397 754 816 E netd : QUERY_RESOLV_NETID command.uid:10284,
05-22 08:41:11.397 1671 3276 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-22 08:41:12.397 1671 1929 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
17289,uid: 10163
05-22 08:46:11.397 20088 20088 E com.vivo.notes: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-22 08:56:22.397 1671 6790 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
05-22 08:58:41.397 17776 17776 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
05-22 08:59:15.397 7549 9954 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-22 08:59:33.397 4454 4473 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-22 09:00:30.397 1400 26842 E OMXNodeInstance:
getConfig(0xf68c8144:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000062)) ERROR:
05-22 09:01:07.492 939 939 I chatty : uid=1000(system)
/system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 397 lines
05-22 09:01:33.798 27324 27397 E _V_Updater/strategy/DSStrategy: trigger failed,for
network is not connected
05-22 09:01:34.434 27324 27397 E _V_Updater/strategy/DSStrategy: trigger failed,for
network is not connected
05-22 09:01:49.796 27324 27397 E _V_Updater/strategy/DSStrategy: trigger failed,for
network is not connected
05-22 09:23:54.643 1278 2185 E installd: Failed to free up 1048576000 on /data;
final free space 763039744: Success
05-22 09:23:54.681 1278 2185 E installd: Failed to free up 1048576000 on /data;
final free space 763039744: Success
05-22 09:43:48.397 2941 11644 E VivoPush.AbeProcessObserver: (2941)remove pid
error : pids is null
05-22 09:54:07.168 2869 3082 E _V_SchedWaitSched:
05-22 09:54:46.397 10912 10928 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
05-22 09:57:55.397 2895 3063 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66544
strType=android.sensor.ambient_light_scene delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.vivo.pem.core.hide.io.PemStateObserver$e num: 0
05-22 09:58:56.397 5322 5531 E _V_VCodeI/b: get count error from
trace_event_F332, no such table: trace_event_F332: , while compiling: SELECT
COUNT(*) FROM trace_event_F332
05-22 09:58:56.397 5322 5531 E _V_VCodeI/b: get count error from file_event_F332,
no such table: file_event_F332: , while compiling: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
05-22 10:01:17.397 1671 6797 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 2895:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
05-22 10:01:20.497 13952 13970 E libc : Access denied finding property
05-22 10:08:57.245 14796 14954 E FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding
to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 3971
05-22 10:08:57.297 14796 14958 E FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding
to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 3973
05-22 10:08:57.343 14796 14961 E FbnsAIDLClientManager: Max Try reached for binding
to FbnsAIDLService, threadId 3976
05-22 10:16:18.397 1671 1929 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
14743,uid: 10063
05-22 10:16:48.397 754 816 E netd : QUERY_RESOLV_NETID command.uid:10284,
05-22 10:23:29.397 1671 2032 E libprocessgroup: Error encountered killing process
cgroup uid 10178 pid 16567: Permission denied
05-22 10:30:50.932 1278 32684 D installd: Reconcile secondary dex path
67E61F6533/pcam.jar result=0
05-22 10:33:02.397 1671 2232 E WifiClientModeImpl: getWifiLinkLayerStats called
without an interface
05-22 10:33:44.397 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_FLOAT 236
05-22 10:33:46.397 930 1692 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
05-22 10:33:54.255 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 10:33:54.338 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 10:34:47.397 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 10:34:51.585 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 10:34:58.026 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 10:34:58.223 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 10:34:58.358 1671 1671 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT
05-22 10:36:58.352 859 1087 E qti_sensors_hal: vssc ticks convert to system
05-22 10:37:14.397 939 939 E HWComposer: getDisplayConnectionType:
getDisplayConnectionType failed for display 0: Unsupported (8)
05-22 10:37:37.473 22245 22245 W com.whatsapp: type=1400 audit(0.0:17397): avc:
granted { execute } for
dev="mmcblk0p63" ino=649957 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c23,c257,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c23,c257,c512,c768 tclass=file

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