IPsec - VPN - After Edit
IPsec - VPN - After Edit
IPsec - VPN - After Edit
Prepared by:
Osama Juma Sabra
Supervised by:
Mr. Abdulsalam Yahya
September 2022
I certify that the preparation of this project entitled Implementation of IPsec-VPN
Tunneling using (EVE-NG) Emulated virtual environment With Wireshark
Prepared by Osama juma sabra, it was conducted under my general supervision,
College of Information Technology, Networking Department, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Networks.
Name: Abdul Salam Yahya (Supervisor)
Signature: ------------------------------
Date: ------------------------------------
The Internet provides less guarantee of security in the process of information
exchange. Virtual Private Network (VPN) IP Security (IPsec) based has been
implemented to overcome these issues and provide remotely secure connection for
clients to exchange information with company networks.
AVPN is a private network that uses a public network (usually the Internet) to connect
remote sites or users together. Instead of using a dedicated, real-world connection
such as leased line, a VPN uses "virtual" connections routed through the Internet from
the company's private network to the remote site or employee.
The testing show what inside the packet the result was the packets are encrypted over
the Tunnel, the evaluation results show the shows the successful verification of the
security strategy of IPsec and data are hashed and encrypted.
Table of contents
Chapter One: Introduction...........................................................................................................7
1.1 Virtual private network.....................................................................................................7
1.2 VPN PROTOCOLS............................................................................................................8
1.2.1 Link layer.........................................................................................................................8
1.2.2 Network layer..................................................................................................................8
1.2.3 Session layer.....................................................................................................................9
1.3 Types of VPN.......................................................................................................................9
1.4 Tunneling.............................................................................................................................9
1.5 Problem statement..............................................................................................................9
1.6 Research Objectives..........................................................................................................10
1.7 Research question.............................................................................................................10
1.8 Research importance........................................................................................................10
1.9 Lecture review...................................................................................................................10
1.10 Research methodology......................................................................................................11
Chapter Two: Background.........................................................................................................12
2.1 Virtual private network...................................................................................................13
2.2 Types of VPN connections................................................................................................15
2.2.1 Remote-Access VPN......................................................................................................16
2.2.2 Site-to-Site VPN.............................................................................................................17
2.3 VPN PROTOCOLS..........................................................................................................19
2.3.1 Link layer.......................................................................................................................19 PPTP...............................................................................................................................19 L2TP...............................................................................................................................19
2.3.2 Network layer................................................................................................................19 IPsec................................................................................................................................19
2.3.3 Session layer...................................................................................................................21 SSL / TLS.......................................................................................................................21
2.4 Comparing Different VPN Technologies........................................................................21
2.5 Tunneling...........................................................................................................................23
2.5.1 Tunneling: Site-to-Site..................................................................................................23
2.5.2 Tunneling: Remote-Access...........................................................................................23
2.6 IPsec Framework..............................................................................................................24
2.7 IPsec Protocols..................................................................................................................26
2.7.1 AH...................................................................................................................................26
2.7.2 ESP.................................................................................................................................26
2.8 IPsec Modes of Operations..............................................................................................27
2.9 Confidentiality...................................................................................................................28
2.10 Data Integrity....................................................................................................................28
2.11 Origin Authentication......................................................................................................29
2.12 IKE.....................................................................................................................................30
2.12.1 IKEv1 Phase 1...............................................................................................................30
2.12.2 IKEv1 Phase 2...............................................................................................................31
2.13 Benefits of VPN.................................................................................................................32
Chapter Three: Related Studies.................................................................................................33
4.1 Lecture review...................................................................................................................34
Chapter Four: Research Methodology......................................................................................40
4.1 Network tool......................................................................................................................41
4.1.1 Why choose EVE-NG....................................................................................................41
4.1.2 Some Features:..............................................................................................................41
4.2 Network model..................................................................................................................42
4.3 Background / Scenario.....................................................................................................42
4.4 Objectives..........................................................................................................................43
4.5 Addressing Table..............................................................................................................43
4.6 Basic configuration...........................................................................................................43
4.7 Installing configuration....................................................................................................44
4.7.1 Tripoli Router................................................................................................................44
4.7.2 Misrata Router..............................................................................................................46
4.8 VPN configuration............................................................................................................48
4.8.1 Part 1: Configure IPsec Parameters on Tripoli_Router...........................................49 Step 1: Identify interesting traffic on Tripoli_Router...............................................49 Step 2: Configure the IKE Phase 1 ISAKMP policy on Tripoli_Router.................50 Step 3: Configure the IKE Phase 2 IPsec policy on Tripoli_Router........................50 Step 4: Configure the crypto map on the outgoing interface....................................51
4.8.2 Part 2: Configure IPsec Parameters on Misrata Router...........................................51 Step 1: Configure router Misrata to support a VPN with Tripoli Router ..............51 Step 2: Configure the IKE Phase 1 ISAKMP properties on Misrata Router.........52 Step 3: Configure the IKE Phase 2 IPsec policy on Misrata Router........................53
5 Step 4: Configure the crypto map on the outgoing interface....................................54
4.9 Part 3: Verify the IPsec VPN...........................................................................................54
4.9.1 Show crypto isakmp policy...........................................................................................55
4.9.2 Show crypto ipsec transform-set.................................................................................55
4.9.3 Show crypto map...........................................................................................................56
4.9.4 Debug crypto isakmp....................................................................................................56
4.9.5 Debug crypto ipsec........................................................................................................57
4.9.6 Show crypto isakmp sa.................................................................................................57
4.9.7 Show crypto ipsec sa.....................................................................................................57
4.10 Simulation Test.................................................................................................................59
4.11 IKE (Internet Key Exchange)..........................................................................................60
4.11.1 IKE Phase 1...................................................................................................................61
4.11.2 IKE Phase 2...................................................................................................................65
Chapter Five: Conclusion...........................................................................................................67
5.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................68
5.2 Future work.......................................................................................................................68
Figure 2.1 : VPN structure.............................................................................................................15
Figure 2.2 : types-of-virtual-private-network................................................................................15
Figure 2.3 : Remote-Access VPN..................................................................................................16
Figure 2.4 : Site-to-Site VPN.........................................................................................................17
Figure 2.5 : IPsec in transport and tunnel mode............................................................................20
Figure 2.6 : IPsec Framework Components..................................................................................26
Figure 2.7 : ESP Encryption and Authentication...........................................................................27
Figure 2.8 : KE Phase 1 Main Mode.............................................................................................31
Figure 2.9 : KEv1 Phase 2.............................................................................................................32
Figure 4.1 : Network model...........................................................................................................42
Figure 4.2 : crypto isakmp policy command.................................................................................55
Figure 4.3 : crypto ipsec transform-set command.........................................................................56
Figure 4.4 : crypto map command.................................................................................................56
Figure 4.5 : crypto isakmp command............................................................................................57
Figure 4.6 : crypto ipsec command................................................................................................57
Figure 4.7 : crypto isakmp sa command........................................................................................57
Figure 4.8 : crypto ipsec sa command...........................................................................................58
Figure 4.9 : Tunneling test using Ping...........................................................................................59
Figure 4.10 : Captured traffic by Wireshark..................................................................................60
Figure 4.11 : ISAKMP establishment process...............................................................................60
Figure 4.12 : First packet...............................................................................................................61
Figure 4.13 : Second packet...........................................................................................................62
Figure 4.14 : Third packet.............................................................................................................63
Figure 4.15 : Fourth packet............................................................................................................63
Figure 4.16 : fifth packet...............................................................................................................64
Figure 4.17 : sixth packet...............................................................................................................64
Figure 4.18 : first packet................................................................................................................65
Figure 4.19 : Second packet...........................................................................................................65
Figure 4.20 : Third packet.............................................................................................................66
Table 2.1 : VPN Features and Characteristics...............................................................................18
Table 2.2 : Different VPN Security services.................................................................................22
Table 2.3 : Encryption and Authentication protocols and algorithms...........................................23
Table 4.1 : Addressing Table.........................................................................................................43
Table 4.2 : ISAKMP Phase 1 Policy Parameters...........................................................................48
Table 4.3 : IPsec Phase 2 Policy Parameters.................................................................................49
Table 4.4 : verifying commands....................................................................................................54
List of Abbreviations
(VPN) Virtual Private Network.
(ISP) Internet Service Provider.
(IPsec) Internet Protocol Security.
(AH) Authentication Header.
(ESP) Encapsulated Security Payload.
(NAS) network access server.
(L2F) Layer 2 Forwarding.
(L2TP) Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol.
(PPTP) Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol.
(SSL) Secure Sockets Layer.
(GRE) generic routing encapsulation.
(SA) Security Association.
(IKE) Internet Key Exchange.
(ISAKMP) Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol.
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Virtual private network
VPN is one method for interconnecting multiple sites belonging to the same
organization using an Internet Service Provider (ISP) backbone network in place of a
dedicated line, The use of public telecommunication infrastructure reduces operational
costs while enhancing the security requirements through the security protocols and
procedures. VPN achieves implementation of a private network on top of the internet
technology infrastructure using modern switching or routing hardware capabilities,
encryption, authentication, packet tunneling and firewalls. Such robustness renders
VPN a scalable technology that has the potential to solve many of business
networking problems [2].
Virtual private Networks are commonly created at the Link Layer, the Network Layer,
or the Session Layer. Each of the protocols brings strengths and weaknesses to the
VPN solution.
Link layer VPNs were designed to extend Remote Access Services over the Internet.
They can provide flow control thus optimizing transmission by cutting down on
dropped packets. The main disadvantage is that they are targeted at the Microsoft
client space, but not on other operating systems clients. The common Link Layer
protocols are PPTP and L2TP.
1.2.3 Session layer
Session layer VPNs provide more detailed control of data flow than lower layer
VPNs. They work with variety of authentication and encryption mechanisms and
establish a virtual circuit between client and host on a session-by-session basis,
allowing monitoring and access control based on user authentication.
There are two types of VPN connections, Remote Access VPN and a Site-to-site VPN
A Remote Access VPN connects employees of a company to the company intranet
from home or when on the move. A site-to-site VPN connects geographically spaced-
out company intranets. Site-to-site VPN may also connect a company’s intranet to a
Business Partner’s intranet [2].
1.4 Tunneling
Most VPNs rely on tunneling to create a private network that reaches across the
Internet. Essentially, tunneling is the process of placing an entire packet within
another packet and sending it over a network. The protocol of the outer packet is
understood by the network and both points, called tunnel interfaces, where the packet
enters and exits the network [4].
The security risks of the internet are advertised every day bay trade and mainstream,
for the corporation the risks are even more real and apparent. Stolen or deleted
corporate data can adversely affect people’s livelihoods, and cost the company money.
And since the internet is a public network you always having someone access any
system you connect to it, and if your network is connected over the internet and your
security is lax the system cracker might be able to access your network using any
standard dial-up account from any ISP in the world, that is why we use VPN to protect
the files on your networked computers and the services that you grant your employees
and customers and other and the VPN will help us to alleviate some of the worry of
transmitting secure files outside of your network [5].
In this research, we will propose a solution for the increasing prominence of network
security problem, Enterprises build their network infrastructure with intention to find
reliable solutions to protect themselves from untrusted and cybercrime activities, in
this sense, (VPN) are primarily concerned about Data privacy. VPNs represent an
extension of a private network made through added features like encapsulating the
data packets with a header on both ends, along the lines of the communication as well
as throughout setting communication tunnels using composite suite of protocols
SHA-1) from the perspective of time complexity and space complexity. Parameters
considered for the comparison are CPU processing power and the size of the given
input and the conclusion indicates that MD5 is sufficient for the authentication
purposes rather than using the more complicated SHA-l algorithm[6] However,
considering the time of the research appearance, many serious security flaws are
detected in MD5 after [8] thus rendering the algorithms practically broken and
inefficient for use.
This project deals with Site-to-site IPsec-VPN that connects the company intranets.
IPsec-VPN network is implemented with security protocols for key management and
exchange, authentication and integrity using EVE-NG Network simulator. The testing
and verification analyzing of data packets is done using PING tool to ensure the
encryption of data packets during data exchange between different sites belong to the
same company, and using Wireshark tool to captures the traffic flow between Site A
and Site B.
Chapter Two: Background
2.1 Virtual private network
The Internet is a commonly used to interconnect the world. However, it lacks of
security guarantee in terms of information exchange. Due to security reasons, data
confidentiality, integrity and availability are important factor that needs to be
considered. Therefore, there are lots of security solution have been provided to secure
information exchange through the Internet. Based on the background, VPN is one of
solutions have been provided. It is a private connection that uses a public network. It
works through tunneling and encryption technology. Moreover, it requires a set of
protocol extensions that can provide security assurance, data integrity, and
confidentiality. The protocol is IP Security i.e., a new standard tunneling technology
used on VPN [1].
AVPN is a private network that uses a public network (usually the Internet) to connect
remote sites or users together. Instead of using a dedicated, real-world connection
such as leased line, a VPN uses "virtual" connections routed through the Internet from
the company's private network to the remote site or employee. In this article, you will
gain a fundamental understanding of VPNs, and learn about basic VPN components,
technologies, tunneling and security [4].
VPN provides an encrypted and secure connection “tunnel” path from a user’s
machine to its destination through the public internet. The internet has become a
popular, low-cost backbone infrastructure. Its universal reach has led many companies
to consider constructing a secure VPN over the public internet. A private network
creates a notion of computers and network resources that belong to a single dedicated
user or organization. The pool of computers and network resources, though they make
use of the public network facilities (i.e., ISP networks), assume independence and
total ownership of the resources. VPN is one method for interconnecting multiple sites
belonging to the same organization using an Internet Service Provider (ISP) backbone
network in place of a dedicated line. The use of public telecommunication
infrastructure reduces operational costs while enhancing the security requirements
through the security protocols and procedures. VPN achieves implementation of a
private network on top of the internet technology infrastructure using modern
switching or routing hardware capabilities, encryption, authentication, packet
tunneling and firewalls. Such robustness renders VPN a scalable technology that has
the potential to solve many of business networking problems [2].
VPN can be classified according to the tunneling security issue, location of endpoints,
connectivity types, security mechanisms robustness, and the types of tunneling
protocols provide connectivity through a tunnel which is a virtual link between two
nodes may separate by a number of networks. The tunnel is established within the
router and provided with the IP address of the router at the second end. Every packet
is encapsulated inside the IP datagram using IP address of the router at the far end of
tunnel as a destination address [9].
The two endpoints must use the same tunneling protocol. These logical tunnels that
carry the IP packet are independent of the payload, and have different headers due to
the protocol implemented. VPN provides secure and encrypted virtual connections
over IP network by encrypts and encapsulates each packet before passing it through a
tunnel. VPN uses authentication to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. VPN uses
dynamic tunnel for efficient bandwidth usage and flexibility matter for creating and
removing tunnels at any time. VPNs tunneling add an overhead to IP packets size, that
effect bandwidth utilization in network specifically if the packet size is short. This
effect lays on the end router to decapsulate the packet, performs decryption for the
packet [9].
Figure 2.1 : VPN structure
There are two types of VPN connections, Remote Access VPN and a Site-to-site
2.2.1 Remote-Access VPN
There are two common types of VPN. Remote-access, also called a virtual private
dial-up network (VPDN), is a user-to-LAN connection used by a company that has
employees who need to connect to the private network from various remote locations.
Typically, a corporation that wishes to set up a large remote-access VPN will
outsource to an enterprise service provider (ESP). The ESP sets up a (NAS) and
provides the remote users with desktop client software for their computers. The
telecommuters can then dial a toll-free number to reach the NAS and use their VPN
client software to access the corporate network. A good example of a company that
needs a remote-access VPN would be a large firm with hundreds of sales people in the
field. Remote-access VPNs permit secure, encrypted connections between a
company's private network and remote users through a third-party service provider
2.2.2 Site-to-Site VPN
Through the use of dedicated equipment and large-scale encryption, a company can
connect multiple fixed sites over a public network such as the Internet.[4] Site-to-site
VPNs can be one of two types:
• Intranet-based - If a company has one or more remote locations that they wish to join
in a single private network, they can create an intranet VPN to connect LAN to LAN.
Remote Access • Connect users to corporate network
Virtual private Networks are commonly created at the Link Layer, the Network Layer,
or the Session Layer. Each of the protocols brings strengths and weaknesses to the
VPN solution. PPTP
The PPTP tunnels PPP traffic within IP packets, using a modified version the Generic
Routing Encapsulation (GRE). PPTP uses the same types of authentications as PPP.
These protocols rely on password strength which is one means to accomplish
authentication and security. L2TP
The L2TP combines features of PPTP with (L2F) protocol. Tunneling using L2TP is
accomplished through multiple levels of encapsulation: L2TP, UDP, IPsec, IP and
Data-Link, where IPsec provides the encryption for L2TP tunnels [3]. IPsec
IPsec VPN is designed to provide security between two gateways, firewalls and
routers, or between a client and gateway. IPsec provides two different modes:
Transport Mode, applicable only for host-to-host security, provides protection for the
payload of IP packet, while Tunnel Mode provides security between two networks by
protecting the entire IP packet. Both intranet and extranet VPNs are enabled through
this mode.
Figure 2.5 : IPsec in transport and tunnel mode
IPsec provides two security protocols. First, (AH) protects the source and destination
addresses of the IP header using a hash function with a secret key. Second, (ESP)
provides authentication, integrity and confidentiality and allows for encryption of the
data payload, guaranteeing data confidentiality and integrity.
(IKE) protocol sets up IPsec parameters and exchanges encryption keys in order to
create a new security association. IKE authenticates the users by using either shared
secret or public key cryptography. To support asymmetric user authentication
methods, many enhancements are used e.g., Extended Authentication (XAUTH) and
Hybrid authentication. XAUTH inserts a login/password authentication after Main
Mode and before IPsec parameter negotiation (Quick Mode) to securely authenticate
the remote user. XAUTH is secured by IKE main mode that needs a pre shared key or
a certificate. Hybrid authentication authenticates only the server with a certificate or
public key, and the client only by the legacy methods protected by ISAKMP SA.
IKEv2 includes features like XAUTH / Hybrid type of legacy authentication support,
using encapsulated EAP protocol. This legacy authentication is similar to Hybrid auth.
IKEv2 uses a method similar to IKE shared secret authentication for the parties to
prove to each other that they have the secret derived from the EAP key-generating run
2.3.3 Session layer
Session layer VPNs provide more detailed control of data flow than lower layer
VPNs. They work with variety of authentication and encryption mechanisms and
establish a virtual circuit between client and host on a session-by-session basis,
allowing monitoring and access control based on user authentication. The main
disadvantage is that session layer VPNs proxy all traffic, thus they are slower than
lower layer VPNs. Their more sophisticated access control is more complicated to set-
up manage and maintain than address-based access control schemes. The common
Session layer protocol is SSL/TLS.
Both IPsec and SSL negotiate per-session keys, and use cryptography to prevent
eavesdropping and forgery. IPsec with mutual certificate authentication is more secure
than SSL with one way server certificate authentication which is more vulnerable to
denial-of-service attacks than IPsec [3]. Encryption and Authentication algorithms and
protocols for data traffic over a VPN tunnel are presented with user authentication
protocols in table 2.3.
PPTP No Yes Yes No
mutual authentication.
Pre-shared Key for
mutual authentication.
2.5 Tunneling
Most VPNs rely on tunneling to create a private network that reaches across the
Internet. Essentially, tunneling is the process of placing an entire packet within
another packet and sending it over a network. The protocol of the outer packet is
understood by the network and both points, called tunnel interfaces, where the packet
enters and exits the network [4].
• Carrier protocol - The protocol used by the network that the information is traveling
• Encapsulating protocol - The protocol (GRE, IPsec, L2F, PPTP, L2TP) that is
wrapped around the original data.
• Passenger protocol - The original data (IPX, NetBeui, IP) being carried.
network between the host computer and a remote system. Remote-access VPN
tunneling relies on PPP. Each of the protocols listed below were built using the basic
structure of PPP and are used by remote access VPNs.
L2F - Developed by Cisco, L2F will use any authentication scheme supported by
PPP. [4]
PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) - PPTP was created by the PPTP Forum,
a consortium which includes US Robotics, Microsoft, 3COM, Ascend and ECI
Telematics. PPTP supports 40-bit and 128-bit encryption and will use any
authentication scheme supported by PPP.
L2TP - L2TP is the product of a partnership between the members of the PPTP
Forum, Cisco and the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). Combining features
of both PPTP and L2F, L2TP also fully supports IPsec [4].
L2TP can be used as a tunneling protocol for site-to-site VPNs as well as remote-
access VPNs.[4] In fact, L2TP can create a tunnel between:
Origin authentication: Authentication ensures that the connection is made with the
desired communication partner. IPsec uses Internet Key Exchange (IKE) to
authenticate users and devices that can carry out communication independently.
IKE can use the following methods to authenticate the peer system:
Pre-shared keys (PSK)
Digital certificates
RSA-encrypted nonces
Anti-replay protection: Anti-replay protection verifies that each packet is unique
and is not duplicated.
Key management: Allows for an initial safe exchange of dynamically generated
keys across a non-trusted network and a periodic rekeying process, limiting the
maximum amount of time and data that are protected with any one key.
These security functions define the IPsec framework and spell out the rules for secure
communications. IPsec relies on existing algorithms to implement encryption,
authentication, and key exchange. Figure 2.6 illustrates some of the standard
algorithms that IPsec uses. The framework allows technologies to be replaced over
time. When cryptographic technologies become obsolete, it doesn’t make the IPsec
framework obsolete. Instead, obsolete technologies are replaced with more current
versions, keeping the framework in place [10].
2.7 IPsec Protocols
There are two main IPsec framework protocols (AH) and (ESP). [10]
2.7.1 AH
AH, which is IP protocol 51, is the appropriate protocol to use when confidentiality is
not required. In other words, AH does not provide data encryption. AH does, however,
provide origin authentication, data integrity, and anti-replay protection for IP packets
that are passed between two systems. AH achieves data integrity and origin
authentication by applying a keyed one-way hash function to the packet to create a
hash, or message digest. The hash is combined with the text and is transmitted. The
receiver detects changes in any part of the packet that occur during transit by
performing the same one-way hash function on the received packet and comparing the
result to the value of the message digest that the sender has supplied. AH supports the
HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA-1 algorithms [10].
2.7.2 ESP
Like AH, ESP provides origin authentication, data integrity, and anti-replay
protection; however, unlike AH, it also provides confidentiality. ESP, which is IP
protocol 50, provides confidentiality by encrypting IP packets. ESP supports various
symmetric encryption algorithms, including DES, 3DES, and AES. The original data
is well protected by ESP, because the entire original IP packet is encrypted. When
ESP authentication is also used, the encrypted IP packet and the ESP header and
trailer are included in the hashing process. When both authentication and encryption
are used, encryption is performed first. Authentication is then performed by sending
the encrypted payload through a hash algorithm. The hash provides data integrity and
data origin authentication. Last, a new IP header is prepended to the authenticated
payload. The new IP address is used to route the packet. ESP does not attempt to
provide data integrity for this new external IP header. Figure 2.7 illustrates the ESP
encryption and authentication process on an IP packet using tunnel mode [10].
Figure 2.7 : ESP Encryption and Authentication
In modern IPsec VPN implementations, the use of ESP is more common than AH.
ESP transport mode does not protect the original packet’s IP header. Only the original
packet’s payload is protected. An ESP header is inserted between the original IP
header and the protected payload [10].
ESP tunnel mode protects the entire original IP packet. The entire original IP packet,
including its IP header, is encrypted and becomes the payload for the new packet. An
ESP header is applied for the transport layer header, and this is encapsulated in a new
packet with a new IP header. The new IP header specifies the VPN peers as the source
and destination IP addresses. The IP addresses specified in the original IP packet are
not visible.
The following are some of the encryption algorithms and key lengths that IPsec can
use: [10]
3DES algorithm: 3DES is a variant of the 56-bit DES. It uses three independent
56-bit encryption keys per 64-bit block, which provides significantly stronger
encryption strength over DES.
AES: AES provides stronger security than DES and is computationally more
efficient than 3DES. AES offers three different key lengths: 128 bits, 192 bits, and
256 bits.
SEAL: As a stream cipher, SEAL encrypts data continuously rather than
encrypting blocks of data. SEAL uses a 160-bit key.
2.10 Data Integrity
VPN data is typically transported over the public Internet. Potentially, this data could
be intercepted and modified. The that a data-integrity algorithm adds a hash to the
message, which guarantees the integrity of the original message. If the transmitted
hash matches the received hash, the message has not been tampered with. However, if
there is no match, the message was altered. A Hashed Message Authentication Code
(HMAC) is a data-integrity algorithm that guarantees the integrity of the message.
IPsec currently supports three common HMAC algorithms: [10]
Pre-shared keys (PSK): A secret key value is entered into each peer manually and
is used to authenticate the peer. This is a shared secret that both parties must
exchange ahead of time.
RSA signatures: The exchange of digital certificates authenticates the peers. The
local device derives a hash and encrypts it with its private key. The encrypted hash
is attached to the message and is forwarded to the remote end, and it acts like a
signature. At the remote end, the encrypted hash is decrypted using the public key
of the local end. If the decrypted hash matches the recomputed hash, the signature
is genuine. (RSA is named after its inventors, Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman.)
RSA encrypted nonces: A nonce is a random number that is generated by the peer.
RS encrypted nonces use RSA to encrypt the nonce value and other values. This
method requires that each peer is aware of the public key of the other peer before
negotiation starts.
ECDSA signatures: The ECDSA is the elliptic curve analog of the Digital
Signature Algorithm (DSA) signature method. ECDSA signatures are smaller than
RSA signatures of similar cryptographic strength. ECDSA operations can be
computed more quickly than similar-strength RSA operations.
2.12 IKE
IPsec uses the IKE protocol to negotiate and establish secured site-to-site or remote-
access VPN tunnels. IKE is a framework provided by the Internet Security
Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) and parts of two other key
management protocols, namely Oakley and Secure Key Exchange Mechanism
(SKEME). An IPsec peer accepting incoming IKE requests listens on UDP port 500.
IKE uses ISAKMP for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of key negotiation. Phase 1 negotiates a
security association (a key) between two IKE peers. The key negotiated in Phase 1
enables IKE peers to communicate securely in Phase 2. During Phase 2 negotiation,
IKE establishes keys (security associations) for other applications, such as IPsec. [10]
There are two versions of the IKE protocol: IKE version 1 (IKEv1) and IKE version 2
(IKEv2). IKEv2 was created to overcome some of the limitations of IKEv1. IKEv2
enhances the function of performing dynamic key exchange and peer authentication. It
also simplifies the key exchange flows and introduces measures to fix vulnerabilities
present in IKEv1. Both IKEv1 and IKEv2 protocols operate in two phases. IKEv2
provides a simpler and more efficient exchange.
The first step in IKEv1 main mode is to negotiate the security policy that will be used
for the ISAKMP SA. There are five parameters, which require agreement from both
Encryption algorithm.
Hash algorithm.
Diffie-Hellman group number.
Peer authentication method.
SA lifetime.
Figure 2.8 : KE Phase 1 Main Mode
Figure 2.9 : KEv1 Phase 2
Another important benefit of VPN is improved connectivity. MoJ can enjoy higher
levels of connectivity through the Internet Service Provider arm, which are made
possible through IP, Frame Relay or ATM infrastructure, often in conjunction with the
internet. Above all, VPNs enable the delivery of broadband services that are capable
of delivering emerging multimedia applications.
VPNs include comprehensive security policies that are another valuable commodity to
organizations. With VPN, MoJ can be confident that their data remains private and
that the transmissions are secure. The ability to prioritize traffic over a VPN ensures
that the necessary bandwidth is available to mission critical applications when
required [2].
Chapter Three: Related Studies
Authors of [11] have attempts to provide a common sense definition of a VPN, and an
overview of different approaches to building them. They concluded that while a VPN
can take many forms, there are some basic common problems that a VPN is built to
solve, which can be listed as virtualization of services and segregation of
communications to a closed community of interest, while simultaneously exploiting
the financial opportunity of economies of scale of the underlying common host
communications system.
Authors of [12] have studied the efficiency of time related features to address the
challenging problem of characterization of encrypted traffic and detection of VPN
traffic. they proposed a set of time-related features and two common machine learning
algorithms, C4.5 and KNN, as classification techniques. there results approve that the
proposed set of time-related features are good classifiers, achieving accuracy levels
above 80%. C4.5 and KNN had a similar performance in all experiments, although
C4.5 has achieved better results. From the two scenarios proposed, characterization in
2 steps (scenario A) vs. characterization in one step (scenario B), the first one
generated better result. In addition to our main objective, they have also found that our
classifiers perform better when the flows are generated using shorter timeout values,
which contradicts the common assumption of using 600s as timeout duration. As
future work we plan to expand our work to other applications and types of encrypted
traffic, and to further study the application of time-based features to characterize
encrypted traffic.
traffic classification for the encapsulated protocols (e.g., using Proxy server or VPN
tunnels) that are mainly used for hiding the identities of the users for privacy reasons,
are challenging and hence are not widely explored in the literature. However, recently,
Heywood et al. in [13] proposed a data driven classifier to identify traffic coming
from clients behind a proxy server using traffic flow information.
Authors of [9] in this paper it deals with Site-to-site IPsec-VPN that connects the
company intranets. IPsec-VPN network is implemented with security protocols for
key management and exchange, authentication and integrity using GNS3 Network
simulator. The testing and verification analyzing of data packets is done using both
PING tool and Wireshark to ensure the encryption of data packets during data
exchange between different sites belong to the same company. Where testing shows
the successful verification of the security strategy of IPsec and data packet processing
under using security protocols.
Authors of [1] in this research they builds a private network that provides quality and
security in accessing the Internet. The entire set of systems were built in a virtual and
simulated manner. It is built using GNS3 network simulator software and virtual
Cisco ASA Firewall. The result shows that VPN network connectivity is strongly
influenced by the hardware used as well as depend on Internet bandwidth provided by
Internet Service Provider (ISP). In addition to the security testing result shows that
IPsec-based VPN can provide security against Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks.
However, the VPN still has weaknesses against network attacks such as Denial of
Service (DoS) that causes the VPN server can no longer serve VPN client and become
Authors of [3] In this paper they compare the VPN security protocols presenting their
advantage and drawbacks. Then they present the new solution to secure voice over
IPsec VPNs while guaranteeing the performance and quality of services, without
reducing the effective bandwidth. they use the AVISPA model to analyze the security
vulnerabilities of exchange messages to initiate session and establish VPN. Within this
paper, different VPN solutions are presented that solve the security aspects and trust
the communication between user and private network over internet. Moreover, they
defined the implemented security mechanisms for real time traffic. Some of these
security mechanisms leave the end-to-end communication unsecured. IPsec VPNs is
the best solution for real time traffic on behalf of security, but solution that provides
best security may not provide best performance and may affect the QoS like latency,
jitter, packet loss and synchronization etc... For example, IPsec provides different
security protocols introducing more complexity and resource usage. they propose a
new VoIP over VPN security solution that adopts IPsec tunneling protocol in
combination with cRTP and IPHC compressions technologies and uses SIP to
exchange IPsec parameters. This solution provides security for voice traffic and
guarantees performance and quality of services, without reducing the effective
bandwidth. We use AVISPA model to analyze the security vulnerabilities of exchange
IKEv2 parameters into SIP messages for initiating session and establishing VPN
Authors of [15] The paper reports the design of an IP Secure Virtual Private Network
(VPN) for remote access. The Cisco Packet Traces platform is used for the simulation,
analysis and verification purpose. A VPN connects remote sites and users together
using a public network, such as Internet. It uses virtual connection to route the data
packets from a private network to remote sites or remote access users. It creates a
tunnel between the end users to ensure security of data being transmitted over the
Internet. The smart gadgets can be securely get connected with peripherals/users in the
Internet as if they were part of same private network. In order to avoid any security
attacks, a VPN need to be secured so as to prevent user data loss. The present work
reported a solution by introducing a sample Remote Access VPN network simulation
on Cisco Packet Tracer. This is a promising solution in terms of authenticity and
integrity of the data. Many such sites can be remotely accessed without any capacity
crunch as VPN is private communication over public infrastructure (Internet). It will
also reduce the delay, jitter and drop.
Authors of [16] in this paper it evaluates the data communication efficiency for
continuous data streaming and different scenarios in a wireless environment using a
VPN solution. The results of the research would be considered as a base for the
implementation of new solutions in the field of data streaming using heterogeneous
communications medium and technologies. When they use wireless environment
instead of Ethernet solution for sending video streaming data packets, they lose
approximately 34.89% from whole packet sent, and when they use VPN for video
streaming, they also lose 2.9% from the packet sent. The biggest WLANs have about
100 nodes. A way in which we can extend them is by using VPN Tunneling. With
WiMAX and LTE technologies VPN video data transmission speeds will increase,
both including "best-effort" and priority based QoS scalable solutions. Considering
that only 2.09 % of the packet size is lost through VPN encapsulation is a price worth
paying for a secure connection between two work points. they conclude that they have
achieved better speeds in a WLAN-WLAN video streaming scenario when they used
PPTP tunneling protocol in given conditions compared to L2TP and IPsec VPN
tunneling protocols.
Companies want to do their own routing tend to use layer 2 VPNs; companies that
want to outsource their routing tend to use layer 3 VPNs. VPNC does not create
standards; instead, it strongly supports current and future IETF standards. The cost
savings from the use of public infrastructures could not be recognized if not for the
security provided by VPN’s. Encryption and authentication protocols keep corporate
information private on public networks. With VPN technologies, new users can be
easily added to the network. Corporate network availability can be scaled quickly with
minimal cost. A single VPN implementation can provide secure communications for a
variety of applications on diverse operating system.
Authors of [18] in this research VPNs can be categorized as Secure or Trusted VPNs,
Client-based or Web-based VPNs, Customer Edge-based or Provider Edge-based
VPNs, or Outsourced or In-house VPNs. These categories often overlap each other. In
order to decide what VPN solutions to choose for different parts of the enterprise
infrastructure, the chosen solution should be the one that best meets the requirements
of the enterprise. The purpose of this paper is to serve as a basis when creating an
enterprise WAN which connects sites and users together using VPN technology. The
purpose of creating such a WAN is to allow the resources of a company. This paper
has proposed the remote access VPN formula that depends on remote access
connections requirements (access, security, protocols support, and cost) and remote
access VPN solutions (client-based VPNs and web-based VPNs). This paper also has
proposed the site-to-site VPN formula that depends on site-to-site connections
requirements (QoS, topology, security, and protocols support) and site-to-site VPN
solutions (secure VPNs, trusted VPNs, and hybrid VPNs). This paper has proposed
the proper VPN solution that will be used to serve as a basis when creating an
enterprise WAN which connects sites and users together using VPN technology, but it
is not practically to implement this proposal on the real Internet.
Authors of [19] in this work they examine and empirically evaluates the remote access
VPN protocols, namely Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunneling
Protocol over Internet Protocol Security (L2TP/IPsec), and Secure Socket Layer
(SSL). they explore the impact of these protocols on end-to-end user application
performance using metrics such as throughput, RTT, jitter, and packet loss. All
experiments were conducted using a windows XP SP/2 host (vpn client) connected to
a windows server 2003 host (vpn server)) and to a fedora core 6 host (vpn server).
This work should be expanded to include performance evaluation of the remote access
VPN protocols on other software and hardware VPN servers.
Chapter Four: Research Methodology
Windows server images. Supporting a huge network/security/system migration or
With EVE, you will be able to train yourself including cisco, juniper and also a lot of
other vendor like checkpoint, paloalto, F5 and many more.
With EVE, you are able to construct the network, accordingly requirement and plan
the right design to validate solution.
With EVE, with no risk you can easily and quickly reproduce and improve your real
architecture in safe environment without risk to touch your real network.
With EVE, you are able to confirm multivendor interaction, this Flexibility means
freedom of choice in key decision.
4.2Network model
The network topology shows two routers. Your task is to configure Tripoli_Router
and Misrata_Router to support a site-to-site IPsec VPN when traffic flows between
their respective LANs. The IPsec VPN tunnel is from Tripoli_Router to
Misrata_Router via cloud. cloud acts as a pass-through and has no knowledge of the
VPN. IPsec provides secure transmission of sensitive information over unprotected
networks, such as the Internet. IPsec operates at the network layer and protects and
authenticates IP packets between participating IPsec devices (peers), such as Cisco
4.4 Objectives
4.5 Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway
Hostname can help to keep track of the router and if you have multiple routers you're
configuring at the same time, then you will know which router that you're on at any
given point because of the unique name that you have assigned to that device.
Ip assigned
Internet Protocol (IP) is a set of rules designed for all devices that use the internet and
controls how they share data over networks. All routers have unique IP addresses
because those addresses work as the ID numbers that make them known on the web.
Enable password
enable password is a command that allows setting a local password to control access
to various privilege levels in global configuration mode.
Console line
Vty line
The term “vty” stands for Virtual teletype. VTY is a virtual port and used to get Telnet
or SSH access to the device. These connections are all virtual with no hardware
associated with them.
OSPF protocol
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a router protocol used to find the best path for
packets as they pass through a set of connected networks.
Router> enable
Router# config t
Router(config)# hostname Tripoli _Router
Router(config)# exit
Ip assigned
Tripoli _Router(config-if)#no shutdown
Tripoli _Router(config-if)#exit
Enable password
line Console
Tripoli _Router> enable
Tripoli _Router# config t
Tripoli _Router(config)#line console 0
Tripoli _Router(config-line)#password Tripoli
Tripoli _Router(config-line)#login
Tripoli _Router(config)#exit
line Vty
Tripoli _Router> enable
Tripoli _Router# config t
Tripoli _Router(config)#line vty 0 15
Tripoli _Router(config-line)#password Libya
Tripoli _Router(config-line)#login
Tripoli _Router(config)#exit
OSPF protocol
Tripoli _Router> enable
Tripoli _Router# config t
Tripoli _Router(config)#router ospf 1
Tripoli _Router(config)# router-id
Tripoli _Router(config)#network area 0
Tripoli _Router(config)#network area 0
Tripoli _Router(config)#exit
Ip assigned
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/1
Misrata_Router(config-if)#ip address
Misrata_Router(config-if)#no shutdown
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0
Misrata_Router(config-if)#ip address
Misrata_Router(config-if)#no shutdown
line Console
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router(config)#line console 0
Misrata_Router(config-line)#password Misrata
line Vty
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router(config)#line vty 0 15
Misrata_Router(config-line)#password Libya
OSPF protocol
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router(config)#router ospf 1
Misrata_Router(config)# router-id
Misrata_Router(config)#network area 0
Misrata_Router(config)#network area 0
Method or RSA
Tripoli _Router> enable
Tripoli _Router# config t
Tripoli_Router(config)# access-list 110 permit ip
Tripoli _Router(config)#exit
Tripoli _Router# config t
b. Create the crypto map vpn-map that binds all of the Phase 2 parameters together.
Use sequence number 10 and identify it as an ipsec-isakmp map.
Tripoli _Router(config-crypto-map)#set peer
Tripoli _Router(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set vpn-set
Tripoli _Router(config-crypto-map)#set security-association lifetime sec 3600
Tripoli _Router(config-crypto-map)#exit
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router(config)#access-list 101 permit ahp host host
Misrata_Router(config)#access-list 101 permit esp host host
Configure the crypto ISAKMP policy 10 properties on Misrata_Router along with the
shared crypto key IT-Department.
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router(config)#crypto isakmp policy 10
Misrata_Router(config-isakmp)# authentication pre-share
Misrata_Router(config-isakmp)# group 5
Misrata_Router(config-isakmp)# hash sha 1
Misrata_Router(config-isakmp)# lifetime 3600
Misrata_Router(config-isakmp)# exit
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Create the crypto map vpn-map that binds all of the Phase 2 parameters together.
Use sequence number 10 and identify it as an ipsec-isakmp map.
Misrata_Router> enable
Misrata_Router# config t
Misrata_Router(config-crypto-map)#set peer
Misrata_Router # config t
We ca use the cisco commands presented in table 7 to verify the vpn configuration
4.9.1 Show crypto isakmp policy
The Show crypto isakmp policy command is useful because it reveals the complete
isakmp (IKE Phase 1) policies, this command displays Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
parameters for the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
(ISAKMP).and we use the show crypto isakmp command to view ISAKMP settings,
statistics and policies.
Tripoli _Router> enable
Tripoli _Router#Show crypto isakmp policy
we can use the Show crypto ipsec transform-set command to show all the configured
transform sets, including the default transform set, and displays the current IPsec
configuration on the managed device. It also displays the transform sets that define a
specific encryption and authentication type.
Tripoli _Router> enable
Tripoli _Router# Show crypto ipsec transform-set
Figure 4.3: crypto ipsec transform-set command
4.9.3 Show crypto map
To see all the configured crypto maps, use the Show crypto map command. This
command verifies configurations and show the SA lifetime, and view configuration
for global, dynamic, and default map configurations.
To display messages about Internet Key Exchange (IKE) events, use the debug crypto
isakmp command in EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of
this command
Tripoli _Router> enable
Tripoli _Router# Debug crypto isakmp
Figure 4.5: crypto isakmp command
4.9.5 Debug crypto ipsec
To display IP Security (IPSec) events, use the debug crypto ipsec command in EXEC
mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.
This command displays the security associations for the Internet Security Association
and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP).
The show crypto ipsec sa command allows you to view the settings used by current
security associations. If no keyword is used, all security associations are displayed.
They are sorted first by interface, and then by traffic flow (for example,
source/destination address, mask, protocol, port). Within a flow, the security
associations are listed by protocol (ESP/AH) and direction (inbound/outbound).
4.10 Simulation Test
To test the network operation, two tools is used, PING and Wireshark. The tunneling
establishment is ensured using ping tool; Figure 4.9 show the result of successively
connectivity between the client and the server.
The Wireshark is used to captures packets or traffic flow between Site A and Site B,
Wireshark is the most often-used packet sniffer in the world. Wireshark listens to a
network connection in real time and then grabs entire streams of traffic – quite
possibly tens of thousands of packets at a time.
Figure 4.10: Captured traffic by Wireshark
The Wireshark is used to capture the traffic between the routers to analyze the
network traffic and ensure the work of the security strategy. Figure 4.11 shows the
capturing of data traffic between router Tripoli and router Misrata that presents the
ISAKMP process for negotiation, establishment, key management between the two
IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is one of the primary protocols for IPsec since it
establishes the security association between two peers.
4.11.1 IKE Phase 1
The main purpose of IKE phase 1 is to establish a secure tunnel that we can use for
IKE phase 2. IKEv1 main mode uses 6 messages. I will show you these in Wireshark
and I’ll explain the different fields.
Packet 1
We can see the IKE version (1.0) and that we are using main mode. The domain of
interpretation is IPsec and this is the first proposal. In the transform payload you can
find the attributes that we want to use for this security association.
Packet 2
When the responder receives the first message from the initiator, it will reply. This
message is used to inform the initiator that we agree upon the attributes in the
transform payload. You can also see that the responder has set its own SPI value.
Packet 3
Figure 4.14: Third packet
Since our peers agree on the security association to use, the initiator will start the
Diffie Hellman key exchange. In the output above you can see the payload for the key
exchange and the nonce.
Packet 4
Figure 4.15: Fourth packet
The responder will also send Diffie Hellman nonces to the initiator, our two peers can
now calculate the Diffie Hellman shared key.
Packet 5
Packet 6
Figure 4.17: sixth packet
And above we have the 6th message from the responder with its identification and
authentication information. IKEv1 main mode has now completed and we can
continue with IKE phase 2.
4.11.2 IKE Phase 2
The IKE phase 2 tunnel (IPsec tunnel) will be actually used to protect user data. There
is only one mode to build the IKE phase 2 tunnel which is called quick mode.
This negotiation happens within the protection of our IKE phase 1 tunnel so we can’t
see anything. Just for the sake of completeness, here’s what it looks like in Wireshark:
Packet 1
Packet 2
Figure 4.19: Second packet
Packet 3
Once IKE phase 2 has completed, we are finally ready to protect some user data.
Chapter Five: Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion
IPsec defines a standard set of protocols for securing internet connections, providing
for the authentication, confidentiality, and integrity of communications. It provides a
transparent end-to-end secure channel for upper-layer protocols, and implementations
do not require modifications to those protocols or to applications. While possessing
some drawbacks related to its complexity, it is a mature protocol suite that supports a
range of encryption and hashing algorithms and is highly scalable and interoperable.
Using IPsec to implement a VPN can guarantee high protection standards using useful
security features, IPsec also has its limitations and drawbacks, but this does not stop it
from becoming one of the best in securing end-to-end communications over the
This project designed the VPN technology that complicated to understand, deploy,
and maintain, and provided an overview of VPNs with an IPsec as a VPN technology,
in the practical part I implemented the four-step process of IPsec VPN establishment
that included IKE phase 1 and IKE phase 2, and looking at IPsec security associations
I applied ESP protocol and some hashing and encrypting algorithms such as SHA-1 &
AES 256 and used Authentication Method PSK (Pre-shared keys) then finished by
analyze the packet by using Wireshark to show what inside the packet the result was
the packets are encrypted over the Tunnel, the evaluation results show the successful
verification of the security strategy of IPsec and data packet processing under using
security protocols.
Future work could include comparison of AES 256 and 3DES and one hash
algorithms which are SHA-1 algorithms in site-to-site VPN environment for cabled
and wireless network using OPNET or NS2 simulator.
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