RTR Exam Schedule 2023

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Government of India

Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
WPC Wing , COP Section
5th Floor, Sanchar Bhawan, 20 Ashoka Road
New Delhi - 110 001
No. P-11014/01/2018-COP Dated: i"1 -12-2022

Subject: Release of RTR(A) exam schedule at New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai,

Hyderabad and Kolkata Centres for the Year 2023.

The Ministry of Communications, Department of Telecommunications, Wireless

Planning and Co-ordination Wing will hold examinations for award of Radio Telephony
Restricted(Aero) Certificate of Proficiency and Licence to operate in the Aero mobile
Service under the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operator's Certificate of
Proficiency and Licence to Operate Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954 and subsequent
amendments made thereafter, as mentioned in the table below: ­
S. Centre Date of Date for receiving hard copy of Hard Copy to be
No. commencement the application at concerned sentto Regional
of Examination RLO Licensing
(tentative) Start Date Last Date Office(RLO) As per
Table-2 below
1 New Delhi 06-02-2023 15-12-2022 30-12-2022 New Delhi
2 Mumbai 10-04-2023 15-02-2023 02-03-2023 Mumbai
3 Chennai 05-06-2023 15-04-2023 30-04-2023 Chennai
4 New Delhi 07-08-2023 15-06-2023 30-06-2023 New Delhi
5 Hyderabad 09-10-2023 15-08-2023 30-08-2023 Chennai
6 Kolkata 04-12-2023 15-10-2023 30-10-2023 Kolkata

2. The above examination dates are tentative, hence likely to be changed. Admitted
candidates shall, however, be intimated through Department of Telecom (DOT) website for
the correct dates and venue of the examination would be confirmed through Department of
Telecom (DOT) website. All the candidates, Examiners, Coordinators and other staff
associated with Examination are directed to follow the COVID-19 guidelines/SOPs issued
by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare from time to time, if required/mandatory at city/state
of examination centre. All concerned are also advised to follow the instructions issued by
Department of Telecom, Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing attached at Annexure-1.
3. This is a professional examination of International standard as per the Government
guidelines prescribed under the International Radio Regulations applicable to the
Aeronautical Mobile Service, and is not meant for filling of any vacancies or imparting
training . Those who qualify, by virtue of meeting requisite standard of performance, are
granted the certificate/ licence .

4. Hardcopy of the application should be submitted within the stipulated period as

mentioned in the Table-1 above to respective RLOs

Continued on page- 2

5. For application form and relevant information, you may refer to this Ministry Gazette
Notification No. GSR 7(E) dated 06.10.2010, which is enclosed.

6. The examination fee for the Examination is Rs. 500 /-(Rupees Five Hundred only).

6.1 The candidate may pay examination Fees through NON TAX RECEIPT
PORTAL(NTRP) only and enclose a copy of the payment receipt as proof of payment with
completed application. Further details on payment through NTRP, are available at
http://bharatkosh.gov.in/static/UserGuide.aspx. It may also be noted that while making
payment through NTRP, due care must be taken to make payment to Department of
Telecommunications (DoT) only. In case of any assistance/problem in making payment
through NTRP, you may get help from help desk on HELP LINE No.011­
23328280/23036242 and Email at support.pfms-dot@nic.in, at Room No. 1312, Sanchar
Bhawan, New Delhi. Payment made to any other Department/Ministry will not be taken into
consideration. Application form duly completed in all respects be sent to the "Assistant
Wireless Adviser to the Government of India of the respective Regional Licencing
Office(RLO), where the examination is scheduled, as given in Para 1 above, so as to reach
not later than the last date mentioned above for respective examination. Examination
centre wise details of payee are given below in the table:
Licence Name of the payee Address of the RLO where application to be submitted
issued from under NTRP
RLO, New Controller of Assistant Wireless Adviser, WPC Wing Regional
Delhi Communication Licensing Office, Ministry of Communications, Northern
Accounts, New Delhi. Regional Wireless Monitoring HORS Campus, (PO)
PAO Code: 077177 Ghitorni, New Delhi-30.

ODO Code : 201540

Tel.No.+ 91 11 2650 2671/1712 FAX. No. +91 11 2650
RLO, Controller of Assistant Wireless Adviser, WPC Wing Regional
Mumbai Communication Licensing Office, Ministry of Communications ,3rd Floor,
Accounts, Mumbai MTNL Telephone Exchange Bldg, Charkop, Sector-5,
PAO Code: 008604 Kandivali (W),

ODO Code: 208605

Mumbai-400 067
Tel No.+91 22 2868 3202/28672351 ,Fax No. +91 22
2867 3214
RLO, Controller of Assistant Wireless Adviser, WPC Wing Regional
Chennai Communication Licensing Office, Ministry of Communications,
Accounts, Tamilnadu International Wireless Monitoring Station Campus , (PO)
PAO Code: 077153 Perungudi, Kandanchavadi,
ODO Code : 201579 Chennai- 600 096. Tel.No.+ 91 44 2496 2070/ 2496
FAX. No. +91 44 2496 4000
RLO, Controller of Assistant Wireless Adviser, WPC Wing Regional
Kolkata Communication Licensing Office, Ministry of Communications,
Accounts, West Bengal. International Wireless Monitoring Station Campus, (PO)
PAO Code: 077155 Sarkarpool, Gopalpur, Kolkata -700143 .
ODO Code : 201589 Tel·. No. +91 33 2401 1431/2401 8801
FAX. No.+ 91 33 2401 4473

7. Applications received after the prescribed last date, and/or incomplete/incorrect or

without payment proof shall be liable to be rejected and NO CORRESPONDENCE in this
regard will be entertained at a later stage. The candidates will have the option to apply for
'full examination' (Part I and Part II) or 'Part I only' based on their eligibility; however, once

--!Li-' 1-'
'J,,O?,rry- Continued on page- 3

the admit card is issued, change of option and change of date of examination under no
circumstances would be entertained.

8. Once an application has been . rejected on account of late receipt or being

incomplete I incorrect in any respect, no refund/adjustment or carry forward of fees will be
entertained. Candidate will not be permitted to change their examination centre after
giving option once in the application form.

9. This Ministry DOES NOT RECOGNISE OR APPROVE any institute or flying club for
the purpose of training , tuition or coaching etc. The examination may, if necessary, be
held at an institute in which case the said institute will be merely the centre/venue of the

10. Enquiry, if any, may be made at the respective Regional Licencing Office(RLOs)
contact detail is mentioned in Table-2 above or at this Ministry in person on any
Wednesday between 10.30 AM and 12.30 PM and on any Friday between 3 PM and
4.30PM, from Assistant Wireless Adviser to the Govt. of India or Engineer, WPC Wing,
COP Section, Department of Telecom, 5th Floor, Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New
Delhi- 110 001 or on Tel. Nos. 011-23359562, 23372081, 23036539.

~a/C?__ r-1'~
(4 ~ 1;;_~;<_0~%{,
(Onkar Nath)
Assistant Wireless Adviser
Ph: 01123036539/23372081
1. DGCA for information. (with request to schedule their exam dates avoiding WPC Wing
scheduled exam dates)
3. Director, WMO
4. Sr.DWA (IT&SACFA), WPC Wing (with request to arrange to upload on DOT website).
Department of Telecom,

Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing


1. General Instructions: -
a) Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed during examination.
b) Without face cover/ masks and hand gloves entry at entry gate of the premises
of exam center is banned and it is made mandatory for all.
c) A COVID negative test report not earlier than 48hrs is mandatory for all the
candidates to appear in the RTR(A) examination.
d) Institutes/centers are directed to arrange hand wash soap and alcohol based
hand sanitizers at the entry of exam centers and examination halls.
e) Spitting is strictly prohibited in the premises and exam hall.
f) Installation & use of Aarogya Setu App is advised, as far as feasible.
2. Instructions to Examination Centers/ Examiners and related staff: -
a) Only those Examination Centers which are outside the containment zone shall
be allowed to conduct examination. Staff / examiners from containment zones
may not be permitted. If the examination center comes in containment zone just
before start of examination or after start of exam, the examination may not be
continued till the normal situation restored. The concerned chief examiner
should monitor and keep regular updating about the containment zone, smooth
functioning of exam etc. to WPC HQ for further necessary action as
appropriate. Accordingly, WPC HQ may upload notice regarding
postponement/ normalization of exam at DOT website for circulation to
candidates and staff associated with examination.
b) Candidates has to submit self-declaration (undertaking) as per pro-forma given
below about health status at the time of examination.
c) Candidates have to carry face mask, hand sanitizer, transparent drinking water
d) The coordinator(s) may brief to invigilators, examiners and other associated
staff about code of conduct in the context of COVID.
e) Institutes/ exam centers are directed to display of posters / standees / AV media
on preventive measures about COVID-19 prominently at the examination
center (outside and inside).
f) Institutes/ exam centers are directed to make provision for compulsory/
mandatory hand hygiene and thermal screening to check body temperature of
each and every person entering at exam center. This facility has to be provided
at each entry gate of examination hall and main entry gates.

Page 1 of 3
g) The examination center has to have a designated isolation room for isolating
any person who is found symptomatic at the time of screening or during
examination, till such time medical advice has to be sought.
h) Only asymptomatic staff and candidates shall be allowed inside the
examination hall. Candidates having fever, cough, cold or any symptom of
COVID-19 should not be allowed to appear in examination. Nearest COVID
hospital / health center along with State Government/Central Government
helpline numbers has to be immediately informed about the patient.
i) All staff and candidates to be allowed entry only if using face masks/ covers.
The face cover/mask has to be worn at all times inside the examination center
by all.
j) Specific markings have to be made by exam center with sufficient distance to
manage the queue and ensure social distancing in the premises. Maintain
physical distancing of a minimum of 6 feet, when queuing up for entry and inside
the center as far as possible.
k) Bags/books/mobiles by the candidates are not allowed in the examination
l) Frisking of examinees, if needed, shall be undertaken after thermal screening
and direct contact may be avoided.
m) Staff at high risk like older and pregnant employee shall not be deployed for
conduct of exam.
n) Seating arrangement in the examination hall to be made in such a way that
adequate social distancing is maintained.
o) The examiner will sanitize his hand prior to distribution of question papers/
sheets. The candidate will also sanitize their hand before receiving such paper
and handing them back to examiners. The collection and packing of the answer
sheets, at every stage will involve sanitization of hand. The answer sheet/result
will preferably be opened after sanitization.
p) Sharing of personal belongings/ stationary shall not be allowed. Use of
spit/saliva for counting / distributing sheets shall not be allowed.
q) Examination hall and other common area shall be sanitized each time before
and after examination on daily basis.
r) Cleaning and regular disinfection of frequently touched surfaces like door
knobs, benches etc., to be made mandatory in all examination hall and other
common areas.
s) Examination question papers may not be reused. After each shift/slot/batch of
examination new set of papers has to be opened and distributed among the
candidates. Hence there is no need to make them to wait in the examination
room to maintain secrecy of question paper.
t) For other / revised/ latest guidelines/instructions candidates and associated
staff are advised to referrer detailed SOP on preventive measure to be followed

Page 2 of 3
while conducting examinations to contain spread of COVID-19 issued by
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
3. Instructions to be followed in case of a suspect case or person who
develops symptoms during the conduct of examination: -
a) Place the ill person in a room or area where they are isolated from others.
b) Immediately inform parents or guardians or relatives about his health and
inform the nearest medical facility (hospital/clinic) or call the state /central
government helpline numbers.
c) The person will remain isolated while wearing a mask/face cover till such time
he/she is examined by a doctor.
d) If symptoms deteriorate, inform the nearest medical facility (hospital/clinic) or
call the state or district helpline.
e) A risk assessment shall be undertaken by the designated public health authority
(district RRT/treating physician) and accordingly further action be initiated
regarding management of case, his/her contacts and need for disinfection.
f) Disinfection of the premises to be taken up if the person is found positive.
It may be noted that the SOP detailed above provides for minimum
precautions to be followed during planning and conduct of examinations.
Institutions/ Examination Conducting Authorities/ Examination centers may put
additional measures in place as per their local assessment and in line with
activities permitted by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) as per MHA orders
issued from time to time.

Page 3 of 3
(Department ofTelecommunication1)
. New Delhi~ the 6th January, 2010
· In exercise· of the po~ers conferred by section 7 of the Indian
G.sA 7(E).-
Telegrapb. Act, .1885 (13 of 1885), th~ Central Government hereby makes th~ .
following·rutes fu.rther to amend lndiani Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial RadiO
. Operato.r.' s .Certificate of Proficiency an4 Licence to Operate Wi.r eless Telegrap~y)
Rules 1954, namely:- · ·

1. (1) These rules may be called the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial

Radio Operator's Certificate of Proficiency and Licenc~ ·to Operate Wireless

Telegrap~y) Amendment Rules, 2009. ·

(2) They shall come into for~ on the date of their publication in the .
Official Gazette. ·

2. In the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operator's Certificate

of . Proficiency and Licence to Oper~te Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954

(hereinafter referred to as the said rules},- for rule 7, th.e following rule shall be

·substituted, namely:- ·

"7. ~ee
for the examination. - A candfdate for· admission to an examination for

the grant of certificate specified under f.ule 3 shall pay examination fee of five

hundred .rupees per exam and the said ~xamination fee may be reviewed by the

Central Government from time to time". ;

3. In the said rules, after rule 8, the foJlowing rule shall be inserted, namely.­

"8A Language . - The Language of the examinations conducted under these rules · ·
shall be English."

4. In the said rules, for rule 10, the .following rule shall be ~11bstituted, namely:­

' 10.. _Licence fee and validity.- A ca11di.~ate for the ?rant of certificate and,licence

specified under the rule 3 shall pay fees 1tj the followmg sc~le, namely:- .

(i) . Rs! 5,000 for .twenty years

(ii) . Rs.10,000 for life time
14 1111GAzi:n'EoPINDL(: UmAORDINARY .. IPm 11--&Ec. l(i}l

Explanation.- For the purposes of this ·ruJ.e, the expression "Life time" means till
the licence holder attains the age of eighty ·years ·subject to condition that after
attaining the age of 65 years the licence jhol,der shall intimate the licensor for every ·
five years about the use of the licence -: . . · . .·. ·

Provided that the central government m~y extend the validity.­

. I

! . '
A. of twenty years licence. - {or a further period of twenty year8, if the
lieence holder fulfils the foilowing conditions, ~amely that the licence
holder has:­

(i) made a ·s pecific request;

(ii) pays a fee of five thoµsand rupees; and
(iii) an ~xperjence of ilot less than three ·months in a Station
working in the Aero-µiobile service; or ·
30 hours of flying ~:..:perience in an _Aero.-Mobile station; or ·
satisfies the eentral g~vernment, by re-examination or otherwise
that he still possess~s all the eligibilities required for issue or
renewal of such lice~ce. · ·

B Life time licence ·.- On sp¢cific request of the licence holdet for ten
years at a time without ad~itional payment after attaining the age of
eighty years.

Provided further that if the ~oldet of a lieence, in the opinion of the Central
Government, has willfully or negligen~ly provided incorrect or false information
for the purpose of re-validation of the licence, th~ Central Government may·
endorse, suspend or cancel the licence: ·

Provided ·also that no order to SlJisperid or cancel the licence under this rule
shall be made unless the persons yoncemed has been given a reasonable
opportunity of making arepresentation ~gainst the action proposed to be taken . . ,

Explanation 1.- For the pwposes of this rule, ·the expression "experience,, means
the experience gained at a mobile ·stat on in the Aeronautica~ Mobile Service as
adequate for Radio Telephone operator or experience gained as an operator of
Radio Telephone station maintained on
ground for communication with mobile.
stations in Aeronautical Service

Explanation 2.- For .removal doubts, it is hereby declared that the .licenees existing .
on the day of coming into force of these Rules shall continue to be valid till their
expiry and the licence holders desirous of renewing their licences shall switch over
to these rules by applying for renewal for twenty years or life time'.
• ( "'1fll-WQ3(1)] """·llif~: 3™1QHOI IS
S.. In the said rules, for rule lOA, the following rule .shaU be substitut~,
namely:- .

"lOA Late Fee.- The .Central GoveI'lllllent may consider renewal of licence upto a
. period of five years after the expiry ~f lk.eilce, if the licence holder pays late fee
of 2% ef licence. fee per month. subject to a minimum of two hundred and fifty
rupee$ and if the·delay is more than
la year, after the expiry, the late fee shall be,
compounded every year."
6. In the said rules, for rule 11, th~ following rule. shall be substituted, namely:­
. "11. Issue of duplicate or replacement of certificates and licences.- (1) A licenee
holder whose certificate or licence under these rules ha~ been lost, mutilated or
destroyed shall immediately notify thpi loss to the. Central Government.

(2) A properly executed applicati+ for duplicate certificate shall be mad~ to the
Central Government embodying a st~tement of the circumstances involved in the
loss,. mutilation or des~ruction of thejcertific.~te or licence for which a dupl.icate is
·r eqmred. . . . · . . · · .
. .

(3) If the certificate or licence ~as been· lost, the applicant must state that,
reasonable search has been made · for it add further,. that in the event it be found,
either th~ original or the duplicate shWl be returned for cancellation. •

(4) The :Central Government ma issue duplicate copy of any certificate or

licence on payment of orie thousan ·rupees".
. . .
7. . In the said ·r ules, for rule 12, t e followingnile shall be substituted, namely:­

"12. . Discipline of opetators.- ·

(1) If in the opjnion of the Central Government the holders of the ·certificate or
licence has willfully or negligently failed to eomply with the provisions of the.
convention,.or of these rules or of any regulations. laWfully applicable to him or her
in respect of operation of Radio Apparatus the Central ·Government may endorse,
suspend .o r cancel the certificate. .

(2) The Central Government m~y

under these rules at any time recill1re the
holder of a certificate of proficienFY to produce the same and the holder _shall
camply with such ·requisition.
. .

.(3) The CentraJ Govem~ent .m ay at any time require the holder of a certificate
of proficiency or licence to be re-examined in order to test his knowledge and
ability and ·may as a result of such examination, endorse, suspend or cancel the
certificate of proficiency or the liceuce and no fee shall · be· chargeable for such

{4) Every l1older. the certificate under these rules ~hall observe secrecy of.the
correspondence and a declaration to this effect shall be .made by ~uch holder·in the
application for admission to the examina~ion for such certificate-:

Provided that the Central Govem~ent may modify, vary, c~cel .o~ revoke
any of. the conditions .governing .the.i issue : of Radio Telephony Restricted
(Aeronautical) certificate under these. ru~es either by sending notice in writing to
the holder or by a general notice publish~d in the Official Gazette or·news paper in
New Delhi." ·

8. In the said rules for Annexure-I, the following·· A:nnexures ·shall be .

substituted, namely:-·

. "An".-........... . ­

l .


ADMmlOl'll To EXAMINATION roa A crRnFlcAn: or jnc1ENcv JN ~DI 0- . ·

The fonn when completed should be sent to: ! (For use by Ille Offlct)
Roll No.
The Assistant Wireless Advisor to the ·

Govt. of India,

WPC Regional Llcencing Office,.

To be rilled in by the applicant
(Rapectlw RLO as mentioned in the Name &: ·Postal address ofapplicant.
examination schedule.) (Tel. no...& EwMail address, if any)
•• t • • • • I .. . I e I I• It• I• e I I I I I • • I I t• I I I I I I I I• I • I I I I I

• I I •• I I I I• I • I I I ~ I I••• I • I I•• • • It I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I

• • •••• •• • • J,, . ..... ....... . . ... .. ..... . . ....... . . . .

I I I I• I I I••• I I I I It I I• I I It I I I• I t It I I I I It I• I I• I I It I ,:

ln & Part. (Tick whichever applicable)
~ .

(a) (b) Class of .

. RTR (Aero) Full: ! RTR (Aero) Pt.I:
Note:".'Pt. I,. Rene al .by Test (copy of Indian.Licence/ Foreign
0 ..
Licence and India .Permit to be submi11ed along with aj)plication.
Original Licence should be produced during examination for
.-verification) .. · ·
(c) Month ofexamination:

(d) Details ofBank Draft.@

['""D-..,.3(1)] ~lliT~:~ 17
(i) Name ofState Bank of India branch.

(ii) No. and date (iii) Amount:­

(e) State, ifappe&ring in any other class of COP Examination, (Tick appropriate box)
No. 0 Yes. 0 Specify class if yes:- ,

• •Name of the centre, duly notified.

• @The Bank Dra"ft should be obtained from any branch of the STATE BANK OF INDIA and
drawn in favor of PAO (HQ), DOT, NEW DELHI payable at STATE BANK OF INDIA,
NEW DELHI, Parliament Street, New Delhi. Service Branch (Code 7687). In case of
·payment from Delhi, Banker's cheque from State Bank of India is also acceptable.

1. Name ofApplicant (In Block Letters) NAME . SURNAME

Name in Hindi, if possible.

2. Full postal address to which

Cormnunication to be sent

3. Permanent Home A~dress

4. Contact No. and E-Mail address if any

s. Description of Applicant:
(a) Height Metres Centimeters
(b) Colour ofeyes
(c) Colour of hair
(d) Complexion

(e} Mark ofldentification

6. Date of Birth: (*Please attach attested
copy ofyour School Leaving Certificate or
Matriculation Certificate) (Applicant should be o~ 18 y~ars of age)

7. Pl~ ofbirth (with District and State)

8. Name of State to which you belong

9. {a) Are you a citiun oflndia by birth and /or domicile
s Note: A certificate to this effect in the fonn given at page 4 of the application may obtain from
:'\\ persons duly authorised from time to tim·e by the Central Government. · ·
(b) If not, to which country you belong?
10•. Father's name, address and nationality (if dead, state
A..ast address)

11. Particulars of Cemficates ofCompetency/Proficiency

· If any, already held by the applicant:

Class ofCertificate No. and date ofissue Authority by whom issued

.. ;

12. Educational Qualification ofthe Candidate . . .

(Please attach proof, a copy duly attested by a Gazetted officer ofCentral or State Govt.)


1. I hereby solemnly declare that the foregoing facts are true and conect ~ nothing is false
therein and nothing material has been concealed there from. I also ~ .that in case any
information given by me herein before is found false at later date, the certifi~ and licence to
operate, if granted will be cancelled.

2. I further solemnly give an undertaking that I will not either directly or indirectly divulge
to any person, except when lawfully authorised or directed to do so, the purport or any message
which I may transmit or receive by means of any wireless apparatus operated by me or which
may come to my knowledge in connection with the operation of the said apparatils.

3. I have carefully read and understood the rules contained in the ·Indian Wireless
Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operators Certificates of Proficiency and licence to operate
Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954 and undertake to abide by them. ·

Signature of Witness Signanre of app~ant

Name (in Capital Letters) Name (in Capital Letters)

. Address: . Date :


Date :

Place: ·

(To be wi~d by any responsible person)

I enclosed the following documents:

[ tRD--3(0] 19
· (i) Bank Draft for Rs •••••••
(ii) Cbancter and Nationality Certi.ficate
(iii) Domicile Certificate, if any required. ..
(iv) Proof ofAp (Applicant should be above 18 years of age on the date of commencement
of the examination)
(v) Photographs stamps size 3x4 ems - Two Nos. (One should be pasted in the space
provided in the Attendance Sheet, page no.6, and the second one should be enclosed in an
envelope and secured to the application form).
(vi) Enclosed a self Bddressed and stamped (Rs.SI- only) envelope ofsize 23X I 0 cm. ·

Signatare ofapplicant


Cenified that I have mown Sbri.............·, ..................................... ~ ...............

Son of Shri:;......... ~ ................................................for the .last........................years

......... mon~. He bears a. good moral character and is of

..................................nationality. He is not related to me.

· Place: Signature. ­

·oate-: Name (in Capital Letters)

Designation & Address With Stamp

1. Gazetted Officer of Central or State Governments..

2. Member ofParliament or State Legislature
3. Sul>-Divisiona1 Magistrate/Officer or TehaSildar
(Tbis page will be posted to the candidate. Therefore it should be on a sepant• •beet of
paper) · ·


TECHNOLOGY (WPC WING), Regional L~ceasing Office, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••


Shri........ ;................................. is hereby admitted to the following examination: .

Examination Centre Roll No. Date Time


1. Candidates must carefully study the following instructions for strict compliance:

i) No candidate will be admitted to the Examination Hall after half an hour from the
commencement ofexamination
ii) C~didates should bring their own pen, ink, pencil, erasures and drawing
iii) Candidates shall not be allowed the help of any scribe to write answers for them.
iii) No candidate shall be permitted to leave ~e Examination Hall unless half an hour
has elapsed after the comme~ement of the paper.
iv) Candidates are not allowed to take mobile phones/elec~onic gadgets to the
examination hall.

2. If the candidate is fo\Jnd guilty of impersonation or using or attempting to use unfair

means in the Examination Hall, he is liable to criminal prosecution and/or he may be debarred
either pennanently or for a specified period from appearing in the examination.



For Assistant wireless Adviser

to the Government ofIndia
Candidate to write his postal address:

Shri .... ....................... .
["ftlfU---3(1)] JI
(Pleue use an exehaslvelseparate sheet for tbia pa1e





(To be filled by·the Candidate, prefenbly typed and should be on a Hpante 111eet of paper)

ca. of Exam: Click tile rapeetive box. Paste recent ml 9'QCI USI QNLY
Photograph 3X4 cm '
Partlonly D · here. The
photograph should
Roll No: ...... ..- .......

Partl&ll. D be signed and dated SI no of Lie...........·

on the &ont
Name ofthe Centi:e: RTR(A) Lie. No... . . .
Date :~ .. .... .. .... .......

1. Name ofthe Candidate in BLOCK LErrERS .... :.. .......... ...... .............. ~ ................
2. Postal address where tbe licence to be posted.

3. Father's name.

4. Date of birth.

·s. Place ofbirth.

6. Nationality.

7. Height in mt?s. 8. Colour ofeye. 9.Colour of hair


11 .Mark(s) ofidentification

12. Particulars ofCertificate of Proficiency Licence, if any, already held by ·the applicant.
(a) Class ofLicence. (b) No. and date of Licence. (c) Issued by.

Date ·, Subject Si211ature of the Candidate

1 2 3
Part I

Part II
- .. : .. :







1. Application. duly completed should reach the Atiistant Wireless Advt.er to Govt. of
. India, WPC Regional Licencing Omce of the reipecmre· region u mentloaed in die

tehedule of the examination by the prescribed due date. Applicatiou received,

without proper enclosures 11nd after the due date, will· s11ma~ly be reject•.

F9rtber~ NO enquiry or correspondence will be entertained oa tJae matter• . Also

application• otherwise not iii order in any manner would abo be rejected smnmarlly

without entertaining any correspondence in this regard..

2. Every application form should be accompanied by:­

(i) Two identical copies of the recent photographs .of the candidate". The photographs should
be ofhead and shoulders orily (full face) and 3 X 4 ems size. They should be duly signed
and dated in ink on the fronf and one of them enclosed in a small open· envelop. · The
other should be pasted on the right hand top of the attendance sheet enclosed. The
name and complete address should Pe written on the back of the photographs
enclosed in the open ·envelope.
(ii) The- nationality and charaeter certificate in the prescribed fonnat from one of the officers
listed below:- .
a) or
Gazetted omcen Central or State Governments.
b) Member &f Parliament or MLA, MLC of State Government
c) Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Officer
d) Tehuildar ofNaib/Deputy Tebasildar authorized to exercise mapteriAI powers.
(iii) Evidence of age (e.g. At~ copy of Matriculation Certificate or School leaving
Certificate). ·
(iv) Examination fee in the form ofSBI Demand Draft.
(v) Domicile ·certificate, in case a candidate is an Indian not by bi~ issued by competent
authority, either in orig~nal or copies duly attested.
(vi) Enclose a selfaddressed and stamped (Rs.SI- only) envelope of size 23X l 0 cm.

3. Candidate's address, at which he desires to receive his admission Certificate, should be

written in thC space provided on the blank admission Certificate fo~.

4. (i) The prescribed fee should be paid only by a crossed BANK DRAFT OF STATE BANK \.
.QF INDIA. The Bank Draft should be obtained from any branch of the STATE BANK
OF INDIA, and drawn in favor of PAO (HQ), .DOT, NEW DELW payable at STATE
BANK OF INDIA, Parliament Street," New Delhi. Service Branch (Code 7'87). In·case
ofpayment from Delhi, Banker's cheque from State Bank oflndi~ is also acceptable.
(ii) In no case, Bank Draft drawn on any other banks/Cheques will be accepted. Defaced or ·
mutilated Bank Drafts will also not be accepted. ·
(iii) Fees for the different classes of Certificates of Proficiency Examination is Rs. 500/- only.
.. [ 'l'IB-WIS3<9 l ~-~1t: <iittiiii.\vi . · 23
5. There is no minimum educational qualification prescribed for appearing fiv .these
examinations. It should however, be emphasized that the syllabus for these examinations
is such, as would- require a sound educati~nal qualification at least up to. Matriculation
standard with Mathematics and Physics as subject for a candidate efficiently study them.
Particular attention of intendina candidates is, therefore, drawn to the necessity f<>r. a
good· g~ ·eduoanon as a perqUisite for. attempting these examinations. It· is also
emphasiZ.ed that during the examination the proficiency ·in·Enilish liiiguaac also will be

6. The languaae ofthe examination will be English.

7. No claim _fbr a reftmd of the eXammation (ees wili be entertahied, nor cm it-be held in
'" reserve for any subsequent Certificate ofProficiency Examination.
8. For detailed syllabus and form of Examination, candidates ~ advised to refer to the
pamphlet, "Indian Wireless Tel~graphy (Commercial Radio Operators, Certificate of
proficiency and Licence to Operate wireless Telegraphy) Rules 1954" available at the
. _~bed .cost from the Controller, Oovemment· of India Publication ·Biancb, New·
Delhi-11000 l or.any of its branches or authorised agents. ·. , ~,

9. · Certificate of Proficiency Examinations is qualifying examination only~ These arc not

meant for tillina up any vacancy or imparting training. ·

10. Examination conducted.at various Centres during one particular session. if any, will be
considered as one and·the same examination. Application for the COP examination shall
. be considered for one centre only during a particular session.

11. Candidates are not allowed to take mobile phones/electronic gadgets to the examination

12. Failure to. comply with the above instructions will render the applications liable to be
rejected. No representations on rejected applications will be entertained, in any nianner
whatsoever. ·

Annexure 1-A


' 1. (a) Name of Applicant BLOCK LETTERS.

(b) tn Hindi (if possible.)

2. (a) Name of Examination centre. Paste a recent

(b) Month of Exam. Passport size

3. Complete postal address Photograph

Where licence to be sent.

1111CGAZETl'BQ!INDL\:~Y [P.urrD-81.c. l(l)J
·4 Fathers name.
5. Date Of birth. ...
8. Place of birth.
7. Nationality.
8. Height. (a) Mtrs. Cms.
9. Colour of Eyes: 9.Colour of Hair. 1o. Complexion.
11.Marks of Identification. : :L' .;~ _., • '
12.Type of licence applied for: (a)·20 years. C J (b) Life Time.CJ

(Tick wherever applicable) .~ .

13. Details of DD endosed :·( DD should ~drawn In the name of PAO (HQ), DOT·,
New Delhi from SBI and payable at New Delhi branch Code 7887) 't.•
(a) DD Amount. . (b) DD No. . (c) De.!.e.

(For 20 years Licence fee Is Rs. 5, 0001· and for Life time Rs: 1o, 000/·)

1. I hereby solemnly declare that the foregoing facts are true and correct and nodiing is false
therein and nothing materiaJ has been concealed there from. I also agree that in cue any
information given by me herein before is found false at later date, the ~rtificate and licenc.e to
operate, if granted will be cancelled. ·
2. I further solemnly aive an undertaking that I will not either directly or indirectly divulge
to any person, except w.bcn lawfully authorized or directed to do so, the purport or any me·ssage
which I may transmit or .~ive by means of any wirele~ apparatus operated by me or which
may como to my knowledge in connection with the operation of the said apparatus.
3. · · I have carefully read and understood the rules contained in the Indian Wireless
Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operators Certificates of Proficiency and licence to operate
Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954 and undertake to abide by them.

Date: Signature of applicant

Place Name (in Capnal Letters). ".

Note: Enclose:·

1. 'An identical passport size photograph in an envelope.

2. A self addressed (Unstamped) envelope of good quality size 27Xl2 Cms.
3. DD as mentioned above. ·

. [F. No. P-1102 l /02/99-COP]

V. J. CHRI.STOPHER. Dy. Wirele$~ Adviser


Note : The principal Rule was · published in the Gauttc of India vide notification No. WE·3/ l 5/S4 dated
6th January, 1954, and ·~ere last amended vi.._,e notification·No. G.S.R. 161 dat~~ 12_th ~~~h, 1988.
Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press , Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Dt:lhi-1 IOOM
and Published by the Controller of Publieations. Delhi- I I 0054.

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