This receipt is for a process fee payment of Rs. 25,000 made by MDSS located in Ward No 9 Behind Mohta Dharmsala Teh Rajgarh Distt Churu Raj 331023, Rajasthan, India. The payment was made on May 15, 2023 at 19:46:21 for the RAJKVIK general EOI with reference number RSLDC/EoI/2023-24/1-RAJKViK General through Billdesk and the transaction was successful.
This receipt is for a process fee payment of Rs. 25,000 made by MDSS located in Ward No 9 Behind Mohta Dharmsala Teh Rajgarh Distt Churu Raj 331023, Rajasthan, India. The payment was made on May 15, 2023 at 19:46:21 for the RAJKVIK general EOI with reference number RSLDC/EoI/2023-24/1-RAJKViK General through Billdesk and the transaction was successful.
This receipt is for a process fee payment of Rs. 25,000 made by MDSS located in Ward No 9 Behind Mohta Dharmsala Teh Rajgarh Distt Churu Raj 331023, Rajasthan, India. The payment was made on May 15, 2023 at 19:46:21 for the RAJKVIK general EOI with reference number RSLDC/EoI/2023-24/1-RAJKViK General through Billdesk and the transaction was successful.
This receipt is for a process fee payment of Rs. 25,000 made by MDSS located in Ward No 9 Behind Mohta Dharmsala Teh Rajgarh Distt Churu Raj 331023, Rajasthan, India. The payment was made on May 15, 2023 at 19:46:21 for the RAJKVIK general EOI with reference number RSLDC/EoI/2023-24/1-RAJKViK General through Billdesk and the transaction was successful.
Company Address : WARD NO 9 BEHIND MOHTA DHARMSALA TEH RAJGARH DISTT CHURU RAJ 331023 State : RAJASTHAN Purpose : Payment For Process Amount : 25000.00 Mode : Billdesk