Corel Draw Poster Design
Corel Draw Poster Design
Corel Draw Poster Design
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Useful information:
Department of Biology IT Support - email - Department of Biology Graphics Office - email - - colour swatches are available to view in the graphics office Working files can be downloaded from - or - T:/resources/ptr2/PhD Poster Training/
Bitmap Vector shapes
Corel Photopaint is a Bitmap editing package and images are subject to resolution. Bitmaps are drawn by pixels; tiny squares of colour on screen. With a bitmap you can select a resolution by setting its DPI (Dots Per Inch), which then defines the use of the image if the image is to be used on the web or viewed on-screen only, you can set a low DPI, usually 72dpi. If the image is required for high quality printing, the resolution should be at least 300dpi at the physical size the image will be printed e.g. an image printed at 10cm x 10cm should have 300dpi, making a high file size, which is comparable to a low file size of a screen displayed image of the same dimensions but lower resolution. See examples below:
There are other vector drawing packages available on the market. Along with Corel Draw other industry leaders are Freehand, which was previously marketed by Macromedia (now part of Adobe software) whose future is now unclear and Adobe Illustrator as well as others. Each package has its own benefits of use and this user has no current preference, e.g. Corel Draw is capable of creating multi-page documents where Illustrator is not, where as Illustrator has more intuitive keyboard shortcuts (for this user anyway).
It has been traditional for this department to use the Corel Draw software to create posters due to its more robust nature during production and printing. The software does demand a lot of resources from your computer during the design process, but this is supported by its automated back-up feature, which saves a copy of the document at regular intervals and allows some peace of mind if your computer does crash. This history with Corel Draw also means there are key members of staff within the department who are able to support any query with either the technical setup or use of this software. The printing process can be straightforward or difficult depending on the origin of the file. There are differing operating systems available for many brands of computers, each of which may have varying capabilities and non-standard resources e.g. fonts. The designer (yourself) may add images and charts to a poster from a variety of sources, which can make it difficult for the Corel software to resolve during printing. The good point here is that Corel Draw has many features that allow the document to be printed or exported as expected by the designer, usually allowing for many escape plans if the software fails to print in its native format (.cdr). This is comparable to PowerPoint which is also used within this University to create posters, but which is not designed specifically for that task. PowerPoint allows very few options when it fails to print in its native format (.ppt), and regularly PowerPoint fails to print complex designs, especially when used to create posters of a non-standard size over A0. With the tight demands on your time, its is upsetting for you to spend many design hours on a poster which then fails to print.
context sensitive menu rulers / guides dockers swatch drawing tools document
1. Planning your poster 2. Creating and saving a Corel Draw file a. Setting the document dimensions b. Auto backup c. Quickcorrect / Spell check
5 6 6 6 7 8 8 12 13 13 14 14 16 21
3. Preparing the background 4. Using Guides and Dummies for margins and column layout 5. Adding column colouring 6. Text preparation and inserting a. Titles b. Sub-titles c. Body Text
1. PLANNING YOUR POSTER This first example is taken from an actual PhD submission and covers all the basic requirements for the task. When you are first given the task of preparing a poster, you should go through a stage of considering its purpose/message. Consider your research and discuss with your supervisor. Then plan the poster out, this can be done simply by scribbling ideas onto an A4 sheet of paper, which will represent the dimensions and orientation of your finished poster. An important consideration is to check where and how the poster will be displayed. This can be on poster boards of varying sizes, so it is clearly important to check whether your poster needs to be landscape or portrait to fit the display board. Check your deadlines and availability of your printer. Below are two examples of how a poster could be planned. The example on the right is the layout for the poster we will prepare in this section.
These to posters vary in the direction they are read (red lines). Make sure your poster reads easily.
How to access Auto Backup: 1. select Tools|Options 2. use the left panel of the dialogue box, and select from the tree Workspace|Save 3. On the right hand side you can select the options best for your project.
the Options Dialogue box IMPORTANT NOTE even though there is a back-up feature, it is wise to save your file at regular intervals, especially if you have made complex changes or additions to the design.
Now we can continue with the design for our poster. The poster is built up in layers (NOTE Corel Draw does have a Layers and we start with the base layer, the background. The base colour of the document can be set using the Page background menu item.
1. select Layout|Page Background you can see that Corel Draw then opens the Options dialogue box again at the correct place to edit the documents background colour. 2. Select Solid and choose a colour of your choice from the drop down menu 3. Select OK and the background of your poster is updated.
Dummies are shapes drawn by the designer which are used purely for construction purposes and then deleted afterward; in this case they are not a part of the finished design. They can be used as invisible objects with no colour in a design to force text to flow in a certain direction. We will use a dummy to measure the placement of our guidelines. On your poster follow these instructions to create the column layout 1. Click on the left vertical ruler, hold the left mouse button down and drag a guide toward the centre of your document. Place it toward the edge of the left hand side of your poster.
2. Do the same again, this time dragging from the top horizontal ruler to the top edge of the poster.
We will now create a dummy object, which we will use to place all our guides at precise points on our poster. from the Toolbox (left hand side of workspace). Click on the 3. Select the Rectangle tool Pasteboard, hold down the Control key on your keyboard and drag a constrained square. While it is still selected (it is highlighted with square anchor points at its four corners and central spot marked
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with a cross). We can set its dimensions using the context sensitive menu which is now available across the top of the screen. If the drawn square becomes deselected, before you have completed these instructions you can reselect it using the Pick tool.
change the dimensions to 20mm width by 20mm height. 4. With the new 20x20mm square selected, click on a bright colour from the swatch on the right hand side of the screen. A garish colour is better as this stands out and means you should be able to find the object easily when needed. Using this dummy and the Zoom tool guidelines. and Pick tool we can proceed to place our
5. Use the zoom tool to zoom to the top-left corner of your poster: with the zoom tool selected, click and drag a lassoo across this corner of your poster when you click and drag the Pick tool on a clear area of the workspace a dotted selection line is drawn, this can have various names but a common one is lassoo, and it can be used to select objects in Corel Draw. The screen will zoom to that point. You can left click the tool on the workspace and the screen will zoom out. Also note the context sensitive menu for the zoom tool at the top of the screen, which has quick features to zoom in and out to page dimensions on the click of a button.
now we are zoomed into the poster, use the pick tool and place the dummy object over the corner of the poster. 6. Now select and drag the guidelines weve drawn and place them on the edge of the dummy object. This dummy can be used again by placing it on the left hand bottom edge of the poster
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7. Using the same method, use the dummy to add a right hand side guideline and horizontal page footer guideline.
This method gives you practice using the zoom tool and is very precise. We can now use this method to map out the whole poster. So far we have added an all round 20mm margin for the poster. We now have to add the guides for the columns and text margins.
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, the widths fit our previous margins and the heights are given and
below. Give them a colour of your choice by selecting them with the pick tool clicking on a colour in the swatch (right of workspace). There is 10mm of vertical space between each box.
Use a dummy object of 10mm x 10mm, to add space between the section boxes, use the guidelines, which can be found by clicking and dragging from the rulers on the left and top of the workspace. To ease design dont forget to use your zoom tool to zoom in and out (left and right mouse click respectively) of your poster to make precise edits.
100mm 145mm
Section boxes
150mm 65mm
This completes the background to the poster; we can now begin to add the text, images and charts.
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For the following exercises all the text and images can be found at this web address: or on the network T:/resources/ptr2/PhD Poster Training/
For the web link: Select files from the list on the web page, Word files and PDFs will allow you to save them directly to a working space. Images will open in a new window and will require you to right click on the image select save image as and save it to an easily accessible personal file space.
Titles need to be a large font size, as they need to attract the attention of passers by. If the title is big enough and can be read from across a room, it could attract people to your poster where others are ignored. The minimum font size we will recommend is 36pt, but a font size of 70pt, 100pt or even 200pt will improve legibility from a distance. Make it fill as much space as possible and is tasteful. 1. From the web or network link (instructions top of page) Open the Word document training_poster_text.doc ready to copy text to your Corel Draw file. To add the title to our example poster, select and Copy the title from the WORD document Males Flower Earlier But is it Due to Leaf Phosphate? from the Tool box on the left of the and then working in Corel draw, select the Text tool Corel workspace, click in pasteboard area of the work space so you can see a cursor flashing, it does not matter where you click so long as its a clear area away from a box. Then Paste the title into the document. You can now either select the text with the Text tool or the Pick tool. While it is selected the Context sensitive menu allows options to edit the text. Make sure that font used is Arial, Bold and that the font size is 62pt. Then drag and place it onto the top section box using the Pick tool. Try to place it central horizontally on the document, use a guideline to be precise.
NOTE: In Corel Draw you have to be careful as when you click on a box with the text tool, it may turn that box into a joined drawing object and text box, which isnt always helpful.
You can fill in the rest of this section box with the Author and supervisor, font size 36pt note and the Contact details, font size 24pt. (as above diagram) The University of York logo will come later.
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A quick note on sub-titles they can be added in the same way as the Main Title, and placed carefully in the correct section. Font sizes should be bigger than the Body Text (see Below), but generally around the 24 to 36pt size. Titles and Sub-Titles should be given a clear colour difference to the main text of the poster, and it should be a colour that coordinates with your posters overall colour scheme.
The font size of for the sub-title is 40pt and the font size for the Introduction text is 28pt, the rest of the body text is 24pt. Use this method to add the rest of the document text. Use the following diagram as a guide.
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With need this image to be 185 x 117 mm. We are also going to fit it into a Circle mask. Using the Elipse tool draw a circle in a space near the imported image, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while drawing the circle to constrain its proportions, also pay attention to the context sensitive menu to make sure you can draw a circle and not an arc or segment. The circle should measure 117mm x 117mm.
Making sure you can see both the image and the newly drawn circle, select the image with the Pick tool, then select from the main menu Effects|Powerclip|Place inside container. Your mouse icon will turn into an arrow; use this by clicking on the edge of the circle. The image will be clipped into the circle, and the two are now a joined object. We can edit this shape further by selecting it with the Pick tool, hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and select a colour from the swatch. Choose White.
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With the object still selected, use the option on the Context sensitive menu to make the outline thicker, lets use 2.882mm.
Now place the image between the Aims and Methods Text areas, use your own judgment to make sure it is composed well within the space. Import and place the remaining images using the following diagram as a guide. The male / female flower images are clipped into squares, and the chart images are not.
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We will now add logos to the poster. Logos to consider are your host institution and funding bodies. On this poster we are adding logos for the University of York and the BBSRC. For this example the logos are available to collect from: and also at t:/resources/ptr2/phd poster training. Select the logos.pdf file from the list on the web page and save it to an easily accessible personal file space. Logos are image files and have the same file formats: Tiff, Jpeg, PNG, EPS. For this exercise they are available in a single PDF file. To import the logos into your document: 1. Select from the main menu, File|Import. Using the dialogue box that appears, navigate to the area where you have saved the logo.pdf file from the web page. Select this file and click import. The mouse icon will turn into a placement icon for imported objects. Click on a blank space in the Pasteboard. The logos will appear as a grouped object. The grouped object contains the two 2 logos, The University of York Logo and the BBSRC logo. Use the Pick tool, Select the logos, then click on the Ungroup icon that appears in the . This will ungroup every part of the logos, so we need context sensitive menu area to regroup them individually to make them easier to manage. Click and drag on a space toward the top right corner of the University of York logo, you will see a selection lassooo being drawn, this lassoo must encompass the whole logo to select it, if your lassoo is cutting through the logo, start again but arrange it so that the lassoo surrounds the logo without cutting into it. When the lassoo has surrounded the logo release the mouse button and the logo should be highlighted as a selected object.
Group icon
Click on the Group icon (shown above). Use the same method to regroup the BBSRC logo. 3. Use the Pick tool to place the University of York logo in a space near the poster title. If needed move the Author names to the left to create a space.
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Now use the same method to place the BBSRC logo at the foot of the poster, see diagram for reference.
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These are just a few notes which you should take into consideration or apply when you are creating a poster in a real life situation. 1) Once you have finished the layout of your poster, allow yourself a break, then come back to the file and using the Zoom tool make sure all the columns, text boxes, margins, images and logos are as well placed and aligned as possible. If the guides are obscuring your view, un-tick the View|Guidelines option. In particular make sure that text within text boxes is fully visible a text box can hold more text than is actually visible, and this is signified by an arrow icon in the bottom central handle (select with Pick tool to make anchors and handles visible).
Selected text box with handle and arrow icon Use the Pick tool to pull/stretch the handle downward to allow all text to be visible. Also make sure that text boxes, Images and Logos are not overlapping each other unless desired. 2) NATURAL DISASTERS - Save a copy of your poster onto an external area or media (memory stick, CD or network) as computers can always fail, crash, or even be stolen. Hard drives have been known to fail losing all data at the most inopportune moments. Always keep these backups up-to-date with any last minute changes.
3) If you are unsure about how the colours you have chosen will print, contact your printer for advice and a proof print. 4) If you think you need expert advice on the layout/design, contact help ( - Tel 328729, as soon as you can to allow time to make changes. 5) Have your supervisor and colleagues proof read your poster for you to check for typos, whether your information is scientifically correct and whether your design is acceptable to the a general audience. 6) Always allow time to get an A4/A3 proof from the printer, and to make any changes this might highlight.
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1. Planning your poster 2. Creating and saving the Corel Draw file 3. Background design a. Corel Trace and Colouring
23 23 24 24
b. Placement including: Shaping-Trimming / Welding / Intersecting 28 4. Adding Titles and Text a. Advanced text formatting b. Fonts / Converting to curves 5. Adding Images 6. Final checks 7. Printing 8. Saving the document 9. Exporting File Types (PDF) 30 31 31 32 21 32 33 33
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This part of the booklet is a general guide and any examples are for you to follow at your discretion. In this section the author assumes you have at least some basic experience of using Corel Draw for either illustrating or page layout. If you come across a reference to a technique you are not familiar with, it will be covered in the first section of this booklet on basic poster design. The term Advanced poster design is used loosely here. Good design improves the audiences experience of your poster, but whether it is basic or advanced isnt important so long as it is clear. The two examples in this booklet are no better than each other; they just employ different techniques and both have their value. We will cover a few of Corel Draws many abilities to enhance the design created in the basic poster design in section 1.
1. PLANNING YOUR POSTER Consider the purpose of the poster and whether the audience will be attracted to a particular type of design. Always check where the poster will be displayed and whether there are any restrictions on size and orientation. Ideas for design can be found from many sources: magazine layouts and adverts; web page design; shop displays; scientific journals, manufacturers catalogues and even other peoples posters. Check your deadlines and availability of your printer/print shop before you start.
For the following exercises all the text and images can be found at this web address: biology/graphics/ training.htm and T:/resources/ptr2/ PhD Poster Training/
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There isnt a great deal of difference in the way the text is set on the advanced poster, it has received a little bit more consideration which will be covered later. The main changes are to the background and consideration of the most graphically attractive point of the poster; its photographic content. The amount of text involved in this poster restricts the use of large images, so the background has been adapted to enhance the overall design. Keeping the design clean and unfussy is a priority. The colour scheme is simple, playing on the complimentarity of blue and pink. 1. Save the example file to an accessible location (your own personal work area). 2. Make sure you have copies of the following reference files, which area available from: or T:/resources/ptr2/PhD Poster Training/ poster_advanced-example.cdr poster_advanced-example-02.cdr
Posters can have quite decorative backgrounds: 1. One opinion is that 1 simple flat colour used to cover the whole of the background makes for the clearest and easiest to read poster; 2. The poster background can be divided into geometric shapes: rectangles; squares; circles or ellipses; and also divided by diagonals, to suit the flow of the text; 3. Another choice is to use one relevant image scaled to cover the whole or partial area of the background of the poster. This choice demands good design skills so that you are able to display the poster text over this image in a way that doesnt detract from the background, and at the same time stands out enough to be read easily; 4. You can also use an image to create a vector shape, which can then be used with simple colour to enhance the background.
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(If Corel Draw doesnt give you the option to Trace bitmap that is because on your current system this part of the Corel design suite isnt available follow from point 10). 2. Corel Trace has a two window interface; on the left is the bitmap image and on the right is the trace result window. On the 2nd horizontal toolbar is an Accuracy slider and Do Trace button.
The other useful tools are the Pick and Zoom tools. The Zoom tool is particularly useful so you can see the quality of either the bitmap or the trace result. 3. Be warned that applying a trace to a bitmap at high (100) accuracy will lock up the resources of your computer (depending on its ability). Experiment with the accuracy setting and click on the Do Trace button. See how varied the results can be (in the right window). For our task we need a low to medium setting. As the result we require is for a simple outline shape with a small amount of detail in the centre of the flower. Set the Accuracy to 37 and Click Do Trace. 4. To Get the result into Corel Draw, we have two options: we can File|Save Trace save as a .CMX file, which can be opened by Corel Draw, or we can Copy and Paste the result from Trace directly into Draw (the easy option). Use the Zoom tool to zoom out of the Trace result window, just enough so that you can see the whole image with white space around it. Use the Pick tool, and click on part of the image in the Trace result window. It should highlight that part of the image with red outlined blocks (Nodes). This is a necessary action to make the window and selection ability work. Now use the Pick tool to click in the white space around the image and draw a lassoo around the whole picture. This will select the whole content of that window (though it may not look like it).
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Now that the whole image is selected, select Edit|Copy from the main menu. Now move back to Corel Draw and the poster. Edit|Paste the image into the poster file. This may take a few extra seconds to apply. Lassoo drawn with Pick tool
10. Once we have the trace result pasted into the poster file, we can begin to edit it for our purpose. Use the Pick tool to move the trace result flower into the Paste Board so there is plenty of white space around it. The object is grouped, to ungroup it, Right click your mouse on the image and select Ungroup from the menu list. Now begin deleting all the coloured objects around the outside of the flower (greens and khaki colours), be careful not to delete any of the pink and mauve of the main petals. You should be left with something that looks like the example here on the left.
11. Draw a lassoo around the whole flower with the Pick tool, so all the individual remaining parts are selected together. Choose a colour from the Swatch (right of screen) and click on it to apply it to the whole flower shape. The hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and select an outline colour White from the swatch. 12. With the whole flower still selected, make sure it is ungrouped - right click and select Ungroup if available; this allows us to perform other options. Select from the main menu: Arrange|Shaping|Simplify this may take a few moments, be patient. Then right click on the whole flower again and select Combine from the menu list. This leaves us with a single shape that we can use as a coloured stencil or trim device.
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13. The final option is to change its outline setting to suit yourself, we can either have no outline, or a varying of thicknesses depending on your design ideas. Altering the Outline and Fill colours can enhance your design.
Other differences in this advanced poster example compared to the basic poster example are the use of Gradient Fills on background shapes. I have used the flower stencil shape to trim some drawn rectangles, added gradients and then I have stacked them on the poster background to add more dimensions to the design. Using shapes for trimming is covered in section 3b. Gradient Fills can be applied to any shape using the Gradient Fill tool. Select the shape you wish to edit. Click on the Gradient Fill bucket and use the dialogue box that opens. The highlighted areas show that you can: A. Set the Type: radial or linear. B. The angle and edge pad control direction and density. C. Colour blend; either two colour or multi-coloured as well as balancing the mid-point. D. Presets have some very good gradients to speed design, cylinders etc. Select your choice, apply OK and the gradient will fill the selected shape. If at any point you want to edit this gradient, select the shape and then double click on the Fill description window bottom right of your screen.
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Example rectangle shapes after being trimmed (see 3b) and gradients applied.
2. Draw two rectangles and place as shown. 3. Select the top rectangle, then select from the main menu Arrange|Shaping|Shaping this will open the Shaping Docker on the right hand side of your workspace. (Diagram following page). You may need to arrange the Dockers so that you can see the options clearly. Stretch the lines between the Dockers. 4. With the top rectangle still selected, on the Shaping Docker choose Trim from the drop down menu, click on the Trim button, your mouse icon will change, use this and click on the flower stencil. The Trim will apply and you can delete the top rectangle. Follow the same method to trim the left side of the flower stencil.
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Copy the new shape onto the poster file poster_advanced-2.cdr and place in the background. Use the Arrange|Order|To Back option from the main menu. You can use the Shift or Ctrl keys on your keyboard at the same time as pressing the Page up or Page down keys to move selected objects up and down in the stacking order of objects. Alternatively you can use the Object Manager Docker available by selecting Window|Dockers|Object Manager. This will open on the right of your workspace and if you expand Page 1 | Layer 1 you can click and drag objects up and down the stacking order. The Shaping Docker can be used to Trim, Weld or Intersect selected objects. Trim as we have seen will use Objects to cut into other objects. Weld will join objects together; useful for creating tubes and other illustrational devices. Intersect will generate a third shape from two used.
Intersect these two shapes and you will generate the 3rd shape (seen selected). Look at point 3.a. and use the flower stencil shape to enhance the background
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3. This tool may load up with a default setting which we dont want to use, it can apply shadows from different points of the selected object. To set the type of shadow we want to use click on the Presets drop down menu, found on the left of the context sensitive menu. Choose from the list: Flat Bottom Right, this will then apply to your selected shape or text. The shape will now have a shadow control arrow visible: you can click on this to alter the placement of the shadow (grab and drag the arrow); Click on the Slider to alter the Opacity of the shadow (also available on the context sensitive menu). On the context sensitive menu you can alter the amount of Feather the edge of the shadow has; for a more crisp edge.
Left to right: Opacity and Feather settings, and on the end is the remove shadow option.
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In this advanced example there is no difference to how an image is imported and placed on the poster than that shown in the Basic example. See page 16, which also shows how to clip an image into a shape. However do note this menu which is available when you right click on an image that has been clipped into a shape. The options to Edit, Extract and Lock the content make it easy to manage this object. The Lock option is useful when cropping the image to your requirements, but you must remember to relock the image afterward.
See page 21.
You will need to proof print your poster, so that you can get a general idea what it may look like on paper, and also to get an idea of what the colours may look like when printed. Files from Corel Draw or indeed any design software can look very different when moved from one computer/printer to another. Always allow time to check the file on another system especially the computer of the print shop and print proof. The print dialogue box has 5 tabs. The most relevant are: The General tab, which allows you to set which printer to use and how many copies. The properties button allows you to access the print driver so that you can set orientation. If you have more than one document to print, you can select the Documents radial button and add them to the current print list. The Layout tab is important as it gives you the option to Fit to Page, which you will need to do when printing a poster onto an A4 sheet for a proof. The Misc tab has an option at the bottom of the pane to allow Rasterizing the print image, which turns the print image into a picture. This can be necessary when the document has trouble printing because it is too complex. The Issues tab will give some necessary and unnecessary warnings about the print job, e.g. use of low quality images.
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