Academic Reading Strategies Used by Leeds Metropol
Academic Reading Strategies Used by Leeds Metropol
Academic Reading Strategies Used by Leeds Metropol
Samira Sohail
Educational Consultant, Uk
Academic Reading Strategies Sohail
An effective student must be equipped with various reading strategies
in order to understand a text efficiently and resolve the potential Literature Review
uncertainties. Success at university level is depended on the level
of academic skills the students bring with them, which includes Reading is a receptive skill for which the reader has to decode in
reading, writing, critical thinking, and oral presentations. The order to construct the meaning of the text and the skill is extremely
university faculty usually take these skills for granted, assuming important for students as well as professionals. It is the process of
that they have already been developed during their higher secondary constructing meaning from written texts (Anderson, 2011). It is a
education period (Erickson, Peters, & Strommer, 2006). complex skill that requires readers to coordinate consistent sources
of information to construct meanings from the text, for which the
Academic reading is different from other types of reading and readers have to establish an interaction between the reader’s contextual
the length and level of texts vary at various stages. These texts are information, meaning from a printed text, and the reading framework.
challenging as they have philosophies which are expressed in a
complex language and may include challenging words and sentences. Leki Models of reading
(2001) states, “Academic reading involves a wide and exhaustive
reading of texts, which are subject explicit and include a thorough Comprehending a text is an interactive process which is done by using
amalgamation of data from various resources” (p. 88). Applying academic three models of reading. The first is the traditional theory or bottom-up
reading strategies successfully largely depend on the awareness and processing, which focuses on the printed form of a text; the second
flexibility of using these strategies. Shuyun and Munby (1996) believe is the cognitive view or top-down processing, which enhances the
that academic reading is a very thoughtful, serious, and multifaceted role of background knowledge in addition to what appears on the
process. Taking this view into consideration, it may not be over ambitious printed page; and the third is the metacognitive or interactive view,
to specify that the second language learners should be active in developing which controls and manipulates the act of comprehending a text and
a wide range of reading strategies, which helps them overcome difficulties emphasizes on the involvement of the reader’s thinking about what
when they encounter comprehension issues. he is doing while reading.
It is usually noted, that students at tertiary level have to read content The bottom up model involves a series of steps the reader has to go
specific texts on regular basis and most of them are unaware of the through, which involves moving from one step to another, recognising
reading strategies to be used and thus take a relatively longer time to the key features of every letter, word, and sentence and reaching the
read and understand the texts; therefore, the author deemed it very meaning of the text (Gough, 1985). This model focuses on the text
important to find out the approaches and strategies used by the university as the merging of encoded messages to be interpreted and the aim is
students and explore the incidences of the strategies used by them. automatic word recognition and rapid reading rate. Clear instructions
Cheng (2009) verifies this notion and states that reading is an essential in phonics and spellings are essential and the students should not be
skill at the tertiary level for all learners to master and succeed in word-bound in the bottom-up processing (Grabe, 1991). Some psychologists
university tasks, tests, and assignments. The research question for define this model as data driven and the data refers to letters and
this study is: words which are written on the page.
What reading approaches are used by university level students when The top-down model is useful when the readers want to make sense
interpreting academic reading materials? of the complete text in order to make a logical guess for the next step
(Nuttall, 1996). Readers make sensible use of top-down model when
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they try to see the complete purpose of the text or get a vague idea of and allow them to think in a different way by helping them to be
the writer’s arguments. Unlike bottom-up model, the top-down model focused and identify what they want to accomplish from their reading.
is a view which presumes that the reader uses prior knowledge, experience, Academic reading is different from other forms of reading because
and beliefs while reading a text. This model is also defined as theory it is complex and discipline-specific. It is carefully created from
driven model as it deals with philosophies or perceptions embedded a number of sources and consciously requires looking into the authors’
in the minds of the readers while reading. Smith (1985) argues that intensions and purposes. Academic reading is a measured, challenging and
by using this model, a reader will come to know more about the text multifaceted process in which students are dynamically engaged with
by searching for minimum information from the text. This means a range of reading strategies. Academic reading improvement is
that the more the students know beforehand about the topic and text to possible provided students work on it and there are no short cuts
be read, the less they need to use graphic information on that page. or remedies which will cure the reading problems. Reading
This type of reading is used to understand expectations and draw improvement is hard work and a difficult task, but it is rewarding
implications. as well. Nevertheless, this process is only possible if the readers use
a series of categories of analysis, some of which are specific to
The interactive model tries to make bottom-up and top-down models each academic discipline. Thus, working with a text and recreating
work together. This model states that the reading process is originated its meaning entail both non discipline specific and specific strategies,
by framing suggestions about the gist and working out the meaning which the expert reader incorporates intuitively while reading (Hermida,
of letters and words. The model includes both perceptual and cognitive 2009); thus, “Making students skilful is a skill and a teacher needs
processes (Rumelhart, 1977). In other words, this process is an interaction to learn this skill” (Gull, 2014). Therefore, teachers in each discipline
between a set of a variety of orthographic, syntactic, lexical, and need to teach both the general analytical tools and the
semantic information. discipline- specific values and strategies that facilitate disciplinary reading
and learning.
Defining academic reading
Investigating learners’ use of reading strategies is important for
Sengupta (2002) defines academic reading as “Purposeful and critical researchers because the results can suggest and explain how readers
reading of lengthy academic texts for studying specific major subject interact with the text they read and use different reading strategies
areas” (p. 3). According to Faizah (2004), academic reading is focused to understand the text. Reading strategies benefit learners to monitor
and is different from day to day reading. Levine, Ferenz, and Reves their own reading, help them to decide whether comprehension is
(2000) are of the opinion that the skill to read academic texts is taking place and decide if they need to take further action for the
regarded most crucial, which the university students need to undertake. lack of their comprehension. Researchers have often used skills and
Research on academic reading has examined a list of strategies used strategies simultaneously. According to Paris and Winograd (1983),
by the competent and the incompetent readers (Adomson, 1990; “Strategies are deliberate movements which the students choose to
Anderson, 1991; Block, 1985; Yau, 2005). Some researchers examined attain positive aim and objectives” (p. 22). Reading strategies are
the academic reading strategies used by mature students bearing in often regarded as those activities designed to help students before,
mind the hypothetical impact of the common strategies used by the during and after they read. It is important to note that reading strategies
students. Students have to come across reading material which is like reading skills are not always successful and a definition of reading
much advanced and they should have the skills to grasp the main strategies does not entail only positive and useful actions. In this
thoughts, philosophies, themes, and opinions from the academic text. view of learning, deliberate reading strategies often become fluent
Academic reading strategies familiarize the students with new concepts
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reading skills. Skills and strategies may serve the same goals and University of Southampton (2009). The rationale of this study was
may result in the same behaviour. to gather data on the approaches used by university level learners
on the Reading Academic Materials course and collect data and
Critical reading strategies incidences of the numerous reading strategies. The statistics of the
research was gathered from the students studying at The Leeds
Critical reading is an interactive process that uses several levels Metropolitan University in the academic year 2013-2014.
of thoughts concurrently. Citical readers constantly ask questions
about the texts they read to solve the unanswered questions based on Research tool
the texts. Critical reading is a necessary skill as it assists the student to get
a clear picture of what the author is trying to express in an effectual The questionnaire was adapted and modified from the Reading
and well-organized manner. Such readers question what they read, Academically questionnaire published by the University of Southampton
accept or reject the writer’s opinion, evaluate, and decide. Many (2009). Selection of statements for the present study was done from
definitions of critical readings have emerged, especially since the late Section 2 of the questionnaire on Reflecting on your Reading Style
20th century because of its importance in the academic lives of the which had three sub-sections: (a) need to improve your efficiency
students. Reading critically means to read with a sceptical attitude and reading strategy, (b) need to improve your interacting with text reading
thinking of more than one angle on the issue. There are four divisions strategy, and (c) need to improve your critical reading strategy. The
within it, that is, comprehension, interpretation, analysis and evaluation questionnaire had open ended statements and and also there were
(Xue, 2013). Barnett (2008) believes that critical reading assists a questions where the participants answered on a 5-point Likert scale
student to understand an article by working through a series of stages ranging from 1 to 5 (1 = I strongly agree; 2 = I agree; 3 = I disagree;
to accomplish an opinion of what is being read. Combs (1992) used 4 = I strongly disagree; 5 = I don’t know). The participants were
children’s books to teach critical reading skills, defines critical reading as directed to tick the answer that best corresponded to their level of
reasonable reflective thinking, focusing and deciding on what to believe understanding for each affirmation.
and do. Critical reading strategies entail circling the main words and
ideas, assigning a topic for each paragraph, and jotting down opinion The questionnaire had 24 statements and it was ensured that they
notes and questions in the margin for future referencing. To analyze tallied with the objectives of the research. The sections of the questionnaire
and comprehend the text holistically, the student has to develop personal were classified into ‘Efficiency Reading Strategies’, ‘Interacting
reading strategies (Nasrollahi, Krishnasamy & Noor, 2015), which with Text Reading Strategies’, and ‘Critical Reading Skills Strategies’.
may include (a) pre- reading: preview the text, pay attention to print Each strategy had eight statements. After finalising the questionnaire
features and text structures; (b) while-reading: mark sections in the text, a pilot study was carried out with five students to improve the standard
make connections between the text and reader’s personal experience of the statements. The rationale for pilot survey was to check the
and knowledge, monitor comprehension of the text, summarize the accuracy of instructions as understood by the participants of the
key points after reading; (c) post-reading: relate the text to real life pilot study. The pilot survey helped attain better information to confirm
situations based on general discussion in the classroom. if the survey was effective in fulfilling the study. The questionnaire
was amended and improved in the light of the problems faced by the
Methodology participants in answering the responses.
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Participants Findings
The questionnaire was administered to nine male and 21 female The questionnaire was divided into two sections. The first sought
students, totalling to 30 participants in all. The participants were demographic information of the participants and the second section
under-graduate and post-graduate students from Leeds Metropolitan had Reading Academically questionnaire consisting of 24 statements.
University, Headingley Campus and they varied in age, gender, and
their reading habits. The main objective to choose this group of students Demographic survey
for the research study was to emphasize only on the students studying
at this campus and in addition, the author being a student at this campus site The demographic section of the survey showed that for gender, there
found it convenient and suitable to access the participants without were 30% male and 70% female participants. The age survey result
any difficulty. ranged from 16 to 59 years old. The survey participants studying hours
per day varied from 1 – 6 hours. 56.7% participants were under-graduates
Ethical consideration and 43.3% were post graduates.
Research ethics was strictly followed as per the University’s policy, Efficiency reading strategies
which included approval of the proposal by the University Research
Committee and getting consent from the participants and ensuring anonymity. Table 1 shows the overall results of Efficiency Reading Strategies.
Students were given a choice of withdrawal from the project at any 75% was taken as a strategy being widely used (or not) by all participants.
point in time, and the option of sharing the data with students before
submitting the thesis was also present. The questionnaire analysis Table 1. Efficiency reading strategies
was kept anonymous, confidential and saved in a password protected
folder on the computer. Lastly, agreeing and complying with the university’s
policy and procedure, project conformation, and uploading the consent
form and questionnaire was carried out.
Data analysis
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Table 1 shows the result of Efficiency Reading Strategy. The analysis are young, less experienced teenagers and adult readers with an inadequate
suggests that most participants used strategy number 5 ‘I change the metacognitive knowledge of reading” (p. 40).
speed of my reading according to the purpose’, which is a successful
reading strategy. 75% of the participants used strategy 3 and 8 ‘I Table 2. Interacting with text reading strategy
have to read and re-read sections’ and ‘I find some books or articles
difficult to understand’. The result suggests that the participants were
efficient readers, but did not have good reading skills in some areas.
Strategies 2 and 6 were used by 50% of the participants. The data
when analyzed with gender suggest that strategy 7 and 8 were used
by male participants as they were less in number than female participants.
The data when analyzed with age suggest that strategy 1, 3, 5, 7
and 8 were mostly used by age group 20–29 years old. The analysis
with hours of study per day suggested that most of the participants
studied 1–2 hours per day, some studied 3–4 hours per day and only
a few studied 5–6 hours per day. Analysis with academic level
suggested that mostly under-graduate level students used strategy 1,
2, 3, 5 and 8.
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prior opinion, examine their reading skill, stress on views collected in which the learner responds critically to what they are reading by
from reading the text, and motivate critical thinking when reading connecting the gist of the reading material to particular criteria, principles,
a text. approaches or philosophies” ( p. 134).
Table 3. Critical reading skills strategy Discussion
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reading academic texts and significant number of the participants 1. Teachers must know how to teach reading strategies taking certain
had bad reading habits. variables into consideration such as age, gender, hours of study, and
academic level.
Effective strategies are the measures which the readers
practice to make the reading atmosphere favourable (Teoh, 1996). 2. It would be useful to assess which reading strategies students use
Affective reading strategies are strategies which readers use to spotlight when reading texts of different lengths, difficulties, and topics.
awareness, retain attentiveness, cope with implementation, establish,
maintain and manage motivation, and time efficiently (Weinstein & 3. A study should be undertaken to highlight the relation between
Meyer, 1991). Oxford (1990) opines that self-reinforcem e n t a n d participants’ use of reading strategies and years of studying English.
constructive discussions are instances of such strategies. The analysis
of the strategies also indicate that students’ perceptions towards effective 4. It would be useful to carry out the same research further with a
reading strategies varied. Students perceived some reading approaches larger group of students studying at different universities in UK or
more effective than the others. It can be stated that all students identified other countries and compare their results.
some academic reading strategies more significant than others and
had some dissimilarities towards effective reading strategies by gender, Conclusion
age, hours of study per day, and academic level.
This study aimed to examine the perceptions of university students
Academic reading was important for each student. The students towards academic reading strategies. The students were basically
were not familiar with all reading strategies assessed in this study. aware of the reading strategies provided in the study, but used some
A small number of participants were uncertain whether the reading reading strategies more than the others. The results of this survey
strategies would be useful or not. In other words, some students had suggest that the participants on balance have proficient reading skills.
little or no practice with the reading strategies. The data also reflect Mastering academic reading skills takes time and practice and the
that students did not have proficient reading strategies. Most importantly, learners have to have patience and faith in their ability to master
the participants of the study were aware of the significance of having the skills. A small number of participants were uncertain whether reading
a rationale in mind before reading. strategies would be useful or not. In other words some students have
little or no practice with the reading strategies. Consequently, learners
Recommendations and way forward need to be familiarised with a range of reading strategies and must
practice them frequently in order to make them their own strategies.
The outcomes of this research can be useful for both the tutors and The constraint of the data gathered from the questionnaire was due
students to acquire the reading strategies that suit them independently. to the fact that the sample size was too small and restricted to those
This study shows that the university students have various approaches students who were enrolled in academic skills course and it was
to reading and these differ from person to person. Although they are difficult to find significant relationships from the data, as statistical tests
familiar with almost all the reading strategies, yet they do not follow normally require a larger sample size to ensure significant results.
them. The suggestions of this study can be useful for students who Recommendations and suggestions have been put forward to improve
want to reconsider their set perceptions of reading strategies. Guidance academic reading strategies and for further research.
in this respect can assist students become more effective readers.
Accordingly some further recommendations can be made such as:
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