Uc 1 Hand Out
Uc 1 Hand Out
Uc 1 Hand Out
PEST-is a destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc.
Kinds of PEST
• Pathogens-includes fungi,bacteria,mollecutes, and viruses.
• Weeds-includes all vascular plants.
• Nematodes-roundworms.
• Mollusks-slugs and snail.
• Vertebrates-includes amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
• Insects-belongs to class insecta a six legged animals which considered as the biggest class among the animal
• Man-is considered as distinct among pests of vegetables because of the potential knowledge of doing what is
right or wrong. He is considered pests when he destruct lives and properties.
• Animals-are considered pest when they are astray and destruct the crops.
• Birds-belongs to class avis among the animal kingdom and considered pests for they feed on the different parts
of the vegetable crops.
• Rats and Rodents-are among the vertebrates and considered as one of the destructive pests of vegetables.
• Slugs and Snail-are mollusks which destruct the vegetable crops in all stage of growth.
usual manifestations of N, P, K, deficiency
N deficiency – stunted plant growth; yellowing of older leaves, generally at the bottom of the plant while remaining
leaves are often pale green in color.
Nitrogen helps stem and leaf growth.
P deficiency - marked discoloration of small leaves into reddish-purple; leaf tips may look burnt while older leaves
are almost black
Potassium helps with fruit formaAon and photosynthesis. Aids in disease
K deficiency - development of interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the leaf veins); older leaves may look
scorched around the edges and/or wilted
Sulphur deficient
Nature of damage (borer, miner, leaf feeder, leaf curling, etc.)
Extent of damage (number of plants / plots affected / size of area)
Population counts of natural enemies
Environment (soil fertility, soil type, weather conditions, topography, water, etc.) and other relevant information
(e.g. crop variety, cropping pattern/system, stage of crop, etc.)
It has high porosity, easily drained Cropping pattern refers to the proportion of land under
cultivation of different crops at different point of time.
It is poor in nutrient
In order to obtain maximum yields, different patterns of
cropping are practiced which includes;
Clayey soil is a soil sample in which clay fraction is Monocroping- (this practice allows spread of pests
more than 25% of the mixture and other diseases)
Characteristics of clayey soil: Mixed cropping- 2 or more crops are grown on the
same land simultaneously. This is done to minimize risk
It is reddish brown in color of failure of one of the crops.
It has a high water holding capacity
The crops to be grown together should have different Maize and soybean are examples of crops
maturation time and different water requirements. It intercropped.
should be one tall and one dwarf crop grown together.
One crop should have deep roots while the other Crop rotation are different crops grown on the same
should be shallow.in this type of cropping, pest land in preplanned succession. Legumes are included
infestation is minimized and crop yield increases. in the crop rotation to increase soil fertility. Advantages
of this type of cropping is that the growth of weeds and
Intercropping is the practice of growing more than one pests are prevented. A lot of chemical fertilizers are not
crop on the same field at the same time in a definite required.
row pattern. After one row of the main crop, three rows
of intercrop can be grown. This increases productivity.. Cropping patterns are beneficial in improving the
Advantages in this type of cropping is that the spread of fertility of the soil which can increase yields of crops
diseases and pests are controlled, the space and time and also ensures crop protection and availability of
of growing more than one crop is saved. nutrients to the crops.
Identity of pests and their natural enemies, and beneficial organisms, including life cycle and behavior
Why is it important to understand the life For crucifiers, the most susceptible
cycle of pests? stages to insect pests are seedling and
vegetative stage.
Understanding the pest’s life cycle is
necessary to be able to know how and For cucurbits legumes and solanaceous
when to monitor for it, determine its most crops the most susceptible stages to
destructive stage and know when it is most insect pests are seedling, vegetative and
susceptible to control measures (i.e. the fruiting stages.
best time to apply control measures). It is
also equally important to know where it For diseases, the crops are usually most
starts to develop. susceptible at their seedling to
vegetative stages.
2. SEDGES Common disease of vegetables
3. Broadleaf weeds