Nouns and Pronoun
Nouns and Pronoun
Nouns and Pronoun
Above each, classify them as Proper (P), Common (COM), Mass (M), Collective (COL),
Abstract (A), Count (CNT).
4. The union of the lands claimed by Spain and England came much later.
5. Visitors to that town in Florida can see houses built in the old style.
9. The pilgrims hoped for friendship with the natives but were not always fair to them.
10. Pocahontas was captured by the English and given a new name.
II. Circle the pronoun in each sentence. On the line in front of each sentence, write “S” if the
pronoun is a subject pronoun or “O” if the pronoun is an object pronoun
Pronouns. Box the pronouns. Above each, classify them as Personal (P), Relative(REL), Reflexive (REF), Intensive (I),
Demonstrative (D), Interrogative (INT), and Indefinite (IND).
6. Chinua Achebe, whose native country is Nigeria, won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1989.
8. After the twins assembled the ingredients, they looked for the muffin tins.
10. Before you mop the floor, please move the chairs.
11. Don’t wear the new boots until you waterproof them.
15. He soon found himself at the forefront of commercial peach production in Georgia.