Required Text: Financial Accounting, Volume 1,2 & 3 Latest Edition, Valix,
Conrado T. and Peralta, Jose F:
Course Description: A third Financial Accounting & Reporting course that deals
specifically with the preparation and presentation of the financial
statements and other related topics. It focuses on the
preparation a properly classified balance sheet, income statement,
statement of changes in equity, and statement of cash flows; the
concepts, principles and minimum requirements; the techniques of
financial statements preparation and presentation, as well as the
various techniques of the preparation and presentation of other
accounting topics such as the reconstruction of accounts from
incomplete records (single entry method), change from cash basis
to accrual basis of accounting, correction of errors, accounting
changes, discontinued operations, earnings per share, accounting
for changing prices, interim reporting, segment reporting and
other current related items. The students are expected (1) to
prepare the financial statements including the necessary
disclosures and explanatory notes and (2) to critique two or three
complete sets of financial statements of publicly listed