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ADAPTeD fOR The sTAge fROm The ChARLes DICkeNs NOveLLA by

As ebeNezeR sCROOge

Sommer Carbuccia Russell Garrett

Leigh Barrett Jaelle Laguerre Derek Luscutoff Ryan Knowles
Flora Dickens Drew Porrett
Bronson Norris Murphy Turner Riley J.T. Turner
Billy Goldstein Ellen Peterson Caleb Wilson Schaaf
Dan Teixeira Emily Song Tyler Sierra Wilson
Addy Daly Alexis Nicole Geary Graham Layton Sarah Koury Joshua MCKenna
Brady Murphy Quinn Murphy Grace Olah Emilia Tagliani Wade Gleeson Turner
As mRs. DILbeR & mRs. fezzIWIg


GERARD KELLY Nick Wass - Wass Projections Kat Shanahan

December 1 - DECEMBER 23, 2022

ORIgINAL PRODuCTION CONCeIveD AND sTAgeD by JON kImbeLL fOR NORTh shORe musIC TheATRe, beveRLy, mAssAChuseTTs, 1989
fLyINg effeCTs PROvIDeD by zfX, INC. PyROTeChNICs effeCTs PROvIDeD by ATLAs fIReWORks sILks INsTRuCTOR - eLLeN WAyLONIs, esh CIRCus ARTs
’A ChRIsTmAs CAROL’ Is sPONsOReD by AmeRICAN fAmILy CARe, uRgeNT CARe: beveRLy, NORTh ANDOveR, meThueN, sWAmPsCOTT
embODy NORTh shORe musIC TheATRe s COmmITmeNT TO The CReATIve PROCess AND The COmmuNITy IT seRves.

AFC Beverly AFC Swampscott
978.922.2171 781.691.9366

AFC North Andover AFC Methuen
978.470.0800 978.975.0700
SOMMER CARBUCCIA* as The Narrator, a poet and artist; the teller of this ghostly tale.

DAVID COFFEE* as Ebenezer Scrooge; A tight-fisted hand at the grindstone. A squeezing, wrenching, grasping,
scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner. DEREK LUSCUTOFF as Young Scrooge; A clever chap, filled with
enormous potential until his great passion, greed, engrosses him. GRAHAM LAYTON as Boy Scrooge; a sad
boy, rejected by his father and sent far away to school. BRONSON NORRIS MURPHY* as Fred; Handsome
nephew of old Scrooge, with a cheerful voice and a sparkling laugh. TURNER RILEY* as Belle; Young Scrooge’s
betrothed; a fair maiden, honorable and pure, also as Meg; Fred’s bride, very pretty, with a dimpled, surprised
look. ADDY DALY as Fan; Scrooge’s sister, brimful of glee.

RUSSELL GARRETT* as Bob Cratchit; A clerk in the service of Ebenezer Scrooge and the loving father of a
fine family. LEIGH BARRETT* as Mrs. Cratchit; Bob’s wife, poor in possessions but rich in family. EMILIA
TAGLIANI as Martha Cratchit; Oldest of the Cratchit children. WADE GLEESON TURNER as Peter Cratchit; A
kind, serious boy, devoted to his brother and sisters. GRACE OLAH as Belinda Cratchit; Second of the Cratchit
daughters and a happy lass. QUINN MURPHY as Tiny Tim Cratchit; Thoughtful and brave with his little crutch
and his goodly heart.

RYAN KNOWLES* as Jacob Marley; Scrooge’s first and only business partner; dead as a doornail. LEIGH
BARRETT* as The Ghost of Christmas Past; The first of the three spirits, she is of the air – resplendent in stars.
JAELLE LAGUERRE* as The Ghost of Christmas Present; A giant of harvest and plenty, glorious to behold.
GRAHAM LAYTON and QUINN MURPHY as Ignorance & Want; sad stricken things seen with The Ghost of
Christmas Present. DEREK LUSCUTOFF as The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come; Scrooge’s subterranean night-
mare of himself at the turning point of his life. FLORA DICKENS* and DREW PORRETT* as The Pearlies;
Versatile tumbler/acrobat/poltergeists, inspired by 19th century London’s Cockney buskers — street entertainers
who performed for donations. These street performers typically wore topcoats covered with pearl buttons; hence,
the name. In our story, these spirits are visitors from the realm of imagination and are allies of the Narrator in
the telling of his tale by attending the Spirits and otherwise moving the action of the play forward.

J.T. TURNER* as Mr. Fezziwig; Voluminous in his great jovial benevolence. CHERYL McMAHON* as Mrs.
Fezziwig; One vast substantial smile.


CHERYL McMAHON* as Mrs. Dilber; Scrooge’s housekeeper, a martyr and, later, a disreputable seller of
goods. BILLY GOLDSTEIN as Joe Miller; Keeper of the poultry shop and, later, a nefarious pawnbroker.
JAELLE LAGUERRE* and J.T. TURNER* as Philanthropists 1 & 2; Prosperous London merchants, both ex-
tremely charitable. ALEXIS NICOLE GEARY and JOSHUA McKENNA as London Children; Rambunctious
street urchins. CALEB WILSON SCHAAF as Dick Wilkins; Scrooge’s best childhood friend, who died young.
DAN TEIXEIRA, EMILY SONG TYLER, and SIERRA WILSON as Residents of London; Representing the
various sorts and conditions of inhabitants.

Musicians, including those playing trumpet, flute, English horn, French horn, trombone, violin, cello, woodwinds,
bass, harp, keyboard and percussion. Occasionally, some may join in the action of a scene. MILTON GRANGER
as Conductor and also playing Keyboard. ROBERT L. RUCINSKI playing Keyboard. WILLIAM VINT playing
Flute, Clarinet and English Horn. JAY DALY playing Trumpet. MICHAEL BELLOFATTO playing French Horn.
Violin. JOHN BUMSTEAD playing Cello. SAHIL WARSI playing Bass. The musicians in North Shore Music
Theatre’s Orchestra are members of the American Federation of Musicians.

STEPHEN MacDONALD* as Production Stage Manager. DAKOTAH WILEY HORAN* as Assistant Stage
Manager. ROBERT L. RUCINSKI as Assistant Music Director / Rehearsal Accompanist. BRIANA FALLON*
as Assistant to the Director/Choreographer. ADAM BATES as the Sound Design Associate. BRONSON NORRIS
MURPHY* and DREW PORRETT* as Co-Dance Captains. RYAN KNOWLES* as Understudy for Ghost of
Christmas Present & Fezziwig. BRONSON NORRIS MURPHY* as Understudy for Bob. J.T. TURNER* as
Understudy for Ebenezer Scrooge & Jacob Marley. BILLY GOLDSTEIN as Study Cover for Philanthropists 1 &
2. DEREK LUSCUTOFF as Study Cover for The Narrator & Fred. ELLEN PETERSON as Study Cover for Mrs.
Dilber/Mrs. Fezziwig. CALEB WILSON SCHAAF as Study Cover for Joe Miller. DAN TEIXEIRA as Study Cover
for Young Scrooge/Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come. EMILY SONG TYLER as Study Cover forMeg/Belle. SIERRA
WILSON as Study Cover forGhost of Christmas Past/Mrs. Cratchit. ALEXIS NICOLE GEARY as Study Cover
forBelinda. SARAH KOURY as Study Cover forPeter and Martha. GRAHAM LAYTON as Study Cover for Tiny
Tim. BRADY MURPHY as Study Cover forBoy Scrooge & London Children. GRACE OLAH as Study Cover for
Fan. Understudies & Study Covers are never substituted unless a specific announcement is made at time of
* Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
Special thanks to Ricola natural herb cough drops, the official cough drop of North Shore Music Theatre




A theater, 1860’s
“The Welcome Wassail” – Narrator, Company and Orchestra

STAVE ONE: MARLEY’S GHOST-Christmas Eve, 1843.

Scene 1-A London street; later, Scrooge’s Counting House
“Patapan” - The Company
“Apple Tree Wassail” - Orchestra
“The Coventry Shepherd’s Carol” - Orchestra
“God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman” - Street Children, Fred
Scene 2-The Street; Later, Scrooge’s Chambers
“The Cold December [El Desembre Congelat]” - Orchestra


Scene 1-Scrooge’s Bedchamber
“A Dream Within a Dream” - The Ghost of Christmas Past
Scene 2-A Country Road
“Ding, Dong, Merrily On High” - Villagers
Scene 3-A School
Scene 4-The Fezziwig’s Warehouse
“Here We Come A-Wassailing” - The Fezziwigs and ensemble.
Scene 5-A London Street


Scene 1-Scrooge’s Bedchamber
“Boar’s Head Carol” - The Ghost of Christmas Present and Company
“Patapan” (reprise) - The Company
“The Gloucestershire Wassail” - The Ghost of Christmas Present and Company


Ent’ racte
“Boar’s Head Carol” (reprise) - Carolers
Scene 2-The Cratchit Home
“We Saw Three Ships” - Tiny Tim and Mr. Cratchit
“We Wish You A Merry Christmas” - The Cratchits
“In The Bleak Mid-Winter” - Orchestra
Scene 3-Fred’s Home
“Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day” - Fred, Meg and Guests
Scene 4-A Wasteland


Scene 1-Scrooge’s Bedchamber; Later, A Tavern
“Isn’t It Grand Boys?” - Mrs. Dilber, Old Joe and Ensemble
Scene 2 - A London Street
Scene 3-At The Entrance To A Church
Scene 4-The Cratchit Home
“The Little Child” - Mrs. Cratchit, Narrator
Scene 5-A Churchyard


Scene 1-Scrooge’s Bedchamber; Later, The Street
“Past Three O’Clock” - Carolers
Scene 2-The Street Outside Scrooge’s Chambers
“Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming/Begone, Dull Care” - Orchestra
“Simple Gifts” - Orchestra
Scene 3-Scrooge’s Counting House

A Theater, 1860’s
“We Wish You A Merry Christmas” - The Company
(Ebenezer Scrooge) re- (Narrator) is very excited
turns for his 28th edition to be joining the cast of
of the role that has la- NSMT’s A Christmas
beled him a “New Eng- Carol for the second
land Tradition” and the year! Born in the Dom-
“G.O.A.T.”: Ebenezer inican Republic and
Scrooge. In a career that raised in Miami, FL, he is
spans 54 years, David has a graduate of NYU’s Tisch
been welcomed by audiences from Port- School of the Arts. Over his career he
land, Oregon to Portsmouth, New has been lucky to work in film, theatre,
Hampshire. To return to NSMT at this and TV shows such as Riverdale and
time of year is a true holiday celebration. Grey’s Anatomy. He most recently guest
But, David has been seen in many other starred on CBS’ So Help Me Todd. ¡Feliz
productions as well (62 to be exact). This Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo!
year, David comes to NSMT from the
Tony Award-winning Dallas Theater RUSSELL GARRETT
Center where he performed in Trouble (Bob Cratchit) is very
in Mind. Next year he already has 4 happy to return for his
shows lined up in Texas. Please visit his eleventh year in this won-
website: for more derful holiday tradition!
information. Much Love and Happiest of He has appeared on
Holidays to You All! Broadway and on tour
with The Scarlet Pimper-
CHERYL McMAHON nel, 42nd Street, Seven
(Mrs. Dilber/Mrs. Fezzi- Brides for Seven Brothers, Show Boat, My
wig) is full of joy and grat- Fair Lady, and A Chorus Line. Earlier this
itude to be a part of this year he played Charles in Blithe Spirit,
31st Production of A Harry in Mamma Mia!, and Sebastian in
Christmas Carol. A Cinderella at Bill Hanney’s Theatre by the
member of the original Sea in RI. Other recent roles include
cast in 1989, Cheryl Clown 1 in The 39 Steps and Freddie in
counts this year’s show as Noises Off. As a director and choreogra-
her 28th, along with David Coffee. Other pher Russell’s work has been seen
NSMT shows include Hairspray, My Fair around the country including acclaimed
Lady, The Music Man, Annie, The Student productions of Beehive: The 60s Musical,
Prince, Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Hairspray, 9 to 5, and The Full Monty for
Todd, Grease, and Jekyll and Hyde. In Bill Hanney’s Theatre By The Sea and All
New England, credits include Lyric Shook Up here at NSMT.
Stage, Huntington Theater, Speakeasy
Stage, Greater Boston Stage, Good- LEIGH BARRETT
speed Opera House, Saco River Theatre, (Ghost of Christmas
Wheelock Family Theatre, Charles Play- Past/Mrs. Cratchit) –
house - Nunsense and Shear Madness, she/her/hers - appeared
Overture and Big Stick Productions. Film in the premier of A Christ-
credits include Defending Jacob, RIPD, mas Carol in 1989 and is
The A Plate, Clue VCR, and Brilliant Mis- overjoyed to be back for
takes, and recently, The Yorkie Werewolf. year 12! NSMT credits;
Thanks to Jon Kimbell, David James, The Sound of Music, Sin-
David Zoffoli, Bill Hanney, and Kevin Hill gin’ in the Rain, Sweeney Todd, My Fair
for bringing A Christmas Carol to life. Lady. Working extensively in the Boston
area, favorite roles include Grey Gar-
dens, Company, Gypsy, Souvenir (Lyric
Stage Company), Passion (SpeakEasy
Stage), Little Women, (Wheelock Family
Theatre), Mame (Reagle Music Theatre),
Ragtime (The New Rep), Follies with Len the Sea), 42nd Street (Goodspeed Musi-
Cariou (Overture Productions), Sing cals), Cinderella (Paper Mill Playhouse),
Street (cover, Huntington Theatre). She Singin’ in the Rain & Something Rotten!
recently directed The Last Five Years for (The Phoenix Theatre Company), and
Lyric Stage Company and will be direct- Swing! (Norwegian Cruise Line). BA in
ing Sister Act there this Spring. The Political Science from UC Berkeley. Many
proud recipient of four Elliot Norton thanks to NSMT, BWA Agency, friends,
Awards including the 2018 Elliot Norton and family!
Prize for Sustained Excellence. Much @derekluscutoff
gratitude to Kevin, Matthew and the en-
tire NSMT team. To Peter, Nicholas & RYAN KNOWLES
Matthew “I can be me because I have (Jacob Marley, u/s Christ-
you”. mas Present, Mr. Fezzi-
wig) is stoked to return to
JAELLE LAGUERRE NSMT, having just ap-
(Ghost of Christmas Pres- peared in Little Shop of
ent/Philanthropist 1) is Horrors as The Dentist &
overjoyed to be back Others. He was last seen
after being introduced to on Broadway playing 9
NSMT’s annual A Christ- characters in The Lightning Thief, for
mas Carol as a member which he received a spot on the New
of the ensemble last year. York Times Best Of Theatre 2019 list.
She fell in love and is ex- Tours include The Lightning Thief,
cited to return this time as The Ghost of Queen’s We Will Rock You, The Grinch, &
Christmas Present. You may have seen Todrick Hall’s OZ. Ryan has played every-
Jaelle as Charolette in Cinderella or as thing on two legs (and occasionally
the Apollo Singer in Buddy: The Buddy four). From Disney’s Genie to The
Holly Story here at North Shore this past Wicked Witch of the West; Hunchback’s
season. Select credits include Rock of Frollo to Little Shop’s Dentist; Caliban,
Ages (The Engeman Theatre), Mamma Bottom, Prospero and Falstaff. He
Mia!, Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story (Ar- starred on TV as host of Nickelodeon’s
gyle Theatre), Little Shop of Horrors, Jo- “Me:TV.” He has danced with the Rock-
seph and the Amazing Technicolor ettes, tangled with a 60-inch Python in
Dreamcoat, (Rocky Mountain Rep) Gloria the woods as the Devil (a role he’s
(Sacramento Theatre Company) and played 11 times), grappled in the ring
Rent (Redhouse). Recent grad from Syr- with Lucha Libre wrestlers in Mexico City,
acuse University (BFA). Thanks to Hells and recited Shakespeare while skydiving
Kitchen Agency and the NSMT crew. (without missing a line). @ImRyan-
Gratitude towards her favorite team Mat- Knowles.
thew, Kevin and Milton. Love to her
family and God. FLORA DICKENS
@Jaellelaguerre (Pearlie) Starting off as a
competitive dancer, Flora
DEREK LUSCUTOFF competed up until the
(Ghost of Christmas Fu- age of 17. During her
ture/Young Scrooge, s/c years of competing won
Fred & Narrator) - multiple scholarships,
he/him/his - is ecstatic to awards, regional/national
be back at North Shore titles, and self-choreo-
for the holidays! Last year graphy awards. She has worked with tal-
he performed in the ented dance photographers including
NSMT productions of Jordan Matter and Shark cookie. In 2018
Mamma Mia! (Father Alexandrios, En- she was awarded an invitation and schol-
semble) and A Christmas Carol (Young arship to attend the Bolshoi Ballet
Scrooge/Christmas Future). Other Summer Intensive from YAGP’s Larissa
credits include Mamma Mia! (Theatre by Saveliev after placing 1st in contempo-
rary and 2nd in classical. Flora is fully Growltiger), Saturday Night Fever (Frank
trained in ballet, jazz, tap, contemporary, Jr.) & A Christmas Carol (Fred). A nine-
modern, hip hop, lyrical, pointe, and ac- year veteran of The Phantom of the
robatics. Outside of training in the stu- Opera on Broadway, Bronson premiered
dios growing up, she was mentored and the role of The Phantom in the United
trained one-on-one with Alex Wong in States in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s sequel,
ballet and contemporary. She recently Love Never Dies: The Phantom Returns.
expanded her dance career by teaching Other work includes CATS (30th Anniver-
and choreographing young dancers, sary Tour); Unmasked: The Music of An-
ages 5-18, at studios around Massachu- drew Lloyd Webber (World Premiere –
setts. Flora’s dance pieces have won Paper Mill) and EVITA (New York City
many top scoring awards and choreog- Center). As a concert artist, Bronson
raphy awards, some being the highest frequently sings with symphonies across
scoring routine of an entire competition. the United States & Canada. For more,
This year Flora will be touring as a & @Bron-
master teacher and judge with Sheer sonBiz. “No one is useless in this world
Elite International Dance Competition. who lightens the burden of it to anyone
You can see her on this year’s Season 17 else.” – Dickens.
of “So You Think You Can Dance” as top
12 girls, and top 24 overall. TURNER RILEY
(Belle/Meg) – they/them -
DREW PORRETT was recently seen as the
(Pearlie, Co-Dance Cap- first Trans Non-binary
tain) - he/him/they/them Seymour in Little Shop of
- is returning for their Horrors at Short North
third production of A Stage. Favorite produc-
Christmas Carol. He has a tions include: Nat’l Tours:
mission to guide curiosity Sound of Music (Elsa
through a colorful ap- Schraeder), Ragtime the Musical
proach to existence by in- (Mother), Camelot (Nimue). NYC: The
tersecting inner passive and active Jury (Izze), Rathskeller (Ensemble. u/s
energetics. This yoga instructor is a The Bartender, BWW Award Best Off-off
freebird with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Musical). Regional: Head Over Heels (Py-
from Western Michigan University. thio), Oklahoma (Laurey), Mamma Mia!
Credits include Celebrity Cruises, North (Donna), Ragtime (Ogunquit Playhouse-
Shore Music Theatre’s Freaky Friday, IRNE Award), Newsies (Hannah), A
Paramount’s Newsies in Chicago, Arvada Christmas Story (Mother), The Little Mer-
Center’s Joseph and the Amazing Tech- maid (Aquata), Legally Blonde (Elle
nicolor Dreamcoat in Colorado, Mister Woods), A Chorus Line (Val), All My Sons
Mistoffelees in Cats, Action in West Side (Anne Deever). Thank you to FSE talent,
Story, and Will Parker in Oklahoma. Their my mom, and Laurel for their unending
first regional credit was Mason Street love and support. Love you, philtatos.
Warehouse’s Fosse Revue Steam Heat. DONATE to my top surgery! Link in my
Surrender to your True Essence and IG bio: @theyturnerriley
Trust your Truth. Gratitude sent to Matt &
Leo, Family, and Dave Secor #InterX- J.T. TURNER
Press #JustBe IG: @drew_porrett (Mr. Fezziwig/ Philanthro-
pist 2, u/s Scrooge & Mar-
BRONSON ley) is honored to return
NORRIS MURPHY to A Christmas Carol for
(Fred, Co-Dance Captain, his 12th year. His stage
u/s Bob) – he/him/his -re- credits include All Shook
turns to New England for Up here at NSMT, Any-
his 6th holiday season! thing Goes and La Cage
For NSMT: West Side at Reagle Music Theater, Tosca with Bos-
Story (Tony), CATS (Gus/ ton Lyric Opera, Man of LaMancha, City
of Angels, Kiss Me Kate, at Lyric Stage, Addams Family, South Pacific, La Cage
Floyd Collins, Triumph of Love, Saturday Aux Folles, The Little Mermaid and more!
Night and Chess at Speakeasy Stage. J.T Billy would like to thank his family,
tours (in person and on Zoom), in shows friends, and Dan for being an endless
about Robert Frost, Charles Dickens, support system for him, as well as Kevin,
John Muir, Ben Franklin and Will Shake- Matthew, and the entire NSMT staff/crew
speare. He is Descriptive Narrator for the for this incredible opportunity.
PBS shows Nova, Pinkalicious and Mys-
tery. His film/TV work includes Don’t ELLEN PETERSON
Look Up, The Gilded Age, Julia, About (Ensemble, s/c Mrs. Dil-
Fate, Dark Matters. He is a stage combat ber/ Mrs. Fezziwig) is de-
choreographer, as well as a Tai Chi and lighted to join the ACC
Qigong instructor. Love to Marci and the family at NSMT for the 1st
kids. time! National Tour -
How the Grinch Stole
BILLY GOLDSTEIN Christmas - the Musical.
(Joe Miller, Ensemble, s/c NSMT - Sunset Boule-
Philanthropists 1 & 2) – vard, Evita, Music Man,
he/him/his - is honored Mame, Mary Poppins, Les Miserables,
to be back on the NSMT among others! Ellen has worked in Bos-
stage with a show that ton and regionally at Theatre By the Sea,
celebrates gratitude, love the Hanover Theatre, Reagle Music The-
and the true meaning of atre, the Huntington, Speakeasy Stage
the holidays. Credits in- and Greater Boston Stage Co., among
clude Kinky Boots, A Christmas Carol, A others! Christmas Blessings to all!
Year with Frog and Toad, Chicago, The



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CALEB and Jon. Enjoy the show! @emilysong-
(Dick Wilkins, Ensemble,
s/c Joe Miller) - SIERRA WILSON
they/them - is thrilled to (Ensemble, s/c Christmas
be making their NSMT Past/Mrs. Cratchit) –
debut with this iconic she/her/hers - is thrilled
production! Select to be making her NSMT
Credits: Cabaret - Ernst debut! She recently grad-
Ludwig (The Hangar Theatre), Holiday uated in 2020 with her
Inn - Jim Hardy (Prather Productions), BA in Musical Theatre at
The Producers - Featured Ensemble (The Temple University. She is
John W. Engeman Theatre), Film: Triple a Philadelphia/Delco native. Regional
Threat - Jamie (Besties Make Movies Pro- credits: Rocky the Musical (Ensemble,
ductions, Gravitas Ventures). Much love Walnut Street Theatre), Sweet Charity
to Marty for his never-ending support! (Helene, Bucks County CPA), Sister Act #Black- (Ensemble/Deloris u/s, Media Theatre),
LivesMatter #TransLivesMatter Other World: A New Musical (Soprano
Swing, Delaware Theatre Company),
DAN TEIXEIRA Beehive (Wanda u/s, Walnut Street The-
(Ensemble, s/c Young atre), Hunchback of Notre Dame (Esm-
Scrooge/Christmas Fu- eralda, Upper Darby Summer Stage),
ture) – he/him/his - is Mamma Mia (Lisa, Media Theatre), Chess
happy to be back at (Ensemble, 11th Hour Theater Com-
NSMT for another Christ- pany), Ain’t Misbehavin’ (Armelia, Can-
mas season! Recent dlelight Theatre). She would like to thank
credits include HAR- her friends and family for always sup-
MONY (Off-Broadway, porting her dreams. Sierra feels very
NYTF), And The World Goes ‘Round blessed to be performing for audiences
(New London Barn Playhouse), State Fair again. Instagram: @sierrajwilson and
(The REV Theatre Co.) and Let’s Dance @mezzomango for her cosplay.
(Transcendence Theatre Co.) Thanks to
the NSMT creative team & staff for their ADDY DALY
warm welcome back and to his parents, (Fan) - she/her/hers - is
Claudio and Gabriela, for their trust and thrilled to perform in A
support. Christmas Carol! It is her
second time on the
EMILY SONG TYLER NSMT stage, her first was
(Ensemble, s/c Belle/ as Flotsam in The Little
Meg) – she/her/hers - is Mermaid Jr. Previously,
thrilled to make her she has appeared with
NSMT debut! Regional: the Neverland Theater Company in The
World Premiere of Gold Lion King, Jr. and Annie Jr. and in the
Mountain (covering Ali BHS production of Anastasia. She gives
Ewoldt, Utah Shake- thanks to her family, friends, teachers
speare Festival), A Chorus and everyone at NSMT for their support
Line (Broadway Palm), while she reaches for the stars!
Water By The Spoonful (Cygnet Theatre),
Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s ALEXIS
Dream (PA Shakespeare Festival), A NICOLE GEARY
Christmas Carol (Geva Theatre Center). (London Child, s/c Be-
National Tour: Paw Patrol Live (US and linda) is a passionate
China). Film/TV: Paw Patrol Live At Home actor from Gloucester,
(Paramount+), “That Damn Michael Che” MA. Some of her favorite
(HBO). Huge thanks to her agent Brian past roles include Ma-
Graziani and much love to Mom, Dad, dame Thernardier in Les
Miserables at Grater Boston Staged BRADY MURPHY
Companies, Mr. Wormwood in Matilda (Ensemble, s/c London
Jr at Stadge 284., and Sebastian in The Children & Boy Scrooge)
Little Mermaid Jr. In her free time, she is thrilled to make his
enjoys playing the drums, reading, and NSMT debut. Brady is a
going on runs around her neighbor- 6th grader at St. John’s
hood. She is thrilled to be joining the Prep and has been doing
team at North Shore Music Theater as a musical theater for a year.
London Child’ in A Christmas Carol. He’s excited to be part of
this talented cast and crew. Many thanks
SARAH KOURY to Kevin and Matthew for this wonderful
(Ensemble, s/c Peter and opportunity and to his family and friends
Martha) Is thrilled to be for their encouragement. Merry Christ-
making her NSMT debut mas!
in A Christmas Carol this
year! Sarah is currently a QUINN MURPHY
theatre major at Walnut (Tiny Tim, Want) is grate-
Hill School for the Arts. ful to reprise his role as
Recent credits include: Tiny Tim. A 4th grader at
Into The Woods (Jack), The Wedding Joshua Eaton, he has
Singer (Sammy), and Spring Awakening been acting for five years.
(Ernst). She would like to thank her Besides Tiny Tim, other
friends, family, agents and manager for favorite roles include
all their support. @sarahkoury101 Flounder in Little Mer-
maid, Jr. at NSMT and Chip in Beauty
GRAHAM LAYTON and The Beast, Jr. at New England
(Boy Scrooge, Ignorance, School of Performing Arts (N. Reading).
s/c Tiny Tim) – he/him/his Quinn loves art, music, and lots of tram-
- is thrilled to join his first poline time. He sends a big thanks to
production with NSMT! Kevin, Matthew & everyone at NSMT for
His professional stage another exciting opportunity, and to his
debut was in 2019 in Mi- family and friends for their support.
racle on 34th Street with
the Greater Boston Stage GRACE OLAH
Company, where he has joined several (Belinda Cratchit, s/c Fan)
student productions. Musical theater has is delighted to be back at
his heart, but he also plays soccer and NSMT! Favorite past roles
tries to squeeze in 6th grade. include Matilda, Annie,
Young Alison, Summer,
JOSHUA McKENNA Ghost of Christmas Past,
(London Child) – and Debbie Wilkinson.
he/him/his - is excited to She placed first singing
be returning to NSMT. in New England NATS 2021 and Boston
Previous productions Joe NATS 2020. Many thanks to Kevin and
Turners Come and Gone ( Matthew, Briana Visini, Noel Smith, and
Reuben) at the Hunting- Kate Pazakis.
ton theatre, The Body-
guard (Fletcher Marron), EMILIA TAGLIANI
and A Christmas Carol ‘21 (London Boy) (Martha Cratchit) is
at NSMT. Thank you to friends and family thrilled to be returning to
for all of your support. NSMT this year! Past
credits include: Little
Women (Amy March)
Wheelock Family Theater,
Beauty & the Beast (Belle)
GBSC, 13 (Patrice) Acting
Out Productions, A Christmas Carol (Fan JON KIMBELL (Adapter) is a producer
2017, Martha 2019, 21) NSMT. Huge in residence for SenovvA, Inc. a design
thanks to Kevin, Matthew, Briana, and and management company offering
the ACC family for always making this services to the entertainment, special
production so meaningful. A special event, architectural/construction and
thanks to Noel, and Emilia’s friends and media services industries with offices in
family for their endless support. Los Angeles, New York City, Toronto and
Dublin. As Artistic Director for North
WADE Shore Music Theatre for 25 years retiring
GLEESON TURNER in 2007, he helped develop over 60 mu-
(Peter Cratchit) is excited sicals, including Memphis, winner of four
to return to NSMT to re- 2010 Tony Awards, including Best Musi-
prise his role as Peter
Cratchit from 2021! Re- cal. Kimbell produced Langston in Har-
cent credits include A lem, an original musical that opened
Christmas Carol the Musi- Off-Broadway winning four 2010 Au-
cal (Young Scrooge) Sea- delco Awards, including Best Musical.
coast Repertory Theatre, Billy Elliot the Audelco Awards celebrate excellence in
Musical (Posh Boy & Michael) Firehouse Black Theater. Kimbell has received the
Center & Seacoast Repertory Theatre, Elliot Norton Award and the New Eng-
The Sound of Music (Friedrich) Reagle land Theatre Conference Award for Out-
Music Theatre. Many thanks & hugs to standing Achievement in American
Noel, Kevin, Matthew, and his supportive Theatre; Salem State College’s Lifetime
friends & family! Achievement Award; the Moss Hart
Award and the 2010 Spotlight People’s KEVIN P. HILL (Director & Choreogra-
Choice Award for his musical adaptation pher, Producing Artistic Director). Born
of A Christmas Carol in addition to sev- and raised in Waltham, Massachusetts,
eral awards for his work promoting tol- Kevin began his theatrical career as
erance and diversity. A champion of dancer and actor. He appeared in Na-
new works, Kimbell served as Vice tional Touring companies of Hello,
Chair for the New York Music Theatre Dolly! with Carol Channing, Leslie Ug-
Festival and on the National Alliance gams and Michele Lee, Anything Goes
for Musical Theatre’s New Works Com- and the International Touring Com-
mittee. He has served as a panelist and pany of A Chorus Line. New York au-
evaluator for the National Endowment diences have seen him in the
for the Arts, New Hampshire Commis- Off-Broadway production of Party. Re-
sion on the Arts, Massachusetts Cul- gional credits as a performer include:
tural Council, Maine State Council on West Side Story, Good News! A Chorus
the Arts and Humanities, Ohio Arts Line, My Fair Lady and Marvin in Falset-
Council, and the Cultural Arts Council toland. Kevin has directed and choreo-
of Houston. He currently chairs Somer- graphed over 100 productions across
set Cultural Planning, a project of the America. He has had the privilege of
Wesserunsett Arts Council, which is de- working with such stars as Marin Maz-
veloping a cultural plan for Somerset zie, Joanne Worley, Kathleen Turner,
County, Maine as well as serving as Josh Groban, Jonathan Groff and Tony
Chair of the Skowhegan Opera House Award winner, Cady Huffman. In New
Renovation Committee. York, he was the assistant to the direc-
tor of On the Twentieth Century at the
New Amsterdam Theatre and assistant Story. Over 100 regional productions
to the choreographer on the revival of at North Shore Music Theatre, Balti-
Guys and Dolls. He directed and cho- more CenterStage, Westchester
reographed Kinky Boots, Rodger + Broadway Theatre and others. Work as
Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Mamma composer/lyricist: Two First Prizes in
Mia!, Sunset Boulevard, Jersey Boys, A National Opera Association new
Christmas Carol, Young Frankenstein, chamber opera competition; nine
Mary Poppins, and Sister Act here at chamber operas, performed regularly
NSMT and Kinky Boots, Mamma Mia!, throughout U.S. and Canada. Several
Smokey Joe’s Cafe, Sister Act, Young produced musical plays, including
Frankenstein, Mary Poppins, and Castle Walk (NYMF Next Link Selec-
Grease at Bill Hanney’s Theatre By The tion), and Peter Rabbit and the Garden
Sea in Rhode Island, where he is also of Doom (winner, Actors’ Playhouse
Producing Artistic Director. Kevin has competition).
been nominated as Best Director/Cho-
reographer for his work on Smokey HOWARD C. JONES (Original Scenic
Joe’s Cafe, Rent, The Full Monty, Chi- Design). Past NSMT design credits in-
cago, and Edwin Drood, and was clude Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Le-
awarded the NH Theatre Award for gally Blonde, My Fair Lady, Bye, Bye
Best Choreography for West Side Story Birdie, Contact, Forever Plaid, Hair-
at the Papermill Theatre. Kevin has also spray, Singin’ in the Rain ‘05, ‘92, Fame,
been awarded Six Broadway World Swing!, Cats, Chicago, Footloose ‘02,
awards and two Motif awards for his Carousel, Sweet Charity, Student
productions of Mamma Mia!, Mary Prince, Victor Victoria, Annie, Carnival,
Poppins and Young Frankenstein. Fu- Crazy For You, Will Rogers Follies,
ture projects include an original Phantom, Showboat, South Pacific,
danced play called Dance Night. As a Brigadoon, City of Angels, Guys and
Professor of Dance, Kevin has been on Dolls, Nunsense 2, How to Succeed in
faculty at Pennsylvania State University, Business Without Really Trying, Cam-
Kansas State University and most re- elot ‘91 and the annual production of
cently The Boston Conservatory of A Christmas Carol. Mr. Jones is Director
Music. Kevin is a proud member of of Scene Painting at the N.C. School of
SDC, AEA and Dance Masters of New the Arts. Before that he was the
England, Chapter 5. founder and owner of Cobalt Studios,
an apprentice painting studio, in up-
MILTON GRANGER (Music Direction) state New York. Other credits include
returns to North Shore Music Theatre Goodspeed Opera, Starlight Theatre,
having previously music directed Missouri Repertory Theatre, CLO in
Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story, Cinde- Pittsburgh, Merrimack Repertory The-
rella, Smokey Joe’s Cafe, A Christmas atre, Weston Playhouse, Virginia Opera
Carol (’14 – ’18, ‘21), Sunset Boulevard, and the American Heartland Theatre.
Jersey Boys, Hairspray, Jekyll & Hyde, Mr. Jones was proud to be included in
Mame, 42nd Street, Young Franken- the World Stage Design Expo 2005. He
stein, The Music Man, West Side Story, received the Elliot Norton Award for
Singin’ in the Rain, Mary Poppins, Sat- Outstanding Designer in June 2000
urday Night Fever, Anything Goes, Cats and several times has been awarded
and Swing!. As pianist/conductor: Best Design by KC Drama Desk.
Broadway: Mary Poppins, The Woman
in White, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Cy- KELLY BAKER (Costume Coordinator/
rano the musical, and Camelot (with Additional Costume Design) is so
Robert Goulet). National Tours: Phan- happy to back for another season! Pre-
tom of the Opera, Big, Sunset Boule- vious NSMT Costume Design/Coordi-
vard, Camelot. International: West Side nator credits include: Kinky Boots, Little
Shop of Horrors, Buddy, Cinderella, Byrd/Spectrum Dance, Hubbard Street
Smokey Joe’s Cafe, Mamma Mia! (‘21, Dance Chicago, Buglisi Dance Theatre,
‘18), The Bodyguard, Sunset Boulevard, BalletMet, Ballet Memphis, Richmond
Jersey Boys, Freaky Friday, Oklahoma!, Ballet and others. Jack also provides
A Christmas Carol, Hairspray, Jekyll & owner’s design representation for or-
Hyde, Peter Pan, as well as TYA shows ganizations building or renovating per-
A Year With Frog and Toad and Curious formance and rehearsal spaces and is
George: The Golden Meatball. Other a founding Board Member of ACT of
companies she has worked for include: Connecticut.
The Boston Conservatory at Berklee,
New England Conservatory, Greater LEON ROTHENBERG (Sound Design)
Boston Stage Company, Odyssey NSMT: All Shook Up, Wizard of Oz, Les
Opera, The Cape Playhouse, Com- Misérables, Saturday Night Fever, Sin-
monwealth Shakespeare Company, gin’ in the Rain, and A Christmas Carol
Theatre By The Sea, and OIV’s Ourob- since 2012. Select Broadway: Hillary
oros Trilogy. Thank you to Kevin, Karen, and Clinton, Waverly Gallery, Mike Bir-
Matthew and the amazing NSMT Cos- biglia’s The New One, The Boys in the
tume Shop/Wardrobe Crew for all that Band, A Doll’s House Part 2, Violet, The
they do. Hi Mama! Realistic Joneses, The Nance (Tony
Award), The Heiress, Joe Turner’s
JACK MEHLER (Lighting Design). Pre- Come and Gone (Tony Nom). Re-
vious work with NSMT includes Scen- gional: Pasadena Playhouse, The Wallis
ery & Lighting for Jekyll & Hyde (2018, (LA), Spoleto Festival, Huntington,
IRNE nomination), Singin’ in the Rain A.C.T., Portland Center Stage, Arena
(2016), Billy Elliot The Musical (2015), Stage, Seattle Rep, La Jolla Playhouse,
Miss Saigon (2013), Scenery for West Old Globe, Folger Shakespeare Li-
Side Story (2003), and Lighting for Lit- brary, Long Wharf, McCarter, Williams-
tle Shop of Horrors, Buddy, Smokey town Theater Festival, Hudson Valley
Joe’s Cafe, A Christmas Carol (‘02-’19, Shakespeare Festival, Merrimack Rep-
’21; 2012 IRNE nomination), Okla- ertory, Delaware Theater Company,
homa!, Annie, Camelot (IRNE nomi- New York Stage and Film, Two River
nation), Children of Eden, 42nd Street, Theater, Theatre By The Sea. Select
Funny Girl, Gypsy, Hairspray, High New York/Off-Broadway: Second
School Musical, Jesus Christ Superstar, Stage, New York City Center, Manhat-
The King and I, A Little Night Music, My tan Theatre Club, Public Theater, Cul-
Fair Lady, Nine (IRNE nomination), Rag- ture Project, Tectonic. Tours/
time, The Producers, Thoroughly Mod- International: Dirty Dancing: The Clas-
ern Millie, West Side Story (2016), sic Story Onstage, Cirque du Soleil.
Wizard of Oz, and Young Frankenstein.
He received the 2012 (Elisabeth) and
2013 (Rebecca) Korean Musical The- GERARD KELLY (Original Wig and
atre Awards (Korean Tony) for Lighting Hair Design) Gerard has designed for
Design of the Year. Other Theatre de- Hair on Broadway and on London’s
sign credits include Walnut Street The- West End. His New York credits include
atre, Paper Mill Playhouse, Manhattan the Public Theater, Mint Theater Com-
Theatre Club, Riverside Theatre, Cleve- pany, Playwrights Horizons. the Pearl
land Play House, Seattle Rep, Syracuse Theater, and the Classic Stage Com-
Stage, Weston Playhouse, The Working pany. Regional Theatre credits include
Theatre and WPA among many others. Theatre Under the Stars, Westchester
Dance: Alvin Ailey American Dance Broadway Theatre, Walnut Street The-
Theatre, Joffrey Ballet, Lar Lubovitch, atre, North Shore Music Theatre, Maltz
San Francisco Ballet, Donald Jupiter Theatre, Dallas Theater Center,
Paper Mill Playhouse, Maine State companies she has worked for include
Music Theatre, Carousel Dinner The- Boston Ballet, The Huntington Theatre,
atre, Phoenix Theatre, Sierra Repertory Speakeasy Stage Co., The Lyric Stage
Theatre. San Francisco TheatreWorks, Co., Greater Boston Stage, Theater By
Cape Playhouse, Sacramento Music The Sea, Odyssey Opera, The New
Circus, Westport Country Playhouse, England Conservatory, Boston Univer-
Peterborough Players, Actors, Play- sity, The Poets Theater, Boston Conser-
house, and George Street Playhouse. vatory, and ArtsEmerson. Kat has
Gerard has designed for Shakespeare designed and/or maintained wigs for
festivals in New York, Lake Tahoe, New such other companies as Boston Ballet,
Jersey, Idaho, and San Francisco. Film The Huntington Theater, Odyssey
credits include The Conjuring, Trans- Opera, and Boston University. Kat has
america, Girls Will Be Girls. Notorious, a B.S. in Film and Video Production
The Ten, The Savages, and The Other from The New England Institute of Art.
Women. Gerard has worked exten- For J,O,P,R&C, always.
sively with the B-52s.
KAT SHANAHAN (Additional Wig De- Stage Manager) is excited to be work-
sign) is THRILLED to be designing the ing on another production with North
wigs for A Christmas Carol - a show she Shore Music Theatre after stage man-
has seen every year since she was 2 aging Kinky Boots, Little Shop of Hor-
years old! She is the resident Ward- rors, Buddy, Cinderella, Smokey Joe’s
robe Supervisor here at NSMT, finish- Cafe, A Christmas Carol (‘21) and
ing out her 9th season! Other Mamma Mia! (‘21). Other recent credits
include The Inheritance, People, Places vers, MA. A huge thank you to Kevin,
and Things and Admissions with Spea- Matthew, and Bill!! Much love to my
keasy Stage Company of Boston, biggest supporters, my husband
Mamma Mia! (‘21) at Theatre By The David, Mom, Dad, family, and friends.
Sea, and A Year with Frog and Toad TYA @briana_fallon
at North Shore Music Theatre. When
not working professionally as a stage ROBERT L. RUCINSKI (Assistant
manager, Stephen spends his time di- Music Direction) is thrilled to be return-
recting and designing educational ing for his 16th production of A Christ-
productions, teaching future genera- mas Carol at NSMT. Past NSMT Music
tions of performing and technical the- Director credits include A Christmas
atre artists. Carol (‘19), A Year with Frog & Toad,
School House Rock Live Jr. Past Assis-
DAKOTAH WILEY HORAN (Assistant tant Music Director credits include
Stage Manager) is thrilled to be back Kinky Boots, Little Shop of Horrors, Cin-
having worked as the Assistant Stage derella, Smokey Joe’s Cafe, A Christ-
Manager on Kinky Boots, Little Shop of mas Carol (‘04 – ‘07, ‘10 – ‘18, ‘21),
Horrors, Buddy, Cinderella, Smokey Sunset Boulevard, Jersey Boys, Freaky
Joe’s Cafe, A Christmas Carol ‘16 – ‘19, Friday, Oklahoma!, Hairspray, Jekyll &
‘21, Mamma Mia! (‘18, ‘21), The Body- Hyde, Peter Pan, 42nd Street, West
guard, Sunset Boulevard, Jersey Boys, Side Story, Singin’ in the Rain (‘06 &
Freaky Friday, Oklahoma!, Hairspray, ‘16), Les Misérables, The Little Mer-
Jekyll & Hyde, Peter Pan, Mame, 42nd maid, The King and I, Forever Plaid,
Street, Evita, Young Frankenstein, Dis- Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Crazy
ney’s Beauty and the Beast, The Music for You, Cinderella (‘05-’06), Ain’t Mis-
Man, West Side Story, Spamalot and behavin’, Damn Yankees, Camelot,
Singin’ In The Rain, and as the Produc- Fame. Robert has been music director
tion Assistant for Mary Poppins and at many theaters throughout New Eng-
Funny Girl. Some of her previous Stage land and teaches at several high
Management credits include: Capital school and university theater programs
Repertory Theatre: Betrayal, Marvelous in the local area. A native of Jersey City,
Wonderettes, Cactus Flower, 33 Varia- NJ, he now lives in Arlington, MA.
tions, Leslie Uggams in Uptown Down- More info at
town, Man of La Mancha, and Single
Girls Guide. Pendragon Theatre: Clean BILL HANNEY (Owner/Producer) is
House, and Twelve Angry Men. She honored and proud to have been re-
would like to thank her parents for in- sponsible for both the 2007 purchase
stilling and encouraging her love of and re-opening of Theatre By The Sea
theatre, and to her friends and her (, the landmark
North Shore family for always support- 500 seat professional summer theatre
ing her. and restaurant in Wakefield, RI and the
2010 purchase and re-opening of
BRIANA FALLON (Assistant to the Di- North Shore Music Theatre (,
rector/Choreographer) is thrilled to re- the 1,500 seat nationally renowned re-
turn for her fourth Christmas season! gional theatre in Beverly, MA. He
Other NSMT credits: Cinderella, began his career in show business at
Mamma Mia! (‘18, ‘21), Freaky Friday, age 19, leasing and developing movie
Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, A theaters, including his first multiplex in
Christmas Carol, Singin’ in the Rain, Quincy, Massachusetts. Before long, he
Young Frankenstein, Saturday Night was booking rock shows (Jefferson
Fever, Billy Elliot. NYC credits: Anything Starship, Rush) and other types of live
Goes, Funny Face. BFA in Musical The- entertainment, which eventually led to
atre from The Boston Conservatory. the presenting and producing of
Owner of Refine Dance Studio in Dan- Broadway productions. One such
show was an appearance by the legen- vocalist in Stephen Schwartz’s Magic To
dary mime artist, Marcel Marceau. As Do for Princess Cruise Lines, and ap-
president of Broadway Productions, pearances at Feinstein’s/54 Below, The
Bill presented national tours such as Duplex, Carnegie Hall, and The Metro-
Annie, Amadeus, Dancin’, Peter Pan, politan Room. For many years, Mat-
The Rocky Horror Show and Mark Twain thew worked as a talent agent, casting
starring Hal Holbrook, throughout New associate, and photographer for Hey-
England including Worcester, Spring- man Talent Agency, specializing in
field, Portland, Maine and Boston. TV/film, commercials, runway, print
Throughout his career, Bill has stayed and voiceovers. He is a former Associ-
focused on his movie theatre chain ate Producer for Encore International,
having bought, built, owned, operated casting and producing shows for
and sold more than 30 cinemas. His theme parks, cruise ships, and corpo-
company, Entertainment Cinemas, cur- rate events.
rently operates seven movie com-
plexes in four states. In 2009, Bill was ACTORS’ EQUITY ASSOCIATION
elected President of the Theatre (AEA), founded in 1913, represents
Owners of New England. Bill’s ongoing more than 45,000 actors and stage
work with NSMT inspires him to con- managers in the United States. Equity
sider acquiring additional perform- seeks to advance, promote and foster
ance venues at which he plans to the art of live theatre as an essential
someday share his productions be- component of our society. Equity ne-
tween his theatres. Bill has been gotiates wages and working con-
named to the North Shore Top 100 by ditions, providing a wide range of
the North Shore Chamber of Com- benefits, including health and pension
merce. In 2012, he was recognized by plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-
both the Beverly Chamber of Com- CIO, and is affiliated with FIA, an inter-
merce and Salem Chamber of Com- national organization of performing
merce as Business Person of the Year. arts unions. The Equity emblem is our
He is the recipient of the 2015 Leslie S. mark of excellence.
Ray Hall of Fame Award, presented by
the Greater Beverly Chamber of Com- NORTH SHORE MUSIC THEATRE
merce. Bill is a member of the League (NSMT) Since 1955, NSMT has become
of Broadway Producers and was in- one of the most attended theatres in
volved with the recent revival of Pippin, New England, with approximately
as well as developing several new mu- 250,000 patrons annually. With a na-
sicals. Bill also produces Cape Live!, a tional and regional reputation for artis-
summer entertainment series at the tic achievement, NSMT has received
Barnstable Performing Arts Center in numerous industry awards including
Hyannis. Elliot Norton Awards, IRNE Awards, the
Rosetta Le Noire Award from Actors’
MATTHEW CHAPPELL (Casting Di- Equity, and the Moss Hart Award.
rector) is honored to continue working NSMT produced the World Premiere of
with this remarkable creative team as Memphis in 2003, the show went on to
resident Casting Director and Associ- win four 2010 Tony Awards including
ate Producer for Bill Hanney’s North Best Musical. Under the new own-
Shore Music Theatre and resident Cast- ership of Bill Hanney in 2010, NSMT
ing Director for Theatre By The Sea. An continues to annually produce a musi-
accomplished performer, he is for- cal subscription series and an annual
tunate to have worked all over the production of A Christmas Carol along
world in more than 30 productions, in- with celebrity concerts, children’s pro-
cluding several shows at NSMT, as lead gramming, and year-round education
programs for all ages.
Producing Artistic Director - Kevin P. Hill Associate Producer/Casting Director - Matthew Chappell
General Manager - Karen Nascembeni Interim Production Manager - Stephen MacDonald*
Chief Financial Officer - Tom Senter Associate Production Manager - Scott G. Nason
Director of Marketing Company Manager – Amanda Ostrow-Mason
and Communications - Mike Ceceri Assistant Company Manager - Mariah Ruben
Director of Education - Kyla Moulton Musician Contractor - Jay Daly
Finance Manager - Diane Ford Projections Operator- Melissa Poirier
Flight Operators- Derek Hodge, Hannah Sotnek
Finance Associate - Kathy Carnevale
Youth Performer Supervisor- Kam Dunn
Director of Corporate and
Community Relations - Kirk P. Mansfield
Production Photography - Paul Lyden Technical Director - Mark Vagenas
Videographer - Award Productions Assistant Technical Director - Mike Gove
Accounting Firm - CompCo Associates Carpentry Lead - Myles McMann
Legal Counsel - Tom Alexander, Alexander & Femino Assistant Carpentry Lead - David Adriance
COVID Compliance Officers - Matthew Chappell, Amanda Carpenters - Abbey Kulhavy,
Ostrow-Mason, Mariah Ruben Stagehands - Ben Florance (Mechanics Operator), Maggie
Martin, Hannah Sotnek, Myles McMann, David Adriance,
PATRON SERVICES & CONCESSIONS Abby Kulhavy, Sahnnon “Soks” Gemma, Adam Nicol, An-
Director of Patron Services - Suzanne Kendall drew Duggins, Aurora Hannisian
Box Office Customer Service Reps - Rosanne Coble,
Carol Dempsey, Donna Full, Lorrie Goudreau, Nancy PAINT SHOP
Jewell, Jaclyn Rosenberg, Jean Souza Paint Charge - Sasha Seaman
Bar/Concession Staff - Matt Barbrick, Jim Coble, Irene Assistant Paint Charge - Shannon “Soks” Gemma
Cote, Erin Gardner, Sophia Gallo, Paula Guptill, Chris
Kendall, Darla Loundsbury, Mike Mitchell, Susanne PROP SHOP
Nangle, Katy Place, Marielle Sabbag Props Lead - Adam Nicol
House Manager - Jackie Rapisardi Props Artisan - Andrew Duggins
Ushers - Jill Benas, Ann Berman, Brenda Berry, Susan
Capodilupo, Dianne Carter, Jane Cohen, Paul Cohen,
Lighting Lead - Sheila Donovan
Anna Craig, Jean Dawson, Nancy Jo Delaney, Tom
Assistant Lighting Lead - Tom Brabant
Delaney, Lori DeNisco, Joan Dolan, Marisa Englin, James
Lead Electrician - Violet Gayzagian
Ferguson, John Filip, Gregory Gibson, Diane Gordon, Spotlight Operators - Melanie Raimo, Jake McStay, Shan-
Ruth Greco, Betsy Holbrook, Mary Jarmolowicz, Dorrie non Colter, Violet Gayzagian
Kimkaran, Gladie Kneeland, Walt Kosmowski, Susan
Kuppens, Katie Linares, Cindy Maguire, Louise McKenna, SOUND
Ginny Moceri, Beverly Nathan, Gloria Nicastro, Linda Sound Supervisor - Adam Bates
O’Keefe, Mary O’Shea, Helen Papele, Dottie Pinkham, Audio Engineer – Eddie Pizzano
Paula Pobiedzinski, Susan Rizzo, Susan Rogers, Robert Mic Tech - Beth Truax
Sant Fournier, Jayne Theodore
FACILITIES Costume Shop Manager - Kelly Baker
Director of Facilities - Heather Romani Wardrobe Supervisor - Kat Shanahan
Facilities Managers - Rick Dunn Assistant Costume Shop Manager - Joellen Olari
Facilities Crew - Chanel Call, Chris Moudarri, Lead Dresser - Joey Pisano
Mike Symonds Wig Maintenance - Dan Galyon
Parking Attendants - Gavin Bioghosian, Jenna Boghosian, Stitchers/Dressers - Hannah Cousins, Dan Galyon, Re-
Dylan Crowley, Beatriz DaCosta, Daniel Fiore, Kay becca Glick, Sarah Scougall
Fortado, Morgan Gold, Jerome Guilebbe, Daniel Grant,
Ashton Harville-Fry, Kara Hersey, Patrick Johnson, Bob STAGE MANAGEMENT
Production Stage Manager - Stephen MacDonald*
Laws,Luke Manzo, Kirsten McMahon, Candy Melanson,
Assistant Stage Manager - Dakotah Wiley Horan*
Michael Mitchell, Ryan Munzing, Mackenzie Quarterone,
Production Assistant - Abby Ray
Riley Riordan, Gabriel Rogers, Joshua Sidmore, Dakota
Stage Operations - Derek Hodge
Sprankle, Makayla Sprankle, Kaitlyn Wilson
*Members of Actors’ Equity Association
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