Aluminum Comparison Chart
Aluminum Comparison Chart
Aluminum Comparison Chart
Lightweight, strong, durable, and widely available, Its many different alloys offer a range of properties.
it’s perfect for a range of industrial and commercial Some are better suited to heat-treatment, while others
applications: from aircraft to iPhones. are designed for welding, forming, and machining.
Plethora stocks two aluminum alloys – grades 6061 and 7075. While both ideal
for machining, when should you choose one over another?
6061 7075
A magnesium and silicon-based aluminum alloy. A zinc alloy with a small amount of magnesium.
Renowned for its use as a structural material. Higher strength-to-weight ratio than 6061.
A good all-rounder in terms of heat treatability, Able to match steel in terms of strength.
weldability, and forming.
Decent corrosion resistance.
Excellent corrosion resistance – surpasses 7075.
High machinability with a low weight – though
Typically found in food and drink packaging. heavier than 6061.
Commonly used in smaller aircraft and boats; as Used to make everything from aircraft and
well as in aluminum bars and rods. sports equipment to industrial tools.
Versatility is its best quality – though not as Low density with good thermal properties.
strong as 7075.
Produces a smooth material finish.
Great for secondary operations: welding or